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All the character designs for my book Bungo Angelica, I have not drawn lovecraft yet I’m still working on him.
I haven’t read any of ranpo’s works I’m playing on it but I kinda just wanted him in the story so he’s here and of course hims and Poe are partners like they are in every universe apparently. Dazai doesn’t have a weapon because of his part in the story.
Bungo Angelica is a story about junji Ito being chosen to team up with other authors and creators to defend the world from an entity called demonica. All creators are chosen by an entity called Angelica allowing the creators to technically live forever or at least as long as there Angelica (there little creatures) are unharmed.
The creators more so represent where work more then the real life person they are based on, example would be Ito. Junji Ito in my book is more like his character suoichi in design and power set hence why his weapon is a nail gun and his Angelica is a fire cat. This goes for all the other characters as well.
List of main characters
Each of the characters in this story help control different aspects of life on earth.
Michael: Military and Leadership. He had some “marriage complications” and is now on Earth.
Satan: wrath and anger. Think of him like a punk rock uncle.
Beelzebub: Gluttony and the lord of the fly. A gentle giant that doesn’t talk very much.
Mammon: Greed and corporations. He’s reminiscent of a dragon.
Asmodeus: lust and love. Head of a man, a ram, and a bull.
Belphagor: Sleep and laziness. She’s the second youngest of the main characters.
Leviathan: Envy and the waters. I made what I think to be an ocean dilf…we don’t talk about it.
Jeremy Seaborne: a witch that was raised by Leviathan, and calls him dad.
Lucifer: Pride and the King of Hell. He’s a twin to Satan.
War: the second horseman. Michaels (ex)wife.
The Antichrist: think of them like a Frankensteins Monster.
Side characters
Lilith: mother of 4 of the princes, as well as the bringer of spring. She’s a loving mother.
Stolas: A teacher of herbs and the stars. He’s a helping hand to Jeremy.
Death: the first horseman. Friends with belphagor.
Famine: the third horseman. Married to beelzebub.
Pestilence: the final horseman. Friends with death and belphagor as well.

"Tonight, I gave you my soul, and I am dead."
So, I always get infatuated with characters even if I have no idea who they are lol. So instead of ignoring my urge to write for them, I'm just gonna do it and just not bring up the series. Idk if I'll name this, but it's a good way for me to write about other stuff.
Either way, I hope you enjoy reading!

I'll be here for whatever and whenever you need me.
It seemed impossible for those words to actually be doable. The sentiment was sweet, but it didn't seem realistic. Yet, here Mika sat waiting for the boy who told her those words.
She hadn't been expecting him to actually show up, but just minutes after she texted him, there was knocking at her door.
"Hey, I'm here. You didn't fall asleep did you?"
Mika playfully rolled her eyes and got from under her warm blanket to open the door. In front of her stood her strangely disheveled friend.
"Why would I call you and fall asleep?"
He smirked. "You've fallen asleep on calls before."
"Because someone refused to let me end the call." Mika went back inside, allowing him to join her.
"Well, while you might be obviously remembering things wrong, maybe you can remember why you asked me to stop by."
Mika got back under her blanket while he sat on the chair beside the couch she was on.
"Before that, even though I really didn't think you'd actually show up whenever I needed something, what did I take you from?"
He looked to his body and seemed unbothered by the dirt caked into the seams of his shirt, unconcerned by the red bruises on his chin and cheek, and even flat out ignoring the fact that he was missing his usual accessories-- specifically his bag, which he carried his entire life in.
"Oh, I was working."
"You got a job? When? You didn't tell me about it."
"Because I was gonna surprise you with a gift on your birthday."
Mika narrowed her eyes. Knowing it was strange how quickly he volunteered an explanation.
Mika sighed. "This is exactly what I called you over for... Gino, why are you getting back into all that dangerous stuff again?"
"What? You know I quit that. I don't roll with that crowd anymore."
"Yet you still hang around those places? Look, Damara saw you waiting around 9th street. We all know it brings nothing but trouble."
Gino let out a sigh and ran his hand over his hair. "She shouldn't have told you anything..."
"Why? We're still friends and I get worried about you knowing you're still screwing around with those guys."
"That's the thing, I'm actually not. I'm not wrapped up in anything bad."
"Then what are you doing? And don't try to lie, otherwise you must think I'm stupid and can't tell you're all bruised up."
"Of course I knew you'd notice, but it's not from some stupid street fight. I just kind of can't tell you what it's from though."
Mika sighed loudly and put her head in her hands. "I swear, this is exactly why I broke up with you. Here I thought maybe if we were just friends you'd open up a bit more to me... Looks like things are the exact same no matter what."
Gino got up and sat beside her. "Wait a second, that's not what you said before. You said you didn't wanna be with a thug."
"That wasn't a lie, but it wasn't why I broke things off. If I said the real reason you would've started lying even more."
Gino took a breath. "I did listen though. I got out of the Trizards, cut things with almost everyone I knew, and got a legit gig... Kind of figured it would patch things up between us."
"If you did all that then what the hell is the problem with just telling me what you're doing?"
Gino said nothing. They stared at each other and the room's silence weighed on them. Mika's eyes, especially locked on Gino.
"I'm sorry... I just can't-"
Mika released the breath in her throat and turned her back to him.
"Look, I know, I'm being an asshole. I swear though, I'll tell you everything once things settle down."
"And that's suppose to mean something to me?"
"How about this then?" His hand on her shoulder manged to get her to look back. The deep scowl on her face made Gino avert his gaze, but he took out his phone and scrolled through the images before stopping and presenting the screen to her.
"See? These guys, I work with them and I pretty much trust them with my life. They'd never let me slip back to my old ways."
Mika saw Gino standing around a group of people. They were all smiling and seemed to be enjoying themselves. This was a stark contrast to who she knew Gino hung out with before.
"You can show me them, but not tell me what it's about?"
"I'm sorry, but I can't. I kind of don't wanna jinx it by telling everyone about it then it blows up in my face. I promise that's the only reason I don't wanna tell you. If that wasn't the case, we'd be up all night talking about everything I've been doing."
Mika couldn't help but smile at his near boyish excitement. He always got that way when he wanted to talk with her. She almost forgot she was upset.
"Then you have to promise me something."
"You have to come by my place just so I know you're not... dead or something."
Eagerly, he responded. "That's not a problem, but it's a little strange if you're gonna be going out with other guys and stuff."
Mika sighed. "I think you mean to say it'll be weird that we're not dating."
"You said it."
"You're so annoying. Look, I obviously never wanted to break up. I pretty much never stopped... loving you either."
Gino tried to hold back his smile, he failed however. "You sure can hide your feelings though. I really thought you were done with me!" He cupped his palm on her cheek. "But I'm so happy to know you actually weren't."
Leaning closer, his eyes closed and Mika was right there with him and their lips met just as their eyes closed.
Gino held Mika's face and kept her still while pushing her back against the arm rest of the couch. Mika let out a concerned muffled moan and pushed against his chest, stopping him.
"I know exactly what kind of kiss you're giving me and I'm not doing that tonight."
Caught red handed, Gino smiled at her. "I can't change your mind?"
"No, but I can do you one better. We can cuddle instead, but only if you change out of those clothes. You're filthy dude."
Gino chuckled and gave her a peck on her lips before he sprang off the couch and started to strip right in her living room.
"You still got my hoodie?"
"Exactly where we said you'd pick it up at."
"I'm guessing my sweats are there too?"
"I just washed them."
Gino smiled eagerly taking off with the outer layer of his outfit in his arms.
Mika smiled seeing him again. She felt an immense wave of gratitude wash over her knowing she could always reach out for him.

Real soon I’ll be 20 years old ♪♫♬ Based on the song by Lukas Graham called 7 years. Can’t believe I’m turning 20 tomorrow already time really flies.