Abby Sciuto - Tumblr Posts
Gibbs: DiNozzo..
Tony: oh no, ‘DiNozzo’ in b-flat.
Tony: you’re disappointed.
Craziest thing about NCIS that I always think about is these people never wear bulletproof vest 😭 literally could be getting shot at and you never see them with a vest on unless they are in a war zone or smth 💀
A Driving Force
An ancient ask from an old friend, it came to me in a dream. Viola.
Gibbs x Reader | No use of [Y/n] | 3.2 k | Mentions of Childbirth, swearing, pregnancy, mentions of sex, fluff with little to no angst
Pregnancy has got you ready to throttle your husband.

Nearly eight months pregnant, and you are going to kill someone.
Someone's name is Jethro.
Jethro, who- after your first baby- thought it would be a swell idea to have another (don't get me wrong, he is more than good at making them, it's the labor and the first trimester that does you in.) Jethro, who is at work and not at home making you tea or rubbing your calves, or doing literally anything other than being at work. It's driving you nuts, and your son may as well be training for the baby Olympics. There's no reprieve, not with a heating pad, not with an exercise ball, not with the piss-poor excuse for a nap you'd tried to take, nothing.
So you do what anyone would've done: You drive your ass to his work and give the security guards some vaguely veiled threats to let you up to the bullpen.
And naturally, he's nowhere to be found.
"I am going to kill that man," you grumble, reclining in his chair, leaning your head back, and closing your eyes. Ironically enough, the background noise helps- you feel more relaxed than at home.
The elevator dings, and in comes the trio. (McGee- you assume- is down in the lab. Jethro says he prefers it to fieldwork some days.) And- naturally- they're yelling.
"I had him!"
"You had shit! That dude outran you by miles! He's halfway to Timbuktu right now!"
"Boss, I am telling you-"
They stop in the bullpen, and you stand, hand over your stomach, and downright glower at your husband. "Leroy."
Tony's face crumples into something like horror, Kate looks like a bomb might go off, and Jet- well, he looks a little south of terrified. As he should.
"Sweetheart," He walks toward you, hands outstretched, and immediately goes in for a gentle peck on the cheek. You swat him away. He frowns comically.
"Your son is driving me up a wall."
"You shouldn't be driving like this," he reaches down and caresses the bump. Damn him and his soft voice. Usually, you only hear it in the comfort of your home, never at work, and maybe that's what melts your resolve of putting up a fight.
You sigh, slouching into him and leaning your head into the crook of his neck. He takes it all in stride, cupping his hand on the back of your head, drawing circles with his thumb on that place where the base of your skull meets your neck. It makes you fall apart like a card tower. You groan- he has the decency not to laugh, just winds his other arm around your waist. "Is he giving you a hard time?" It's asked softly, gently, kindly, with all the warmth of a roaring fire and the bourbon in the basement. This is the Jet that makes you question if he's really an agent.
"He's been kicking my bladder for hours," you groan into his shirt. It smells like sawdust and mint. "You'd think he's training for boot camp in there."
Jethro rubs gently at your waist- Tony and Kate sit quietly at their desks and have the decency to stop arguing. Tony even takes a field trip to God knows where- it makes you smile. "Better or worse than Dani?"
Dani is your nearly five-year-old. A bundle of joy and Jethro's entire world, she has a smile to light up a room.
And a temper to rival Hell, she gets it from her dad, but he handles her well.
You scoff. "Dani didn't take up gymnastics, and if I recall correctly, you missed the first eight hours of my labor."
"Twenty more to go- didn't miss much." You smack him gently on the back, and he only chuckles and continues to rub the muscles of your hips and neck. "You damn near broke my hand."
"Twenty-eight hours of labor, Jethro. You're lucky I didn't break every bone in your body and shoot you." He mumbles something like 'touche', and you stand in silence for a moment. Jet quietly says 'here' and untangles himself from you (you nearly kill him) until he spins around. Facing your back and winding his arms around to your stomach, he reaches underneath your bump, intertwines his fingers, and lifts.
You come this close to moaning in the middle of NCIS headquarters.
Jet started doing this sometime towards the end of the second trimester when your bump became less of that and more like a mound. (These days, it feels more like a mountain.) The muscles in your abdomen relax, and the relief is instantaneous. Your head lols back onto his shoulder, and you kiss the underside of his jaw. "Thank you."
It comes out in a whisper, but he gets the idea and returns the gesture to your forehead. "'Course sweetheart," And then you just stand there. It could be hours- it could be seconds. Realistically, it was probably closer to ten minutes. Jethro is strong, despite his age and his appearance. If you asked him he could probably do this for another hour and then some. Come to think- he'd do anything you asked him to. And you'd do the same, quite frankly, but right now- right now this is plenty.
Jethro releases the weight of your baby boy slowly, oh-so-gently and it nearly makes you sob (damn pregnancy hormones) and hugs you from the side, careful not to undo the release he's just given you. You peck his cheek, leaning into the embrace, and close your eyes.
And then water splashes down your leg, down your pants, and onto a puddle in the NCIS bullpen.
Echoed both in your head and out loud by your husband, Tony chooses this perfect moment to come barreling into the room. "Boss, we got something- oh shit."
"Dinozzo, go get my car," and Jet hurls the keys at Tony's head. Tony, with all his goofiness and jokes, makes none about the situation and beelines for the staircase, Kate hot on his heels.
Contraction number one hits with full speed, nearly taking you to your knees, and Jet hugs you around your waist, keeping you from collapsing and yanking the phone from his back pocket. "If the nurse doesn't give me an epidural this time, you have my full permission to shoot them."
"Yes ma'am," he says, throwing the phone onto his desk. You don't see what he's done with it, you're too busy trying to stand.
The contraction fades, you rise, and Jethro rises with you. "You're early."
"Dani was three weeks early," you breathe deeply through your nose and out through your mouth.
"This is nearly four."
"Well, then, Jet, get a damn move on." And move he does. He makes sure you're standing steady first, before flying behind his desk to grab a bag. You do a double take. "You keep the hospital bag in your office?"
He gives you a quick peck on the cheek, slinging the bag over his shoulder and guiding you toward the elevator. "Been with me for two months now, sweetheart."
You're going to sob.
Jet's gentle hand on your elbow and back gets you both to the elevator in one piece. An agent- you don't know who- is standing there as the doors ding open. Jethro gives him a look that could freeze over hell as he turns around to ask what floor, and the mystery agent steps out.
You poke the 'G' button as another contraction punches through you. Jet gets you to lean against the cool metal wall as the elevator begins to move, and you grip his forearm tight. You're not swearing, not yet, just breathing deeply, but at this rate, you'll be calling the doctor a fuckwad the minute you walk through the hospital doors.
Tony and Kate (bless their hearts) have the car running right out of the elevator in the parking garage. Tony reaches for your arm to help you in but a sharp, "Hands off my wife, DiNozzo!" Stops him dead in his tracks. Kate steps in as Jet throws the bag in the backseat. He opens the passenger door while Kate leads you.
"You're gonna do great, call us when the baby's here, and we'll handle the case, Gibbs." The last part is directed toward your husband, who takes your other forearm as you sit gingerly in the car.
He drives like Jethro. Which is to say: Like a maniac.
You don't complain, even if it feels like you're in the middle of a police chase. He cuts the fifteen-minute drive to the hospital in half, skidding to a halt in front of the maternity wing, and barely remembers to turn off the car before reaching behind him to snag the bag and half-carry you to the doors. You can hardly blink before they've got you in a room, changed into a hospital gown, and are telling you to push.
Mike Leroy Gibbs' labor clocks in at a whopping two hours.
It's a very painful two hours. Jet may have threatened several doctors and nurses to give you an epidural (who complies, you don't know the details and you don't want to.) They whisk him away to check vitals and clean him up, though Jet also threatens to maim or seriously injure someone if Mike isn't in your arms in fifteen minutes.
He's returned rather quickly (you have a feeling you'll have to do damage control when you give a shit.) And he is the cutest bundle of warm brown hair and the brightest blue eyes you ever did see.
You don't let Jethro hold him for something close to an hour, you damn near fall asleep with him on your chest for a little while, but with a soft, "Jet, look at your son." He takes him
Jethro is pretty quiet while he holds him- he was the same with Dani, awestruck by her existence and speechless. He coos at Mike, who's fast asleep, and sways him gently back and forth. He sits down, the armchair pulled as close to your hospital bed as it can get, with one hand cradling your son and the other holding your hand, rubbing gentle circles on the meat of your thumb.
(You crushed his forearm during labor. Not literally, Jethro is still injury free, but there will be bruises in a few days. He knows how sore you are though, and if he wasn't occupied with his new son, you'd be sure he'd be giving you a massage. He was just as good- if not miles better- than when you gave birth to Dani. He was on a case, deep cover, and didn't get the phone call from Ducky or the hospital until you were well into labor. Ducky's phone call was far more urgent- Gibbs drove at least forty over to get to you.)
"Jet, I gotta call Donovan, he still has two more days with Dani-"
"Already taken care of sweetheart."
You're going to melt. Absolutely dissolve into a pile of lovey-dovey goo. "Thank you."
He brings your hand to his lips to kiss each of your knuckles. "He's on his way, your brother drives slower than I do-"
"Jethro, everyone drives slower than you."
The corner of his lips twitch upward at that, and he doesn't argue.
The room is... nice. It's the only way to describe it. You feed Mike, and Jet is respectful and goes to find you OJ while you do it. "It doesn't make me uncomfortable, hun. Figured you could just use some time with him, skin to skin."
Yeah, you're gonna cry.
You actually do, while he's away and Mike has finished. It's not sad tears, they're definitely happy. When Jethro comes back he seems to know it, you don't even have to say anything, he just sits on the side of the bed, curls an arm behind your shoulders, and pets your hair. There are kisses laid atop your head, and he rubs your bicep. He whispers in his soft voice, the one you're so used to hearing that when you visit him at work his 'Boss' tone makes you do a double take. (Is it hot? Absolutely. But there's nothing quite like the quiet tone he uses when he asks if you're ready for bed.)
You sniffle, Mike shifts in your arms as Jethro wipes a tear and a series of gentle knocks at the door sound through your hospital room. One, two, three, four, five, heads poke through the sliver in the open door. "Boss? Can we come in?"
Gibbs looks to you for permission before answering. You nod and smile softly, and he beckons to the agents. Abby and Kate file in first, closely followed by Tim, then Ducky, who holds the door open for Tony, who's carrying two huge plastic bags filled with something that smells magical.
Abby gives you the first hug, careful to avoid your newborn, she wraps an arm around your shoulder while Jethro untangles himself from you to help Tony. ("Did ya buy enough for the whole wing, Dinozzo?")
Kate comes in next, taking Abby's place with a hug around your shoulder. You share grins, and she asks you how the labor was- the conversation is easy and nice. (Everyone knows how bad Dani's labor was. You've come into the office a few times a month, usually with coffee or breakfast, or-hell, even dinner for your husband and his crew when the nights turn long. You used to come in once a week during the first trimester. You and Gibbs would be in the NCIS bathroom with your head in a toilet, hair held back, and circles rubbed on your shoulders. Those were rough days.)
"Do you wanna hold him?"
Kate looks a little dumbstruck. Ducky and Tim are giving her encouraging glances, grinning ear to ear. "Y-you're sure?"
You smile up at her, readjust, and hold Mike out. "Make sure to support his head, arm under his neck, keep the blanket- there you go." Kate kinda giggles- a breathy laugh escapes as she turns toward Gibbs and grins wide. He smiles back- then wider to you- and winks. To this day, it still gives you butterflies.
Kate moves around the room- pacing in circles, bounces your son in the crook of her elbow, and quietly talks with Ducky. Tim comes in for a small hug. "Congrats, Mrs. Gibbs. You feel alright?"
You scoff and pull him in with both arms. "I'm exhausted- I think Jet threatened someone for an epidural."
You give him a peck on the cheek as he steps back, unfolding himself. Tim blushes pink and smiles. "Anything I can do? Food? Clothes?" You nearly start crying again. "I make a mean quiche, waffles too- Abby's can vouch for me-"
You laugh (Jethro's eyes light up at the sound, Tony notices.) "That sounds wonderful, Tim. Thank you, I mean it."
He smiles, genuine, and you get the feeling sometimes Tony and Kate are a little hard on him. Then you remember how they rallied when he was in the hospital from a gunshot wound, and all those thoughts fade away.
"McGee! Get over here!" Tony yells from across the room, gesturing with a plastic knife.
Kate comes over to hand back Mike, but you gesture to Ducky. "Go ahead, Duck. I'm sure you've had your fair share of holding babies, don't make me lecture you."
Ducky smile kindly (everyone seems to be smiling lately, and as cheesy as it sounds, it makes you happy. The my-heart-hurts-with-happiness way. You think the work is thankful, but even that seems too small of a word for what you feel.) Kate hands Mike over, carefully, slowly- his head fits neatly into the palm of her hand, where it waits until Ducky re-settles the blanket over him.
Duckys' a natural- he sways with Mike and regals him with PG versions of his cases. Mike, sleepy and half-conscious, wiggles out of the blanket and wraps one of his teeny-tiny hands around the doctor's fingers. Abby and Kate coo and fold the blanket back over your son. They wiggle their own fingers at him, but Mike stays sound asleep, shifting minutely in Ducky's arms.
Tony comes in next for a one-armed, light hug. (You suspect Jet is behind that- you pull him in all the same. )
"Gibbs mentioned you were hungry," he gestures to the small table ladened with takeout boxes. "Said you were craving pasta."
You pull him back for another, tighter hug, gifting him with a peck on the cheek too, "Thank you, Tony, that's really sweet of you."
He blushes lightly, with a smug sort of look on his face. "You guys can keep the leftovers- McGee's idea."
You give his hand a squeeze instead of words, but he seems to get the idea, winking and holding up your shoulders while you sit up as Jet brings a plate over. He doesn't chastise Tony for his hand placement or the still-visible blush painted across his neck and cheeks, but you're more focused on the heavenly-smelling, rich, and sauce-loaded noodles being presented to you.
You groan. "You are a saint, hun. Thank you." You grab the plate and fork with eager hands. Tony laughs and meanders off to grab a plate of his own while Jet sits on the side of your bed. He's got his own plate- carefully portioned and balanced on one knee as he catches a noodle falling off your fork and nearly onto the sheets.
"Thanks," you reply with a mouthful, but it comes out more like a grunt. Jet gets the message anyway, smiling down at you. You're more at an even height now that you're sitting up, and you watch cheerfully as Ducky looks to you for permission to pass Mike to Abby.
Tim and Kate are chatting quietly. They look over at you and Jet once and a while. (You get the sneaky suspicion you won't have to cook or do chores in the house for months.) Tony is still ladling noodles onto his plate, and you watch as he hands a similar one to Ducky.
You didn't notice when they first entered- or maybe she was hiding it- but there's a little (not-so-little) bag sitting at Abby's feet as she takes Mike oh-so-gently from Ducky. You guess it might be something black- it'll contrast with his eyes, and you giggle internally at the thought. Abby sways over to Tony, rocking Mike in her arms- you think Tony calls him Giblet Number Two, and you roll your eyes playfully.
It hits you suddenly how happy you are, nearly knocks you breathless as you watch everyone crowd around Abby as Mike opens his eyes. This is... wonderful. You don't have words for it: you have everything you can ask for and more, and Jethro seems to read your mind (as always.) He reaches down to squeeze your free hand, looking sideways through his eyelashes. "I'm proud of you, sweetheart."
You smile tearily at him. "I know."

Nothing to see here
Just my kiddo self realizing I'm gay and have daddy issues
Gibbs' daughter alive. She has been held in captivity in Mexico. She is soon rescued but will her father remember her? Is she ready to face him?
Name ten female characters you like, you get zapped if it's jsut a male character you call a babygirl or other feminine nicknames because I can't see people calling Lestat coquette again
Love is Like a Butterfly

The day started just like any other. Get up at 5 am, make coffee, get ready, head to work. The last thing on Leroy Jethro Gibbs’ mind was falling for the newest member of the team. But there was something about the way she demonstrated kindness not only to the victim’s family and friends, but to random people she met during her day at work. Or maybe it was her infectious smile that seemed to light up any room she was in, or the fact that she seemed to never let the horrors of the job faze her, she was always the same optimistic, kind person day after day.
“Grab your gear, we got a body.” The familiar voice of her boss rang through the air as she was telling DiNozzo about her weekend. She rushed to meet the team in the elevator and she would be lying if she said she didn’t notice how close Gibbs was to her. So close in fact, their hands brushed against each other’s. Or maybe it was how vivid his baby blue eyes are or how softly he speaks to Abby. The car ride to the crime scene was relatively quiet except for the odd movie quote thrown out by DiNozzo and Ziva getting confused at whatever movie quote DiNozzo was talking about.
They meet Palmer and Ducky there, as well as McGee who drove the evidence van. The crime scene was in the middle of a meadow on the outskirts of a forest. After the evidence was bagged, photos were taken, and Palmer and Ducky drove off, Gibbs realized she had disappeared a few minutes ago. It didn’t take long to find her. She was standing almost perfectly still, and at the very edge of her fingertip, was a monarch butterfly.
He would be lying if he said he didn’t notice how almost angelic she looked. The sun was making her hair appear brighter and if he really looked hard enough, he could see the lighter strands of hair that oh so gently framed her face. She had the look of pure delight on her face as the butterfly delicately crawled around her hand for a bit then breezily flew away. He would also be lying if he said he didn’t start to fall for her right then and there. Little did they both know, their developing feelings were not one-sided at all.
Drunken Daydreams

gibbs x reader
(Y/N)’s week was awful to say the least. First, her water heater started leaking, like a lot. When she called the company, they said they wouldn’t be able to fix it for another 12 weeks. So, she’s been showering at work, hoping someone doesn’t walk in. Second, her car battery died. Just flat-out stopped working because why not. So, she’s been getting a ride from Abby to work. Third, her boss, Gibbs, was extra cranky and nobody could figure out why. Lastly, DiNozzo was being extra annoying, asking personal questions constantly. So when Abby invited her to girls’ night with Ziva, she could not have said yes faster, desperate for an escape.
The night was filled with laughter, ranting, and alcohol. Like, a lot of alcohol. When Abby suggested they watch a rom-com, Ziva confessed she had never watched a rom-com. So that’s how they ended up on their third rom-com of the night, finished two bottles of wine and one bottle of tequila, and it was barely even 2 am. (Y/N), however, could not stop daydreaming about her silver-haired, steely-blue eyed boss. No matter what she did, she kept picturing the different situations on screen, replaced by her boss. The way the lead male lifted the lead female out of a truck bed by her waist, sent shivers down her spine at the thought of Gibbs’ rough, veiny hands lifting her by the waist all while staring into her eyes.
Ziva noticed her daydreaming during the movies, and decided to ask her what she was thinking about. (Y/N) brushed it off, and said she was just a little tired. But Ziva was sure there was something else that must be bothering her. After their last movie, Ziva asked again. (Y/N) brushed it off again, but Abby was also starting to get a little suspicious too. So they both sobered up just enough to ask a third time. But this time, Abby followed up with “Are you thinking about Gibbs again?” and they both watched her face turn bright red. Abby immediately yelled, “I KNEW IT!” and Ziva sat on the sofa, shocked. Abby and Ziva both promise not to mention anything to anyone, as long as she makes a move, and soon. (Y/N) promises she will, but she just needed to figure out how.
The next Monday morning, both Ziva and Abby kept making faces at (Y/N) whenever Gibbs would come around. At one point, Abby signs to (Y/N), “Make a move, sister! Or I’ll tell him!” They both didn’t realize that Gibbs could see the whole thing. He noticed when (Y/N)’s face would heat up a little bit whenever he would look over her shoulder at her desk, or when she suddenly looked away when their eyes would meet. He knew what was happening, but thought there was no way she’d be interested in him. Little did he know what was said at Abby’s place, after work, during girls’ night.
Peaches and Cowboy

gibbs x reader
This does take place before Jack Sloane appears in season 15
Peaches. (Y/N) only had to thank one Leroy Jethro Gibbs for that nickname. He insists it’s because she’s so sweet and kind. But, she’s pretty sure it’s because of her perfume. He calls her that only when they’re alone, neither of them want to ruin his reputation.
Her head was down on her desk, with paperwork covering every inch of her desk. Gibbs was growing concerned, because she was looking paler by the hour. Once Tony headed to interrogation, Ziva was checking out a lead, and Tim was getting an update from Abby, he made his way over to her desk. That’s when he smelled her perfume, peach with just a dash of vanilla. “Hey, peaches, you feelin’ okay?” Her head instantly rose from her desk, and she sleepily responded, “Yeah, just a headache the size of Texas. I’ll be alright. Just need to drink more water.” He was still concerned, but ultimately said, “Okay, let me know if you need anything.” “Will do, hun.”
The day went by and by the end of it, she was very excited to go home, make some soup, and crawl into a warm bed. Gibbs had the same idea, but because he was still concerned, he offered to drive her home. She was hesitant at first, saying she didn’t want to be a bother. But he insisted. And she damn near fell asleep during the ride home. She was so out of it, she didn’t even notice that it wasn’t her house. It was Gibbs’ house. Fair enough, they only live a street away from each other. She only noticed something was different when the front table was in a different spot than it was in her house. He led her to the couch, and told her to make herself comfortable. As she did, he disappeared into the kitchen. He reappeared a few moments later with two bowls of soup, water for her, and a beer for him. She felt a little bad that her friend was taking care of her, but ultimately felt so grateful that he cared enough about her to do so.
They ate in comfortable silence, and after finishing her soup, she started feeling incredibly exhausted. To no shock, he noticed that she was starting to fade. He took the dishes back into the kitchen, and when he returned to the living room, found her half asleep, curled up on the sofa. He gently pushed her hair away from her face, and gently laid a blanket on top of her. He whispered, “Goodnight, peaches.” She responded with a half-hearted mumble that sounded similar to, “Goodnight Jethro.” And with that, she fell into a very blissful sleep, where she dreamt of a very familiar silver-haired, steely-blue eyed man.
Cowboy. Gibbs only had (Y/N) to thank for that nickname. She calls him that only when they’re alone, neither of them want to ruin his reputation. It was a slow day, the team didn’t have a case, so they took the day to catch up on paperwork. Sometime in the afternoon, they all took a break (minus one silver-haired boss), and took turns guessing what their favorite movie genres were. Lastly, it was (Y/N)’s turn. She correctly guessed that Ziva hasn’t watched a lot of movies, Tim’s favorite is action-fantasy, and that Tony’s was classic films. But Gibbs, she had a hard time figuring his out. But ultimately, she correctly guessed he likes westerns. Specifically, black and white westerns. “Yeah I see it, cowboy. It fits.” And with that, that’s how he became “cowboy”. Just with an afternoon distraction from the mind-numbing paperwork they had all been busy with all day. The rest of the day went by in a blur. They all said their goodbyes and went their separate ways for the night. Sometime in the evening, (Y/N) found herself in Gibbs’ basement, drinking bourbon out of an old glass, talking with not her boss, but her friend.
“Why’d ya guess I like westerns?” “Because, you have this air of authority about you, your house is bare besides furniture, you have an old TV, and you build boats in your basement. Plus, at night, you smell like bourbon.” “Wow.” “Yeah… it’s one of my favorite things about you.” “What is?” “Everything. It’s just so you.” He leaned over and wrapped her in a hug. She swiftly accepted his hug, and held him tight. They spent the rest of the night laughing and talking about anything and everything. Not a lot of people know, but Gibbs can be very talkative with the right person. He also smiles his beautiful, soft smile quite a lot. But only when he’s with her. Only when he’s with his “peaches”. And when she’s with her “cowboy”, the sun will never be able to outshine her smile.
Brighter Than the Stars

gibbs x reader
“What’s your perfect way to decompress after work?” Abby asked (Y/N), the youngest member of the team. (Y/N) wasn’t sure how to answer the question. Should she say what she was really thinking? Or maybe something else, out of fear of being judged. But, when (Y/N) joined the team, she quickly realized that Abby doesn’t judge anyone, so she had nothing to fear. With that, she responded with her true answer, “It would have to be stargazing.” “Stargazing, that’s so cool!”, the forensic scientist responded. “Thanks! I know it’s not really an ‘adult’ thing to do, but for me, there’s nothing I like more after work than laying back and watching the stars shine.” “That was the most perfect answer ever, I was just going to say bowling.” Little did they both know, Gibbs was outside Abby’s lab overhearing the whole conversation.
The day went on, the team said their goodnights, and went their separate ways for the night. Right before (Y/N) could unlock her car, Gibbs stopped her and asked, “Do you wanna do somethin’ with me tonight?” “Sure. What do you have in mind?”, the young agent replied. “It’s a surprise, but don’t worry, you’ll love it.” She thought for sure she would be helping work on the boat in his basement (not that he needs help). But when he parked his truck in an old field, she started to wonder if he overheard her conversation with Abby earlier. Her suspicions were confirmed when he said, “Bring the blanket.”
He opened the door for her, and during the short walk to the bed of his truck, he asked her, “Do you have a favorite star?” “Not really, to be honest, I love them all. Being able to admire the stars just fills me with so much peace.” “How?”, he asked the young agent whom he was starting to fall for. “There’s just something about looking up at the sky and seeing how radiantly they shine.” she replied, unknowingly smiling almost as bright as the stars hundreds of light years away. After he made his way onto the truck bed, he helped her up by gently taking her hand and holding her waist. She’d be lying if she said it didn’t give her butterflies.
He made a motion for her to lie down, as he did the same. He threw a large blanket on top of them both, and their surroundings felt 10° warmer. They spent the first few minutes lying underneath the starlight in complete silence, just being. He was the first to break the silence, saying, “I remember as a kid staying up for hours in the summertime just to watch the stars. I’d go to bed when the sun’d come up and pretend like I’d been in bed the whole night.” They spent the next several hours talking about fond childhood memories, childhood pets, anything, and everything. He taught her which stars were which, how to navigate the stars, trying to ignore the warm feeling he felt every single time she smiled. She had also tried to ignore the warm feeling she felt every single time he smiled, or any time he had talked about his childhood so fondly.
After the conversation had started to die down, she let out a yawn, neither of them realizing it was now the middle of the night. In a moment of bravery, she gently laid her head down on his shoulder, claiming him as her pillow for the night. When he didn’t move, she knew she was safe. She always feels safe when she’s with Gibbs. And he always feels safe when he’s with her. “Goodnight (Y/N).” “Goodnight Jethro.” In that moment, he realized not only does he really like it when she uses his name and not just “boss” or “Gibbs”, but he also realized she seemed to fit perfectly in his arms. He spent the next several moments breathing in her scent, which consisted of her perfume and the soft vanilla and lavender from her shampoo. He finally fell asleep holding her close, after kissing her forehead.
They woke up the next morning, as the sun rose over the very same field that was host to countless stars the night before. Then they spent the next several minutes observing each other’s features. She observing every freckle on his face, how his eyes seemed to be much brighter and appear much more blue than they’d ever been, how the soft sunlight made his hair appear brighter and if she looked hard enough, his silver strands of hair seemed to softly glow in the morning sun. He observing how the sun was making her hair appear brighter and softer than it’s ever looked before, how her natural freckles were illuminated by the sun’s soft rays, how plush and smooth her lips look. Being in each other’s cozy embrace made them both think, “I could stay here forever and never want to leave.”
Birthday Wishes

gibbs x reader
(Y/F/F) = Your favorite food
‘Ding!’ The sound of the work elevator rang through the ears of one Leroy Jethro Gibbs. He caught a swift glance at the person exiting the elevator, (Y/N), the newest member of the team. He had to do a bit of a double-take, because he was very much not expecting her to wear what she was wearing. ‘Ding!’ The sound of the elevator interrupted her thoughts about her birthday dinner that Abby was planning. She normally doesn’t wear dresses, but since it was her birthday, she decided to do something different than her normal jeans and a long-sleeve shirt. She had gone shopping with Abby one day, and they ended up in this little shop near a farmer’s market.
Her eyes immediately went to a sleeveless lilac dress, which was trimmed in gold at the bottom. It hit her just below her knees, and she felt so wonderful from the moment she first tried it on to now. She paired the dress with a white sweater (it’s DC after all, it’s cold!), and some nice white wedges to match her sweater. She had also curled her hair, and tied the two front sections back with a ribbon the same shade as her dress. Needless to say, she felt pretty all morning. ‘Wow,’ Gibbs thought, ‘She looks really pretty today.’ He watched her exit the elevator and walk to her desk, where she found a note from Abby saying to come down to the lab. She said her good mornings to everyone (ignoring everyone's shocked faces), and made her way down to the lab.
She barely set foot into the lab before Abby attacked her with hugs. “Happy birthday, (Y/N)!” “Thank you Abby!” Abby took (Y/N)’s hand and ran to the fridge where she pulled out a bouquet of flowers in a vase and handed them to (Y/N). She immediately inhaled the whimsical scent they provided. “Thank you Abby, they’re beautiful!” “You’re welcome, (Y/N)! So, any guesses where I’m taking you for your birthday dinner?” “Nope, not a one.”
When she came back to her desk with the vase of flowers, she found a croissant and a cup of coffee, with a note from McGee and Tony, saying, “Happy Birthday!” with balloons drawn on. “Thank you boys, that was really sweet!” “Of course, (Y/N), we totally remembered it’s your birthday!” said Very Special Agent Tony DiNozzo. The rest of the day went by unbelievably quickly. The team didn’t have a case, so they spent the day catching up on paperwork. (Y/N) did notice Gibbs disappear for a bit after talking to Abby, but didn’t say anything, deciding it was none of her business.
Right before Abby made her way up to the bullpen, she remembered Gibbs was waiting to give (Y/N) something, so she waited a few extra minutes before heading upstairs. Everyone else had left for the night, so the only ones in the bullpen were Gibbs and (Y/N). “(Y/N),” she heard the familiar voice of her boss call her over. After she made her way over to him, he said “Happy birthday” and handed her a beautiful bouquet of wildflowers. “Thank you Gibbs, they’re beautiful!” She said, inhaling the strong scent they provided.
Seeing her so happy over something he did, made him want to hold her close and never let go. So, he did just that. When he held her close, the only thing he could smell was her soft vanilla perfume, and the wildflowers. And the only thing she could focus on was the smell of his cologne, the earthy smell of sawdust, and the feeling of herself blushing at the close contact. He was not making the crush she’s had on him any easier. He also didn’t make it any easier by kissing her forehead just as she was about to pull away from his embrace.
The only thing Abby saw as she made her way into the bullpen was a huge smile on (Y/N)’s face, and Gibbs walking to the elevator. “Are those from Gibbs?” Abby asked, pointing to the full bouquet that (Y/N) was holding. “Yeah,” she replied. “Come on, let’s go to your hopefully-awesome-because-the-restaurant-reminds-me-of-you-a-lot-birthday dinner!” Abby said all in one breath. Abby and (Y/N) linked arms as they made their way to Abby’s car. Abby had (Y/N) close her eyes when they got close to the restaurant, to maintain the surprise. “Okay, open your eyes!” (Y/N) opened her eyes, and the only thing she saw was her favorite restaurant that her father used to take her to when she was a little girl. “I love it here, Abby! How did you know?” “I had a feeling. I know you love (Y/F/F), so I went on a quest to find the best in town.” “Thank you Abby!” said the now-smiling birthday girl.
The surprise birthday dinner was awesome and also enormous, each of them ordering 3 plates of food. Before they both knew it, it was time for dessert. In the dessert (Y/N) ordered, came a singular candle. Before (Y/N) could decide on a wish (it’s a tired old tradition, I know), Abby said, “Are you gonna wish for Gibbs to make you smile like that again?” Seeing the way (Y/N) ‘s face turned red, was all the confirmation she needed. Needless to say, (Y/N) had a very happy birthday, and she fell asleep dreaming of a certain silver-haired, steely-blue eyed man.
He Did The Thing

gibbs x reader
“I’ll be right down Abbs.” Gibbs said, snapping his cellphone shut. As he made his way to the lab, he had started to wonder where (Y/N) had gone. She briefly mentioned something about going to see Abby for an update on the current case, but that was 20 minutes ago. He didn’t quite catch what she was saying, as he was on the phone with Ducky about an update on the case as well. The first thing he heard as he stepped off the elevator was (Y/N) asking Abby, “Did he do the hot guy thing where he puts his hand on the small of your back to get through a crowd?” “YES” the forensic scientist replied. “I don’t know what it is about that certain gesture, but when someone does it-” (Y/N) was interrupted by Gibbs asking, “What you got for me Abbs?” as he handed Abby a Caf-POW.
(Y/N) was starting to blush, and part of her hoped Gibbs didn’t hear the conversation, but the other part of her hoped very much that Gibbs heard the conversation. She’s had a crush on her silver-haired, steely-blue eyed boss, since she started working for team Gibbs as the new probie. But now, as a full-time NCIS Special Agent, she felt that having a crush on her boss maybe isn’t the best. But there’s something about the way his vivid baby blue eyes stare into (Y/N)’s when he’s talking to her, or maybe it’s how softly he speaks to Abby compared to the rest of the team. The ‘ding!’ of Abby’s computer brought (Y/N) out of her thoughts, and back into reality. Abby shared the new update, and Gibbs and (Y/N) went back upstairs to the bullpen to share Abby’s update to the rest of the team.
The next bit of the workday seemed to go agonizingly slow. Half the team was waiting for someone to call them back, and the other half went through evidence and bank records. At a certain point, Abby called everyone into the lab, asking for help. She needed extra hands to help with something, and wasn’t sure who could do what to help. It felt a little crowded in the lab with everyone being there, but (Y/N)’s thoughts abruptly faded away when she felt Gibbs’ hand on the small of her back, while trying to navigate through the crowd. She wondered if he overheard the conversation between herself and Abby, and the smirk on his face confirmed her thoughts. After that flirtatious gesture, she started to wonder if there was a chance he felt the same. And the way his beautiful blue eyes stared into hers across the room, gave her a little more hope that one day there could be something more between Gibbs and herself.
Kinda feel like just shoving Abby from NCIS into the BAU team. I think them having a lab person makes sense since they always say “send it back for our people to test at Quantico”.
(This is 85% just because I haven’t been watching NCIS because reasons but I love Abby so much and 15% because Abby and Garcia as a team is an incredible thing to think about.)
Who knows maybe one day I’ll write the BAU working with Jeffersonian from Bones.

Do the crossover dooooo it!!!
Understood I will begin work shortly
My hair has gotten to the point I can pull an Abby Sciuto.

I'm gonna be just like you

No matter what you say I can't do

I'll follow you until the day

I could smile at you and say

Big brother Ducky I'm just like you

Jimmy Palmer & Donald "Ducky" Mallard
Jimmy Palmer aka the best character on NCIS

The genius trope

Spencer Reid - Timothy McGee -
Abby Sciuto - Bruce Banner -
Sam Winchester - Peter Parker - Sherlock Holmes - Monty Green
Who I think would sacrifice themselves if these duos went to Vormir
Donald "Ducky" Mallard & James "Jimmy" Palmer

Abby Sciuto & Leroy Jethro Gibbs

Ziva David & Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo, Jr.

Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo, Jr. & Timothy Mcgee

Leroy Jethro Gibbs & Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo, Jr.

Ziva David & Leroy Jethro Gibbs

Nicholas "Nick" Torres & Eleanor "Ellie" Bishop

Tobias C. Fornell & Leroy Jethro Gibbs

James "Jimmy" Palmer & Kasie Hines

Jacqueline "Jack" Sloane & Leroy Jethro Gibbs