Anna Lightwood - Tumblr Posts
Okay, I just realised that when it comes to clothing, men used to be just about as tightly packed in as women. Clothes covering absolutely everything including the neck and wrists because these Edwardian asshats were obsessed with collars and cuffs. I know that it is a very popular straight trope to have men in period novels go mad at the sight of a bit of cleavage or an ankle. But can we please appreciate that it works the same in reverse. Not to mention that you obviously don’t have to limit this to straight relationships. You can have some serious gay panic over a man’s collarbone showing just as easily.
Okay thanks for your attention I’m out.
I want to write a modern TLH university AU with Heronchild as the main ship and major focus on Gracetopher. All the professors are our favourite warlocks. Bridgestock, Claude and Charles are the local assholes. The gang all have their own aesthetics and subjects that they study. Like, Anna does fashion, Thomas has been into Romance languages ever since he spent a year in Spain during high school, Kamala and Alastair are both musically talented and basically the gay best friends of the faculty, Cordelia is a free spirit who takes no one’s shit, does fencing in her free time and runs the chess club. Matthew is the messed up rich kid studying art history, even though his parents are accomplished in politics and science and he’s got major issues about being the black sheep of the family. The Herondales are a really sweet middle class family, Tessa is a respected professor and Will is the principal of a local high school and all the kids love his PE classes. Their children both love books, though James is more into the classics while Lucie is a cottage core queen who wants to become a writer. She recently started dating Jesse, who began working after he got his GSCE to support himself and Grace, because they moved out together to escape Tatiana’s abuse. He supports her education and always says that Grace is the smarter out of the two of them, and will be a great scientist one day. She meets Kit through the Herondales, and James meets Matthew through Thomas and Kit, and we get a ton of Heronchild and Gracetopher content.
It’s just that this would take so much time, I’d have to start once finals are over but then I would have all summer and could see were the story takes me. Someone please tell me to do this🙏🥺
If the TLH gang went ice skating
James and Lucie went so many times with Tessa and Will they’re pretty skilled at it. Impressing Jesse and Cordelia, who both have to learn from the ground up.
Matthew of course is elegant af on ice, but still falls all the time because of his antics, starting squabbles with everyone and racing around recklessly.
No one knows why, but Grace absolutely slays, basically looking like an ice princess. She tries to help Kit even though he struggles, constantly falling over his own feet. He pulls her down by accident at one point and apologises profusely, but she just starts laughing and throws a snowball at him.
Alastair is fucking terrified, but Thomas, who used go go ice skating with his sisters, convinces him to at least try. Alastair doesn’t let go of Thomas for almost the entire time they’re on the ice. Thomas valiantly fights off Matthew for him.
Anna is practiced and elegant, and patiently teaches Kamala, occasionally catching her in her arms whenever she falls.
Lucie and Jesse can’t stop being silly and end up rolling around the ice half the time.
Matthew initiates squabbles with James until they’re both soaking wet and panting, but is at his best gentlemanly behaviour with Cordelia.
Cordelia doesn’t have any practice but puts her mind to mastering it anyways, and she manages to almost outrace James by the end of the night. He wins, but turns around and catches her in his arms at the last second.

I don’t even have the live wallpaper feature but I still made these because I like glittery gifs and I’m in love with Cassie’s TLH art. The contrast is intentionally low so they can be used as background for anything.
EDIT -> these get absolutely shredded upon download, so here’s a link in case anyone actually wants to use them:

Cordelia and Anna just really want to feel the nice fabrics okay? They’re 100% the most texture oriented people of the squad. The rest of the gays are just having a nice hangout at the restaurant.

My take on the McDonalds chart
Currently working on different drafts for a TLH social media AU/aesthetic/thingy and I’m torn between making it celebrity culture with twitter and tabloid headers or just a laid back college setting with insta posts
I’ll probably make a couple posts with insta profiles & stories, private messages, and in case of a celeb AU twitter threads and tabloid headlines.
In either case I can already tell you that it will feature Eugenia, there will be a band, and that Matthew and Alastair make a habit of taking jabs at each other on their public profiles.
Also feel free to send me ideas for what you think would fit for each character/ship in a modern setting.

I am of the staunch conviction that every single dark-haired sassy Herondale and Lightwood of the last 150 years has inherited these attributes from Linette Owens.
No you can’t change my mind.

Bit of a Chain of gold series art dump 🎨♥️
it’s their respective form form of self-sabotage
Anna and Matthew= the heartbreaker and the heartbroken
I love these so much I feel the need to expand:
Cordelia: proof that not being able to drive doesn’t stop you from excelling at everything else I might like this so much because I also can’t drive
James: kinda funny because of the irony but ouch on a deeper level because maybe he feels like he needs it to keep himself from slipping into the shadow realm and to feel more rooted to reality and light — maybe though it’s just a misunderstanding and what’s really going on is he always falls asleep while reading with the little lamp still on (cordelia/matthew turns it off for him, puts the book aside (page marked) and properly covers him in a blanket every time this happens) — or both
Matthew: just canon
Lucie: ‘course she doesn’t she’s a writer
Thomas: listen, the man’s got so much to stress about I can’t blame him for trying to cope somehow (I feel like he’d feel kinda insecure about it and try to keep himself from doing it when others are around)
Christopher: he would only start a blog as something niche / special interest related and gain infamy on accident
Alastair: it’s his little totem to make him feel safer when he checks under the bed every night because of that one time Cordelia scared him half to death let’s not talk about how he probably feels like he has to be all mature and grown up and shouldn’t keep stuffed animals anymore but also he can’t part with it so he’s keeping it out of sight i’m gonna cry bye
Anna: I feel like she has such an amazing, soulful singing voice, like I’d probably swoon if I heard her sing, it’s just another thing for the ladies to be attracted to her about
Ari: I like the idea of her having this competitive streak and fucking everyone over because of it (this now escalated into the mental image of the entire gang loosing their mind in a group gaming session)
Grace: she embraces the cat mom thing post-ChoT 100% (and also in any modern AU case, I talked about my modern headcanon for her before and I very much believe that getting a cat (or several) would be part of her journey to finding peace and happiness — these cats are part of her safe space)
i did the character headcanon generator with the tlh characters

anna has cannoncally hooked up with virginia woolf and i think you all need to know that

christopher lightwood’s lab bench is always full of clutter and papers he’s constantly misplacing and setting on fire - but if there’s one object on there that’s he’ll protect with his life it’s his favourite photograph of himself & anna 🫶
characters by @cassandraclare 🤍

The Last Hours icons
like/reblog if you save
art by Charlie Bowater

Chain of Gold | Cassandra Clare
My first fanfiction (Published)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Last Hours Series - Cassandra Clare, The Shadowhunter Chronicles - Cassandra Clare Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Alastair Carstairs & Thomas Lightwood Characters: Alastair Carstairs, Thomas Lightwood, Anna Lightwood, Christopher Lightwood, Ariadne Bridgestock Additional Tags: AlastairxThomas, Thomas/Alastair, Alastair Deserves Happiness, anna lightwood - Freeform, lightstairs - Freeform, Interrupted, Cassandra Clare - Freeform, gay and lesbian solidarity, Lightwoods helping Lightwoods Summary:
A little fic based off of the unidentified snippet Cassie posted. Potential Spoilers for Chain of Gold? I’m not sure what is considered a spoiler.
Fanfiction Prompts?
hi i’m bored and can’t think of what to write