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6 months ago
I Made Myself Some Cheese Popcorn Today !

I made myself some cheese popcorn today šŸæ!

I Made Myself Some Cheese Popcorn Today !

сŠµŠ³Š¾Š“Š½Ń сŠ“ŠµŠ»Š°Š»Š° сŠµŠ±Šµ сырŠ½Ń‹Š¹ ŠæŠ¾ŠæŠŗŠ¾Ń€Š½ šŸæ!

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9 months ago

Aegon has never been one of my favorite characters, but hearing him call Jaehaerys ā€œmy little sonā€ broke my heart.

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9 months ago

HoTD S2E1 left me for dead. Can't wait to have the other episodes rip me apart ā˜ļøšŸ’•


Spoilers under the cut

The whole episode was amazing, I personally loved it and the scenery was so gorgeous and got me really excited for the whole season. I admittedly did tear up a bit when Jace came back from the North to tell Rhae about the allegiance and stuff.

But the only nitpick I have is with the B&C scene. Now, I know some people say it wasn't "graphic" enough. I personally do not think that, it was graphic enough - you don't need to be shown them killing a little boy to know what happened, and the sound does do its job with making the scene disturbing. But the execution of the actual scene felt a bit... empty to me. There was a lot more in the books, and Heleana was really trying and pleading to save her children, and the biggest point in that scene in the books was when they killed Jaeherys instead of Maelor, giving even a bigger sense of betrayal and emotional distress to both the character and the viewers. (Also, I'm not sure if this was brought up anywhere, but... where is Maelor..??)

The acting was amazing, but that lack of that dialogue and exchange really did, sort of, rub me the wrong way. It didn't make the scene less enjoyable I guess, but I just wish there was more to it, it really could've been a lot better. This was one of the more important points in this whole start of the war and it felt like we just breezed through it to get it out of the way. I believe the scene should've been given much more attention, but we have what we got. I can't wait for the upcoming episodes either way.

Anyways this was just a little ramble from me so I can just get it off my chest. Ne hate at all. I'm looking forward to new episodes.

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9 months ago

Iā€˜m upset about blood & cheeseā€¦

not gonna lie iā€˜m generally very positive about HotD as an adaptation but this feels botched. first time iā€˜m genuinely disappointed. you donā€™t need to adapt the book sentence by sentence but in this instance it genuinely feels like an unnecessary change. it is still unimaginably horrible but itā€˜s like they took away half of the impact. plus it is another cut to black from daemon actually making any decisions. i hope that at least this will be discussed to some degree in the upcoming episodes.

anyways imma stay far away from any social media discourse outside of this platform because I already know the absolute vitriol this will garner from people who already hate the show/writers to an unreasonable degree and think that itā€˜s okay to spout insults and accusations at them without restraint.

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6 months ago


today I went to the shops for a block of cheese, it was cold so I put it on my head and walked back home, many smiles from many people, even got a compliment from an elderly couple, didn't even drop the cheese once, much happy

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7 months ago

By the way, just so we can compare this "son for a son" thing that so many Team Black stans think is justified because of Lucerys' death:

Team Black's loss: a 14 year old boy, sent on dragonback to secure support for an uncertain ally on the eve of a war, gets ambushed by his slightly older uncle, whose eye he once cut out without remorse and whose enormous dragon instantly kills him and his dragon with one bite

Team Green's loss: a 6 year old boy, getting tucked into bed by his mother, is suddenly woken in the middle of the night to two strange men when one puts his hand over his mouth and proceeds to begin sawing his head off with a knife as he lays there watching, doubtlessly feeling everything as he dies after a few moments of the blade cutting back and forth across his throat, his only ever crime stealing a small council ball and having an uncle willing to pay for his head to satisfy a need for vengeance

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1. Jaehaera was not raped...

2. Rhaenyra was having a breakdown on Dragonstone after learning about Luke's death when she received Daemon's letter stating that he would avenge Luke (the letter doesn't even explain how he would avenge Luke). How is that her fault?

3. Aegon is also a rapist in the books, it's not an invention by the writers.

"Who are you?" [Helaena] demanded of the two. "Debt collectors," said Cheese. "An eye for an eye, a son for a son. We only want the one, t' square things. Won't hurt the rest o' you fine folks, not one lil' hair. Which one to you want t' lose Your Grace?" Cheese warned the queen to make a choice soon, before Blood grew bored and raped her little girl. Strange to say, the ratcatcher and the butcher were true to their word. They did no further harm to Queen Helaena and her surviving children. (Fire and Blood: The Dying of the Dragons - A Son for a Son)

You're right anon, Jaehaera was never raped, it was only threatened to hurry Helaena along. I don't understand why TG stans want to add to this event so badly, it's already horrific. It's actions like that which show how GRRM is once again choosing to have morally gray protagonists. TB is in the right about the Dance and who they're supporting, but that doesn't mean their heroes or even morally good in their actions.

It's interesting how op decided to complain that Aegon might be portrayed as incompetent. Aegon was incompetent in the book, so incompetent he was murdered by his own supporters. He's remembered as being one of the most useless kings of Westeros. Saying they're going to dumb him down to make Rhaenyra look better shows how op has never read the book, or even Aegon's wiki lmao.

Further proving my point is the stupidly blind argument of how Aegon "isn't a rapist in the book". The delusion of the TG stans is neverending.

I think the most incredible take in this post is how apparently, in the eyes of op, Criston isn't an incel in season one?? Did we watch the same show? Criston makes the immediate turn to hating Rhaenyra and literally killing people associated with her family after she rejects him. He makes hating her his entire personality for the whole ass show once she refuses to run away with him. He thinks he's entitled to Rhaenyra's entire life and body just because she slept with him once. He's the definition of an incel, go cry about it greenies.

B&C was done without Rhaenyra's knowledge or approval, as you said. Daemon acted on his own (he is a true gray character). She was separated from Daemon when he made his choice, so she had even less control over what he did. Added to that is how Rhaenyra was busy with other fronts of the war and negotiating, how can she be expected to micromanage her husband?

Now, while the original post was written I think before Condal started teasing the whole "people will want to switch sides", the reblog definitely wasn't. Condal has revealed that he plans to make the audience sympathize with the greens more this season. Which is why it makes no sense why the poster who reblogged believes they will make the greens appear worse. They're already making excuses for Aegon raping serving girls, trying to make Alicent be completely innocent of her team's actions, and making Aemond "accidentally" kill Luke.

The show is already so obviously TG, they even aged up Rhaenyra and aged down Alicent to control who the audience sympathizes with. TG stans are just bitter that even the intense white washing can't cover up how in the wrong TG is.

Alicent is totally at least partially to blame for B&C. In the book, she was the head of the green faction and constantly plotted to usurp Rhaenyra, thus causing the war. In both the show and the book, Alicent raised her children to view their nephews as subhuman. She instilled the hatred of them into Aemond long before the Driftmark incident. She's the one who constantly affirmed to them that Aegon is the rightful heir and Rhaenyra is a murderous whore. Alicent bears the blame for what happened to her family just as much as Aegon, Otto, and Aemond.

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10 months ago
Streets Saying Aegon Will Try To Off Himself, As Seen By What Appears To Be A Strangle Mark In This EW

Streets saying Aegon will try to off himself, as seen by what appears to be a strangle mark in this EW photo. OMG!

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9 months ago

Yeah so Remember when Ryan Condal said Aegon and Sunfyre's bond was "Green propaganda" and everyone got understandably mad at him??

Take a look at what he said regarding b&c:

Bro...what the actual fuck did you just say?

Apparently blood and cheese was all green propaganda that Alicent spread to make saint Rhaenyra look bad. It was all a misunderstanding, there was no choice between Jaehaerys and Maelor, it was all made up.

Alicent just invented the most evil lie she could muster up to villainize the amazing blacks. What was shown onscreen is the real representation of what transpired.

Jesus Christ Condal i get that you hate book! Alicent (and Alicent in general) for some reason but can you stop blaming that poor woman, who had to watch her grandchild get beheaded, and not say she was lying out of her ass? Is that so hard?

"You were supposed to be rooting for blood and cheese and hope they didn't get caught!"

For the love of the Seven, if you don't want all the money you spent marketing this show to go down the drain Hbo please keep this man away from any interviews, I can't listen to him anymore without wanting to turn my phone off.

I genuinely can't fault many greens for deciding to stop watching because of this bs.

It's so embarrassing that a writer who is supposed to portray a civil war and keep both sides on equal ground pulls this type of shit. For me the next episode is coming out tomorrow and honestly I have no motivation to watch, absolutely no excitement.

I tried to deny it in the past, but now the writer's bias has become so blatant that my love for the show has taken a hit. Hotd truly is a high budget team black fanfic.

And here I thought without D&D in the picture we would be fine.

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1 year ago

forgot that B&C is going to be in episode 1ā€¦ what do i do i canā€™t watch helaena go through that

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9 months ago

watching aegon genuinely beam at jaehaerys knowing exactly what was going to happen to that little boy all while itā€™s fatherā€™s day irl was sickening to say the least

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9 months ago

griping that blood & cheese was ā€œunderwhelmingā€ and not as dramatic or gorey as in the books is an indicator to me that a person has very little empathy or even emotional intelligence because the showā€™s scene zeroed in on EMOTIONS. it didnā€™t need to be gorey because did you fucking SEE Helaenaā€™s face??? her eyes?? her trying her best to negotiate with the men despite having little knowledge or practice of typical real-world interaction? her choked ā€œno,ā€ before completely dissociating and pointing at her child whom she knows will die as a result? her slowly pull herself out of her own head to get her only remaining child and escape? her covering jaehaeraā€™s eyes and whispering ā€œpleaseā€¦ please,ā€ as she walked through the empty corridors? it didnā€™t NEED to be bloody because as it stands it was HORRIFIC

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11 months ago
The Anti-team Black Tags Are There For A Reason And Please Don't Get Me Wrong Here , I Like Rhaenyra

The anti-team black tags are there for a reason and please don't get me wrong here , I like Rhaenyra and Aegon because, I have things in common with them especially with personal and experience but , that's where the line is drawn.

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9 months ago


I know it's obviously the same people who claim to hate Alicent. I personally like Rhaenyra because, I relate to her but, I also relate Aegon with personal toxic aspects of my life. I am very sane and mature enough to call people out for justifying a child's death just because, the person who plotted for the child's murder wasn't headstrong enough to go after his step-son's actual killer , it's very cowardice. Also , I feel bad for everyone in this fandom including myself who feels second hand embarrassment and shame based on other peoples action , like can Yall just stop trying to make us look idiotic. I know a lot of nice team black stans who aren't combative or want to justify but, just watch the show for what it is but, some of Yall fucking disgust me. Also I had a green fan dm on an old delete account on a different platform telling me I should be harmed because, I relate to Rhaenyra. Both sides of the fandom Yall know what yall are doing , just grow tf up.

B&C Was Literally The Worst Thing That Happened During The Book And Y'all Wanna Tell Me It Wasn't Enough?
B&C Was Literally The Worst Thing That Happened During The Book And Y'all Wanna Tell Me It Wasn't Enough?

B&C was literally the worst thing that happened during the book and y'all wanna tell me it wasn't enough? Disgusting.

Y'all like to say you support Rhaenyra because she's a woman and a good person, not because she's interesting. But you don't support human rights or women rights, you're just a pretender much like your queen, the pretender.

If you love Rhaenyra, love her and own it but don't you dare call green fans misogyny or shit like this when you wish death for 6-2 years old children who had no fault unlike Luke who harmed Aemond first.

At least green fans don't wish death for children. You're disgusting.

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9 months ago

And people say Rhaenyra didn't have any empathy. There's a reason Daemon did what he did without telling her. Show Rhaenyra reminds me of Marie Antoinette , appointed to something at a young age relishing in the privilege of it and then hated by the people for what her husband done because, she obviously doesn't know how to run a fucking kingdom simply because, daddy spent years talking out his ass and not teaching her.

Blood & Cheese Is Going To Be Such An Awful Scene To Get Through. Even GRRM Said That It Is Too Dark
Blood & Cheese Is Going To Be Such An Awful Scene To Get Through. Even GRRM Said That It Is Too Dark
Blood & Cheese Is Going To Be Such An Awful Scene To Get Through. Even GRRM Said That It Is Too Dark

Blood & Cheese is going to be such an awful scene to get through. Even GRRM said that it is too dark for television. I hate Daemon and Mysaria with every fiber in my body. They decided to go after the most innocent and vulnerable. Daemon didnā€™t say anything to Rhaenyra about it because he knew she wouldnā€™t allow it. I love Helaena and her children. They donā€™t deserve any of this.

Art in order - Renju Art and Doug Wheatley

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