Black Lives Always Matter - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago


Im Speaking To You From My Heart. Look, I Dont Know If Im Going To Have A Career After This, But Fuck
Im Speaking To You From My Heart. Look, I Dont Know If Im Going To Have A Career After This, But Fuck
Im Speaking To You From My Heart. Look, I Dont Know If Im Going To Have A Career After This, But Fuck
Im Speaking To You From My Heart. Look, I Dont Know If Im Going To Have A Career After This, But Fuck
Im Speaking To You From My Heart. Look, I Dont Know If Im Going To Have A Career After This, But Fuck
Im Speaking To You From My Heart. Look, I Dont Know If Im Going To Have A Career After This, But Fuck

“I’m speaking to you from my heart. Look, I don’t know if I’m going to have a career after this, but fuck that. Today is about innocent people who were halfway through their process, we don’t know what George Floyd could have achieved, we don’t know what Sandra Bland could have achieved, but today we’re going to make sure that won’t be an alien thought to our young ones. Every black person in here remembered when another person reminded you that you were black. So none of you out there, all those protesters on the other side, protesting against what we want to do, protesting against what we want to try and achieve, burn you, this is so vital. I need you to understand how painful this shit is. I need you to understand how painful it is to be reminded every day that your race means nothing and that isn’t the case anymore, that was never the case anymore.” John Boyega at The Black Lives Matter protest in Hyde Park June 3rd 2020

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4 years ago

‼️‼️PSA PSA‼️‼️

I haven’t seen any announcements on tumblr yet but I’ve read that ALL selca days are cancelled this month in support of blm. Please pass this on

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4 years ago


On May 25, 2020, George Floyd was slowly and mercilessly killed by 4 Minneapolis police officers while being videotaped by concerned citizens begging them to stop. Floyd was surrounded and brutally dealt with by the police as Derek Chauvin’s knee pinned down his throat. Floyd kept screaming “I can’t breathe! I can’t breathe!” but they didn’t listen. He then became unresponsive but was continually choked until his nose began to bleed, and his lifeless body was shoved into a stretcher and into the back of an ambulance.

The officers involved have been fired and the FBI has been called to investigate. But we must do our part to ensure that George Floyd receives the justice he deserves. Please sign these petitions addressed to the FBI, The President, The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, The Minneapolis Police Department, & DA Mike Freeman. An email on your behalf will be sent to all of the above. The lawyer representing Floyd’s family, civil rights attorney Ben Crump, urges us to call DA Mike Freeman (612-348-5550) and tell him to arrest and charge these officers for the Murder of George Floyd, I encourage you to do so.


FOR THE PEOPLE WHO LIVE INTERNATIONALLY: if you cannot sign without american postal codes, feel free to use these:

90015 - Los Angeles, California 10001 - New York City, New York 75001 - Dallas, Texas


TEXT “FLOYD” TO 55156!


If you want to be educated and informed more, refer to the official page for #BlackLivesMatter:

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4 years ago

if you support anything other than BLM get off my feed uwu 🥰

Hey Folks, This Is Not Your Typical Post About Incorrect Quotes.
Hey Folks, This Is Not Your Typical Post About Incorrect Quotes.
Hey Folks, This Is Not Your Typical Post About Incorrect Quotes.
Hey Folks, This Is Not Your Typical Post About Incorrect Quotes.
Hey Folks, This Is Not Your Typical Post About Incorrect Quotes.
Hey Folks, This Is Not Your Typical Post About Incorrect Quotes.
Hey Folks, This Is Not Your Typical Post About Incorrect Quotes.

Hey folks, this is not your typical post about incorrect quotes.

I want to address a serious issue today, and most of you probably know what’s been going on in the US.

The killing of George Floyd started another serious and necessary debate on Police brutality in the states. (And I think not just there. Every country is affected in some way or another.)

My heart doesn’t ache, no. My heart is bleeding and crying out of pain about what has been going on for days now. What people have been going through for years and years. This is not the first case of police brutality against POC, nor the second, and it probably isn’t the last one.

It happened so many times already that I can’t count them all. Our world has lost so many beautiful souls to this never-ending issue. Additionally to this, we lost so many brothers and sisters of color who were part of the LGBTQ+ community too. Even though it is pride month, I can’t enjoy and celebrate it as much as I want to.

But now is the time to act. Now more than ever! We all have a voice, and I’m sure as hell using mine. And I want you to do the same.

40 Ways you can help right now shows you different techniques and approaches to support the #blacklivesmatter movement in various forms.

Everyone’s able to do something. Even if you don’t have the money to donate, or you’re not from the US, share articles, draw attention to it in some way. Being silent about this puts you on the side of the offenders.

I understand that I will never understand. However, I stand with all of you!!! Credit goes to @sfbucketlist on instagram for these 40 ways you can help right now.

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4 years ago
What Racial Fetishising Looks And Sounds Like.
What Racial Fetishising Looks And Sounds Like.

What Racial Fetishising looks and sounds like.

Post created by @vibesofablackgirl on Instagram.

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4 years ago


I am personally sending this to all of my followers. I don’t know if you are in the US or you have been paying attention to what is happening to us. But we need help. Please share.

Unarmed and nonviolent citizens are being beaten, arrested, kidnapped, and killed for protesting our fascist and racist government.

I don’t know who here is currently outside of the US. But we need help. Our psychotic president is sending secret police all over the country to kidnap people. I have been protesting Portland since June 3rd. Last week one of my friends was tear gassed and thrown into an unmarked van. I have not seen or heard from her since then. We have tried calling every county jail in Oregon, along with ever hospital in the Portland area. Absolutely nothing.

Last night a group of protesters were beaten and gassed right in front of us. I had began to record and an officer came over and threw my phone on the ground. Stomped on it. And then bashed me in the head.

They are destroying our video evidence

We have done nothing wrong.

Our president yesterday said that if protests don’t stop. He will deploy more military and department of homeland security officers to major cities like Chicago, New York, and Detroit.

We are not armed, we are not violent. We are not looting. We are not rioting. Yet we are being beaten, kidnapped, and killed for using our constitutional rights.

The people of America need help. Please. If you are currently outside of the US please. Share this. Our government is out of control and has arguably the strongest military force in the world.

Please help us. Please let the rest of the world know what’s happening.

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4 years ago
7.26.20, Seattle

7.26.20, Seattle

Local Seattle police begin a random attack on a group on protestors, including macing someone excessively while they’re already on the ground. Notice how they’re covering their badges. These aren’t “trump’s” feds, these are local police.

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4 years ago

This man, Mac Smiff, has put it out there crystal clear:

“We came out here dressed in t-shirts and twirling hula hoops and stuff, and they started gassing us. So we came back with respirators, and they started shooting us. We came back with vests, they started aiming for the head. So we started wearing helmets. And now they call us terrorists. Who is escalating this? It’s not us.”

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4 years ago


Darren Wilson, the officer responsible for the murder of Michael Brown, will once again not be charged with any crime follwing a new investigation. Michael Brown was an unarmed 18 year old whose murder sparked #HandsUpDontShoot and the Black Lives Matter movement back in the summer of 2014. The court system was never designed for justice, despite its claims, and it still works that way today.

Micheal Brown is the reason I learned about the court and prison system back in high school. I learned everything I could about the legal system, prisons, segregation, police, and it radicalized me.

6 years later and the system hasn’t changed, but we have. And we will change the system.

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4 years ago
Black-on-Black Crime Is Merely A Deflection From The Real Problems At Hand. End Of Story.
Black-on-Black Crime Is Merely A Deflection From The Real Problems At Hand. End Of Story.
Black-on-Black Crime Is Merely A Deflection From The Real Problems At Hand. End Of Story.
Black-on-Black Crime Is Merely A Deflection From The Real Problems At Hand. End Of Story.
Black-on-Black Crime Is Merely A Deflection From The Real Problems At Hand. End Of Story.
Black-on-Black Crime Is Merely A Deflection From The Real Problems At Hand. End Of Story.
Black-on-Black Crime Is Merely A Deflection From The Real Problems At Hand. End Of Story.
Black-on-Black Crime Is Merely A Deflection From The Real Problems At Hand. End Of Story.
Black-on-Black Crime Is Merely A Deflection From The Real Problems At Hand. End Of Story.
Black-on-Black Crime Is Merely A Deflection From The Real Problems At Hand. End Of Story.

Black-on-Black crime is merely a deflection from the real problems at hand. End of story.

Stay safe and educate! ✊🏽

Follow @bfpnola for more and check our bio for over 200 free social justice and mental health resources!

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4 years ago

If y’all are really about Black Lives Matter, support me. My name is Bella and I am a Black queer activist who has been doing social media protests for two months. They need more attention. These are some resources and information. Next Saturday I am hosting a social media protest to help Black people struggling with money for: HRT, top surgery, medical bills, food, rent, housing, and more.

If Yall Are Really About Black Lives Matter, Support Me. My Name Is Bella And I Am A Black Queer Activist
If Yall Are Really About Black Lives Matter, Support Me. My Name Is Bella And I Am A Black Queer Activist

Jacob Blake is more than just “A Black man shot 7 times” he is more than a statistic, more than a number, more than a victim of police brutality. He is a father of beautiful children and we need to have more empathy while speaking about this, his babies had to WITNESS THIS. Black trauma continues to be brushed under the rug and everybody continues to try to make us try to justify it. While I am grateful to hear he is okay, that doesn’t mean I’m not angry. Don’t stop demanding for justice! BLACK LIVES STILL MATTER! Protests have been happening for THREE MONTHS NOW. But there are plenty of victims of police brutality who don’t get to say they survived. I truly hope the officers involved get charged for attempted murder.

If Yall Are Really About Black Lives Matter, Support Me. My Name Is Bella And I Am A Black Queer Activist

Please reblog this, this is a very important signal boost!

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4 years ago


On December 4th, 2020, Casey Christian Goodson Jr. (23 years old) was shot three times in the back and murdered by a Sheriff’s Deputy as he was entering his home in Columbus, Ohio. Goodson’s family stated that he was returning home from a dentist appointment, holding a Subway sandwich, his face mask, and his keys, when he was shot.

Two days later, the Columbus Police Department made a statement alleging that James Meade, the deputy responsible for Goodson’s death, saw a man believed to be Goodson with a gun while driving. Meade then approached Goodson after he exited his car and walked home, where he was shot.

Hours after the shooting, the US Marshal for the Southern District of Ohio, Peter Tobin, confirmed that Goodson was not the fugitive they were searching for. However, Tobin also added that he believed that the shooting was justified, claiming that Goodson was shot after he refused to drop his “weapon.”

Yet another Black man murdered by the police.


art credit: @alex.albadree on instagram

graphics credit: @worldawarenessassociation on instagram

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