- Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Dentyne Classic Discontinue!!!!
Hey I Was Wondering If My Followers Could Help Me Out. My Mom Is In Love With This Gum And This Is The
Hey I Was Wondering If My Followers Could Help Me Out. My Mom Is In Love With This Gum And This Is The

Hey I was wondering if my followers could help me out. My mom is in love with this gum and this is the only one she chews. She will hide this gum away from me and my sister so we don’t chew it. Can you just help me out this one time? Please just share this with everyone!!!

Or can someone sent this personal to me? Apparently it is not available in the US and Canada. Thank you everyone!!!

Hey I Was Wondering If My Followers Could Help Me Out. My Mom Is In Love With This Gum And This Is The

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4 years ago

Hey, if you live in Arkansas, listen up!

A new law there has it so victims of r4p3 have to get the rapist's permission to abort the child. And if the victim aborts without the monster's ok, the r4p1st is allowed to SUE.

Please please PLEASE sign this petition!

Sign the Petition
The rapists of Alaska should not be able to sue if they victim gets an abortion!

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3 years ago

It’s been a year Vanessa Guillen was killed and found. Her death could’ve been prevented if her sexual assault claims were answered. has a petition to create a new law in honor of her. You can donate but if you can’t, share this.

Here’s the link:

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3 years ago
This Petition Is To Make Poisoning Stray Cats Illegal. All Animals Deserve To Live. Sign This Petition

This petition is to make poisoning stray cats illegal. All animals deserve to live. Sign this petition and share.

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3 years ago

A woman with a hug risk pregnancy is in an institution for missing a daily call. Sign and share to help set her free.

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3 years ago

Ghana is considering to enact a law that will have LGBTQ+ people arrested or detained while being ridiculed by the public. Let’s help them by signing this petition. Thank you to anyone who participates.

Ghana Is Considering To Enact A Law That Will Have LGBTQ+ People Arrested Or Detained While Being Ridiculed

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3 years ago

Help doulas- a birthing support system- get permitted in labor and delivery in Maryland. This’ll help pregnant women be safer during labor.

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3 years ago
A Wild Possum Was Brutally Murdered By A Teenager And Is Not Facing Any Consequences For His Actions.

A wild possum was brutally murdered by a teenager and is not facing any consequences for his actions. Please sign this petition to give the possum justice.

Possums may not be the cutest animals like a dog or cat but all animals deserve equal respect.

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3 years ago
Sign This Petition If You Want The DT Reboot Creators To Run The Darkwing Duck Reboot.

Sign This Petition if You Want the DT Reboot Creators to Run the Darkwing Duck Reboot.

It has been announced that Seth Rogen will be working on the reboot instead of the ones who perfectly set up the show- the DT ‘17 creators/writers. They should be in charge of the story they made.

Sign this petition to make it happen:

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3 years ago

Help Stop a Law that Helps Domestic Abusers

From the petition page:

According to current Virginia law—unless the abuser agrees to a no-fault divorce—victims of domestic abuse are not eligible to be granted a divorce where their spouse has been guilty of “cruelty, caused reasonable apprehension of bodily hurt, or willfully deserted or abandoned” them until one full year from the date of such act. Even if a victim is physically separated from their spouse, during this time period, they can still be subjected to psychological, emotional, and financial abuse.

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3 years ago

Normally I don't reblog stuff like this, but this is icky of Funko and the post lacks reblog guilt trips. Would anyone be interested in signing or spreading? Not required, but if you want to here it is 💙💙💙

Sign the Petition
End the use of NFTs for Nickelodeon Funko Pops
Please Sign This Petition To Try To Get The Danny Phantom Funko Pops On Shelves And Try To Stop Funko

Please sign this petition to try to get the Danny Phantom funko pops on shelves and try to stop funko from dropping more nfts!

The more signatures the more likely they will see what we are saying 💜

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Somone's mom might die alone.

No one should die alone, nobody.

Mom Is Dying Alone

This is being funded through

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4 years ago

i know there’s a lot going on but ICE are now one step closer to literally creating gas chambers. they are spraying a chemical called HDQ neutral roughly 100 times a day, every 15 minutes at the adelanto detention center (one of the biggest in the country). people are getting rashes, headaches, their insides are bleeding, etc. the guards are wearing gloves and masks but the detainees have NOTHING. and here’s a quick reminder - america inspired the nazis to create gas chambers when they gassed latino people during the 1917 bath riots. 

here’s a petition to sign. it’s close to it’s goal. if there’s anything else we can do to help i’ll update this post.

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5 years ago
Change and/or Update Tumblr's Policies on Bullying and Harassment

Because of Tumblr’s complete lack of response to what has happened to me, I am starting a petition for them to change and/or update their policies on Bullying and Harassment. In the seven years I have used this platform, I have never once seen them side with the victim. They always side with the bully. 

As the users of this platform, the consumers of their content, it is our right to be protected. Why offer the opportunity to report abuse if you aren’t going to do anything about it?

It’s time to take action and tell Tumblr we want change.

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7 years ago

We wanted to have Annette Toutonghi make her first English anime voice debut!

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4 years ago

Questions for Privileged America

Why were you surprised,

When the speaking turned to shouting?

After they were made to whisper

For the longest time.

Why were you surprised,

When the protests turned to riots?

After you refused to acknowledge an atrocious problem

Until it affected you.

Why were you surprised,

By the anger and hatred of the people;

That were oppressed and forced into silence

For years?

Why were you surprised,

To see turmoil in a system

That primarily benefits

One party?

And finally,

Now that you are forced to witness

The reality many are faced with every day

How will you help to change it?

Please help me and leave resources down below so that justice can be given where it is due. Petition Demanding Justice

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4 years ago
Sign the Petition
Declare the “Proud Boys” a Terrorist Organization.

hey i know i don’t have a whole lot of reach on here, but let’s try anyway. share this. reblog this. sign this petition. let’s get the proud boys declared a terrorist organization and a hate group. do everything you can! share on every platform possible. i believe we can all create change if we all work together! <3

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4 years ago

If you’re European, in a couple of weeks you will be denied any and all access to fandom contents on Tumblr and everywhere else on the internet. Here’s why.

On June, 20th the JURI of European Parliament approved of the articles 11 and 13 of the new Copyright Law. These articles are also known as the “Link Tax” and the “Censorship Machines” articles.

Articles 13 in particular forces every internet platform to filter all the contents we upload online, ending once and for all the fandom culture. Which means you won’t be able to upload any type of fandom works like fan arts, fan fictions, gif sets from your favourite films and series, edits, because it’s all copyrighted material. And you won’t also be able to share, enjoy or download other’s contents, because the use of links will be completely restricted.

But not everything’s lost yet. There’s another round of voting scheduled for the early days of July.

If Youre European, In A Couple Of Weeks You Will Be Denied Any And All Access To Fandom Contents On Tumblr

What you can do now to save our internet, is to share these informations with all of your family members and friends, and to ask to your MEP (the members of the European Parliament from your country) to vote NO at the next round, to vote against articles 11 and 13.

Here you can find more news and all the details to contact your MEP:

Also, sign and share this petition:

We have just a couple of weeks to stop this complete madness, don’t let them dictating the way we enjoy our internet.

#SaveYourInternet now!

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