Big Three - Tumblr Posts
Fuck Zodiac Signs, MBTI and anything else
Tell me who are your big three characters
Here are mine:

Harley Quinn! (this version specifically)

Shoto Todoroki

Mu Qing/Fu Yao

Ah yes, MY BOY.
I love Tamaki. Very much. And I have a very average, chill relationship with the character. I promise. Haha.
I also tried out a rougher lining style with this piece and I really like how it turned out!

Bruh what is it with all these dominant, leadership type, controlling Tamaki Amajiki fanfics and headcanons. You guys are delusional. He is the shyest, softest, most anxious, most baby muffin with only rare moments of moral or heroism driven criminal arrests.
And Bianca and Tyson!!!
Thalia Tyson and hazel should go on their own adventure together
I would read that so hard
everytime somebody talks about the big three kids and excludes thalia and hazel an angel loses their wings
fuck yo zodiac sign. describe your personality using three haikyuu characters. I’ll go first:

Come on, I’ll teach you
Keep reading

in honour of PJO getting its own tv show here’s the children of the prophecy doing badass stuff ⚡️🌊💀
thinking about how the (greek) big three swore to never sire any more demigod children because those children are just too powerful (dangerous) and also thinking about how the characters that, arguably, seem to have the greatest proclivity for cruelty in the name of justice or vengeance are also the (greek) big three children... there's something there, a connection to be made I'm sure of it

Of course I’m doing it for both boys!
Happy Birthday Izuku and Happy Birthday Mirio!

big sketch dump of the latest bnha OVA and it’s premium tier golden trio content
PJO Reminders
-The main trio were all middle-schoolers when the series began
-Reyna used to work for Circe
-Blackbeard is still alive & messing crap up somewhere in the Sea of Monsters
-Reyna has an equally-badass sister
-Luke was technically the hero the whole time
-Artemis inspired Santa Claus
-When the world was being destroyed, Dionysus was busy playing Pac-Man
-Drew went to school with Sadie Kane
-Jason took a stapler to the mouth as a baby
-One of the Big Three kids is related to Adolf Hitler
-No one likes Octavian
if this post gets over 10000 notes i’ll change my tinder bio to “just a sword grandma looking for her pikachu man”
Here we go the Big Three discussing martial and physical abuse.
And somehow Grimmjaw and Nami are very much on Character, not sure about Sasuke.