Couldnt Have Said It Better - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

Why Being Manipulated into Letting Gadreel in a Huge Deal for Sam?

I know a lot of Dean Girls were very upset (and will be upset after reading this post) with Sam when Dean asked him if the roles were reversed if he would have done the same thing (letting an angel possess him to save his life). Sam simply says no! Some fans have gone to the extent of calling him selfish but no, Sam is not being selfish in that scene. It wasn't that he didn't care about his brother. He really does and that is why him saying no is actually a good thing.

Now see, Dean never had to go through the whole loss of bodily autonomy due to a possession issue (not until after he was possessed by Michael but that's way after the Gadreel plot) like Sam has been and disturbingly a lot more number of times than Dean's single rodeo with Otherworld Michael (or is it AU Michael? whatever!). Just to keep the argument simple, I am purely focusing on the loss of bodily autonomy purely from a possession POV.

When Meg possessed Sam in S2, she used his body to kill other hunters, to assault Jo and to beat Dean. Maybe she did a lot worse than that, we don't know. Who is left with the trauma of that knowledge? Sam!

The Gary-Sam body swap. This one though seems funny on the surface, it's actually kinda disturbing because Gary used Sam's body to have sex and the kid. Kinda gross enough already but that dumb kid could have easily handed over the vessel to Lucifer. Imagine, that's how it played and Sam was back into his body. Now who is trapped with Lucifer, the Devil? Sam!

Speaking of, understandably saying yes to Lucifer was Sam's call to put him back in the box but it didn't go down without blood on his hand. The moment Lucifer took control of Sam's body, he killed the demons from Sam's life that deceived him. I am guessing these were possessed people he killed in the process and not just wisps of black smoke. At Stull cemetery, he exploded Cas to bits, snapped Bobby's neck and beat up Dean to pulp! all by whose hands? Sam's!

Gadreel's possession did help Sam get better but at what cost? Kevin's death? How many nightmares did Sam have seeing his hands burning Kevin hollow? Now let me point out the aftermath of this possession which is somehow even worse than the actual possession: Crowley skewered Sam's brains with needles, hell, he even possessed Sam to wake him as if one possession was not enough. Sam literally had two supernatural beings possessing him at one time! Don't even get me started on the painful, torturous grace extraction process. Sam was willing to die in that moment because he believed his life wasn't worth saving, definitely not at the cost of Kevin's life!

Before this role reversal scene, Dean wasn't possessed by anything, so he doesn't understand how horrible it is to lose autonomy over one's mind and body. I don't expect him to grasp the gravity of it. He sees it as a healing from within. For him, if 'ends justifying the means' that's all that matters.

When every single possession has caused nothing but grave trauma to Sam Winchester, tell me why would he or anyone for that matter, in their sane heads do this on their own brother, especially when they love them so much?

Here's another very real life perspective for all those who feel Sam saying 'no' if the situation was reversed was a horrible betrayal and proof that he doesn't love Dean enough: Ever had someone you love on life support or gone through a situation where you had to put down your beloved pet? Why do we do this? is it because we don't love them? because we don't care? no! Because sometimes, it is better to let them go than to prolong their suffering by putting them through this pain. So next time you feel Sam was being selfish, or disloyal to Dean or that he didn't care enough, think about a loved one suffering through something horrible because you didn't have the guts to let go!

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10 months ago
Reposting Some Stuff From Twitter Bc Im Tired Of People So Grossly Misinterpreting Tills Character. He
Reposting Some Stuff From Twitter Bc Im Tired Of People So Grossly Misinterpreting Tills Character. He
Reposting Some Stuff From Twitter Bc Im Tired Of People So Grossly Misinterpreting Tills Character. He
Reposting Some Stuff From Twitter Bc Im Tired Of People So Grossly Misinterpreting Tills Character. He
Reposting Some Stuff From Twitter Bc Im Tired Of People So Grossly Misinterpreting Tills Character. He

reposting some stuff from twitter bc i’m tired of people so grossly misinterpreting till’s character…. he doesn’t love ivan back the way ivan loves him and that’s just how things are sometimes, it’s not because mizi is “in the way”. that’s literally part of what makes ivan’s unreciprocated feelings so tragic like the entire POINT is that it’s one sided no matter what and ivan himself is well aware of that too

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6 months ago

We all agree, right?

AI to write your novel is wrong

A bargain with a demon to write your novel is okay

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2 years ago

I love people posting about their sim. I love super complex and ultra edited pics, I love to see completely unedited screenshots that doesn't even have shaders. I'm warmed up by the love people put in this silly hobby and that they are willing to share what they love with me

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1 year ago

Noticed stuff goin around about some people complaining about canon and fanon especially within a fandom. The thing is there's nothing wrong with it. It's a sandbox for people to enjoy what others make, to share and to giggle over about. The characters aren't real, almost all the Links are a blank slate since it's seen as a self insert that even Nintendo confirmed about.

The point I'm trying to say is don't do stuff like this that discourages people from creating what they love especially if that's a hc to them. That's the point of a fandom. If you don't like it, move along. Exit out of the fic. Go somewhere else that'll fit you.

Don't bring a writer/artist down just because you don't like what they made, move along.

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1 year ago

I completely agree with you about everything and I’m sorry I wasn’t clear enough about what i was referring to when i said “heroines in a masculine light’, when i was referring to the trope where masculine girls or "one of the boys" characters dislike or look down upon girly girls and believe they are superior, for no other reason than the other girl being more feminine and/or girly, and I would just love to see an actual masculine women and transmasculine people represented  in media  where they are more prominent and their stories that should go beyond their gender identity or sexuality, focusing on their experiences, conflicts, and personal growth. Authentic representation by individuals with those identities ensures nuanced and informed storytelling. 

but in light to that I do think and agree with you that It's crucial to have diverse and authentic portrayals of different experiences and identities in media without reinforcing negative or divisive narratives.

Overall y’know just like you said I just want to see media where women of any kind can just see themselves in and relate to because they are represented in a way that is authentic and shows at least some of the complexity and nuance of they're life.

Recently re-watched “confession of a shopaholic”, “legally blonde”, “clueless”, “the devil wears Prada” and “the house bunny” and lemme tell you no one can compare to how that era in media represented girly girls as much as it did, sure it wasn’t perfect, but it just hits differently now that almost every type of trope or girl heroine is represented in a masculine light or not like other girls trope and  sees the girly girls as shallow and dumb. 

Like its so hard to find anything where girls and women just support each other, and if they are going to be rivals or not like each other pls make it so that its actually relevant to the plot and make sense for them to not like each other, and not just because women hate other women trope.

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1 year ago

I know there's a lotta discourse out there about Palworld vs. Pokemon, and I wanted to give my 2 cents on it. If you're not interested in that you're free to ignore this post! No hard feelings!

First: If you wanna play the game, play it. Does this make you a bad person with bad morals? No.

Second: No AI was used. This was a rumor with zero proof. The CEO mentioned his interest in AI at some point or AI was used on OTHER projects but not on Palworld.

Third: Did they steal models from Pokémon? I believe it was heavily inspired to a point where they toed a line, yes, but that's Nintendo's battle to fight, not yours. This game showed trailers 2 years ago. If Nintendo wanted to stop it, they would've already. Plus, Pokémon ripped their designs off Dragon Quest, so no one is innocent here. The multi-billion dollar corporation will be alright, I promise.

Fourth: You can be both a Pokémon fan AND a Palworld fan. The games are actually insanely different in gameplay and story. Palworld is actually more similar to ARK or Rust than it is Pokémon. If I'm honest, Palworld is built better.

Fifth: Pokémon fans should see this as a good competition for Nintendo. Competition means Nintendo might take the next game a little more seriously, allowing for a better product than what was initially received with Violet/Scarlet.

And lastly, if I had to take a guess, the Palworld devs probably (and this is just my opinion!) hired a lawyer to tell them how far they could toe the line which means what they've done is legal. People might not like that but that might just be how it is.

That being said, yes I've played the game, yes I love it and yes, I will continue playing it and I don't feel bad about it.

Thanks for listening to my rant!

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1 year ago

I'm obsessed with how Be My Favourite queers the straight narrative so beautifully. The show literally starts off with a straight romance cliché (lead doesn't get the girl, regrets it for the rest of his life until he goes back in time to fix things) and if you hadn't read the tags or the synopsis you could be 100% forgiven for thinking it was just another straight time travel romance. Heck, even Kawi, the literal main lead, and Pisaeng, his actual love interest, think they're in a straight time travel romance for 7 and 1/2 episodes.

You can literally see the two opposing narratives fighting with one another, the "tradional" romance narrative fighting against its queering and maintain the status quo and then slowly coming undone as it becomes clear that the queerness was always there it had just never had a chance to flourish.

Be My Favourite is making a very pointed statement about queer narratives and queer visibility in media and I love love love love it.

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5 months ago

What also bothers me about the whole Lila/Diego/Five bullshit is how it basically gives the message that married life sucks.

That once you get kids, a house, "boring" jobs and daily tasks, the romance goes to shit and your life is basically ruined. That was not supposed to be the message! Make them talk! Voice their problems with each other! Rediscover their passion for one another! Make them see how badass and adventurous their family life can be! Make them understand how lucky they are! How depsite of losing their powers and the thrill of what their chaotic life used to be, their new family life can be just as adventurous! Different, yes, but not worse!

I would love to see them grow as a couple. To see them overcome their pasts and embrace the change. To see them finally snap and realize they love each other. That it's still them against the world, but now it's also their family against the world.

But no, i guess it's better to make them fall apart and make the whole relationship toxic in the end 🤷🏼‍♀️ oh and turn Lila into a cheater...with her husband's brother. How truly epic...smh.

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The fact that Rex is the one who shows even an OUNCE of concern for Ahsoka's immediate wellbeing while Anakin does not is uh. Pretty telling about them both.

Rex. Literal child soldier trained from birth to place exactly zero value on his own life and has never known a normal life or real kindness growing up. Rex is the one who thinks they're going too far and that Ahsoka needs a break.

But Anakin, whose training would've been a lot kinder and inclined to allow him to take the breaks he needed, doesn't even give a shit about what this "training" is doing to his student.

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1 year ago
As An Honorary Shidou Apologist, I Am Breaking My Silence. Ive Finally Decided To Go On A Rant On Why

As an honorary Shidou apologist, I am breaking my silence. I’ve finally decided to go on a rant on why I don't think Kirisaki Shidou is an organ harvester.

(fair warning I like absolutely suck ass at organizing my thoughts, so if some of this is incoherent or if it seems like i'm repeating myself my bad 😭 I mainly wrote this for fun)

So, I'm aware that this theory is the most popular consensus when it comes to Shidou (and tbh, I think part of it is because a lot of people kinda look over him? Like at least a tiny bit more than the others, considering a lot of people also don’t realize how his main victim was probably his son and not his wife, but I digress) (plus I think all milgram characters are looked over to a certain extent). While I do think parts of it are probably accurate in some way, I don't think he was a full-on organ harvester (as in he actively stole from patients through illegal means. emphasis on actively) and that the theory in and of itself is flimsy at best. He's morally questionable, yes, but it’s more in the sense that he’s a somewhat apathetic guy who lacked understanding on how his own set of morals and values (i.e. pushing for organ donation) could be seen as wrong. So if he were an organ harvester, wouldn’t he be aware that it’s illegal? That’s what confuses me whenever people bring it up. I don't actually doubt that he may have done something illegal for his family's sake, it’s just that I still highly doubt it was something he actively did. And that seems to be what a lot of people think when they refer to the theory. (if i’m wrong please forgive me, i just assume organ harvester shidou = people think he did it as a job)

Anyways, more under the cut for those interested (it's a bit lengthy my apologies)

It then kinda trickles down to how his guilt stems more from the consequences of his actions rather than the actual action of taking organs. The root of his guilt comes from the realization that basically asking families to pull the plug and use their loved ones' organs for donation is a very, very hard decision; one that he kept pressuring for. If he was an illegal organ harvester, and was aware that his actions were in fact illegal, why the hell would he feel so guilty to the point that he’d start having suicidal ideations? That’s the key difference between his profession and his possible criminal activities; one is a burden both emotionally and morally, the other is more or less a literal burden. And based off of Shidou's character, he seems to be much more emotionally affected. That's also why I think a lot of people jump to the conclusion that his guilt stems from his actual actions rather than their effects. (does that make sense oh lord i am going ☝️🤓 so hard rn)

I get that some parts of his MV or lyrics seem to be suggesting that, but also it’s important to note that Shidou has a very strong bias against himself and definitely painted himself in a negative light. I mean, that's why he thinks every single preceding patient before the final incident is a victim to him, why he shows himself staying professional in a professional setting as apathetic (minus the pressuring part), and why he literally equates his job to STEALING. Not only that but, imo, it's also a little too unrealistic and might not actually fit the criteria of Milgram. Milgram is for crimes that are in a morally grey area. So if it really was organ harvesting, is it really in a grey area? (though I guess you could say that doing it for family's sake would be, but that's only for his family. He'd have no reason to do it otherwise). Plus, it'd make more sense and fit the theme of touching upon social issues (i.e. abortion, bullying, societal standards, mental health, etc.) if shidou’s entire dilemma was in regards to (albeit questionably done) organ donation, a complicated ethical topic in Japan.

Throw Down actually gives a pretty good rough idea of Shidou's thoughts towards his crime and his feelings in regards to it. He felt like he was blinded by his own values, and that inadvertently caused him to be unaware of the suffering he caused through his job. It really does shock me that he somehow was able to pull-off getting a forgiven verdict in T1 because he certainly comes off as cold and uncaring in regards to his work.

I think the final bridge in Throw Down kinda summarizes his entire mindset, actually.

​​Now slowly close your eye, put your regret on display Wishing you for someone else's sake With the same expression no matter who comes I don’t feel scared because I don’t know

Shidou doesn't quite understand the feelings of his patient's families, and therefore he acts remorseful and sympathetic more than he actually feels. Why? Well, because he didn't know. Up until that point, he never understood the weight of his actions, and focused on his role as a doctor. "This is an upsetting subject, yes, but it's for the greater good, right?” A braindead person has little to no chances of living, so why not use this as an opportunity to donate their organs? Moreover, as a doctor I believe it’s typical to be "emotionally detached” (for lack of a better word) since I’d assume becoming emotionally connected with a patient would make things at least a bit messy.

His mindset comes crumbling down though, presumably because he experienced the same or a similar situation. This part remains muddy for me, since we don't know much about what the actual cause for Shidou's guilt is. There are several possibilities, with the most plausible ones being:

he lost his own family member and had to go through with the same decision,

he tried to save a family member using donated organs, but failed, making it seem like everything he has done as a doctor was in vain

(a secret third option would be him making someone he cares about make that decision but it's very unlikely and also requires too much mental gymnastics)

But no matter what exactly he did, it all trickles down to the validity of his morals. After realizing the pain of losing a loved one, the struggle of trying to save them, and the unfortunate failure which left all efforts practically pointless, Shidou would understand the actual weight of his actions and why all those families were so reluctant to let go of their own.

This is even more evident in his T2 voice drama, Asclepius.

"In order to save the life of someone you don't know, please let me kill your family," I told them. It doesn't even take much thinking to realize how cruel that is, but… I didn't realize it until the very end.

This is the gist of Shidou's crime, or at least part of it (considering he says "Well, about halfway" when Es asks if their judgment was right). Again, this tells us that Shidou's guilt comes from the act of the effects of organ donation rather than the literal action. And this also implies that his "murders" did in fact have to do with being in a medical situation, it's just the way he went about it was at the very least morally questionable.

I will also acknowledge that he says he killed for selfish reasons, which most likely relates to trying to save his own family member. Here he could possibly have actually done something illegal such as tampering with patients or illegally taking their organs (latter is a stretch imo). Plus, his distorted T2 voice trailer line is literally "You're in the way, hurry up and die" which would only make sense in the context of waiting for a patient to die. But it could also just be him continuing to pressure for organ donation, but now with his own selfish motives.

Going back to the "halfway" comment, while I personally believe it might have to do with how Shidou views his crime as more than just taking organs, it more likely implies that something else happened that Shidou would consider murder. That being the actual death of his family member. It's implied through Throw Down that he was trying to save someone but failed, which he was responsible for. Then from there it'd make sense to assume that he would feel some form of guilt for the rest of his patients, either for the reason of failing to actually utilize donated organs even with the opportunity of being able to save them, or for just realizing the what it actually feels like to have to give up on your loved one. (does. does that make any sense.)

So yeah, I don’t think he’s an organ harvester due to what’s known regarding his crime, the reasoning for his guilt, and with the way he is as a character. The most I’d personally believe is that he decided to harvest organs for the sake of his loved one, but even that seems like a stretch to me. Thus, that is why I believe Kirisaki Shidou is not an organ harvester.

Anyways I’ve rambled on long enough, thank you for reading if you did and remember to drink water and vote shidou innocent in trial 3 because i will shit my pants if he doesn't get inno

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8 months ago

Sleeping Levi fanarts>>>>

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