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9 months ago

The Ewan McGregor Screentime Percentage (EMSP) List

I thought it'd be helpful to make a list for the movies that I've reviewed so far. I will update it as new reviews are posted. Unfortunately, I'm not yet able to add links to direct you to the full review. The letters EMSP stand for " Ewan McGregor Screentime Percentage" which is how long he spends on screen in a given movie. It is ordered from his highest screentime percentage to lowest. I hope this helps those looking for a new Ewan movie to watch!

1 Rogue Trader (1999): 69% (65 / 1 hr. 34 min.)

2. Nora (2000): 56% (60 / 1 hr. 47 min.)

3. Trainspotting (1996): 55% (52 / 1 hr. 34 min.)

4. Nightwatch (1997): 51% (52 / 1 hr. 42 min.)

5. A Life Less Ordinary (1997): 51% (53 / 1 hr. 44 min.)

6. Eye of the Beholder (1999): 47% (48 / 1 hr. 42 min.)

7. Down with Love (2003): 46% (47 / 1 hr. 42 min.)

8. Shallow Grave (1994): 44% (41 / 1 hr. 33 min.)

9. The Serpent's Kiss (1997): 42% (44 / 1 hr. 46 min.)

10. Moulin Rouge! (2001): 40% (51 / 2 hrs. 8 min.)

11. Brassed Off (1996): 24% (26 / 1 hr. 47 min.)

12. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002): 23% (33 / 2 hrs. 22 min)

13. Blue Juice (1995): 22% (22 / 1 hr. 39 min)

14. The Pillow Book (1996): 22% (28 / 2 hrs. 7 min.)

15. Nothing but the Truth (1995): 21% (21 / 1 hr. 41 min.)

16. Velvet Goldmine (1998): 17% (20 / 1 hr. 58 min.)

17. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999): 17% (23 / 2 hrs. 16 min.)

18. Little Voice (1998): 14% (14 / 1 hr. 37 min)

19. Doggin' Around (1995): 11% (10 / 1 hr. 29 min.)

20. Emma (1996): 11% (13 / 2 hrs. 1 min.)

21. Being Human (1994): 2% (2 / 2 hrs. 2 min.)

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8 months ago

GUYS! GUYS! GUYS! Look at what I bought at the Thrift Store today!!!

GUYS! GUYS! GUYS! Look At What I Bought At The Thrift Store Today!!!

I went to the thrift store to buy clothes and didn't find anything I wanted so I decided to peruse the movie section and I saw this gem! I almost screamed! I LOVE this movie so much; I can't believe I'm so lucky to have found it! I now have two Ewan McGregor movies, yay!

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6 months ago

SFW Alphabet: Catcher Block (Down with Love)

SFW Alphabet: Catcher Block (Down With Love)

shoutout to my bestie @hellsalad for being a listening ear, helpful guide when I got stuck, and general inspiration for me to keep writing 💞

A - Affection (How affectionate is he? How does he show affection?)

Catcher is very affectionate and not afraid to display it publicly. He likes walking arm in arm or with his arm around your waist. When you hold hands, he periodically kisses your knuckles making you feel like royalty.

B - Best Friend (What is he like as a best friend? Where does the friendship start?)

Being best friends with THE Catcher Block means that you can truly say that you have friends in high places. He has the hookup for all the best restaurants, sports games, and nightlife entertainment. There's always something new to do when you're with him. He's a very fun and energetic person to be around. Your friendship began at the Know Magazine office. You were a junior journalist and had the great fortune of being paired with Catcher (much to his chagrin at the time) as your mentor. The friendship had a bit of a bumpy start but you showed a lot of promise in the field and impressed him. Now, it's hard to imagine never being friends!

C - Cuddles (Does he like to cuddle? How does he cuddle?)

Absolutely! He likes when you lay your head on his chest with one leg over his. He holds one of your hands with his and his other is wrapped around you rubbing your back. He's not really into spooning as he likes to see your face.

D - Domestic (Does he want to settle down? How is he at cooking, cleaning, etc?)

He's not eager to settle down preferring instead to enjoy the relationship one day at a time. It being the 60s, he most definitely doesn't ask you to move in with him before he puts a ring on your finger. He's not a good cook and mainly eats out or has the occasional TV dinner. He hired a maid to clean his bachelor pad but still keeps things tidy on his own.

E - Ending (If he had to break up with his partner, how would he do it?)

He would take them out to dinner and rip the bandaid off. He would try to spare their feelings by saying the cliche "it's not you it's me." or get them to to think that breaking up is their idea. He doesn't want the breakup to be nasty so that the door's still open for "sex a la carte" in the future. He's not heartless though, and if the relationship was a deep one then he'd mourn the end in private just like anyone else. (Ice cream and sad movies included).

F - Fiance (How does he feel about commitment? Does he want to get married?)

Catcher avoids commitment like the plague. He likes having many lovers to choose from like a buffet and being tied down would ruin that. He's one of the most desirable and eligible men in New York so he wants to have fun while he still can. Marriage isn't something that ever interested him until he met you. He can't help but feel like the two of you could make a beautiful life together. He's not yet ready to admit these feelings to you but giving up his lifestyle of rotational lovers in favor of exclusivity with you is a start.

G - Gentle (How gentle is he both physically and emotionally)

He's a gentleman so is very gentle physically. Of course he doesn't want to hurt you and loves pampering you at every opportunity. As far as emotional gentleness, he still has some learning to do. It's not that he enjoys hurting your feelings; far from it! But he's brash, arrogant, and used to getting his way which causes him to be insensitive at times especially to things he doesn't understand.

H - Hugs (Does he like hugs? How often does he do it and what are they like?)

He's not really much of a hugger unless you consider his embraces while making out "hugs." Catch doesn't hug often but when he does he usually opts for a side hug or a brief front hug if it's a friend.

I - I Love You (how fast does he say the "L" word?)

"I love you" falls off his lips easily....a little too easily. During his philandering days it wasn't an issue for him to say it to get what he wanted. Now, getting him to say it and mean it is a whole different ball game. Vulnerability is not one of his strengths. While the love he feels for you is genuine, it's still a new feeling for him. Be prepared to wait awhile to hear him confess his love.

J - Jealousy (How jealous does he get? What is he like when jealous?)

Catcher is a jealous man through and through. A bit ironic considering his background. He keeps his cool though and doesn't make a scene. He doesn't need to. Everyone knows who he is. A steely gaze and a snide comment is enough to send a suitor packing. When the two of you go out, you're practically joined at the hip and he makes sure everyone knows you're an item with his public displays of affection.

K - Kisses (What are his kisses like? Where does he like to kiss you? Where does he like to be kissed?)

Kisses with Catch are very heated and he loves making out anytime, anywhere. He likes to kiss a trail from your mouth, down your jaw, to your neck where he lavishes you with tender kisses and gentle bites. He likes to be kissed around his ears. It's a major weakness for him. His whole suave persona crumbles when you kiss the shell of his ear. Give him a nip and nuzzle and he's putty in your hands.

L - Little Ones (How is he around kids?)

Catcher says he wants a big family one day but how he acts tells a different story. Simply put, children and Catcher don't mix. Occasionally, a young boy who looks up to him will ask for an autograph and he'll oblige. Otherwise, he's content to not interact with them. It's in the best interest of his suits after all.

M - Morning (What are mornings like with him?)

Since Catcher started his "New Man" era, he knows that he can't spend the night with you as the temptation to *ahem* get to know you "all the way better" would be too strong. Therefore, on weekdays, your mornings together start at work. If he's not traveling, you share a pot of coffee in his office before starting your hectic workday. You guys chat about how your evening was, how you slept, etc. On weekends, he picks you up to go out for breakfast or you attempt cooking together which is always a fun experience.

N - Night (How are nights spent with him?)

Catcher takes you on a date somewhere new every night! He loves the nightlife and sharing new experiences with you. Sometimes, you like to have a more calm evening by enjoying an intimate dinner before slow dancing to his extensive music collection. He always walks you back to your apartment and you end the night with a lingering kiss.

O - Open (When does he open up about himself?)

When it comes to physical intimacy, Catcher Block is bar none. But emotional intimacy? Well, he's a tough nut to crack. His debonair persona, while flashy and alluring, doesn't have much substance. He is very keen on making sure that people only know about him what he wants them to know. It takes him several weeks to get there so it's very special when he does let his guard down and shares his heart with you fully. This vulnerability usually happens in the quiet moments of life together. Sitting on the veranda watching the sunset, reading together on a rainy day, or enjoying a quiet Sunday breakfast. Moments when he doesn't have to be The Man About Town™️, just your man.

P - Patience (How easily angered is he?)

99% of the time Catcher is cool as a cucumber. The 1% of the time he gets riled up is because someone insulted his sex appeal, journaling skills, or you. At that point you might as well step out of the way and let him do what he does best: destroy the offender with an exposé.

Q - Quizzes (How much does he remember about you?)

He's capable of remembering a lot about you, however, because he's had so many partners during his playboy days, he sometimes confuses an ex's info with yours 😬.

R - Remember (Favorite memory with you?)

Catcher's favorite memory with you is of the first time your bond began to form. You got to accompany Catcher to Japan while he worked on an article. It was there that you both were introduced to karaoke by the man you were interviewing. It would be offensive to turn him down so you nervously went through with it. Turns out, Catcher is actually a good singer! The two of you grew more comfortable as the night went on and even sang several duets! Catcher was impressed with your willingness to put yourself out there for the job. Belting his heart out with you by his side felt like magic.

S - Security (How protective is he?)

He's not super protective. He knows that you can take care of yourself. If you couldn't, then you wouldn't be in the cutthroat world of journalism. Of course, that doesn't mean he won't always have your back.

T - Try (How much effort does he put in?)

Catcher is a man who believes in going above and beyond. It's how he become the best journalist in New York after all. He applies this mentality to anything he sets his mind on. Or in this case, anyone. He pulls out all the stops when wooing you and even after you start going steady. Of course, he doesn't want to seem like he's trying since that would ruin his laid back persona. But in his heart, he's genuinely eager to please.

U - Ugly (What are his bad habits?)

Let's just say that putting others first is not second nature to him. It's not that he goes out of his way to be selfish, he's just never had to share before. He's used to going where he wants and doing what he wants whenever he wants. He hasn't had a relationship deeper than a fling so thinking about how his decisions affect you doesn't really cross his mind. This also leads to another bad habit which is assuming that what he wants is also what you want.

V - Vanity (How concerned is he with his looks?)

VERY! Never a hair out of place or a wrinkle in his wardrobe. He's sexy and he knows it and you best believe he flaunts it.

W - Whole (Would he feel incomplete without you?)

He would be heartbroken if your relationship didn't work out and he does miss you when you're apart. However, he would be able to bounce back eventually though you'd always have a place in his heart.

X - Xtra (Random headcanon)

He's not quick to cry but the song "Moon River" never fails to make him misty-eyed.

Y - Yuck (Things he doesn't like in general or in a partner)

Catcher is very open to new experiences. His motto is: "I'll try anything once, twice if I like it" (wink wink). Therefore, someone who prefers living in a set routine or refuses to step outside their comfort zone isn't going to last in a relationship with him.

Z - Zzz (What is a sleep habit of his?)

He's a wild sleeper. Limbs all over the place, tossing and turning, all that jazz. He's also a blanket hog.

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6 months ago

21. Ewan McGregor Movie Review: Down with Love (2003)

21. Ewan McGregor Movie Review: Down With Love (2003)

Genre: Comedy/Romance

Rating: PG-13

Director: Peyton Reed

Starring: Renée Zellweger, Ewan McGregor, Sarah Paulson, and David Hyde Pierce

Synopsis: Aspiring author, Barbara Novak, trades her small-town life for the Big Apple in order to promote her new book, "Down with Love." The book stirs up controversy with its message to help women achieve equality by saying no to love and yes to sex. When Catcher Block, resident playboy and New York's #1 journalist, is personally affected by this shift of the sexes, he plots to expose Barbara Novak as a fraud by getting her to fall in love with him.

Ewan Review: Ewan plays the character Catcher Block. Catcher is famous for being THE socialite of New York City. Women want him, men want to be him, and he's highly respected in his field as a journalist. Yes, life is perfect for him...until Barbara Novak shows up out of the blue and turns society on its head! His pride and reliance on the status quo can't bear to see this happen. So, he does what any logical man would do: wage a battle of the sexes! Ewan surprisingly speaks in his Scottish accent for this role! He also speaks in a southern accent which isn't any good, but I'm going to give him a pass this time because of the context. He has two shirtless scenes and LOTS of kissing scenes. I'm talking straight up making out, y'all. There are sex jokes galore and he gets to make his fair share of them. He doesn't have any sex scenes but he does have an implied erection scene. Lastly, he has a stellar song and dance number. His acting performance is incredible. I also just want to add that he is outlandishly handsome in this movie. I don't know how to explain it, especially because he's handsome in practically all his roles. He's a naturally handsome guy, but the way his attractiveness was amplified ten-fold in this movie did not go unnoticed by me. Please tell me if you understand what I'm talking about.

Screentime Percentage: Ewan is on screen for a grand total of 47/102 minutes making his SP 46%.

To Ewan or not to Ewan: Is the movie worth watching for Ewan in general? 1000% YES! Is it worth watching in general? Yes!

Where to Watch: "Down with Love" is available for rent on Amazon Prime Video, YouTube, and Google Play Movies and TV. You can watch it for free on soap2day.

Closing Thoughts: This movie is an homage to the sex comedies of the 1960s and is played out like one. It takes place in 1962 and the way it transports the audience back to that time is nothing short of fantastic! The costumes, editing, set design, manner of speech, soundtrack, everything down to the last detail was dripping in nostalgia and it was a blast! I feel the need to stress though that this a SEX comedy. It's about sex. It's all the characters talk about, it's the driving force of the movie, and dirty jokes/sexual innuendos are the foundation of it. Just think it over before popping it in for family movie night.

21. Ewan McGregor Movie Review: Down With Love (2003)

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6 months ago

(Ewan) Character Ask Game

This character ask game is from @epickiya722

Rules: Send a Ewan character + one of these questions for me to answer in my ask box. In turn, I will send YOU a Ewan character + question in your ask box.

1. Why do you like or dislike this character?

2. Favorite canon thing about this character?

3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?

4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?

5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?

6. What's something you have in common with this character?

7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?

8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?

9. Could you be roommates with this character?

10. Could you be best friends with this character?

11. Would you date this character?

12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?

13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?

14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.

15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)

16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?

17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?

18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?

19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?

20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?

21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?

22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?

23. Favorite picture of this character?

24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?

25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?


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6 months ago

Fun. That's what the fuck Down with Love had going on. Fun! We need movies that will be unashamedly fun and quirky and just plain silly again. Not sarcastic. Not making fun of itself (or the audience) because it knows it's "cringe" and is embarrassed about it. Just let movies be full-blown wacky and ridiculous! It doesn't need to justify why it's that way. Embrace the weird! Be fun!

we need to bring back to cinema whatever the FUCK down with love had going on

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