AAAAAAAAAH - Tumblr Posts

uh . so dragon arlecchino anyone

when youre trying to call your crush but your dad only keeps landline phones that are 20 years outdated
[ID: a digital drawing of Cosette from Les Miserables. She is fat, and has curly hair dyed pink. She is sitting on the ground, holding a landline corded phone receiver with one hand. The other is dialing the number off screen. She looks nervous. She is wearing a pink skirt, long socks, and a brown shirt that says “acab”. On her wrist is a trans flag bracelet. End ID.]
Bor the seraph sonic au has completely taken ive my brain i wanna write fic but cant plot help me pls pls pls pls pls plsppls-spspspsplslspslspslspsl

baby, didn’t your big brother warn you about trappers?
aw poor norra.
Just a warm up before i get started. for a bit of context, norra runs into illegal trappers, usually trappers will trap zora or normal rito and pluck their scales or plumage. poor norra flew just too far outside their safety bounds.
psssttt. @zeldahijinks

Burbicksblog bought me a coffee and asked for goth Lan Xichen
buy me a kofi and get a doodle
kofi doodle archive blog

quiet life and a loving embrace

I was so right
Another stupid lil headcanon i have of them is that Kizuna likes messing with Ayame's hair, running her fingers through it, ruffling it up a little.

I don’t know if I can contain my “The Muppet Christmas Carol has better costume design than most Oscar-nominated period dramas” rant until after Thanksgiving you guys, I have…so many Thoughts
![[The Hobbit] Rivendell's Most Awkward Fireflies](
![[The Hobbit] Rivendell's Most Awkward Fireflies](
![[The Hobbit] Rivendell's Most Awkward Fireflies](
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 [The Hobbit] Rivendell's most awkward fireflies 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
I know not everyone wants to watch that mushy Bofur x Leanna animation, but this was a part of the chorus that took the loooongest to animate- so I made some HD Gifs nobody asked for hehe ur epic if you reblog

Just how fast the night changes…
<Illustrations from The Day I Picked Up Dazai novel>
Love(ly) Bites
Written for the amazing @litlkim, who is a font of knowledge for the lore in this humble fandom, and is genuinely a very lovely person.
Lovely still hasn't made the jump to live feeding yet, so Vincent offers an interesting solution to relieve them of their fears.
Romantic Fluff, Smutty Fluff, Teaching, Blood, Vampire Bites, Kissing, Grinding, Coming Untouched, Fade to Black
Rated: T
3218 words (read here or on ao3)
"Say ahhh."
Lovely rolled their eyes but opened their mouth silently – a compromise – allowing their Maker to check their newly developed fangs.
"They're not hurting, no?"
With the pad of his thumb still pressed against a sharply pointed canine, Lovely had no choice but to hum their reply. These fangs that could cause serious harm, to both themself and others, were in the end, still just teeth, no matter how sharp. Thankfully, finally, they had gotten through the awful growing pains stage.
As Vincent tilted their face here-and-there, he appreciated Lovely's smile in a new light. Either in spite of the changes they'd gone through or because of them, it was still as bright and soft as he'd remembered. It brought a relief that some things could stay as they were, that no matter what they would face, they were still them.
He gazed at them, his own smile shining through, dimples interrupting the slight curve of his face. "You're so cute."
A quick glance at their eyes told Vincent that if they could pout they would.
"You are," he insisted, moving the rest of his hand to cradle their jaw. Gentle eyes met their own and they could have cried at the unquestioning love they found waiting for them. He truly loved them, this they knew for certain. At every step of their tough journey to get to this point, he had been nothing but a patient, stable force by their side.
"I cou' bi' yew," mumbled a blushing Lovely. Their words squished together as they fought to avoid biting the digit still in their mouth despite their threat, as weak as it was.
"You could bite me." He couldn't deny that. "But do you wanna? I can be your practice dummy." Vincent was always so calm, so gentle, so considerate, especially during the last few weeks. Lovely hadn't yet made the jump to live feeding, bagged blood still making up the whole of their sanguine diet, but Vincent, always taking things at their pace, never forced the subject, just happy that they were healthy and safe and alive.
His proposal filled his lover-made-Progeny with apprehension. With the way Lovely looked away, how their brows creased in the middle and their lips pinched together, Vincent didn't even need the helping hand of their Bond to know how they were feeling. Every little quirk and mannerism had been filed away at the forefront of his mind, ever keen to seamlessly anticipate their wants and needs.
He understood so clearly why they felt that way, he would be a fool to even think otherwise. If Vincent had the opportunity to make the transition into forever even a little easier, he would take it with both hands, no questions asked. It was an understandably big step, switching from solely depending on bagged blood to survive, to treating it like a supplement for the fresh blood from real live, living people. Despite the myriad of rules to ensure everyone's safety, the shift in morality alone was tough to stomach, at least at first.
"Once it's on your tongue, your brain will get on board a lot faster than you think."
Lovely slipped their hand around Vincent's wrist before he could completely remove his thumb from their mouth, pretending to be oblivious to the pulse of blood beneath their own fingertips. "Can you teach me?" They asked him so quietly, so unsure of their own innate abilities.
No one was taught how to breathe, how to see, how to hear. They were normal actions that just happened. Biting was much the same for a Vampire, instinct took over without the need for minute instructions. But their mind was still new to this, still so human, and Vincent would gladly guide them through this if it gave them even the barest piece of confidence in themself.
"Of course."
Everyone knew that Lovely could ask the world of him, could ask for the moon and he would get it for them, yet they often asked for so very little beyond what they felt they deserved. Often times, this meant that Vincent had to get a little creative in finding ways to spoil his favourite person, but he was always up for the challenge.
"First, we need to get... more comfortable. Yeah, we wouldn't want your first bite as the biter to be at an awkward angle or anything." He laughed teasingly, but adoringly. Shuffling over on the loveseat, Vincent cocked his head to the side, inviting Lovely to sit on his lap.
Placing themself on their new throne, their hands slid down Vincent's shoulders and biceps, as his raised to hold onto their hips. "Like this?" A loose grip, soothing, comforting, grounding.
"Perfect." The word was breathed out like a breeze, no tension or expectation, just his usual unadulterated adoration of everything Lovely did.
This was a very comfortable, very familiar position – the normality bringing a sense of much-needed reassurance to the younger Vampire.
"When you do this for real, you'll Trance the human," he explained, his aptitude for teaching having improved through trial and error by necessity rather than by design. Lovely had refused William's kind offer of a tutor, preferring as few visitors to the house as possible. Vincent learned to meet Lovely where they were but without falling into the trap of coddling them as they navigated the early stages of a new life and new abilities. "Look into their eyes and catch their attention. Bring all of their focus onto you, direct their thoughts like a conductor controls an entire orchestra." Silver eyes tinged with red slowly met their mirror image. "Hi~"
Lovely laughed in response, loving how Vincent's calmness was rubbing off on them. "Hi." They loved his boyish laugh, his loving smile meant only for them, and the slow circles his thumbs were pressing into the tops of their thighs, it all helped to pull all of the unnecessary tension from their body.
He saw the effect he was having on them, watching as the outer corners of their eyes softened, feeling them sit more comfortably. A relaxed Lovely was a happy Lovely, and was much more agreeable to instruction. They'd already had numerous conversations about the ins-and-outs of Trancing, how to enact it, how to hold it, how to break it, and he could see them trying to wield that side of their magìc –whether intentionally or not.
"You can't Trance me," he clarified, smirking as they blinked repeatedly, almost feigning innocence at being caught. "At least not any more than you do already, looking the way you do." Vincent's idea of calming them down of course included some flirting, once a flirt always a flirt. "Next, you need to pick a spot. Where do you wanna bite me? I'm entirely at your mercy, Lovely."
He watched as their eyes darted across his body, memories of where he had bitten them mixed with the fantasies they'd had of him. Lovely took the time to weigh up their options, the pros and cons and anxieties all vying to have first dibs. on their attention.
"I think... I wanna... bite… your neck," they whispered slowly, as though the thought was still forming in their head as they said it, like it wasn't real, just an illusion, a far-off dream that would never come to fruition. But here they were, about to make it into reality.
Before the realisation could scare them into backing out, Vincent began their lesson in earnest. "Okay. Then... you'll wanna lean in close." His hands worked in tandem with his words, sliding up from where they had been quite content at their thighs, moving up to massage over Lovely's lower back. With each circling movement of his fingertips, he ruched up the hem of their top a little more, sneaking his hands up further and further. His palms smoothed against their bare skin and pulled them towards him, encouraging them to cant their hips and lean in even closer when he wasn't satisfied with the gap still in between them.
Pressed comfortably against one another, breaths combined in the space in the middle as the air grew hotter, more electric as Lovely swallowed thickly, anticipating what came next, waiting for the next set of instructions.
"Find where the scent of my blood feels closer to the surface," he whispered like he was revealing to them a secret so confidential that they couldn't afford to be overheard. Lovely slowly moved to nuzzle at his throat, smelling the blood that pumped under his skin. Air-light kisses that felt like smoke dotted their way down his neck as they searched for the magic spot that called out to them.
Vincent inhaled shakily, almost doubting his own restraint, his hands kneading into Lovely's sides purely for his own benefit, focusing on the rhythmic sensation of their socked feet rubbing against the outside of his knees, trying to centre his attention on anything other than the rising current of excitement that thrummed between their Cores. They were as close as anyone could get to Bridging without the act of extending their magic outwards. "Your fangs sh-should start to extend. Yeah... yeah, that's them now. Such an expert already, Lovely. You're a real natural," he breathed out, his chest empty of air but full of pride. Feeling the tiny pricks against his skin was an unfamiliar sensation. Outside of the night William had saved his life, Vincent had never been bitten, never seeing the point in letting anyone get so close, never wanting to be the prey to anyone else's predatory instincts.
Until now.
"What now?" They asked, hot breath washing over his skin, heating him up and sending him into a dizzied spiral the likes of which he felt he could very quickly become irrevocably addicted to… if he hadn't already.
Even the touch of their skin against his, their warmth through their clothes, was enough to make him feel like he was on fire. The only curious thing about it was that he never once felt the fear of burning when he was with them; he welcomed it wholeheartedly with every ounce of his being.
They hadn't even bitten him yet and he felt like he was on cloud nine. It was just the effect that being so close to Lovely had on him, and the reminder that they were about to indulge in their vampiric instincts, had him feeling more than a little hot under the collar.
Still waiting on an answer, Lovely impatiently poked him on the cheek. "Vincent."
"Hmm? Oh, you- you have to find the vein, you should be able to see it. Mm-hmm, vamp senses coming in clutch, nothing gets past our eyes," he replied distractedly. His words strained a little more as he stared upwards, willing the vaulted ceiling of the living room to offer him some kind of superpower to survive the unintentional – blissful – torture his partner was putting him through.
Lovely teasingly trailed the very tip of a finger along the line of his jugular – on the borderline of ticklish – already aware of the need to avoid the arteries; too messy and posed too many risks for what had been posed as a simple practice run to ease their worries. "Not too deep, 'cos then you risk puncturing the tendons, but if you chicken out, you're gonna cut something or make him bleed out or worse. And then you'd be no better than A-"
A gentle squeeze of his hands derailed their spiralling thoughts as though he could hear their every unspoken word.
He sensed their hesitation, saw the fear in their eyes. "Don't worry about messing up. This is just a learning experience, just for practice. And I can heal myself if I need to, remember? You've got this." Again, his soft smile bolstered their convictions.
"I've got this," they repeated like a mantra. Mind over matter. It's simple. Nothing to it, but to do it.
"I've got you. Just breathe... and bite."
Looking up from their lesson, Lovely stared hesitantly at their boyfriend-turned-Maker, delaying the inevitable for just a moment more. "Hold my hand?"
With a smile, Vincent caught onto their reasoning. A callback to what they liked to call the proper first time he bit and fed from them as "the other times didn't count, not really."
With their fingers laced tight together – palms pressed close, like a prayer, like a promise, with nothing, not even air, to separate them – Lovely breathed in the intoxicating scent that assured their satiation. The slightest arch of their neck allowed them to locate the exact spot. They mouthed a soft kiss to Vincent's moonlit skin; a pre-emptive apology, a knowing gratitude for his trust and devotion to go this far for them. Opening their lips, Lovely bared their sharp fangs, yet unversed in the act of biting for blood.
Inhale… and exhale.
The rich scent of blood and the light, clean fragrance of last night's shower still clinging to his skin, Lovely breathed in.
"And out…"
Knowing that hesitation could cause more damage than it prevented, Lovely went for it and sank both canines in deep. They stopped when they felt the first gush of blood hit their gumline, body beginning to tense up again, waiting for something, a sign from Vincent to declare their attempt a pass or a fail.
"Good… you're doing good. So good," he assured them, his words pouring from his lips in an endless stream.
And just like that, the tension released once more, their whole body melting into his ready embrace. Easing their fangs out, mindful of the now sensitive flesh and skin, Lovely pressed their tongue over the wounds. The hot, even pressure was already bliss for Vincent, and the slow suck that followed brought it to new heights.
Lovely couldn't help but moan as the full flavour filled their mouth and ran down their throat. It was not so long ago, but they had no meaningful recollection of what Vincent's blood had tasted like on that fateful night, so full of the magic that had built up over his and his Maker's lifetimes. This first taste was just on this side of overwhelming, his hands and voice were the only things that kept them tethered to the here and now.
It was rich, deep, with complex notes and something unimaginably sweet, something that screamed "Vincent Solaire" with its almost caramel aftertaste that coated their tongue as they swallowed hungrily.
The bagged stuff had nothing on this.
"You'll ruin your dinner," Vincent chastised them weakly, clearly wanting nothing more than for Lovely to have their fill, his own desires battling against his more logical thoughts that were slipping away with every drop of blood that passed his lover's lips. The Bond between Maker and Progeny reflected and multiplied the already intense feelings, blurring the lines of pleasure, making it difficult to think of anything else.
"Mm-mmm," Lovely argued wordlessly, refusing to give up their first bite, feeling the heady effects immediately rush through them, from fang to fingertip, they had never felt so alive.
Unbeknownst to either Vampire – they weren't quite sure who had started it – their hips grinding and rolling against one another. The sensation building and multiplying as the seconds ticked by and faded out of their shared awareness of the world. No one else existed. Just Lovely and Vincent.
A nebulous heat rose and grew inside them, expanding until it reached their own skin, every nerve alight with ecstasy, rendering all touch to be multiplied tenfold. "Mmm, Vinnn…" the airy moan leaving their lips unbidden.
Their hips rolled over his in a sinuous swirl lost in a haze of crimson desire as they went back for another taste. Vincent too was wholly caught up in their movements, urging them on with his hands pressed full against their back, one slipping higher to hold Lovely's face to his neck just as their rutting stuttered and jolted.
With a gasp, they broke the connection, pulling themself free from their bloody treat to let out a cry.
Panting, Lovely slumped into Vincent's arms, and were met by soothing hands. "Thank you."
Now there was nothing to fear. The unknown had been successfully broken into and revealed to be nothing but a fun experience. Biting wasn't as scary as they'd allowed their mind to make it out to be. It was just like Vincent had said.
"Wait. I gotta… heal it, right?" Remembering the next step, Lovely unwillingly peeled themself from Vincent's chest, and put their still bloody lips to his skin. They focused on what they knew about Healing magic, which admittedly wasn't very much. Being the recipient of Sam's handiwork had ignited their interest in the subject, and Lovely had taken the Introductory Healing class with its first aid adjacent instructions, then dutifully read ahead in the textbook in one of their madcap pursuits of doing more, getting better, being perfect. Unfortunately, not much of it had made much sense without any guidance.
But it was just two small puncture marks, so they didn't think it would be that difficult. Making up their mind, Lovely ultimately decided to wing it and hope for the best. Drawing from their Core, they tried to externalise the magic like they had done a million times before, but it escaped their grasp like trying to catch smoke.
"I can't," they admitted finally, the taste of shame bitter on their tongue.
Vincent shifted underneath them, his mind playing catch up with his stinging nerves, the raw wounds calling for his attention. The pain was present, but not unbearable, especially when faced with his partner's disappointment in their failure; he wouldn't add on guilt for causing him unavoidable pain.
He closed his eyes for a second to concentrate and as Lovely watched on in fascination, the wounds disappeared, like they had never been there at all. The only evidence that it happened was the smear of red on their lips, which Vincent took upon himself to clean up with a soft kiss, his own lips and tongue accepted the stain, wiping Lovely free of their ruby red mess, but sparking a new hunger to replace the one they had only just sated.
Lesson now concluded, they had learned how to bite and thoroughly busted the anxiety that had fuelled their nervousness of taking the next step into their new life. Legs starting to fall asleep from their kneeled position, Lovely adjusted themself and caught sight of something as they looked down.
Vincent was very hard.
Immediately, a surge of embarrasment welled up in Lovely as their eyes widened in realisation; Vincent hadn't come when they did, and was currently holding onto his self-restraint by a single thread.
"Now, if my little tease is finished…" he said, dragging out the words, letting the anticipation build without even feeling the need to complete his sentence. Vincent abruptly pulled them into him to feel the full effect they'd had on him. As he stood up, holding Lovely in his arms with them eagerly wrapping their limbs around him, he started walking purposefully slowly towards their bedroom.
"I'm going to show you just how proud I am of you." Whispered against their temple, his words were sinfully low. "All… night… long."
What the frick frack sniggety snack is up with Riverdale and their obsession with incest?!
Hi allllllll, I’m back 😎. I know it’s been like, 5 minutes lol but I have a bunch of stuff I have saved that I just can NOT wait to share, so here’s some more lore dumpage XP
So this is cooper, he’s transmasc and a bisexual ICON. He’s very silly and very goober. He’s very smart, logistically, but if you dare put a book in front of him, he might pass out. He’s not dyslexic, he just is rebellious and does NOT like school what’s so ever. He’s parents divorced when he was 7 and he when with his dad. When he got old and figured out he was trans, he came out to both of his parents. When he came out to his dad (Mark) and his step-mom (Jessica) they both support him and helped him socially transition in school and everything. But when he came out to his mom (Jennifer) she. Freaked. The. Fuck. OUT. She kept saying all the things you’ve heard “you’ll always be my daughter” “you need Jesus to help you”. If you couldn’t tell after that, Cooper, Jessica, AND EVEN MARK (Mark is a sweetheart and only divorced because Jenifer did some nasty shit once, but he forgave and forgot) cut contact with her. Back to Cooper as a person now lol. He’s very chill, moves with the flow. Very much ADHD lol, I don’t think he could stay still for two seconds with out his headphones. He’s in band (ofc) and plays the Trombone (yes it’s bass bone). He’s a smart cookie for sure, but if you put him in a math class, he won’t even have to pay attention and he can pass. Even tho he didn’t like, talk in any of his classes, some how he started talking with his math teacher (idk which one, dosent matter) Mrs. S, and they clicked. When ever Cooper needed Mrs.S was there (Mrs.S is a lesbian >:3) uhhhhhhhh, what else? OH, he plays dnd and is a fucking nerd about it, istg he has like 50 dice sets. He’s BIG into nat geo and animals etc. etc.
Anyways, that’s all for now lol. See yall later X3

The long awaited Marriage Material animatic, is here. The final version that is. Feel free to compare with the very very very much wip version from- ...that was- that was more than a year ago i did not realize its been that long..
huh. Anyway, I'm sure you already notice many changes haha
The Sleuth Jesters fics are written by @naffeclipse and the detective au belongs to @sunnys-aesthetic
Youtube link and thumbnail below cuz I like how the thumbnail turned out + a bit more talking
Check out This post and This post for a lil closer look at some parts that I liked making a lot and one you only get to see a little bit of
I don't know if I'll make it public just yet so for now it's gonna be an unlisted vid
Edit: It's public now :3

(There is a dance earlier in the animatic and i used this vid as heavy ref and Im gonna link it just in case its too similar. idk just in case)
i DEEPLY encourage watching multiple times cuz i added a whole lot of details in some sections (some hard to catch hehe) and im curious to see ppl react to some :3c
Feel free to lmk which section was ur favorite cuz there were some parts that I definitely loved making the most.

i have been thinking

i have been thinking
Pokémon card suffering
I recently got a new binder and have been organizing my cards but in multiple occasions I have found a card out of place and had to adjust literally everything else to fix it. My suffering will resume when I get more cards.