Angst Imagine - Tumblr Posts
Dancing Queen- Bts imagine
Pairings: 70´s!Btsx Fem!Reader
Series Warning: Angst, smut, mentions of violence, drug comsuption, alcohol comsuption,heavy teams,badboy bts, love triangle, social class diference, smoking.
Summary :Y/N is a wealthy girl from Manhattan
who was kept under overprotection by her parents. Away from disco clubs, punks, badboys wannabe rockstars, and drugs, sex and rock 'n' roll from the 70s. She is taken aback when she meets 7 friends who are everything her parents tried to keep her away from. She will be thrown in a new reality of people with not that much of privileges in life and in the middle of a love triangle with a lot of problems and broken hearts.
1st Coming soon
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Dancing Queen- Bts imagine
Dancing queen 1st chapter
Manhattan, february 1976
coming soon
Lovely Winter
Five Hargreeves x Reader
WARNINGS: weapons/mentions of guns, missing someone, minor language
A/N: hey! Happy holidays everyone! I hope you enjoy this season and all the festivities it has to offer. This fic was really fun to write and I'm really happy with the way it came out! I don't know a whole lot about weaponry so i apologize if i got anything incorrect! hope you enjoy!
P.s. in this story you and five are in your early to mid 20's
Requested by: @021309oz
6. No, don't cry, i hate it when you cry.
10. Please, don't leave me alone.
(Not my gif)

It was another gloomy, winter day at the commission, things were dull as you sat at your desk checking inventory as snow drifted from the sky outside your window. Being weapons corridnator wasn't your favorite thing but it got you through your day and some of the people and jobs they worked were interesting.
Knock, Knock.
You looked up to see the figure leaning against the door frame and couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corners of your mouth.
You stood from your desk to greet the man. He reached out for a handshake but you wrapped him in a hug instead. He stiffened for a moment but relaxed and wrapped his arms around you too.
"I'm guessing your not just here to visit?" You asked as you pulled away from the embrace. You knew the look on his face all too well, his eyes were dull and his eyebrows furrowed. You're smile drooped as he simply shook his head and sighed.
"No, i was given a job in 1920. Not sure how long I'll be gone." He grumbled. You knew He didn't want to leave, but nobody disobeyed the commission without paying the price. And if there head assassin rebelled? Well, they'd both pay dearly.
"And this close to the holidays..." you mumbled. The two of you had planned to spend the holidays together, even if it still meant working atleast you wouldn't have to worry about him but now those plans were ruined.
"I know, I'm sorry." Five sighed again.
You took a deep breath and wiped a hand over your face, catching a few rebellious tears. Normally you weren't very emotional but your frustrations from the past month of Five working back to back missions had stressed you out like crazy and this was the boiling point.
You knew Five would come back safe every time but you couldn't stand the thoughts and doubts burning in the back of your head. "Shit.." you cursed with a sad excuse for a laugh as you wiped your eyes again. You didn't like that you were getting so emotional over such a small conflict.
"No, don't cry, i hate it when you cry."
Five frowned and moved to wrap you in another embrace. You wrapped your arms around his torso and let a few more tears. Fall. A sniffle or two followed the crying. "I-i'm sorry..i just.." you stammered,
"Please, don't leave me alone."
"I won't i promise. I'd never leave you y/n." Five assured as he set his chin on top of your head and hugged you tighter. Silently you wished he'd say something else but you knew he wouldn't. You were friends and that's how things needed to stay.
What you didn't know about was Five's longing deep down to hold you like this and never let go. You were probably the realest person he knew at this time and he was very grateful to have you.
Five sighed after a minute or two and pulled away from the hug, using his thumbs to wipe away anymore tears and you couldn't help but lean into his touch. "Be back soon." You said with a small, sad smile. "I'll be back before you know it." He replied with a small smirk.
"Well, i guess i should get out the usual for this one?" You asked him with a small sigh, referring to the sniper rifle he usually used on missions. "You know me so well." Five replied, the smirk on his face getting a little wider. You shook your head and moved behind the counter to grab the weapon before coming back and handing it to him.
"Now get to costuming before Wendy throws a fit." You shooed with a wave of your hand. Five gave a playful scoff before turning to leave. He paused a moment, as if contemplating something before turning around again and walking back towards you.
"Y/n?" He asked.
"Yea-mph!" You were cut off by Five connecting his lips with yours. Your eyes widening as far as they could by the surprise and your body stiffened. It took only miliseconds before you relaxed and melted into the kiss, kissing him back. It was soft and gentle, but only lasted a few moments before he pulled away.
"I love you." He said, scanning your features for any sign of rejection. Of course he found none as a wide smile appeared on your face as you looked back at him.
"I love you too."
It's been a few days since Five had confessed his love for you and you the same for him. Of course he had still gone on his mission and you felt lonely without him, even more so now that things were official between the two of you.
The snow had fallen and covered the ground outside and you bundled youself up in your office with a nice sweater to keep you warm along with your usual attire.
Once again as was weekly rutine you checked the inventory of all the weapons. Counting how many were out on rental and which ones were due to return soon. There were a special few kept in their own cabinet that were only used by specific assassins, Five's sniper included.
But now that spot was empty and you couldn't help the small frown that formed as throughts lingered in your head of when he'd come home. Well, as home as the commission was anyway.
You finished checking everything before moving to the return slots in which a few pistols laid in wait to be out back in their place on the racks. Picking them up you turned to your work desk and began disassembling, cleaning, and sanitizing them. One by one each was cleaned and any extra rounds were taken out, cleaned and put back along with new ones to fill any empty bullet slots.
When you finished that and the pistols were put away you returned to your desk and sat down for what felt like the first time all day. Things had been very busy recently as many members of the commission returned from their missions quickly in order to take a break for the holidays.
Five wasn't going to be one of them and you knew that for a fact, he'd stay where he needed as long as he needed in order to get the job done right and as cleanly as possible.
You rubbed your hands down your face as you tried to get the fatigue out of your system in order to continue working. Multiple returns and check outs at once meant long hours and little break time which also meant little sleep and it was starting to take it's toll.
You only meant to close your eyes for a minute or two to give them a break but just like that you were out and your head dropped down to rest ontop of your arms.
Although it felt like a few minutes it had actually been a few hours before you were gently nudged awake by someone. Your eyes slowly opened and upon realizing you had fallen asleep you shot upright so fast you didn't realize the close proximity of the person and accidentally bumped heads with them.
You both hissed in momentary pain while grabbing your foreheads. You didn't recognize the person till they spoke,
"Jeez y/n that hurt."
You recognized that voice immediately.
You couldn't help but gasp as you stood and rounded your desk to envelope the man in a tight hug. "Did you miss me? I wasn't even gone that long." Five chuckled as he returned the hug. "You're not aloud to leave till New Years." You mumbled into his blazer as you took in his scent.
You were happy to have him back safe and sound like always.
"We'll see." Five said, you could almost hear the smirk on his face. Pulling away from his chest you leaned up to give him a short but sweet kiss on the lips.
"I mean it." You huffed after pulling away from him.
"Maybe we'll just have to runaway." Five said with while quirking a brow.
"If it's with you, I'd go anywhere." You replied with a smile.
And the plan was soon set to take the two of you home to Five's world and get out of this life of organized crime.
Then, the two of you could be happy in peace.
"Are You Serious...?" - Angst! [Maknae Line SKZ]
!["Are You Serious...?" - Angst! [Maknae Line SKZ]](
!["Are You Serious...?" - Angst! [Maknae Line SKZ]](
!["Are You Serious...?" - Angst! [Maknae Line SKZ]](
Notes : These are all obviously fictional situations, the red flags are just based off of habits we know they have (like Chan's need to be needed, Changbin being blunt/honest.) This post isn't me saying I think they have these red flags, it's just a fun angsty prompt I wrote down. If you don't like it, scroll and don't read.
Warnings : Angst with no comfort, red flag behavior - explicit warning for Han's scenario; Sexual talk, TMI, he shares information about your sex life with others. Warning for Felix's scenario; weight discussion, judgement. Warning for Jeongin's scenario; Physical contact (shoving, nudging, etc.), signs of disgust
Hyung Line | Part 2 Here
!["Are You Serious...?" - Angst! [Maknae Line SKZ]](
Han - Oversharing
"You should've seen it. It was so wet." Jisung had fully turned his body in his dining chair to face Seungmin beside him. The younger of the two was listening to Jisung go on about something that had happened the night before; Something that was sexual and involved you.
And judging by the way Seungmin's chewing slowed gradually and his eyes flickered around the table to see if anyone else was listening, he was growing uncomfortable with hearing so much information about his friend and his partner.
"Jisung," You reach to place a hand on your boyfriend's shoulder, catching the way Seungmin seemed to eye the others in a silent plea for help out of the conversation. "That's enough, baby. I don't think he cares to hear about our sex life." You laugh, trying to brush it off.
But he keeps talking. "She made a mess everywhere, Min. It was like those videos where the girls --"
"Jisung!" You snap this time, pulling on his shoulder until he turns to face you. His eyes widen and he stares, completely unaware he'd done anything wrong.
"What..?" He peeps, watching as you scoff in frustration and lean down to grab your purse from the ground. He turns further to face you, a few of the others quieting down as they watch you stand and nearly knock over your wine glass.
You tremble in both agitation and humiliation, pulling your bag over your shoulder before turning to walk away. "Get a fucking cab home, I'm leaving."
Felix - Ordering food for you / Controlling your diet
"Thank you," You beam at the delivery man, gently shutting and locking your apartment door to make your way back to Felix on the sofa. It's only moments before the coffee table is filled with food - two waters, a few packets of dressing, and two... salads.
Your look of confusion doesn't escape Felix but he doesn't speak up on it, popping the lid off his salad container and reaching to empty a dressing packet over top of the greens. He stirs it around as he watches you reach for the other, pulling it closer and opening it carefully so nothing spilled. "I thought we said yesterday we were going to order Tteokboki and.. -- Are you sure you ordered from the right place?"
"Mm." Felix nods, mouth full as he watches you. You spare him a glance before sitting up a bit as he swallows and speaks again. "I'm on a diet, sweetheart. There's things I can and cannot eat right now."
"Okay," You nod slowly. "I understand that, and I understand it's for your job but - I didn't... agree to this..?" You murmur, hoping it doesn't come off as disrespectful. He'd been the one to place the order and pay for it, and you appreciated that - you really did. But he hadn't said anything about what he'd ordered earlier; Hadn't bothered to mention he was dieting or deciding to order from a different place.
He blinks once, then twice, as if processing that you were unhappy. "Felix, I'm -- I respect your diet. I really do." You lift your hands as if surrendering, then gesture to yourself by placing both hands on your chest. "But you could've told me you were ordering this and I could've just told you what I wanted. I don't need to diet."
Felix's chewing slows as he listens. He's staring, gaze unwavering, very intently listening. He nods, then hums as if in thought, before his eyes slowly wander down over your form sitting beside him. When he looks back up and doesn't care to agree with you or offer a soft apology, you feel the humiliation sticking in your gut.
Your lips part and you stare, unsure of what to say after he'd just silently judged you moments ago. You stand from your spot and slip into a pair of shoes at the door, grabbing your keys off of a hook.
He stares, posture straightening. "Where are you going?"
You look back, opening the door. "Down to the cafe. I'm getting myself a treat - because I didn't deserve whatever the fuck that just was." The door swing shut behind you, leaving Felix sitting alone in silence with his sad little salad.
Seungmin - Being Evasive / Not Responding
Your boyfriend blinks down at his phone for the umteenth time since you've started watching him in disbelief.
"What-?!" He barks back this time, dropping his hands in his lap and staring over at you. His lips are parted and he's tonguing at the inside of his cheek, annoyance written all over his face. "What? Why are you yelling?"
"I asked you twice what we were doing later. Are the boys still coming over or are we all going out?"
In the ten seconds it took you to get that question out, he'd lifted his phone back up and blocked out every word that escaped your mouth. Whatever he was doing was obviously more important. He sits quiet, doesn't give you any answer, and stares down at his screen without caring to spare you a glance.
"Kim Seungmin." You stare, fully turning in your seat to make sure he knows you're giving him your full attention. "Would you please answer me?"
He stays silent where he sits, tapping away at the screen. And you know from previous arguments like this he's likely texting Jeongin about his frustrations with you. He only looks up when he hears a soft sniffle, met with the sight of you wiping your reddened face with your sleeve. "Why are you crying now?"
You stifle a sob and turn away, tucking your hair back to keep your face clean. "Because you never fucking answer me. You make me feel like I don't matter to you and all you care about is who you're texting on your phone."
"Jesus Christ," His eyes roll as he stands from his seat, tucking his phone into his back pocket and walking down the hall. "I don't like talking to you because you act like a baby. Grow up." The bedroom door shuts firm behind him and it leaves you sitting alone at the table, sniffling as you text Chan in attempts to get an answer on the plans later.
Jeongin - Physically pushing you away
It's no secret Jeongin doesn't like skinship unless it's under certain circumstances; Usually only when someone is under distress and needs to be comforted. But being his girlfriend, you thought you could slowly ease him into being more comfortable with you and physical intimacy.
Yet even a full year into the relationship, you can't get Jeongin to give you a simple hug before he leaves for a week to Japan - or a kiss on the cheek when you bid him farewell in early morning hours to go to work. You're lucky if he touches you at all actually.
And it gets worse when he begins to actually show irritation. Your soft attempts at affection were usually met with him laughing it off or just standing there as you hugged him or kissed his cheek. But recently, he'd begun to grow upset with your ongoing attempts.
He'd given you a gentle nudge the last few days to show he didn't want you near. First it was when you'd sat too close on the couch and he'd bumped his elbow into your side to get you to scoot away; Then when you'd side hugged him before he left for work and he'd nudged you off of him as he grabbed his jacket.
Today, he'd pushed you. You understood if he was frustrated and you understood he didn't like the physical contact, but all you'd done was brushed against him to reach into the cupboard. You hadn't mean to come close and hug him or kiss him, you were trying to just make dinner. But he'd been standing there, and the ongoing attempts at affection had boiled over into anger, and he'd shoved you.
His hand laid on your side and he pushed you back hard enough to make you stumble, shoulder bumping the fridge as you turn to look at him in surprise. "Jeongin--?"
"Would you back off?" He bites, eyes narrowed into a glare as he stares you down, standing in front of the stove. "I told you a million times, I don't like being touched so just drop it and quit trying to rub up against me every fucking chance you get. You're being clingy and I can't stand it."
"I wasn't trying to," You breathe, stumbling over your words as you register that he'd actually pushed you away from him.
"You try to every waking moment of every fucking day!" He snaps again. You aren't sure what had pushed him to grow so angry but he'd never yelled at you like this and you were 100% certain you never wanted him to again. So you step back and pivot, beelining for the bedroom to get some space between the two of you. Tears form and your thoughts jumble in your head, pondering on if it would be best to excuse yourself from the relationship now - or give it some time.
𝗮𝗻 𝗲𝘆𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗮𝗻 𝗲𝘆𝗲 —

pairing: park sunghoon x fem!reader
genre: revenge, angst, smut, fluff
synopsis: Sunghoon nurtured a profound animosity towards his childhood friend, Lee Heeseung, blaming him for his sister's death. To Sunghoon, his sister was the only person who had genuinely loved him, making Heeseung's perceived betrayal unforgivable. This deep resentment sparked an intense desire for revenge, driving Sunghoon to extreme measures to achieve it. But to what extent would he go to find satisfaction in his vengeance against Lee Heeseung? Would his plans unfold smoothly, or would everything take an unexpected turn, throwing his schemes into something he didn’t expect.
word count: 7k
warnings: swearing, kidnapping (kinda), possessive hoon, mentions of death, fake marriage, depression.
an eye for an eye: part 1 - masterlist

The familiar feeling of emptiness flooded his body. Sunghoon’s eyes were lifeless as the they gazed at the coffin where his sister’s remains lay.
This was the same feeling he had when his father’s mistress left him at his biological father’s mansion.
He felt the coldness of his father towards him. He felt the hatred of his father’s wife. He saw disappointment in his grandparents’ faces.
He was unloved and unwanted, it was a no brainer.
For a six-year-old child, it was all too much to take. When he was living with his mother, he was treatedlike shit. And when he lived with his father, there was no difference at all. It’s no wonder why he became wary of people. He wouldn’t want to talk to anyone, nor be in the same room as them. He would only go out to eat and return to his room to lock himself up. He even thought back then that his existence was big bad joke.
But one day, a girl with the same dark brown eyes as his went inside his room and forced him to leave the house and drink up some sunshine. He had no other choice but to follow the girl because she would never let go of his hand.
Truth to be told, Sunghoon found the girl irritating, he wanted to hurt her. But when she said that she was his sister and that she would protect him from all evil, he was left speechless. Because for the first time in years, there was a person who wanted to protect him. Her older sister’s smile made him cry, not because of sadness, but because of happiness.
He let out a hollow laugh. He will never see those smiles of her sister ever again. Those good old times would now be just a mere memory.
He slightly turned his head when he heard someone familiar talking behind him. Sunghoon’s jaw clenched as he stared at the cause of his beloved sister’s death, Lee Heeseung. His bestfriend and her sister’s boyfriend.
With heavy feet, he stood up and approached the guy and his father who he was talking to.
“You’re not welcome here, Lee Heeseung. Leave” His voice was hard and heavy.
“Park Sunghoon!” His father reprimanded.
“Uncle, can you please give us a minute? We’re just going to talk.”
“If you want to explain what happened, then let me tell you that you’re just wasting your time.” He said, blankly, not showing an ounce of emotion to the guy in front of him.
“Please, Sunghoon, listen to me. I didn’t want all of this to happen. I-I’m sorry.” Heeseung sounded so pathetically contrite, making him want to vomit.
“So you want me forgive you just like that, Heeseung?” He sarcastically remarked. Heeseung shook his head with a sigh and looked at Sunghoon with pleading eyes once again.
“I know it was partly my fault, and I am also hurting, Sunghoon. You know how much I love your sister, and I wouldn’t ask for this to happen.”
“You wouldn’t ask for this to happen?” He sharply retorted what the guy said. “It was the middle of the fucking night, yet you asked her to go out riding in your stupid car. You asked her to leave even if it was already late. Clearly, you asked for this the happen! You are the reason why my sister is lying there!” He lashed out, pointing at the coffin where her sister’s lifeless body lie.
“It was our anniversary! I invited her out because I wanted to surprise her!” Heeseung’s left hand balled into a fist he was sure the right one would do the same if it weren’t in a sling due to the accident.
“Yeah, and because of that stupid surprise, my sister died.” He saw the look of hurt in his best friend’s eyes, but the pain that he is seeing wasn’t enough for him. He wanted to beat the shit out of Heeseung and kill him with his bare hands, but that would be too easy.
“I didn’t know that a drunk driver would appear and hit us! If only I knew… I-if only I knew…” Heeseung’s eyes reddened with pain.
Sunghoon’s greeted his teeth, turning away. “Leave.”
“Sunghoon, please….”
“Just leave!” he hissed. “Leave and don’t ever show your face to me ever again.” He said in a serious tone.
“Sunghoon?” He was quick to turn his head towards the source of the voice. There stood Y/n, standing next to Heeseung as she anxiously glanced back and forth between the two. “Why would you say that to my brother?”
His lips pressed firmly with a stern expression. “Because his idea of a pleasant surprise is a bad joke.”
That was all he said before returning to his seat. He didn’t bother to look at the two again, and he wasn’t able to see Y/n’s eyes widen in surprise. He only heard the faint farewells of the two to his father.
Once again, Sunghoon confined in his own lonely world. He feels like he was cursed and happiness was forcefully denied to him. Losing his sister who helped him break free from his dark world was painful.
Losing a friend that he considered a family was painful.
Losing the woman he had learned to love was painful.
In just a snap, he lost the people who gave color to his world.

10 years later…
The service crew was very attentive, Sunghoon noticed. The place was modern and cozy. He hadn’t taste any of the pastries yet, but they looked appetizing. All in all, the bakeshop was pretty impressive. There’s no wonder why a lot of people go here.
On the other hand, it was quite a surprise that he’s in the shop. This was the first time he set foot in this place.
He wouldn’t bother to come if it weren’t for something important, especially since the owner of this bakeshop is the sister of someone he despises.
Yes, he knew you owned this place.
Your town is small enough for him to not know that. So, why the hell would he choose to meet someone in your haven of all places? There was a ninety-nine percent chance of him seeing you there. But what can he do about it?
His ‘oh so noble father’ commanded him to meet with the girl he liked for him. Obviously wanting him to settle down already. And because that he is the only son of his beloved father, he has no right to oppose to it.
He felt his phone rang and he answered.
“Hey, Mr. Park.”
Said the girl on the other line. The voice sound forcefully seductive it sounded cheap to his ear.
“May I know who’s on the other line?”
Sunghoon asked lazily and almost rolled his eyes.
“This is Shin Yuna. I’m the one you’re meeting at the bakery in town.”
His eyes went searching for a woman who was on the phone, probably speaking with him. At the door he saw a woman wearing a tight-fitting yellow dress. The woman had a phone pressed to one ear, her eyes scanning the inside of the shop. Looks like she was the one he’s waiting for.
He ended that call once her eyes landed on him. Evidently, she’d recognize him. A sensual smile appeared on her bloody red lips and she started walking towards him.
He should feel lucky because the woman was a catch. Her skin was smooth and fair, she had shiny, long hair. And in his opinion, aside from her hourglass figure, the girl’s flawless legs were her best asset, free from any scars.
She was gorgeous all right. But it doesn’t have an impact on Sunghoon.
Yuna must be one of those girls who are pretty on the outside, empty in the inside. Beautiful but annoying and boring.
He stood up as the girl approached. He offered his hand but she didn’t take it. Instead, she leaned to give him a kiss on his cheek. Okay, he wasn’t at all shocked by that.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Park” she greeted
“The pleasure is all mine, Miss Shin.”
“Please, call me Yuna.” She said with a wide almost flirty smile. “Then call me Sunghoon.” He motioned her to the seat in front of him. “Please, have a seat.”
“Thank you, have you ordered anything yet” she said as she sat.
Sunghoon shook his head. “Not yet, I was waiting for you. And it’s my first time here, I don’t know what food to choose.” Her hand rested on his arm and he wasn’t born yesterday to not know that she was openly flirting with him.
“Oh Really? You should try their famous gyeran-ppang. It’s a fluffy loaf of bread with a whole egg inside. It’s really good, I suggest you try it.”
Sunghoon suddenly remembered you, gyeran-ppang was your favorite ever since. Be it sweet of savory. He didn’t expect that those two could be brought together.
“If you liked it, maybe I should try it.” He simply said, trying to push away the memories. Yuna’s eyes sparkled, and he wanted to roll his eyes, but Sunghoon retrained himself. What was an hour of enduring this infront of her, right?
“Okay, I’ll just go to the counter to order, since this is a self-service shop.” Yuna said as he noticed a slight frown on her face. “I hope next time they hire waiters here so customers won’t have to go to the counter to do the job.”
Ah, he knew it.
His assumptions were correct, the girl only visually pleasing. Deep inside, she was a typical rich brat. He found his father’s taste in girl quite funny.
“It’s like hitting two birds with one stone. The service would be aster, plus it would provide jobs for jobless people. That way, more customers would go here, and it would reduce the number of unemployed people.” She annoyingly added further.
God help him stop himself from sneering. As if he’d believe that shit. What could this girl possibly know about work and helping other people?
“Yeah, you’re right.” He answered dryly. “I’ll order, I’m the guy here and I should be the one treating you and taking care of things.”
She sweetly smiled at him once again. “Why, thank you, Sunghoon. I’ll have two gyeran-ppang and one iced coffee. And please ask for a fork and knife while you’re at it.”
“Alright.” He gave her a small smile and quickly stood up, immediately walking his way to the counter to escape his date. He wished the serving of their food would last longer, but the workers in the shop were indeed good at what they do. In less than six minutes. He was back at his table with Yuna waiting for him.
“Go ahead and try it.” She urged him to sit down as their order was served. He took a bit of the gyeran-ppang and he instantly knew why it became popular in the area.
“It’s good right?” He simply nodded in response. Yuna then picked up the bread knife and fork that he requested earlier and used them to eat.
“Why use a fork and knife? It’s a finger food.” He couldn’t help but to ask.
“Oh, eating it with my fingers would be a mess, and my lipstick would smudge if I eat it directly.” Sunghoon avoided raising the corners of if his lips.
“I see. I’m surprised that you eat food like this and have that kind of body.” Yuna let out a shy laugh at his statement.
“I’m very conscious with what I eat, but when I tried this a few weeks ago, I forgot the diet. I even bought boxes of it for the orphanage that we were helping, And the kids loved it too.”
She was trying to impress him by mentioning the word orphanage? Would it be a bad idea to laugh? Or was he being too hard on this girl? After all, what did he know about Yuna? He didn’t even bother to make an effort to find out about the girl’s demeanor before coming here. Is her values really worth his time? Sunghoon bit his lip to stop himself from commenting something he’d regret saying later on.
Sunghoon glanced at the entrance of the bakeshop and he swore he felt his heart pounded. A pang of nostalgia when he saw a familiar figure arrive.
You were like an angel minus the wings and the halo. You were wearing a simple with dress that gave you sweet and innocent look. He didn’t expect that you would become even more beautiful than you are over the years. Your rosy white skin was flawless, he longed to touch it. Your lips were full and naturally pink. He almost tasted those once and he suddenly had this urge to kiss you.
He sighed forcefully, everything about him was cold earlier but he felt so damn hot in an instant just by seeing you. He wanted to own you, he wanted to make you his.
Sunghoon felt his heart race at he continued to stare at your face, feeling the rush of warmth in his body.
The beautifully scattered moles on your face made you look more unique ang exquisite to him. Back then, Sunghoon thought he could spend the rest of his life just by looking at your lovely face. Your beautifully sculpted brown eyes with thick and long lashes were still bright and full of life. He wanted to lose himself one day while looking at those hypnotic vivid orbs.
You walked you way towards the counter and greeted your staff with a bright smile.
The sun’s heat was nothing compared to the warmth of your smile. You were like the sun, only brighter, with inky black hair shining.
Now that’s his kind of pretty. You would always be his kind of pretty. Your beauty was ethereal, it was second to none in Sunghoon’s eyes. He mustered all his strength to look away from the person who evoked such emotions from him.
He tried to put his focus on the person in front of him, but his eyes would occasionally wander back to you.
“So, what are you busy with these days?” He heard Yuna asked him.
“Work, I guess.” He shrugged. “We export high quality mangoes to our neighboring countries.”
“Oh. Yeah, my parents and I visited your mango farm once. And I must say, your place is very refreshing.”
“Thank you, how about you? What your work?” He asked to have something to talk about, not because he wanted to know.
Yuna took a sip of her iced coffee before responding.
“I’m an interior designer, I often have famous celebrities as my client.” She said, feeling proud. “You know that one actor in squid game? He was my last client. Tell you what, his mansion was large, so I was very happy that I got the project.”
He tried his best not to look bored.
What does he care about celebrities? He hadn’t even watched this movie that she was talking about. But he needed to endure all this for two reasons. First, he didn’t want to be rude no matter how his inner demon wished to be. And second, to distract himself from your presence.
His only problem now is how will he hide himself from the owner of this bakery.
“Hey, Ning. How are you all doing?” You asked your worker working on the cashier as you entered the counter.
“We’re doing fine, Y/n. It was a bit of a hassle earlier because there were loads of customers, but it was overall doing alright. I mean, what’s a little hassle when you can earn profit, right?” Ningning said, smiling widely.
You giggled. “Yes, true. Sorry for being late, I wasn’t able to help you here. I just had something to take care of back home.”
“No, Y/n. It’s all good, you’re the boss here after all. You don’t have to worry about a single thing, we got you.” She said reassuringly, smiling softly at you.
“Yeah, Y/n. Besides, we know you’re going through something tough right now. How was everything anyway?” Sunoo, your amazing barista, asked. You sighed deeply before answering the young man.
“It’s not settled yet, our ranch is still a mess.”
“Oh, Y/n. Don’t be down like that, you’re going to get through everything sooner than you think.” You just smiled a Sunoo’s statement.
You needed money to rebuild the barn. You needed to hire new workers to manage the ranch. It could all be solved with money, but the problem is you don’t have much of it.
Ever since your parents died few years ago, your brother took over the management of the estate.
But what can Heeseung do when half of his life was into car racing? Even you don’t know how to run a ranch because your job is making different kinds of delicious bread. Before you and Heeseung could even realize it, the inheritance your parents left you both was slowly falling apart.
And now you and your brother wanted to save the precious land. You would give all the earning from the bakeshop just to make it work, but it was just wasn’t enough. You and Heeseung tried going to the banks, but they turned you down every time you tried. Your brother doesn’t want your house or land as collateral.
You were thankful for the people working for your shop as they wholeheartedly give you their support.
“Thank you for comforting my, guys. Don’t worry, if everything settles down, I’ll definitely throw a party.” They all cheered as you smiled.
You went out to fix the displays in the counter. You didn’t notice someone passing by, making you bump into them.
“I’m sorry,” You apologized, realizing that you bumped into a woman. She quickly brushed off the area you bumped into and gave you a sharp look.
“Next time, watch where you’re going.” She turned to look at the person next to her and whispered.
“Sunghoon, let’s go?”
You felt like you were turned into stone and it looks like Sunghoon felt the same way. It seems like he was frozen in place where he stood, his gaze solely fixed on you.
But it seemed like you’re mistaken because when you looked closely at the man, his face had no expression at all.
He had changed, but not really. He was still the same Sunghoon. Only stronger, leaner, harder, darker, and more attractive. It scared you, he scared you. Yet, you wanted to reach out and talk to him. But to your utter dismay, he just walked past you. And before you knew, he was long gone. Again.

Sunghoon kept telling himself that he was not a stalker, but it had been five days and this was his fifth time your bakeshop. He just couldn’t go inside. So for those five days, he contented himself with parking in front of your shop, and watching from inside his car.
When he saw you again, he had a big idea in mind, and yes, that was the reason why he kept going to your bakeshop. Sadly, he would always go home without seeing you.
He couldn’t help overhearing the conversation between you and your employees. Their table wasn’t that far from the counter so it was inevitable. He was surprised that you didn’t notice him right away. But if Sunghoon were to talk about surprising things, what he heard was even more surprising.
It looked like karma found its way to Lee Heeseung. He should be happy about it and somehow, he was.
Heeseung took something from him, someone important, so Sunghoon should take someone important from him too.
A sister for a sister. An eye for an eye.
He glanced at his watch and told himself that this should be the perfect time. He got out of his car and walked straight towards the bakeshop. It was already past eight o’clock, but the bakeshop was still almost full.
He noticed the two service crew he saw last time, staring at him, but they immediately turned their backs on him. He approached them.
“Told you, the person inside the black car that is always parked in front of the shop isn’t a bad person. Look at him, he’s too handsome to be a bad person.” He heard the girl he assumed the name was Ningning.
“Seriously? Just because someone isn’t physically attractive doesn’t mean they’re a bad person, you know? And not everyone who looks good is automatically good. You’re being too judgmental.” Sunoo rebuked.
“And what thing could he possibly do, huh?” Ningning asked sarcastically.
“Hello? Ever heard of the saying ‘looks can be deceiving’?” Sunghoon tried not to smirk. Because their backs were facing him, they weren’t able to notice him approaching a while ago.
“Excuse me?” He said, gaining attention from the two. Ningning turned around, her eyes slightly widened.
“Yes, Sir? How can we help you?” Despite the surprise, she quickly regained her composure.
Sunghoon gave her a slight smile. “Um, I’m looking for Y/n. Is she here?” He noticed the two exchanged glances as Ningning seemed a bit hesitant before responding.
“May I ask what’s your relation to Miss Y/n, Sir?”
“I’m a friend. I’d like to have a word with her.”
“Miss Y/n is still in her office.” He saw her co-worker elbowed her, but he didn’t pay much attention to it. “If you’d like, you can have a seat while waiting for her.”
“Okay, Thank you.” He said, walking around the shop to find a comfortable seat. And he couldn’t help but to overhear their conversation once again.
“Friend? Then why am I just seeing him now?”
“I don’t know. He seems nice to me even though he looks a bit harsh.”
“Oh well. Good thing Jake is not here or else he might get jealous.”
For some godforsaken reason, he found his heart tightening at the name he just heard. Who was this Jake guy that might get jealous over him? Is it your Suitor? Boyfriend? Fiance? Sunghoon clenched his jaw. Just imagining another man touching a strand of your inky black hair made him feel sick.
He sat on an empty table near the counter and patiently waited there.
“Ningning, Sunoo, I’m leaving. Will you two be alright staying?” Said the enticing voice near the counter. He glanced over and saw you there.
“Call me whenever something happened, alright? I’ll get going.”
“Oh, Y/n! someone is looking for you.” Ningning said before she forgot. Your brows furrowed as you looked Ningning with a puzzled expression.
Sunghoon stood up and spoke. “Me.” He watched your eyes grow wide with shock as he walked towards you. “Can we talk?”
“I… Of course.” You absent-mindedly nodded. You pointed at the room where you came from. “Let’s go to my office.”
The air tensed up the moment you both entered your office. You sat on your chair as Sunghoon took the visitor’s chair. His eyes were trained on your face while you were looking down on your lap. No one dared to speak. It was dead quiet inside the room, a silent standstill.
Sunghoon decided not to make rhings more awkward. “It’s been a while Y/n.” Great, you suck at opening conversations, man. He honestly wanted to smack himself.
You looked up and your eyes met. “Yeah, it has been a while. How are you?” You slightly smiled at him.
“I’m doing great. You? How are you? I heard your having problems at the ranch.” He paused at what he said. It made him wonder if he was rushing the conversation.
“How did you know?” You asked hesitantly. “The town is a small place, Y/n.” She firmly pressed her lips together. For someone sweet and innocent-looking, you could be fiery too.
“Yes, there’s a big problem at the ranch, but it would be solved in no time.”
“Really?” He raised an eyebrow at the intensity he heard in your voice. “According to what I’ve heard, you were having troubles finding the money needed to fix things on your ranch. So, I came here to offer a proposal.” He leaned on the chair and watched your confused face. You were always this transparent, it’s likely that you now think he’s going crazy.
“What proposal?” You asked with confusion written all over your face.
“I will lend the money you need for the ranch, but you have to marry me.” His simple answer seemed like he was just inviting you to go out ang have a picnic. You looked at him with an unreadable expression before you respond.
“I’m going to what?!”
“You heard me.” He knew it was unnecessary because she could always reach him if she wanted to. But Sunghoon still took a business card from his wallet and placed it on the table.
“I want you to think about it. Call me whenever you made up your mind.”
You stood up from your seat and looked at him with hard eyes. “If you’re just playing around like you used to do, just leave, Sunghoon. Don’t waste my time.”
He also stood up to remind you of the significant height difference you both had.
“I’m not fooling around, Y/n. I’m dead serious.”
“Then why? Why would you want to marry me?” You asked, still stunned be his offer.
“For revenge, I guess? I’ll lend your dear brother the money to help with the recovery of your ranch. But after that, you will cut ties with him. You can’t meet him nor even talk to him.” He took a deep breath before letting out the next heavy words.
“He took my sister from me, I will take you away from him. It’s my kind of revenge.”
“You’re crazy.”
“Oh, yeah?” He smirked but once again quickly turned serious. “Whose fault is that?”
“Why would you think would I agree to that?” You tilted you chin up, trying to defy him. Too bad, it was futile. The corner of his mouth went up again. “Because you’ve got no other option.”
“You’re insane.”
“Crazy? Insane? Well, maybe you could come up with something more colorful after this.” He grabbed your nape and captured you sinfully pink lips. The table wasn’t able to hinder him from giving you something that would shake your world.
Your heart was pounding as you proceeded to enter your house. You still couldn’t believe what just happened thirty minutes ago. The Sunghoon whom you secretly love, and the friend who suddenly left you and your brother returned to shake up your world once again.
One slap wasn’t enough for what he did to you. And he has the audacity to be the one walking out after his recklessness.
You touched your lips. Until now, you still feel the young man’s kiss and the warmth of his lips brushing against yours. It was a shocking first time and definitely a memorable one. But despite all that, you felt butterflies in your stomach.
You took a deep breath before walking to the kitchen to get something to drink. But on your way, your gaze drifted towards the study room. The room was slightly ajar. You approached and entered.
You saw your brother sitting on the swivel chair with his eyes closed. He looks beat and tired and it pained you. If there’s only something you could do to help solve this problem, you had already done it.
Then it hit you. You could do something to help you dear brother and fix the problem. Only, there was a price to pay.
It has already been ten years since Sunghoon’s sister died. Maybe it’s time for you to do something to make him forgive your brother and move on. Maybe you could at least give him a bit of happiness, maybe you could do something to bring him back to his old self.
You glanced at your brother. Please, trust me on this.
It would be hard, you knew. But you needed to do something to save them all.

“We’re here,” Sunghoon announced. “Nervous?”
You looked out the car window and surveyed the grand mansion that would become your new home. Your heart was racing, and you felt like your heartbeat was at one hundred and seventy bars per minute. You felt nauseous, your hands were badly sweating and you were having a hard time breathing.
No, you weren’t nervous. You were having an anxiety attack.
Sunghoon unbuckled your seatbelt before holding your face with both hands, waiting for to look into his eyes. His eyes were dark and sensual. Nope, it didn’t help you calm down a bit.
“Are you okay? You look pale.” He asked with concern in his voice. He felt your forehead and neck as if checking if you had a fever.
You felt electricity ran through your body because of his touch. Feeling as if you were burning, you pulled away from him and averted your gaze somewhere else.
“I’m fine. It’s just that, this was all so sudden.” You noticed his expression darken from the corner of your eyes.
“Then get used to it because you’re my wife starting today.”
Before you could even respond, he already exited the car and opened the passenger side door for you. He took the duffle bag containing a few pieces of your clothes. He then held your hand as you both walked towards the mansion.
“Don’t be so stiff, Y/n. There’s no way I would hurt you, you know?”
You knew Sunghoon was telling the truth, but it wasn’t enough to calm you down. He wouldn’t hurt you, he said. Still, he had the power to, especially now that you were married.
It all happened so fast. Just last week you were still a Lee, and you still couldn’t believe that you are now Mrs. Park.
After that night, you went to your bakery and called Sunghoon the next morning. And a week later, you were now married. No entourage, reception or whatsoever.
After the civil wedding with the judge that Sunghoon knew, you went straight to the mansion, you didn’t even manage to say goodbye to your brother who was currently not in korea.
At the mansion’s door, you were both greeted by Aunt Chul, the house keeper. Sunghoon and his sister had nannies when they were children, but they remained closest to the woman.
“Dear!” Aunt Chul greeted you as she gave you a warm hug, then gently held your face as she pulled away.
“How are you? It has been so long and you grew beautifully, Dear.”
Despite everything, you were able to put a happy and genuine smile on your face. “Thank you, Auntie. I’m doing great, and you?”
“Oh, I’m not getting any younger, dear! I think I can count the remaining black hairs I have left.” The woman joked, laughing slightly.
“You still look great, Auntie.” You smiled at her, shaking you head slightly.
“You’re still the same old playful one, aren’t you?” she teased. “Now come get inside, I prepared you both something to eat.”
She turned to Sunghoon and looked at him. “Let me take that bag, son.”
“Oh, no. We can handle this, Auntie. Thank you.” He said embracing the elderly person.
“My wife and I are just going to have a talk before we eat.” You froze when you heard him say the word ‘wife’. Yes, there’s no mistaking it. You really are Park Sunghoon’s wife.
When you glanced at the woman, there’s not a trace of surprise marred her serene face, which puzzled you.
“Alright, you know where to go when you two want to eat.” She smiled softly.
Sunghoon guided you upstairs to the room where you’re staying.
The room was definitely Sunghoon, very neat and manly. The walls were painted white, accommodating the rich hue of the big bed and built-in cabinets. Everything was well placed and clean.
“You may find my room dull and boring.” He said as he placed your bag on the side of the dresser. “But you may refurnish it however you like. Have the walls painted, the curtains changed. Just don’t put too much pink.”
You blushed at what he said, you were a girl who has a deep obsession with color pink ever since. And it seems like he still remembers that about you. But as much as you wanted to renovate the room and make it appear more your style, you wouldn’t do so. You liked the room as it was.
You didn’t notice Sunghoon approaching, so you gasped when you felt your husband pulling you by the waist closer to him.
“Let’s talk.”
“Y-yes, of course – Sunghoon!” You let out a small scream as the strong man lifted you up, and you had no choice but to wrap your arms around his shoulders.
“Sunghoon, what the hell are you doing?”
“I was supposed to carry you over the threshold, but I knew that you would snap at me if Aunt Chul sees us.” He answered with a gorgeous grin on his face. For a minute, he looked like the boy you used to know.
The guy you used to love.
But no matter how handsome the young man appeared to you now, you still couldn’t stop the seething the anger in your heart towards him.
“And you think I wouldn’t do that now? I did that once before, I could do it again.”
“Oh, trust me. I’m more prepared this time.” He said with a twinkle in his eyes. He dropped you onto the bed and hovered above you. You gasped for air when you felt his hard body on top of yours. You were sure that when you entered this room, the AC was on, but for some reason the air became thick and hot and filled with desire.
“I t-thought we’re going to talk?” Your voice was shaky and far different from you challenging voice earlier.
“We are. We’ll talk like this.” He lowered his head and nestled into your neck. You had never been intimate with any man. This was new to you. Your heart was beating wildly and you afraid Sunghoon would hear it.
You felt so warm, it was as if your bones were melting. It felt good to be this close to him. And he had been hugging you for a while now. He was the only man who could make you feel extreme emotions.
“I told them about us.” You heard him mumble, his hot breath licking your cold neck.
“You… what?” You asked, disoriented.
“I told everyone in this house about us. Even my dad that’s currently in Japan.” He lifted his head and looked at you as if you as if he wanted to know what you were thinking, if not to absorb your very soul.
“You told them about our agreement?”
“No, I only told them that we were getting married. That I couldn’t wait about Dad’s arrival. That we saw each other again, and instantly fell in love. So make sure to be a loving wife to me, especially in front of them.”
As if he needed to say it. “Of course. But I hope you don’t forget about the other part of the agreement. The money, Sunghoon. I need it.”
“I didn’t forget about that. I’ll give it to your brother as soon as I see him.”
“Glad to hear tha—“
Sunghoon slowly lowered his head, your eyes widened. “Wait, what are you-“
“You’re mine, Y/n. Including your body.” He said with his tempting mouth.
You wanted to stop him and tell him to stop what he was doing, but no words came out of your lips. Instead, a sound coming from your stomach halted your husband’s advances. You didn’t know whether to feel embarrassed or thankful. You were saved, not by the bell, but by your tummy.
God! Sunghoon didn’t need to smile, amusement was in his eyes.
“Maybe we should eat first.” Sunghoon withdrew from being pressed against you, stood up, and extended his hand towards you.
“Come.” You hesitantly took his hand and stood up as well, feeling quite embarrassed.
“Do you still know the way to the dining room?” He asked as you refused to meet his gaze, just nodding in response.
“Do you mind going there alone? I just needed to call someone. I’ll join you in a few minutes.”
You just nodded again and quickly left the room. Usually, after the wedding comes the honeymoon. Or in your case, funnymoon.
The moment you—or rather, his wife—stepped outside, Sunghoon finally let go of the smile he had been holding back.
Yes, you had become matured and become tough over the past few years, but in many ways, you still hadn’t really changed. You were still funny, cute, adorable, and his.
His previously bright face was now replaced by a blank expression. Finally, Heeseung would experience what it was like to lose someone important to him. The only difference is that no one would die.
He wouldn’t hurt you, at least, not intentionally ang physically. Never. Heeseung was still lucky that Sunghoon had some semblance of a heart left.
All he wanted was to emotionally torture him. He would make his heart bleed in sorrow, until he would beg him to stop.
And that would start now.
He picked up his phone and dialed a number. On the third ring, the person he was trying to reach answered.
“Yes, hello?”
His grip on the device tightened upon hearing the voice of the man he despises.
He could taste the bitterness in his own voice. The man on the other line wasn’t able to respond immediately, so he continued.
“I heard you’re not in korea right now.”
“No, I’m not. What do you need, Sunghoon?”
He asked directly, without preamble.
Nothing, you’re the one who’s going to need something from me.
“Nothing, really. But if I were you, I’d go back to korea right now.”
He could already see the furrow on his former friend’s face. Soon he would face his range, but instead of being afraid, he would actually be glad to see it.
“What do you mean by that?”
“It’s Y/n. She left your house and she’s with me now. Too bad you weren’t there when she left.”
It was a shame for Sunghoon the he couldn’t see firsthand how the person on the other line is reacting.
He bet it would be priceless.
“You son of a bitch. What did you do to her?!”
He heard the grinding of his interlocutor’s teeth making him chuckle sarcastically.
“You asshole!”
“Yeah, Heeseung. Curse me all you want, but I’ll make sure that you will never get see your sister again. I will make you pay for all the things you did. Prepare yourself because I will take you to the hell you put me through.”
He ended the call. With his hands shaking, he exhaled sharply. He forced himself to calm down before he began to walk out of the room.
Maybe he shouldn’t have gone to the dining room just yet. He’s still feeling the anger coursing through his body, and he didn’t want anyone to see him like that, especially you.
But when he saw your beautiful face with a smile plastered on it while chatting with Aunt Chul, the heavy emotions enveloping him suddenly dissipated.
While looking at you glowing face, he lost the bitterness and pain that he had been feeling. Your bright smile simply made the pain go away. He was certain of what he was feeling. About his fear ang pain going away.
He took a deep breath once again ang approached the two, specifically you. He leaned down and kissed you on the forehead, disregarding the watchful eyes of the elderly person nearby.
“What are you two talking about?” He asked. Aunt Chul smiled at him and seemed to chat with him like a child.
“I never knew Y/n had a bakeshop in town. If I’m not mistaken, one of the helpers bought the bread I liked there. Turns out Y/n was the owner.”
He sat beside you and held your hand, giving it a tight squeeze. “Yeah, her pastries and sweets are indeed famous in town.” He stated, smiling proudly.
“Y/n also told me the she hasn’t had a boyfriend. She had suitors, but didn’t accept any of them.” The woman gossiped.
“Auntie!” You playfully reprimanded the her.
Sunghoon threw a glance at you. “Oh?”
His face lit up, secretly smiling to himself. So it was likely that the guy named Jake whom your employees were referring to was you suitor. He suddenly felt relieved. He glanced at your plate that is still empty.
“You haven’t eaten yet?” He asked you as you shook your head in response.
“Not yet. I was busy chatting with auntie.”
“Tell you what, Sunghoon. Your wife was just really waiting for you to come here.” Aunt Chul remarked.
“Alright, I’ll leave you two love birds alone to enjoy your food.”
Once the two of you were left alone, Sunghoon couldn’t help but let a smile spread across his face.
“So, you were waiting for me, huh?” He said teasingly.
“I wasn’t waiting for you. The conversation with Auntie just really hit the spot.”
“Yeah, sure. Let’s eat.”
They ate in silence. You sat beside him quietly with your head bowed as you eat. You were like some kind of a shy teenager sitting next to her crush.
Sunghoon smiled a little as he remembered their happy memories. You were just like this back then when you two are being teased together. You would blush furiously and he just enjoy the teasing.
“I’ll go upstairs to take a shower ang get changed.” You said after he was done eating.
But before you could fully stand up, he pulled you back into the chair and bestowed a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Please don’t tempt me like that.” Your eye widened and your lips parted in surprise. Your face reddened and he couldn’t stop himself from grinning. You quickly stood up and rushed away from him.
Well, it was useless since no matter what you do, you were already his. Nothing could ever separate you from him, not even your brother.
Sunghoon’s smile faded, and his eyes grew cold.
You would be forever his, and you had no idea of what the future lies ahead of you.
an eye for an eye — masterlist

pairing: park sunghoon x fem!reader
genre: revenge, angst, smut, fluff
synopsis: Sunghoon nurtured a profound animosity towards his childhood friend, Lee Heeseung, blaming him for his sister's death. To Sunghoon, his sister was the only person who had genuinely loved him, making Heeseung's perceived betrayal unforgivable. This deep resentment sparked an intense desire for revenge, driving Sunghoon to extreme measures to achieve it. But to what extent would he go to find satisfaction in his vengeance against Lee Heeseung? Would his plans unfold smoothly, or would everything take an unexpected turn, throwing his schemes into something he didn’t expect.
word count: around 19k
warnings: swearing, unprotected sex, kidnapping (kinda), possessive hoon, mentions of death, fake marriage, depression, fist fighting, bleeding, hoon has detachment issues.

— an eye for an eye: part 1 (7k)
— an eye for an eye: part 2 (8.1k)
— an eye for an eye: last part (4.2k)
an eye for an eye —

pairing: park sunghoon x fem!reader
genre: revenge, angst, smut, fluff
synopsis: Sunghoon nurtured a profound animosity towards his childhood friend, Lee Heeseung, blaming him for his sister's death. To Sunghoon, his sister was the only person who had genuinely loved him, making Heeseung's perceived betrayal unforgivable. This deep resentment sparked an intense desire for revenge, driving Sunghoon to extreme measures to achieve it. But to what extent would he go to find satisfaction in his vengeance against Lee Heeseung? Would his plans unfold smoothly, or would everything take an unexpected turn, throwing his schemes into something he didn’t expect.
word count: 4.2k
warnings: swearing, kidnapping (kinda), possessive hoon, mentions of death, fake marriage, depression, fist fighting, minor bleeding, hoon has detachment issues. (typographical errors)
an eye for an eye: last part - masterlist

Sunghoon woke up with the feeling of his wife’s figure laying on his chest. You really looked angelic while sleeping.
He couldn’t help but to stroke your cheek and feel the softness of your lips. He wished to see this sight every morning for the rest of his life. That way, even if it was cloudy outside, he’d always wake up with his own brand of sunshine. He wrapped you in his arms and basked in your warmth. He vowed to never let you slip away from him.
He would do everything to tie you to him forever. And for that to happen, he needed to take action.
He gave you a tender kiss on the forehead before getting up to take a shower and prepare himself for the day. Upon leaving the room, he went straight to the garden where he suspected his father was.
“Dad,” He called. From his newspaper, her father glanced up at him.
“Good morning, son. Sit down. Do you need anything?” Sunghoon sat down in front of him.
“I’m thinking of taking my wife on a belated honeymoon trip.”
His forehead creased. “Where are you planning on going?”
“Japan. I also wanted to visit Grandma and Grandpa.” They had never been close to him, but they knew your family. “I’d be grateful if your secretary could arrange everything for me and my wife.”
He folded the newspaper and placed it on the table. “Why does this seem sudden? What about the farm? I’m getting old, Sunghoon. I can’t manage everything anymore.”
“We have good people here, Dad. They are all hardworking and trustworthy. My manager could take over, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about.” His father fell silent for a moment, deep in thought over what he had just said. “Alright, I understand. When are you going back home?”
Sunghoon shrugged. “I don’t know. As long as possible?” His father’s lips twitched and his eyes filled with profound curiosity.
“Why do I feel like you’re planning to live there? Is there a problem, Sunghoon?”
Yes, there is. Sunghoon laughed. “Nothing, Dad. Anyway, we can’t stay there for long. I just wanted a little vacation with my wife.” He leaned back and looked at his father intently.
“Fine. But make sure to call here often. I’ll get my secretary to arrange everything. I’ll also have him come here to get both your passports.”
“Okay, Dad. Thank you.” He said and stood up after bidding farewell. Sunghoon breathed a sigh of relief. His father agreed. And hopefully, everything would go as smoothly as this.
You’ve noticed that your husband has been exceptionally busy these past few days. You already knew he was hard working, workaholic, even. But it’s quite different these days as if he’s constantly chasing after something. Today, he left with his father because they said they had someone to talk to.
You glanced at the oven timer, signaling that the cream cheese garlic bread you made is cooked. Once you checked and saw that they were golden brown, you grabbed the mittens to take the baking tray out.
“Wow, that looks delicious, Y/n.” Aunt Chul said as she just entered the kitchen. You smiled at her.
“I won’t be modest, Auntie. It is really delicious.” You giggled, placing the tray on the table. She chuckled.
“Really? Let me have a taste then.”
“Sure! But let’s wait for it to cool down for a bit,” You said as you removed the mittens and took the tongs to carefully transfer the bread onto the basket lined with wax paper.
“Oh! I’ll make us something to drink, Dear. What would you like?”
“I’ll have some green tea, please.” You requested.
“Sure, just a moment.” She began boiling the water and fetched the cups while you were arranging the bread in the basket, making it look presentable. Shortly after, you and the woman enjoyed the bread and tea together.
“This is so good, Dear!” Aunt Chul happily commented after the first bite. You nodded in agreement.
“Yes, it really is. I wonder who made it?”
The woman chuckled lightly. “No joke, Dear. It really is delicious. The cream cheese garlic bread I’ve had before didn’t taste like this. Sunghoon is really lucky to have someone like you, Dear. I hope you know that.” You were speechless at her words.
“I remember, Sohyun and Sunghoon used to love eating you baked good back then. They were the ones tasting and critiquing your creations.” Your smile faded as you recalled the past.
“I felt that they grew tired of tasting my breads back then. Especially Sunghoon.” You whispered softly.
“Oh, Dear! I doubt that,” The woman said with a chuckle and shook he head. “Didn’t Sunghoon always insist on tasting even the burnt ones?”
Yes, you could vividly remember that. Every batch you baked, whether perfectly made or not, Sunghoon always tasted them. He would praise them if they were delicious and cheer you on to do better next time if they weren’t. He was always there for you, ready to make you smile and feel good. He was your everything backthen. While you couldn’t do anything for him. You sighed.
“Yes, he’s a good guy…” You said softly just above whisper.
“What was that, dear?” The elderly woman asked. You glanced at her and gave a small smile.
“Nothing, Auntie.”
She took another bite of the bread and savored it like a child. “This is really delicious, Dear. I’ll miss this when you’re in Japan.”
You paused mid-bite upon hearing her words. “What? Japan?” You asked, confused.
“Yes, Japan. Didn’t Sunghoon tell you? You’re leaving tomorrow to go to Japan. Your husband has already arranged for your things to be packed,” She explained. Your jaw might have dropped at Aunt Chul’s news. Japan? Leaving? Tomorrow? You had no idea of what she was talking about. You felt your phone vibrating in your pocket.
“Heeseung…” You murmured as you saw the registered number. Quickly excusing yourself from Aunt Chul, you hurried upstairs to your room to answer the call.
“What’s this I hear about you and Sunghoon leaving?”
He asked sternly. You paced back and forth in the room, feeling like a cat about to give birth, anxious and unsettled.
“I don’t know! Aunt Chul just mentioned it to me just now. I had no idea. Sunghoon hasn’t said anything about us leaving.”
You stopped in your tracks and pulled at your hair, feeling frustrated. What was he thinking?
“He’s freaking insane! You need to come home now, Y/n. We need to talk about this,”
He insisted.
“If you won’t come here, I’ll come there.”
He said sharply. You took a deep breath.
“Okay, I’ll be there in an hour.”
You quickly left the mansion, being careful not to be seen by anyone. You also didn’t ask the driver to take you to avoid anyone from knowing where you were going. Upon arriving at your house, Heeseung form immediately greeted you. His face was serious.
“Let’s talk inside.” He said, leading the way.
Sunghoon and his father was greeted by Aunt Chul once they entered the mansion. “Would you like to two like to have snacks or rest first?” She asked.
“I’ll rest for a bit. I’ll come down later for dinner,” Mr. Park replied, heading up to his room.
“And you, son?” The woman turned to him. Sunghoon smiled at her.
“I’ll go rest first, Auntie.”
“Is that so? Y/n baked cream cheese garlic bread,” She added making him chuckle at her obvious teasing.
“I’ll go see her first, Auntie,” He replied.
“Oh, yes. That’s right.” She quickly agreed. “Go on, she’s in your room. She went up there after we ate earlier.” She gently nudged him.
“Hurry up now.” He chuckled at the woman’s gesture. He was near the stairs when she called him.
“I’m glad you hear your laughter again, son.” She said sincerely. He smiled back at her.
“Me too, Auntie.”
He went up to their room. However. It was dark inside, and you weren’t there. The windows were open, and the curtains swayed gently with the breeze. He wondered and checked the bathroom as well, but you weren’t there either. He went downstairs to find Aunt Chul.
“Auntie, have you seen Y/n?” He asked. She furrowed her brow.
“Isn’t she in your room?” He shook his head. “No.”
“Well, I just came from the garden, she wasn’t there either. Did you check the study? Other rooms?”
“Not yet,” He sighed. “Wait, maybe she went to her brother? Your wife had someone calling her from her phone earlier.”
Your phone? He recalled Heeseung visiting the bakery. He felt knot in his stomach. The fear he felt when he woke up and found the woman was not by his side returned.
“I’ll be out for a while,” He said and rushed to his car, got in, and drove away.
“I have talked to a friend who’s willing to lend us the money we need. If you’re still worried about that bastard’s check, I’ll go top the bank tomorrow and—”
“It’s not that simple, Hee,” You whispered. You were both on the sofa in your living room, having a serious conversation. You felt a chill at what your brother wanted to happen.
“What do you mean?” You sighed and looked straight at him. “Do you think Sunghoon would just agree to that?” He wasn’t able to respond. “He wouldn’t, Heeseung.”
Heeseung ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and leaned back on the sofa. “Then I think it would be better if you took some time away from him,” He suggested.
You shook your head. “I think it would only make things worse if I did that.”
“Then what do you think would work?” You couldn’t answer. None of your plans had worked. Reconciling the father and son. Gradually avoiding your husband. None of it happened.
“Look, y/n. I just want you safe. I don’t want you to get hurt, that’s why I’m doing this,” He said, holding your hand. “I’ll face Sunghoon myself. I’m the reason for all of this.”
You gave him a sad smile. “Liar.” He paused. “We both know who’s really at fault for all of this.”
He tightened his grip on your hand.“Y/n, I don’t want you thinking like that.”
You sighed. “Let me handle this, Hee. Let me leaver with Sunghoon to Japan, and there I’ll figure some things out.”
His eyes narrowed and he let go of your hand. “Are you seriously telling me that you’re really going with him?”
You looked down. “Honestly, I’m still hesitant about it. I’ll try to convince him later not to leave. But if he insists, maybe it’s better if I go with him for now.” You pleaded with him to understand. “I just can’t leave him.”
He stood up abruptly, clenching his fists.
“No.” It was a firm command. “You stay out of this. I’ll confront that piece of shit right now, and I’ll resolve this mess with him.”
“I’m here, Heeseung,” You and your brother almost simultaneously turned towards a cold and low voice. You gaped as you saw Sunghoon there.
He looked at you. “We’re going home, Y/n.” He was about to reach out to you but your brother’s large figure blocked his way as he stood up.
“Over my dead body.” You grabbed his arm.
“Hee, don’t start.”
“He was the one who started all of this!” Heeseung exclaimed. “And for what? Revenge? Only children would think of—” You gasped as Sunghoon lunged forward and delivered a punch at your brother’s face.
Heeseung slumped to the floor due to the impact. Your eyes widen as you saw Heeseung’s lip split open. You rushed to him and hurriedly wiped the blood from the corner of his lips. He stood up, his eyes glaring with retaliation for the punch he received from Sunghoon.
“Stop it!” You shouted, trying to intervene to break them up. When they didn’t budge, you raised your voice louder. “Enough!”
That seemed to snap them out of it, reminding them of your presence. Both men were panting heavily, and you could feel the tension thick in the air around them. You faced your brother. “We’re leaving. I’m going with him.”
He grabbed your arm. “No!”
“Please,” Your voice trembled in plea. Reluctantly, he let go and gave Sunghoon a sharp look. You called a helper and instructed them to bring a first aid kit. “Treat your wounds, Hee. Take care.” You hugged him.
You felt your husband tug on you. “Let’s go,” He whispered. He guided you out of the house towards his car. Heeseung didn’t follow, which you were thankful for. Upon reaching the car, Sunghoon spoke.
“Don’t try to run away from me like that.” He looked at you intently. He seemed to claim all the good looks in the world because even in dim light, he still looked godly… whit a bruised lip. You reached for his face.
“You have a bruise. Let’s hurry home so we can treat that,” You said.
He grasped your hand. “Answer me. Tell me you won’t run away from me.” His intense gaze made you feel like you were burning. You nodded slightly in response.
“Say it, damn it!”
“Sunghoon, I...” He held both sides of your face and gently forced you to meet his eyes.
“Is it really that hard? To be tied to me? To stay with me and remain by my side?” Your lips parted as you saw the desperation on Sunghoon’s face, as if his life depended on you staying.
“I promise I won’t hurt you. I won’t. I can’t”
“But you’re hurting my brother. And because of that, you’re also hurting me.” You don’t have the right to complain. You deserved the pain. But your brother?
He let go and sniffed the air. “Okay. You want me to stop hating on your brother? I can do that. I’ll do it for you.” He looked at you with a longing look. “You also said I should forgive my father? Fine, I’ll do that too.” You couldn’t speak. What was he trying to do to you? He reached out and held your palm, then clasped your hands.
“If I do all that, will you stay by my side? Will you promise not to leave me? Will you stay with me forever?”
“I realized that I was blinded by anger. Sohyun wouldn’t want me to blame the man she loved forever.” Joy enveloped your heart. It felt so good to hear your husband’s words. You never expected that he would be willing to do everything just to keep you by his side. That he’s finally ready to set his anger aside. But there’s one thing he didn’t know. And Sunghoon would hate you more if you keep it hidden from him much longer. You should have confessed earlier.
How will he believe you now? Even if you tell him that you love him…
Your eyes stung with tears. You shook your head. “No… You don’t understand.”
Sunghoon lifted your face with a finger, wiping your tear that traced a path down your cheek. “What do I not understand?” He asked, his voice soft yet urgent. “What is it, Y/n?”
You could only shake your head, your tears falling relentlessly. Sunghoon enveloped you in a warm embrace, offering you solace in the cold, dark night.
“Please, Y/n,” He murmured, his voice trembling with emotions. “Just promise me that you won’t run away. That we’ll always be together. That’s all I want to hear. Please.”
You continued to sob into his chest. Truth be told, you wanted the same thing—to be together forever, to be happy in each other’s arms. But that was impossible. It was never going to happen. You sniffled and gathered all your courage. Gently, you pushed him away from you. You shut your eyes tightly before looking straight into his eyes.
“It wasn’t my brother’s fault that Sohyun died. It was mine.” Your throat ached, and the words seemed to resist coming out. “It was only right that I pay for what I did. So it’s not fair that you blamed Heeseung for what happened…”
You saw Sunghoon’s expression change. “What are you talking about, y/n?” This isn’t your fault.”
You stood firm You knew you had to stick to the truth, no matter how painful. “It was all my idea. It was my decision that led to Sohyun’s death. I can’t let Heeseung suffer for something he didn’t do.”
A mixed of shock and confusion crossed Sunghoon’s face. “It wasn’t Heeseung’s fault that your sister is no longer with us. It was my fault. The anniversary surprise, the candle lit dinner—” You gulped, and tears streamed down your cheeks again. “Those were all my idea.” You roughly wiped away the tears, but no matter what you did, they kept falling.
“If I hadn’t suggested all that, Sohyun would still be here. You wouldn’t be left alone. Everything would be okay.” Your chest tightened as you confessed everything to him. “Sunghoon… I… I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”
You could barely breathe from crying, and through it all, Sunghoon just stood there in front of you. This must be it. He must be hating you now and cursing you to death. You wouldn’t be surprised if he suddenly told you to rot in hell. You turned away to head back to your house. You had your answers. You didn’t need to leave because Sunghoon wouldn’t want you anywhere with him anymore.
You calmed yourself and dried the tears to see your way, but a tight hug from behind stopped you in your tracks. The embrace was so firm, you could barely breathe. You cried even harder. Sunghoon turned you around and you buried your face in his chest.
‘I’m so sorry. I never thought it would all end in an accident.”
He comforted you. “Heeseung’s surprise for my sister was your idea. That’s all it was. You and Heeseung didn’t mean her any harm. Both of you just wanted to make her happy.” You pulled away slightly and looked up at him. There wasn’t a trace of hatred on his face.
“Aren’t you going to yell at me? Sohyun died because of me.” At that, you started crying again. He sighed and tried to calm you down.
“Weren’t you listening? To be honest, ever since you came back to in to my life, my anger had gradually disappeared. I think I used what happened as an excuse to keep you by my side. I could never hate you.”
“But—” He silenced you with a kiss.
“I’m sure my sister is happy up there. I know that because I felt like she’s watching over me from there. Sohyun never wanted me to live a miserable life.” He gently stroked your hair.
“She once told me that I should stop shutting myself from the world. And when she died, it felt like my anger was the only thing keeping me alive. Until I saw you again. You were so bright that I wanted to put everything behind me. And I remembered that my sister told me I always needed to stay in the light.” He carefully caressed your cheek. After a very long time, you saw the man you loved once again.
“And you are my light, Y/n. you’re my very own brand of sunshine. The moment I saw you again, I felt alive. You complete the happy days I once had.”
If this was a dream, you wished to be a princess who had slept for a long time. And if possible, you hoped never to wake up. If this was real, why did it seem so unbelievable? You had expected a mad beast with eyes full of hate, not a handsome prince with eyes filled with love.
Oh God. Is this real?
“Yes, Y/n. This is real.” You hadn’t realized that you voiced your question out.
“But, Sunghoon. I know how much Sohyun’s death affected you. I don’t want you to hide that from me just because you promised not to hurt me. Whatever makes you feel better—”
“It’s true that my sister’s death nearly killed me. But you…” He paused, searching for the right words.
“The thought of another person I love frightened the hell out of me. If I lose you, I know I won’t be able survive.”
You embraced him tightly. “I won’t leave you.”
“Do you really accept me as your husband, Y/n? Are you ready to be with me for always? Will you love me too?” He looked deep into your eyes.
You wanted to say yes. You wanted to tell him that you already loved him. That you have loved him for a long time. Your gaze shifted towards your house, where you saw your brother watching the both of you. He nodded, as if giving you the encouragement to do what you truly wanted. Slowly, a smile spread across your face. You looked up to Sunghoon, who was gazing at you with complete love. Tears pooled in your eyes again, but this time, they were tears of joy.
“I love you, Park Sunghoon.” You finally managed to say. “I’ve always loved you. Even when our paths separated, that love never faded. I still love you.” Sunghoon let put a breath, his eyes closing briefly.
He hugged you tight and kissed the top of your head. “Thank you. Thank you for loving me.”
You returned the warm embrace to your husband. “I still feel guilty about Sohyun,” you sighed.
“Stop it,” He scolded you gently. “She loves us, and I know she wants us to be happy. There’s nothing to worry about now, baby.” Right. Sohyun had been a kind and loving sister top Sunghoon. She treated you like a sibling too. She genuinely loved your brother. She wouldn’t want anyone of you to be sad.
Under the moonlight, you promised to love the man you promised to be with for a lifetime with all your heart. You would give him the light he needed and all the love you could offer. You would be together for an eternity. And it would start now.
“I love you so much. Y/n.” You heard him whisper. You tightened your hug on Sunghoon even more.
“I love you.”

It was supposed to be rainy afternoon according to the weather report last night. But the weather seemed to be cooperating with them because not a single dark cloud marred the sky. You wondered how it would feel to live in a world where there was no sadness and pain; where only the warmth of love and happiness enveloped you.
Then you realized that in this world, one need all those sufferings to appreciate the beauty of life. You should face your fears and endure trials to become a better person. You smiled as you looked back and saw your husband leaning against the tree where you were taking shelter.
Sunghoon is a great example of someone consumed by darkness, yet learning to return to the colorful world. Well, all of you went through some tough times, but you believed it was Sunghoon who suffered the most. You approached him, locking eyes. You sucked in your breath. He still looked dark and powerful, but that was just because of his striking physical appearance. The dark aura that used to surround him was gone.
“We need to get going, you know?” You reminded with a smile.
He held your waist and pulled you closer to him. “I know, baby. I was just doing some reminiscing.”
“Like when you tripped here while we were chasing after Sohyun and Heeseung?” you teased him. The corners of his lips lifted in to a smile.
“Very funny.” You grinned and planted a quick kiss on his lips.
“So… Shall we go to Sohyun’s grave?” Before, his expression darkened whenever he remembered his sister, not it didn’t. He maintained a light demeanor. It was Sohyun’s death anniversary, and you planned to visit with your brother, Heeseung. The feud between the two men had been resolved.
“Yeah, I think we should go now. I want to catch Heeseung being dramatic.”
You wrinkled your nose. “How mean.” Sunghoon just grinned and kissed you quickly on the lips. You both started walking towards his car.
“You know what? My visits to my sister will be different now,” He said.
“What do you mean?”
“Before, whenever I would visit her, I always said I would seek revenge on those responsible for her loss.” He tightened his grip on your hand. “But today would be different because you’re with me, and Heeseung and I are okay. I used to visit her with a heavy heart, but this time, I would face her with a smile.”
“And she must be smiling back at you,” You said happily.
“I know.” Sunghoon stopped walking and looked at you with lovingly.
“Thank you. Thank you for being my light, y/n.” You were momentarily taken aback but quickly returned the smile to your lips.
“I always got you. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”