A3! Hisoka - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

homare ramble incoming!!! continues for like, two more short paragraphs under the cut~

I feel like homare might get into states where he’s just writing for hours and hours at a time and he just ends up surrounded by pages of art with a euphoric tiredness afterwards. Like, this has probably happened all over the dorm/[possibly even veludo way] at this point. The first time it happened, homare was sitting in the common room, furiously writing in a notebook and turning page after page, and his troupe mates got kinda worried because he was so quiet? and practically unresponsive when spoken to. That is until someone from the spring troupe walked by, took a look at our resident poet, and recognised it as a similar ‘writing spree’ as tsuzuru gets sometimes. 

Eventually, mankai has gotten used to finding homare in the strangest of places, face either lit up with joy, or furrowed in concentration. Its become a general agreement that, depending on how long homare has been writing [usually determined by how many pages are nearby or how many people have seen him in that same position in the past few hours], someone brings him something to drink and eat. I feel like the first time he was given snackies while writing he kinda just, stopped and looked up, took a moment to process what happened, and just beamed so brightly. He was just so struck with love for his friends and the care they showed him when he was working!! The wholehearted support homare gets when he snaps out of his writing trance and comes down to the kitchen, [where omi has already made a meal for him] has homare just giddy with joy and moved to recite poetry as he walks the halls of the dorms.

On the occasions where homare falls into this in his room while hisoka is there, hiso is usually lulled to sleep by the scratching of the pen on the paper and the soft little noises homare makes while writing. But, if hiso wakes up and homare is still writing, he will go grab his bag of marshmallows and put one in front of homare on his desk so he could at least stop to eat one or two with him. :3

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4 years ago

annotation hcs (winter pt 1)

I haven't finished the winter troupe’s first chapter yet, so that would explain if any of these are ooc or feel kinda bland, sorry!

Tsumugi: king of annotations, I don't make the rules >:3. He’s the one whom everyone goes to when they have no clue how to go about something academic, and this kinda extends to script annotation. He takes such nice, neat professional notes on most of the pages. [as i said in kazu’s hcs, i think that most of the post-high school kids are fairly solid on note-taking] butttttt, i feel like on certain pages this dweeb[in a loving way] just forgets what the word neat even means. Im talking scribbles, lengthy notes for no reason random analysis, dogeared page, doodles, scratchy marks in the margins, he just gets into a state where his brain goes *BRRRRRR*. Most of it is nice though I promise.

Tasuku: (LOOK IN THE COMMENTS, some lovely people corrected me on this one as we have textual evidence about tasuku’s note-taking later on in the chapters!!!!!) mmmostly minimal notes. Some underlining here and there, mostly reminders to himself on movement and how to get down the subtleties of the script. I feel like he would dogear pages alot too! He’s the one who forgot to write his name on the front of his script, but after a couple of reminders he did it

Hisoka: there’s like, 10 words total in that entire script. Idk he just, feels his script, reads it, sleeps with it under his pillow, and then he’s got it. <- on that note, he definitely sleeps with his script sometimes. Once he told tsuzuru that the scripts were ‘comfy’ and tsuzu just accepted it and moved on with his day.

Homare: WHERE TO START WITH THIS ONE?? So, first off, somehow he managed to make the script look like an illuminated manuscript with all his additions?? Used one of his fountain/calligraphy pens with gold ink to write his name on the front cover~ puts in poetry when inspiration strikes him, so some of the pages are -covered- in writing. Adds little commentary to his notes like muku!! ‘Hmm?? This character seems to be quite nervous!!! Mayhaps this ought to play into their stance!!’ Uses multiple pens when annotating, so there is a bit of a range of color in there, mostly blues, reds, blacks, and on occasion some other colours. I feel like he would use a shade of wine red most often tho!

Azuma: unlike homare, i feel azuma has one specific pen dedicated to annotating his script. He always keeps it neat and tidy, no folded corners, and the script isn’t too worn-looking at the end of the run, he even has a place in his room where he keeps all his scripts! Tries to keep his notes in a nice little aside in the margins, keeping the lines nice and straight!

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4 years ago

I present to you, concept:

homare: Rise and shine dear friend!!!!! The time to begin our day has come upon us!! We mustn't delay and I shan't be taking no for an answer!!!

hisoka: 5 m're mins pls

homare: Of course!!! And if you attempt to sleep for any longer I shall simply tempt you out of bed ~avec chocolat chaud~!! [~with hot chocolate~ in french]

hisoka, peeking up from the covers with an inquisitive look: …?


hisoka: begrudgingly scampers out of bed

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4 years ago

just in case, cw: potentially dangerous accident, mild cursing I think it's plausible to imagine that misumi is always in the theatre during all tech rehearsal, even when he has nothing to actually do. It seemed to be that once props and tech came in, misumi followed. But no one really minded because he didn't disrupt rehearsals. Now, no one in mankai really knew why misumi is always around during tech until one day during a very tech/prop heavy scene in a short mixed troupe play. Everyone was on heavy time constraints and tech week kinda became tech 3.5 days. Due to the rush, not everything on the catwalk was secured properly, and a stagehand had to run up to hand off a toolbag to someone working right above the stage. The toolbag falls. Before anyone can notice, misumi runs onto stage and tackles tsumugi. The toolbag, full of metal tools, fell onto the stage, crushing the wooden prop tsumugi was standing on. The entire theatre fell silent for a minute, then as one body, izumi and the cast ran over to misumi and tsumugi to just hold them for a minute. It was scary as hell for the people who had never seen an near-accident like that, and rattled the people who had seen worse. Since then, posters were put up by the catwalk to secure all loose items and misumi enlisted hisoka to stand by during complicated productions. ~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry if this one feels a bit rushed, i had hit a mini writer’s block and this was the first thing i could come up with! i will be finishing up any requests that have been sent in, and i thank you all for being patient with me !! :)

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4 years ago

hiii could you please make some general friendship headcanons for hisoka and homare? i love their dynamic so much ^_^

Oo ofc!! I adore the interactions between hisoka and homare!!! I think it's very clear that there’s a lot of platonic love within all the troupes, and homare plainly expresses that he loves his troupe and waaa it makes me so happy!! I love the expression of love between friends and all the instances of unconditional platonic love makes me feel all warm and happy :D

-Homare calls hisoka ‘my dear friend’ and occasionally ‘my dear’ among other platonic terms of endearment

-As i 100% believe homare is a language nerd, whenever he learns a new term of endearment or a beautiful new word he tells hisoka first!

-Hisoka once found tea-flavoured marshmallows and gave homare a bag, homare does not exactly love marshmallows, but he shared them with hisoka and he was incredibly happy knowing that hisoka shared something that he loved with him

-It's canon that homare often looks after hisoka, but I think it probably goes both ways! If hiso wakes up in the middle of the night and homare is up working, he will ask him to sleep, but if he doesn't, he’ll put a handful of marshmallows on homare’s desk so he has snacks while working.

-Every now and then hisoka will make tea for the two of them and they’ll just sit and chill for a bit, hiso appreciates the quiet and homare likes sharing tea

-Whenever homare is out for a long period of time during the day, hisoka misses him! He keeps abruptly waking up, looking around him, and going back to sleep. Once homare finally comes home hisoka sleeps better

-For the first of homare’s birthdays at mankai, hisoka got a mug that said #1 poet, but he scratched out the #1 so it just said poet and just left it on homare’s bed. Homare loved it!!!!! He uses it all the time :)

-Out of habit, whenever homare is getting something from the kitchen/ heating something up (king cant cook im sorry) he usually grabs something for hisoka!

-They.,.,they just take care of each other .,,,,


-you know heat sources and sinks? Homare is the source and hiso is the sink, (meaning homare is a bit warmer than hiso, so sometimes hiso will just curl up near/on homare to get some warmth)

-Hiso is fairly warm, but i think homare tends to be a bit warmer

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4 years ago

Hisohoma (as friends or ~something more~) are definitely chaotic in the strangest ways. On multiple occasions they have been found, sitting in a McDonald’s parking lot, Hisoka munching on his Happy meal (with the cute marshmallow shaped plushie) with his ‘limited release marshmallow-topped sundae’ sitting by the side. Who knows how or where he got it, but Homare is sipping a hot earl grey in an old English style teacup. They end up coming home at 12:00 am where they find everyone worrying over where they disappeared to. Izumi lectures them a little bit (Sakyo nods approvingly. He’s taught her well.) but she thinks it’s sweet that they get along so well.

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3 years ago

Hi! Are you still taking requests? I would like to do one if it’s possible.

How about Izumi forgetting things because our girl is trying to manage 20 men and side jobs in other theaters? For example, she is coming down from her room to lounge to drink a water but when she enters in, she just forgets what she was going to do and everyone asks “Director, why are you just standing there lol” and she starts to question herself in a comedic sense lolol

Thank you in advance.

Sajnknfdakjsnfs ok this is actually hilarious!!!

-Izumi literally does so much work, and yet she seems to keep up a very chipper and fun attitude. Like?? How does she do it???? 

-(Being in the vicinity of curry probably just gives her a boost of energy)

-I feel like Izumi would be the type to keep working until her brain cannot process words anymore, so she's in the kitchen holding what she thinks is a napkin to wipe off the counter. (She's actually holding some of Yuki’s fabric that he just finished pinning together.)

-Yuki’s dramatic gasp of horror was enough to snap Izumi out of it and immediately start apologizing to him. He then ordered her to go to take a nap, and strangely enough, Izumi didn’t even question it.

-Tsumugi has bumped into her in the garden. She was just,,,.standing there,.,.mayhaps she was photosynthesizing? Is the director a flower now? He was so tempted to take his watering can and sprinkle a little bit on her head, but he kinda just, gently tapped on her shoulder until she floated back to earth. Apparently she was going out for groceries and her brain just shut down the second she stepped outside.

-After a couple of these incidents, Sakyo has Sakoda bring him a copy of Izumi’s schedule every week and he’ll go through the list, looking for things to take off her plate so she can get enough rest in. he’ll also ask Winter troupe to look after her a bit because he trusts them to be gentle with it.

-Izumi has found herself getting invited to tea by Homare every Wednesday, and Guy, Azuma, and Tsumugi meditate and burn incense with her on occasion. 

-Hisoka and Misumi were enlisted to watch to make sure she doesn’t space out anywhere dangerous, and to make sure to drag her to take naps when necessary. 

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3 years ago

adorable!!!!!!! i feel like itaru and hisoka have seen him do this and they were so blown away by the cuteTM that they assumed they hallucinated it

Hey you know how when your glasses slide down your nose you can scrunch up and wiggle your nose a bit to readjust them, like a little rabbit?

Do you think

Do you think Chikage does this when his hands are full and he thinks no one's watching?

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3 years ago

Hisoka Mikage x male! reader

Hisoka Mikage X Male! Reader

A3 Masterlist

Coming out

With his legs swung over the armrest, (Y/N) laid on the couch in the living room of the Mankai Company dorm. Bored, he scrolled through social media, disappointed when he found nothing interesting. He had hoped to find a quiet activity on his phone, but he didn't find anything he really wanted to do.

Sighing softly, (Y/N) put his cell phone on the table next to the couch and looked down at his sleeping boyfriend. A small smile crept onto his face as he carefully wrapped his arms around Hisoka. This made the silver-haired continue to snuggle into the chest of the taller one.

The (Y/HC)-haired man slowly ran his fingers through Hisoka's silver hair, occasionally leaving a little kiss on his forehead. (Y/N) loved times like this. He loved them more than anything else. But they had been laying there for a few hours now.

Everyone who went to work or school in the morning was back home by now and Omi would start making dinner soon. Even if (Y/N) was the only person who could wake up Hisoka without marshmallows, he just couldn't bring himself to drag him out of his slumber.

The silver-haired male just looked too cute...

But on the other hand, he wanted to stand up, all of his limbs were already aching and he had the feeling that he no longer knew how to move them.

A short time later, the tall, brown-haired man, who got called 'Mom' by pretty much everyone, came into the room to prepare dinner. Before he could go to the kitchen area, he stopped, astonished at the sight of the two young men on the couch.

But to be honest, he was more surprised about how long they had been on the couch rather than what position they were in.

(Y/N) and Hisoka hadn't told anyone about their relationship, or their sexuality. Hisoka wasn't afraid that they wouldn't accept them. He knew the members of Mankai Company well enough by now.

But (Y/N) had his concerns. Part of his family is still waiting for this 'phase' to finally end.

"You're still laying here...", said the 20 year old and tilted his head slightly before he began to smile, "Do you have trouble waking him up? Do you need help to carry him to his room?"

The male spoken to only replied with, "No, no...It's alright, thank you."

Omi was a little confused, but he didn't ask any further, "Alright then. Let me know if you need anything." With these words, he wrapped an apron around himself and began to prepare dinner.

(Y/N)'(s) gaze wandered once again to the Sleeping Beauty on his chest. Another sigh escaped his lips before gently shaking him. "Hisoka, wake up..."

(Y/N) started shaking the smaller one a little harder and talking louder. "Come on, Sleeping Beauty, Omi is already cooking." Hisoka opened one eye and looked up at his boyfriend before closing it again and letting out a sigh.

(Y/N)'(s) voice became quieter again, so that Omi couldn't hear him, "If we lay here any longer, the boys will find ou-"

Before the (Y/HC)haired male could finish talking, Hisoka got off of him and rubbed his eyes. "Last week you said we would tell them today..." he muttered as (Y/N) sat up.

The (Y/EC) eyed froze. He hoped Hisoka forgot about that. The silver-haired shot him a look out of the corner of his eye.

(Y/N) sighed, "I hate society..."


Several different conversations took place at the dining table, only a few members of the Mankai Company didn't talk. Among them were (Y/N) and Hisoka, as usual.

(Y/N) poked around in his food with a fork, the uncomfortable pressure in his stomach spoiled his appetite. But he swore he wouldn't run away this time.

After all, what would he lose in the worst case?

A bunch of idiots who won't accept love between two same-sex people because society said it's wrong.

(Y/N) took a long breath and put his fork next to his plate. A couple of gazes wandered to him, confused, concerned about the behavior of their good friend.

"You okay, (Y/N)?", Tsuzuru began, "You barely ate anything."

That silenced the entire dining table, all eyes were now on the (Y/EC) eyed male. Citron gasped in surprise, "And it is your favorite foot!"

"I think you mean 'food'.", Tasuku corrected, before turning back to (Y/N). "Is there anything you want to tell us?" He asked.

The one talked to briefly glanced over to Hisoka, who had only listened to everything with sleepy eyes. The silver-haired gave him a small smile, which meant something like 'everything will be fine'.

(Y/N) took deep breath and nodded. But before he could start talking, Taichi cut him off. "You're not leaving us, are you!?"

This triggered a chain reaction among the extroverted and rather loud actors, which, luckily, was interrupted by Sakyo. "Just listen to what (Y/LN) has to say!" Said the blonde in a stern voice.

"First of all...", (Y/N) began, "I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon..." Those words made some of them sigh in relief. "I mean... It depends on how you react..." he mumbled afterwards.

Hisoka slightly shook his head, "Just tell them..." "Huh? Do you know about it, Hiso-Hiso?" Asked Kazunari, surprised. Hisoka nodded, "It's something we both want to tell you."

The whole group was surprised by Hisoka's serious voice, they were only used to soft mumbling. Outside of plays, of course.

Homare frowned slightly in a thinking manner, but then started grinning and laughing. "I think I know what you want to tell us!", He winked at the two young men, "I knew it from the start!"

"What could it be?" "What is it?" "What?" "Is it about triangles?" Asked Citron, Muku, Sakuya and Misumi at the same time. "Maybe we'll find out when you finally shut up!", Yuki replied with an annoyed voice.

(Y/N) dropped his head on the table, he had expected something like that, but not that it would make him even more nervous. "Oh my...", Azuma began, "Let's calm down a bit. The whole thing seems to be very nerve wrecking for poor (Y/N)."

Tsumugi smiled, "Take as much time as you need." Omi nodded in agreement.

The (Y/HC)haired raised his head and rubbed his forehead, which was starting to turn red. Before he could say anything, Homare stood up and pointed at Hisoka and (Y/N). "You two are homosexual and lovers! And have been for months!"

"Yes." Was all Hisoka said while (Y/N)'(s) face landed back on the table and everybody went crazy. "WWWWWHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT??" some of them shouted in perfect sync before they started congratulating the young couple and bombarding them with questions.

Citron leaned a little over the table, "Why did you keep your love a secret?" (Y/N)'(s) whole face was now bright red. "Because I was scared, my god! Now everybody be quiet, my head is about to explode!"


Hisoka sighed, eyebrows furrowed, "They're still so loud..." he muttered as he snuggled back into his boyfriend's chest.

"You can't tell me that you didn't expect that," replied (Y/N), much more relaxed than before.

"I did...", said the silver-haired male, "but still..."

(Y/N) sighed softly and closed his eyes.

"I'm glad they know about our relationship now," he confessed, "and that it was Homare who said it."

Hisoka pouted slightly, "That was your job, though I guess you weren't able to prevent it..." He started to smile, "As red as you were..."


*~Story clear~*

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4 years ago


Mammon, Cater and Masumi


Naptime is life squad

Belphie,Silver and Hisoka


Doting dad type

Simeon, Lilia and Omi


Gaming buds

Levi,Idia,Itaru and Banri

Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds

Strict disciplinary implementors

Lucifer,Riddle and Sakyou

Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds

Smol and sassy trio

Luke,Epel, and Yuki

Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds
Gaming Buds

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