Rwby Dragon Slayer - Tumblr Posts
Heart on fire: spark.
Yang woke up as stretched before hoping out of bed and noticed... Her teams form was empty. Guess she probably overslept. She soon got dressed and made her way down to the mess hall as she saw something not surprising. Jaune frozen in a block of ice as a very frustrated Weiss was eating her eggs.
Yang: what VB do this time?
Thats when yang noticed a box of chocolates that ruby was devouring. With Weiss glaring at the red reaper.
Weiss: you have no idea if bad timing do you dolt?
Ruby: what? Jaune spent L50 on this for you. And I don't feel like having good things go to waste. You want some pyrrha?
Pyrrha: o-oh thank you ruby but I'll have to decline and also Weiss I wanna ask you something.
Weiss raised an eyebrow as pyrrha whispered into her ear before Weiss went red in the face.
Weiss: t-thats very bold of you pyrrha. Let's discuss this in my teams dorm.
Weiss got up as her pyrrha left with yang just sitting at the table.
Yang: Blake how much you wanna bet-
Blake: oh their already doing it.
Yang: oh right you can hear em.
yang then stared at the still frozen jaune as she sighed.
Yang: VB probably is gonna have the shock of his life
Ren: he's still conscious. So he just saw everything.
Nora: yep. Atleast now he's not gonna be frozen in ice anymore... Hopefully.
Yang: well look on the bright side next time he'll keep his c-
Blake: yang. Don't even finish that joke.
Yang: oh come on it's funny.
Ruby: yang. No offense sis but I think you can hold off on the jokes for today
Yang: you sure? Alright then. and tell vb good luck with the reveal
Yang got up and began walking as Blake perked up and looked at her questioningly
Blake: and what leads you to say that?
Yang just shrugged as she continued walking
Soon the lewd moaning of Weiss was heard and gauging from the height the sound was coming from. They were doing it on Ruby's bed... Lovely.
To describe how jaune felt could be summed up In one word... Humiliated. he felt so stupid for all the attempts he made for Weiss. Jaune wanted to just bury his face in the dirt as he groaned into his hands. That's before a knock was heard on his teams door as he got up and opened it and was immediately met with a bag being handed to him... Well more of.. thrown at him.
As he caught it he saw one familiar yang xiao long.
Jaune: oh hey yang. Uh what do you need? And why did you throw a bag-
Yang: we're training lady killer. So pack a towel and extra clothes because I'm gonna make you sweat.
Jaune went wide eyed as yang had a grin on her face before jaune responded with a smile on his face as he nodded.
(feel free to continue this if you want everyone.)
(and sorry my writing is probably shit, really tired at the moment)
(as always, this is a shitpost, this is just me trying to be funny, not show my interpretation of the characters)
Jaune found himself infront of Ruby as she just looked at him.
Ruby: jaune. Your my best friend I want you to remember that.
Jaune: I know.
Ruby: that being said... HOW DID YOU SLEEP WITH MY SISTER?!
Jaune: oh so this isn't about me accidentally eating the last cookie.
Ruby: what? No ofcourse not, I'd be mad if it's anyone else, I only trust you and yang with my cookies.
Jaune: oh.
Ruby: but point is... WHY DID YOU SLEEP WITH YANG?!
Jaune: I'll be honest ruby... It's all because of a bad pun I made.
Ruby:... Your joking.. right?
Jaune: nope, sorry ruby but your sister is punsexual.
Ruby: UGH! Why am I not suprised?
Jaune: hey look at the bright side. Atleast it was a fling.
Ruby: yeah... But now that I have my explanation.
Ruby takes out crescent rose before transforming it into its gun form as she pointed it at jaunes face.
Jaune: YIKES!
Yang and Winter find out about Jaune fucking the other. This confirms to them that he is in fact a whore. One that they had like, but still one.
Jaune is a WHORE! (Ask 1)
Yang and winter found themselves on a mission together as they began to chat. At first it was just boring stuff like mission details, then about their sisters before yang decided to ask a personal question.
Yang: weird question but uh, you a virgin?
Winter blushed softly as she looked at yang.
Winter: why would my sexual activity be of any interest to you.
Yang: just curious is all.
Winter just grumbled as she rolled her eyes.
Winter: well if you must know, no. I am not a virgin.
Yang: ooooo~ who's the lucky gun?
Winter: who I slept with is none of your business.
Yang: oh come on. I'm just curious. I won't tell a soul honest!
Winter stopped for a moment before looking at yang.
Winter: you swear it?
Yang nodded as winter sighed before taking a deep breath.
Winter: I slept with the arc boy.
Yang: you slept with lady killer?!
Winter: what surprised a Schnee would sleep with a person of humble standing?
Yang: no actually. I'm surprised because uh well... I also did it with him.
The two looked at eachother before something clicked.
(apologies for how short it is)
... So y'all know i am Dragonslayer trash.. but also blackguard garbage.. sooo-
Bleiss wrapped her arms around her boyfriend as she kissed his cheek.
(Ferret!Faunus) Bleiss: darling, I believe you and I both know that book is full of shit.. besides wouldn't you wanna learn the fun way.
Jaune gulped softly before feeling a hand on his shoulder as he saw yang smiling at him. As she spoke in a disarming voice.
(Komodo dragon!Faunus) Yang: you don't really have any other choice lady killer~
Jaune:.. I assume I'm not gonna be walking for months am I?
Bleiss: nnnnope!~
Yang: just a week. Every month.
Jaune:... Oh boy.. aura don't fail me now
(also what should be jaune x Bleiss x yang ship name? I'm calling it black dragon guard. Cause I feel like it)
Jaune: *Reading a book on humans dating faunus*
Jaune: Shattered pelvis... Extreme dehydration... litters...
Jaune: Is it really worth it?
(Imagine your Jaune OTP, faunus edition)