Fire Lord Ozai - Tumblr Posts
Someone has probably already pointed this out before, but Ozai and Iroh's father's name is Azulon, and Ursa's father's name is Jinzuk. In the Fire Nation, it is customary for children's names to resemble those of their grandparents. So… Zuko is named after Ursa's side, Azula is named after Ozai's side
I'm screeching, this is the best worst use of this meme omgg 😭😭😭
I would pay money to see Spider and Zuko react to this
My best work

Caption this
So I wanna preface by saying I'm really enjoying the Netflix series. There are things that I think original the show did better (Zuko's outburst during the war council meeting, Katara freeing Aang because she lost her shit at Sokka), some I think the new show did better (having Zhao lead the attack on Kyoshi, all the expanded scenes with Zuko and Iroh, and especially having Zuko's crew be the 41st division), and some I don't particularly feel that strongly about that were just different (the restructuring of a lot of the season one plot points and Zuko actually fighting Ozai). However I think the only two things I actively dislike about the new show is the removal of Zuko and Zhao's Agni Kai and the way they changed Ozai's character to actually care about Zuko.
The fight with Zhao after his complete lack of respect for Zuko is one of the best moments of season one and is what initially establishes Zuko as a character that is more than meets the eye. As for Ozai, in the original show, the thing that makes him work as an actually solid villain isn't the fact that he's a badass dictator or anything like that it's the fact that he honest to god does not give two fucks about either of his children. He's an abusive piece of shit who publicly mutilates his son in front of hundreds of people and sent him on a wild goose chase to get rid of the child he viewed as a disappointment. The live action has stripped all of that away. He's still a shitty father but underneath that is someone who in his own fucked up way cares about Zuko. And that actively makes him a lesser character. He's little more than a standard issue evil dictator here and the fact that he scars Zuko seems like is was done more out of necessity for Zuko's backstory. If Zuko didn't need to have the scar I honestly wouldn't be able to see the live action version of Ozai doing it
Atla AU where during the Eclipse, Zuko confronts his father, and Ozai is shocked when he discovers that his son can redirect lightning.
… that is to say, when Zuko receives the lightning thrown at him and is momentarily overwhelmed by the sheer amount of power rushing through his body, he’s not thinking as much about where he’s aiming his redirection than he maybe should have been, and his father receives a shot-to-kill lightning bolt directly to the chest. Fatally.
Zuko comes to his senses and is left alone in a room with a body, and a terrible feeling in his stomach.
To his surprise, when the eclipse ends, the doors open, and the guards rush in, he’s not immediately exiled, or executed, or even imprisoned. He’s simply met with mouths agape and the sort of silence you’d expect when the fate of a nation hangs in the balance. He’s taken to a quiet room while the Fire Sages examine the crime scene to determine what the will of the spirits is, and then brought out again to face them when they’ve made their decision.
Any member of the Royal Family can challenge for the right to rule via Agni Kai. Zuko challenged his father, and although it was not a match in the traditional sense, it was only fair for him to do so after his father’s disrespect of the ‘traditional sense’ in enacting Agni Kai three years ago; and won. The Fire Sages announce that by the Spirits’ decree, he is the rightful Firelord.
Zuko does not tell them what happened, nor correct them when they make the assumption that he has mastered the cold-blooded fire and shot lighting as an attack on his father and an attempt to gain the throne for himself. He stays silent, he does not speak up when they talk politics, he does not protest in the slightest. All he feels is a numbed fear of what this means, what this means for him, but more importantly, what this means for the war. It was not his destiny to defeat the Fire Lord. His father taken down by another member the royal family is expected at best, a cause for martyrdom at the worst- but it is not a victory for the Avatar. It is not in itself something that will bring the end of the Fire Nation’s conquest, and Zuko knows enough politics to know that he is trapped. If the Avatar had taken out the Fire Lord, there would be hope in the other nations, and there would be doubt within his own nation, enough so that altogether they could be steered back onto the right path, but that didn’t happen. With him on the throne now, he is trapped in rooms with admirals and generals and bloodthirsty tyrants who would be more than happy to figurehead him while they carry out their own sick ideas, or who would see him fall for what he did to their old and more respected head of state. They do not respect him, for his age, for his inexperience, for his disrespect. He cannot speak out, he is in no position to instigate real change.
He knows he cannot abdicate the throne either, because however bad he has it, his sister in his position would solve nothing. Even if she thinks she is, she’s not ready to be the Fire Lord, and obviously she has wildly different ideas of what makes a good leader to him. He can’t find his uncle, let alone face him this way.
And also because for the war to end, the Avatar has to defeat the Fire Lord. If Azula were on the throne, Zuko has no doubt that this ‘defeat’ would be in the same vein as what would have been Ozai’s.
He doesn’t know what it means for him. He has an idea, and it’s not like it’s much better, but if he can spare anyone else from what’s coming, it’s the least he can do, maybe the only thing he can do to try, right?
A funeral is held for his father. The Fire Sages announce to the nation what the spirits have made of his death, and proudly crown Zuko the new Fire Lord. They proclaim that it is a good omen for their nation, a sign of their just cause to have such a strong leader come and enact justice in order to claim the throne and lead their nation to victory.
Agni guided his hand, they say, and with it, the start of a prosperous new era. Long live Fire Lord Zuko!
The citizens of his nation accept him readily, and there is a terrible feeling in his stomach.
“Why is everyone wearing white?”
Sokka poked a finger at one of the locals, less inconspicuously than he might have thought. “I thought red was supposed to be these people’s colour. We look out of place.”
“Haven’t you heard?” The merchant at the stall over thumbed out a pamphlet, and handed it, unfortunately enough, to the one of them that couldn’t read. “We’re in mourning. You two should be in mourning too.”
Sokka tried not to be too indignant at the man’s eavesdropping, but he supposed information was information. And this seemed like pretty important information. “Okay, well, who died?”
“Who died? Have you been under a rock?” At that, Toph smirked, but Sokka was too concerned with this sudden news to bring up the semantics of the Western Air Temple.
“Just tell me!” Sokka felt a piece of paper in his hand, as Toph had finally decided to relinquish her useless bounty. Sokka whipped it up to read, and his eyes caught on the words the exact moment the merchant clarified-
“Fire Lord Ozai?!”
This was unbelievable. This was completely insane. This was…
Sokka knew that this should have been good news, but all he felt was a horrible, terrible, growing sense of dread in his stomach. Beside him, Toph had stopped moving, and Sokka knew she was listening very intently for something.
“It’s true,” she helpfully confirmed. Even she couldn’t keep the surprise out of her voice.
“He was killed during the Day of the Black Sun,” the merchant went on. “Not by the invading forces, but within the sanctity of the palace walls themselves.”
The pit in Sokka’s stomach grew larger.
“It was lightning that defeated him. He was struck down, they say, in Agni Kai. Defeated by his son, and successor.”
This was bad. This was very bad.
“So that means…” Sokka’s gut had figured it out, but his brain was still putting the pieces together.
“We have a new Fire Lord, one who inspires us, one who gives us hope that we will end this war victorious.”
“Zuko.” Toph stated bluntly, without a hint of readable emotion in her voice.
Sokka corrected her. “Fire Lord Zuko.”
thinking about how avatar legends implies that Lu Ten was on his way to figuring out that the Fire Nation were the bad guys pre unfortunate demise, so naturally here’s an AU where Lu Ten gets it together sometime before he dies during the siege of Ba Sing Se, does something about it, consequently survives, and how it would affect the rest of the world.
Lu Ten had always been a people person, a skill which served him well as the future crown prince and made him a favourite in the court, and a skill that led to him realising that the way that the Fire Nation treated other people as a whole was not something he could stand to be a part of anymore. He’d always been sheltered from the brunt of it, he suspected in part due to his duty as a prince not being one that involves seeing the worst of what your nation has to offer, and just as equally due to his own father trying to preserve his innocence at best, and trying to deliberately avoid sparking his natural curiosity at worst. He’d worked his way up in the military by his own hand as a result, in order to get his answers on the frontlines himself- and what he’d found wasn’t pretty. The Siege of Ba Sing Se has torn families apart, seen cultural history razed to ashes, and has in no way done anything to spread the peace and prosperity of his nation with the innocent people of the Earth Kingdom. It had confirmed all his worst fears about the Fire Nation, and about his own father. Lu Ten knew there was truth to be found, and truth he did find- a truth he could not stand by and idly ignore.
And so Lu Ten challenged his father, on the five hundred and fiftieth day of the siege. It was not a rallying call for action, or a public spectacle, rather a series of raised concerns in the enclosed space of a tented war meeting. But it was a challenge in the eyes of the seated officers, it was a challenge by Fire Nation law- he had undermined his own father’s authority, challenged his honour, and there was only one way to settle these sorts of things. If Iroh wanted to keep the respect of his men, he would have to fight his own son, and win, in Agni Kai.
Neither of them wanted this. Iroh offered Lu Ten the first strike. Lu Ten refused, and when Iroh persisted, refused to fight at all. Although Lu Ten would not surrender, it would be the easiest victory in Fire Nation history.
Iroh could not bring himself to harm his son, but if he let Lu Ten go without any punishment, he would lose the respect of his men. He asked, then commanded Lu Ten to surrender, to accept that his father was right. But Lu Ten simply refused, over and over. An hour went by without a single flame. Eventually, Iroh realised that even in stalling, he was losing. He did not like what he had to do, but his son was grown. He had forced his hand, and he could not be allowed to think that he was exempt from his duty as a citizen due to his status.
Iroh sent out a burst of flame. It would have been ridiculously easy to avoid, or to block, and then Lu Ten would have fought back enough for his defeat to not ridicule Iroh.
But Lu Ten simply let it wash over him, let it touch upon and burn his skin. It hurt, but it reinforced a further truth within his mind- his father would choose his nation over his own son. That was the last thing he’d needed to know.
Iroh was able to call a defeat there and then, a punishment enacted, a warning that Lu Ten would be further reprimanded later. But when he reached his son’s tent hours after, he found it only empty- of both the firebender and his belongings. Lu Ten had disappeared, and as the next morning made evidently clear, deserted.
Only days later, Iroh returned to the Fire Nation in disgrace. The Siege of Ba Sing Se had been on a downwards slide, but the Agni Kai had damaged morale, and had publicly humiliated the Dragon of the West, causing the Fire Lord to order a strategic retreat. The once-great General had been made an example of by his traitorous son, and had brought shame upon their entire bloodline as a result.
When Iroh’s younger brother suggested a change in the order of succession not long after, Fire Lord Azulon was a little more open to the possibility. Ozai was made the Crown Prince, and Ursa was there to see it. Iroh did not grieve his son, nor chase him over the world in a spiritually enlightening journey of self-discovery. Instead, he closed off and hardened up after his failure, much to the dismay of Ursa and the young prince Zuko.
Lu Ten became the Fire Nation’s most wanted criminal, but seemed to disappear off the face of the planet entirely. No one could catch him, no one could ever seem to see him. Some joked he’d gone and found the Avatar. But it was made clear that he no longer had a home to return to.
Sozin’s Comet was close approaching, and it was time for a new era. A new Fire Lord was crowned, after the old one perished peacefully in his sleep. The Fire Lady went missing, although not many noticed, as she’d appeared in the public eye less and less.
The new crown prince of the Fire Nation found himself in a war meeting, and as some things never change, was unable to stop himself from standing up for what he believed in.
Zuko consequently found himself in an Agni Kai arena, facing his father. Under different circumstances this might have gone some other way, but Zuko had heard about his cousin. He’d heard what had happened, how even though his father had tried not to hurt him, he’d come away burned, disgraced, and had almost toppled the entire royal family as a result. He’d heard how Lu Ten had refused to fight, and how his own nation wanted him dead for it.
Zuko knew he was not as widely beloved as Lu Ten, and he knew that his father was not afraid to hurt him, not if it taught him a lesson. So even though everything inside him screamed this is wrong, this is cruel, this is unfair, don’t fight him, don’t let yourself become a part of this, Zuko did not back down. He knew that his father could not and did not expect him to win. He knew that his father wanted to publicly demonstrate that his will as the Fire Lord was correct, and as such, he would receive the least punishment if he helped to show this. Defeating a child who did not fight- that was not a display of strength. Zuko was expected to fight for his honour, and he was expected to lose, but the honour was in the act of fighting, not winning.
Zuko rose, and accepted his opponent. He swallowed his every instinct, and took the first strike, a weak and pitiful thing. Zuko fought, and some part deep within himself was irrevocably changed as a result.
He lost, but his father did not banish him, did not brand him. He was dishonoured, but he was allowed to stay, allowed to learn from his ‘mistake’ in the sanctity of the palace walls, surrounded by tutors and teachers appointed by the Fire Lord.
Zuko did in fact learn something. He learnt to sit down, and shut up.
It didn’t matter what he thought. He was too young to understand the scale that the Fire Nation operated at, too inexperienced to understand the weight of the sacrifices his people made for him. And he was clearly alone in whatever he’d thought before, as no one had stood up for him in the arena, no one had offered to take his place, or spoken up for him. That was just how things were done, and Zuko was alone.
His father had been angry with him after the battle: not that he’d fought, but that he’d fought weakly. That was going to have to be the first thing remedied. If Zuko were to be the crown prince, it would not do to have Agni’s chosen be outshined by even his own younger sister.
His mother was not there to protect him. His uncle was busy with his own things. His cousin had left him, had run away, never to return.
The new firebending teachers were ruthless, painful, and effective. If he disappointed them even slightly, the price to pay was high.
Zuko learnt how to suppress his emotions, and in turn, himself. It worked.
Lu Ten had learnt how to fend for himself during his time in the military, and had been able to live off the land, travelling from Earth Kingdom village to village for the better part of three years, before he heard of the Avatar’s re-emergence.
Wasn’t that something.
He’d spent much of his time helping people, both through hands on work that his youth, strength, and fitness allowed him to take on beyond most people in needs’ own capabilities, and through very small scale political and charity work where his charm managed to set things right. Nothing that could draw too much attention to himself though, as he knew the bounty on his head was high. He’d been working his way down through the continent, and had managed to avoid any dangerous confrontation with his homeland so far.
Then the Avatar arrived, and Lu Ten was no longer the Fire Nation’s most wanted. Lu Ten himself was greatly pleased at the news, and hoped that it might herald the end of the war. He also hoped to one day meet the spirit, but had no plans of his own to seek him out.
That was, until he heard the word of his capture, by none other than the newly-promoted Admiral Zhao. The Avatar had been apprehended, and was being held in Pohuai Stronghold.
Pohuai Stronghold? That’s not too far from here.
And so it happened that armed with a single sword, an Earth Kingdom theatre mask he’d spontaneously picked up from a street vendor after being reminded of a game his young cousins used to play that involved sneaking around (Zuko, although you’d probably disagree with me for doing this, this one’s for you), and a dream, the former prince of the Fire Nation met the Avatar in the highest cell of the fortress, and then again properly after a successful escape.
“Ha. Azula, come have a look at this.”
His sister walked up to him and snatched the letter out of his hands. “This is a correspondence from Admiral Zhao saying that the Avatar is no longer in holding at Pohuai Stronghold. What’s funny about that?”
“Read the details. He was broken out by a single man wearing a Dark Water Spirit mask. Can you imagine?”
Azula sighed. “I can, actually. That sounds like just the kind of stupid thing that you would do. In fact, if it weren’t impossible for you to have traveled that distance in the time since it happened, you would be my first suspect.”
He laughed again. “I’m flattered, although I’m not stupid enough to break into a highly armoured Fire Nation prison with only a sword.”
The eye roll of serious doubt he received in response was almost audible.
“I would have brought two swords.”
“Idiot.” Azula read the rest of the letter. “Either way, this isn’t something to laugh about. We’ve lost the Avatar, who if you’ve forgotten, could bring an end to our whole civilisation.”
That did sort of kill the mood a little bit. She was right, as always.
“… But it’s a little funny that it happened to Zhao, of all people.”
“That guy is such a kiss-ass.”
“Trying to get in the Fire Lord’s good graces when he can’t even defend a fortress from a single lowly peasant in a play-mask?”
“They’ll make anyone an admiral these days,” Zuko agreed, and they both smiled, united by their hatred of a common enemy.
There was a moment of quiet that followed, and they both took turns reading the letter again.
“I should hope our ground forces in the area are at least competent enough to find and apprehend the criminal shortly,” Azula decided.
“Maybe we should push for an execution. It would send a message to those would-be ‘heroes’ looking to harbour the Avatar.”
Zuko sighed. “Probably for the best.”
this is only just the beginning. I have more planned. Lu Ten bonding with team Avatar, Iroh having a later-in-life come around to being wrong. Azula and Zuko being sent on missions together, and Zuko WILL be forcibly kidnapped, separated, and taken under someone’s wing whether he likes it or not (he won’t). Silly things happen, but at the end of the day, it’s all towards the same goal.
And even in this different universe, some things won’t change. And some things that seem to have changed already will right themselves with time.

"How can you possibly justify a dual with a child?"

So let's talk about Aang... He is established from episode one as a gentle, friendly boy. A "sweet little guy" as Katara later puts it. It is also established that Aang, though willing to fight if he has to, is not a confrontational person. Aang is also the Avatar, making him the single most powerful individual on the planet. On top of that, he was also able to completely master four distinct and complicated martial arts disciplines as a child, while on the run. Aang was raised to value life. "The monks always taught me that all life is sacred. Even the life of the tiniest spider - fly caught in it's own web." And he anguishes over having to possibly kill Fire Lord Ozai before he finds another way. However, Aang has killed before. In the episode 'The Library' Appa is kidnapped by sandbenders. Aang becomes the angriest we've ever seen him. In the following episode 'The Desert' the gaang are attacked by some sort of massive flying insects. Aang, angry and in pain over losing not only his friend, but also his last living tie to his people, lashes out. He chases down and kills one of the insects with a single and remorseless blow. When Toph identifies the sandbenders who took Appa, his anger boils over and triggers the Avatar State, putting everyone in danger until Katara is able to calm him down. If Aang had killed the bug while in the Avatar State, then you could argue that he had no control over his actions. But he didn't, he was completely aware and in control of all his choices. In his anger and grief he made a conscious choice to take a life. Now, taking the life of an insect might not seem like big deal to us, but it is to Aang. Remember, ALL LIFE IS SACRED. The very fact that something is alive, no matter what it is, should be considered holy. By taking the bug's life Aang is not only acting against his nature, he is committing an act of sacrilege according to the teachings of his people. I believe that this action had a huge impact on Aang when the time came for him to face the Fire Lord. He has more reason to hate Ozai than almost anyone. It was his ancestor who slaughtered his people, leaving Aang alone in the world. His actions led directly to personal injury or trauma for every single one of Aang's friends. And he is going to attempt to commit a second act of genocide. Everyone, even his own past lives, tell him to kill Ozai, that he would be in the right to do so. It would be much simpler, and much easier than trying to take him alive. Aang claims to a past incarnation that he's never taken a life, but I think that, like us, eventually he was able to forgive himself for killing the bug. Enough to pretend to forget about it, it seems. But he knows what it's like to take a life away now, and he knows that killing Ozai is a far bigger sin than killing a mindless insect. I think that's part of the reason why Aang is so desperate for an alternative course of action. He'd be completely justified, even praised for killing Ozai. It's what the world expects him to do. But he knows now that he's not a killer at heart. Taking a man's life is not something he can come back from. It goes against his nature, his beliefs, and his people's teachings. His entire world view is at risk if he does this. It's one of Aang's darkest points, but I believe that if he hadn't killed that insect in the desert he might have let himself be talked into killing Ozai. He would have been changed forever from the sweet and gentle character we love. Killing that insect, contrary though it may seem, probably saved him, and by extension, may have saved the world.
Honestly Ozai’s treatment of zuko and Azula was probably less about who they were and more about him projecting what he wishes his father would have done for him with Iroh.
He is after all a second born child himself and he’s always just wanted his father to see that he was the better child.
Azula was never a person to Ozai not really she was just his self insert in the fanfiction he was writing himself. It’s why she stops mattering the moment he finds something bigger than being fire lord.
The Atla characters as Pirates of The Caribbean quotes
This is my favorite movie franchise don’t @ me
Aang: There will come a moment when you have a chance to do the right thing.
Toph: I love those moments. I like to wave at them as they pass by.
Katara: This is madness!
Toph: This is politics.
Aang: Look what I got! I’ve got a jar of dirt! I’ve got a jar of dirt! And guess what’s inside it!
Zuko: This is either madness or brilliance.
Sokka: It’s remarkable how often those two traits coincide.
Sokka: My peanut.
Sokka: NOBODY MOVE! I’ve dropped me brain.
Zuko: You are without doubt the worst pirate I’ve ever heard of!
Aang: But you have heard of me.
Suki: Yes, the rum is gone!
Sokka: But why is the rum gone?
Toph: The code is more what you’d call “guidelines” than actual rules.
Sokka: Suki?
Sokka: *turns to Aang* hide the rum.
Mai: I’m disinclined to acquiesce to your request
Ty Lee: What?
Mai: Means no.
Zuko: You actually were telling the truth.
Azula: I do that quite a lot yet people are always surprised.
Ty Lee: We shall have a magnificent garden party, and you’re not invited.
Azula: You may throw my hat.
Ty Lee: Oh thank you sir! *throws hat* Hooray!
Azula: Now go get it.
Aang: What vexes all men?
Katara: What indeed?
Toph: The sea?
Sokka: Sums?
Zuko: the dichotomy of good and evil?
Ozai: *growls*
Aang: *screams*
Ukano: You’re mad!
King Bumi: Thank goodness for that otherwise this would never work!
I want to clear up a mistake people make with Azula and Ursa.
Ursa didn’t play favorites.
Ursa didn’t think Azula was a monster.
Ursa simply, unequivocally, just didn’t enable Azula’s worst traits like Ozai did.
Ozai’s favorite child was Azula, but Ursa still loved her more.
Because enabling isn’t love.
What did Ozai’s enabling do? It made Azula into the type of person to never have any loyal friends. It made the type of person that Mai and Tai Lee would betray at the risk of their own lives.
Ursa pushed Azula to be with her friends. To be with Zuko. Ozai pushed Ursa away, and both kids suffered for it. Azula became a sadist, enjoying seeing her brother get burned—while Zuko was pushed away because he cared for his people.
Azula thought her mom hated her because her mom was the only one who cared enough to tell her no.
This is amazing as it always frustrated me that they never said what happened in the series, and from what I understand this is all cannon. Since ATLA is on Netflix I thought I’d share this with y’all
Firelord Ozai has pink nipples. What am I supposed to do with this knowledge?
Zuko: My dad was not a hugger.
Sokka: Your dad didn't hug you?
Zuko: Well he patted me on the back once, but I was on fire, so I can't be sure that was genuine affection.
im feeling a very specific emotion that i have only felt in very specific situations for very specific people and it's extremely violent and graphic and pouring it into words isnt exactly what someone would call healthy
Problems with "The Search" Comic
The Implausible Secrecy of Ursa's Backstory
I found this little gem from the commentary of the Search Comic (Part One). (Long rant ahead!)

Mike - We added this detail of Ozai forbidding Ursa from speaking of her old life again as a way to explain why Ursa's hometown and relation to Avatar Roku was not common knowledge. (In "The Avatar and the Fire Lord," Iroh tells Zuko that Avatar Roku was his great-grandfather on his mother's side.) It also parallels the present story in a cool way: When Ursa married Ozai, she had to forget her past. Later, she makes a similar choice.
Essentially, the scene of Ozai telling Ursa to bid her parents farewell mainly/somewhat serves to narratively establish that "Ursa's hometown and relation to Avatar Roku was not common knowledge" despite her marrying into royalty.
This comic suggests that the general population of the Fire Nation never knew Ursa's backstory even though she and Ozai were together for 10+ years. And somehow, no new information about her came out during her time in the Capital. Even if the royal family bothered to concoct a backstory for her, anyone could have realised it didn't add up and/or gotten information from at least one of the 100+ royal servants. Heck, her parents attended the wedding and sat a few feet away from her, surely they would have interacted with someone (I mean how else does Iroh have Roku's headpiece).
Then there's "the fire nation town of Hira'a", described as a "small town - on the outskirts of the Fire Nation." The townsfolk know her, aren't supposed to talk about her, but can't help but speculate. Apparently, the town’s (official yet laughable) story is that "she was - taken to - Capital City on some sort of official business" accompanied by "rumours" of her "supposedly" marrying into the royal family. And "rumours" of her returning to town, and entering Forgetful Valley.
I can't believe I haven't seen any posts addressing how absurd and farfetched this is. This isn't even mentioning how the Search retconned Ursa's noble upbringing, which is evident on her Avatar Lore page (I could make another post for that).
Here are some more photos and info:

"No one's seen or heard from Ursa since she was taken to - Capital City!" said almost two years after Zuko's coronation.
Gee, no wonder Azula was tempted to burn the place down. Somehow a Fire Nation town (seemingly) doesn't know that Ursa married Ozai. Though I’m certain that wasn’t what the writers intended, and am certain that Azula mostly acts out-of-character throughout the comics (I could make another post for that).

Please note that in the Avatar Lore Pages, "royalty" is (seemingly) sometimes used synonymously with "nobility" (see Mai and Onji).

i be drawing all this dragon art to avoid do the work for my finals coming up 😭🙏
First of all, my English is practically non-existent so I'm using a translator. I really wanted to share because if I couldn't sleep, I'm sorry.
Avatar Tangled Au(?
This story begins with the sun.
Then, a long time ago, a drop of sunlight fell from the sky and out of this little drop of sunshine, grew a magical golden flower.
This flower had the ability to heal the sick and wounded.
One day the second son of the fire Lord found her and that day something more was learned about the gift of agni: it increased the power of fire control.
Naturally, the prince jealously kept the flower for himself.
Years passed and when the prince's wife told him that she was pregnant he could not help but fill his body with joy.
But his happiness did not last long, his beloved wife fell ill. She was going to die, her son was going to die.
However, his older brother refused to let him go through the pain of losing his wife and started looking for a miracle, or in this case a magical golden flower.
The magic of the flower saved the life of princess Ursa and ozai not only won a son, he had found a new magical flower.
But this time he would make sure no one could take it away.
"Why can't I go out?" the little boy sighed in frustration.
"The outside world isa dangerous place, full of horrible and selfish people." with a smile, ozai brushes her son's long hair. "You must stay here, where you are safe, do you understand, sunbeam?"
"Yes daddy"