Alex X Willie - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Okay since I am an absolute sap for Julie and the phantoms and more specifically Alex and Willie, here is my take on their story and why we ABSOLUTELY need a second season.

Okay Since I Am An Absolute Sap For Julie And The Phantoms And More Specifically Alex And Willie, Here

First off, Alex as a character is so interesting I could cry (no, wait, I already did). Just the way everything he does says so much about him as a person. He's not just "the gay one". Like, sure, he's gay, but that isn't all he is. He's sarcastic, caring, funny, incredibly fucking talented, and so much more but I'm running out of adjectives.

Okay Since I Am An Absolute Sap For Julie And The Phantoms And More Specifically Alex And Willie, Here

I would say the same thing about Willie but we really haven't seen enough of him for me to able to make that judgement. But that leads me on to the next part.

Okay Since I Am An Absolute Sap For Julie And The Phantoms And More Specifically Alex And Willie, Here

Their story isn't complete. Not close to it. Everything we've seen so far have just been sneak peaks of what they have. If I don't remember wrong, Booboo even said in an interview that they're clearly dating, so I don't know how much more I can elaborate on that.

Okay Since I Am An Absolute Sap For Julie And The Phantoms And More Specifically Alex And Willie, Here

It's like Malec after the first season of Shadowhunters. How we get bits here and there of their story but it's not quite complete yet.

Okay Since I Am An Absolute Sap For Julie And The Phantoms And More Specifically Alex And Willie, Here

I'm also so freaking interested in Alex's relationship with his parents. After what Luke said in the second episode on the beach before Reggie's jam. We got to see Luke's story (and I cried more in those 2 episodes than I have done in the first 8 seasons of supernatural) and now I hope we'll get to see Reggie's and Alex's stories.

Okay Since I Am An Absolute Sap For Julie And The Phantoms And More Specifically Alex And Willie, Here

Anyway, that's it for me. I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next post🤗

Okay Since I Am An Absolute Sap For Julie And The Phantoms And More Specifically Alex And Willie, Here

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4 years ago

Okay, sappy is back. This time, it's the three phantoms oops. I may be a lesbian, but I can appreciate a male character if he 1. Isn't an absolute ass, 2. Is funny and 3. Is musically talented.

So basically the three male mains of Jatp.

Starting with Luke, this duuuude. First off, Charlie Gillespie was an incredible fit for this role. First off, his voice is so incredible I've been crying for the past week. Secondly, he's Canadian.


Okay, Sappy Is Back. This Time, It's The Three Phantoms Oops. I May Be A Lesbian, But I Can Appreciate

Not only is he insanely talented, but he's also such a sweetheart, it melts my heart every time. And the chemistry between him and julie is to die for. I'm not usually much for the standard boring straight main couple, but Julie and Luke are on a new level of chemistry.

Okay, Sappy Is Back. This Time, It's The Three Phantoms Oops. I May Be A Lesbian, But I Can Appreciate

For Reggie, he's another sweetheart with a heart of gold. It's so pure to see his interactions with the other characters. He cares so much about Luke and Alex and he's basically taken on the role of Carlos' big brother without Carlos even knowing he actually exists. His chemistry with the other actors is also adorable. And hes not just the normal flirt like (no hate here) Barney from HIMYM, but like, a cutie who's also a flirt, if you know what I mean?

Okay, Sappy Is Back. This Time, It's The Three Phantoms Oops. I May Be A Lesbian, But I Can Appreciate

Now for Alex, I may be a bit biased cause I absolutely adore Owen, but this character, holy crap. I kinda covered it in my last post, but there's just so much to him.

Okay, Sappy Is Back. This Time, It's The Three Phantoms Oops. I May Be A Lesbian, But I Can Appreciate

He's incredibly talented yet so freaking humble you wanna punch him in the face at times. And he's so freaking funny without even trying. And the way he cares about everyone around him. The way he trusts and relies on Luke and Reggie despite his history. And the way he's standing for who he is even if he grew up with the world against him. And the way he's either the mom of the group or the little kid. And his nervousness when he's with Willie. But the thing I adore most, especially because I struggle from it a lot myself, is the way he takes care of his anxiety, and how he doesn't let it affect his day, and how he has accepted that it's a part of him. And how he found his own way to cope and fight.

Okay, Sappy Is Back. This Time, It's The Three Phantoms Oops. I May Be A Lesbian, But I Can Appreciate

Anyway, that's it for me! Have a wonderful day/night and I will see you later😄

Okay, Sappy Is Back. This Time, It's The Three Phantoms Oops. I May Be A Lesbian, But I Can Appreciate

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4 years ago

You know what I want for season 2? An Alex lead singer song. Honestly, Owen's voice is great and if he got the chance I'm convinced he'd blow everyone's minds.

Also, Luke got the whole Unsaid Emily cryfest (I'm still crying... it's been 3 months... I'm almost on Alex's level at this point) and Reggie had his jam so now we're just missing a song for Alex to shine.

I also wouldn't say no to a Alex x Willie duet...

You Know What I Want For Season 2? An Alex Lead Singer Song. Honestly, Owen's Voice Is Great And If He

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4 years ago

is it just me who legit gets anxious because of my ig feed? like, the accounts i follow are so unreliable cause they’re either hilarious jokes making fun of rich people or they’re just incredibly sexist or racist and im over here like “i did not sign up for this”. im legit contemplating just quitting all other social media and just spend my time on youtube, tumblr and pinterest. or maybe im just too anxious... 

Is It Just Me Who Legit Gets Anxious Because Of My Ig Feed? Like, The Accounts I Follow Are So Unreliable

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4 years ago

I just thought of something...

The boys are originally obsessed with confronting Bobby, right?

Well, why didn't they just get Julie to play a song with them in front of Bobby? They could write a song about their feelings of betrayal toward him? The way they did with Flynn. Reggie even managed to talk to Flynn in the Flying Solo performance so wouldn't that have made sense?

I Just Thought Of Something...

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4 years ago

Just realised something else...

I might be kinda stupid for not realising this sooner but you know the Finally Free performance in the show, right?

In the last chorus when Julie's doing the adlibs, it's ducking Reggie who's singing the melody. I'm crying, Jeremy's voice is so good😭

And that's a high ass freaking melody too, it ain't easy doin, I'll tell you that

I'm a female and I have the vocal chords of a female and holy crap that melody is high for me, so the fact that Jeremy can sing it is really impressive to me

Just Realised Something Else...

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4 years ago

Now all I can think about is Willie showing Alex Rupaul's Drag race and Alex being amazed by it

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4 years ago

*seductive rock music plays*

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4 years ago

idk why y’all are so eager to get Willie’s last name. It’s going to be Mercer soon anyways.

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10 months ago


Make sure to tell your JATP friends to watch the show on April 30. We are trying to get the show on the top ten on Netflix.

Make Sure To Tell Your JATP Friends To Watch The Show On April 30. We Are Trying To Get The Show On The

Feel free to share and any other JATP stuff on my page.

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3 years ago

Someone who is better with words than me needs to write a fanfiction about the boys, especially Alex, finding out about Lil Nas X

I'm begging you

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3 years ago

Someone who is better with words than me needs to write a fanfiction about the boys, especially Alex, finding out about Lil Nas X

I'm begging you

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