Dune Book - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

God Emperor of Dune is officially #relatable. Leto II is one of the girlies

transgirl-from196 - Samantha 🏳️‍⚧️🌸🪐

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10 months ago

1960s Dune AU

1960s AU--Paul Atreides and Irulan Corrino come from a similar background and share similar interests. Her feelings have slowly deepened into love, but Paul is drawn to Chani, a passionate civil rights activist. When Paul's father, Senator Leto Atreides, is assassinated while contesting a presidential election, Paul, who's been in the armed forces until then (Vietnam) steps in, along with his mother, to fight for his father's causes, which include civil rights, thus bringing him close to Chani. In the meantime, Irulan, who's working as a journalist, discovers her father had something to do with Senator Atreides' assassination...and a crooked businessman, Vladimir Harkonnen was also involved. Should she go to Paul, who's trying to get to the truth of his father's assassination, or should she help her father?

0 notes

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10 months ago

A la Jack and Jackie AU in canon era

As Padishah Emperor, Paul is supposed to traverse the entire empre, accompanied by his wife, Irulan. He's still in love with Chani and determined to only have a marriage in name with Irulan. On one of the planets they visit, where the people, not just the nobles or the wealthy, are connoisseurs of art and literature, and enjoy the good life, Paul is very surprised to take second place to his wife. They gush over her clothes and sense of style and the prince of that planet has the temerity to not only praise his wife's learning and beauty at a state banquet, he also dances with her, to Paul's fury. He is almost on the point of declaring a jihad when...

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