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Rika smirked as she looked at the screens. Destruction, death, and chaos ruled throughout the subway system. It wasn’t exactly what she would have wanted, but it would do. As she was checking in on the rapidly unfolding situation, there was a tentative knock on the door which she ignored. Not having their knock answered, one of her sidekicks burst into the room.
“You have to do something, people are dying down there!” the originator of the knock pleaded to her. A girl named Silky if Rika’s memory was to be trusted, and it was.
“I fail to understand why any of this should make a difference to me,” Rika replied almost lazily, never taking her eyes off of the monitors.
Silky clenched her fist, “.....I swear you have about as much compassion as a rock. I don’t even know why I bother anymore, you’re nothing like I thought you’d be. It’s like you don’t even care about all the innocent lives out there!”
With that, she stormed out of the room. Leaving Rika with her monitors and a creeping feeling branching out in her mind. Everything had gone as plan. Thanks to her deception techniques, her opposition was destroying the city subway network. Effectively bombing their own reputation and ruining millions of citizen’s daily commutes. All because Rika’s spies had suggested that she might have somehow hacked the underground security.
Looking back at the monitors, Rika witnessed the battle, though it would really be better described as a massacre. Anyone who got in their way was crushed in the most ruthless way possible. Having abanded their morals long ago, their only goal was to stop Rika, no matter how many “innocent people” got in their way. Normally, this wouldn’t have bothered her. No matter what her carefully curated public perception was, Rika didn’t have a special connection to the innocent. She had become a hero because of one particular moment, one particular motive, and one special person. None of which she had ever shared with anyone.
Still, as she watched the monitors for a brief moment Rika saw the situation as Silky saw it. People being crushed underfoot, broken bones and spilled blood. And Rika just watching it with a smirk on her face.
“What Silky said was a bit concerning,” Rika said to herself, a habit that she had adopted to organize her many, many complex thoughts, “If I really am disappointing her so, I can’t have her defecting. The opposition would my enemies throw her a parade if she went to them.”
Once her mind got rolling, it was unstoppable. Suddenly everything she would have to gain from going down into the subway was evident. Rika going down to the subway was so evident to her then, she wondered why she had ever been content to sit in her chair. In a blur of movement, Rika collected the equipment that she would need. To an outside person, it would have seemed random. This knife and not that knife, a half-empty clip instead of a full one, but Rika was choosing everything in service to her larger purpose. Though she was going down to the subway, Rika had no intention to win the fight. Having her enemies destroy the underground was her plan after all. No, Rika was going to be overwhelmed by their numbers, her knives will break after slashing through endless flesh and bone, and eventually, she will have to flee. Taking civilians and her own injured sidekick in a desperate retreat.
“But I will have tried,” Rika declared to herself, the image of her battle playing out in her mind, “When they see me fleeing they will see themselves in me.”
When Rika strapped the last brittle knife to her belt, attached her body armor a bit loosely, tied her boot laces irregularly, she smirked.
“My approval ratings will go up at least 5%.”
Thinking of the battle Rika pressed the button on her intercom. Hearing the panic on the other line as everyone tried to determine who would pick up, Rika stifled a giggle. Normally Rika would have never used the intercom, but she liked to keep her people on their toes. Once someone did pick up, however, Rika kept her message brief.
“Tell Silky I need her in the City Room,” Rika said, and then for effect, “Now!”
Less than a minute later Silky burst into the room once again, this time not bothering to knock. Her eyes were red and she was sniffling a bit, though she was trying desperately not to.
“Aww,” Rika thought to herself as she turned around, “She’s been crying, how cute.”
Wiping the last remnants of tears out of her eyes Silky spoke, “You wanted me?”
Rika stepped forward. Looming over Silky and smiling. In an almost motherly gesture, Rika handed her sidekick a handkerchief.”
“Dry your tears Silky,” Rika said pointing to the violence that was still unfolding on the monitors, “We’re going to save them.”
Silky brightened up almost immediantly. Drying her tears with Rika’s handkerchief and putting on a hopeful smile.
“All of them?”
“All of them,” Rika lied.
Person A: “I fail to understand why any of this should make a difference to me.”
Person B: “…..I swear you have about as much compassion as a rock.”

just some pose work, look at him go 🥰
The Anomalous Episode 1 Parts 1 and 2!!!
I am so happy to finally show you some progress on the actual shots!!!! I have been really busy getting ready for college and work, so I haven't had a lot of mental power to continue progress. I will hopefully keep working on this soon and start finishing these shots.
I'm still looking for test voice actors for the two thieves. So I can complete dialog shots. Just to get those done soon.
Hope you enjoy!!!
Steve Rogers doesn’t know what tectonic plates are since he was frozen before they were proposed in the 60s
Connor Kent in Reign of the Supermen (2019) is my favorite version of superboy, like damn look at those eyes ! Definitely in love <3

Ok so I have to rant about this.
I love EoWells and Tom Cavanagh does and amazing job at playing that version of Eobard Thawne,but I am so Done and Over it at this point I want Matt Letscher to come back to play Eobard.Like there’s really no reason for Tom to have been playing Eobard for as much as he has been,I get the flashbacks and whenever Barry travels back in time to when he was impersonating Wells and like I said I do enjoy those scenes because I do love EoWells, but other than that he shouldn’t be playing Thawne Matt should.Because if you remember from season one Eobard was pretending to be Wells so that he could train Barry to become the flash so he could return to the future, but that storyline is over now so why is he still wearing Wells face? And it’s not like it’s because Matt can’t be on the show so they have Tom filling in for when he can’t be there. Because from what I’ve heard they haven’t even tried to reach out to him to play the character again so I don’t understand what is going on. I just really want to see Eobard with his own face in his own body being himself like in Legends of Tomorrow and not him looking like Wells anymore.

Jake and his two trusty sidekicks

SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (Dir: Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey & Rodney Rothman, 2018).
Produced in a distinct style utilising 2D and 3D animation techniques, Sony Animation’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is the most visually spectacular feature film in recent memory. Unconnected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe or, indeed, any of Sony’s many incarnations of the Spider-Man universe; it has its roots in Marvel’s Ultimate Marvel Comics, a series set in an alternate universe to the regular comic lines.
The set-up - high school student is bitten by radioactive spider, struggles with newfound powers before using them to fight evil - is a familiar one, but here the bitten is not the expected Peter Parker but new kid at school misfit Miles Morales. Parker does appear, as a mentor to Miles. But this is an older Parker; a sweatpants wearing, out of shape, midlife crisis Parker from an alternate universe. They and a bunch of other alternate universe Spideys team up to fight his (their?) old adversary Kingpin.
This sounds complicated but Rodney Rothman and Phil Lord’s screenplay is brought to life with surprising clarity. The movie is never difficult to understand and doesn’t get bogged down by its complex multiverse concept. In fact its story is unexpectedly moving, dealing with Miles’ difficult family relationships and his seeming inability to find acceptance in new social surroundings.
The voice work is also exemplary. Shameik Moore is a suitably hip, streetwise yet vulnerable Miles and Jake Johnson brings a worldweary charm to the middle-age Parker.
In a cinematic landscape littered with superhero movies, here is one that really stands out from the crowd. With its humorous, thoughtful storytelling, action set pieces that are genuinely exciting and beautiful graphics Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is one the most satisfying comic book adaptations to grace the big screen.
Visit my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME for more movie reviews! Link below.

AVENGERS ENDGAME (Dir: Anthony Russo & Joe Russo, 2019).
Approximately 3 years after the rest of the world, I finally watched Avengers Endgame and I was not disappointed. For what it’s worth, what follows is spoiler free. Not that it probably maters much now anyhow.
Over 11 years Marvel have rewritten the superhero movie playbook, becoming the most critically and commercially successful franchise in film history. For better or worse the MCU has had a profound effect on movie making with every other Hollywood studio scrabbling around to compete with their own cinematic universe, but with only a fraction of the success. As the ‘Infinity Saga’ draws to a close Marvel further cement their reputation as comic book movie king.
Anybody who has sat through the previous 21 Marvel Avengers movies will know what to expect as the surviving Avengers assemble to take down bad guy Thanos and restore order to the Universe.
Thankfully Avengers Endgame is at least as enthralling as the movies which preceded it. It looks amazing. Art direction, costumes, special effects and action set pieces are all exemplary; every cent of the $356 million budget is up there on the screen to see. The performances from the star studded cast are faultless, the Russo Brothers direction is a stylish as always and Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely’s screenplay is exciting, funny and ultimately, surprisingly moving.
At 3 hours long I would suggest emptying your bladder before watching. (Fittingly for such a lengthy movie the end credits roll over Harry James and Kitty Kallen’s recording of the Jules Styne and Sammy Cahn standard It’s Been a Long, Long Time.) I would also NOT recommend watching without having seen Avengers Infinity War (A Russo & J Russo, 2018). For everybody else watch, enjoy and maybe shed a tear.
Visit my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME for more movie reviews! Link below.

CAPTAIN MARVEL (Dir: Anna Boden & Ryan Fleck, 2019).
Brie Larson stars as Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel in the 21st instalment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The initially confusing plot finds amnesia suffering Vers (Larson) crash landing in 1995 Los Angeles. Caught up in a war between alien nations the Skrulls and her own people the Kree, the Skrull are soon in pursuit of Vers. Attracting the attention of SHIELD agent Nick Fury, Fury enlists Vers in an attempt to stop an alien invasion. In the process she learns of her forgotten past, of her part in the Kree-Skrull conflict and determines to harness her superpowers and put an end to the war.
This first Marvel movie to centre on a female superhero is a welcome, some would say overdue, edition to the MCU. Co-directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, along with co-screenwriter Geneva Robertson-Dworet have fashioned a fun and thrilling sci-fi action, which is happy to acknowledge its comic book roots. This is one of the the lighter entries in the MCU, but is none the worse for it.
Captain Marvel acts as an origins story for both Danvers and SHIELD head-honcho Nick Fury, seen here as a low-level SHIELD bureaucrat. There is a nice chemistry between Larson and Samuel L Jackson (returning as Fury) and the pair make an entertaining double act.
The star cast including Annette Bening, Djimon Hounsou and Jude Law all impress in their respective roles, but the movie really belongs to Larson and the appealing sense of gutsy naivety she brings to the role.
Captain Marvel’s connection to the Avengers ‘Infinity Saga’ is fairly loose and is only really touched upon in the closing credits. As such, the movie works as a stand-alone entry, your enjoyment of which should not be hampered by not having seen the other movies.
With a much needed injection of feminism into the MCU franchise and a healthy dose of 90s nostalgia, it is an entertaining, intelligent popcorn blockbuster that bodes well for the future of the Avengers movies post-Endgame.
Visit my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME to read an unedited version of this review! Link below.

JOKER (Dir: Todd Phillips, 2019).
Joaquin Phoenix stars in Todd Phillips much anticipated movie based on the DC comic book villain the Joker.
Set in a pre-Batman Gotham City, Joker charts the descent into madness of failed comedian Arthur Fleck (Phoenix). Fleck bears a depressing, isolated existence, working as a clown-for-hire by day and caring for his elderly mother by night. Fired from his job and suffering a beating at the hands of Wayne Enterprises employees Fleck turns vigilante on those who those he feels have wronged him, while desperately trying to find acceptance in an uncaring society, ultimately becoming his alter ego Joker.
Joker has divided critics and audiences and I can see why.
Director Phillips found fame with comedy movies Old School (2003) and The Hangover (2009), but his Joker is anything but funny. In many respects it is a love letter to 70s cinema; paying homage, in particular, to the work of Martin Scorsese, notably Taxi Driver (1976) and King of Comedy (1983) and Paddy Chayefsky’s dark media satire Network (Sidney Lumet, 1976). Borrowing its themes and visual style from those movies, Joker could be accused of being derivative, but it certainly is a handsome production; its gritty 70s milieu is arguably its strong suit.
Phoenix’s central performance is undoubtedly powerful and very intense. Many will acclaim this while others, myself included, may find it a little overwrought and lacking subtlety. By contrast, the surprisingly low-key performance by Robert De Niro, as a late night talk show host, is one of his best in recent years. Zazie Beetz, in a relatively small but important role as Fleck’s neighbour was the standout among the cast for me.
Much controversy has arisen over the glorification of violence in the movie. Yes, it is brutal in places but I feel this is inevitable in a DC origins movie about a deeply disturbed, complex character. This is no PG13 or 12A superhero movie. Take heed of the rating, it is a relentlessly dark and very distressing movie and is definitely not suitable for children or young teens. This is a movie whose lead character is suffering mental illness and this was my major problem with Joker. I understand the movie’s conceit that Fleck is the manifestation and result of an unfeeling, disinterested society. However, I feel very uneasy about how mental health is paraded as entertainment and found its depiction here both cruel and potentially damaging.
I wanted to love Joker but I didn’t. I don’t wish to discourage anyone else from watching the movie; this review represents my personal opinion. This may well be a movie that you enjoy as others at the screening I attended obviously did. For me both the handling of the theme and Phoenix's performance were lacking in sensitivity and bordering on the offensive. A disturbing and unsettling viewing experience that I would have difficulty recommending.
100+ movie reviews now available on my blog: JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME! Link below.

A longer, more in-depth version of the following review can be found on my blog JINGLE BONES MOVIE TIME! Link below.
DreamWorks Animation’s Captain Underpants is a lighthearted superhero spoof based upon the successful series of children’s books by Dav Pilkey.
4th graders George and Harold accidentally hypnotise their strict school principle Mr Krupp into believing he is inept y-fronts wearing superhero Captain Underpants. Although distinctly lacking in superpowers, Captain Underpants soon finds himself battling evil school science teacher Professor P in his bid to rid the world of laughter.
Captain Underpants' bold animation style lacks the finer details of DreamWorks' best features but does a nice job of bringing Pilkey’s illustrations to 3D ‘life’. Further enhancing the visuals is an innovative use of varying animation techniques such as rod puppets and traditional 2D. Unsurprisingly, considering its subject, much of the humour is of the toilet variety. This may limit its appeal to younger audience members, although there are some unsophisticated laughs to be had by kids and grownups alike. Largely absent are the pop culture references which were once a staple of DreamWorks movies; instead we have some neat self-referencing humour and inventive breaking of the fourth wall.
Ed Helms is on vocal duties as Krupp/Captain Underpants and does a fine job of switching from insanely angry principle to authoritatively stupid superhero at the click of a finger. Kevin Hart and Thomas Middleditch also impress as best buddies George and Harold.
Subtitled The Fist Epic Movie, its underwhelming performance at the box office means it is unlikely we will see a Captain Underpants 2. Which is kind of a shame. The movie is no masterpiece but its embracing of different animation styles, along with its general good-naturedness, make it the most original and entertaining Dreamworks animation in recent years.

Our hero with world's heroes <3

I still for the love of God can’t tell if she has a boob window or if her star just matches her skin tone.

Liz Vassey as Captain Liberty from the short-lived 2001 The Tick television series.

Originally Posted To My Waterfall
So let’s have a context-copy-paste from there!
one Post Wacom upgrade!!! I love working pen-pressure sensitivity!!
Copy and Paste(s) for Context:
Originally, Batgirl as an identity wasn't meant to be a side-kick (that was a 1990's post-zero hour retcon! And a messy one at that!)
Batgirl was basically meant to stand on equal footing with Batman; she was an ally, not a copy. Inspired by but not working for nor under. That was pretty much established in her debut episode, in fact! She loved what he stood for, but had her own way; a much more empathetic, working-with-the-people approach!
That carries on to the current run today! So, wheras Bruce nowadays is happy to inspire fear and act as a semi-urban-legend, Barbara wants to be right on the street with the people--using a combo of criminal psychology with the most updated tech!
It's fascinating really!
When you design super-hero costumes, you have to take into consideration why they are the way they are.
So; the trunks on the outside? The bright colours and capes? Those are all influenced by the 1930's strongman acts! Early circus performers and gymnasts; the tight spandex was meant to really accentuate the body and show the daringness behind those feats!
That translated really, really well in the old Bronze Age Batgirl comics!
--End Flashback(s)
So, bearing in mind the long exposition up there-- ^^^^^ --about costumes and feats? I think about that a lot when I'm ice skating.
I mean, it's a given I guess, right? When we watch skating on TV the first thing we see is the skater's costumes; that's usually what we use to puzzle out the tone and mood they might be going for before they even start to skate!
That reasoning was extra important in classic comic books; i.e, showing off these incredible gymnastic feats in just static images! Unfortunately, in modern times...especially for female characters...there's less emphasis on daring feats and more on the whole 'look.' Not even the fashion.
You know what kinds of 'look' I'm talking I wondered; is that totally lost in modern comics?
I don't think so, not 100% because obviously we're still judging on how well fight scenes are choreographed and how these characters move around a page; but modern narratives mean we're more interested in the characters themselves than solely what they can do--and that is 100% a good thing!
That being said; I wondered if I could get some of my ice-skating moves to work for Batgirl?
What I'm figuring so far? Yes! I can; but it's all in the composition! Which, now that I think about it, is drawing 101 to a T, right? But still, I think it's important to experiment with!
So here's the start of an ongoing series; Batgirl on ice! I want to see how many poses I can frame in various tones/emotions!
The first; the Arabasque Spiral! (Leg up above hip-height.)
I've had a lot of fun with those bat-lines, specifically getting them to 'trace' the pattern my skates leave behind when I change edges in practice; I was surprised how much dynamicism it added to the overall poses too!
Now while I'm proud of my fully painted Classic!Batgirl there--I think the Burnside angle and posing is gonna be the most impactful one. But then, she doesn't have the cape obscuring most of her body; but I could not sacrifice the flow of that in two pictures we are!

Hero of the ages, Son of the Dragonflame, brothers fighting the End….