Class Of 2024 - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

Congratulations indeed...🎊

Congratulations Indeed...
Congratulations Indeed...

Yes I'm vibing to the song until my day arrives...

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9 months ago

So in my time zone it's almost 3:00 a.m.

Which means I graduate today.

In less than 24 hours.

And it's such an insane feeling for a multitude of reasons. One of course being that in the fall I'll start college.

But there's also this realization that I'm not a kid anymore. I've been 18 since October, so I've been legally an adult for months, but it's really hitting me that I'll never really be seen as a "kid" again. And I've felt like an adult for years, so this shouldn't be so bittersweet, but it is.

I'm also leaving my best friends of 4 years. The closest I'll be to them is 3 hours away. Furthest I'll be is like 11. These people that I've spent nearly every day with for the last four years will be hours away at minimum.

Finally, I'm graduating cordless. Which I know is not a big deal, honestly, but I'm a bit sad about it, only because no one can see how truly hard I've worked to get to graduate. At 16 I didn't even know if I'd move up a grade, much less actually finish school. I'm proud of her for getting here, but I wish she had more to show for it.

It's so crazy to be both wildly exited for the future and what it brings for me and my people, but I'm also terrified. I'm safe the way I am. I have a life and a routine I'm comfortable with and this just pushes me away from it.

I know people see this as a start to the rest of my life, but right now it just feels like the end of the one I've been living.

I'm so exited, and so so scared.

I don't normally post things like this, but I've been thinking a ton about it.

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1 year ago

Alright, so my performing arts school does a Senior Showcase at the end of the year as a last performance for seniors to show off the height of their talents, right?

People can sing, people can dance, people can act, play instruments, make films, make visual art pieces such as drawings, paintings, or sculptures, and all sorts of stuff.

I, though I am an actor and tap dancer as well, chose to sing because that is the art I've been doing for the longest in my life. I've been singing since second grade.

I could have chosen a normal song from the radio, I could have chosen a song from a musical like Freeze Your Brain from Heathers or I'm Not a Loser from the SpongeBob Musical.


My nerd brain decided "y'know what, let's embrace the nerd side of things."

So instead of doing a radio song or a musical song

I'm singing Space Was Cool.

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1 year ago

It's finally hitting me that as a high school senior, my last year with the direct physical support of my parents (at least for a little while) is getting closer to being over. I'm gonna be living on my own. That's wild.

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1 year ago

Oh yeah

Happy New Year I guess

I'm totally not focused on the fact that I'm already halfway through being a senior in high school

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9 months ago
This Is My Other Graduation Cap From This Year!

This is my other graduation cap from this year!

I drew the fishes on cardboard and then made little flaps with more cardboard to make them pop up off of the hat & they’re on book pages (from a random book that was falling apart in the trash, don’t attack me).

The fishies in the figure 8 is kind of a long story but let’s just say my best friend has a lot to do with it (I love my best friend).

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9 months ago
Wanted To Share :)
Wanted To Share :)

Wanted to share :)

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9 months ago
Wanted To Share :)
Wanted To Share :)

Wanted to share :)

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9 months ago

I’m so proud of you, my love. I see you as the moon and the stars, I could study your constellations for hours.

Everytime I see you my breath catches in my throat, and I’m excited to see what you do now. I’m excited to be a part of the next chapter.

I love you. Congrats.

piss white girl piss :)

Im So Proud Of You, My Love. I See You As The Moon And The Stars, I Could Study Your Constellations For


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10 months ago


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10 months ago

مرحبا كيفك الحال

ممكن بعد اذنك مشاركة لرابط الموجود ع صفحتي

شكرا الك

سلام نعم راح انشر الرابط الكم الله يحميكم ويجزيكم الخير 🙏

Donate to HelpYoussef and his family get out of Gaza for a better life, organized by Mahmoud Balousha
Displaced for the fourth time .. Youssef birth was by de… Mahmoud Balousha needs your support for HelpYoussef and his family get out of

This is Mahmoud’s fundraiser, which he started to help evacuate his family from Gaza. He has 3 children, one of whom is his infant son who is whose development has been hindered by lack of proper nutrition. This fundraiser is legitimate and extremely low on funds with less than 10% of its goal met (4k/50k currently).

Please reblog and give what you can to Mahmoud’s fundraiser! Every share counts, every donation counts, no matter how small. Share his fundraiser in any way you can. Let’s do everything in our power to get Mahmoud and his family the help they need!

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1 year ago

I love being in a school in the middle of a dirty town, in a class littered with students who were never told "No" in their lives. :)

I Love Being In A School In The Middle Of A Dirty Town, In A Class Littered With Students Who Were Never

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8 months ago
We Just Had Our Graduation Dance And Got Our Diplomas Yesterday, Vixxie Had A Final Grade (from 7th Grade

We just had our graduation dance and got our diplomas yesterday, Vixxie had a final grade (from 7th grade to 9th) of 9.7 and i (Lemon) had one of 9.6!

I also ran into a glass door as i was leaving the graduation, what a great way to end my time at my school.

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1 year ago

comments that my friend left on my research paper

“I’d like to preface with I’m a sleepy girly whose brain is not braining so ignore all of these tbh maybe lol tee hee”

“lol comedy”

“a dramatic*? idk im crazy or this sentence isn’t sentencing”

“:o a thesis”

“this is paragraph one question mark?”

“oopsies the depressed children”

“who’s her”

“they sound fancy tell me more”



i love my friend so much, she is peak comedy and makes me so much less nervous about my paper

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