Creepy Men - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

Alternative Ending #1

To this encounter.

Man: Do you want me to cut it off?

Me:  *maintains intense eye contact while reaching in bag and pulling out a switchblade.**  Slides switchblade across the table, tilts head*   

Man:  ...

Me:  *raises eyebrow* Yes.  Do it.

** An AU where I am a bad ass bitch and carry a switchblade.

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3 years ago

U know how some men will grab your waist or whatever to walk past you? Let's start doing the same but grabbing their necks

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2 years ago

dear ladies,


someone gave a grown ass man what she THOUGHT was a random phone number, but it belonged to my middle school aged sister.

It got nasty


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1 year ago

Let all also not forget the weird comments george had made on the topic of consent and just sexual things in general. Clearly he refuses to take accountability of what actually happened and instead wants to make excuses (shit ones). This is just a way for people to understand it’s much different after also knowing his previous comments he’s made and that he’s genuinely just a fucking creep.

A clip of George on a podcast talking about sexual harassment and consent.

Let All Also Not Forget The Weird Comments George Had Made On The Topic Of Consent And Just Sexual Things

Screenshot of a post from a girl name andi who came forth about the abuse she endured throughout her and punz’s relationship.

Let All Also Not Forget The Weird Comments George Had Made On The Topic Of Consent And Just Sexual Things

Screenshot from punz’s Twitter replying to the post andi had made. In the post he confirms that George did in fact say that.

Fucking weird thing to say George. He’s a creep and stop trying to deny it just cause you wanna watch your favourite mcyt.

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11 months ago

If you haven’t already please I highly recommend watching this unless you are very easily triggered by topics of grooming.

I just wanted to give my honest opinion that even if all these girls were of age it’d still be illegal cause even than it’d be considered revenge porn. Obviously adding the fact that the victim is a minor worsens it and makes it CP.

CP is child pornography. Child pornography is photographic, video, audio and even written pornographic material of someone below the age of 18. It doesn’t matter if the person sends, takes, and or possess the material, by law they are in possession of distributing CP.

Now if the girls were of age, Omar was still doing what is called revenge porn. Revenge porn is the distribution of pornographic material without their consent. Which we all know that more than half of the girls he was talking to did not know they were on his stream or being filmed.

So it doesn’t matter if the girls were even of age cause either way it would be illegal. The fact that they were also minors just adds to how horrible the situation is.

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8 months ago

sitting down next to me at a coffee shop where there’s tables available next to me, is normal.

Sitting down next to me as an older man at a coffee shop where there’s tables available next to me, is also normal.

Sitting down next to me as an older at a coffee shop where there’s tables available next to me and speaking to me, again, is normal.

But sitting down next to me as an older man at a coffee shop where there’s table available next to me and first thing you say to me is “don’t worry I’m not gonna drug you”, not fucking normal.

Like, WHAT!? Who said you were!? Now I’m thinking you might! Where is this coming from!? I don’t know you, get away!

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7 months ago

Tomer Lawton,

Maybe you feel pressured by your fans to do the stuff you did because every time you didn’t, you lost views. Doesn’t change the fact that you did it, doesn’t excuse your behaviour and actions. you wanna be an influencer but what are you influencing? Getting lost in greed for more viewers that you went as far as recording revenge porn and even child pornographie. explaining why you did it wont change that you still did it. That you still hurt those girls, maybe even ruined some of their lives.

Instead of giving in to the pressure you should’ve banned the people in your chat, told them to stop saying that stuff, that it was wrong. To influence your audience and teach them that it isn’t right. Your views went down when you didn’t do that stuff because you attracted that audience that wanted you to do that. YOU attracted that audience, you have no one else to blame but yourself.

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