Dreamsmp X Reader - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

’*•.¸♡ 𝗖𝗘𝗢! 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 ♡¸.•*‘


I wrote this over the course of a couple days. Very sleep deprived on some of the said days. sorry if it doesn't make sense!

Let me know if there should be anything else in the content warning. Or correct me if i'm wrong :))


Gender-Neutral reader! Word count: 3.1k CW: Mention of unsupportive parents, insinuation of a bad ex, embarrassment, anxiety, cussing (Once)


It's fine. You're fine. Stop worrying. You've got this.

You're attractive, smart, and confident, and.. And.. fuck.

I'm gonna butcher this. It was only basically a life changing moment. If I got this job I could finally prove to my family and my ex my roommate that the 4 years at college was worth it. The endless nights… studying. God, I don't miss it. According to my parents, a computer science degree was a

“waste of your time! You could be studying liberal arts! Getting an english degree!! Become a teacher! Not some useless.. Computer.. Person. What are you going to do? Spend your life in a dark basement in “I.T.” ridiculous. Get a grip”

They had never supported anything I did that wasn't advised by them. They don't even know the title! “Some.. computer person” Please. Why can't they understand that computers are the future? This IS the future. Coders are more important now than they ever have been before.

My roommate, Karl, has been nothing but supportive. As expected from someone whose whole life is dependent on computers. But, I still feel like I have some point to prove to him. Like if I don't, all of the sleepless nights he spent helping me when I had to cram, comforting me when I got a grade that was less than perfect, forcing me to eat, shower, drink water, and take a break and have a day to myself, was all for nothing. I definitely wouldn’t be here without him.

“Um.. excuse me?” Looking up from my lap where my fidgeting hands had finally come to a stop. The receptionist, or is he a personal assistant? It’s hard to tell. He could be anyone. Whoever he is, he is deathly attractive, but also staring at me impatiently. I couldn’t help but stare back. Taking note of every detail I could find. His downturned brown eyes burning holes into my own as he waited for a response, his seemingly perfect eyebrows knitted together, the freckle on his left cheek which was very faint but noticeable. Which i'm sure if exposed to the sun would darken. Which leads me to his skin. Pale, and white. Almost paper white. I wonder how much he is truly exposed to the sun or if he is just always stuck in this god forsaken office. His cheeks were slightly rosy though. Cute. His lips, although thin, were full, almost. As if he was pouting. They were a pale pink, matching the rosiness of his cheeks. His hair. Gosh his hair. It was so fluffy and dark, it was hard to tell whether it was black or a deep brown in the lighting provided. I just wanted to run my hands through it and feel how soft it truly was. One thing stood out though. One annoying detail that I couldn’t take my eyes off of.

A piece of hair sticking up in the middle of his head. It looked so out of place compared to the cute, fluffy curls of everything else. It was embarrassing how hard it was to hold myself back from walking over to him and fixing it myself.

He coughed.

How long was I staring at him?

Standing up, I brushed myself off. Getting rid of any stray hairs or balls of material that had stuck to me. I took a hesitant step forward towards the man in front of me. He swung his arm out and motioned me to go into the main office. The whole reason I was here.

“He is ready for you. Don’t keep him waiting any longer. He will take your tardiness out on us” He mumbled the last part of his sentence not meaning for me to hear. He turned swiftly on his feet before speed walking back to his desk situated next to the elevator. He was very lanky. The black t-shirt he wore was… Baggy? His pants were black jeans, pairing them with his all black converse. Was I overdressed? Or was he too casual. Panic immediately started to rise within me. But the moment he sat down back at his desk, he looked at me once more sending a glare my way, annoyed I still haven’t made the effort to make my way towards the office.

I nodded at him. Turning slowly to take in the giant double doors in front of me. A bit extreme for a small hallway I think personally. I walked towards them and held the door handle. Do I knock? That'd be polite right? No but he's expecting you, he's aware of your presence so there is no need to. But what if he had gotten a phone call between the time of alerting the man behind the desk and now. But what if he gets annoyed at you for knocking. What if he finds the sound of knock-

Before I could even finish or process my thoughts, the door in front of me flew open. I stumbled slightly as the handle was torn from my grasp. I looked up and. Oh. Holy shit. Attractive was an understatement. The lanky dude behind the desk was attractive. The man in front of me was. God like? No, that would probably feed into his ego. Hot. Hot doesn’t describe it well enough. He was… Alluring. Alluring was the best way I could put it. He was lanky like the assistant (? I still don't know) but he was tall, and slightly bulkier. Broad shoulders, covered by a black dress shirt, that fit him oh too well, and a dark forest green vest. A silver chain was hung around his neck tucked underneath the shirt. It was barely visible, the intent to hide it was obvious. His jaw was- don't get me started. His eyes were an emerald green, matching his vest perfectly. But that was as far as I got before he started talking.

“You’re here for the interview aren't you?” Voice was like butter, it was smooth but had a slight rasp to it as if he hadn’t used it all day. I stared at him for a minute too long before nodding my head and muttering out a quick yes, my eyes meeting my shoes.

He hummed before taking a step back, opening the door wider. Silently asking for me to walk in and take a seat. I took a few steps forward, far enough for him to shut the door and walk around me to sit behind the desk.

His office was beautiful to put it simply. Simple but welcoming. The left wall had bookshelves lining the whole of the wall. The bookshelves wrapped around the wall behind me, only stopping once it reached the door. The back wall, if you could even call it a wall, was a giant window. Looking out upon the city of Orlando. The right wall was lined with computers, which I'll admit was a bit confusing. You'd think in an establishment like this, they would be able to afford a server room instead of keeping it in the bosses office. This room was the biggest liability. As if reading my mind, the gorgeous man sat at the desk in front of me, answered my question.

“We do have a server room. Just to let you know” I turned to look at him, mouth open like a fish. I’d close it if I could. But my body has betrayed me and I can't seem to control any part of me at this moment. He chuckled. God, that was hot.

“I could see the confusion on your face when you were looking at them… Don’t worry they don't hold any sensitive information” He was no longer looking at me, instead highlighting some papers in front of him. I nodded and cleared my throat before walking towards the desk, pulling out one of the chairs and sitting down. He looked up at me through lidded eyes and chuckled again at my hesitancy to sit down. When will he stop doing that. Without a second thought, my mouth had opened and words came tumbling out.

“Genuine question. If you do have a server room, and the computers don't hold any sensitive information,” I pointed at the wall to my right. Which, now thinking about was stupid, what other computers could I possibly be talking about. “Why are they in your office. And how are they surviving the changes of temperature within your office? I wouldn’t say it's particularly cold here. Not how server rooms are meant to be anyways.” He paused, capping his highlighter and putting it down before looking back at me. His hands were clasped together in front of him as he leaned forward.

“I won’t lie. You’re the only person that has ever pointed that out. Besides George of course.” George? Who is George? He looked at the computers, before looking back at me with a smug smile sitting upon his face. “Decoys. To put it simply. I would say they’re for personal use but you seem too smart to fall for that.” His arms left the table before leaning back in his chair. He crossed his arms. And lord do I wish he didn't. I couldn't help but stare at his arms as they pulled against his shirt. “They are real computers, yes, just before you question me about the blinking lights..” He paused and took a deep breath in. Contemplating what his next words would be. “... Why do YOU think I may have decoys displayed in my office?” he questioned me, the smug smile returning to rest on his face. I raised my eyebrows in shock, I knew this was an interview but I wasn’t expecting a question like this.

I shifted in my seat, before clearing my throat again. I looked down at my hands and started fidgeting with my fingers.

“Um. I mean one would assume the reason why anyone would have a decoy of.. Well anything. Would be to trick someone else into thinking that it was something that had importance.. And/or meaning. “ I paused for a moment to gather my thoughts. I looked up. He no longer held a smug smile, nor did he have his arms crossed. But, his hands rested on his thighs and he held my gaze, silently urging me to continue talking. He was truly intrigued by what I had to say over such a simple question. I looked away back towards the computers. It was hard to keep eye contact when his eyes were so mesmerising. “In this case, the information stored within the computers in the server room are sensitive and are at risk of being exposed to people who don't need said information. So, decoys are displayed in your office, to trick anyone who comes through, to believe you were idiotic enough to keep your servers out in the open for anyone to access.” I was going to continue but thought against my better judgement. I looked back at the man at the desk. Instead of being serious, as he was mere moments beforehand. He looked… amused? My eyes widened as I realised what I had just said.

“Not- no uh- not that i was calling you idiotic sir! I was just uh… it was more an.. Um. example? Of what others may think? Not that i think people think you're idiotic!-” he had cut me off when he started to laugh.

Oh my god. I just called my possible future boss idiotic and he started laughing at me. I cowered in my seat, sinking lower. This was the most embarrassing thing to happen all day.

Tears were pricking the corner of his eyes as he continued to laugh. Once he opened them and saw how embarrassed I had become. He started to calm down. I straightened the way I was sitting, fidgeting with my hands once again.

He cleared his throat and sat up straighter himself. Hands crossed, he leaned against the desk once again.

“I would like to apologise for laughing at you. Truly. It had just… caught me off guard. I haven't laughed like that in weeks.” A soft smile sat upon his face staring at me with glossy eyes, still teary from his burst of laughter. “Other than your comment about idiocy. You were spot on. You’re right when you say that they’re there to trick people into thinking that they hold sensitive information. Although it seems obvious to people like you and George, many fall for it. I can't explain how many people we have caught tampering with the computers here at 2 am.” He ran a hand through his sandy hair as he huffed. Obviously annoyed with the thought of how many people had tried to take him down. He brought up George again. Who is George?

“I do have another quick question..” He looked away from the computers and back at me. Nodding his head slightly to indicate he was willing to listen to what I had to say.

“You… you keep bringing up someone named George. Who is George? if you don't mind my asking” I spoke quietly and nervously. If he did end up hiring me. I don’t know how I will be able to cope. Maybe I should have missed the interview today. I would be fine with disappointing everyone around me if it meant I wouldn’t have to deal with seeing his face every day.

He smiled upon hearing my question. Almost eager to talk about his best friend.

“George was the man that greeted you outside my door. He’s my best friend and employee.” He continued to smile as the confusion was slowly cleared off of my face. I nodded slowly before looking around the room again awkwardly. A couch sat opposite the bookshelf, a small round table sat next to the couch, a book left open, a corner of the page doggy eared, making me cringe inwardly. Turning back around to the man in front of me, did I only notice how cluttered his desk was. There was a lamp sitting on the corner of the left side of the desk. A monitor sitting opposite on the right side. Papers were scattered across his desk, a multitude of folders towering slightly on a tray sat next to his lamp. Pens and highlighters littered his desk, some without caps. The ones that were capped were very obviously on the wrong pen. The man followed my eyes, soon noticing himself how messy his own desk was.

“Oh my... i'm so sorry i didn’t realise how messy things had become” He quickly picked up all of the papers, stacking them neatly and pushing them to the side. Before scooping up all of the pens and highlighters, capping them correctly and disposing them into a cup that had sat next to his monitor. He looked at me sheepishly, sticking his arm out in front of me. I grabbed his hand and shaked, assuming that is what he was asking of me.

“Clay, my name is Clay. Apologies yet again. This Interview has been somewhat of a disaster.” I shook my head and smiled, retreating my arm and telling him my own name. Clay… that's a really nice name. Genuinely,

He smiled, an amused expression on his face yet again.

“I am aware of your name. It was on your resume and application” A goofy grin was on display. Blush seeped up the back of my neck, settling in the tips of my ears. I was thoroughly embarrassed.

“Oh right.. Sorry. I forgot you had access to that.” I rubbed the back of my neck taking a few deep steady breaths to calm myself down.

“Don’t worry about your desk, by the way. Trust me when I say I have seen worse.” He laughed slightly and shook his head, amused. He stopped abruptly, face turning into a hard expression. Suddenly becoming serious.

“Look uh. We have run out of time for the interview today.” His voice no longer sounded smooth, but was gravelly almost. “You took your time entering my office and kept me waiting.” Oh god. Here it is. He’s going to reject my application. Panic immediately settled in my stomach. It began churning, I felt like I was going to throw up at any second. Why was he suddenly stoic. Did I do something? Was I mucking around? I didn't mean to if I was. I thought I was pretty calm. He took a deep breath in. The anxiety was like a volcano. It felt like it was about to erupt. The shaking being the voices of worry filling my mind, the lava rising being the anxiety attack that was slowly settling in.

“But. Considering you did take notice of the computers, and questioned me about them instead of just ignoring them. And you did answer the one question I did ask you.”

Here it comes. Any moment now. He’ll break the news and tell me to get out.

“I will keep in touch with you” what? “I will let you know if you have gotten the job in around a week's time.” Oh. My. God. The volcano inside slowly started dying. The shaking coming to a stop, the lava settling back down into the pool of my stomach.

He pushed the chair back from his desk and stood up walking towards the door. I followed suit, not wanting to keep him waiting any longer than I already had. When I had reached him he stuck his hand out waiting for me to shake it once again. I gripped his hand firmly and shook. Feeling more confident now than I had all day.

“Thank you for taking time out of your day to interview me sir. Even if it wasn’t the interview either of us were hoping for.” He nodded, smiling slightly at my words, the smile didn't last long before it returned to the position it was previously in. He reached to open the door, stepping back in the process to make room for me to leave.

“Of course. Until next time. We’ll keep in touch.” He responded bluntly, looking at me once more before shutting the door the moment I left the office. What the fuck kind of interview was that? I looked around the room, my eyes settling on the man I now know as George. He rolled his eyes before nodding his head at me. I nodded back, swallowing the bump that had found its way into my throat. Making my way to the elevator I thought about everything that had happened today. Only one detail sticking out more than the others.

How attractive Clay was.


I'm not the best at writing and contemplated uploading this, so I hope you enjoyed whatever it was lol. - Birdy

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3 years ago

’*•.¸♡ 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 𝘀𝗺𝗽 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 ♡¸.•*‘


Hi! Here are some imagines written about the people of the Dream SMP!



Interview (GN!) 3.1k words Going in for an interview is nerve-wracking enough. What a shame the PA and your future boss were hot.

Prison Days (she/her) (NA) Prison life for the couple who destroyed an entire country.

Crush (she/her) (NA) Basketballer Dream has a crush that everyone knows about. everyone but you.

Fucker (she/her) (NA) After a year of not leaving the house, sapnap finally convinced dream to go out and have a boys night. being the loving girlfriend you are, you had no issues. until they arrived home.

Drive (GN!) (NA) Of course the one day you tell dream to not go out, is the one day he gets caught in a car chase. with you. in the passenger seat.

Lost Wallet (GN!) (NA) After having a terrible day, going out for dinner with friends seems like the perfect pick me up! Except when its your shout, and you've lost your wallet. Whoops?

The Character Becomes The Author (she/her) (NA) I'd say it's pretty self explanatory. Instead of Dream being written about. He writes about YOU.


Pets (GN!) (NA) Sapnap. Known on the SMP as the pet killer. What started out as a pure accident led to the pet war. Yet, here he was. sitting with the reader, comforting them after they lost their dog against during the fall of l’manburg. ironic isn't it.

Turn (she/her) (NA) In which Sapnap pushes everyone away from him after losing you, he tries to drown his sorrows in partying. finally wanting to turn his life around, he decides he needs to see you one last time.

Undies (GN!) (NA) All Sapnap wanted was a quick midnight snack. But you just had to be in the kitchen at the exact same time as him.

Delivery (she/her) (NA) Just a day like any other. Roaming neighbourhoods, delivering various foods. But this time seemed to be just a little different.

Dye (GN!) (NA) Helping Sapnap dye his hair a darker brown.

GNF To Be Added


Escapee (GN!) 1.5k words Technoblade had finally escaped prison after 3 months. You were the first person he wanted to see

Piglin Lovin' (She/Her) 3.6k words Phil and Techno go on a 2 week long trip leaving you alone with all of the chores.

Training (NA) You and Techno had always been close. Some say you were joined at the hip. So the day Phil flew by and saw you training by yourself against some measly scarecrow, he knew something was wrong.

Piggy (she/her) (NA) It’s no secret that Techno was overprotective. so when you came back from a trip, completely unscathed, Techno still couldn’t help but lecture you about the dangers of going alone.


Laces (GN!) (NA)

basically punz is a pain in the fucking ass


Be Nice (she/her) (NA) It seems that everybody seems to know about your little crush on wilbur soot. Including Wilbur himself. So in classic Soot fashion, he teases you for it.

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3 years ago

’*•.¸♡ 𝗠𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 ♡¸.•*‘


Hi! Welcome to my Masterlist! This is where you will find all of the works I've written!


Peter Parker


Dream SMP Series Dream SMP Imagines Dream SMP Headcanons Dream SMP Blurbs

Dream SMP Insists of: -Dream -Sapnap -Wilbur Soot -Technoblade -Nihachu -Georgenotfound -Punz -TommyInnit -Quackity -Fundy -Karl Jacobs


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3 years ago

✮𝗗𝗼𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗣𝘂𝘇𝘇𝗹𝗲 - 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻✮


Hi! I thought of this while doing a 3D puzzle of a globe. It was fun ngl.


Headcanon - You and your S/O sit down and do a puzzle. Characters - CC!George, C! + CC! Tommy, CC!Dream, CC!Sapnap

They started off as headcanons but slowly turned into oneshots. lol whoops. sorry

Word Count: 3.6k CW: Swearing


C!Tommy: 781 words

Tommy loves spending time with you. Especially when you guys go on adventures around the SMP.

Doing something that always got you scolded by Philza or Wilbur.

Whether that be looting people's chests, or accidentally blowing creepers up while trying to get a new disc.

There was never a dull moment between the two of you

Always laughing, always getting into (playful) arguments

You were inseparable and always full of energy

So when you decided that after years of playful banter and energy shared between you, that you wanted to sit down for the day and relax while doing a puzzle, did Tommy regret being friends with you.

When i say regret, i mean he “regrets” it

He loves you, he truly does

But on days like these all he wanted to do was leave

You always made sure to ask beforehand whether or not he wanted to join you. His immediate thought was to say no and go hang out with Tubbo.

But seeing the desperate look in your eyes wanting nothing more than to just spend a relaxing day with your best friend did he cave.

He always does and always will.

But that doesn't mean he will ever stop complaining.

“AWE COME ON Y/N! I’m booooored”

Tommy was hanging off of the couch. His legs swung over the back of the recliner while his head was hanging off the edge of the chair. The blood went straight to his face making him look like a tomato. You laughed the moment you looked up from the puzzle. Wanting nothing more than to complete it. You shook your head.

“Tommy, we've been sitting down for an hour.. Instead of lying there complaining, help me complete the puzzle!”

You pouted at him hoping he’d agree to stay with you. Even if he didn’t participate in the completion of the puzzle. He groaned the moment he saw your face. Heat rose to his cheeks more than they already had, he was glad to be hanging upside down before you could make fun of him. He had always fancied you, although he’d never admit it out loud. He sighed obnoxiously loud and sat up.

“Fine” he muttered standing up, dragging his feet slowly over to wear you were sat on the floor. He fell next to you and groaned even louder than before, leaning his head on your shoulder. You rolled your eyes and flicked his forehead pushing him off of you.

He shouted out a quick “OI!” before seeing the way you flinched at the sudden loudness of his voice. He admired the way you enjoyed puzzles. Liking the way they challenged you, loving the feeling of satisfaction once you did complete it.

“'Ive never fucking liked puzzles” He grumbled under his breath, you head barely heard him but once you realised what he had said, you turned your head and glared.

“If you’ve ‘never fucking liked puzzles’ then why do you always agree to relax and do them with me!?” They were annoyed. Tommy was a kind soul. Behind that obnoxious loud teenager lied a nice mommas boy. Even if there wasn’t a mother around.

He stayed silent. Gaze shifted from your own to the puzzle pieces sitting in front of him, scattered across the wooden planks beneath you. He reached over and grabbed 4 odd pieces, forcing them to fit together. His eyes shone and a smile slowly grew on his face as they slid into one another. Even if he had to use force. He turned to you excitedly.

“Look!! They fit!! I’m the fucking best at puzzles!” You started laughing. You couldn’t help it. Even if you were annoyed mere moments beforehand. Seeing the way your idiotic best friend lit up with accomplishment was enough to make you happy. He furrowed his eyebrows at the sound of your laughter.

“What.. what's so funny” A confused expression had taken over from the previous ecstatic one. You shook your head and smiled at him before punching him in the shoulder.

“No, it's nothing. I love you dork” blush had slowly seeped up his neck upon hearing your words. You had said them a million times before but it still made his heart race. You turned back to the puzzle, a content smile on your face.

Glad that Tommy had finally started to participate and enjoy himself. Even if he was doing it wrong and you knew he was going to start complaining again in an hour. For the time being you were happy.

CC!Tommy: 937 words

Unlike C!Tommy. CC!Tommy was more than happy to sit down and do a puzzle with you. Majority of the time it was his idea.

It was rare for Tommy to get a break. He was always busy. Occupied to an unbelievable extent for a 17 year old.

Planning streams, streaming, planning vlogs, filming vlogs, planning main channel videos, filming main channel videos, setting up his new office, going to college, completing his course work, travelling back and forth between Brighton, London, and Nottingham.

You had stopped seeing each other once Tommy had started getting bigger. You both had responsibilities you needed to attend to. Drifting apart was neither of your faults.

You did keep in touch, but when you did talk it was very short and dry messages.

“Hey” “Hi” “How r u?” “Good, WBU? Vlogs going alright?” “yeah no they’re good. Tiring tho hahaha” “haha i bet” “ahh shit sorry i gtg. Got to do a stream. Bye!” “bye tommy :)”

So when he called you randomly on a wednesday asking if you wanted to come over, you had never been so excited.

“Tommy!” you brought him into a hug the moment the door opened. A soft squeal escaping your mouth. It had been months since you had last seen each other in person. He laughed, hugging you back with the same amount of energy. He brought you in as tight as he could without hurting you.

“How’d you know it was me? Mum's home you know?? You barely had time to look at me” He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you away so he could look at you while he questioned your antics. Your face flushed. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t memorised the pattern of his steps. And with how tall he was, it was hard to miss his heavy footsteps.You laughed and looked down, completely ignoring his question before pushing past him and into the living room.

Leaning against the kitchen counter stood his mum. She was looking at something on her phone. Scrolling through twitter no doubt. Tommy followed shortly after you, closing the door swiftly once you had walked through. Upon hearing the two pairs of footsteps, Mrs Simons looked up from her phone, and her eyes lit up at the sight of you. You and Tommy had been friends for years. Originally meeting each other in primary school when Tommy had pushed you off of the swing because you were “hogging it”. You pushed him off the slide as payback which resulted in Tommy getting a broken arm. But it was worth it.

“Oh my. It's been so long since you’ve come by” Mrs Simons had long forgotten her phone on the kitchen counter as she walked forward and pulled you into a hug. Laughing, you hugged her back. Before you could even say anything, Tommy had grabbed your arm and pulled you towards the staircase to drag you upstairs.

“Tommy! Let me say hi to mum :(“ because of how close you have become over the years, it has become the norm to call Mrs Simons ‘Mum’. She was an important parental figure in your life. Tommy rolled his eyes and continued to drag you towards his room. He stopped in front of his door and turned to you with a giddy grin on his face. He let go of your arm and opened the door with a loud bang. Literally. It hit the wall. It bounced back and closed itself. Tommy groaned as you lost your shit. Laughing as loudly as you could. Of course the more time you spent with each other. The more habits you pick up. One being Tommys laugh. He ignored your light teasing and opened the door again. This time it was a lot softer. The grin had returned to his face. Staring at what was in front of him. The space where his PC had been, was now occupied by boxes upon boxes of puzzles. Tommy hated puzzles when he was younger. Only doing them because you had forced him. Now they were comforting. They reminded him of the times when either of you had been sad, so to distract yourselves you’d sit down and do a puzzle. Just enjoying the silent time you had together.

In the time you two had spent away from each other, you had silently agreed to not do a puzzle without the other person there. It was a tradition of sorts. One of you is sick? Puzzle. Burnt out? Puzzle. Sad? Puzzle. Happy to an unbelievable extent? Puzzle.

Rushing over you picked up one of the boxes. It was custom made. A picture of you, Tommy, Betty, and Walter displayed on the front. You looked back at Tommy as he closed his door and walked towards you. He sat down against the wardrobe, while you sat leaning against his bed. The puzzle was now spread out on the floor in front of you. A grin on both of your faces as you sat there working in silence. You paused and looked up at Tommy. His forehead creased as he concentrated.

“Thank you Tommy. I’ve missed you.” He looked up when you started talking. The crease disappearing as a soft look overtook his features. He nodded in acknowledgement and smiled.

“I've missed you too…” Tommy was expressive. Very expressive. But when it came to expressing feelings other than anger, he had trouble. So hearing him mutter those few words as he looked down avoiding your gaze, made your heart flutter. He was all you could ever ask for. All you ever needed.

CC!Sapnap: 889 words

You’d hate doing puzzles with Sapnap. As much as you loved him, he would just be too much for the calming aura that puzzles are supposed to have.

It was originally a time for you to sit down and relax after a long day. The first time he saw you do it was when you two had first moved in with each other. It’d been within the first week.

Sapnap walked out of his streaming room and stretched his arms over his head, listening to the pop of his joints. You gagged from the lounge room down the hall upon hearing the pops. Sapnap laughed. He always forgot how much you hated the sound. Walking into the lounge room, he saw you sitting at the edge of the couch hunched over the coffee table, which has moved significantly since he last saw it. It was pulled up pressing against your knees as you inspected each puzzle piece. He stared at you confused as to what he was seeing. He didn’t think you'd be the puzzle type of person. “.. what are you doing” You looked up, Sapnap was leaning against the doorway holding the frame as he stared at you. You smiled at him before scooting over on the couch and patted the seat next to you. He raised his eyebrows and walked over sitting next to you as indicated. “I’m doing a puzzle” You continued smiling as you turned to face him, now sitting cross-legged on the couch. “I do them when I’m really stressed. They help calm me down and relax” A look of realisation had set on his face. He nodded and pulled out his phone, settling further into the couch. “Do you wanna do it with me?” He almost looked disgusted by the idea and shook it off saying he's happy to just sit next to you and enjoy your company.

He sat and watched the next few times he caught you doing puzzles. One day when he was watching you, he nudged your shoulder with his own and asked if he could join you. You’d never been happier. You smiled giddily as you watched your boyfriend start to concentrate, trying to find the right pieces.

Sure, Sapnap would be calm at first. Just appreciating the time he was spending with you. But I feel like the more he joined you and the more comfortable he found himself becoming, the more competitive he’d get.

“LETS FUCKING GO! I COMPLETED THE BORDER BEFORE YOU” He’d get excited over the smallest accomplishments. You'd just smile and nod.


It was originally just a time for you to sit in silence, but it soon became a way for Sapnap to let out all of his energy and excitement.

His excitement always made you happy and made you smile. Usually hearing him yell out in giddiness when he beat Dream.

You loved puzzles. And you loved Sapnap. The two just didn't mix well.

It had gotten to the point where you had just stopped doing puzzles when he was around. Only doing them when you knew he was recording, streaming, or even going grocery shopping.

When you started to hide the fact that you were doing puzzles without him, he would always come over and ask if you wanted to do one after he finished streaming with the boys, missing the time he spent with you when you did them.

You denied his request every time, always claiming you weren't in the mood or you were feeling tired. He never questioned you, and never expressed his disappointment.

One day though. Sapnap had finished streaming a lot earlier than you had anticipated. He walked into the lounge room and saw you doing the puzzle. Before you even had time to register that he had walked in, he had already sat down next to you and started putting the pieces together. You ignored him and kept doing the puzzle, hoping he'd be calmer today. Everything was going well.. At first. He made a small gasp and your head whipped towards him, waiting for whatever nonsense was going to spew out of his mouth. Your body was tense, you were about to burst.. Instead he kept his mouth shut, a small smile on his face. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw you continuing to stare at him for a moment, just waiting for something to happen. When nothing did, you sighed, your body relaxed and you were back hunched over the coffee table.

After you had finished and packed up the puzzle, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into him to nuzzle his face into your neck.

“I’m sorry I get so loud when doing the puzzle. I just like spending time with you.” he murmured into your neck. You froze after hearing his apology. A million thoughts racing through your mind. You hesitantly hugged him back. Melting into his touch as you snuggled into his shoulder.

“It’s okay… I know you get excited” he squeezed you before pulling his face away and pressing a kiss to your cheek. He promised to try and be as quiet as he had been that day.

And he kept his word.


Mans still gets excited and yells without realising.

CC!Dream: 325 words

Dream would be similar in the sense of getting competitive over puzzles.

Unlike Sapnap, he knew you would get stressed and anxious when he yelled. Usually keeping his excitement to himself.

He wouldn't do them often though. Opting to just admire you as you concentrate. He didn’t care what you two did together as long as he got to spend time with you.

Dream sat across from you, on the other side of the room. His back pressed to the wall as you sat on the edge of the couch. He had walked in about an hour beforehand, silently just sitting down. He hadn’t moved a muscle since he sat. Not even to check his phone. His arms were crossed sitting on top of his knees, as he rested his head on his arms. Looking up from what you were doing, Dream had stolen your attention. You stared back at him, taking notice of the goofy grin that sat on his face. He started to laugh. It was completely out of the blue. He had just lost it. You stared at him confused before laughing along with him, falling back to sit properly on the couch. Your back finally resting against the cushions. You sighed in content as your tired body finally had time to relax. Dream had calmed down from his laughter not long after you, taking a few more moments to admire you as you relaxed. He stood up and sat next to you. He’d be lying if he said sitting in the same position for an hour on the hardwood floor without moving was comfortable. Wrapping his arm around your shoulder he pulled you into his chest to just cuddle and relax.

This was often how your days turned out. Puzzle or not. Dream always found a loophole for you to lay with him on the couch and cuddle. He always craved your attention and validation. Not that you complained.

CC!George: 668 words

George hated puzzles.

The end.

Not like Sapnap or C!Tommy where he ended up joining you in the end.

He refused to do them, not understanding why you enjoyed them so much.

Whenever you ask George to join you in completing the puzzle, or he walks in on you doing one, he immediately makes a face and backs up.

It's almost like he's scared of them.

Majority of the time, George would purposely annoy you while you were trying to complete it. Making himself annoyed that you weren’t giving him attention in the process.

George doesn’t seem clingy. Especially not in public. But, when you're at home you’re conjoined at the hip. And when you’re home alone with no friends or family around, he will always find some excuse to be touching you. Holding your hand, having his arm around your waist, linking pinkies, touching thighs when sitting down, etc. Anything to have your attention on him. So at the times you do decide to sit done and enjoy a puzzle, is the time that George feels the need to be at his clingiest.

Placing the last green piece on the table you smiled. Finally finishing the border. You had been doing the puzzle for half an hour at this point. You got up and stretched, hearing your knees and back crack at the movement. You shuddered. You had always hated the sound but loved feeling the relaxing sensation flow through you. You walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water. While pouring the glass into your cup, you felt arms slowly snake around your waist as a face buried into your neck. Jumping slightly before you sighed, your shoulders slumped relaxing into his touch. He kissed the side of your neck and squeezed your waist tighter. You laughed pushing his arms off of you.

“Nope. No. Nuh uh. Not today Georgie” You squeezed past him to put the jug of water back in the fridge. Hearing him whine from behind you. You turned around and saw George leaning against the counter, arms folded hiding his face. You walked past and patted his back slightly. “You do this every time George, you can't expect it to work the same'' You left him pouting to himself in the kitchen, making your way back to the lounge room to continue the puzzle. Right as you sat down and got comfortable. You groaned, annoyed. You had left your water in the kitchen. You went back to the kitchen slowly, knowing that when you got there George would still be sulking. But you still had hope that he went back to his PC.

Of course that hope had diminished the moment you peeked your head around the doorframe. There stood George. No longer pouting, no. But with YOUR glass of water in hand. He tried to hold back his smile when he saw you step into the kitchen. But ultimately failed.

“George.” You started before walking towards the man standing at the island. “Give me my water” he shook his head in protest, stepping backwards to get away from you.

“You have to promise to cuddle me if you want your water back” You simply shrugged and turned around. Grabbing another glass out of the cupboard and bringing the water jug back out of the fridge. You heard George groan loudly from behind you. He clearly hadn’t thought that far ahead. You downed your glass before turning back to him, the pout returned to his face.

“Fine.” his eyes lit up as he put your previous glass down and walked towards you to take you to bed. “But!” he stopped in his tracks and groaned… again. “You have to let me finish the puzzle first. Or until I get bored. Until then. Go do something else.” He nodded slightly.

Finally you could finish the puzzle.

You didn't finish the puzzle. No you barely got a quarter through it before George came in and dragged you away. Literally.


I had a fat brain block when it came to Dreams. I'm sorry his was so short :(

Have a good day!

- Birdy

Tags :
3 years ago

’*•.¸♡ 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 𝘀𝗺𝗽 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀 ♡¸.•*‘


Hi! Here are some headcanons written about the people of the Dream SMP!


Pet Names GN! - 0.8k Sapnap, Wilbur, Dream, Niki

Doing a Puzzle GN! - 3.6k C!Tommy + CC!, Sapnap, Dream, George,

Read to them GN! - Sapnap, Dream, Quackity, Techno

Telling them You're Pregnant GN! (Afab) Dream, George, Punz, Karl


Tags :
3 years ago

’*•.¸♡ 𝗗𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 𝘀𝗺𝗽 𝗕𝗹𝘂𝗿𝗯𝘀 ♡¸.•*‘


Hi! Here are some blurbs written about the people of the Dream SMP





Kiss me CC!


Oh Dream




Tags :
3 years ago

✮𝗞𝗶𝘀𝘀 𝗠𝗲 - 𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗯𝘂𝗿✮


POV: wilbur has a new favourite song


gender-neutral reader

Word Count: 295

CW: none! just good ol fluff


“KISS MEEEEE! KISS ME WITH-” I laughed as Wilbur continued to sing at the top of his lungs. It was safe to say ‘Puppy Princess’ was his current favourite song.

“-YOUR EYES CLOSED WHISPER THAT YOUR HEART SHOWS-” his hands gripping my own as we spun in a circle. His eyes crinkled slightly with the smile that adorned his face. He was happy. Within that moment nothing could ruin the bliss that was coursing through his veins. One of his hands left mine and made their way to my waist. Slowly, moving towards my lower back, before his hand pressed between my shoulder blades pushing me into his chest. My arms immediately wrapped around his waist, head resting against his collarbone. He lowered the volume of his voice, before stopping completely. Just holding me in that moment. Swaying back and forth in the middle of the lounge room. I moved my head so that my chin was resting on his chest, leaving me to look up and into his eyes. He lowered his gaze to meet mine, a soft smile took over his face. His head dipped towards my own, his hand rubbing my back. Slowly starting to murmur the lyrics once again. “Kiss me. Kiss me with your eyes closed. All I want is you. Yeah you” Although he missed a considerable amount of lyrics between the lines. I didn't care. I raised my head as far as I could without straining my neck to connect our lips. It was soft and sweet. Even with dating for as long as we have, kissing him feels brand new each time. Butterflies filling my stomach and my mind. rational thoughts are immediately thrown out of the window. Intoxicating

Kiss me. Kiss me with your eyes closed.


Have a good day!

- Birdy

Tags :
3 years ago

✮𝗣𝗲𝘁 𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲𝘀 - 𝗛𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗰𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻✮


Hi! I think a lot of people share this hc when it comes to the nicknames, (sapnap and nikis specifically) but oh well!


Headcanon - What i think they'd call their s/o Characters - CC!Sapnap, CC!Wilbur, CC!Dream, CC!Niki

Gender-Neutral Reader

Word Count: 805

CW: Cursing, dream being a basic bitch


CC!Sapnap: 214 words

Darlin' or sweetheart

this being one of the ONLY times his Texan drawl would come out

"Darlin' could you pass me my phone?"

He'd have a slight accent throughout the rest of his sentence mainly sticking to the pet name.

he would call you 'darlin'' any chance he would get.

no you don't understand this man would be OBSESSED with calling you pet names

even if said pet names weren't necessary and crowded the sentence

he would never refer to you as your real name.

if he did.

oooh shit you know you fucked up.

'Sweetheart' is something he uses when being endearing

if you're having a bad day, your man sapnap would swoop in and save the day.

"sweetheart look at me, trust me when I say everything will get better, even if it may take a while. we will get there"

AHHHHHHHHHHH the THINGS i would do to get this man to call me 'Sweetheart' without him being awkward.

I feel like his texan drawl would still be there for this one

you just have to listen very closely.

if you heard it as a one off youd never notice, but the more he calls you 'sweetheart' the more you pick up on it

overall this man is very wholesome.

gawd dayum.

CC!Wilbur: 238 Words

I feel like Wilbur wouldn't be one for pet names

opting to just use your first name, or a nickname given to you instead.

but on the rare occasion he did use a pet name on you, it'd be 'Hon'

100% I do not see that man referring to you as anything else.

He'd be very simple with it.

only using the nickname when he deemed fit.

Wilbur would use the nickname in very... intimate and tender moments.

like, admitting his undying love for you for the very first time

"I love you. I love you so so so fucking much it hurts. im scared of this, and how our relationship will progress. but fuck hon, i love you"

he'd be very cute about it

other times he would use it is when you might have had a really shitty day, completely stressed out whether that be with work or uni or even family and friends. hell it might've been because of Wilbur.

He, of course, would guide you through grounding techniques before pulling you into his arms, sitting in between his legs with your back pressed against his chest.

whether it be on your kitchen floor, at a park, or in your bedroom laying against the side of the bed.

mans would pull you into his lap and just whisper things over and over in your ear.

'hon' being thrown into the mix every so often

CC!Dream: 160 Words

ughhhhhh dream is basic

i hate to break it to you, but this man does not have a single creative gene in his body that isn't dedicated to minecraft.

he would call you 'babe'

and to spice it up.. he'd sometimes call you 'baby'.

mans thinks its cute and unique, but in reality its overused and cringe. (Im sure some of you like it im sorry D:)

You love Dream don't get me wrong.

But, sometimes you'd just wish this man would call you something else.

anything else.

at this point you think he's forgotten your name and just can't admit it.

he calls you 'Babe' religiously

"Babe, can you pass me the pepper?"

yes dear. UGHHH

you love him, i love him, but its gotten to a point where it's no longer cute

but you obviously cant say anything cause you dont wanna hurt his feelings :(

hes sensitive but he will never admit it

lol you can just tell

CC!Niki: 186 Words


love love love love love.

As i said in the notes, this is the one pet name everyone just seems to associate Niki with and apply to her and what she'd call you.

and i am just like everyone else LMAO.

it just seems so fitting

'Love' is just so very Niki.

There was never a wrong time for Miss Nihachu over here to call you 'Love'

although a bit basic persay, it still made your heart swell.

with her soft voice and wholesomeness. oh lord.

you'd melt right then and there.

"Love i'm going to be streaming with Jack for a bit, i'll text you right before we finish :)" WITH LIKE A KISS TO THE FOREHEAD OR CHEEK OR SOMETHING-

no matter how tall you were. whether it be 5 inches shorter or a foot taller

she would try her absolute darn best to give you a cheek/forehead smooch.

(Even if it meant you'd need to bend down for her for all the tall readers like myself)

long story short you're completely head over heels for her and her cute nickname for you.


Hello, Hello!!

I am back!! i appeared out of nowhere, uploaded for a week and then disappeared for a month. apologies about that one guys, shits been hard recently.

I hope you guys have a good day/night!!

- Birdy

Tags :
3 years ago

✮𝗘𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗽𝗲𝗲 - 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗲✮


Hello! With Techno having returned to the SMP with a jail break, why not a lil imagine

Let me know if I've made any grammatical errors or need to add a CW :)


Gender-Neutral pronouns Word Count: 1.5k CW: Reader has bad mental health, mentions of not eating, cursing


"Holy fuck Phil" Techno breathed heavily, clutching his stomach as he curled in on himself.

"It worked!" Phil was ecstatic. The plan to get his best friend out of jail had actually w o r k e d. 3 months late mind you. Phil was too excited to notice the look of worry on his best friends face. A rare sight that Phil seemed to skim over. Heaving, Techno gripped the back of his chair to stand himself upright, trying to catch his breath. Which ultimately didn't work when what little oxygen that had entered his lungs were immediately coughed out as Phil tackled him into a hug. Techno froze. Dream wasn’t exactly the most affectionate. Especially not to Technoblade. He hasn’t had any type of affection since the day he decided to visit. which happened to be a kiss and a hug from you. Techno shook his head, wasting no time in grabbing Phils shoulders and pushing him off of him. Phil stared at Techno incredulously, disbelief. His best friend that had disappeared for 3 months was finally back.

And still as cold as ever.

Technoblade stared at Philza intensely, stilling gripping the shorter man by the shoulders.

"You alright mate?" Techno twitched as he heard the words fall from Phil’s mouth. Oh how he had longed to hear him talk. Not that he would ever verbally admit it. He coughed, averting his eyes down to his pants as he pretended to wipe off any dust.

"Uh... yeah I am fine Phil." Phil quirked his head to the side, a soft smile on his face as he looked at Techno. Standing awkwardly in silence, Technoblades worry had returned. Remembering what he needed from Phil. A simple request really.

"Phil. Where are they?"


Angry was an understatement. He had left you for 3 months. MONTHS without a word or a trace.

Interrogating Phil for Technos whereabouts was no use. Every time he saw you for even a split second, he would be flying away surrounded by his crows. In the beginning, he would talk to you. Saying,

"Nah, haven't heard anything from Techno, sorry mate" "Oh you know how he is, he's probably gone to let out some steam. He'll be back soon enough"

But by week 2 of the questioning, he began getting fed up. Knowing he wouldn't be able to face you without cracking.

Each day was harder and harder to cope with. Things in your life had started to crumble and completely fall apart. You never realised how much you needed Techno, well, depended on Techno to support you emotionally. You had Ranboo, but nowadays he's with Tubbo and Michael nearly 24/7. There was Philza, but he's been avoiding you, knowing Technoblade wouldn’t want you to know where his was.

Things had gotten tough alone in the Tundra. You refused to go to Technos house, hell you refused to even leave your own. You had stopped catering to your farm, letting Phil do all of the dirty work. Eating became minimal. Only doing so when you truly had to. These past 3 months were probably the worst months of your entire life. The only thing occupying your time is being curled up in a ball in your bed. Swaddled in blankets as a baby would be.

So when you heard those 4 rhythmic knocks you had been longing to hear for these past few months. Your heart raced, excitement blooming. A smile stretched towards your eyes, causing the apples of your cheeks to turn a bright red, eyes crinkling. Desperately trying not to get tangled within the sheets, you bolted out of your room and down the stairs to open your front door. Hoping, wishing, knowing, who was going to be behind it. As expected, when you opened the door. There stood the Blood God himself.

His usual soft pink hair, now matted and frizzy, no longer in a braid. His bright ruby eyes, wearing his golden framed glasses he claims to hate so much. (which Sam so kindly let him wear in the prison as his contacts had dried out) Pointed ears adorned in gold jewellery, which he admittedly put in before he saw you as he had taken them out before he visited Dream, as Sam would have forced him to. Red robe nowhere to be seen, only wearing a cotton white shirt stained with various different patches from wearing it for so long. Stubble had grown over the lower half of his face. Techno was never able to grow a beard.

You took in his appearance, not caring how disheveled and gross he was at that moment. He was him. He was there. In person. With you. Tears immediately fell down your face, a loud sob escaping your throat. You couldn't contain yourself. All of these pent up emotions had finally been let out in one gut wrenching cry. You threw yourself at him. Taking in his warmth and scent. He snorted at your antics. Missing the way your cheek rested against his shoulder, and how your arms fit perfectly around his neck, successfully trapping him against your body.

If he thought he missed Phil, he didn't even know what this feeling was. No words could describe what he felt as he was gone. Of course he missed Phil, Phil is his best friend, his partner in crime, father-figure. But you... You were different. Technoblade loves you. Different from how he loves Phil. No, he is in love with you. Being away from you for so long with no way to contact you was eating him from the inside out. There wasn't a second he wasn't in pain in that godforsaken prison. Wanting nothing more than to hold you against his chest, cherishing in the warmth of your hands on his scalp as you massaged his head softly. As you were doing in this moment.

Your body wracked in his arms, sobbing loudly, tears making a wet patch in his shirt. Not that he minded. He pulled you impossibly closer. His head tucked in the space between your neck and shoulder just taking in your scent. Tears of his own fell down his cheeks, trying as hard as he could to suppress them, but try as he might, he ultimately failed.

"Fuck Tech" you murmured against his skin, voice wavering in the process. He inhaled a sharp breath humming in acknowledgment.

"I know" he whispered, wanting this moment to never end. Unfortunately for him you pulled away. A whine had escaped his throat at the loss of contact. If anyone could make Technoblade become vulnerable, it was you, and only you.

"God" you said staring at him once again. Your hands were resting on his shoulders as his lightly pressed against your waist, tightening the longer you stood there. Never wanting to let go of you again. "At this point..." you trailed off, trying to find the right words. You looked behind him at the snow, before looking down at your feet. Wrong move. One of Technos hands immediately left your waist to grab your face, forcing you to look him in the eyes once again.

"Please" he pleaded quietly. "Please don't look away, I'm scared I'll disappear again. That this is all a dream" His heart was thumping against his rib cage at the confession. He was almost certain you could hear it. You smiled at him softly. Lifting a hand to meet his against your cheek, nuzzling into it slightly before grabbing his and moving it back to your waist. Moving your arm back around his neck, resting in the same position as before.

Never breaking eye contact.

"I promise to never look away, unless you do it first" You bargained with him, he laughed softly. “And i promise that this isn’t a dream”

"In that case, I think we're going to be stuck on your porch for the rest of our lives." He smirked, reveling in the way your eyes crinkled as you laughed, a bright smile littering your face. You calmed down staring at him lovingly.

"At this point Techno" You continued what you were saying before Technos anxiety had spiked. "I don't give a shit about where you were or why you were gone for so long. I'm just glad you're finally back"

He giggled. Which had shocked you. You didn't think Techno even knew what giggling was, let alone having done it himself.

"I love you" He whispered as he started to lower his head towards yours.

"I love you too idiot" Murmuring just loud enough for him to hear, before meeting him half way and pressing your lips against his. His small tusks grazed your cheeks slightly, immediately lighting up with blush. God how you had missed this feeling. The kiss was soft. But passionate. Pouring both of your emotions into it. The grip he had on your waist lightened before he wrapped his arms around your lower back, pulling you as close as humanly possible. The two parted for a split second to catch their breath before diving back in.

They had a lot of catching up to do.


Did anyone else see Phil read technos will live??? I sobbed. It wasn't even sad.

Thats a lie i am lying to myself.

Have a good day/night :)


Tags :
3 years ago

✮𝗣𝗶𝗴𝗹𝗶𝗻 𝗟𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻' - 𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗱𝗲✮


A request that was made on Wattpad. I hope you enjoy!

Angst to fluff

Let me know if i need to add or take anything out of the CW!


Intended female reader Word Count: 3.6k CW: snowstorm, angst, mentions of loss of breath, exhaustion


tired was an understatement.

I was completely and utterly exhausted. the past few weeks had drained me of every single ounce of energy or piece of motivation i had.

running back and forth between baby sitting Michael and tending to my own chores in the Tundra, had been slowly killing me. as much as I love Tubbo and Ranboo, could they ever make some time to look after THEIR son. at this point michael was my child. which i didn’t need as i already had Steve (and Techno) to take care of.

It usually wouldn’t be this hard as Philza was always around to help me complete everything. But, Phil was currently on a trip with Techno, leaving me alone. I didn’t know where they had gone or why, all I knew is that I wanted to sleep for a month straight.


“bye Tubbo! bye Michael! I’ll see you soon okay buddy?” bending down to Michaels height, he ran into my chest almost making me topple over. i smiled at his antics, wrapping ny arms around the small piglins body. his snorts and giggles made my heart swell. with one last squeeze, i let him go, bopping him on the snout in the process. he swiped at his nose, he always hated when i tapped his snout, he claims it made his nose itch.

standing up, i waved to the father and son duo once more before turning around and making my long and painful journey back to the Tundra.

my legs were aching. sore from use and from how cold it was. everything in my body hurt. after the week i had, i couldn’t wait to bathe in a magma cube bath. k sighed at the thought. imagining how nice it would be to sit in the iron tub, the warm water covering my entire body, relaxing all of my tense muscles. the popping bubbles of the water, calming all of my rapid thoughts, washing them away leaving me with nothing but peacefulness.

of course my daydream didn’t last long, i didn’t have that much luck. i reached up to move the hair out of my face, but my fingertips were so cold i couldn’t feel them move. the snow was picking up its pace making it harder and harder to see 2 feet in front of me. my heart started racing. i had no idea how long you had been walking for, too distracted by my own day dream.

“oh fuck me” my mind was racing. not being able to come up with a single rational thought.

i was panicking.

without thinking. i began running. running as fast as i could with my numb limbs, harsh winds and snow thrashing against my face. my nose was red and stuffy, my breathing was irregular. i had never been caught in a snow storm by myself before. i always had Techno or Phil by my side. i didn’t know what to do. before Techno i lived in a plains biome.

I continued to run for what felt like miles. until i felt like i couldn’t run any more. my legs felt like jelly, i couldn’t breathe, i couldn’t see. i was sure this was how i was going to die.

exhausted and sore in the middle of a snow storm.

until i saw the smoke coming out of cabin up ahead. with the little strength i had left, i pushed myself to my limit. running as fast as my legs would allow me to. which at this point wasn’t very much. the light was getting closer and closer, the smell of smoke was filling my nostrils. i had never been so happy to see my shared little cabin.

the more i ran, the more my lungs felt like they were going to burst, my throat was burning, and i honestly thought i was going to pass out. my heart beat was drumming rapidly in my ears. the cabin was getting closer and closer. i began smiling.

i’m gonna make it

and make it i did.

the moment i reached the cabin, i began fumbling and tripping up the few spruce stairs that led to the front door. cursing to myself as i did. picking myself up off of my knees. i gripped the metal handle harshly, leaning my entire body against the door. turning the handle with with all my might. the door swung open from underneath me.

with a yelp i fell forwards. falling straight into the chest of the one and only Technoblade. i didn’t have time to register anything that was going on, my mind still foggy and rapidly racing due to the storm.

“fuck darlin’ i was worried about you” i wasnt certain whether or not Techno had spoke. the only thing i could hear was my rapid breathing and the thumping of my heart beat in my ears.

Techno grabbed my hips, pulling me as close to him as possible, moving me out of the way so he could shut the front door. still panting against his chest, he slowly led me towards the couch in front of the fire place.

sitting me down, he wrapped a blanket around my shoulders, Techno took my boots off for me trying to make me as comfortable as possible.

my heart beat started to even out, air starting to fill my lungs once again. i sighed, falling backwards on the couch to lean my head against the cushion. gripping the blanket, i wrapped it tighter around myself. my body was still shivering rapidly. i was definitely going to get sick after this. my teeth were chattering.

my thoughts and rationality started to slowly come back to me. looking down at my shaking hands, i slowly let go of the blanket to take the fingerless gloves off. i weakly threw them into the fire, knowing that after this i was never going to want to use them again. i leant forward as much as i could to still keep a safe distance from the open flame. pushing my arms forwards wanting my hands to heat up as quickly as possible, wishing to be able to feel them again.

Techno pushed my arms back towards my chest, kneeling in front of me. he softly grabbed my face with both of his hands. his calloused fingers rubbing soothingly on the apples of my cheeks. leaning into his hands i sighed contently. the past few weeks without him had been agony. glad to have him back in my arms.

“oh darl. what were you doing?” his usually gruff monotonous voice came out soft and sweet, and full of concern. i had never heard him like this before. it threw me through a loop. i smiled slightly, before leaning forward to rest my col forehead against his warm.

“i missed you Tech” whispering softly, i closed my eyes, and smiled brightly. my arms, although still slightly shaking, wrapped around his neck pulling him towards my torso. i stuffed my face into the crook of his neck. although the heat from the fire was nice, nothing beat the heat that radiates from Techno.

the sound of a slight snort and squeal mixed together erupted from the back of Technos throat. it had been just as painful for him as it was for me to be so far from each other for 2 weeks with no contact. loving every bit of attention i were giving him, he eagerly wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me off of the couch and into his lap.

he took a deep breath, inhaling as much of my scent as he could. oh how he missed this. one of his hands was on the small of my back, the other on the back of my head, pulling me impossibly close. chest to chest. my legs were wrapped around his waist.

the hand he had resting on my back was tracing small soothing shapes as he started slightly rocking back and forth.

fuck the hot bath.

all i needed was Techno.

my arms were wrapped around his head, fingers tangled through his knotted pink hair. shoving my face as far as i could into his neck, i let out a soft sob. i wasn’t sure when the tears had started to pool in my eyes, or when my emotions had started to build up. but now that the tears had started to come out, there was no way i would be able to stop them.

Techno began quietly shushing me as i started to cry. my sobs getting harsher and harsher each time. Techno continued to rock the two of us back and forth hoping it was helping calm me down. my broken cries were muffled by Technos tunic, a wet patch forming underneath my face.

my arms went from wrapping around his head to his shoulders, to his chest, to one of his arms, before i decidedly went from straddling him to hanging both of my legs over his right one and sobbing into his chest. gripping his shirt as i sobbed. Techno continued to cradle me, not caring about how restless i was.

“Darl look at me please. You don’t have to say anything just look at me” Techno pleaded, his right hand coming to brush hair out of my face and tuck it behind my ear. hesitatingly, i lifted my head out of Technos chest, still gripping onto his shirt for life. i slowly looked up at him, my sobs had come to a stop but tears were still steaming down my face. Techno was patient. he knew i needed to take me time. he refused to try and rush me through anything.

once we made eye contact. he smiled. the hand that was brushing the hair out of my face moved to cradle my cheek.

“hey there beautiful” Techno smiled lovingly down at me. i giggled softly, shoving my head back into his chest. immediately Techno snorted a laugh, before clicking his tongue at my behaviour.

“come on, don’t hide your face from me darl’. i’m not that scary am i?” Techno knew i hated when he called himself scary. i immediately looked up at him, ready to correct him, a scowl on my face. only to be met with a smug smile and a playful glint in his eyes.

i groaned, knowing i fell for his antics, giving him exactly what he wanted. this time though, i didn’t look away.

“there you are. you feeling alright now? nice and warm? still need to cry?” i shook my head. confirming i am indeed feeling better.

“i’m better now. thank you Tech… i’m sorry for sobbing into you i don’t know what happened”

i shook my head slightly as i went over all of the events that had happened today. Techno tutted and continue to rub my cheek with his thumb.

“don’t be stupid. there’s no reason you should ever apologise for crying. i’m just glad you’re okay” knowing that i am now safe, Techno had returned. his monotone, gruff voice was back. quickly replacing the soft one he was using moments prior.

“i could be even better though…” i trailed off and looked up at Techno innocently. he raised an eyebrow. smirking down at me.

“oh yeah?” he questioned. i nodded giddily.

“how so?” he cocked his head to the side. i raised my head slightly, smiling.

“i don’t know… a kiss maybe? i think it’d make me feel a whole lot better.” a smug look had overtaken my face. waiting for my request to be fulfilled.

Techno hummed thoughtfully, staring off into space. he turned back towards me and shrugged. he leaned closer, as i closed my eyes waiting for the moment Technos lips finally met mine after weeks of waiting.

but i was kept waiting. i opened my eyes to look at Techno, he had a cheeky smile on his face. i opened your mouth to question him, but instead a squeal came out.

Techno immediately started cackling.

this motherfucker was tickling me.

“TECH PLEASE STOP NO-“ we both couldn’t stop laughing. i started punching at his chest hoping to pry him off. instead he just grabbed my wrists and pushed me away, all the while still laughing.

“sorry darl.” he cupped my cheek once again. and this time actually kissed me. o


when i woke up i was alone. the space where Techno slept next to me was empty, the sheets tangled and messy.

i couldn’t remember if yesterday really happened or if it was just all some bizarre dream.

i swung my legs over the side of the bed, feet touching the cold floor. i rested my face in my hands and groaned. rubbing my hands up and down face. standing up, i stretched. walking lazily to my bedroom door.

sliding down the ladder, i turned around.

and froze.

there Techno was, standing in the middle of the room smiling proudly, surrounded by various gifts.

“Happy birthday baby!!” my mouth was dropped. was it really my birthday?…

i just stood there, continuing to not move as i processed everything.

had i really become so busy that i didn’t know what day it was, that i had completely lost track of time.

as i stood there unmoving. Techno began to get ansty. did you not like your birthday? did you not like how many presents he got you? should he have gotten more? was it even your birthday did he get it wrong? around you his voices were always quiet, very rarely did they ever start talking.

but right now. they were louder than ever.

dumbass forgot when her birthday is. technolame. technobad. e. e. she hates us :(. e. she doesn’t hate us she’s just in a state of shock. guys she’s gonna break up with us.

after gathering my thoughts, i started walking towards Techno. the smile

from his face dropped and he took a cautionary step backwards.

“Tech?” i questioned, confused as to why he moved away. he shook his head quickly and apologised.

“sorry sorry… the voices.. it’s fine. i’m fine. we’re okay” he smiled softly at me. i smiled brightly in return and jumped into his arms.

“i love you so much you stupid lump of bacon”

“HEH?!” i laughed, pulling him down to my height. i kissed his cheek before moving to his lips. kissing him softly and lovingly. longing only for his touch.

Techno melted into my embrace. wrapping his arms around my waist, moving in sync with me.

“don’t do that again dumb ass i thought i got your birthday wrong” he pulled away and grumbled into my cheek. hiding his face with embarrassment. i laughed.

“i promise i won’t Tech. i was just surprised that’s all. i forgot my birthday was even coming up. let alone it be today… i just wasn’t expecting… so… much” Techno kissed my cheek, letting go of my waist to drag me towards the couch as he did last night. he sat down before me, turning me around and pulling me into his lap. he hooked his chin over my shoulder, tugging me closer towards his chest. and shoved one of the boxes into my lap.

i turned my head towards him, and saw him staring at me in return.

“what are you doing just looking at me. open your gifts!!” i giggled, entertained at the way he was insisting.

turning back towards my lap, i carefully removed the golden ribbon surrounding the box, and put it off to the side. i could feel Techno get more and more excited for my reaction from the way he was shaking beneath me. taking the lid off of the box i gasped.

the box was only small, but the inside was filled with various pieces of gold jewellery.

necklaces, rings, bracelets, matching earrings, and nose rings for if i ever wanted to match with Techno. shutting the box, i squirmed in his lap. manoeuvring myself to be straddling him. i stared at him dumbfounded as he looked at me delighted.

“Techno…” i trailed off, just staring at my loving boyfriend. he leaned forward and gave a soft kiss to the tip of my nose.

“when did you have time to do this?” i questioned. grabbing his cheeks softly, peppering kisses all over his face. happy squeals coming from the back of hsi throat. his piglin side showing more today than it has in months. clearing his throat, Techno responded.

“it was the main objective of the 2 week trip with Phil… i wanted to get only the best for you. i found everything else on day 1. but i wanted you to have only the best of the best when it came to the gold” Techno admitted timidly. I immediately doubled over in laughter, my forehead falling onto Technos shoulder. he grunted in displeasure. upset with the fact i was laughing at him.

“god Tech… you’re more Piglin than i thought you were” continuing to giggle, Techno turned away from me, a bright red blush coating his cheeks.

“yeah well.. i just love you okay” he mumbled only just enough for you to understand. i nodded. kissing his cheek repeatedly.

“i know baby. i love you too. even if you are a stupid piece of bacon” his head immediately snapped towards mine, a glare evident on his face. making me erupt into even louder laughter. Techno only sighed, lifting me off of his lap, putting me onto the couch next to him.

he stood up, grumbling to himself as he walked around the room grabbing the various different boxes and piling them in front of me. by the time i had calmed down. Techno was sitting against the fire place across from me. a frown evident on his face, waiting for me to open the rest of my gifts. upset with our distance. I stood up from my own seat, and plopped myself in the piglins lap pulling the biggest box towards me. despite Technos attempt at distancing himself from me, he couldn’t help but wrap his arms around my waist and shove his head into my hair.

“love you, you big baby” he only grunted in response. unsatisfied, i elbowed him in the stomach.

“i love you too i guess” he growled into my hair. i lifted one of the arms that was wrapped around me and kissed his hand, as well as every individual finger, before placing it back down onto my stomach.


by the end of the day, the lounge room was filled with empty boxes as i was covered head to toe in the new jewellery Techno had gotten me. as well as the new clothes Phil helped him pick out. a netherite sword hung from my hip as i pushed my way through the boxes, the sword nicking the cardboard as i went.

my favourite gift of them all though? was a pure gold crown decorated in different gems. rubies, sapphires, emeralds, amethyst, diamonds, you name it.

it matched Technos perfectly. and i was never going to go out without it.

eventually making my way through the mounds of boxes, i sat at the bench in the kitchen. watching as Techno made a beef and potato stew. resting my chin on my hand, i just stared as he worked away. admiring everything about him.

his long pink hair that had fallen out of his braid, his broad shoulders littered in scars, the gold glasses he only ever wore inside the house, that only me and Phil know about, his lil pointed piglin ears that were decorated in different piercings. everything about him was absolutely perfect to me. putting the stew on a simmer, Techno turned around and caught me staring at him. he froze, a blush creeping up his neck. i just smiled cheekily before looking out the window next to him. he walked around the bench and sat on the stool next to mine, gripping my knee.

“you know..” i hummed and turned my head towards his, indicating i was listening to what he had to say. “you never told me what happened yesterday.” this time i was the one who froze. before i started laughing.

“oh no no it’s stupid.” Techno only cocked an eyebrow. i sighed. “i was coming back from Snowchester after babysitting Michael. i started daydreaming about how i wanted to relax when i finally got back to the cabin, not expecting you and Phil to be back from your trip just yet. because i was distracted, i didn’t notice the wind and snow pick up its pace until it was too late and i was caught in the middle of the storm. i didn’t know what to do since i’m usually always with you, and decided to just run home… which at the time i regretted doing. but now i’d doing again in a heart beat if it meant you were always going to be here” Techno shook his head and chuckled.

“stupid. should’ve just found cover instead of running for like what 20 minutes in a snow storm” Techno advised, deciding to ignore my last comment. i just shrugged, the crown falling out of place. as i went up to readjust it. Techno reached over and took it off of my head instead placing it on the bench.

i looked at him, and he just smiled shaking his head. grabbing my neck to bring me towards him, he kissed me. i hummed satisfied with the amount of attention Techno had given me today.


Idk if this is what the reader wanted lololol but we'll see.

have a good day/night :)

- Birdy

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1 year ago

Can u do a c!Techno x reader?

He comes home after a really heavy snow storm and reader had been stressing all day about it and hes just like ✨meh✨?

- 🍭

EE I LOVE THIS IDEA SM AGHSHSH <3 also, welcome to the blog 🍭 !! :3

ps. i apologize for my writing skills for techno i havent written for his character before, i tried lol. i have only a small idea of how to write for him bc of c.ai bots, erm...


desc. gn! reader x c! techno. 780 words.


Can U Do A C!Techno X Reader?
Can U Do A C!Techno X Reader?

there were fragile, white snowflakes falling from the sky at a rapid pace. the air was freezing, and you barely even made it back to techno's cabin after feeding carl before the storm started abruptly. it was almost unbearable. after you got in, you immediately walked over to your chest before rummaging through it and grabbing a flint and steel. you quickly waltzed over to the fireplace and lit it, warmth slowly creeping towards you before swarming the whole room.

you knew that techno was in the nether for a little bit before stopping to go mining, but that was a few hours ago. of course, he wouldn't be back immediately but you were still worried if he would make it back safely; even if he is technoblade.

you were wrapped in a thick, warm blanket. it covered your whole body without fail; practically swallowing you whole. and thankfully it kept you warm. although, it would have felt warmer to feel techno's presence; his gaze would be looming over you, almost in a protective way like always.

eventually, you stood up and walked over to the nearest window to just stare out of it. you could barely see past the snow that was practically making the air fog up. anyone who was out there without something to help them make it through the snow would be blinded by the endless snowflakes flowing past them and into their eyes.

"god, techno. when will you just get home?" you questioned to thin air. sometimes you wish he just wouldn't go out in times like this when large snow storms are occurring randomly. especially since he's wandering around without any care, meanwhile he is a wanted man in l'manburg. though 'technoblade never dies,' it still gave you massive amounts of worry whenever he came home with open wounds; though all he says is, 'it's nothing,' or, 'i'm fine,' while he is bleeding everywhere.

you were too deep in thought to notice the small dot, that became a figure walking in the snow, towards the cabin. if you weren't zoned out, and paying attention, you could just barely make out the long pink braid and shining gold crown with sparkling colourful gems placed upon their head. they seemed to be walking fairly quickly, as you finally came back to reality and realized it was techno.

you turned to face the door that he was walking to and waited to hear the aggressive noise of the door clicking open. techno walked through the door and before you knew it you had been enveloped in a warm feeling inside; not noticing that it was from techno's arms wrapping around you tiredly. 

"how was your little adventure? missed you, was lonely here." you said, trying to fill in the silence between you two. "tiring. i see you fed carl, by the way." he said, burying his head closer to yours. you knew he was only like this when tired, so you enjoyed it while you could. "i was worried, y'know. with the storm and everything." you admitted, releasing a deep sigh as you turned your head slightly towards his.

"hey, hey now what have i always said? do i have to remind you? technoblade never dies. i, technoblade, will never die." he says, in his normal flat tone. "i've worked through worse storms than this anyway, i'm alright." you look at him and find that he's staring at you, as you stare back into his crimson red eyes.

"yeah, yeah, sure whatever. you stress me out too much." you say sarcastically with an almost silent sigh. "well i'm tired too. you may supposedly not be able to die, but you are still capable of falling asleep; so lets go sleep, yeah?" you didn't have to say anything more than that before techno dragged you to your room and placed you into bed before plopping beside you and laying down.

"for the record, i never die," he says as he turns his body to face yours. he notices you still slightly shivering from the cold weather so he gently places his hand on your side and drags you towards him in an attempt to use his body heat to warm you up. "whatever you say.." it wasn't very long until your breathing got shallow, and lack of movement showed you were asleep.

knowing you were fast asleep, techno himself had started to drift off. it didn't take long for him to fall unconscious either, with the comfort of knowing you were beside him and not in any danger with him to protect you.

now let's just hope that he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night.

Can U Do A C!Techno X Reader?

EEE I SPEEDRAN THIS SO HARD SHSJSH- i havent written fluff in a while, so hopefully this is at least decent!! thank u for requesting!

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