Bleiss Schnee X Jaune Arc - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

A dear Pain in the ass sister

(so uh.. I like blackguard.. that's all)


To say Weiss' family was inherently fucked up... Would be a understatement. Constantly at each others throats and either arguing or in the case of their mother, drowning in wine to wash away the pain.

So you can imagine weiss' horror when she received news her twin sister was on a bullhead to beacon to... Catch up apparently.

Weiss, was not all to pleased to receive this info, infact she was quite the opposite. She was INFURIATED to beyond belief.

She was pacing in her teams dorm as she was basically wanting to rip out her own hair at this point because of the rising fury she held in her as one ruby rose looked at her confused as she was gaming.

Ruby: Weiss I fail to see how "evil" sister is going to ruin you.

Weiss: because you dolt, my sister is everything wrong with the world! She's loud, obnoxious, her mouth has spewed so much vulgarity that it would make my father look like a saint. She is TERRIBLE-

Suddenly a knock on the door was heard as Weiss grumbled before going up to the door only to scowl as she saw one jaune arc.

Weiss: arc. What stupid plan do you have to court me now.

Jaune: wait.. how are you- i just- hold on im confused i just saw you at the gate also.. when did you have time to change and wash your hair?

Weiss looked at him before going pale as she immediately grabbing him by his collar.

Weiss: arc I will give as much lien as you want just please tell me you were hallucinating!

Jaune: hold on I'm still confused-

Weiss: ARC, please just say you were hallucinating. Please don't tell me you saw-


Weiss felt her heart plummet into her stomach as she looked to her right and saw her. This woman was a near replica of Weiss down to her cheekbones. Everything except her black hair, her biker attire and her vivid magenta eyes.

Belamere "bleiss" noir givrése. Weiss Schnee's twin sister and the only daughter to bear their father's last name.

Weiss: bleiss.. good to see you too.. dear.. sister

Bleiss walked up to her sister as she bear hugged her which seemed to catch off surprise.

Bleiss: how long has it been since we seen each other? Days, months. I lost count after the man-whore decided to send me to vacuo.

Bleiss let go as Weiss looked at her as she was beaming with a smile on her face as Ruby appeared next to Weiss.

Ruby: i don't see how she's bad.. nor the fact she's apparently your evil twin.

Bleiss looked at Ruby curiously as she leaned in REAL close to observe every aspect.

Bleiss: hmm I wanna say your going for a goth aesthetic but the red pops out which I wanna say is intended but-

Ruby: well hello to you too I guess-

Bleiss: oh right shit apologies.

Bleiss stepped back and stuck out her hand as Ruby looked at her curiously.

Bleiss: i am belamere givrése but my enemies call me bleiss

Jaune: oh that's interesting.. what do your friends call you.

It went dead quiet as bleiss turned around and looked at jaune.

Bleiss: ok.. who the hell are you?

Jaune: im-

Weiss: -less of a pain than you that's who he is!

The twins glared at each other as bleiss narrowed her eyes at her "proper" reflection.

Bleiss: interrupting someone is rather rude dear sister, especially when their introducing themselves. I thought you knew this since father was so focused on making you his doll.

Weiss said nothing but her hand hovered over myrtenaster as she glared daggers at her counterpart.

Weiss: you... take.. that. Back.

Bleiss: oh struck a nerve did I dear sister?~ you always were easier to enrage than winter and bitchley.

Weiss growled at her as she took out myrtenaster as she thrusted her weapon towards her twin as bleiss caught it with her twin axes, Berta and Marta.

Bleiss: hmm seems your fuse is getting shorter by the day-

Suddenly Weiss and bleiss found themselves picked up as Ruby was hold up Weiss with jaune holding bleiss.

Jaune: l-lets calm down everyone!

Bleiss: hey- let me go jackass, no one is allowed to touch me!

Jaune: really sorry but I don't feel like watching a bloodbath, especially when this is the first time Weiss has gotten like THAT!

We see Weiss was basically foaming at the mouth as Ruby carried her into the dorm as bleiss felt jaune let go as she landed before pointing berta at his throat as jaune raised his hands.

Bleiss: ok. One. NO ONE. Gets involved in matters with my family, two. next time you touch me I am chopping off your hands and then you probably tiny DICK.

Jaune and bleiss stared at each other as jaune put his hands on berta as he spoke calmly and softly.

Jaune: look I think I get your frustration, but Weiss is my friend, you two may be family but family don't act like that. So pardon me for making sure my friend is ok.

Bleiss looked at him as something clicked in her head.

Bleiss: your an arc aren't you?

Jaune nodded.

Jaune: what's it to you?

Bleiss: nothing just... Makes sense an arc of all people would act like they know about family.

Bleiss put away her axes as she walked passed him.

Bleiss: I'll be around the campus to check in on my sister. Don't get in my way again, jaune.

Jaune looked at her slightly confused on why she knows his name but he shrugged it off as we end our story here....

For now.

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1 year ago


(ha...ha... I'm going to hell aren't I? Ok yeah it's Blackguard sheerly out of the love of the idea. So fuck y'all)

Weiss felt low, despite how great of a day it was it just didn't feel right. Her day has gone as such, ports class was a pop quiz about the Grimm types, which she aced. Ooblecks class was surprisingly nice. Combat class was a highlight of the day but throughout all of the good in the day she just felt low.. and she's felt like this before. It was like a pit had enveloped her and she felt so empty and she couldn't tell why. So now shes in her dorms bathroom as she curled up into a small ball as her team thought she was bathing.

Weiss:... I.... Maybe.... Oh today was really.... Ugh.

She groaned to herself before hearing a soft chuckle, a familiar one.

Something only She could make. Weiss got up as she looked at the mirror and noticed a black hair. Her eyes went wide as she gulped softly before she saw her reflection morph into a black and red version of hers as her blue eyes were now a vibrant magenta.

???: i think it's time to have fun again.

The reflections voice was identical to weisses own, but the tone of it was almost a inverse to Weiss.

???: it's time to be a blight

Our vision changes to team Rwby's dorm as Ruby and yang were playing video games as Blake just read one of her libraries worth of books, before the bathroom door shot open as Weiss came out with her attire change that she wore a black leather jacket, a red shirt with the words "eat shit" plastered on it as she wore shorts and had riding boots as her eyes were now that same vibrant magenta.

Weiss(?): hello bitches, I'm out and I feel so good!

Yang, ruby, and Blake stopped what they were doing as yang looked at Weiss before a massive grin plastered her face.

Yang: oh I'm gonna love this!

Ruby tilted her head as she looked at Weiss.

Ruby: hey Weiss? What's up with the new look?

Weiss(?): ah don't worry ruby it's just something I'm trying. Now I have things to do. I'll be off for a while.

Weiss began walking away as her hips swayed slightly with each step as Blake furrowed her brow.

Blake: she's gonna be a problem isn't she?

Yang: definitely, and it's gonna be fun!

Our vision changes to jaune sitting on his bed as he was rambling to Ren.

Jaune: a-and I don't even know what to tell her! It's been months since I talked to my mom and I'm worried she's gonna freak out at me because I left without saying goodbye and-

Suddenly a knocking on the door is heard as Ren and jaune looked at eachother.

Jaune: it's probably the girls back from their lecture with professor goodwitch.

Jaune got up with him opening the door only to be met with.. a pair of arms around his neck as he saw Weiss but she looked different, her attire was entirely different from the usual clothes she wore.

Jaune: WEISS?!

Weiss(?): well hello there arc, your just the man I'm looking for~

Jaune blushes softly as the look in weiss'.. magenta? Eyes were that of want, jaune gulped softly, he knew this meant danger.

Jaune: w-what you need Weiss?

Weiss(?): it seems I'm needing to restock on dust and the walk is SO boring alone so I have a proposal for you.. we go to the dust store, and go on a little date together. What do you say Jaune?~

Date... That word rang through jaunes head as he always thought only he would mutter those words but now here he was, he didn't know what had gotten into Weiss but.. it wouldn't hurt to take this chance.

Jaune: s-sure! But um.. what made you want to ask me?

Weiss(?):hmm? Why? Because if I don't-

Weiss pulled him closer as she whispered into his ear a few simple words.

Weiss(?): some vulture might sweep you up, and we don't want that do we?~

Jaune could feel his face burn red as whoever this was.. was not Weiss.

Jaune: umm I-i guess not.. are you ok wei-

Bleiss: bleiss

Jaune: huh?

Bleiss: right now Weiss schnee is taking the back seat. So right now, I'm here to play~

Jaune couldn't tell if she was serious or fuckin with him, but either way.. he didn't hate it..

Jaune: ok then.. it's a date... Bleiss.

Bleiss: I'll meet you at 5.

Fin (for now probably.)

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10 months ago


Bleiss found herself roaming the halls of beacon as she was trying to think of how to approach her sister without conflict but everything she thought of didn't work.

Weiss was just so fuckin stuck up that's why she cant stand her, she's too fuckin prissy

The thought ran through Bellameres head before shoving it away. She was nearly as grown adult and as much as she loved being right her sister was more important than her ego.

But oum damn it all why the fuck couldn't Weiss just relax around her and not foam at the mouth at everything Bleiss said!

Unbeknownst to Bleiss her feat brought her to a single dorm. Team JNPR's dorm... This was that arc boys team dorm, knowing how he acts it was probably full of losers. Bleiss knocked on the door and soon it opened to reveal the one and only invincible champion, Pyrrha Nikos.

Pyrrha: oh hello Weiss.. what's with the new look?

Bleiss just looked her up and down before trying to speak "calmly" and "dignified" considering this was that overconfident bratty bitch Weiss just LOVED to speak of.

Bleiss: Ms. Nikos apologies for the intrusion-

Pyrrha: I told you already Weiss call me Pyrrha

Bleiss looked at her somewhat annoyed.

Bleiss: apologies Pyrrha but you have me confused for my sister. I am Bellamere Givrése. Weiss' twin.

Pyrrha took a moment before snapping her fingers.

Pyrrha: oh yeah your her "evil twin". I guess on the surface the title is apt.. regardless what do you need Bleiss?

Bleiss: I'm here for Jaune Arc, Ms. ni-

Pyrrha: Pyrrha. I have a name, I'm a person just like you, not some deity.

Bleiss was a bit taken aback, she figured Pyrrha was some snotty stuck bimbo that was used for a one time sponsorship with some weird cereal... That she may have begrudgingly liked.

Bleiss: Pyrrha... So may I please talk with Mr. Arc.

Pyrrha: sure thing.

Pyrrha would lean back and shout into the dorm.

Pyrrha: jaune! You got a visitor. Its weiss' "evil twin".

Jaune: wait what?

Jaune popped his head out from the door frame as he held a box of cereal that Bleiss recognized instantly.

Bleiss: are you... Are you eating pumpkin Pete's?

Jaune: yeah... Any problem with that?

Bleiss: yes. It's the fact no one told me you had some pour me a bowl aswell.

Jaune was a bit surprised but nodded and soon both sat at a table with Bleiss scarfing down her bowl as jaune looked at her in awe.

Jaune: you alright? You act like you haven't in cereal in years

Bleiss stopped and swallowed what was left in her mouth.

Bleiss: right on the money knight, Vacoue ain't got a lot of food, hence the constant delivery of food.. plus the peice of shit who helped my mother conceive me never allowed us to eat "filth's food" .. winter did manage to sneak a few in for all four of us before she got all stick-up-her-ass.

Jaune: that... That surprisingly is sad

Bleiss: yeah.. but ah fuck that boohoo shit and fuck the old bag. He's a daft cunt and a sqwimp.

Jaune: I can agree to that.

Jaune brought up a fist right beside her as Bleiss fist bumped him. Meanwhile Ren Pyrrha and Nora watched in the background.

Pyrrha: I don't get how she's an Evil twin. Most evil thing to her is her language.

Nora: I like her, she seems fun

Ren: I have a bad feeling about her... Something is off with her disposition.. like she's hiding something.

Pyrrha: well if anything happens we'll be prepared... She better stop sizing jaune up though.


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9 months ago

Bleiss just glared at the possessed knight. He grip on her twin axes only tightened as she walked towards him.

Bleiss: the man I want is Jaune Arc. A caring man who only wants to be better than the man he is, the same man who has fought time and time again for his friends and family. Not some Pussy who's controlling MY darling like a puppet. You could NEVER be like him. You took advantage of him in his current mental state and for that-

Bleiss pulled out berta before chucking it at The CuriousKnight with him dodging narrowly avoiding it, tho it was clear it was meant to miss.

Bleiss: you shall be given death. You mothafucker.

(oh shit I completely misread it.)

CuriousKnight, but C.C. possesses your Jauneship.

CC: I am the person you want most, so you can love me forever!

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9 months ago

So regarding Bleiss.

So a few of y'all know about my love for Blackgaurd and specifically how i write the lovely foul mouthed fallen angel.

With that I legitimately want all of your guys opinion. It's not going to impact the story between Bleiss and jaune in current fanfic I'm apparently writing but I do want your guys take on my idea of Bleiss.

For those who haven't read my Bleiss x jaune fic here are link to the current parts released.

Part 1/Part 2/Part 3

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7 months ago

(shit, shit, shit why the fuck do I keep showing up LATE to these fuckin BITS?!)

Bleiss: darling you wanna talk about ass? Look at yours, your practically holding a bakery back there.

Jaune: Still! You got a good butt Bleiss.

Bleiss: oh I'm aware, but I don't need others to know how much you love my ass darling... It's a bit much for your sake.

Jaune: Bleiss.. if we ever marry your ass will never know rest.

Bleiss didn't even blush, she just smirked before replying.

Bleiss: I have no personal qualms~ I just hope your aura won't fail you~

Jaune: I often have to make a choice between duty and booty.

Jaune: ...

Jaune: I always pick the first, but that doesn't mean I'm not tempted.

Jaune: I mean, have you seen my girlfriend's butt!?

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6 months ago

A chuckle can be heard as one Bleiss schnee walks in. her twin axes while seeming clean, reeked with the stench of blood.

Bleiss: hi there. Now dont think theres gonna be any negotiating. You see you kidnapped my husband, threw him in this cramped dusty hut, and proceed to torture him. All just for me to come here, just to get back my darling, only to have to massacre your men, which stained my poor axes.

Everyone was quiet as jaune just smiled warmly at Bleiss, with the woman smiling back at him before continuing.

Bleiss: so after all that, I've made up my mind, I'll just kill you, take my darling husband, and then burn this filthy hut to the ground.

The goons were practically shitting themselves as jaune just simply spoke to the group of thugs.

Jaune: this is what happens when you kidnap someone who has a wife that is more than willing that is more than willing to be the shit out of you.

One branwen tribe massacre later:

Jaune and Bleiss were walking away as jaune carried her bridal style.

Jaune: how was that meeting with your sister.

Bleiss: well we had to cut it short after Nora called us that you got kidnapped. And yang calling Weiss about how she noticed some weird activity going on in one of the branwen tribes camps. Me and her put two and two together. But outside of you getting kidnapped. I enjoyed today, it was nice having a normal conversation with Weiss again..

Jaune: I'm glad honey.. it's nice to know you and her are getting along again.

Bleiss: thanks dear. But your making me dinner!

Jaune: sure thing sweetheart, want me to feed it to you in bed?

Bleiss just chuckled and wrapped her arms around him before lovingly kissing him.

Today was good day.. except for raven who didn't even know what the fuck that camp did until yang told her.

Jaune: *Beat up and tied to a chair* Gentlemen, Gentlemen! Let's be Civil about this. Let's make a deal!

Jaune: You Surrender, and you don't die. How does That sound?

Branwen Tribe: And how do you intend to kill us?

Jaune: Oh no, I won't kill you. But My spouse can! Say Hi Honey!

*Someone drops behind the crowd*

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5 months ago

True love.

Apologies everyone I was in the middle of questioning if I was bi or if I just wanted to fuck a femboy. Anyway time for fucking ANGST- wait.. shit this isn't angst this.. this is it, the one ship I can't make fucking depressing! BLACKGUARD!

@spahhzy, @epic-arc you are all in my domain. I welcome you, to blackguard paradise.

The only place where you heathens understand-


True Love.

(also I'm sorry but Bleiss's real name should be Bellamere. I will make a fuckin petition and FORCE EVERYONE to sign that shit, I actively refuse to acknowledge her by a shitty name choice. Is this me acting like I'm big shit because I wrote like 4 blackguard fics prior to this? Yes.. but also because I'm sick of Bleiss's name being just Bleiss. LET ME BE DELUSIONAL.)

Jaune laid beside his wife as he combed a hand through her hair. The woman he loved was humming softly as she cradles their infant son.

Jaune: hey.. Bellamere?

Bleiss: hmm, Yes darling?

The black sheep of the schnee family looked up at jaune. Her magenta eyes being filled with that same love he saw days, weeks, months, years, decades ago.. he saw it constantly in her eyes. And it always made his heart skip a beat.

Jaune: I.. I'm glad you didn't give up on me..

Bleiss: darling-

Jaune: I promise I'm not shitting on myself.. thank you Bellamere.. thank you for loving me, for having faith in me.. even when I let.. even when I let that cat possess me.

Bleiss: Jaune.. sweetheart, I want you to listen to me.

Bleiss managed to turn without waking the sleeping baby in her arms.

Bleiss: I want you to understand something, all those years in Beacon, those years you and Weiss helped me reconnect with my family, the years we spent together in the ever after. every single one of those years. I will gladly go through it again. because I love you.

Bleiss moved a hand and cusped her cheek.

Bleiss: and no matter what, I will always love you. Now and forever.. and even if I went through more hell than those years brought.. as long as you and our child would be there for me at the end. I'd gladly go through it. Because you, my sister's, my brother, my mother, my own child.. all of the people I have grown to care for.. you are all worth more than the world to me.

Jaune's face heated up as a smile crossed his Face. As he leaned in and kissed the one woman that stole his heart... and gave hers in return.

Jaune's eyes stared at the gravestone as he held his son's hand. The young boy crying. While jaune barely managed to choke back tears.

The date didn't matter, the rest of her name didn't matter. As all jaune needed was to see her first name and nickname on the grave.

His wife.

His partner.

His everything.

Was dead.

But as jaune wanted to just.. vanish he looked to his son, the boys pitch black hair and azure eyed reminded jaune.. he still had someone to be there.

The next few years would hurt, they would never hurt less but to Jaune all that matters was that his son still had his father.

And an Arc never leaves his family.

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5 months ago

... So y'all know i am Dragonslayer trash.. but also blackguard garbage.. sooo-

Bleiss wrapped her arms around her boyfriend as she kissed his cheek.

(Ferret!Faunus) Bleiss: darling, I believe you and I both know that book is full of shit.. besides wouldn't you wanna learn the fun way.

Jaune gulped softly before feeling a hand on his shoulder as he saw yang smiling at him. As she spoke in a disarming voice.

(Komodo dragon!Faunus) Yang: you don't really have any other choice lady killer~

Jaune:.. I assume I'm not gonna be walking for months am I?

Bleiss: nnnnope!~

Yang: just a week. Every month.

Jaune:... Oh boy.. aura don't fail me now

(also what should be jaune x Bleiss x yang ship name? I'm calling it black dragon guard. Cause I feel like it)

Jaune: *Reading a book on humans dating faunus*

Jaune: Shattered pelvis... Extreme dehydration... litters...

Jaune: Is it really worth it?

(Imagine your Jaune OTP, faunus edition)

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