Clockwork Kaz Posts - Tumblr Posts

a system account we like is back up!! we followed them before we knew about being a system, their yourube account is DissociaDID and i missed them so much, i think their account was down for a whilw

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me: hey brain can you make something other than twinks please

brain: oh? More Twinks?

me: Backspace Backspace Backspace Backspace

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holds up ghost

i think it was supposed to be a ghostface introject but someone forgot to flip the final switch? like scream was gonna be sent into the world and we went “oh you marked that one as a ghostface, right?” and the brain went “no, was i supposed to?” and we went “this will be a *very* interesting person” /ref

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being angelkin(?) is so weird. im Sometimes a human alter but also i sometimes have wings in innerworld and feel the absence of them? very funky very silly

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Poem? kind of? made from search results from a headmate (with permission)

11:57 “Angel alter” ; Tumblr

11:57 “Angel stim” ; Tumblr

11:58 “What is stimming?” ; Google

11:59 “How do I know if I’m stimming?” ; Google

12:00 “Hand flapping” ; Google

12:01 “Hand flapping” ; Youtube

12:03 “What is autism”; Google

12:05 “Autism acceptance” ; Google

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