Tomer Lawton,
Tomer Lawton,
Maybe you feel pressured by your fans to do the stuff you did because every time you didn’t, you lost views. Doesn’t change the fact that you did it, doesn’t excuse your behaviour and actions. you wanna be an influencer but what are you influencing? Getting lost in greed for more viewers that you went as far as recording revenge porn and even child pornographie. explaining why you did it wont change that you still did it. That you still hurt those girls, maybe even ruined some of their lives.
Instead of giving in to the pressure you should’ve banned the people in your chat, told them to stop saying that stuff, that it was wrong. To influence your audience and teach them that it isn’t right. Your views went down when you didn’t do that stuff because you attracted that audience that wanted you to do that. YOU attracted that audience, you have no one else to blame but yourself.
More Posts from Fxingdead
I make this post for the men who have trauma and constantly get discredited for it or ignored, silenced, and told to be quiet just because they are a man. Anyone who thinks vulnerability is weak is ridiculous. Show support for all victims no matter their gender.
Mens rape, abuse, and sexual assault matters just as equally as it does for women. My platform is for both men and women, and for anyone in between. It’s for people who need a voice because they are scared to speak up, because they are told their story doesn’t matter, because they are forced to stay quiet, because they are told it’s their fault.
I’m here to tell you it’s not your fault, that your story’s valid and there are dozens of people who understand, who gone through similar, who are here to support you through it.
I would like to go back to the year where women would be burnt at steak if accused to be a witch, cause I know damn well I would be brunt at steak and I rather be dead than have to live in world where I have to fight with people who can’t express basic sympathy to the struggles a person goes through regardless of their gender.
“Not all men”
“Not all women”
“Well I never —“
Irrelevant! Y’all wanna be praise so bad for doing the bare fucking minimum and not being a rapist, abuser, sexual assaulter, pedophile, groomer, serial killer, etc…
IRRELEVANT!!! Just be a human being and show love and support to a victims story, rather than making it about yourself or some fucked up gender competition.
I cried watching this, absolutely broke my heart. I am so happy he had the courage to talk about this bringing light to othesr who may have similar experience. Never feel like your story isn’t valid just because other people have it worse. The fact that it’s affected you and happened to you is enough.
Please if you are going through sextortion currently please reach out to someone whether thats your parents, teachers at school, any adult or your friends. anyone at all, it’s important to talk to someone so they can help you through this.
dude. What the actual fuck is wrong with some folks.
An asexual led a pride parade, and all I've seen are posts saying: "A lack of sexuality isn't a sexuality" "Having no libido doesn't make you queer" "You're not discriminated against" "Asexuals are not queer"
???????????? Asexuals are discriminated against because of people like you who have decided to gatekeep pride because of your own pathetic rules that no one asked for. The whole point in being queer is that you're not heteronormative/don't fit in with being cis or het. Guess what? Asexuality makes you queer. I will scream it into your ear until you cannot hear anything else - asexuals are as queer as the rest of us.
If you choose to exclude asexuals or aromantics from pride, I will personally be sending a volley of tomahawks upon you. Get a fucking grip.
They were both drunk....Caiti isnt a perfect angel neither get your head out of your ass
Yet she didn’t grab his dick while she was drunk and last I checked she was a lot more drunk than him. Even if he was seriously out of it he could have just apologized. If you wanna watch his streams and YouTube videos go for it, I don’t know why you would, but to each their own I guess.
Alcohol doesn’t make sexual assaulters. Sexual assaulters use alcohol as an excuse. Not to mention that he’s said weird shit in the past. To victim blame caiti is insane to me. Just say you don’t actually care about victims and move on. Defending him when it’s so very clear he’s at fault. Many people who have been friends with him had even dropped him, I feel that’s enough to make you realize the severity of the situation. You are a mere viewer of him, to which lets be honest, he doesn’t give two fucks about. People who knew him, hung around him, all these multiple people don’t even support him anymore. Yet you have your head so far up your ass to realize that. When more than half of the people George was close to separates themselves from him , maybe just maybe, it’s actually George and not caiti.
The fact that he hasn’t even taken accountability for his actions show how guilty and a prick he really is.
“Yes I touched her but…”
There should be no but or excuses just an apology to for actually touching her and causing her harm. To call someone who has no relevance to the situation, who wasn’t even there during the assault to ask if caiti felt comfortable is ridiculous. Only person who knows how caiti truly felt is caiti herself so why the hell are we asking other people who don’t even know her how she felt. Just take accountability and apologize for touching her without consent, it shouldn’t be that difficult. His so called “apology” doenst actually talk about what actually happened nor does he even really apology. His “apology” video is filled with things that are irrelevant to the story, he does this as a way to manipulate you, to distract you from what actually happened. Open your eyes and stop being naive.