Doctor Who Fandom - Tumblr Posts
When someone incorrectly explains a topic you’re educated on:

Come on guys! Sherlock’s on an indefinite hiatus and Supernatural is ending. Doctor Who is still going strong! So what? You’re just letting SuperWhoLock die out? The shows you’ve all loved so much!? The shows you’ve written about, got tattoos about, made amazing art about. Yes they are ending and yes we need to make way for new shows. BUT that doesn’t mean we should just let our big three wither away! They’ll only die out if we let them!
As Long As Adventure Calls
Pairing: Tenth Doctor x reader
Word Count: 708
Summary: The Doctor is being unusually silent and the reader wonders what’s bothering him. The answer is unexpected, and so are the results.
A/N: I hope you like it!~

The Doctor was silent today. Silence usually wasn’t his forte, but today he was lost in the darkest recesses of his ever-whirring mind.
You hadn’t disturbed him, but you were worried. He had never been so silent before, at least not for as long as you’d known him, which was about a year and a half now if your calculations were correct.
After approximately half a day, you just couldn’t take the silence any more.
“What’s wrong?” you asked the Doctor, and he looked up, meeting your inquisitive gaze with his intense brown one. Even now, after so long, the weight of his gaze startled you. It was old, and full of memories and guilt and so many emotions that churned behind his always-calm façade if you knew where to look.
“There’s nothing wrong,” he said, eyes sparkling with life and mouth tilting upwards in a smile.
You frowned, not believing him. “There is something bothering you. I don’t know what it is, but it is something, and it must be important for you to be that quiet and thoughtful all day long,” you said, and this time he didn’t try to contradict you. You watched, heart breaking slowly, as the smile fell off his face to be replaced by tightly pursed lips, and his eyes lost their lively brightness. He looked tired, lost, defeated. For one moment, you caught a glimpse of exactly how old he was. Every year, every thought and memory and burden he had to carry was evident in the slight slump of his shoulders and the extinguished spark in his eyes.
His loss of control was momentary, a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment. He was his normal, thoughtful, self just half a second later.
“I’ll tell you what’s wrong, Y/n,” he said with a sigh.
“You’ve been with me for so long -and don’t get me wrong, I love it; I love every single second of it. Every exhilarating adventure we’ve been through has brought me joy and all the seconds we spend together are some of the very best of my entire life. But… if there is one thing I know for certain it’s that every single good thing in life ends. Everyone leaves in the end, no matter how many times they say they’re going to stay. I was wondering… when our time would be over,” he said, sadly looking at you.
You were speechless. Had he really been thinking of all that? And could he honestly think that after all those wonderful things you two had gone through, you would just leave him?
You shook your head. “Doctor, no… Don’t think that way. I won’t leave. Our time isn’t over; not yet. I’ll be here to go on adventures with you for as long as adventures will be there to go on. I promise. I could never leave you,” you say, looking at him with wide, honest, eyes and willing him to understand that you would never willingly give up on him.
He could see the honesty in your eyes. He really wanted to believe you, and in the end that side won.
“Thank you,” he said truthfully. “Thank you for not discarding my worries aside. You care about me the same way I care about you,” he said, taking a few steps closer to you and grasping your hand in his.
“Doctor…” you muttered, and something in his eyes made you want to continue with your spree of truthfulness.
“You can’t care for me the same way I do for you, because… I love you. I love you so much,” you confessed. You didn’t know how to feel about your confession. Part of you wanted to turn the clock backwards and take those words back but the larger, more insistent part of you told you to wait and see.
“You do?” he asked incredulously, and you were surprised to see his eyes light up with a million sparks when you nodded. He grinned and leaned down to press his lips to yours in an eager kiss that made your heart melt in a puddle at your feet.
“That’s a wonderful thing! Because I love you too! And also because we have an adventure waiting!” the Doctor said, his eyes gleaming eagerly.

#1 Doctor Who
(The Invasion of Time) Bro I love the 4th Doctor so much lmao he is so goofy. He was my childhood comfort character when I was 6, I am now 20 this year. He is still my Doctor 🥺
So I translated the Hogwarts Houses into circular Gallifreyan. For... reasons.

if matt smith popped out of a giant present on the eve of my wedding to announce he’s non-consensually cucked me in front of all my dearest friends and then brought me into his magic space box and offered to take me anywhere i want i would simply ask to be taken back to where it all went wrong. but that’s just me.
wild that there’s an episode of doctor who that’s just like “what if james corden was perpetually out-rizzed by the most autistic man alive” like yassss steal bustopher’s job bestie, make the allistic suffer by being sexy and not understanding social scripts king <3
okay so i did low key fall of the tumblr grid when i started my masters but i’m back here to say someone please make a fancam of the dr and bill “wait for me”/“i waited for you” with the hadestown song underneath please and thank you okay bye
concerned mothers is to russell t davies what dead people’s consciousness being stored in a whacky sci-fi database is to steven moffat
list of cute throuple costume ideas:
superwholock. like one of you is dressed to represent supernatural, one of you is dressed to be doctor who and the last person takes sherlock.
okay that’s it, hope this helps!

Fanart inspired Doctor Who
I think part of the reason why I love Doctor Who so much is because it's comforting to me.
Out of the whole universe, out of ALL of the universes, the Doctor always has human companions. Humans, every day people, who live for change and adventure and novelty.
While I personally don't like change, and adventure can be scary, I think I enjoy the thought of being on a TARDIS with some of my closest friends, exploring the stars.
Upon further inspection, the moment that made "Rouge" permanently light up like Broadway in my head as a favorite episode was the moment right after the Doctor, on Rouge's ship, finishes his monologue explaining who he is and where he comes from and what his purpose is, and then Rouge looks them dead in the eye and just says, "wow."
It's just, I know there were other, more romantic, notions going on there but it was that moment that was like they stole my breath away, and made me fall in love with the show all over again.
doctor who is just *incomprehensible horrors persist* *inconsolable grief* *identity crisis* and then moving on because they're british
this is such a legitimate (and trivial) confusion of mine but doesn't an anagram have to be comprised of only the letters available? and if so, where the fuck did the "k" in Sutekh come from?
Reader falls in love with doctor
I Like Like You
Doctor Who x reader
You knew you were doomed the moment you found yourself listening to his long-winded spiel about things you couldn’t begin to understand. In spite of this, you sat there, never interrupting, just nodding when he paused for a breath, checking if you were still listening. Of course you were you'd always pay attention to him.
Despite the fact that he had no idea, everything he did made you want him more. His obliviousness to your feelings was both annoying and a relief. You could only imagine the horror if The Doctor ever found out about your feelings. Everything would change between you too. The Doctor doesn't do romance. He might flirt but it's all harmless. You know that.
You know that nothing would ever happen between you and The Doctor. That didn’t make it any easier to try and get over him. Especially when you spent all of your time with him. Your whole life revolves around him, and when you're trying to get over someone that's not a good thing.
You just wanted to get over your crush, so you could continue to travel with him without your heart getting in the way. So you decided the best way to do that was to get with someone new. That someone ended up being a guy named Daniel. The two of you have been texting for a few weeks.
You're only now getting around to actually meeting him. Having convinced The Doctor to take a small break. He had no idea you planned on going on a date. He only realized that was your plan when you came walking out wearing a stunning black dress. Both his hearts stopped functioning for a moment. You looked absolutely ravishing, he let his eyes wander for only a moment before turning back to the console.
In his mind, the Doctor can recall the exact moment when he realized he was in love with you. The two of you were returning back to the Tardis after a dangerous adventure. Both you and The Doctor had a few cuts and bruises. Nothing life-threatening but you were still fussing about them.
He can still remember how focused you were when you changed his bandages. It was as if you were performing surgery and not cleaning a superficial wound. In that moment though when you were lecturing him about being safe, he realized just how much he needed you. How much he loves you.
His world stopped when he realized that fact. Things he once thought of as an impossibility were suddenly becoming possible. He never saw himself as settling down, planning to travel forever. If you asked him though, he would commit fully to the life. He’d get a nine-to-five, working to save up for a house with a picket fence. He would do anything and everything to make you happy. Maybe the two of you would have kids. That was a dangerous thought, one that made his hearts race.
That was all a silly dream though, completely hypothetical. He would never tell you his feelings, you deserved better than him. So he’ll just admire you from afar.
Right now though having seen you in that dress he wants to do much more than admire you. “Where are you headed dressed like that?” He tries his best to seem casual as he asks but he's nervous. Nervous you're going to say a date, which is really the most likely answer.
“I’m going on a date”, a date with a man that isn’t him. This is what he wants; he consoles himself, but it does nothing to make him feel better.
Oh, what is that supposed to mean? He turns away before you can decipher the look on his face. Secretly you were hoping to get some sort of reaction out of The Doctor. Nothing huge, maybe just a blush, something to show you that he at least thought you were attractive.
“I’ll be back later, so don’t wait up” Your steps are slow as you make your way to the door. Repeating affirmations that the perfect remedy for getting over The Doctor is a night out with a handsome guy.
The Doctor watched you leave his knuckles turning white from how tight his grip was on the console. He stayed like that for a few minutes staring longingly at the door. He wants you to have a good time just not with anyone that isn’t him. He hated himself for thinking that but the more he stood alone in the tardis the more thoughts like that plagued him. Until he can't think rationally anymore, grabbing his phone and dialing your number.
It’s been ten minutes. You and Daniel are just about to sit down when you get the call. The Doctor never calls, he barely uses a phone unless it’s an emergency. You give your date an apologetic look telling him you’ll just be a moment.
“Is something the matter?”
“No… I nevermind” he quickly hangs up the phone leaving you even more perplexed. You redialed his number only for it to go straight to voicemail. You tried to text him only to be left on unseen. Why isn’t he answering? You begin to panic knowing The Doctor there's no telling what could be the matter. You say a quick goodbye to Daniel before running to the tardis.
You're out of breath and your feet ache when you reach the Tardis. The sigh of relief you let out when you saw the Tardis is still there. You quickly open the door only to be greeted by The Doctor fiddling with the console. His head popped up at the sound of the door opening. “This is a surprise. What are you doing back so early?” he gave you a goofy smile, one you might admire if you hadn’t run all the way here.
“I’m back because I thought something had happened to you. Do you not know how to answer a phone?"
“Oh that's what that ringing was I thought there was something wrong with the tardis”, he knew it was his phone he just couldn’t bring himself to answer it. Having no excuse for his random call. Though knowing his lack of response got you this worried made both his hearts skip a beat.
“Are you kidding me? I left my date just because you can’t distinguish the sound of a cell phone ringing and the tardis?!?”
“I’m sorry, I’ll know better next time."
“Good, I’ll see you later” you give a glare. “Don’t call” the Doctors eyes widen as you open the Tardis doors. He thought this meant you’d cancel the date.
“You're still going?” He tries not to sound as desperate as he feels.
“Yes luckily Daniel hasn’t been scared off by me abruptly leaving”
“Are you sure? I mean you're already back here and you know we could just go on an adventure” he was already fiddling with the console but you're quick to stop him. Grabbing his arm and pulling him away.
“We can go on an adventure some other time” he gives you a pitiful nod a pout resting on his beautiful face. “I’ll see you later Doctor” he watches you walk out eyes drifting over your figure. A feeling of dread overtook him. He felt like he was losing you. What if your date with Daniel goes well and you decide to stop traveling with him? The thought has him running after you. He catches up to you quickly both his hearts aching. “Doctor this better be important."
“It is” you give him a look to continue telling him Daniel is waiting for you. He takes a deep breath; he can’t believe he's about to say this. “Darling, don’t go on that date."
You rolled your eyes. You wanted a reaction out of him but you were finding this annoying. All you wanted was to sit down, eat some nice food and have a nice conversation with a cute guy.
“Just listen, I like you” your eyes widen, you think you must have heard him wrong. There's no way the Doctor said he likes you too; he must mean in a friendly way.
“I like you too”
“No, I mean I like like you, in a kissing type of way” his explanation has you giggling.
“You like like me in a kissing way” you reiterate with a smile blooming on your face.
“Yes” your heart is about to explode. You’ve only dreamed of something like this happening. You're immediately pulling him by his jacket pressing your lips against his. It's everything you thought it was going to be.
You pull away softly panting, “I like like you in a kissing way too” he laughs pulling you back into him.
You texted Daniel apologizing for cancelling on him and informing him of your new relationship.
When you need that first cuppa to get started in the morning.
An ode to caffeine
There was about half a minute there where I was almost a whole human being today. It didn't stick. I don't recommend it. (humor)