Dorks In Wonderland - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago


Episode 1 Lilia Vanrouge x reader 

(Owlie note: Why him? Cause I freaking love this tiny man, well tiny for you, I’m shorther than him LMAO)

‘Make up’

Lilia:*getting ready for their dinner date*

Y/N:*putting on eyeliner*

Lilia: *humming a song* 🎶🎶🎶

Y/N: *groans* damn eyeliner...*keeps failing putting on eyeliner*

Lilia: Dear, I can not unsee that you are...having few problems with your make up.

Y/N: I’m sorry Lilia, but...I’m not skilled as you are.

Lilia: *chuckles*Let me help you with that. *gently holds Y/N?s face*

Y/N: *blushes*

Lilia: *serious and focused eyes* mmm *puts the eyeliner with no difficulty* Done!!*smiles*

Y/N: Dear Husband, I sure envy your make up skills.

Lilia: *chuckles* I just had a lot of time to practice on them.

Y/N: Yes, of course. I’m almost ready I just need to put on my lipstick then we can go.

Lilia: *smirks* Oh is that so? *getting closer*

Y/N: Lilia wh-


Y/N: *frozen*

Lilia: You know...*whispers* I always thought that my lipstick would look great on your lips.

Y/N: ...*Y/N.exe.has.stopped.working.*


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1 year ago


Episode 2 Idia Shroud x reader


Idia:*playing videogames*

Y/N: *knocks the door*

Idia:It's open...

Y/N:*kicks the door*Hello Idia-kun!

Idia:*jumps from his seat* Y-Y/N what are you doing here?

Y/N:Ortho-kun had to help Ace Deuce and Grimm with their homework, so he asked me to bring you some snacks!! *tray of delicious BUT HEALTHY snacks * can leave them on the bed...

Y/N:Okay!*leaves the tray on the bed*

Idia:*keeps playing *

Y/N:*looks at Idia's computer and their eyes widen*IS THAT KINGDOM HEARTS?!

Idia:*jumps again* d...don't scream....wait...You know this game?

Y/N:OF COURSE I DO! *bright smile*Oh! This is 358/2 days!! *star eyes*


Y/N:Who's your favourite KH character?? Mine is Axel but I can't deny that I have a thing for Vanitas *grins*[Owlie note:sorry but those are my thoughts xD)

Idia:...I....I like Roxas...

Y/N:He's cool too! And his backstory is just amazing can't deny that I cried few tears for him.*giggles*

Idia:*clearly uncomfortable *Y...yeah [Owlie note:poor baby he has no social skills🥺]

Y/N:*notices that* Well I should go...I still have to keep an eye on Grimm....Can I join you next time?? I really love videogames!!

Idia:....Umh sure....I guess

Y/N:*smiles* Well then! See you next time Idia-kun!!*leaves*


Ortho:Hello big brother! I'm back!


Ortho:Ohh! You finished your game! The prefect couldn't stop talking about it!


Ortho:Yeah! They kept talking about videogames and in the end we didn't finish our homework!!

Idia: and....what kind...of games....did they talk about??

Ortho: Well.....*insert names cause I'm not a but an idiot who only played Kh,Street fighters, Pokemon Inazuma Eleven and Cooking Mama*

Idia:....I wonder if they are single....*whispers*

Ortho:Did you say something?*smirks behind the mask*


Ortho:*replays Idia's worsa * ~I wonder if they are single~

Idia:ORTHO!*his hair turns red*


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1 year ago


Episode 3 Leona Kingscholar x reader


Y/N:Ruggie....Cheka...Farena-san are you sure he will understand?

Ruggie:Of course!

Cheka:I mean...Uncle can't be that dense right?

Farena:Yeah my brother is smarter than me.

Y/N:.....Oh great seven please help us.*clearly worried*

Leona:I hope you four had good reasons to interrupt my afternoon nap.*yawns*

*Cheka and Ruggie grin at eachother*

Cheka:Auntie Y/N wants to tell you something uncle!

Leona:*looks at you annoyed* ...couldn't you tell me after my nap?

Farena:Leona this is something it can't wait.

Ruggie:*holding his phone*

Leona:*clearly confused and looks at you* If this is a joke then I don't want to be a part of it.

Y/N:*sighs *Ignore those two and open the oven.

Leona:....You bothered me just for this?

Y/N:💢😊 just do it.*on the verge of killing him*

Leona*rolls his eyes and opens it*


Cheka:What do you see uncle?

Leona:There's a bun in the oven. I'm surprised you cooked something without destroying the kitchen.

Y/N:First...I'm not Lilia-San, second wait to eat that.

Leona:Then what am I supposed to do with this bun if not eating it?

Farena:Leona...where was the bun...

Leona:In the oven,so what?

Ruggie:*trying to not laugh like the hyena he is*

Y/N:*giggling* repeat what you did...

Leona: I opened this oven and found a bun in it. *clueless *

Ruggie:*cracks into a hysterical laugh*

Leona:What's so funny!?💢

Farena:Brother this is embarrassing for you and so funny for us*laughs too*

Y/N:Leona think about it...What did you do now...

Leona:....I FUCKING got interrupted during my FUCKING afternoon nap. I came in the FUCKING kitchen, opened the FUCKING oven and found a FUCKING bun.

Ruggie:*falls on the ground laughing but keeps filming* Oh great seven this will be epic one day!

Y/N:*laughing too* Darling calm down and think...where was the bun.

Leona:In the oven....*pissed* So what if I found a bun in the ov-.....*stops talking and looks at you*


Leona:a the oven*looks at your tummy*

Y/N:Did you understand now, future daddy? *pats his head*

Farena:Congratulations brother!

Cheka: I will have a little cousin!




Cheka:Dad did you have the same reaction?

Farena:First I fainted then I cried for 3 hours.

Ruggie:I believe he will be out for a day or two. He will wake up, think that it was a dream.

Y/N:And then will faint again when he realizes that it's not a dream*chuckles *

Leona:*inside his head he's already dreaming of small Y/Ns and small Leonas but it's not that bad*

[Lilia:That comment was rude and inappropriate. I'm not that bad.

Owlie:Honey we all know you can't cook. Even your son.....ANYWAY Tell me who do you want to be the next bun victim!!!]


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1 year ago

~Dorks in wonderland~

Episode 4 Lilia Vanrouge x Gnreader

Y/N: I can fix everything in this world....even without magic... Grimm and Ace's grades...


Y/N: Deuce, Riddle and Epel's anger issues


Deuce:That hurt Y/N.

Riddle:You're lucky I'm in a good mood.*clearly pissed*

Y/N:I can fix the tweels' psycho behaviour

Floyd: Oh come on shrimpy we are not that bad! I just love squeezing you !


Y/N: I can even make Leona DO something!!

Leona:Herbivore don't provoke the lion...

Ruggie:They are right though.*snickers*

Y/N:But YOU...*points at Lilia*

Lilia:*smiles innocently*


Lilia:Oh come on, little bat I'm not that bad.

Y/N:"Not that bad"you say? Then....*points at the burned kitchen * EXPLAIN THAT TO MY DORM KITCHEN. HOW CAN YOU BURN A KITCHEN WHILE MAKING TEA!?

Lilia:I was trying to do something special for you little bat.*puppy eyes*

Y/N:*slipper in their hand*

Lilia: Looks like my charm won't work this I right ?

Y/N: yes *pissed as fuck*

Lilia:....*runs away*


Silver:*embarrassed of his father's behaviour*

~Dorks In Wonderland~

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1 year ago

~Dorks in Wonderland~

Episode 6 Vil Schoenheit x reader

Vil:Y/N get back!


Vil:You better listen to me young lady/man!

Y/N:*rise their middle finger*

Vil:How dare you!!

Y/N: I dare!*runs away*

Vil:I just wanna help you!

Y/N:Help me!? Does helping mean burn away my comfy clothes and all my beautiful shirts!?

Vil;*makes a disgusted face* Beautiful? Those t-shirts were a crime for anyone who has a sense of fashion!

Y/N:*dramatic gasp* How dare you insult my precious babies!!! If there's someone who has no sense of fashion then IT'S YOU !!

Vil:I will pretend to not hear what you've just said. Seems like I'll have to teach to have some manners!

Y/N:Manners,my ass!! Hypocrite! You are a brute! A dictator with too much make up who pretends to be a Queen!!

Vil:*clearly pissed and blocks Y/N on the wall*

Y/N:V-Vil?*blushes* better beg for my forgiveness...and maybe I'll go easy on you.

Y/N:*red as a tomato*S-stop...

Vil:Looks like you are not a potato anymore...maybe I'll shall call you Tomato from now on...*caresses Y/N's lips with his tumb*

Y/N:V-Vil.... *gasp* Is that wrinkle on your face!?

Vil:Where!? *grabs a mirror*


Vil:Oh now you've done it!!*tries to get them*

Y/N:You'll never take me alive!!*near the exit*

Rook:*catches Y/N* Gotcha ya!*chuckles* My Roi du poison I captured our fugitive !

Y/N:*pales* Rook...I thought we were friends...

Rook: We are but however I cannot disobey to my Roi du poison.

Y/N:*sees Epel* EPEL HELP ME!

Epel:...*mouths "You are on your own this time"*

Y/N:TRAITOR..'s time to give you a proper look. You'll look at least decent.


And then their screams were so loud that the whole NRC could hear them.

~Dorks In Wonderland~

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1 year ago

~Dorks in wonderland ~

Episode 7 Leona Kingscholar x fem reader

Y/N:*Wakes up in the middle of the night *.....damn cramps...*goes in the kitchen*...."I need chocolate where is the damn chocolate"

Leona:*stares at her*.....What are you doing?

Y/N:I'm looking for the damn chocolate.

Leona;It's in the highest shelf. Let me get it to you.*takes the chocolate* Here,do you want cookies too?

Y/N:*looks at him* You...bought cookies?

Leona;Yes, Ruggie found them at a Sam's emporium and I know that you like them so...

Y/N:*hugs him*


Y/N:Thanks...I really needed those...*presses her hand on her tummy* need a heating pad too?

Y/N:*wide eyes * Since when do we have it?

Leona: I asked Ruggie for it. It's in my was supposed to be a s-

Y/N:*kisses him*

Leona:*widen his eyes*

Y/N:...when better be prepared.....

Leona:Prepared? And for what herbivore?

Y/N:*smirks and leans near his ear* For your reward my king.*sexy whisper*

Leona:*if the hug and the kiss surprised him then that definitely broke his brain*


~The next morning ~

Ruggie:Leona what are you doing here? The other students are worried?

Leona:*didn't move an inch from last night*....

<Congratulations you broke Leona Kingscholar>

~Dorks In Wonderland ~

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1 year ago
My Reaction:

My reaction:

Boyfriend's Shirt

boyfriend's shirt

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1 year ago

European twisted wonderland fans:

European Twisted Wonderland Fans:


I wish I understood Japanese, I would've gobbled up Chapter 6 and would be feasting on Chapter 7

I Wish I Understood Japanese, I Would've Gobbled Up Chapter 6 And Would Be Feasting On Chapter 7

P.S - We could be getting a Chapter 8: Ramshackle dorm

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1 year ago

Dorks in wonderland

Episode 8

~After Crowley put Y/N and Grim in danger facing an overblot on their own for the million time and avoids to help Y/N to get home~

Y/N: Headmaster can I tell you something?

Crowley: Well of course!! How generous am I to give you my precious time!

Y/N:....A wise man once said:...There are those who wait for the stars to fall.....

Crowley:*listens carefully with a smile*

Y/N: ....Then there are those who wait for people to fall....

Crowley: *confused *Uh?

Y/N:...On their face...


Y/N: ...From the stairs....*smiles*

Crowley:*clearly scared*

Y/N:*giggles * Have a nice day, Headmaster. Be careful with your duties. *walks away*

Crowley:.....was that....a threat??

Divus: I don't think so.

Trein: They are probably telling you to not overwork yourself, Headmaster.

Crowley: I see! How kind of them, but after all I'm so generous to provide them! *laughs*

Divus/Trein:...."Of course it was a threat you careless idiot."

Dorks In Wonderland

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1 year ago

If this theory it's true everyone in the fandom will kick Crowley's ass, not only Lilia.🤣🤣

If This Theory Turns Out To Be True, I Hope The Game Allows Lilia To Wring Crowleys Neck As A Response
If This Theory Turns Out To Be True, I Hope The Game Allows Lilia To Wring Crowleys Neck As A Response

If this theory turns out to be true, I hope the game allows Lilia to wring Crowley’s neck as a response alshfjdhsk

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6 months ago

Dorks in Wonderland~

Episode 9

(Kinda SFW??)

Ruggie: Hey prefect, wanna make a bet?

Y/N: Sure why not I have nothing to do now.

Ruggie: I bet you can't make Leona go to class.

Y/N: Ruggie.... you are asking too much.

Ruggie: Didn't take you for a chicken!*shrugs*

Y/N:*eye twitching*.....Ohh, is that so? Well you've got yourself a deal Ruggie. *shakes his hand* if I fail you'll get my lunch for 2 weeks, but if I win you'll have to help Ace and Deuce with their homework for 1 week.

Ruggie: Deal!

Dorks In Wonderland~

~In the garden~

Y/N:Hey Leona. *smirk*

Leona:*groans knowing they're up to no good * What do you want herbivore, don't you see I'm trying to take a nap here?

Y/N:*clear their throat * Tell me Leona....Is your King's roar as powerful as your charm?

Leona: What?

Y/N: Because I’m captivated by both.



Y/N:Just joking, I was wondering if it hurt.

Leona:...*sighs knowing he will regret asking* what hurt??

Y/N: When you fell from the pride lands, because you're an heavenly creature ✨️

Leona:*gets up and goes away*

Y/N:Wait I have more,

Leona: I honestly don't wanna hear them. *groans*

Y/N:*laughs*Is it hot in here, or is that just the fire in your lion eyes! Oh wait, I should say in your eye!!*follows him*

Dorks In Wonderland~

Leona:*his eye keeps twitching he even went to class just to avoid Y/N awful pick up lines*

Y/N: *proud of theirself* Oh you're gonna love this one, Is your mane made of stardust? Because you’re the constellation of my dreams!

Leona:*covers their mouth with his hand* You annoying...

Y/N: *removes his hand* Come on~ I know you're enjoying all these attentions, you even went to class and made me won a very good bet with Ruggie hehe.

Leona:*his eyes widened at realisation* you little...

Y/N: I'm a good lion tamer, right?*smirks*

Leona:*smirks too* I gotta say herbivore, you are smart....but...not so good as a lion tamer.

Y/N:Uh? Why?

Leona:*leans over their ear* Because your very very annoying behaviour.... awakened the beast in me.

Y/N:.... *blushes a little* That...was awful...*looks away*

Leona:*his smirks gets wider * You better run now.


Leona:Because this lion will soon eat his prey.

Dorks In Wonderland~

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6 months ago

Dorks in Wonderland~

Episode 10

Y/N:*looks at Jamil*

Jamil:*sighs and stops cooking* You've been staring at me for hours but never asked for food....what do you really want?

Y/N: I was you believe in love at first hiss??

Jamil:*turns around with a disgusted look*


Jamil: Awful.

Y/N: Heesh, no need to be mean.

Jamil: That's what you get for annoying a snake.

Y/N: So you admit you are a snake.

Jamil:Don't push your luck with this snake or you'll get bitten.

Y/N:Who says I won't like it?

Jamil:*throws a rag on their face* Get out you're banned from this kitchen.

Dorks In Wonderland~

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6 months ago

Dorks in Wonderland~

Episode 11

Y/N:Vil is this really necessary?

Vil:I'm not letting my little sister go out on a date without giving her tips. *brushes her hair*

Y/N:Okay okay, bring em then.

Vil: N.1 If a boy kisses your cheek, most of the times means he sees you as a friend.

Y/N:Well that applies to girls too.

Vil:N2. If he holds you, it means he's showing his loyalty to you.*puts make up*


Vil:N3.If he caresses your cheek, it's affection maybe adoration too. And of course N4. A kiss on the lips means he loves you.

Y/N:Ohhh I see*smiles*

Vil:N5. If he suddenly takes your hand in his especially jn front of other boys, he's definitely jealous *choosing a dress*


Vil:Usually men are not into PDA but when it comes to show other boys that you are his. And that brings us to tip N.6 If he blows on your ears....well he's saying that you are his.

Y/N:... That's hot.

Vil: I'm serious here, listen carefully. N.7 if he grips your hips, he's saying that he desires you.

Y/N:D-desires me? *wearing the dress*

Vil:*nods* this brings us to N8. If a boy kisses your it gently or means he wants you.*helps her with the shoes*


Vil:And last but not least.....*grips her shoulders *


Vil:N9...if a boy starts opening his are fucked rhetorically AND literally.

Y/N:Vil....that is obvious, only an idiot wouldn't know that.

Vil:If this boy wants to do something you don't remember that you have pepper spray in your purse.*gives her purse*

Y/N:Don't worry I trust him.

Vil:Mm...Oh, with who are you going out again?

Y/N:Oh! I'm going out with Floyd!

Vil:......I see....You're not going out of this house at all...

Dorks In Wonderland~

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6 months ago

Birthdays in Wonderland~

Happy birthday Jamil Viper!

Y/N:*sneaks inside Jamil's bedroom* hehe

Jamil:*peacefully sleeping*

Y/N:*whispers* Jamil...wake up sleepy hesf

Jamil:*keeps sleeping*

Y/N:Aww he is so cute, who would wake him up?*evil smirk and takes a horn out of nowhere*RISE AND SHINE JAMIL!*plays the horn*

Jamil:*literally jumps from the shock*WHAT THE FUCK!? IS THE SCHOOL ON FIRE!?

Y/N: Nah....well not today.

Jamil:Are you out of your mind!? Who the heck wakes up someone with a horn!?

Y/N:Me, anyway Happy Birthday Jamil!

Jamil:....Thank you but couldn't you wait to meet me in the kitchen for breakfast, as we do EVERY single day?

Y/N:Nope, I'm here to say that today you are completely free from your duties, I'll take care of Kalim instead you can sleep and relax as much as you want!*smiles * woke me up to tell me that I could relax and sleep all day....

Y/N:Yup exactly.

Jamil:....*throws a pillow on their faces* IDIOT! JUST LET ME SLEEP NEXT TIME!


Jamil:*finds a small package and a birthday card on his chair*??? *opens it just to finds a book*...."The...One thousand and one night?".*reads the card*

Hey Jamil! Happy birthday!

You always enjoyed when I talk about the stories of my world so I thought that you would like this book, I wrote down as much as I could remember hehe, I know you'll it, have a nice relaxing day. I'll take care of the sunny boy for you.


Jamil:*smiles a little * I wonder what kind of no sense they wrote this time.



Kalim:But I thought it would be cool having a pool party for Jamil.

Y/N:it was a good idea...IF ONLY THE MAIN HALL WASN'T THE POOL

Birthdays In Wonderland~

(The new birthday cards are basically free bodypillows tell me otherwise!✨️✨️ Anyway Happy birthday to our precious Snake boy!)

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6 months ago

Dorks in Wonderland~

Episode 12

Riddle:Very well everyone,let's start our study session!


Riddle: Y/N, you have problem with math right??

Y/N:Yeah...numbers are not my thing.

Riddle:Don't worry, we'll start with something simple. Here's the question: if you have 10 strawberries tarts and Ace asks you for 2. How many do you have left.


Riddle:Let's try again...if Ace takes 2 of your 10 tarts without asking how many do you have left?

Y/N:10 and he has a broken hand.



Riddle:*sighs annoyed * Let me rephrase if Ace forcibly takes 2 of your 10 strawberries tarts, how many do you have in the end??

Y/N:10 and a dead body.*straight face*

Ace:*seriously concerned for his health and life*

Dorks In Wonderland~

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5 months ago

Dorks in Wonderland~

Episode 13

Y/N:SILVER!!! ....Should I tell him at our game night?

Lilia:Tell who what?

Y/N:Silver I've already told you that I have a crush on your father, I got your and Malleus' blessing to date Lilia...but I dont know how to tell him.

Lilia: You know I think it won't be necessary.

Y/N:What? Why not?

Lilia:Because you just did🦇~ Silver is sleeping and left his phone unlocked.


Lilia:Don't worry I like you too my little bat. I'll wait for you, see ya later~🦇❤️

Dorks In Wonderland~

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5 months ago

Dorks in Wonderland~

Episode 14

Y/N:Hey Ace, finals results are out, come we'll go see them.

Ace: I'm doing my chores and Riddle is supervising me. Can you please see mine and text me?

Y/N: Sure no problem.



Ace: Listen...if I fail 1 subject send 'good afternoon to you', if 2 send 'good afternoon to you and Riddle '

Y/n:Good afternoon to you, Riddle, Trey, Cater, Deuce and the whole dorm.


Dorks In Wonderland~

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5 months ago

Birthdays in Wonderland ~

Y/N:*kicks the door* ACE!!!

Ace*screams like a little girl* WHAT THE HECK Y/N!?


Ace....OH SH*T YOU ARE RIGHT*gets out and falls on the ground *


Later at the party

Y/N:Here*gives him coupons*Happy Birthday Dork.

Ace;This is your gift? Coupons??

Y/N:Those coupons are very special.


Y/N: You get 5 coupons where you can ask me to help you with your homework, 5 to help you doing your chores and most of all 5 to save your Ass from Riddle's rage, no matter how DANGEROUS and ANGRY he is.

Ace:*hugs Y/N*......Best gift....ever

Y/N:I know no need to thank me~ *smirk

Ace:Can I kiss you?

Y/N:Nope I don't wanna be dumb like you

Ace:....I hate you

Y/N:Love ya too dork*kisses his cheek*


Birthdays In Wonderland ~

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