Ahwm Illinois - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

50 Dialogue Prompts

“Why do you gotta look like that?”

“You've never had a hug before. . .?”

“Don't lick me ever again.”

“Get off of the light fixture!”

“You tried, and that's all that matters.”

“I'm sure they'll love you!”

“What if I hurt you?” (SFW ONLY!)

“Stop being sappy and kiss me already!”

“I’ve never been happier!”

“I won't hurt myself. . . I promise.”

“Hey! Wanna get lunch at uhhhh I don't know 2:45 AM tomorrow?!”

“You know you shouldn't be here, you loveable dumbass!”

“Hahaha I broke my leg lmao.”

“Everything will change one day, I promise.”

“Do you pinky promise?”



“Where have you even been?”

“I live in the dump with the rat children.”

“It's been 100’s of years, dude.”


“Listen here, buddy, I've been dancing with the devil for years now. Are you sure you wanna do this?”

“You don't remember me?”

“I didn't think you'd remember. . . but you're here now. To stay. . . right?”

“I'm scared of fireworks. . .”

“B-but. . . I. . . I killed you!”

“Why aren't you mad at me. . .”

“How on Earth did you get stuck in there?”

“I'm not going anywhere.”

“I think it tastes perfect.”

“Why do you doubt yourself so much? I think you're pretty wonderful.”

“I don't have parents. . .”

“I suppose you could sit in my lap until I'm done.”

“Pretend to be my boyfriend/girlfriend, just for a minute. Please.”

“. . . I just confessed my love for you and you really just responded ‘word’?”

“I literally only just met you and I already would kill everyone here and then myself, just for you.”

“Welcome back, how was that party?”

“Which one of you absolute TRASH PIECES forgot to throw the empty milk carton?!”

“Why is the body of christ on our doorstep?”

“What the fuck are you gay?”

“We've been dating for 2 years now.”

“Yo, I think my dick fell off.” (this one is a joke, but still its here. fuck u kori)

“I knew you said it would take a while but I didn't think five centuries!”

“Stop being in denial and just accept it.” (jkjk kori also wrote this one thx babe)

“Bro what are you doing in my shower, it's five in the morning.”

“Dude, if you're looking for what I think you're looking for, than you're digging the wrong grave.”


“You got sent to prison, AGAIN. And you escaped, AGAIN?”

“I'm trying to watch the movie, stop trying to suck my dick.” (Male Reader ONLY)

“If you're gonna summon the dark forces, could you AT LEAST wait until AFTER the wedding?” (zac wrote this! hes just so good at writing prompts.)

thank you to my wonderful friends from discord for helping me with the last few. especially tate, kori, and zac. love you babes. i write for markiplier alter egos and jacksepticeye alter egos. i also write for danganronpa!^^

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4 years ago

19 with Darkiplier and Child! Reader

Requested by @chatmeow9 ! I don’t know if this is exactly what you meant but I loved writing this. 

19. “I live in a dump with rat children.” From this prompt list! (!!PLATONIC!!)Darkiplier x Chaotic! Child! Reader 

You all knew Darkiplier would be showing the new Egos around today. Wilford knew Dark would be showing around the new Egos today.

But here you all were.

Dark sighed in annoyance and gripped the bridge of his nose at the mess in front of him. Of course Wilford would do something like this. Of course he would blame it on you.

The TV was broken, confetti and other messes of items scattered across the floor, a few pillows had been cut up with the stuffing ripped out, and in the middle of it all laid You. Dark was appalled at the thought that Wilford Warfstache, an immortal being 100’s of years old, would blame this mess on you, a child.

A new ego by the name of Illinois seemed to find this hilarious. The others not so much.

“I hate to, to be rude, but, but um, is this uh um normal? N-Not that I’m, I’m judging if it is!” Eric Derekson, a new ego with more than a million anxieties, stuttered out. Dark sighed once more.

“I live in a dump with rat people,” Dark huffed, already thinking about all the stuff he had to say to William. Speak of the Devil and he shall come. . .

“DAMIEN! THAT CHILD! UGH THE CHILD IS A MONSTER!” the TV host seemed to be slightly disheveled and afraid while pointing at the so-called ‘monster’. Dark couldn’t believe how low Wil has stooped. To blame his mess on a 6 year old. A 6 year old! “Wilford, are you seriously trying to blame this. . . on a CHILD?” Dark asked, exasperated at his ‘friend’. Wil, on the other hand, seemed shocked and slightly pouty.

“You’re blaming this on ME? Augh! Why, I’d never! That brat is a full on demon, Dark!” Dark gave Wil a look of full on surprise. So, he really was blaming this on a poor kid. Dark rolled his eyes. “Wilford, if this mess isn’t cleaned up by the time I get back downstairs, I will throw you out of the house without your gun for 2 months,’” he threatened the pink mustached man, before walking over to you and lifting you up. “Hey, (Y/N). Let’s go put you in your room for now, alright?” you nodded your head and smiled. The idea that you would even misplace a pillow seemed surprising.

“Wha-- Da--” Wil started before abruptly stopping when Dark had glared. Dark turned his back to the crazed reporter as Wil whined. Dark motioned for the new egos to follow before he began heading upstairs.

You looked at Wil and grinned evilly. He pouted as you stuck your tongue out at him mockingly.

Wilford would you get you back for this. Even if it was the last thing he ever does!

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2 years ago

Markiplier Egos LGBTQ+ Headcanons

a/n: Feel free to ask me to just go off and rant in-depth on why I hc a specific character the way I do, I'm more than happy to ramble about it. (especially the aspec ones)

[part 2]

Markiplier Egos LGBTQ+ Headcanons







Non-binary / Genderfluid








Non-binary / Demiboy

Demiromantic Asexual / Pan








Biromantic Demisexual




Demi-Aroace / Pan




Maybe Bi, but probably Gay












Gray-Aroace Pansexual

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1 year ago

Probably the biggest piece of evidence for Illinois being aroace-spec outside of just a vibe or the "but I'm married to the job" line is actually (in my opinion) his iswm appearance.

He specifically states, and I quote: "Sorry friend, I don't have time for your ancient curses. Doesn't matter how handsome and or beautiful you used to be."

Now, this wouldn't mean much out of context, HOWEVER, it is brought up REPEATEDLY that the captain has this almost supernatural attractiveness. That basically everyone thinks they're drop dead gorgeous. So a character suddenly being like 'yeah...I don't really care about that' at the very least STANDS OUT.

Granted, you could probably argue that since the captain looks like a mummy to him they're less attractive then when they first went into cryostasis, which I wouldn't really agree with personally for a couple different reasons, but that is still completely valid.

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4 months ago

Illinois Jones & the quest for the shadow sapphire -PROLOUGE

Dark gazed at the gates of the manor from his window Perhaps he should've gotten an actually competent underling to retrieve his item.. Suddenly the door to his office swung open. "Oh, You're still alive? I'd started to think a pack of wolves had mauled you. No matter. Do you have what I asked for?" He quipped, turning to face the thief before him. A small sack was thrown onto the desk, startling the sleeping cat out of its slumber atop some paperwork. "Oh now look what you've done, you scared Dames." Dark sat down in his chair and petted his cat assuringly as he emptied the sack. A small gorgeous sapphire ring fell onto the desk. The stone on top of it was a shimmering cerulean with black accents and it rested on a silver band with a gorgeous engraving of what looked to be a new moon. The thief glanced at the cat who hissed angrily at him, he turned his gaze back to Dark. "So, do I get my payment?" Dark raised an eyebrow. "What are you going to do with money? You're not exactly alive." The thief clenched his fists. "You know damn well I'm talking about my soul." He grumbled, placing his hands on the demons desk. "Oh yes..Your soul. About that, There's been.. a change of plans." A smirk overtook the eldritch demons face as he watched the thiefs expression change from frustration to panic. "What do you mean..?" The thief asked, cautiously stepping away from the desk. "I've decided you won't be receiving it after all." Shadows started to rise from the corners and slowly coil themselves around the limbs of the thief. "Why are you doing this?! I thought we had a deal! You promised!" He shouted as the shadows started dragging him down. "Think of it this way, I'm putting your talents to good use instead of letting you waste them on petty gas station robberies. Now, Get out of my sight." With a flick of his wrist, the thief was dragged into the shadows, it happened so quick that Dark could've barely noticed he was even there in the first place. "Well then, time to attend to more important matters.." He said, grabbing a pen and starting to write a letter.

'To Illinois'

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4 months ago

Illinois Jones & The quest for the shadow sapphire - Part 1

(Based on this fanfiction)

Illinois spun around in his swivel chair, throwing darts on the wall. Each one of them landing everywhere except the board, he huffed and started to aim his last dart with the utmost focus. A loud, sudden knock at his front door caused him to miss his almost perfect shot, the dart falling next to a picture on his desk. The knocking only got heavier. "Hold your fuckin' horses, I'm comin." This mysterious person had clearly never heard of being patient. Illinois quickly ran down the stairs of his home, once he approached the door the knocking had ceased which made him curious. Considering whoever was there before seemed like they were about to turn the door into wood chips. Illinois cautiously opened the door and looked out, On his doorstep was a newspaper clipping stapled to a sealed envelope. He picked it up and brought it inside, he picked up the article clipping. 'VINTAGE RING STOLEN FROM AUCTION' this was definitely interesting. It seemed like this was a retrieval mission, and he knew just the person to contact.

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5 years ago
GOD There Is So MANY Request That Had To Do With Yancy But I Still Did Them (and 1 Illinois But Shh Its
GOD There Is So MANY Request That Had To Do With Yancy But I Still Did Them (and 1 Illinois But Shh Its
GOD There Is So MANY Request That Had To Do With Yancy But I Still Did Them (and 1 Illinois But Shh Its
GOD There Is So MANY Request That Had To Do With Yancy But I Still Did Them (and 1 Illinois But Shh Its
GOD There Is So MANY Request That Had To Do With Yancy But I Still Did Them (and 1 Illinois But Shh Its
GOD There Is So MANY Request That Had To Do With Yancy But I Still Did Them (and 1 Illinois But Shh Its
GOD There Is So MANY Request That Had To Do With Yancy But I Still Did Them (and 1 Illinois But Shh Its
GOD There Is So MANY Request That Had To Do With Yancy But I Still Did Them (and 1 Illinois But Shh Its
GOD There Is So MANY Request That Had To Do With Yancy But I Still Did Them (and 1 Illinois But Shh Its

GOD there is so MANY request that had to do with Yancy but i still did them (and 1 Illinois but shh its a secret)

Anyway!!! Hope you enjoy them!!

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