Baroness - Tumblr Posts

Shootout in the tomb
Just the amount of research I'm guessing this person did, so much respect, have to reblog
Okay, this is in incredibly petty nitpick, but: if you’re writing a fantasy setting with same-sex marriage, a same-sex noble or royal couple typically would not have titles of the same rank - e.g., a prince and a prince, or two queens.
It depends on which system of ranking you use, of course (there are several), but in most systems there’s actually a rule covering this scenario: in the event that a consort’s courtesy title being of the same rank as their spouse’s would potentially create confusion over who holds the title by right and who by courtesy, the consort instead receives the next-highest title on the ladder.
So the husband of a prince would be a duke; the wife of a queen, a princess; and so forth.
(You actually see this rule in practice in the United Kingdom, albeit not in the context of a same-sex marriage; the Queen’s husband is styled a prince because if he were a king, folks might get confused about which of them was the reigning monarch.)
The only common situation where you’d expect to see, for example, two queens in the same marriage is if the reigning monarchs of two different realms married each other - and even then, you’d more likely end up with a complicated arrangement where each party is technically a princess of the other’s realm in addition to being queen of her own.
You’ve gotta keep it nice and unambiguous who’s actually in charge!
(Found this in a post I saw) When Commander wants to take out James/Destro since they have no use for him anymore
Commander: Did you take out Destro as I requested?
Baroness: Destro has been taken out, yes.
Commander: You have my grat-
Baroness: It was a great restaurant.
Baroness: We had a romantic candlelit dinner.
Baroness: He proposed afterwards. We’re filing the wedding papers.
“Forever and Ever”

Summary: Due to both stress and pain, the Baroness finally breaks when she reunites with her husband.
Pairing: Castin Hammer x f!reader
A/N: I actually wrote this awhile back, but never wanted to post it because I felt like it was too embarrassing, me basically showing off my delusions to a voice actor. But seeing there’s not really any writing about Desmond, I decided to take matters into my own grimy hands and wrote this. Isn’t proofread either, so if it sometimes sounds off, my apologies. Enjoy!
She didn’t mind to me married to Castin, really. He was a good husband; constantly looking out for her, doing everything in his power to make her happy and smile, he’d give her the whole moon if he could. No, that wasn’t the problem at all, it was the impossible and endless duties of the Baroness piled in with the intense amount of misogynistic deacriminatison and sexist stereotypes shoved into her face.
It started off as a relatively normal day for her; planning marriages from the two kingdoms, making sure her husbands returning in one piece, preparing meetings for the king and queen, etc. Exhausting as per usual, she never had time to herself anymore after the marriage. Yet today, it seems, she had managed to spare herself some time her own activities and hobbies, especially reading. But, both fortunately and unfortunately, this day was also the day her husband returns from his campaign.
“Well well well,” she hears, “don’t you look absolutely ravishing tonight, wife.” Castin purrs, his eyes twinkling despite the tiredness that lays in them, the bags under his sockets have gotten more noticeable. She frowns at the sight. He notices her cinched eyebrows and pouty lip, his own brow quirking in question. “What’s the problem, babe? Finally notice how much of a good looking heart-throb your husband is?” She lets up a quick grin at his shameful joke, which brings a bigger grin on his face. She shakes her head, motioning him over with her wrists to where she’s laying in bed, soon sitting up when he makes his way over with a softer smile.
When he finally in her reach, she pulls him to sit on the side of her bed, torso turned to her. She looks him over carefully, eyes softening and saddening as she sees how much more stress had been put onto his features. The bags under his eyes, the few cuts and bruises, some healed some new, the sharpness in his once soft eyes. She felt her heart crack at the sights in front of her. As he looks into her melancholy eyes, he realizes then what she’s seeing. He closes his eyes and lets out a soft sigh, his own hand coming to hold the one on his cheek, inching her palm closer to his mouth, he places a soft kiss to it before holding it against his lips. Eyes opening softly and his own heart breaking at the look she gives him, her eyes saying more than her voice ever could.
“Don’t look at me like that, sweetheart..” His voice barely above a whisper, having not being so close, she wouldn’tve heard him. Their eyes stay interlocked, telling tales with their pupils and saying stories with their corneas. Managing to speak so much with no words. Castin soon feels his eyes start to water as he sees hers fill up with tears, the crystals in them glistening in the dark room illuminated by candle light. Without saying a word, he brings her in carefully, staring at her soft face as it contorts to that one of a cryer. With a heavy heart, he brings her in impossibly close to his chest. The second she hits his chest, she breaks down. Sobs rack through her body as he grips her tightly, comfortably, one hand cradling her hand and gently raking his finger on her scalp, her other arm reaching around to hold her torso securely. Her own arms are wrapped around his neck, clinging to his body like her life depended on it, and right now, it did. She knew that sooner or later she would break. The reasons are seemingly endless; getting stuck in a tower with a friend who had betrayed her and manipulated her mind in his own twisted, wicked way, seeing the guard get slain in just a blink of an eye right in front of her, having her own husband pass out from malnourishment once they finally had gotten to see each other again, then to just have him disappear for two consecutive weeks, the list goes on for days, years even, it was basically endless.
Her sobs continue loudly as her body shakes more, Castin gently rocks her back in forth in hopes to sooth his lover. His eyes are closed as a few of his own tears shed at the torture of having to listen to his lover cave in and wail. After a few, he starts whispering sweet nothing quietly into her hair, many of them being ‘I love you’s’ and ‘I’m sorry’s’. He feels as if he’s gonna be the one to start bawling next, the heaviness behind his eyes is undeniably noticeable, but he has to compose himself and be the one there for her in this time of desperation and need.
A long period of time filled with the sounds of crying and weeping and the whispering of loving phrases before her sobs are nothing but the occasional sniffle and hitching of breath as the shaking of her body seethes. His arms stay strapped around her tightly, too scared to let go and she turn to nothing but ashes before him. Her arms loosen their grip on his neck as her slightly shaking fingers to play with the hairs on the nape of his neck. Her tired eyes are closed for the time being, exhausted beyond belief with no help from the melt-down, her body basically turning to mush as she starts relaxing against his lean yet strong body. There’s another elongated pause before she slurs out, “I’m sorry..” He thought his heart couldn’t be wounded more at her words. Why is she apologizing to him? Shouldn’t it be the other way around, him saying his sorry’s to her? Castin shakes his head, careful not to disturb her weak frame.
“There is absolutely no need for you to apologize to me for anything, you hear me? You’ve done nothing wrong at all and I never, ever, wanna hear those words come out of your mouth again, okay?” She nods meekly at his quiet and stern words, even more tears threatening to escape as her emotions go haywire. He must have heard her whimpering sniffle because he gently maneuvers her head to look at him, his hand still grasping her hair.
“I love you more than you understand and I wish I was as good at words as you, my love, though I am not, I want to try for you. I want you to know that I would do anything for you and slay any foul beast not matter how threatening, if it’ll mean you’re safe. I want you to know that you mean more to me than the food to the hungry and the water for the thirsty, I wouldn’t be able to function unless I have you by my side at any day at any given time. I need you to know that you are more precious to me than any of those shiny gems. I need you to know, that I want to be there for you, to need to be there with you. My love for you is ever dying and I will take my last breath for you.” He finishes, his sleepless eyes and almost hoarse voice the kindest she’d ever seen and heard them.
“I love you, Castin, so much.” She managed through her croaking voice, the smile on her face gradually growing once she sees that he too is starting to smile. Even through this sorrowful moment, they know they have each other, no matter the problem and through every solution. One of her hands reach retract to come and lovingly cup his cheek, him closing his eyes and leaning to kiss it once more before tilting his head slightly to the side. The hand still located on the scruff of his neck tightens as she leans in softly to connect their lips. Both their eyes close, hearts now content and healed as they finally seal their continues promise of loving one another for the rest of infinity.
Feel free to comment about what you liked and didn’t like! :)
Bringing this back cause ur about to get another Castin fic soon 😋😋
“Forever and Ever”

Summary: Due to both stress and pain, the Baroness finally breaks when she reunites with her husband.
Pairing: Castin Hammer x f!reader
A/N: I actually wrote this awhile back, but never wanted to post it because I felt like it was too embarrassing, me basically showing off my delusions to a voice actor. But seeing there’s not really any writing about Desmond, I decided to take matters into my own grimy hands and wrote this. Isn’t proofread either, so if it sometimes sounds off, my apologies. Enjoy!
She didn’t mind to me married to Castin, really. He was a good husband; constantly looking out for her, doing everything in his power to make her happy and smile, he’d give her the whole moon if he could. No, that wasn’t the problem at all, it was the impossible and endless duties of the Baroness piled in with the intense amount of misogynistic deacriminatison and sexist stereotypes shoved into her face.
It started off as a relatively normal day for her; planning marriages from the two kingdoms, making sure her husbands returning in one piece, preparing meetings for the king and queen, etc. Exhausting as per usual, she never had time to herself anymore after the marriage. Yet today, it seems, she had managed to spare herself some time her own activities and hobbies, especially reading. But, both fortunately and unfortunately, this day was also the day her husband returns from his campaign.
“Well well well,” she hears, “don’t you look absolutely ravishing tonight, wife.” Castin purrs, his eyes twinkling despite the tiredness that lays in them, the bags under his sockets have gotten more noticeable. She frowns at the sight. He notices her cinched eyebrows and pouty lip, his own brow quirking in question. “What’s the problem, babe? Finally notice how much of a good looking heart-throb your husband is?” She lets up a quick grin at his shameful joke, which brings a bigger grin on his face. She shakes her head, motioning him over with her wrists to where she’s laying in bed, soon sitting up when he makes his way over with a softer smile.
When he finally in her reach, she pulls him to sit on the side of her bed, torso turned to her. She looks him over carefully, eyes softening and saddening as she sees how much more stress had been put onto his features. The bags under his eyes, the few cuts and bruises, some healed some new, the sharpness in his once soft eyes. She felt her heart crack at the sights in front of her. As he looks into her melancholy eyes, he realizes then what she’s seeing. He closes his eyes and lets out a soft sigh, his own hand coming to hold the one on his cheek, inching her palm closer to his mouth, he places a soft kiss to it before holding it against his lips. Eyes opening softly and his own heart breaking at the look she gives him, her eyes saying more than her voice ever could.
“Don’t look at me like that, sweetheart..” His voice barely above a whisper, having not being so close, she wouldn’tve heard him. Their eyes stay interlocked, telling tales with their pupils and saying stories with their corneas. Managing to speak so much with no words. Castin soon feels his eyes start to water as he sees hers fill up with tears, the crystals in them glistening in the dark room illuminated by candle light. Without saying a word, he brings her in carefully, staring at her soft face as it contorts to that one of a cryer. With a heavy heart, he brings her in impossibly close to his chest. The second she hits his chest, she breaks down. Sobs rack through her body as he grips her tightly, comfortably, one hand cradling her hand and gently raking his finger on her scalp, her other arm reaching around to hold her torso securely. Her own arms are wrapped around his neck, clinging to his body like her life depended on it, and right now, it did. She knew that sooner or later she would break. The reasons are seemingly endless; getting stuck in a tower with a friend who had betrayed her and manipulated her mind in his own twisted, wicked way, seeing the guard get slain in just a blink of an eye right in front of her, having her own husband pass out from malnourishment once they finally had gotten to see each other again, then to just have him disappear for two consecutive weeks, the list goes on for days, years even, it was basically endless.
Her sobs continue loudly as her body shakes more, Castin gently rocks her back in forth in hopes to sooth his lover. His eyes are closed as a few of his own tears shed at the torture of having to listen to his lover cave in and wail. After a few, he starts whispering sweet nothing quietly into her hair, many of them being ‘I love you’s’ and ‘I’m sorry’s’. He feels as if he’s gonna be the one to start bawling next, the heaviness behind his eyes is undeniably noticeable, but he has to compose himself and be the one there for her in this time of desperation and need.
A long period of time filled with the sounds of crying and weeping and the whispering of loving phrases before her sobs are nothing but the occasional sniffle and hitching of breath as the shaking of her body seethes. His arms stay strapped around her tightly, too scared to let go and she turn to nothing but ashes before him. Her arms loosen their grip on his neck as her slightly shaking fingers to play with the hairs on the nape of his neck. Her tired eyes are closed for the time being, exhausted beyond belief with no help from the melt-down, her body basically turning to mush as she starts relaxing against his lean yet strong body. There’s another elongated pause before she slurs out, “I’m sorry..” He thought his heart couldn’t be wounded more at her words. Why is she apologizing to him? Shouldn’t it be the other way around, him saying his sorry’s to her? Castin shakes his head, careful not to disturb her weak frame.
“There is absolutely no need for you to apologize to me for anything, you hear me? You’ve done nothing wrong at all and I never, ever, wanna hear those words come out of your mouth again, okay?” She nods meekly at his quiet and stern words, even more tears threatening to escape as her emotions go haywire. He must have heard her whimpering sniffle because he gently maneuvers her head to look at him, his hand still grasping her hair.
“I love you more than you understand and I wish I was as good at words as you, my love, though I am not, I want to try for you. I want you to know that I would do anything for you and slay any foul beast not matter how threatening, if it’ll mean you’re safe. I want you to know that you mean more to me than the food to the hungry and the water for the thirsty, I wouldn’t be able to function unless I have you by my side at any day at any given time. I need you to know that you are more precious to me than any of those shiny gems. I need you to know, that I want to be there for you, to need to be there with you. My love for you is ever dying and I will take my last breath for you.” He finishes, his sleepless eyes and almost hoarse voice the kindest she’d ever seen and heard them.
“I love you, Castin, so much.” She managed through her croaking voice, the smile on her face gradually growing once she sees that he too is starting to smile. Even through this sorrowful moment, they know they have each other, no matter the problem and through every solution. One of her hands reach retract to come and lovingly cup his cheek, him closing his eyes and leaning to kiss it once more before tilting his head slightly to the side. The hand still located on the scruff of his neck tightens as she leans in softly to connect their lips. Both their eyes close, hearts now content and healed as they finally seal their continues promise of loving one another for the rest of infinity.
Feel free to comment about what you liked and didn’t like! :)
“I can never let go”

Summary: Months had passed since that night, the night of reunion and hurt that neither of them could forget. They thought the worst had ticked by…they couldn’t have been more wrong.
Pairing: Castin Hammer x f!reader
A/N: I told ya’ll I’d post again 😋. Found this is my drafts and decided to finish and post it since you all seemed to like my last one. This one isn’t actually like a part two to my other Castin fic, but it’s another hurt-comfort situation because apparently I can’t write anything without hurting my own feelings?? Idk. But anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this one as much as you liked the other one! Enjoy!
Castin jolts awake with a choked gasp, immediately raising himself to sit up as his eyes dart around the moonlight illuminated bedroom. His vision blurry and disorienting as he tries to control his ragged breaths, soon failing as his mind thinks back to his very vivid feeling dream.
Baroness, his wife, struggling to hang onto the glimpse of life as blood squirts out from the sword impaled in her abdomen. Castins there, hands shaking as her desperately applies pressure to the wound, knowing damn well there’s nothing that can heal the every bleeding injury. He takes in shuddering breaths as he struggles to hold back his tears, the heaviness behind his eyes only increasing as he hears her own breathing become more and more shallow. As she takes in one last, staggering breath, she lets out a quiet “I love you.” His eyes widen as he lets out a wet “oh my god,” as he watches the life drain from his wife’s eyes. Looking up at the sky in hopes of a miracle, a sign that she’s living, but alas none come. He shuts his eyelids tightly, wanting to wake up, to feel her once beating heart against his own, to feel the known warmness of her now cold body. But he knows, goddess does he know the look of a dead, pleading soul by heart all too well.
Trying to decipher what’s real and what’s not, his desperate eyes soon make focus on a little bead of candle light coming from the library. As his mind switches to autopilot, his shaking hands roughly rip the sheets from his sweaty body, his stiff feet soon making contact with the cold floor, causing his body to involuntarily shiver at the feeling.
His body tries to stand in its own, not realizing its own weak state, legs and knees giving out as he grabs onto the bedside table to support himself, his quivering arms and hands knocking over glass and whatever else lays upon the table, his ringing ears not detecting the crashing and shattering of the bottles. Eyes shutting tensely when his vision blurs once again, noticing the slight sting in his palms from the shards that lay on the table and ground.
A room away the Baroness hears the commotion, looking up from her book at a source for the sound, finding nothing in her line of sight. Figuring it was her clumsy husband, she shuts her book quickly before walking over slowly to their shared bedroom, peaking over the corner, not expecting the right before her.
She sees her husband, hunched over their bedside table, shoulders shaking and head moving from side to side, his breathing erratic and quick . Taking notice in the broken bottles on the floor, she carefully starts making her way towards him, feet tapping on the floor quietly.
“Castin?” She whispers out, soon met with an uncomfortable silence. As if being pulled from a trance, her husbands head perks up, jerking to face her, but the glazed over look in his eyes makes her queasy.
“Baby,” he rasps out, voice nearly breaking. With two left feet, he tries to make his way over, as does she. But his knees soon buckle and his body falls forward, the baroness catching his heavy body in her much smaller arms. With a grunt, she tries as gently as she can to set them both on the floor, being held up by their knees. As she does, his arms frantically curl around her as if she’d disappear, face snuggling against her neck hurriedly.
“C-Castin? What-Are you alright what happened-“ Her thoughts were cut off by a small sob coming out of her husband’s mouth. It surprises her, to say the least. To hear her husband get choked up. His usual stoic and masculine self being broken down to nothing but one of a weeping child. She feels his tears soak into her sheer silk nightgown before she speaks up again, more gentle this time, much like a soothing mother.
“Castin? Oh my poor dear, what happened?” She coos, her soft hands pull his face away from her, feeling a sense of dread as she sees the absolutely heartbreaking look in his eyes. His eyes are wide, unfocused, fat tears threatening to fall down his roughed up face, eyebrows furrowed tightly as his lip quivers sadly. Surprisingly, he speaks up.
“I—I lost…” he chokes up on his own words before continuing, “Oh god, you-you were bleeding ou-out e-everywhere… much blood I-..” he tries to continue his thoughts but a fresh batch of tears stop him from doing so. Her hands come back up to wipe them away as they gush out. As he babbles out incoherently, she starts pressing soft kisses onto his tear soaked face as a way of grounding his scrambled mind. As if it was some kind of cure, his eyes flutter closed at the contact, piecing together the fragment of memories slowly.
Her delicate hands trace gentle circles along his rigid arms, feeling as they release the tension that lies beneath. Continuing her ministrations, she feels his body succumb to the tension and finally give out, almost collapsing on top of her if it wasn’t for her grabbing his shoulders to steady him, they both would have ended up with an even worse injury.
“Are you with me, my love? Can you feel me now?” She asks softly, one hand coming free to caress his chiseled face. It takes him a moment to compel himself to nod gently on her hold. Smiling in slight relief, her hand rests against his cheek as she watches his eyes open slowly. The moonlight catches them perfectly, the glazed over look her once held now replaced with one of a tired worker, droopy eyes meet her own sheepishly.
“My love?” He starts, voice rough and gravely, rightfully so. She nods, a sad smile coming across her features.
“Are you alright now? Whatever happened to cause that?” She questions, thumb stroking his cheek lovingly. His eyes trail down to the floor before taking a deep breath before starting.
“A..a nightmare, a very vivid one at that. I….i thought it was so real, you were…” he takes in a shuddering breath before continuing, “You were bleeding out, right in front of me. A sword straight to the stomach…I…I couldn’t stop it and…” his voice becomes watery along with his eyes once again as she shushes him gently, both hands now coming to caress his face lovingly.
“I’m right here, my love. Alive and very well, very healthy. Breathing and speaking if you wish. It was all just a dream, a figment of your imagination, none of it was real, alright?” He nods against her, hands coming to cup her own against his face, feeling the warmth of them, relishing in the fact that he can feel the pulse within. “You can feel it, no? My pulse, my heartbeat, my warmness, *thats* all real. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere any time soon.” He smiles, eyes still casted down to the soft fabric of which she wears, thanking the stars there’s no blood or weapon penetrating her porcelain skin.
“I feel you, baby, all of you.” He adds, taking in the small smile that makes its way across her face. With a loving glance, he slowly leans forward to interlock their lips, the weight of the world falling off his shoulders as he once again feels the heat radiating off her onto him.
Pulling away gently, his eyes meet her own, blinking sluggishly. His hands moving from hers to wrap around her midsection, face once again moving to her neck.
“I don’t think there’s anything in this world that can make me stop loving you, wife.”
“Likewise, husband.”
I love finding old writing from months ago that I just completely gave up on lmao. Idkw but the idea of Castin being comfort starved triggers something in my brain. I love it when warrior men get all emotionalllll. Oh, this also don’t proofread either, I don’t think any of my stuff will actually be 💀. Am I gonna reuse the same Desmond image for every Castin fic??..perhaps
I hope you guys enjoyed this one too! I’ve been trying to post more but life is life and it literally stops for no one so I might just be scattering around random writes here and there lol. As always, comment about what you liked and what you didn’t like, or leave me a request in my inbox! I love ur guy’s ideas and seeing people request stuff makes me heart so happy ❤️❤️
(P.S. does anyone know how to make a master list?? I rlly wanna make one but I’ve got no clue how to work this😭. I’m doing all this on my phone so uh, help it wanted)

You know, a little Naru-Sasu flag~ Actually- I apologise for jumping to conclusions like that. I should just ask you straight up. Is there anyone you’re interested in? Don’t worry, I can keep a secret ;)
I don’t know, Sasuke.. Kinda sounds to me like you may enjoy their attention? 😜
Me? In a genjustu? Highly unlikely. Just for that, I’m going to call you duck butt. I believe I heard Itachi say it once- Quite fitting for you, emo boy :3 Ooh! I like that one more hah!
Sasuke! It’s me, Izumi~ I apologise for making you cry when you were a baby *pouts* You were so adorable, I just wanted to have a turn at holding you!
youre forgiven, i dont remember since i was...yknow...a baby
i'd offer you a chance to try again but i'm heavier now, and by the way i am still very adorable thanks

The intersection of fastidiousness and fashion....latex top and skirt by the Baroness Latex.