Ayda Aguefort - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago


Inspiration above

TW death, grief


Five Funerals

They lose Fig first.

Comes with the territory when you're an archdevil - somebody's always looking to take your spot. "Don't worry about it," she says, opening a Planeshift to the recording studio. "It's just the usual rebellious fiends. Icythorz and Bolhondrus and the rest. I'll be back before you know it." She looks resplendent in black leather, the Unfaithable Bass slung across her back, riding the fiery Daymare surrounded in jagged red shards.

Adaine knows before everyone else, but can't believe the vision to be true until she learns that Ayda is gone, too. She scratched every memory of Fig out of her notes before starting over - it was too much pain to bear. The five of them know how it feels.


It's a few years before they take another hit. Another mission to the Mountains of Chaos, another world-ending calamity to be stopped because Who Else Is Going To Save The World? A small misstep, a miscalculation (six where there should be five, they're only five now) and suddenly the routine becomes deadly.

Riz takes the fall. "It's easier this way," he says, in his last moments. "I'll still see you." And he does. Agent Gukgak Jr., now, with some extra responsibility. But he still comes by. Sometimes. Every so often. Often enough.


Kristen is next. Only one thing could bring down the most gifted cleric of the age - sacrificing herself for her friends. Third time's the charm when it comes to death, it turns out.

Gorgug is the most hopeful that she'll come back, that she'll find a way again, like in the Nightmare Forest. But Adaine knows this is the end. Even Arthur Aguefort agrees. He quotes Alanis Morissette at her funeral. The followers of Cassandra pull out all the stops.

Adaine, Fabian, and Gorgug have their own ceremony at Ashgrove, next to the Gukgak family plot. It's quiet. Bucky cries into Ragh's shoulder. Aelwyn, Jawbone, and Gertie collect flowers. Tracker stays for a few minutes to say goodbye.


They quit adventuring after Kristen's funeral. And they don't lose anyone else for a long time. Riz still visits, every few years. They talk about the good old days, how silly it was that Baron was so terrifying when at the end of the day it was an honest conversation that finally did him in. There's rumours that Kristen has ascended to goddesshood herself - Adaine doesn't buy it. She's not the type to be revered.

They come out of retirement for the only reason they would - to bring back one of their own. They finally found Fig's soul, trapped in a ruby in the darkest levels of the Abyss. They can't ask anyone to come with them - it's too dangerous, it's too personal. It's missions like this that kill people.

And when it's all over, when Adaine carries Fabian's burnt, unconscious body back to Morded Manor, they have another funeral to plan.

Gorbag and Roz have already passed, and Wilma and Digby are too old to make preparations, so it falls to Jawbone to organize it. He knows they don't want a lot of fanfare. It's at Ashgrove again, just Adaine and Fabian and the Thistlesprings, and Aelwyn and Ragh. Sandra-Lynn is back in Solace - she sends Adaine a heartfelt text saying she appreciates the invitation, but she can't bring herself to come.

Riz doesn't show for the ceremony - he's desperately scouring the heavenly realms, trying to make sure Gorgug ended up somewhere he wasn't afraid of. Orcish heaven doesn't have him, he reports, and neither does Cassandra.

If he's trapped in the Abyss with Fig, at least they have each other.


Adaine sees Fabian's death the night of Gorgug's funeral. She needs to prepare, she tells herself. She knows it's going to be hard. She needs all the time she can get, and she needs to know which goodbye will be their last.

They grow old together. Not romantically, although some speculate. Fabian becomes a multiclass advisor at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy. Adaine works in Bastion City as an archivist, with occasional trips to Fallinel for Oracle services. They go for vacations sometimes, but never for too long. The memories find them no matter where they go. Sometimes Adaine wishes she could be Ayda, scrape off the old wounds and start fresh. Arthur talks about her sometimes. She's never had the same spark as that one lifetime, he says.

Adaine watches the wrinkles grow beside Fabian's eye, watches his hair turn grey, watches the Future of Dance become its Mentor. He trades his Battlesheet for a cane-sword, then a regular cane. He takes to wearing the Gregorian necktie to classes, no matter how much it clashes with his outfit. They both wonder how many of their own teachers lost party members.

Adaine holds Fabian's wrinkled hand on his deathbed, in his old room at Seacaster Manor. He grins, flashes the same perfect teeth as on the first day of Freshman Year. "Bet you didn't see this one coming, did you?"

"I did," she whispers, tears streaming down her young elven face. "I knew it would end like this. But I always hoped it would last forever."

They're the last words he hears.

It's not the first funeral Adaine organizes. All the Bad Kids held one for Buddy Dawn, back in high school. She and Fabian worked together on the services for Jawbone, Ragh, and Chungledown Bim - who finally caught up to Fabian in both of their old ages. It is the first funeral she has to organize alone.

Some of Fabian's students attend. Arthur Aguefort gives a short speech, and a few students hear the story of Kalvaxus' return for the first time. Adaine sits with Aelwyn in the front row, a few seats down from Hallariel. Gilear records the service to show Telemaine later. Riz is somewhere deep undercover - he maybe hasn't even heard yet.

She always knew she'd be the last. She didn't expect it to hurt so much.


Adaine stumbles through a few years before she finds herself again. They pass so fast without a mortal lifespan to hold up against them. She drifts between Fallinel and Bastion City for the most part, with occasional return trips to Elmville. Aelwyn always has a place for her to stay. Seacaster Manor was turned into a dormitory for Aguefort students who needed a place to study, or sleep, or stay away from home for a while. Tracker converted Morded Manor into a temple/bed-and-breakfast for worshipers of Galicaea. Strongtower Luxury Apartments was demolished soon after Fabian started teaching at Aguefort. It seems like everything is different now.

Adaine visits Leviathan once, on a whim. The Compass Points hasn't changed a bit. On a chance meeting in the stacks, Ayda looks at her with a spark of familiarity.

"Adaine Abernant?"

"Yes... you remember me?"

Ayda shakes her head. "There are mentions of you in my journals. I leave journals for when I regenerate-"

"I know. I remember."

Ayda looks intrigued. "I wrote that you were a great wizard, and a good friend. I hear from other sources that you are the Elven Oracle. Perhaps you can shed some light on why the pages around yours are torn to shreds or redacted to the point of unreadability?"

Adaine places a gentle hand on Ayda's shoulder. "I don't know if you'd want that. You lost someone you cared about, so much that you thought it was better to forget her than to bear the pain of losing her."

Ayda considers this. "Is it better to forget?" she asks. "Would you give up the memories of those you lost, in order to keep a logical mind?"

"No. Not for anything."

"Then we should talk."

Adaine smiles. "I'd like that."



Thanks for reading all the way through! I wrote most of this at 2am and the conclusion the next morning. Please take a reblog to share with your friends or drop a like to let me know you enjoyed - or hated - the story!

Ask me anything about it, please, I love discussing these kinds of theories!!!

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10 months ago
"We Have Been On Our Way To Save Us Since Before The Lights Of Our World Were First Lit Pretty Cool,

"We have been on our way to save us since before the lights of our world were first lit… pretty cool, my darling paramour"

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9 months ago
Tumblr Gets This Little Ayda Drawing Early

tumblr gets this little ayda drawing early 🤲

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9 months ago

free my girl ayda they put her in time prison!! with her fucking father!!!

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9 months ago
Father Daughter Bonding FANTASY HIGH SENIOR YEAR WHEN >_

father daughter bonding‼️‼️‼️ FANTASY HIGH SENIOR YEAR WHEN >_<

(The drawing without text under the cut)

Father Daughter Bonding FANTASY HIGH SENIOR YEAR WHEN >_

Agueforts ❤️❤️

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8 months ago
Doing A Little Trend!

Doing a little trend!

@cloudmancy did the background for this one!!! ( He's literally the best one that ever existed)

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8 months ago

Fig drops out and starts hanging out at the Compass Points with Ayda and Aelwyn.

She’s trying to impress Mary Ann and gets them both Quokki Pets.

They both immediately become addicted to Quokki Pets.

Ayda and Mary Ann become an autistic maelstrom and fight their way to the highest ranks. They are unstoppable. Royalty on the Quokki Pets forums with achievement ranks so high that they unlock avatars and badges that no one else has achieved. The developers need to make more ranks to accommodate them.

Aelwyn tanks the Quokki Pets economy and starts manipulating the real-currency market to make a killing off of trading Quokki Coins.

Fig has one level 1 Quokki Pet named Quanda Shilda and she hasn’t been fed in weeks. Quanda is dying.

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8 months ago

something underrated about ayda aguefort in terms of autism rep is that she has a +3 to charisma. everyone who meets her agrees that she's cool as hell

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8 months ago
Ayda Mention At The Glasgow Live Show
Ayda Mention At The Glasgow Live Show
Ayda Mention At The Glasgow Live Show

ayda mention at the glasgow live show

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3 years ago

fig scrying on ayda and seeing her so desperately trying to raise fig’s earring to her mouth to try and speak to her, to reach her, because fig is calling for her, her paramour needs her, and being unable to is so heartbreaking. that scene gave me goosebumps. i’m still sobbing over it. 

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5 months ago

Ahhhhhh!! New dropout stuff arrived today!!

Ahhhhhh!! New Dropout Stuff Arrived Today!!

I got a medium instead of XS so I could sleep in it because I FOR SURE cannot wear it out of the house 🤣


Ahhhhhh!! New Dropout Stuff Arrived Today!!

She is GORGEOUS and now I need to finish sorting my books and get my bookshelf put back together so she has somewhere to live. Also, IDK why I assumed all those pics were of a long, thin box that it comes in, but the box is MASSIVE. My brain is so silly sometimes 🤦🏻‍♀️

Ahhhhhh!! New Dropout Stuff Arrived Today!!

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5 months ago
Fantasy Figayda Ig ? Big Fan Of Putting Fig In Knight Armor

fantasy figayda ig ? big fan of putting fig in knight armor

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5 months ago
Ayda And Fig Kisses, I Remembered To Draw Aydas Runes This Time!

ayda and fig kisses, I remembered to draw ayda’s runes this time!

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5 months ago
Its So Criminal That I Havent Drawn Them Before

It’s so criminal that I haven’t drawn them before

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11 months ago

Ayda Aguefort is an icon thank you Goodnight (not really)

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