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GT 2023 Day 5: Thorns

*Quite the price to pay for all of those lies..*
Whoa, another plant-related art piece that I'm proud of?! Hell yeah!!
Kokichi Ouma belongs to Spike Chunsoft.
50 Dialogue Prompts
“Why do you gotta look like that?”
“You've never had a hug before. . .?”
“Don't lick me ever again.”
“Get off of the light fixture!”
“You tried, and that's all that matters.”
“I'm sure they'll love you!”
“What if I hurt you?” (SFW ONLY!)
“Stop being sappy and kiss me already!”
“I’ve never been happier!”
“I won't hurt myself. . . I promise.”
“Hey! Wanna get lunch at uhhhh I don't know 2:45 AM tomorrow?!”
“You know you shouldn't be here, you loveable dumbass!”
“Hahaha I broke my leg lmao.”
“Everything will change one day, I promise.”
“Do you pinky promise?”
“Where have you even been?”
“I live in the dump with the rat children.”
“It's been 100’s of years, dude.”
“Listen here, buddy, I've been dancing with the devil for years now. Are you sure you wanna do this?”
“You don't remember me?”
“I didn't think you'd remember. . . but you're here now. To stay. . . right?”
“I'm scared of fireworks. . .”
“B-but. . . I. . . I killed you!”
“Why aren't you mad at me. . .”
“How on Earth did you get stuck in there?”
“I'm not going anywhere.”
“I think it tastes perfect.”
“Why do you doubt yourself so much? I think you're pretty wonderful.”
“I don't have parents. . .”
“I suppose you could sit in my lap until I'm done.”
“Pretend to be my boyfriend/girlfriend, just for a minute. Please.”
“. . . I just confessed my love for you and you really just responded ‘word’?”
“I literally only just met you and I already would kill everyone here and then myself, just for you.”
“Welcome back, how was that party?”
“Which one of you absolute TRASH PIECES forgot to throw the empty milk carton?!”
“Why is the body of christ on our doorstep?”
“What the fuck are you gay?”
“We've been dating for 2 years now.”
“Yo, I think my dick fell off.” (this one is a joke, but still its here. fuck u kori)
“I knew you said it would take a while but I didn't think five centuries!”
“Stop being in denial and just accept it.” (jkjk kori also wrote this one thx babe)
“Bro what are you doing in my shower, it's five in the morning.”
“Dude, if you're looking for what I think you're looking for, than you're digging the wrong grave.”
“You got sent to prison, AGAIN. And you escaped, AGAIN?”
“I'm trying to watch the movie, stop trying to suck my dick.” (Male Reader ONLY)
“If you're gonna summon the dark forces, could you AT LEAST wait until AFTER the wedding?” (zac wrote this! hes just so good at writing prompts.)
thank you to my wonderful friends from discord for helping me with the last few. especially tate, kori, and zac. love you babes. i write for markiplier alter egos and jacksepticeye alter egos. i also write for danganronpa!^^
48 With Kaito Momota!
Requested by Discord Friends!
48. "You went to prison, AGAIN. And escaped, AGAIN?" From this prompt list!
Kaito Momota x Gender-Neutral! Reader
You laid asleep on the couch, some dumb cartoon playing in the background quietly. You gently stirred at the feeling of the other side of the couch dipping.
Slowly, you opened your eyes allowing them to adjust to the darkness, before jolting upwards once realization hit you.
"Heeeeyyyyy, babe!" Kaito greeted, slightly nervous, as if this was 100% normal. An everday thing. Him coming back into the house, still wearing a prison jumpsuit, when he should be in jail.
"Kaito. . ." you started slowly, "why are you not in prison?" He started sweating lightly, glancing away nervously.
"I uhh. . . escaped to see you. . . again. . ." You sighed heavily, as much as you appreciate the thought, he shouldn't be here right noq. "Kaito, you're gonna get more years for escap--" you stopped abruptly. "Wait, AGAIN?"
He shrugged casually. "Yea, I went to prison a few years back for breaking and entering. I then escaped to visit Shuichi," he finally looked back at you, "I thought I told you before, my bad."
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose.
"So, let me get this straight," you started before pausing to sigh again. "You got sent to prison, AGAIN. And then proceeded to escape, AGAIN? Just to see your friends?"
He nodded. He was thoughtful, but he was also an idiot. What were you going to do with him?
"Yea no. You're going back to prison, now." You pulled him up and pushing him towards the door.
"Wha-- but baaaabbbeeee!" he began pouting and whining, similar to a child. It was his fault for trying to set Kokichi's house on fire.
"You need to go back to prison," you pushed outside. "I'll visit you on every visitation day, alright?" He sighed.
"Alright, I love you, (Y/N)," he began walking down the sidewalk.
"I love you too, Kaito."
Leon, Mondo, Kiyotaka, and Kazuichi with an S/O that has an older sister!
inspired by my own older sister. ~snail
Leon Kuwata
At first, your sister scared him....
And then they just ????
Became best friends????
One day, you're sister was telling him to fuck off, and then they next she was just ???? talking to him ?????
He doesn't have siblings of his own so he thinks of your sister like his sister too.
They're such good friends, you're afraid she'll snatch him away.
Mondo Owada
Oh boyyy
To say these to didn't get along would be understatement.
You're sister didn't think he was a good influence on you.
He thought your sister was too controlling.
Eventually, you managed to get them to tolerate each other....
....By threatening to never speak to either one of them again.
They got along better after that. :))
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
He HAD to impress her.
To have you're family's blessing meant the WORLD to him.
Not only his blessing to date you,
But in the future, the blessing to (hopefully) marry you.
Of course, he immediately realized what type of person he was dealing with.
He immediately upped the formality by 1000%.
sweet boi is big respectful
He managed to quickly get the OK from her.
(but lets be honest, its only because she understood that he would never be able to break your heart--)
poor ishi was so scared she wouldn't like him :((
Kazuichi Souda
o h n o
o h g o d o h f u c k
If you thought Ishimaru was scared...
Oh boy.
He's terrified of your sister.
He loves you and doesn't wanna break up with you. Because you're probably his first REAL S/O.
He sucks up to your sister so much. He's just so nervous--
Please calm this boy down.
Once he's calmed down and not being a slave to your sister,
She ended up approving of Kazu.
He's too good to you. She understood how important he is to you and you to him.
Kazuichi nearly had a heart attack hearing he was allowed to continue dating you.
Kokichi Being Found Beaten and Bruised By a Implied Male, Detective S/O!
this has been stuck in my head for so long. sorry its so long and trashy. ~snail
You've been looking for the leader of D.I.C.E. for almost a year now.
Over that time, he began to really like you and enjoy your little game of cat and mouse.
You were a tough and mean detective, whose main goal was to (blow up and then act like you dont know nobody--) track down criminals.
And he loved you and your little tough guy act.
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end…
A few guys he pranked not to long ago actually caught him.
And they “taught him a lesson.”
He was tired and freezing cold. The snow had fallen already, and the guys left him to die.
He curled up for whatever warmth he had left.
He could feel his consciousness slipping away…
The last he saw before letting the darkness consume him, was someone with a light, rushing over to him…
You found him by complete accident. You weren't even working at the time, just walking home from the store.
Your coat and hair were both lightly dusted with snow, feet crunching under the half inch of snow.
You noticed movement from the shadows of an alleyway.
You expected a stray of some sort, or even just a mouse…
Not the leader of D.I.C.E.
You rushed over quickly.
As much as he pissed you off, you've grown to slightly enjoy his company.
You'd even go as far as to say you had a small crush on him.
You lifted him up without problem, hugging him close to your body. Basically pulling him into your coat with you.
You quickened your pace to a sprint so you could get home faster, taking note of the petite boy’s injuries.
Once you had arrived and got inside, you immediately sat him on the couch and rushed to get a first aid and a rag with warm water.
None of the injuries would have been deadly but the exposure to the snow had also given him blistering over the wounds. Even when unconscious, you could tell he was in pain.
You wiped down the wounds with the warm rag before carefully applying disinfectant and bandaging the wounds.
You had to take off his “supreme leader” uniform to get to all the wounds as the worse ones were on his stomach.
With all the wounds bandaged, you went upstairs and grabbed a long-sleeved shirt of yours. You had no clothes that would fit him, but maybe it's for the best.
. . . .
He woke up around 10AM.
He hadn't even the slightest clue as to where he was.
What he did know was that this wasn't the alleyway he passed out in, nor was it anywhere in D.I.C.E.
This wasn't his shirt either.
It took a few seconds to remember what had happened, and then it was almost instant to realize whose room he was in.
How did he find out?
Maybe from the man himself digging around in his dresser drawers.
They both made eye contact for a few seconds before the one spoke up.
They talked a bit, Ouma explained what had happened to him and you explained why you didn't immediately turn him in.
Your reasoning was simple.
You didn't think it was fair. He was unconscious and injured. You didn't want to be unfair to him.
He was… so happy and hopeful you said that.
He spent the rest of the day being babied by you as it was obvious he was sick, even though he tried to deny it.
Even though you guys are supposed to be “mortal enemies”, you two really cared for one another. Just in your own ways.
He'd be on the run again the minute he was well, but he'd always remember your address.
My Favorite Boys Comforting a Sad S/O!
Byakuya, Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Ryoma, And Korekiyo give me the comfort i need rn ~snail
Byakuya Togami
It's painfully obvious he isn't the best with emotions.
But it is you…
And if he wants to spend the test of his life with you, then he can't just ignore your feelings.
He does the only thing he can.
He sits besides you and puts a hand on your back, gently asking what the matter was.
If you wanna talk, great. He'll listen forever if he has to.
If you're not ready to talk, then that's okay! He just wants you to know that he'll always be there for you.
Once the tears have stopped, he pulls you into his bedroom and let's you nap while he continues to do his work.
i die for fluffy byakuya 🥺
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Another one who is not good with emotions.
He mentally freaks out when he sees you crying.
At first, he just kinda… stands there.
And then, he goes over to you and begins repeatedly asking what was wrong.
If you tell him and it's cause of something someone else said, then after you've stopped, he's going after them.
He'll give them something to complain about.
If you tell him and it's just a depressive patch for you, he'll do everything in his power to make you feel better.
If you don't want to tell him, he'll be a bit pushy at first, trying to get you to tell him.
But stops that quickly when he notices it's making you cry harder.
He'll awkwardly wrap his arms around you and gently hum.
Once you've stopped crying, he'll do whatever you want for the rest of the day.
Wanna go get food? He has his wallet! Want to just stay inside? Even if he's not the best with intimacy, he'll cuddle you to nothing!
Nagito Komeada
oh boy
o h b o y
When he sees you crying, he gets thrown into a bit of a loop.
On one hand, he wants to comfort you, to help you get over the despair you feel.
On the other hand, he thinks it's his fault, and believes you want him to leave.
When this happens, he'll usually stay and comfort you. However, there have been times when he just leaves you alone.
He comforts you not by giving a hope speech as you'd expect, but by wrapping his arms around and pulling you close. Not saying anything until you've calmed down some.
He'll ask what's wrong after you've calmed down a little.
If you tell him, he'll listen to every word you say, soaking it up like a sponge.
If you don't, he understands. He wouldn't trust himself with that stuff anyway.
Once you've completely stopped crying, he'll carefully pick you up and sit you on the couch.
He'll bring snacks and pillows and blankets to you, and then proceed to cuddle you to death.
Ryoma Hoshi
He knows what it feels like.
To bottle up all your emotions until they just burst.
He immediately reassures you that he's there, and he'll always be there for you.
Then he'll sit by you and rub your back comfortingly.
He won't ask what's wrong, if you wanna tell him then you will.
If you do end up telling him, then he'll listen to you. He'll always listen, no matter how “dumb” the problem is.
If you don't end up telling him, hell think about asking what's wrong but in the end, he won't. He'll just reassure you by saying that he'll always be there for you.
He'll do whatever you want for the rest of the day. No matter what it is, he'll try his damndest to do it.
Korekiyo Shinguji
He thinks all humanity is beautiful, even this part of it.
He wouldn't immediately put his hands on you. He understands not wanting to be touched when you feel down, so he'll make sure it's okay to touch you first.
If you don't want to be touched, that's okay by him. He'll sit by you and talk to you in a comforting tone.
If you're fine with being touched, he'll wrap his arm around your waist and lean you against his chest with his other hand carefully stroking your head.
He'll gently ask if you wanna talk about it.
If you do, then he'll listen to you.
If you don't, he'll let you know he understands and that he'll always be there whenever you need to vent.
If you're tired afterwards, he'll bring you to bed and lay down with you. He'll let you play with his hair until you fall asleep.
hi, snail here. im sorry to say that since school just started back for me, im not gonna be able to write that often(or it will be normal, since the "hybrid schedule" and all). unfortunately coming this new school year, i had to delete multiple of my stories and a good amount of apps as well (for space to download the apps i need for school).
that being said, ill try to post as often as possible but it will take forever to write now that i have school and hw and all that shit.
~snail, who's determined to pass this year

logo blocked out imposter, ryota, and kiyondo but theyre up there.
my danganronpa tier list. there were some characters i didnt rlly know much abt so i just didnt add them--
edit: dont ask why celestia's cat and toko's bug are so high up there but toko and celestia are my least favorite characters.

aw ooga awooga boobie
komaeda walking into the trial room already knowing who did it but deciding to spend the next 3 hours and 46 minutes talking about hope:

ouma walking into the trial room with no idea who the culprit is or that there was even a murder going on because he was too busy thinking of his supreme leader of evil plan and is ready to accuse the next three people who look at him funny:

A few komane sprites !

I was a lil bit lazy w/ them but she's still cute :3
Imma tell u rn drawing sprites is hard 😭😭
But im might redraw them idk ..
[ I put all the reccommended tags cuz I'm lazy as fuck smfh ]
Affection starved Kokichi x Reader One-shot: Dancing at a Distance
Being with Kokichi Oma was a rather strange experience. You always had company yet after that moment, you feel lonely. You were happy but when looking back on your time together, it was sad. It was an almost surreal experience. Though he was a liar you had no doubt he cared about you and yet…
“Hey, Oma… care to dance with me?” You never knew you could get so many answers from that one simple question, but no matter how he phrased it, no matter how he ‘danced’ around the question, the sentiment was the same. No. You didn’t want to be pushy, but any explanation would have been appreciated, even a fake one, or ‘I just don’t want to’, but he never gave you anything to work with, it seemed he more so didn’t answer at all. And so, you were left alone as he watched you from a short distance, just as he did all other times.
On one particularly nippy autumn night you found yourself unable to sleep. Perhaps it was your increasing worries about your relationship, perhaps it was the fact you had excess energy from sitting around all day hardly moving around, whatever the reason, you were still just laying in bed staring up at the ceiling… Maybe it was the fact that the world seemed to be dead silent. No rustling of the wind, not even the smallest moan or creek from the seemingly hollow dorm building. Just silent. The kind of silence that would allow one to hear their own gentle calm heartbeat.
After getting dressed in some loose clothing other than your pajamas, you took your boombox, small box of cassette tapes and left your room.
As the Super High School Dancer not many would assume you’d like the old bulky music equipment so much, but you did. You liked hearing the buttons and pieces inside make those satisfying click noises as you set up everything. Before Kokichi came crashing into your life, your main hobby was transferring new music onto cassette tapes. There was just something about… for lack of a better word, booming, sound of the old boombox. It was like the difference between listening to a recording of an orchestra and hearing one performed live before you. You can feel the music instead of just hearing it. Sure, you could use a modern boombox, but it wouldn’t have the exact same sound or feel, it’d be a little off.
You trotted your way out to the field as to blast the music without disturbing anyone’s sleep. You hummed feeling the slightly damp grass beneath your feet. Gently placing the boombox and box of cassettes down you quickly began set up. Now, what to play you wondered. Maybe something for quickstep since the fast-paced dance tired you out faster than most other forms. After placing the cassette in you quickly backed up from the boombox, ready to dance. You felt that joyous anticipation bubble up inside as the intro played… A-and played again? Maybe the intro was longer than you remembered… Okay, no, there was something wrong. Confused, you took out the tape. There didn’t appear to be anything wrong with it, and you weren’t entirely sure if this was a problem you could have with tapes. Perhaps something was wrong with the boombox? You decided to test this theory and placed another tape in… The intro was the same but a completely different song was played with the same instruments as the intended song. “You have got to be kidding me.” That smile you tried repressing kept growing wider and wider as you placed in more tapes, finding each one had some silly quirk.
“Nishishi. Y/N, you came!” Suddenly you were tackled from behind, being hugged so tightly. You tried sighing in annoyance, but it came out more as a soft chuckle. “Where’s my tapes?” “Hmm? What tapes?” “… Look we can play some other time, but right now I need my music to dance to so I can tire myself enough to get to sleep.” “W-what? Sleep? Y/N how could you!?” He began crying those crocodile tears as he nuzzled his cheek against your own. “You show up to our super-secret meeting only to abandon me! How can you be so mean!?” You rolled your eyes at his theatrics. “… Okay, I’ll bite. What’s this secret meeting about?” You raised a hand up, gently running your fingers up his neck and through his hair. After a moment he flinched and quickly backed away. Turning around you saw he had a small pack on him. He must have been on his way to set up some prank before hearing his tapes being played. “Planning our crime spree tonight!” “No.” “Whaaat? Y/N, I know you’re new to D.I.C.E. so I’ll let you off easy this time, but I’m the Boss, you have to at least listen to me.” “I’m not a part of your gang, I’m your partner.” “Yeah! My partner in crime, love crimes!” He looked absolutely giddy with sparkling eyes as he leaned in closer and closer, the tips of your noses touching. “… How would one even go about committing a ‘love crime’?” “Oh, Y/N, being so cheeky, like you don’t know.” His eyes narrowed on you as he wore that sharp smirk. “You stole my heart; I stole yours. Now, I want to work with you. Let’s go on a date, right now!” “Dude. It’s one in the morning or something.” “Yes, and…” “… Fine, hopefully this’ll tire me out enough to get to sleep.” Happily cheering Kokichi took the boombox and box of fake cassette tapes before bolting, leaving you to chase after him.
Keep reading
I can’t with this man, LOOK AT HIS SHOES NOOOOOOO
He would unironically wear crocs with space pattern

Yet, another AU idea. This time, it's for the third instalment of the main trilogy of the Dangan Ronpa games: Dangan Ronpa V3: Killing Harmony!
Spoilers ahead!
The premise is the same. They're all in this killing game simulation, except it's not preplanned because that's stupid. The two survivors of the previous game are in the current one as a mastermind and as a student with an unknown talent.
But, instead of Tsumugi and Rantarou being filling those roles, it's Shuichi and Kokichi.
Shuichi would be the amnesiac student and Kokichi is the mastermind. Honestly, it could be any other student, but OumaSai is my favourite ship out of them.
This simple change would steer the course of the game entirely wrong. For example, Shuichi doesn't remember anything - not even his own talent. He would be less trusting and more desperate for the truth. As such, he might not even befriend Kaede. And Kokichi has a different mindset from Tsumugi, and he's insanely smart. It's likely that he would realise that everything he thinks he knows is false. And the way he 'programs' everyone would be somewhat different.
The executions would also be different which would result in a lot of creativity and different scenarios. Maybe even the school would be laid out differently.
You'd probably have the most fun with motives. Trying to get into the heads of these characters (who may or may not differ from canon) and figuring out what would make them snap. Like maybe secrets would be spilt or they have a particular target, and if they killed their target without tipping anyone off, they'd get to leave without a trial.
Think about the emotional value behind this as well. As the protagonist™, Shuichi has the MC privileges of never being able to die until the very end of the series. So, he'd probably be able to figure out that he was in the previous killing game with Kokichi by his side. Which would result in, a) a mental breakdown, b) a very painful flashback (that could be a whole arc!), and c) a confrontation with Kokichi.
By the end of it, I'd like to think that Kokichi remembers everything thanks to Shuichi, he confesses to being the mastermind, and together (with the other survivors - whoever you choose to survive), they shut down the game forever.
The others who died wake up and have a hard time forgiving their killers and Kokichi. Maybe that could be a sequel - working through the trauma and fighting for redemption.
Anyway, tell me what you think, and I may or may not write it!
Thank you so much vicky!! She looks adorable in your art style your art style is so amazing!!! ILYSM!!💕

Art trade that I did some time ago with: @mikaykay1229

A DTIYS Challenge for @fleshkiss <3