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Whumpril 2023
Pleasure in Pain #6
Day 3: “Hold still.”
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I feel like I’m being so mean to Cordova… sorry not sorry.
Contents: TW blood, TW swearing, TW fear, Threatened with Burning, Vampire Whumpee, Whumper Turned Whumpee, Failed Escape Attempt, Mentions of Amputation, Carewhumper, Defiant Whumpee.
Cordova, although practically forced into unconsciousness, had his first rest since he had arrived. Unbeknownst to him, Rojan was sitting on a chair across from him, he didn’t wake up to the door opening. Rojan considered forcing the vampire awake, but Lilith made it clear that there shouldn’t be any pain today. Even though he agreed to that, he couldn’t believe that she was willing to give this pipsqueak pigs blood. Its probably because he’s younger.
Rojan got up and walked around Cordova to asses the injuries. Any sign that he was ever burned was gone, no sign of burnt flesh anywhere. He saw the two amputated feet and realized how quickly he was regenerating. Lilith said she cut just above the ankle, and yet I can already see the heel of both his feet. That’s fast for a vampire who hasn’t been given a consistent source of blood. Is it because he’s young or is it something else?
Cordova stirred. He tried to pull his hands up but was stopped by the restraints. His eyes felt like they were forced to stay closed, but his mind was awake. He could hear footsteps walking around him, soon stopping next to his right side.
“Hey, wake up.”
Cordova recognized Rojans voice and his head turned to his left side as if trying to avoid him. His body tensed and his hands balled into fists. Even if he could open his eyes, he didn’t want to now. He just wanted to stay asleep, nothing happened when he was asleep.
“Cordova, I’m not gonna hurt you, don’t worry. My wife already chewed me out about it. Look I have something for you.”
Cordova carefully opened his eyes as he looked towards Rojan. His eyes immediately darted to the bag of blood in hand. He could tell it wasn’t human, but it was blood. Saliva started to build up at the mere sight of it.
“Now I’m going to take the restraints on your hands off. If you don’t do anything stupid, then you can have this whole bag, got it?”
Cordova’s eyes were practically sparkling as he nodded his head. Rojan took off the first restraint. Cordova could feel his hand betray him as it immediately tried to reach out, but he found the will to stop himself. Rojan chuckled, then made his way over to the other side. He took the restrain off and Corodva couldn’t help but immediately sit up straight. He looked at his wrists, his skin was droopy and loose, pigmented with hot red. He didn’t realize how relieving it would be for the restraints to be off, he had gone numb to the pain but it felt amazing to have them off.
“Sooo, you want this right?”
Rojan shook the bag in front of Cordova. He couldn’t take it anymore. With lightning fast accuracy, Cordova stripped the bag away from Rojan before he could even think. He sunk into the bag and drained it within seconds. His breathing was erratic and his hands were shaking. Rojan looked towards Cordova’s feet and saw them regenerate within the minute. Rojan was fascinated, normally vampires weren’t effected by pigs blood and only ever healed from human blood, it was more of a way to satiate their hunger, but Cordova showed signs of healing from other factors.
Cordova was starting to calm down and soon noticed his now intact body. He felt amazing. The pigs blood didn’t taste great but it made him feel just like human blood did. He started to feel energized. Rojan must have noticed it too.
“Alright, time to go back down.”
Cordova’s eyes went wide. His hands were free and all he needed to do was free his ankles… this is a perfect opportunity. “No.” Cordova growled and shoved Rojan as hard as he could. He flew across the room until his back hit the wall. He immediately got to work on his ankles. The palms of his hands touching the silver seared his skin making him hiss in pain. He forced himself to get past the pain and managed to break the restraint on his right leg. He started to get to work on his left leg, but was stopped by Rojans voice.
“Hold still.”
Cordova looked up and saw Rojan standing next to the lever. He froze and stopped immediately. His heart started to pound out of his chest. He was so distracted with escaping that he hadn’t noticed Rojan get up.
“I heard you had a panic attack just from the mere thought of the sun, if it scares you that much then I suggest you lie back down or else I’ll leave you burning for hours.”
Cordova pulled his arms towards his chest protectively as his breathing became labored. He slightly shook his head. Rojan could see his pleading eyes making a grin appear on his face.
“Then lay the fuck back down, or so help me god.”
The vampires shivering body slowly reclined back and he laid flat on the table. He stared at the ceiling with terror, hoping that it wouldn’t move a single inch. Then Rojan appeared to his right, but he didn’t dare to look at him.
“I can’t believe you fucking broke one of the restraints. You know what we’re going to have to do right?”
Cordova finally looked at Rojan with a confused expression, one underlined with fear. Wouldn’t it have been enough to just restrain my hands again?
“We’re going to have to cut off your entire leg.”
Date: April 3, 2023
Taglist: @turn-the-tables-on-them @whumpril
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Pleasure in Pain #9
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I’m still alive, just procrastinating on everything in my life.
Contents: On the run, Failed escape attempt, Begging, Fear of the sun, Threatened.
“You’re in for a world of hurt kid!” Rojan was seething with rage.
Cordova took a step forward, Rojan was on guard, that was until the vampire pushed all of his weight back onto the door. Cordova plummeted to the ground as the door cracked beneath him. He groaned from the impact but quickly recovered and got back on his feet before Rojan had the chance to grab him. As the vampire began to run Rojan snarled at the act of defiance... but he didn’t move, he didn’t chase after the vampire. Cordova was rightfully confused when he glanced back to see Rojan standing in the doorway, but he didn’t stop running, he didn’t stop for a long time.
It was early in the night, and Cordova covered a lot of ground. He hated to admit it, but he was lost in the woods. How far am I from home? He might’ve not been in any mortal danger, but it still wasn’t a good situation to be stuck in with his weakened state. He always remembered his parents telling him that if he followed the direction of Orion’s belt then he would always be led back home. His eyes scanned the starry night and identified the constellation with ease.
He felt as though he had been running for miles on end, no notable progress with the endless trees. Where the hell did these humans take me? How far away is home? If his father could hear his thoughts right now, he would be called immature, weak... is this what being homesick feels like?
Cordova ran for the entire night, still nowhere near home or even civilization. The sky’s color gradient shifting from a dark blue to a soft orange and pink hue. While he was running, he made sure to stay aware of possible shelter options, he new that a mile back from where he came there was a cave that he could rest in for the day. He ran back to that suspiciously carved out cave in the hill side. He couldn’t exactly be picky about his options. He sat down on the damp, cold ground of the stone cave. He finally takes a breath for himself and leans back against the rigid wall. What a day... couple of days I guess. Shivers travel through his body at the mere thought of what he had to endure. His father always told him to never trust a human, they are only blood bags. They catch you and the first thing they want to do to you is torture and rip you to shreds. Yet, he couldn’t help but hear his mothers voice echoing in his head to not hold hatred towards all humans... that wasn’t fair considering she was human herself. Cordova shook his head and tried to distract himself. He looked around the cave and noticed how moist the walls and the ceiling was, like it was dripping a continuous fluid that wasn’t exactly water. He couldn’t bother to care about his new environment when a wave of exhaustion hit him and he couldn’t help but let his eyes rest and his body go limp.
Cordova woke with a start as his ears picked up the faint sound of a vehicle barging through the forest. He quickly jumped onto his feet, his adrenaline started to skyrocket at the thought of humans finding him trapped in this cave during the day. Unfortunately for him, the cave was shallow and didn’t provide hiding spots so he resorted to pressing his back against the wall. The heavy, clunky, getting closer rapidly. It stopped just outside of the cave. All too familiar thick combat boots crushed the dying leaves that lead to the cave. Cordova’s heart skipped when he saw that man’s face… Rojan.
Rojan clapped his hands as he entered the cave and stepped towards Cordova. The vampire stepped off the cave wall and took a couple steps back deeper into the cave.
“Well well, good job Cordova, you made it all the way here in one night.”
Rojan kept walking towards the nervous vampire. Corodva synched his steps with the man in front of him until his back flushed with the cave wall. Rojan took a large step forward and blocked anyway for the vampire to escape.
“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”
Corodva could feel his hands shake as he clenched them. Was it from anger, fear, anticipation? He stared at Rojans pure silver eyes. “H-how did you find m-me?”
Rojan laughed softly finding the question amusing. “Oh Cordova, I knew you were young but seriously? Did you never consider the possibility of me putting a tracker in you?”
Cordova’s eyes widened slightly at the implication that he had something foreign in his body. Obviously no scars were present to indicate that such a thing and been done, and it was hard for him to even grasp the thought. He carefully looked down at his body, examining himself as if it would explain anything.
“Tch Tch Tch, poor Corodva. Do you remember the last thing I said to you?”
The shaken vampire looked up with an anxious expression as he recalled the last encounter he had with the human. He tried to push himself impossibly further against the cave wall. Rojan leaned forward slightly, not providing Corodva with any personal space. He whispered in a sadistic manner.
“You’re in for a world of hurt kid.”
The vampire very noticeably sunk further down, as if trying to make himself smaller. His breathing hitched as his heart worked overtime from the lack of oxygen being supplied. As much as he wanted to run, to kick Rojan back and sprint into the trees… the radiating heat held no comfort for him. He considered possibly hurting Rojan, if he got all his strength and managed to pin him to the ground he could kill him… but he had never killed a person before, he wasn’t sure if he would even be willing to.
Rojan carefully grabbed the vampires arm and began to pull him as he made his way to the front of the cave. Corodva didn’t fight at first, paralyzed by his thoughts as if he was in a trance. That was until he was snapped back to his distressing situation when the sun inched closer, second by second. Cordova dug his heel into the ground and pulled back on Rojans iron grip. His heart pounding and a cold sweat evaporating in the heat. Rojan turned to the vampire with a look of disappointment that was shown with a menacing glare.
“I swear to god if you don’t come with me right now Cordova, I’ll carve you open and expose your organs to the sun. Do you want that?” His voice was stern and course.
The vampires eyes widened at the grotesque description. His fear was still overpowering his body and all he could think about was the pain he would experience right now, and not the pain in the foreseeable future. He shook his head frantically while still holding his ground. “R-Rojan… I-I r-really don’t want t-to go in the s-sun.”
Rojan glared intensely as the shivering vampire. “Do you think I give a shit if I walk you through this sun? I’ll drag you by the car and let the sun burn you to a crisp all the way back if I want to.”
Corodva pulled harder against the humans grip. For a human, his grip was unnaturally strong, maybe Cordova was just too out of focus to really break free, but either way he knew Rojan wouldn’t let go. The vampire had a pleading expression plastered on his face. “P-please Rojan, I-I p-promise to go back… I-I won’t resist, just please… I don’t want to get burned.”
Rojan unexpectedly pulled against Cordova, making him loose his footing and stumble forward. Rojan was now in full view of the sun, his skin reflecting the brightness. Cordova’s hand was mere inches away from the suns grasp, he couldn’t take it anymore. “PLEASE!” The terrified vampire shut his eyes bracing himself for the scorching pain… but it didn’t come. After a couple seconds he opened his eyes cautiously and saw that Rojans hand was no longer holding his arm hostage. He quickly pulled his arm back to his chest protectively.
Rojan sighed and kept his gaze sharp and calm. “Will you really come back that easily?”
Cordova quickly nodded his head a couple times praying that the human would believe him. He could hear Rojan sigh again as he turned around and walked back to his car. He got in and casually drove half way into the cave forcing Corodva to back up immensely. The vampire saw a hand gesture him to go into the vehicle. He carefully walked to the passenger seat and sat in the leather chair. The first thing on Cordova’s mind was that the windows weren’t tinted enough. The sun visor was too small. He pushed the seat back before pushing himself down into a small ball under the glove compartment, hoping it would be enough coverage. Rojan noticed the vampires attempts at avoiding the sun and as upset as he was with him he couldn’t help but chuckle from how amusing it looked. He put the car in reverse and pulled out of the cave, facing towards the direction back home. Hell.
It was a long, silent drive back.
Date: August 15, 2023
Taglist: @turn-the-tables-on-them
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What The Tide Brought In
[Next] — {Masterlist}
Contents: TW Restraints, TW Choking/ Strangling, TW Venomous Injury, TW Threats, Siren Whump, Pirate Whump, Sadistic Whumper, Defiant/ Stoic Whumpee
“Captain, we’re going to need to make a port stop sooner than we expected. Our food supply is a little low.”
Looking off towards the distance of the endless sea, Malik was leaning against the wooden railing along the side of the vast ship. A deep internal sigh escaping him from the calmness of the morning. The waves were docile today, clear skies, and perfect winds. Glancing over his shoulder to acknowledge his first mate, Jovey. His signature side smirk that was as charming as ever.
“Means the lads are all eating well. Maybe too well, but we’ll tackle that later.” The deep rumble in his chest resonates through his chuckle, coming out a bit course from the early morning air. “Set a course for Port Royal, should be the nearest one to us.”
Rising from his hunched position, his arms reach to the amber sky and soft huff escapes him. It had been a long month on the waters of the Atlantic, but shifting to the warmer tides of the Caribbean always reminded him where home was. It wouldn’t be more than a day now when he’d be able to collapse in a bed that doesn’t sway with the waves, in a warm tavern with a bottle of rum all to himself, and a bowl of stew from anything that wasn’t pescado. Possibly partaking in a little stealing, sabotaging, or cheating just to pass the time. Not having to be a captain for at least a week was a break he couldn’t wait for. The crew he inherited only knew how to follow orders when his voice was harsh as the winds, otherwise they’d slack off or get too comfortable. Not that he minded putting them in their place, it boosted his ego and there was a satisfaction in seeing the yielding in their eyes as they adjusted their tone and fixed their posture. Intimidation and strength. The qualities he believed was required of a captain, especially one as successful as he was.
Unfortunately for him, because of his imposing presence on both the waters and the shores, it was now a rare occurrence for his ship to be attempted to be commandeered or attacked by other occupants of the sea. Even on land, most steered clear of him or were careful with their words. It made his exhibitions boring to say the least, no challenges, no competition. There hasn't even been ruthless storms as of late, the type to make experienced sailors soil themselves, the ones that threaten to sink you with your ship until you come out victorious. Even now as he turns to grip the wheel in his hands and his eyes scan the deck a flight below him where his men work, he doesn’t feel that thrill of adventure that used to drive him. He didn’t know if he would anytime soon with his reputation being as strong as it is.
His luck was akin to that of being at the mercy of a coin toss at times, whether today was a virtuous luck sent by the gods or a vicious one, he couldn’t care when his wishes were granted. Of course they were, he always got everything he wanted eventually.
“Captain! We caught something!”
His heads whips over towards port side, his men hoisting up large net that swung and twisted violently. Setting Jovey to steady the wheel, he quickly glides down the railing of the stairs before hopping to his feet on the deck. Trotting over to the commotion as his crew surround the catch. They part away to forge a path for him as he approaches and what he see’s makes his whole world light up in flurry of excitement. A siren.
“Captain... is that the creature from the legends?”
Malik can’t help but let out a hearty laugh, not just at the question, but also out of astonishment at his luck. His eyes glued to the young male siren thrashing about in the thick rope, hissing and growling like a wild animal.
“That’s right lads! Look what the tide brought us, a siren from the tales of the sea.”
He gets down on one knee beside the tangled fishy creature. The strong scent of seawater mixed with an all too familiar rotten fish odor. Reaching down to grab the main rope line and tugging on it, the net tightens around the specimen and constricts its movements. A protesting growl leaving the siren as it glares through the rope straight at him. He can’t help grin a little maddeningly. Realizing just how amazing this turn of events was. Seeing this sirens unwavering aggression and defiance even from only being on board a few minutes sparked a fire in Malik.
“You’re far from home, aren’t you bilge rat? These aren't your waters.”
The siren, seemingly frantic and panicked from its predicament squirms in the net. Its tail thudding against the boards of the deck. Maliks chuckles overpowering the sirens protesting sounds. The crew that surrounded them watching in a mix of curiosity and caution. Taking the time to admire such rare creature in their waters. Its contrasting palette of blue hues and white accents. His finned tail pointed at the ends, three appendages along each side of his fish body with cerata extended out from each. His upper body resembling that of a normal young man, but scattered with a light blue vitiligo-esque pattern along his skin. Medium length dark blue hair damp and cascading over his shoulders. His fingers pointed like claws and his fangs baring. And those, oh so, captivating golden eyes.
“Alright lads, quit gawking. Why don’t we make our guest more... comfortable?”
Malik stands up as his crew get to work, knowing the protocol underlining his words. A few of the men dragging the siren towards the largest mast in the middle of the top deck. When they start to extract him from the net, he proves to be nothing if not aggressive and hostile. Using his sharpened nails to dig into the crews arms and legs, making them bleed. Biting hands and forearms when they try to lift him up. It took 5 sizable men just to get him up off the floor, but nobody was ready when one of the men got hit with one of the large appendages flapping around erratically through his struggle. The man stumbling back and falling down onto the wooden boards with a hard thud as he grips his chest. The crew managing to tie the siren up against the mast and restrain him. Everyone turns to look to their crew mate on the floor, struggling to breath. Malik rushes to his side and crouches down, inspecting the man and tugging his shirt down to see a hue of red amongst the inflammation quickly building on his chest.
“Hey… hey, lad, keep your eyes on me, alright? You better fucking stay awake, you hear me?”
Malik slapping the mans cheek a few times to keep his attention when he notices his eyes lolling around with no intention. He looked sick, almost nauseous. His hands clawing at his own chest as if there was a pain that he fruitlessly attempted to dig out of himself. Malik having to grab the mans hands to keep him from hurting himself.
“Get this boy below deck! Don’t let him fall asleep and keep a bucket near in case he vomits.” When his crew just stare at the both of them with nervous and distant expressions after what they witnessed, Malik let go of the mans hands and stood up with a threatening posture. “NOW!” That woke the crew from their paralysis as they quickly made their way to the injured man and helped carry him below deck to be treated and supervised.
Malik turning towards the mast where the siren was left restrained and desperately fighting at the thick rope. His hands clenching at his sides, a fury in his eyes that would make most crumble at his feet. He walks over to the creature with steady strides until he’s standing before him. The siren glaring right back up at him, a smirk twitching onto his face, expressing his satisfaction.
“Whoops, sorry cap. Didn’t realize how weak your me—”
The siren chokes on his words as Maliks hand wraps completely around his throat. An iron grip, unyielding as he leans down closer to the sirens face. A cold fury brewing behind his gaze while the creature flails and gasps for air. His tail beating against the mast frantically.
“If you dare to speak another word with that vile tongue fo yours, I will personally slice it out and force it down your throat. If that’s not enough to shut you up, I’ll cut off that tail of yours and feed you to the sharks. Got it, caviar?”
His voice was almost hushed, but didn’t lack the venom behind every word. Naturally making the siren tense as his glare falters from the combined threat and lack of oxygen. Maliks hand tightening around his neck hard enough to cause him to see stars and he reluctantly relented with a subtle nod. Enough for the hand to quickly retract and allow him to cough violently and heave for air. Maliks foreboding stance towering the fish creature while he watched with a sense of triumph that blossomed into pride as his grin plastered onto his face one more. For the first time in a long time, Malik found a thrill, something that made his heart race, something that made him tick. This siren, who had just backed down not even a few seconds ago, now scowling at him with a passion that was contagious.
“You have no idea how long I’ve waited for something like you to come along, little sea dragon.”
Date: September 16, 2024

An arrogant Pirate Captain with the world at his feet wishes for something different to happen in his life. Hoping for a challenge to arise to entertain him. He ends up crossing paths with a Siren Prince. At first it’s all fun and games being able to manhandle and torment such a rare creature, but things take a turn. Having to learn the hard way that he’s not invincible, and can very much bleed.
Contents: Whumper turned Whumpee, Revenge, Sadistic/ Creepy Whumper, Defiant Whumpee, Pet Whumpee if You Squint.
⛔️TW: Torture, Violence, Captivity, Degredation, Restrained/Gagged, Fear, Suggestive Non-Con, Venom/ Poison, Threats⛔️
Caspian's Suffering Arc
#1: What The Tide Brought In 🌊
#2: Two Sides of The Same Coin
#3: (soon)
Art & About
Malik De Lir
Caspian Glaucus
We’re going to ATTEMPT to post once a week. Go easy on me.

Character Sheet {Masterlist}
Name: Caspian Glaucus
Age: 25
Height: 5’ 11” [Human Form] ; 8’ 5” [Siren Form]
Weight: 175 lbs [Human Form] ; 350 lbs [Siren Form]
Eye Color: Yellow w/ Specs Of Gold
Markings: Vitiligo w/ A Moon Crest On His Back
Scarring: None [Yet]
Sexuality: Bisexual
Family Status:
Siren Royalty
Parents: Mother and Father [Alive]
Sibling(s): Sister [Alive]
Caspian has had a relatively easy life. He’s a siren Prince that lives in an underwater palace along the Mediterranean Sea. He had a good childhood, although some might call him spoiled, because he is. He likes to do whatever he wants when he can. Sometimes sneaking off to play or go on adventures with other sea creatures. Sometimes you’ll catch him messing with fishermen and releasing sea animals that were caught in nets. He’s not very fond of humans, his father hates them too, but his mother tries to keep an optimism that’s fleeting.
Building up to the present day story, Caspian had escaped the palace to go mess around with some dolphins. A vicious storm caught him off guard and the waves ended up forcibly dragging him through the sea away from home. Landing him into the northern Atlantic. That’s how he ended up so far west towards the Caribbean.
His family name, Glaucus, was true to its origins as the royal family were only ever representative of Glaucus Atlanticus characteristics. As the generation went on, sirens became more powerful and learned how to use their powers and now they can shift to different creatures.
Royalty have distinct features that separate them from their common folk. Their eyes for example, they will always be a variation of gold or purple and they’ll have two freckles diagonal from each other in the iris. One feature that’s rare, but still only presents itself in royal bloodlines is the birthmark of a moon crest. Caspian has one on his back. What’s special about it is that— HA! I’m not going to spoil it until we get to that part 🙈 He couldn’t get the best of both worlds though, because those with the crest aren’t born with a siren song. So his voice doesn’t have an effect on anyone.
You better believe this guy is spoiled. He inherited some entitlement and sadism from his father, while still inheriting some compassion and respect from his mother. He can be really defiant and rebellious, mostly because his parents always tried to keep him cooped up. If anybody defies him or says anything he takes offense to, his immediate thought process tends to result in thinking about hurting them. He doesn’t always go through with it if it’s too dramatic of a response. Mercy doesn’t always come so easy to him, though. That being said, he can be very playful and easy going when he’s alone with people or creatures he likes. When he doesn’t someone, he can get a big ego trip from overpowering them and putting them in their place until they crumble at his feet.
Collecting Sea Glass and Sea Shells
Playing w/ Other Sea Creatures and Animals
Visiting Land to Observe Humans
Tearing Sailors Nets to Save Sea Life
Racing Dolphins
Exploring the Deep Sea
Fun Facts:
Has the Ability to Shift Appearance Like Different Sea Creature Characteristics and Be a Human
Was Born Without His Siren Song 🫢
Twin Sister
He Has a Taste For Human Food
I’ll add more later if I have anything else to say.
- 🪻

Two Sides of The Same Coin
[Previous / Next] — {Masterlist}
Content: TW Restraints, TW SA Threat, TW Knifepoint, TW Threats of Violence, TW Fear, Siren Whump, Sadistic Whumper, Defiant Whumpee.
Malik made sure to keep the crew below deck for the night. Not wanting to give the siren any attempts at enchanting his men with his singly voice. He knew his crew could be slightly weak minded compared to his own will, so it wouldn’t take more than a few hypnotic whispers from a siren to get them on their knees like dogs at your heel. That being said, he didn’t trust himself either, not having ever dealt with a siren before. He thought it strange for one to be so far off from the Mediterranean Sea where they are said to dwell.
Despite his caution, his intrigue was stronger. The thrill of having a threat on board and at his mercy. A creature of legend no less, his pride was beaming even under his cool facade while he cataloged in his journal about the days events. The warm light of a lantern softly illuminating the desk he was sitting at while the ship swayed in a lullaby motion. Absently signing his signature on the page before closing the large journal. His thumb ghosting over the golden lettering of the leather cover where it read:
Captains Log of the Sirens Solstice.
He always found that name ironic until today. Given that sirens rarely, if ever, came all the way to the Caribbean unless it was for a reason. On top of that, it was certainly out of place for a siren to be alone when traveling so far. A trinity of knocks at his door broke his thoughts. Sighing and standing up from his chair before he walks over to open the door, his boots softly thumping on the wooden planks with each step.
When he opens the door, he sees Jovey standing on the other side. Holding a bottle of rum with two chalices in his other hand. He raises them up in his hands as if presenting them.
“Could I bother you with a drink, Captain?” He asked with a softer voice, with it being late in the night and not wanting to stir the crew from their sleep.
Malik smirked slightly at the offer and chuckled lightly under his breath. “I tell you to stay below deck, but you defy my order to offer me a drink? Some first mate you are.” Despite his chiding words, his tone held no bitterness. Even standing aside and allowing Jovey to step into his cabin.
“I didn’t think that order was directed towards me. Must’ve been some miscommunication.” His cheeky tone being accompanied by a playful smile as he took a seat across from the desk.
Malik rolled his eyes to Joveys’ back while closing the door. Then he made his way back to his seat behind the wooden desk that separated them. Jovey already pouring two glasses of rum for them before offering one of them. Malik taking it gingerly and softly clinking his glass to Joveys’. “So… how is the lad. Cormack, right? He’s not dying or anything, is he?” He asked casually while taking a sip of his drink.
“No, he’s alright. The swellings already going down thankfully. It doesn’t seem like whatever that siren stung him with is lethal. Just knocks you down a peg.”
Malik nods slightly with an unconcerned hum. Tapping his fingers along the side of the chalice while he holds it on the table. It’s not that he didn’t care about his crews’ well-being, their condition just never weighed on his mind. He would internally scold them for being weak enough to get injured or comprised so easily, but he usually put up the persona of a caring captain that was only stern when he needed to be. That didn’t stop him from wanting to strangle his crew himself whenever they made amateur mistakes or found themselves incapacitated. His eyes drifting off towards a window to the side of them that showed the moonlight cascading over the waves. “Why do you think that creature was sent to us?”
Jovey follows his gaze towards the window for a moment before looking back towards him again, noting his almost distant tone as if he was filing through a million thoughts. “I’m not so sure about him being ‘sent’ to us for a reason, Captain, but I’m sure he’s just lost. Probably swam too far away from home.” Taking a sip as he takes a break to organize his own mind. He knew Malik could be ruthless, he’s seen it before even if the newer men in the crew weren’t there to witness it. When the siren came on board, although being at the stern side and taking over the wheel, he could see what was occurring on deck. Noting the way his Captains eyes glinted with a new found fervor, that smile that he knew all too well meant there was a danger brewing. “Why do you believe it was for a reason?”
“Because the tides strike with purpose…” Malik said matter-of-factly. Averting his eyes from the window and turning his attention back to Jovey. Noticing how he seemed to be almost analyzing him, trying to figure out his intentions. “… the sea does not act randomly as one might believe. Everything happens for a reason out on these waters, whether it be to our benefit or disadvantage.” Malik can’t help but smile faintly with a soft scoff as he glances down at his drink. “I’m starting to sound like that old quack Azure.”
Joveys’ smile mirrored Maliks’, his head shaking back and forth in an amused manner. “You sound more like him everyday. In a good way… it’s why he chose you.” Studying his expression, Malik had a gaze of longing, almost nostalgic. A soft smile that was rarely seen, if ever, only when they were alone. “You know, I remember when I first got pulled onto this ship. We were around the same age… not that we still aren’t obviously, but for some reason I always felt like you were older than me. You always knew what you were doing, and you were one of the few people in the crew who gave me a chance.”
Malik redirected his gaze to Jovey once again, a bit taken aback by the sudden throwback and vulnerability, but he tried not to soften his features out of habit of being stoic. “Trust me, I never knew what I was doing. I only ever acted like I knew everything because that’s the only way to get people to respect you.” He swished his rum in his cup absently before taking another sip. “You’re a good man, Jovey. For once, I might even admit to feeling a bit jealous of you. The crew loves you, and we’re all lucky to have you. But if you tell them I said that, then I’ll skin you and toss you off the plank myself.” He couldn’t help but give that teasing threat with a smug smile.
That drew out a soft snort from Jovey as he smiled a bit wider from the playful threat he knew had no real malice behind it. Not when it came to him. He leaned back in his chair as he took his own glass from the table to hold it on his lap. “Who’s to say I’ll give you the chance, Captain? I might just throw myself overboard before you can catch me.” He counters back jokingly.
“If you do that, lad, I’ll jump into the raging tides to fish you out just so I can have the pleasure of pushing you off myself.”
“Maybe I’ll tie a cannon ball to my foot so I sink faster and you won’t be able to pull me up.”
“Maybe I’ll just shoot a harpoon into your leg and force the crew to hoist you out of the water.”
“You’d go through all that trouble just to feed me to the sharks yourself?”
“For you, Jovey, you better believe I would.”
They both stare at each other in silence for a few seconds that seemed to stretch on before they both began to laugh and heartily chuckle. Joveys indistinguishable snorts between breaths always made his laugh contagious to Malik. For a moment, he couldn’t help but just watch Jovey, seeing his smile and how bright he looked even in the dim lit quarters. He had to mentally scold himself for staring and allowing himself to find a sense of attachment towards him. He lightly cleared his throat before chugging down the rest of his rum and setting his cup to the side. “Alright, that’s enough banter for one night. Leave me be you scoundrel.” He said lightheartedly.
Jovey rolled his eyes slightly with a small smile and stood up from his chair. Grabbing the rum bottle from the table and collecting the other chalice. “Whatever you say, De Lir, sir.” A hint of sass escaping him, knowing he could get away with it. He turns and heads for the door, cracking it open slightly before turning back to look at Malik. “If I may, Captain. What are you planning to do with the siren?”
A soft tch leaves Malik as he smiles from Joveys sass. When he turns back to inquire about the siren, his smile fades. His cold and aloof demeanor resurfacing. “Good night, Jovey.”
The tides were still calm the next morning. Uneventful, at least, it normally would be. Malik stood before the siren, the crew crowding around in a crescent formation behind him. It was still tied up tightly to the mast. Although it was apparently obvious that it struggled for most of the night based on the claw marks that were carved into the wood of the pillar. Even some of the rope looked shredded and loosened but it wasn’t enough to free itself. It looked like he was asleep. Limp in the restraints and head looked down with his chin touching his chest. They knew better, but that wasn’t what caught all of their attention though.
His tail was gone, or rather, replaced by a pair of legs. His fishy ears reduced to normal human ones. The gills along his ribs replaced by smooth skin. The dark blue claws at the tips of his fingers were now short and trimmed. It was an enigma to both the crew and Malik. The siren they brought aboard was now a seemingly normal young man. They knew it was him, but appearance-wise, it threw them for a loop.
Malik stepped up to the siren and gripped a chunk of the back of his hair before yanking his head back. Seeing the siren wince and let out a hiss of discomfort from his grip. He grinned as he stared down at the siren. Analyzing its features, seeing the marks of light blue along his skin. It’s golden eyes, now being up close, noting the two spots of gold in each of them. “What happened to you, little dragon? Lost your tail?”
The siren glares up at him with a fiery rage. He was frustrated having to be at the mercy of a pirate. He’d bite his hand off and claw that smug smile off his face if he could just loosen the rope enough to get one of his hands free. “I’m dried out you fucking assh—.”
Malik dug his fingers into the sirens scalp and tugged on his hair harder. Ripping a few hairs out in the process, extracting a groan from him that cuts off his words. He leans down closer to the siren to loom over him. “Your tongue is still as vile as yesterday. Someone wasn’t taught manners growing up…” Malik shoots a quick and hard jab to the sirens gut, the wind being knocked out of him as he tries to double over but the ropes keep him up. “… then again, neither was I.” Malik yanks on his hair and pulls his head back to slam against the mast before releasing his grip. Letting the siren deal with the aching sting in the back of his head. He takes a step back to take in the sirens human form. Observing him with a fascination that was anything but innocent or kind. “What is your name, siren?”
A hiss escapes the man as he tugs at the ropes out of frustration. His eyes scanning the crowd of pirates behind their captain. All of them pathetic and weak in his eyes. How dare any of them even get the privilege of seeing me? They were filthy, pungent, cowards that had no right to be in my presence, let alone hold me captive like this. “Fuck you, fuck all of you!”
Malik simply smiles, not his usual cocky smirk, an eerily sweet smile that was too calm. "We can have that arranged, after all, it's not everyday the lads get to let off a little steam on this ship..." He turns to face his crew. Gesturing with his hand towards the siren, as if offering him. "... isn't that right, boys?"
The crew look amongst each other, wondering if their captain was being serious, if they really did have full liberty to do as they pleased with such a rare catch. The siren staring blankly, feeling a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach at the realization of what the captain just suggested. That was until Malik put his hand up and chuckled breathily.
"Of course, there's one small problem that I'd like to address before you get started."
Reaching for his hidden dagger tucked between the band of his pants, he unsheathes it and turns back to the siren with a quick step, being directly in front of him once again with the curved dagger swiftly finding itself pressed against the creatures neck. The curve of the blade cupping his throat just beneath his adam's apple. The siren freezing from the sudden threatening position but never faltering with his burning glare into Malik's eyes. The pirate staring back with a cold and foreboding gaze.
"That little voice of yours. I can't let you tempt any of my men with it. As disappointed as I'll be to not hear that foul mouth of yours anymore, its time to cut that pretty little voice box out."
Malik drags the dagger along the sirens neck and tilts it up so the tip of the bade was lightly pressed against the bump in the middle of his throat. "If I carefully cut a line right here...", dragging the dagger down along the sirens throat, making him swallow thickly, "... we'll find your larynx. It encompasses your vocal cord. If we just...", a quick flick of the wrist causes the dagger to slice a light cut just off the side of the apple, making the sirens breath hitch and he growls under his breath, "... you won't be able to sing ever again. Helpless... weak... feeble little sea dragon."
"If you fucking do that I swear you'll regret it."
"I don't think I will. In fact, I think I'll enjoy this more than I should."
Even his crew behind him, watching the scene unfold, felt chills go through them having never seen this side of their captain before. Malik grabs the sirens chin in one hand with an iron grip and tilts his head back against the mast. The creature struggling and trying to squirm in the ropes. The pirate carefully grazing the blade along the center of the mans throat. Agonizingly pressing the tip of the dagger against the curve bulging out under the skin slowly. The sirens breath quickening as he gradually becomes panicked, realizing how serious the captain was. He can't help the words that quickly leave his mouth when a trickle of warm blood escapes him.
Malik stops progressing, but not drawing back either. He tugs on his chin to pull his head back down to look him in the eye. Gazing with a malicious curiosity but a hint of doubt. "Every siren does, why should I believe you don't?"
"I don't you fuckin' psycho. I wasn't born with it, don't you think I would've tried to use it by now if I had it?"
"I'm not buying that for a second, caviar."
Malik pushes his chin back up and continues where he left off. Digging into the siren's neck more. Drawing out blood as he carves a small line along the apple. Making the creature hiss and groan, his hands clenching into fists as he tries to press impossibly further against the mast to get away.
"I'm being serious! Stop!"
Ignoring his protests, Malik cuts deeper. His hearing tuning out as he focuses on cutting to his goal. His heart was beating steadily, he couldn't help the enjoyment he was getting out of seeing the creature struggle fruitlessly. A sadistic smirk plastered on his face. The siren trying not to let fear take over, but it was getting progressively difficult the more blood that cascaded down his skin. The stinging of the blade slicing through layers of skin. Never in his life had he ever experienced pain, let alone having his own blood leave the safety of his body. He was royalty, he should be the one inflicting pain, he should be the one making this pirate cower beneath him.
A soft voice broke both their thought concentrations. Malik stilling in his actions before he turned to glance over his shoulder with a piercing glare that quickly softened. Seeing Jovey standing behind him, his expression one of concern and trepidation. The siren staring at him with a hint of relief and caution. Jovey steps closer, his eyes darting between his captain and the creature. Swallowing his unease.
"I don't think he's lying."
Malik takes a breather, thinking about his first mates words before reluctantly extracting the dagger from the sirens throat. A string of blood staining the tip of the blade as he lets go of the creatures chin and stands up fully. He turns around to face Jovey, a calmer aura exuding from him. He averts his gaze towards the crew still observing the scene. Some looking uncomfortable and uneasy, others indifferent or even seemingly intrigued. "We arrive at Port Royal tomorrow morning. Toss the bilgerat into one of the cells below deck. If he truly doesn't have the gift, then nobody will have a reason to let him out by then."
Malik looks back towards Jovey, holstering his dagger to his side.
"We'll see if your judgement is as sound as it always is, savvy?"
Date: September 22, 2024
Taglist: @paperprinxe , @melpomenelamusa

Two Sides of The Same Coin
[Previous / Next]
Content: TW Restraints, TW SA Threat, TW Knifepoint, TW Threats of Violence, TW Fear, Siren Whump, Sadistic Whumper, Defiant Whumpee.
Malik made sure to keep the crew below deck for the night. Not wanting to give the siren any attempts at enchanting his men with his singly voice. He knew his crew could be slightly weak minded compared to his own will, so it wouldn’t take more than a few hypnotic whispers from a siren to get them on their knees like dogs at your heel. That being said, he didn’t trust himself either, not having ever dealt with a siren before. He thought it strange for one to be so far off from the Mediterranean Sea where they are said to dwell.
Despite his caution, his intrigue was stronger. The thrill of having a threat on board and at his mercy. A creature of legend no less, his pride was beaming even under his cool facade while he cataloged in his journal about the days events. The warm light of a lantern softly illuminating the desk he was sitting at while the ship swayed in a lullaby motion. Absently signing his signature on the page before closing the large journal. His thumb ghosting over the golden lettering of the leather cover where it read:
Captains Log of the Sirens Solstice.
He always found that name ironic until today. Given that sirens rarely, if ever, came all the way to the Caribbean unless it was for a reason. On top of that, it was certainly out of place for a siren to be alone when traveling so far. A trinity of knocks at his door broke his thoughts. Sighing and standing up from his chair before he walks over to open the door, his boots softly thumping on the wooden planks with each step.
When he opens the door, he sees Jovey standing on the other side. Holding a bottle of rum with two chalices in his other hand. He raises them up in his hands as if presenting them.
“Could I bother you with a drink, Captain?” He asked with a softer voice, with it being late in the night and not wanting to stir the crew from their sleep.
Malik smirked slightly at the offer and chuckled lightly under his breath. “I tell you to stay below deck, but you defy my order to offer me a drink? Some first mate you are.” Despite his chiding words, his tone held no bitterness. Even standing aside and allowing Jovey to step into his cabin.
“I didn’t think that order was directed towards me. Must’ve been some miscommunication.” His cheeky tone being accompanied by a playful smile as he took a seat across from the desk.
Malik rolled his eyes to Joveys’ back while closing the door. Then he made his way back to his seat behind the wooden desk that separated them. Jovey already pouring two glasses of rum for them before offering one of them. Malik taking it gingerly and softly clinking his glass to Joveys’. “So… how is the lad. Cormack, right? He’s not dying or anything, is he?” He asked casually while taking a sip of his drink.
“No, he’s alright. The swellings already going down thankfully. It doesn’t seem like whatever that siren stung him with is lethal. Just knocks you down a peg.”
Malik nods slightly with an unconcerned hum. Tapping his fingers along the side of the chalice while he holds it on the table. It’s not that he didn’t care about his crews’ well-being, their condition just never weighed on his mind. He would internally scold them for being weak enough to get injured or comprised so easily, but he usually put up the persona of a caring captain that was only stern when he needed to be. That didn’t stop him from wanting to strangle his crew himself whenever they made amateur mistakes or found themselves incapacitated. His eyes drifting off towards a window to the side of them that showed the moonlight cascading over the waves. “Why do you think that creature was sent to us?”
Jovey follows his gaze towards the window for a moment before looking back towards him again, noting his almost distant tone as if he was filing through a million thoughts. “I’m not so sure about him being ‘sent’ to us for a reason, Captain, but I’m sure he’s just lost. Probably swam too far away from home.” Taking a sip as he takes a break to organize his own mind. He knew Malik could be ruthless, he’s seen it before even if the newer men in the crew weren’t there to witness it. When the siren came on board, although being at the stern side and taking over the wheel, he could see what was occurring on deck. Noting the way his Captains eyes glinted with a new found fervor, that smile that he knew all too well meant there was a danger brewing. “Why do you believe it was for a reason?”
“Because the tides strike with purpose…” Malik said matter-of-factly. Averting his eyes from the window and turning his attention back to Jovey. Noticing how he seemed to be almost analyzing him, trying to figure out his intentions. “… the sea does not act randomly as one might believe. Everything happens for a reason out on these waters, whether it be to our benefit or disadvantage.” Malik can’t help but smile faintly with a soft scoff as he glances down at his drink. “I’m starting to sound like that old quack Azure.”
Joveys’ smile mirrored Maliks’, his head shaking back and forth in an amused manner. “You sound more like him everyday. In a good way… it’s why he chose you.” Studying his expression, Malik had a gaze of longing, almost nostalgic. A soft smile that was rarely seen, if ever, only when they were alone. “You know, I remember when I first got pulled onto this ship. We were around the same age… not that we still aren’t obviously, but for some reason I always felt like you were older than me. You always knew what you were doing, and you were one of the few people in the crew who gave me a chance.”
Malik redirected his gaze to Jovey once again, a bit taken aback by the sudden throwback and vulnerability, but he tried not to soften his features out of habit of being stoic. “Trust me, I never knew what I was doing. I only ever acted like I knew everything because that’s the only way to get people to respect you.” He swished his rum in his cup absently before taking another sip. “You’re a good man, Jovey. For once, I might even admit to feeling a bit jealous of you. The crew loves you, and we’re all lucky to have you. But if you tell them I said that, then I’ll skin you and toss you off the plank myself.” He couldn’t help but give that teasing threat with a smug smile.
That drew out a soft snort from Jovey as he smiled a bit wider from the playful threat he knew had no real malice behind it. Not when it came to him. He leaned back in his chair as he took his own glass from the table to hold it on his lap. “Who’s to say I’ll give you the chance, Captain? I might just throw myself overboard before you can catch me.” He counters back jokingly.
“If you do that, lad, I’ll jump into the raging tides to fish you out just so I can have the pleasure of pushing you off myself.”
“Maybe I’ll tie a cannon ball to my foot so I sink faster and you won’t be able to pull me up.”
“Maybe I’ll just shoot a harpoon into your leg and force the crew to hoist you out of the water.”
“You’d go through all that trouble just to feed me to the sharks yourself?”
“For you, Jovey, you better believe I would.”
They both stare at each other in silence for a few seconds that seemed to stretch on before they both began to laugh and heartily chuckle. Joveys indistinguishable snorts between breaths always made his laugh contagious to Malik. For a moment, he couldn’t help but just watch Jovey, seeing his smile and how bright he looked even in the dim lit quarters. He had to mentally scold himself for staring and allowing himself to find a sense of attachment towards him. He lightly cleared his throat before chugging down the rest of his rum and setting his cup to the side. “Alright, that’s enough banter for one night. Leave me be you scoundrel.” He said lightheartedly.
Jovey rolled his eyes slightly with a small smile and stood up from his chair. Grabbing the rum bottle from the table and collecting the other chalice. “Whatever you say, De Lir, sir.” A hint of sass escaping him, knowing he could get away with it. He turns and heads for the door, cracking it open slightly before turning back to look at Malik. “If I may, Captain. What are you planning to do with the siren?”
A soft tch leaves Malik as he smiles from Joveys sass. When he turns back to inquire about the siren, his smile fades. His cold and aloof demeanor resurfacing. “Good night, Jovey.”
The tides were still calm the next morning. Uneventful, at least, it normally would be. Malik stood before the siren, the crew crowding around in a crescent formation behind him. It was still tied up tightly to the mast. Although it was apparently obvious that it struggled for most of the night based on the claw marks that were carved into the wood of the pillar. Even some of the rope looked shredded and loosened but it wasn’t enough to free itself. It looked like he was asleep. Limp in the restraints and head looked down with his chin touching his chest. They knew better, but that wasn’t what caught all of their attention though.
His tail was gone, or rather, replaced by a pair of legs. His fishy ears reduced to normal human ones. The gills along his ribs replaced by smooth skin. The dark blue claws at the tips of his fingers were now short and trimmed. It was an enigma to both the crew and Malik. The siren they brought aboard was now a seemingly normal young man. They knew it was him, but appearance-wise, it threw them for a loop.
Malik stepped up to the siren and gripped a chunk of the back of his hair before yanking his head back. Seeing the siren wince and let out a hiss of discomfort from his grip. He grinned as he stared down at the siren. Analyzing its features, seeing the marks of light blue along his skin. It’s golden eyes, now being up close, noting the two spots of gold in each of them. “What happened to you, little dragon? Lost your tail?”
The siren glares up at him with a fiery rage. He was frustrated having to be at the mercy of a pirate. He’d bite his hand off and claw that smug smile off his face if he could just loosen the rope enough to get one of his hands free. “I’m dried out you fucking assh—.”
Malik dug his fingers into the sirens scalp and tugged on his hair harder. Ripping a few hairs out in the process, extracting a groan from him that cuts off his words. He leans down closer to the siren to loom over him. “Your tongue is still as vile as yesterday. Someone wasn’t taught manners growing up…” Malik shoots a quick and hard jab to the sirens gut, the wind being knocked out of him as he tries to double over but the ropes keep him up. “… then again, neither was I.” Malik yanks on his hair and pulls his head back to slam against the mast before releasing his grip. Letting the siren deal with the aching sting in the back of his head. He takes a step back to take in the sirens human form. Observing him with a fascination that was anything but innocent or kind. “What is your name, siren?”
A hiss escapes the man as he tugs at the ropes out of frustration. His eyes scanning the crowd of pirates behind their captain. All of them pathetic and weak in his eyes. How dare any of them even get the privilege of seeing me? They were filthy, pungent, cowards that had no right to be in my presence, let alone hold me captive like this. “Fuck you, fuck all of you!”
Malik simply smiles, not his usual cocky smirk, an eerily sweet smile that was too calm. "We can have that arranged, after all, it's not everyday the lads get to let off a little steam on this ship..." He turns to face his crew. Gesturing with his hand towards the siren, as if offering him. "... isn't that right, boys?"
The crew look amongst each other, wondering if their captain was being serious, if they really did have full liberty to do as they pleased with such a rare catch. The siren staring blankly, feeling a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach at the realization of what the captain just suggested. That was until Malik put his hand up and chuckled breathily.
"Of course, there's one small problem that I'd like to address before you get started."
Reaching for his hidden dagger tucked between the band of his pants, he unsheathes it and turns back to the siren with a quick step, being directly in front of him once again with the curved dagger swiftly finding itself pressed against the creatures neck. The curve of the blade cupping his throat just beneath his adam's apple. The siren freezing from the sudden threatening position but never faltering with his burning glare into Malik's eyes. The pirate staring back with a cold and foreboding gaze.
"That little voice of yours. I can't let you tempt any of my men with it. As disappointed as I'll be to not hear that foul mouth of yours anymore, its time to cut that pretty little voice box out."
Malik drags the dagger along the sirens neck and tilts it up so the tip of the bade was lightly pressed against the bump in the middle of his throat. "If I carefully cut a line right here...", dragging the dagger down along the sirens throat, making him swallow thickly, "... we'll find your larynx. It encompasses your vocal cord. If we just...", a quick flick of the wrist causes the dagger to slice a light cut just off the side of the apple, making the sirens breath hitch and he growls under his breath, "... you won't be able to sing ever again. Helpless... weak... feeble little sea dragon."
"If you fucking do that I swear you'll regret it."
"I don't think I will. In fact, I think I'll enjoy this more than I should."
Even his crew behind him, watching the scene unfold, felt chills go through them having never seen this side of their captain before. Malik grabs the sirens chin in one hand with an iron grip and tilts his head back against the mast. The creature struggling and trying to squirm in the ropes. The pirate carefully grazing the blade along the center of the mans throat. Agonizingly pressing the tip of the dagger against the curve bulging out under the skin slowly. The sirens breath quickening as he gradually becomes panicked, realizing how serious the captain was. He can't help the words that quickly leave his mouth when a trickle of warm blood escapes him.
Malik stops progressing, but not drawing back either. He tugs on his chin to pull his head back down to look him in the eye. Gazing with a malicious curiosity but a hint of doubt. "Every siren does, why should I believe you don't?"
"I don't you fuckin' psycho. I wasn't born with it, don't you think I would've tried to use it by now if I had it?"
"I'm not buying that for a second, caviar."
Malik pushes his chin back up and continues where he left off. Digging into the siren's neck more. Drawing out blood as he carves a small line along the apple. Making the creature hiss and groan, his hands clenching into fists as he tries to press impossibly further against the mast to get away.
"I'm being serious! Stop!"
Ignoring his protests, Malik cuts deeper. His hearing tuning out as he focuses on cutting to his goal. His heart was beating steadily, he couldn't help the enjoyment he was getting out of seeing the creature struggle fruitlessly. A sadistic smirk plastered on his face. The siren trying not to let fear take over, but it was getting progressively difficult the more blood that cascaded down his skin. The stinging of the blade slicing through layers of skin. Never in his life had he ever experienced pain, let alone having his own blood leave the safety of his body. He was royalty, he should be the one inflicting pain, he should be the one making this pirate cower beneath him.
A soft voice broke both their thought concentrations. Malik stilling in his actions before he turned to glance over his shoulder with a piercing glare that quickly softened. Seeing Jovey standing behind him, his expression one of concern and trepidation. The siren staring at him with a hint of relief and caution. Jovey steps closer, his eyes darting between his captain and the creature. Swallowing his unease.
"I don't think he's lying."
Malik takes a breather, thinking about his first mates words before reluctantly extracting the dagger from the sirens throat. A string of blood staining the tip of the blade as he lets go of the creatures chin and stands up fully. He turns around to face Jovey, a calmer aura exuding from him. He averts his gaze towards the crew still observing the scene. Some looking uncomfortable and uneasy, others indifferent or even seemingly intrigued. "We arrive at Port Royal tomorrow morning. Toss the bilgerat into one of the cells below deck. If he truly doesn't have the gift, then nobody will have a reason to let him out by then."
Malik looks back towards Jovey, holstering his dagger to his side.
"We'll see if your judgement is as sound as it always is, savvy?"
Date: September 22, 2024
Taglist: @paperprinxe , @melpomenelamusa
GO DANI GO (I long for the day she chokes this man to death with his own tie)
Continuation from Experiment - pt 1 here
Dani curled up in her favourite chair by the window of the library. Her focus however drifted and she found her gaze kept being drawn to the landscape outside. A wilderness; shrubs and greenery turning into a vast forest surrounding Roman’s mansion, and only near the horizon a glint of the headlights of a lone car. The first sign of civilization for miles - none to be found in the center of this mansion. She estimated the distance, wondered how far she could get through the woods. Useless, really.
She forced her eyes back onto the page of her book. But just as she did, clouds parted and rays of sunshine slid over the pages. Warmth roamed up her arms, tingling her skin in-between the bandages, further up her neck, until she squinted at the bright light. She let her eyes remain closed for just a few seconds, basking in the light, letting it fill the darkest recesses of her thoughts as well. Opening her eyes brought her back to her cruel reality. She exhaled softly.
“Roman.” She only continued when he looked up. “I want to go outside.”
A sly grin spread over his lips and he rested his temple against a fist, tilting his head as he looked her in the eye. “That’s nice, dear. You go right ahead.”
Dani wanted to take the Encyclopedia of the human anatomy on the table and smack him right in his smug face with all its glorious 600 glossy pages (hardcover). Counterproductive, so she sighed out temptations of violence and pulled at the leg of her jeans.
In a slow blink his eyes followed and roamed down to the device around her ankle. “Deactivate it, then,” Dani asked tightly, but still as nicely as she could.
He shifted upright as if he wanted to get up. But then he hummed, directed his attention back to whatever he was working on, and said in a clipped but still playful voice, “No.”
She abruptly stood, dunked her book into the cushion of her seat with so much force it bounced back up, and legged past him without a word. She could see his lips press tightly against his thumb in an attempt to hide his smirk. His eyes followed her out, but he didn’t say another word.
Fucking asshole.
She fumed her way down the stairs, circled through the house and only stopped in front of the back door. Tentatively opened it to gain access to the porch outside. None of the doors in this house were locked. A cruel reminder of her circumstances. She had nowhere to go to escape. Only doors to Roman’s private spaces were locked; his office, his bedroom. And of course her own door at night. She always tested it. Only needed one shot to strangle him in his sleep. Well, two, really… two doors. Still…
The device around her ankle felt heavier than before, cautioning her.
The porch should still fall into the safe area. She tipped a toe outside and set one foot, the one without the device, onto the dark wooden flooring. Technically, probably half the garden was still safe, but she wasn’t going to risk it. She had no idea how this thing pinpointed her location and if it could be off by a few yards. Not going to test that, especially when she was alone.
The lawn stretched out in front of her, tempting her. A green oasis, bordered by beds of wildflowers, hedges turning to pine trees, bushes, all closed in by the woods stretching out for… miles? He had quite a nice garden. To go along with his stupid nice house. Nicely in the middle of freaking nowhere.
She could see dew drops shimmering in the sunshine. That rare bit of sunshine she hadn’t felt in… weeks.
The porch itself, of fucking course, was cast in shadows.
She nudged back and forth, trying a few steps up and down the porch, but steering clear of the steps leading to the garden.
“Go on, then,” a voice behind her encouraged.
Her chest tightened in anger and she stopped her pacing. “No,” she answered in the same clipped voice.
“Coward.” Roman stopped right next to her, joining her with his hands in his pockets to show he came in peace. Together they looked out over the garden in silence. Then he took a deep breath and slowly, deliberately, took a step forward, down the three steps, into the sun. He turned slowly in the middle of the lawn, arms spread wide, eyes closed, head tilted up as if he was enjoying the warmth on his face.
As he spun back, she caught the grin on his face.
“Yeah,” Dani too turned on the spot, hiding her sour expression, “I’ll just go back inside.”
She heard him follow but refused to look back, instead stomping up the stairs back to the library.
He caught up, caught the clenched fist swinging next to her hip as she strode away, pulling her back. She turned with a snap, using the momentum to twist her wrist free and aimed a punch. It landed in the palm of his hand, drawing out a soft chuckle.
“Go on,” he goaded again, this time his voice low, chin tipped down leering at her, advancing on her.
His hand snapped around her wrist. Pulled her in, grabbed her other wrist as well and crossed her arms over her body, tight over her chest, forcing her back until she hit a wall.
Muscles strained as she tried to pull free from his grip. Patience strained as he leaned in closer, smug expression bearing down on her.
“Let go of me,” she said in a calm voice that didn’t line up with the rage swirling through her.
“Hm, no.”
She kicked hard at his knee. Felt and heard a nice crunch. He buckled but didn’t fully let go of her yet.
And without thinking and mostly out of habit, she followed up with a somewhat more indecent kick.
That did the trick.
He stooped forward with a choked off surprised gasp, palm of his hand crashing against the wall as he kept himself up. She just about caught the utmost fury as he glared up at her through narrowed eyes, but before he could regain his ability to speak, she zipped past him and fucking ran.
Ran but she had nowhere to run to.
She heard a thunk behind her as she rushed down the hallway, bolted down the stairs, vaguely registering that he must have collapsed to his knees. But in her panic she found no satisfaction for it.
His voice thundered through the house.
Ohhh, shit. Hearing her full name never bode well.
She sprinted to the back of the house, her legs carrying her unconsciously to the most logical escape route. Outside. But that route was cut off, by an invisible minefield that she couldn’t sneak or weave through. She screeched to a halt on the porch, panting, looking around as if she could find an opening somewhere in the invisible electric curtain that closed her in.
Nothing of course. She was absolutely stuck, with nowhere to hide, and with nothing but a severe punishment waiting for her.
Her face fell. Freedom, so close, spread out wide in front of her. Yet still boxed in.
Just as she wondered if she would be able to take the risk and run through the minefield, pain and electricity be damned – at some point she would be outside the range where the ankle monitor might just stop, right?! – footsteps stumbled behind her and her breath caught. She twirled on the spot.
Roman leaned heavily against the doorway, his face twisted in anger, the last remnants of pain twitching in his eyes. At least he had the dignity not to cradle his bruised package. Probably already did that upstairs… on his knees. Trembling. A prick of light in her darkness. An image to hold on to for the upcoming time. She had the dignity not to smirk. Her fear wouldn’t let her anyway.
Dani backed away. Slowly. Maybe she could still slip past him, but what was the use. It would only prolong the inevitable.
Another step back.
Her heart skipped a beat when the ground disappeared. Her ankle doubled as it crashed a few steps lower. With a soft shocked gasp, she fell back, arms flailing.
Completely unexpected, Roman’s hand shot out, gripping her tight by the wrist and she was almost grateful when he pulled her back onto the porch. He didn’t speak yet, just snarled down on her. And just when she got her feet firmly back under her supporting her own weight, his lips curled.
Their eyes met for a second.
And he shoved her hard.
She didn’t even have time to gasp in shock, yet it was like she fell in slow motion. Her mind braced for impact, for the shock that was about to course through her. Legs scrambled under her, stumbling back, muscles strained, desperate to stay upright but it was no use.
Before her back even hit the wet grass, the device activated.
And her mouth opened in a silent scream.
Pain coursed up her legs, the electric surge spreading through her body in an instant. It tensed every muscle to the point where she was completely paralysed for a few seconds.
Then finally could she release the pain in a scream. She wrenched onto her stomach, shaking heavily, fists clenched around the blades of grass. It was like all here muscles were caught in a ring of fire, heat burning through her.
But then it stopped. Muscles abruptly released and she lay flat as a board on the grass for a moment, heaving in gasps.
So much for her escape plan to just power through…
Roman lazily watched her from the porch, fiddling with the remote control for the ankle device. “You’d better crawl back here, fast,” he said, ice in his voice. “It will reactivate again in a few seconds.”
She clawed a hand forward, but before she could even get a leg under her to push off, her muscles clenched up again.
“You know,” Roman’s voice came when her screams died down again to sharp exhales. “To give the escapee the chance to get back within the perimeter…”
He hadn’t moved a muscle, simply watched as she struggled to pick her way back, fell face-forward into the grass as the device activated again; not by its setting but by his hand, hidden behind his back.
Every time Dani went just a little too far in one go for his taste, he pressed the button, stopping her dead in her tracks. Not like she had any grip on how many seconds had passed anyway…
Teeth clenched, Dani fought her way back, trying to move through the paralysing pain. Every inch she gained would make this stop faster. She managed to stay on her hands and knees, simply letting the pain shoot through her and endure, so she could stay upright and immediately inch closer when her muscles were under her control again.
And finally, as she pulled herself up the porch, it stopped. She lay there clutching at the wooden boards, breathing heavily as if she’d just clawed her way back out of a river, holding on for dear life afraid the stream might drag her back.
“Well, now, look at that,” Roman crooned, lightly kicking at her hips, gesturing to her long legs still on the grass. “At least now you know what the safe zone is. Look, you could sit over there in the sun next time.” He put the remote back into his pocket, after completely turning the device off for a bit. A little surprise for next time she tried to sunbathe.
A hand snagged in her hair. He pulled her up and hissed in her face,
“Now, I sincerely hope you didn’t think we were done here.”
Tag list: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpifi @whumpy-daydreams @whumpyourdamnpears @auroragehenna @alsolucakairomi @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumppmuhw
Fiona & Moriarty- Lesson Two
Part Two. Content includes kidnapping, threats of violence, actual violence, swearing, forced to hurt, dehumanization, mutilation, noncon touch (nonsexual), autocannibalism, branding, and torture. Moriarty is co-owned with @space-is-out-there! Let me know if I missed any tags.
Lesson two. Respect.
"Welcome to my humble lair!" Moriarty announces, as if Fiona is supposed to burst into applause at the sight of dingy dungeon walls. Instead, she nearly breaks a wrist trying to pull the chain she's cuffed to out of the wall. "Where is everyone?! Where did you take me?!"
"A- wouldn't you like to know and B- to my home!"
"A- Yes I would and B- fuck you and your dungeon house," the girl snaps. Moriarty cackles at that, flashing perfectly white teeth as Fiona looks around in a sudden panic. "What did you do with my wand?!"
"I assure you it's unharmed. I'm just saving it for when you earn it."
"I was wrong about Mark," Moriarty says, waving a hand dismissively at the thought of his son. "I thought he might have what it takes, but... I'm still in the market for a protégé."
Fiona's expression is incredulous. "No way I'm doing that! You're even more insane than I thought if you think I'll EVER work for you!" She pulls even harder at the chains, but they don't budge.
Moriarty rolls his eyes. "They use those chains to wrangle dragons, you know."
Fiona stops pulling and glares at him. "So what, then? Are you planning on just keeping me in here forever?!"
He scoffs, like she's an idiot. "No, of course not. If I can't convince you, I'll merely erase your memory and mind control you!" He pauses, tapping his chin as if deep in thought. "...Or I'll kill you and feed you to the rats. Depends on my mood."
Fiona wipes the horrified look off her face before that statement can sink in. "Great. So there's no option where I, say... stab you in the back?"
"Not unless you want to be tracked to the ends of the earth by my men and fed the skin of everyone you care about," Moriarty responds matter-of-factually.
Fiona feels ill. "Thanks for that image."
"You're welcome, love!" Moriarty chirps, and claps his hands together. "Now, if we're going to get along, there are some ground rules you should know about. Follow them, and your apprenticeship will be relatively pain-free. Disobey, and there will be consequences. Number one-"
Abruptly, he is standing less than a foot away from her, and she startles on instinct. He clicks his tongue. "Don't hesitate. Hesitation makes you weak- and you can't run a criminal empire like that, can you?"
She opens her mouth to speak and he holds up a finger to silence her. She's so surprised that she says nothing, her mouth agape- and Moriarty claps. "Rule number two- respect. You may be next in line to run this place, but I am your boss. You follow my orders, when I give them. You may call me Moriarty when we're alone; boss or sir when in public."
She can't help herself. "What are you calling me?"
"Whatever the hell I want," he says.
She wasn't sure what else she expected.
"Rule two-and-a-half- look me in the eyes when I speak to you." Moriarty snaps his fingers, catching her attention from an extremely interesting mold spot on the floor. "Manners are important- we can't have anyone thinking we're uncivilized, can't we? We're not barbarians."
"Yeah, just criminals," Fiona mumbles.
"That's no excuse to be rude," Moriarty retorts, snaps his fingers, and her cuffs vanish. As Fiona rubs her wrists, he taps his watch. "Hmm... that's all I have for now, so... Time for training!"
"I don't want to," Fiona says. Just how far can she push him...?
"Too bad."
That answered that question.
"Now are we going? Or am I dragging you out one chunk at a time?" Moriarty asks, looking at his nails as if her answer didn't really matter. (It didn't.)
"Keep your shirt on, I'm coming," Fiona grumbles, rising from her spot on the concrete floor. "Although I am interested in how exactly you'd train a dismembered protégé."
"With great effort!" comes the cheerful reply.
"First, I’m going to teach you a very important part of running this operation," Moriarty tells her as they stroll into a warehouse. She has no idea where they are- planewalking definitely broadens one's options for evil hideouts, she supposes.
Most of the goons that catch sight of them avert their eyes and scurry in the other direction. She wishes she could too, but Moriarty has a grip on her shoulder- she swallows her discomfort and pipes up. "So it's not just fancy suits and maniacal laughter?"
"No, those are just perks," Moriarty responds without skipping a beat. "Respect. Respect is important. There’s someone here who has disrespected me. We’re going to make sure he doesn’t do that anymore."
"What'd he do?" Fiona quips. "Stole your ice cream money? Broke your Action Man?"
"Someone’s been skimming off top of their transactions," Moriarty says, and gestures to a scrawny man being held by two guards. The man flinches when Moriarty makes eye contact with him, and cowers when the mastermind strides forward to speak. "Thought you could fuck me over, did you?!" He leans in to yell in the man's face. "DID YOU?!"
"Seems to me like he already regrets his situation," Fiona says quietly.
Moriarty steps back to stand next to her and draws a knife out of his jacket pocket. "He skimmed off the top of my money so I say... we skim off the top of his head."
Fiona looks at him blankly. Moriarty rolls his eyes and clarifies. "Cut off his ears... and make him eat them."
The man blubbers and starts to cry. Moriarty flips the handle towards Fiona expectantly, who flinches as if it might jump and bite her. She stammers. "Are you sure this is… necessary?" She grasps for something, any excuse to get out of this. "It just- uh- seems like a lot of effort to deal with all of this personally..."
"This is what we call a teachable moment! You see- if you don’t make people respect you, they'll just take it as permission to walk all over you."
"Can't you get respect by, you know… treating people like people?"
"No," Moriarty shakes his head. "That only works in la-la land... and in Philadelphia. AND I DON'T SEE ANY CHEESESTEAKS, NOW DO WHAT I ASKED!"
She reels backwards at his screaming, and unconciously takes a few steps towards the captive instead, who is whimpering and sobbing. Like a switch was flipped, Moriarty grins widely and gives her a thumbs-up. "Go on!"
Her throat is bone-dry. Her voice comes out hoarse. "My hand is shaking."
"Rule number one," Moriarty reminds her. "It hurts more when you hesitate."
It's like her arm is detatched from her body. It moves on its own, drawing the blade closer. It cuts cleanly, and the distant thought occurs to her that the knife must be very sharp. Blood drips off the blade and onto the floor, stark red against the gray.
Blood pools on the ground and stains her fingers. There's an incessant loud noise droning on in the background, and Fiona resists the urge to cover her ears.
Moriarty is clapping. "Is this how proud parents feel? I never got this feeling from my kids." He gestures for the guards to drag the man closer. He hasn't stopped screaming. He stops, briefly, to swallow, when she places the severed ears into his mouth, and then Fiona doesn't see what happens, because she's vomiting onto the floor.
She retches and gags and sobs and by the time she comes back to herself enough to think, the man is gone, and Moriarty is clapping her on the back, talking at her as if she's in any state to pay attention.
"Honestly, it looks like you were dressed by a pedophile with a doll fetish- oh wait! You were."
The world swims before her eyes, and she takes in a deep, shuddering breath. Shoves the images in her mind away. Stands up straight. Don't think about it.
"I think you would look good in a suit," Moriarty muses.
Fiona can't stop a laugh from escaping. It wasn't particularly funny. Her voice comes out sounding like it belongs to someone else. "Matching outfits? Really?"
"Please. Female crime bosses have to work twice as hard to get half the respect. I’m helping you." Moriarty takes her hand and swings it between them like a loving father. "Now let’s go shatter that glass ceiling!"
Several hours later, Moriarty sits at his desk. Fiona, for her part, is standing in the corner doing her best to avoid attracting his attention. Doing her best to keep her mind blank. She shifts uncomfortably in her new suit- not because it doesn't fit, but because it's a mirror of Moriarty's outfit.
The mastermind spins around in the chair like an excited toddler, beaming at her. "You did excellently today- I'll give you a reward. Come here."
It's a simple demand, and an enticing prospect. Moriarty waits for her, entirely unreadable, betraying no hints for what the "reward" will be.
Her legs aren't moving.
Moriarty smiles and repeats himself. "Come here."
She doesn't want to. "Can I- can I stay here?"
"Ah, that's very polite, asking for permission," the man nods, approvingly, before continuing, "You may not."
Haltingly, she shuffles over to him, defiantly stopping a bit away. Oddly, he doesn't seem to notice her hesitation- or, more likely, just chooses to ignore it. He draws her into his arms, running a hand through her hair, forcing her to look into his eyes. His voice is quiet. Hushed. "You're so tiny."
She blinks. Why-
Abruptly, he runs his fingers through her hair, down the back of her neck, and every muscle in her body braces for pain- but instead, he guides her to sit on the floor, resting a hand on her shoulder. Before she can fully process what's happening, he's tied a blindfold around her head, plunging her world into blackness, binding her hands in front of her-
She closes her eyes as she feels the telltale pinpricks of tears forming at the corners of her eyes. "Please," she whimpers, but he only shushes her. All she can hear are his shoes tapping against the floor, and touch is the only sense she still has- but it's okay. It's going to be okay. She did what he asked. He said this was a reward. It's okay-
And then she feels something caress her shoulder.
Fiona flinches, her back arching against the sudden touch. Moriarty hushes her. She can feel his breath against the back of her neck. The tears spill over, soaking into the blindfold and running down her face, dripping off her chin. Moriarty stops tracing her arm and gently wipes her cheek with a finger.
She never gets used to it- every time she thinks she's getting used to the pattern, the awful cold feeling of his fingers all over her, he'd drag his nails across her cheek, she'd feel his tongue in her ear, kisses pressed to the back of her neck, and her whole body would spasm with shock, with terror. Moriarty holds her close, stroking her hair, her face, and for just a split second, she's back with her family- she can't bring herself to move away, she can't. Not even when the cold steel of a blade presses against her bare cheek.
"Hold still now…"
Pain. Sharp and white-hot, like fire magic. She bites her tongue to keep from screaming as the blade draws four shallow lines across her skin. She can feel the blood run down her cheek and her breath hitches, a sob tearing itself free from her chest. Moriarty hums, pressing a wet cloth against the burning sensation, and Fiona clutches at his suit coat, heaving shudering breaths. "What did you..."
The man shushes her. The washcloth is removed, and Fiona winces, but the fiery feeling has mostly faded away. In its wake is a peculiar sensation on her cheek- like exposed skin hitting air.
Ever so gently, Moriarty traces along her cheek, in a peculiar pattern that she can't quite place.
"Congratulations, my dear protégé."
His voice follows her into unwilling sleep.
Continuation from Outside- pt 1 here
TW: vague rape threat
Dani stumbled along, letting Roman drag her back inside. She didn’t dare dig in her heels nor even attempt to pull at the vice-like grip around her arm. Even when she was sure he was going to tear it off. She was in enough trouble as it was. And no attempt of stalling or resisting was going to help.
Every now and then, her body did refuse to follow. It stuttered, as if the signal to her muscles caused a lag. Remnants of the electricity setting her system to complete haywire. She tripped over her own feet, sure that without Roman pulling her along she would’ve crashed to the floor already.
Her stomach felt even heavier when he held the door to the basement open for her, face like thunder daring her to disobey. She didn’t. And he let her go down on her own, following with heavy stomps on every step.
Roman paced up and down, irritation clear in his expression and his rigid posture. Though the narrowed eyes and weird steps could also indicate some remnants of pain lingering. Only fuelling his anger, unfortunately.
His eyes flared. “Now I’m not one of those idiots who compare a kick in the jewels to actual childbirth. But by god,” he exhaled hard and looked straight into her eyes, “I’m this close to try it out and get you to report in nine months.”
She paled at that, even though she knew he wouldn’t. And he probably couldn’t either, in his current state. But she swallowed any comments on that. Better not to aggravate him any further when he’s this pissed. Also, she had plans in nine months, actually; sitting in a courtroom watching him get sentenced to hell. Couldn't miss that.
So instead, she kept her tightened fists close to her side and looked down. “I’m really sorry.”
“No, you’re not.”
No. She wasn’t. She was pretty chuffed, actually. The feeling just was kinda overshadowed by this huge looming sword dangling right above her. But she still felt a touch of pride through that fear.
“You’re not sorry. And you're never going to be sorry, not even after this. I don’t expect you to. But at the least we can make sure even the mere thought of pulling something like this again will have you break out in cold sweat.”
Or in absolute hysterics... But probably only after she’d escaped this hellhole.
A backhanded fist caught her across the face and in her still wobbly state sent her right to the floor where she remained in a slight daze.
He snagged a fistful of hair, pulling her up, then grabbed her collar and marched her backwards until she felt his knuckles tighten in the fabric. She braced herself. Just in time as he slammed her into a wall. She buckled forward in pain, tensing her abdomen for the expected blow, but he merely kept her up and forced her shoulder blades back against the wall.
He inched closer. Knuckles tight against her collar bones, body pressing forward until she tried to squirm away, back against the wall.
“You wanna try that again?” he all but growled, voice still soft. He made himself awfully vulnerable right now, knee pressing at her leg, taunting her, knowing she wouldn’t dare.
“Don’t tempt me,” she choked out, eyes blazing, but she knew that if she even raised one leg she would buckle forward against him. She needed both feet firmly planted on the ground not to collapse.
“Oh,” he almost purred and pulled her in, still a tight grip on her shirt to make sure she was flushed against him and she felt his breath brush her cheek when he said, “I’ll make sure you’re never tempted again.”
He took a fierce step back, dragged her along, and threw her away from him to the floor.
Dani rolled along with the momentum, but everything happened too fast. Two swift footsteps. A flurry of movement. An explosion of pain against her ribs. It blew her back against something that didn’t give and she slumped against the cold metal.
Slower footsteps, away from her. Returning. She shook her head hard, trying to dispel the haze. Realised that she was slumped against the metal table in the middle of the room, Roman standing over her, preparing something on it.
She heard a snap, looked up and her breath stilled as she saw him holding up a syringe, a familiar blue vial.
A whimper escaped her. She tried to scoot away from him, but Roman barely looked down and stomped down hard on her wrist, keeping her pinned. “No,” he tutted as he felt her pull under his foot, and shifted his weight on it without looking, eyes back on the syringe as he slowly drew in the blue liquid. He flicked a finger against the glass, put it down, and sank down to his knees.
The hand went right for her throat.
“No…” she started. She struggled against him, hands up, trying to push him off, flailing as he tried to catch her wrists. “No, no, no—” He slapped her hard, scooped both wrists up in one hand and pressed them up above her head, pinning them to the ground. He reached up and the blue-filled syringe glinted in the light. “No…” she mewled again as she felt the harsh prick in her neck, but it was already too late.
The pressure on her wrists let up and Roman scrambled back to his feet. He stood over her, looking her straight in the eyes as he rummaged in his pocket. And he pulled out the remote for the electric device around her ankle.
Dani paled. Braced herself. But nothing hit her yet.
“Do it then,” she croaked after a beat, but he merely stared her down, steel glint in his eyes, finger on the button. “Go on! Do it! What are you waiting for?!” And she hated how her voice cracked.
“For the serum to take effect.”
His calm voice punched the breath out of her. Agonising seconds passed, all the while they kept eye contact, both waiting.
And she felt it. It was like the bruise on her cheekbone lit up. Like a light bulb, gradually shining brighter. As if it was growing in size, blood rushing in, the pressing tight sensation pulling at her skin slowly turning to discomfort, to pain.
And only when she winced, Roman smiled. And pressed the button.
Fire shot through her. Hotter, fiercer, more paralysing than before. A garbled scream just about made it to the top of her throat before everything contracted and it died off with a squeaking choke.
She couldn’t breathe! Pain fired through her and she couldn’t let it out in a scream. She’d lost all control over her body, merely lay there on the hard floor, spasming hard, convulsing, all the wrong muscles activating and literally keeping a death grip on her body.
Until it suddenly let go of her and it was like she fell from a great height. Her back hit the floor, punched out the remnants of her scream, and she gasped hard now she could finally breathe again.
“No…” she wheezed, scrambling back from Roman as if it would help. He still had that hard glint in his eyes. “Don’t, not again, I can’t breathe, I ca— You turned up the setting didn’t you?!”
“I did not,” he merely said. Which could be a lie, for all she knew; that serum was supposed to enhance the pain, not the amount of watts taking hold of her muscles.
Another round of pain slammed into her. Burning her from the inside as it clawed for a way out. It felt wrong. Dangerous. As if the crackling electricity stabbed and burned holes into her veins as it seared through, frayed her nerves. It had to stop. Stop! Before it actually would cause damage.
“Do try to bite through it, love,” Roman teased. “If you manage to get out an apology again, maybe I’ll accept it this time.”
“I’m sorry!” Dani choked out as soon as she could. “I am! I—no, don’t, please, it won’t happen again!”
“No,” Roman said, nodding, as he pushed the button again. “It won’t.”
Tag list: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpy-daydreams
@whumpyourdamnpears @auroragehenna @alsolucakairomi @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumppmuhw
@untethered-symphony @withdrawingramen @theforeverdyingperson
For @mayhem-in-mordor who wondered what happened when Roman took Dani :))
“Stop! Stop right there!”
The quick racking of the gun cracked across walls of the concrete room and Roman stopped dead in his tracks. His head tipped down, shoulders slumped and he let out an annoyed sigh while he threw his hands up, as if being held at gunpoint was a mere inconvenience. Slowly, drawling, stalling, he turned to face Dani, hands still in the air but dropped them to his side as he looked her over.
“That gun...” he started and began to circle her like the predator he was. “Did you take it from him?” And he nodded at the unconscious man in the blue shirt behind her.
Dani knew better than to look back.
“Yes.” She side-stepped along with him, stepping over the paper folders strewn out over the floor, some still smoldering, an attempt to destroy evidence, research. The smoke teased her nostrils, prickled her eyes. She didn’t even blink and kept the gun trained on him. Right in-between the eyes, no more missing vitals.
He nodded, silent for a few more steps. Then a smirk formed on his lips like he couldn’t contain it any longer. He tipped his head down, leering at her, and dramatically whispered a single word: “Empty.”
Dani didn't hesitate and immediately pulled the trigger to call that bluff. Only to be met by a disappointing click. And no hole in his forehead.
His eyes narrowed in glee. He threw his hands up again, almost in mock surrender but with his palms up and gave a theatrical shrug. Dani bristled and sharply inhaled to keep her calm; their cockiness and annoyance had switched sides at that click, as had her advantage. But she gave a small shrug in reply.
“Fine.” She launched forward, charging at him. She changed her grip on the gun, twirling it by the trigger guard, catching it in a claw and aimed a wide slap right at his face.
He dodged effortlessly, with that goddamn arrogant smirk that she wanted to punch off. Caught the follow-up punch in the palm of his hand and twisted her arm away. She immediately snapped free with a twist, used the momentum to aim another back-handed strike with the gun as she twirled.
At least that indicated that she was close. Though she’d prefer an exclamation of pain. Still, she’d shock his arrogant taunting right of him. To her surprise, he didn’t run. Probably knew he was at a disadvantage there. She’d easily catch up. But in close combat, he could shift the advantage to him, or tire her out as he didn’t seem to be interested in going for a killing blow. Yet.
They continued their dance of swerving and dodging, occasionally interrupted by a grunt when one of them hit home. Though her moves were smooth and elegant, she wasn’t above fighting dirty. Whenever the chance presented itself, she jabbed at his eyes or throat, went for the junk, but nothing hit home. Yet. She only broke her calm when she heard a soft scoff and saw his lips curl after he dodged a punch again, and she threw the gun full force at his smug face. Went right over his shoulder.
“This is the third time you’ve messed up my research,” he said.
“Maybe you should stop breaking the law.”
He let out a non-committed hum as he swerved. “Maybe you shouldn’t let your guard down.”
And before she could even question that in her mind, let alone snarl out the words, he side-stepped just behind her, his back to her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him twist towards her, the flurry of his elbow moving up, forearm straight as an arrow as it readied for the—
A sharp jab snapped against the side of her neck. And the control over her body slipped away from her from the neck down. Her entire body tensed up first, then just as fast completely released the grip on every muscle. Her knees buckled first. All she could do was inhale a shocked little gasp, curse at herself and Roman in her mind before everything turned to static. And luckily the world went black before she even hit the floor.
Roman watched as if in slow motion as the girl toppled forward. He resisted the body-jerk reaction to catch her, knowing she could still snap up and claw his eyes out if his blow was merely an inch off. Only when she landed face-forward without even moving to soften the landing against the hard concrete, it assured him the fight was over.
He simply stared at her for a few seconds, hesitating, not quite sure what to do. This would probably not render her unconscious for long. And judging by the continued muffled gunfire on the upper floors, she wasn’t alone. He didn’t have much time to decide.
A pang of frustration shot through him as he glanced up, struck by the state of the now ruined room. His ruined research. He glared at the unconscious girl at his feet, a growl in his exhale. He was going to have to lay low for a while. And that rushed him into his decision.
He squatted down next to her. Swiped over her pockets, fished her phone from her brown leather jacket and threw it hard to the floor. Patted her down to make sure she didn’t have anything else on her that could lead them to follow him.
With a grunt, he threw the dead weight over his shoulder and carried her out, down to the underground parking. Shifted her further onto his shoulder as he searched for his car keys. Opened the rear door, stopped, and closed it again. Yeah, no. You wouldn’t keep a feral animal loose in your car. She’d probably try to strangle him with the seatbelt from behind. Or even if he’d had anything to cuff her with, she’d throw her legs over the seat to pin him until they crashed. She’d proven her tenacity over these last three rounds of meetings. And that chop to the neck wouldn’t last the entire journey. Better go for the safe route. So instead, he opened the trunk and dropped her inside without much care.
The familiar crunches of grit under his tires and under his shoes a long ride later greeted him home. Good to know that even after quite a while, those sounds still triggered a feeling of home-coming in his brain. Might be something to look into... Later.
Roman slowly walked around the car, keeping his eyes on the trunk, not sure what to expect. There was no banging at the lid or cursing or demands to let her out. Yet he doubted she was still unconscious.
He carefully opened up, hand on the lid to keep her from further busting it open. Oh yes, she was awake. Through the small opening he could see the fury glint in her eyes, staring straight at him. She looked like an angry cat in her basket. If she could, she’d hiss at him, he mused. But he was surprised to see she didn’t spit anything at him, no insults, no saliva. In fact, she cowed back a little and lay all curled up. Somewhat reassured, he fully opened the trunk, leaned forward to drag her out.
A long leg suddenly shot out, and it hit him square in the stomach.
It punched the air – and the snide remark that was on the tip of his tongue – right out of him. He doubled over, hand still on the lid of the trunk pulling it down with him as he almost buckled. It nearly hit the girl right on the head, but in a flurry of movement she managed to snake out, bump him aside, and shot past.
“Oh, no, you don’t,” he brought out, and caught her by the neck of her shirt.
She twisted free and he grabbed her arm instead. She replied with a headbutt. Missed and Roman followed up with a backhanded swing.
A yelp as he caught her full in the face and knocked her off her feet. She heavily crashed onto the grit and he immediately closed in, grabbing her shirt.
Dani didn’t hesitate. Like the fierce cat she was she almost literally clawed up around him, grasping him by the arm, threw her legs up and locked them around his head, pulling herself up.
Roman caught her in surprise, one hand still in her shirt, the other arm around her back as he secured her in reflex. Luckily for him, she didn’t have the momentum to pull him down and they stared at each other, caught in an impasse. If he let her fall, she’d drag him right along.
“We let go,” he said calmly, negotiating his release, “at the same time.”
“Duel at sunset,” she growled, and squeezed her legs but nodded.
“One… two…”
With her legs up and him protecting her from gravity, he felt like he had the overwhelming advantage here. But as he let go of her on “Three!” her back arched and she slithered gracefully from his arms, again not unlike a cat, letting herself fall to the ground in a dive. She landed on her palms, lightly sprang off against his shoulders, and shot away in an elegant back handspring, spiraling off of him with grace. He had to admit, he was impressed, and his lips tugged into a smirk.
It lost him two seconds of precious reaction time. As her feet touched the ground and she straightened, one foot immediately shot back up. Hit him right in the chin. But the hit came at a cost and with her on one leg wobbling on the pebbles straining for balance, he saw his chance. He sank down to a squat, shot out a leg and aimed at her ankle, kicking her foot right out from under her.
He watched as her eyes went wide and he immediately followed up to keep his advantage as she lost the battle with gravity. Finally. Her back crashed into the sea of grit, punched out a grunt. Another kick in the stomach didn’t deter him. Hands flailed, clawed at his face, her moves betraying a certain panic that let him know he was winning and he only had to wait for the right moment until he could calmly catch a wrist and use the momentum to twist her onto her front.
One firm hand on her neck pressed her face into the sharp pebbles, the other twisted her arm up, slowly tearing the ligaments in her shoulder until she yelped.
“Is this how it’s going to be?” he almost growled out a disappointed sigh.
She took full advantage of the little leeway he offered her to reply; twisted her head until she could – painfully – make eye contact, she smiled sweetly and spat right in his face. “It is.”
Tag list: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @whumpy-daydreams
@whumpyourdamnpears @auroragehenna @alsolucakairomi @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumppmuhw
@untethered-symphony @withdrawingramen @theforeverdyingperson @treasureguardingdragon
Salem bbg love u forever
Scalding Water Part 1- Melting Ice
How Salem breaks, part one.
Salem’s Masterlist
TWs: Implies and references torture, abuse, discussion of mass murder/destruction, manipulation, bad mental health, threats, implied/referenced/thretened mutilation, mental break down/panic attack, non-con touch(non sexual)
under cut :D
Salem was at the end of her rope, with Kayo. Every thing he did seemed more degrading than the last, every wild expectation more impossible, every word more agitating.
It wasn’t like she didn’t know what was on the line. The sound of Mina’s screams haunted her every waking moment, and every nightmare too. If she disobeyed, if she fought too hard, the healer got punished with her. The last thing the warrior wanted was for Mina to get hurt.
But Salem had always felt emotions so very strongly. Feelings could overtake logic in mere seconds. It was inevitable that one day she was going to snap. And she’d snap badly.
It shouldn’t have been a surprise when it happened.
Somehow though, it was, as Kayo looked down at the smoldering, shaking form curled up in the epicenter of the wrecked and charred mess that was once the castle’s training room.
It started with a mission- an allied army needed to destroy a city. Salem was the easy solution- if he sent her the place would be ash in mere seconds. Quick, simple, destructive.
Unfortunately for Kayo, despite her position as a weapon, nothing violent was ever simple with Salem. You’d think she was a pacifist with all her idiotic little moral objections to everything nowadays. I can’t even get her to kill someone without it becoming a whole thing!
It was least to say, things went downhill… quickly. From the glare the weapon fire elemental threw at him the moment he entered the training hall, the diplomat knew this one wouldn’t be easy.
Salem only narrowed her eyes as he cleared the room, making sure the two were alone. He usually doesn’t bother to send others out… which definitely reaked her out. What’s does he plan that’s so bad he wants me alone? Not in his office too… he only does that when he’s worried about damages…
“What the hell do you want?” She snapped, not looking up from the sparing dummy that was quickly becoming pulp even under her dull practice blade.
“I have a mission I’d like you to-“
“Nope, not doing it, next question.” She interrupted.
“Salem, seriously? You do understand you don’t get to pick- do you really need to be a petulant brat about this?”
She just glared at him, and continued to viciously attack the sparing dummy, like she was ignoring him. Kayo sighed and continued.
“The Valrean empire-“
“-Has targeted a strategic location in the northwest region of Elenor-“
“In which they would like us to destroy. It’s called-“
Salem stopped.
“Isn’t that a city?”
“That is correct- it protects the eastern river bank and is nigh impregnable, so it’s been decided that you will go and destroy it.” Kayo explained.
“Will it be evacuated?” Her tone made the diplomat sigh in exasperation.
“Why does it matter?”
“What do you mean, why does it matter?! There could be people, Kayo! Innocent civilians! Children, families… what are you saying?!” The warrior gasped.
“I’m saying it doesn’t matter, and you will be conducting the attack either way.” Something about the diplomat's tone made Salem even more uneasy than usual.
“Will it be populated when I’m supposed to destroy it?” She insisted.
“I told you, it’s unimportant. A weapon doesn’t get to choose how it’s wielded.”
This fucker… There’s no way…? He wouldn’t… even he wouldn’t… she thought desperately.
“So just tell me then?” The warrior wanted to scream in frustration.
“Well I was trying to save you some emotional distress, but clearly you can’t let things be- so no, it’s not been evacuated. Their general is not so stupid as to give away his plans. I hope you’re more content with that information.” Kayo snapped at her, annoyed.
Salem’s stomach dropped. Not evacuating? But then… no… wait no…
“No- Kayo, there’s no fucking way you’re asking me to- no!” She gasped, horrified. Kayo wanted her to incinerate thousands of civilians. It was a mission out of her greatest nightmares. It was the whole reason she’d tried to leave her job in the first place- so she’d never have to do something like that. I can’t do it I’ll never do it, I’d never forgive myself, I can’t hurt more people-
“I told you this wasn’t a choice-“
“But… but no! Kayo you- you can’t! I can’t do that! There’s no- no fucking way I will do that! Those are innocent people! This is too far!”
“Of course you think that- your selfish prioritization of your conscience over the better of the nation is a good part of the reason why we’re here, isn’t it?”
“Wha-What the hell? This isn’t about my conscience, this is about killing innocent people! Decimating a city is more than a personal conviction- it’s just morally wrong!” She cried. Seriously what the fuck? I won’t do that! I swore not to ever do anything like that ever again!
“Oh, and you plan to lecture me about morals, Phoenix Warrior? After abandoning your duties, apprentice, and friends? After all the blood already soaking your hands? You of all people?” Kayo asked incredulously.
“Oh and you will?! After betraying your best friend, torturing her, cutting off her wings, enslaving her? Don’t even speak to me about mortals, you fucking traitor!” The fire elemental said, rage bursting through her chest. She stepped forwards, glaring.
“I did this for your own good, Salem, and you ought to know that by now. It’s a shame you can’t get it through your selfish little scull. Look at how pathetic you are- resorting to insults the moment I start proving you wrong? You’re scared to admit I’m right, aren’t you? Even though you know it’s true?” The diplomat scoffed, stepping into Salem’s personal space, watching her coldly down his nose. She forced herself to hold her ground. “This kind of denial is not fitting of a warrior such as yourself. It makes you weak and cowardly.”
“I’m not a coward.” The fire elemental growled. “I just don’t want to mascare innocent people.”
“Oh really? Because if I remember correctly, you’re rather easy to spook.” Suddenly, Kayo’s hand shot out, wrapping its cold vice around one of the warrior’s wings.
Salem froze. Her eyes widened. Her heart pounded in her chest. Her mind was consumed by raw panic. His on my wing. His hands on my wings. His hands when they took a knife and- that moment flashed between her mind. Every sense was pinpointed on the hand shaped center of feeling on her wings where Kayo’s hand was.
“That took less than a second, didn’t it my dear? I’m fairly sure someone who’s brave and unafraid wouldn’t freeze up like this at the smallest touch. Don’t you agree, warrior?” When Salem didn’t respond, too consumed by terror, the traitor squeezed his hand tighter and leaned in. “Or maybe I’ll just have to cut them off again, and we’ll see how you hold up to that.”
The warrior couldn’t do anything to stop the terrified noise that escaped her throat, nor the way she began to shake uncontrollably.
“Pathetic, aren't you?” Kayo mocked, then gave her a little shove, forcing the fire elemental’s shaky knees to fall out from under her. “And weak, too. You know, you should be grateful I even let you fight. The golems are so much more effective than you are; obedient, powerful, near indestructible. Once my alchemists figure out how to synthesize your tears, you’ll be practically useless.”
Humiliation and shame brought tears to Salem’s eyes, as well as fear- a new fear- of uselessness. If Kayo didn’t want her, who would? Mina will. Your friends will, she forced herself to remember. There’s a world outside this hell, a world where you’re worth more than your value in fighting.
“Oh, my dear, don’t cry.” He cooed, seeing the tears. “I don’t plan to get rid of you any time soon. You know I care about you. I just need you to do this for me. Prove to me you’re not useless by doing this for me.” In truth, the traitor felt a little guilt for implying he’d ever get rid of his warrior. I need you more than you’ll ever know, but I just need you afraid for now. When you come around I’ll make sure you know just how invaluable to me you are, he thought lovingly. All I need is for you to finally break for me.
“You know I won’t. I won’t kill innocent people.” Salem said weakly, her voice shaking. It was getting hard to breathe.
“Salem, this isn’t a choice.” Kayo warned, giving her wing a squeeze. “You’re doing this either way- don’t make me need to punish you over it.”
“But I- Kayo I can’t! I can’t do this. It’s too much.”
“Are you sure about that? It’s not hard to puppet you- something I’m sure I’ll already be doing. But if you keep arguing like this, it will undoubtedly be more painful than necessary.” He tugged hard on her wing for emphasis.
Just like that, everything rushed at Salem all at once-the burst of pain from her wing and the terror of what he’d do and what he’d force her to do. Self hatred and fear and so much more swirled inside in a firestorm. She felt her skin heat up. She felt her eyes water even more. The pent up emotions of months of this, this torture, this fear, this shame, all hit her like a tidal wave. The fire elemental’s breath quickened even more.
“Please… please don’t make me do it. Please.” She begged, at the very edge over her limit. The icy walls between her power and emotions were melting more and more with every second.
“No- you are a weapon, and you’ll do as I command you.”
The walls cracked. Sparks flew off Salem’s wings, forcing Kayo to step back, his hand flying to his chest.
“I won’t do it. I won’t . I can’t.” She sobbed, wings wrapped around herself, heat rolling off her skin. The warrior was starting to hyperventilate.
“I can’t!” The wood around her started to blacken and warp.
“You don’t have a choice, so calm down.” Kayo said steadily, a little fear in his voice. The runes didn’t work on her emotions though- She’s… she’s losing control? Salem hasn’t lost it like this in what must be years… is this truly so important to her? This was dangerous ground. One wrong word and the fuse would light, and then Salem would become a barely contained firestorm. “You’re doing this whether you like it or not- you will destroy that city and their blood will be on your hands no matter how much you hate it-“
“I can’t I can’t I can’t-“ She repeated, sparks flying, her wings catching fire, the ground catching fire, everything red and hot around her. No please no I can’t no please no I can’t I can’t to do this I can’t do this-
An inferno burst from her chest, the runes sparking as they worked to keep the fire away from Kayo, the command that the warrior couldn’t hurt him the only thing between him and the heat. A sphere around them bursts into flame, some things melting and others eviscerated to ash. The only thing stopping her from destroying the whole room was the faint blue rings of her restraining bracelets, which only held the firestorm back by a thread, keeping the inferno in a self contained sphere.
“Extinguish! Salem extinguish now!” Kayo ordered frantically. The runes sparked and soon the fire was forced back into the fire elemental’s body, her wings still smoking.
“I can't, I can't do it, I can't…” She continued.
“Salem, you’re being irrational. You don’t have a choice in the matter, and the sooner you stop throwing a tantrum like a little toddler is the better off you’ll be when I punish you for this mess.” The traitor insisted. I knew this would happen eventually… I suppose I just thought it wouldn’t ever be now, he thought. But clearly she was at her breaking point.
“I can’t…” her shoulders slumped, still sobbing.
“If you don’t calm down, I’m going to bring Mina into this. Don’t forego her safety because you don’t want to do a simple mission.” Kayo warned.
But Salem barely noticed him talking, too wrapped in her own mind. She was just overwhelemd.
“Salem, look at me.” The diplomat ordered.
The warrior’s eyes shot to him against her will, teary and desperate. The order at least seemed to snap her out of her daze.
“This is your last chance. Calm down and do what I ask, or you will regret it.”
Regret!? I'll regret the blood on my hands even more.
“Kayo… Kayo please, I can’t do this.” She begged. “I swore to never cross that line- even you shouldn’t cross that line. It doesn’t matter if you think I'm made for fighting- I can’t do it. Please, if you ever fucking cared, please please just don’t make me do this.”
“I don’t think, Salem- I know. You’re a weapon, and you always have been. Your hands do nothing but destroy. All you are good for is violence-“
“I’m not!” Salem screamed, sparks flying off her skin once again. “I’m not… I can do more… I’m not just a weapon… I’m not just good for killing. I’m not.” She finished weakly, sobbing even harder. The dam had long since broken- and now there was nothing to stop the flood of tears. She hadn’t cried that much without orders in nearly a year.
Ah, I see it now. The root of the problem, Kayo realized. If I can destroy that belief… well Salem was already at her breaking point. It won’t take much more to make her come around…
“I know this is hard for you, so I’ll give you one last chance, my dear. Tell me all your good for is violence, and I’ll let this little tantrum go. Cooperate with me, and everything will be alright. All you have to do is say it.”
But they both knew it was so much more than that…
And they both knew her answer far before Kayo even finished.
“Fuck you.”
“So be it then.” The traitor sighed. “Don’t leave the training hall until I come and get you. I don’t care what else you do, but you may not leave.” He ordered, and then just… left.
The fire elemental watched the door swing closed behind him in disbelief. There was no punishment. No torture. No killing.
She was alone.
Salem sat surrounded by the charred rubble of what had once been the training hall. With Kayo now gone, the wildfire in her chest calmed and the smoke clouding her brain cleared. She stared at the mess in confusion. I… I lost control?
A cold fear spread through her as her mind began to process what just happened.
I destroyed the hall, I insulted him, I fought his orders… oh gods I’m in so much trouble… What is he planning? Why did he leave me here? What’s going to happen? I nearly burned him! Didn’t he mention Mina? Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!
She felt the panic overtaking her, and the suspense built as she waited for Kayo to return. Her imagination ran wild. The things he could do to punish her- the things he could do to Mina… Her imagination could only produce quickly worsening scenarios, as time ticked on. Minutes turned to hours, hours turned into the sun setting through the broad windows, turning into moonlit midnight…
But he still didn’t come.
Days started to go by, and Salem was stuck alone in the draining room. She flew loops around the large room. She slept by the large, high set windows. She ate snacks from her the stash in her locker, one Kayo knew she had. She could even bathe. All her needs were met and more. There was some loneliness, but she was used to that.
So Salem waited.
And waited.
And waited.
The anticipation was killing her.
Aaaaand that’s a wrapper on my first part of the mini series Scalding Water, or as I like to dub it “kayo finally whumps Salem so hard that I’ll need to change the tags on her story”. I’ll be honest I don’t loveeee this one, but it’s finished it’s posted it’s done I can move on to the next part now!
Up next: P2
Salem’s Masterlist
Tag list(love you guys, thank you for waiting I hope y'all enjoyed): @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @sage-does-whump-sometimes @lumpofsand @alsolucakairomi @toyybox