C!sapnap - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

3 years ago

Did you know that C! Dream is the Protagonist of the Dream SMP?

(im talking about the characters btw)

I know! Crazy right! It isnt Tommy, Wilbur, Ranboo, Tubbo, Technoblade, Philza, Quackity, or any of them.

Now you might be saying "Sun, what the fuck?! Tommy Kraken Danger Innit is the main character not the shitty off brand Bamax with only the murder chip ever functional."

Your not wrong, I just dont think you understand exactly what I am saying. Being the main character doest mean you are the protagonist. Master Class explains it this way "The main character and the protagonist are both two central characters, but the protagonist drives the plot forward while the main character is impacted by the plot." Im not saying that (insert favorite streamer) does not move the plot forward. But Dream does it the most.

When looking through the entire history of the server from when cc!Dream shared the ip with some close friends to now, the most constant character and biggest character is Dream.

You may be thinking; "the roleplay didn't start until Wilbur joined!" and you would be right, roleplay in the traditional sense didn't start until he joined. But that doesn't mean the history and major events started when he joined. For example the disc wars started weeks before Wilbur was even whitelisted. The disc wars happened because your man tommy innit was messing around with people and disturbing the peace so DREAM over here stole tommy's discs to try and stop this conflict. (see Disc Saga dsmp wiki for more details)

Dream has been driving the plot ever since this server started. L'manburg vs the greater smp? Dream was the leader of the greater smp. Manburg Rebellion? Dream donated to said rebellion but ended fighting for Manburg to get the revival book. Exile arc through dooms day? Dream manipulated tubbo into exiling tommy then manipulated tommy, then hunted tommy down while manipulating tubbo, then destroying New L'manburg creating only one nation again. And so on and so forth

In short this albino purple minion is the protagonist.

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3 years ago

The fact that Quackity refuses to call Sapnap or Karl his fiancées fucking hurts

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3 years ago

sapnap about cdream in prison: you wanna know why he’s in there? he’s fucked up. he’s fucked up. 

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3 years ago






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1 year ago

Just C!Sapnap sitting on a ledge. What will he do?

Just C!Sapnap Sitting On A Ledge. What Will He Do?

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10 months ago

hello i find your art quite delightful 👍👍 would eat as a meal 👍👍

uhmmm hcs …..

-dream is honestly just a guy. he has scars and missing fingers and white streaks in his hair but he’s completely human under that mask and Also he’s probably painfully *young*. like. 25 or smth,,,,

-wilbur is phil’s bio kid -> phil is an avian -> wilbur had wings, but they were blown off in The Explosion and didn’t come back after the revival. phil is only missing one wing but for the same reason

-too much angst. techno wearing lots of gold jewelry and giving phil + ranboo a bunch too because gold is very significant in piglin culture

-sapnap has a lot of physical reminders of his friends / finances (q, karl, dream, george) because they’ve all ditched him in some way or another, and he misses the feeling of having them around :[

-dream was always really close to the lava wall in prison, because the warmth reminded him of sapnap & the fact that his hugs were almost painfully hot (because he’s a fire demon )

ok ill stop angsting your inbox now < 3

AHHH! Thank you! I'm happy it looks edible. Most of the time while I'm cooking it feels like the tubbo toaster fire.

I kind of have this headcanon, too. I like the idea people freak out when Sam tells them Dream doesn't have his mask in prison and then they see him and they're like "oh. Oh. I'd... pass that guy on the street and not blink twice."

Hello I Find Your Art Quite Delightful Would Eat As A Meal


He misses wings sometimes because they were warmer, I imagine. Phil has balance issues and Techno jokes it's because he's old because neither of them want to deal with that shit.

Hello I Find Your Art Quite Delightful Would Eat As A Meal

3. AW.

I imagine Ranboo loves this. They flip out at the attention and get more piercings just to show off what Techno gives them.

Phil is calmer. He just keeps a hardcore heart clip on his jacket and that's about it. The rest he hangs up around the house.

Hello I Find Your Art Quite Delightful Would Eat As A Meal

4. Sapnap!

Wasn't really sure exactly what kind of reminder you meant, so I went for stuff he keeps on his person!

Hello I Find Your Art Quite Delightful Would Eat As A Meal

5. Quackity stops burning Dream after he realises he's pretty desensitised to it.

Hello I Find Your Art Quite Delightful Would Eat As A Meal

Maybe that's why Dream kept walking into the lava.

He missed being warm.


And to all the other people who have been sending requests, working on them now! I love them, they're so awesome!!!

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9 months ago


i think when karl’s memory loss started getting really bad from the time traveling and before he drifted away from sapnap, theyd do little memory exercises (like “ok what’s my name?” kinda thing, cause karl would call him one of the sapnap variants from tales, etc)

i think there was a ghostinnit in the prison…. he was just scared the whole time so nobody but dream ever saw him yk? like how wil died happy -> ghostbur was happy, tommy died scared, so ,,,,,,,,,,

i think when they were still a functioning relationship sap n karl would preen q’s wings. that’s it that the headcanon

^- i would say wil does this now but idk if tntduo is a functioning enough relationship for that… your choice idk

i lov your art btw ! very pretty ^-^

Aw... poor guys.


2. he's very politely sneaky


3. I don't imagine cTNTduo was close enough for that... but I think c!Wilbur ABSOLUTELY offered. c!Karlnapity would always get carried away with the flirting and forget about the wings half-way through


Thanks for the requests Anon! Sorry it took me so long... the wing one got me a bit XD

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9 months ago

C!Sapnap angst. Don't have a specific request dealer's choice!

C!Sapnap Angst. Don't Have A Specific Request Dealer's Choice!
C!Sapnap Angst. Don't Have A Specific Request Dealer's Choice!

Thanks for the ask, Fireborns! hope you like it!!

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9 months ago

Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:

Tubbo & Sapnap - Knife

Sixteenth Day Event Prompt:

First canon life.

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3 years ago

My friend and I decided that in a DSMP Batman AU, BBH would be Bruce Wayne, Sapnap would be Dick Grayson, Skeppy would be Catwoman, and Antfrost would be Alfred.

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