Evolution Smp - Tumblr Posts
It’s weird that I don’t see more sadistic Grian in fanworks considering the fact that he literally spent hours creating a torture dungeon for one of his friends.



Watchers are confirmed long.
EDIT: Is it just me or is the Listener symbol to the right of the Watcher?
I got bored so I made some art
Grian from Evolution SMP.

And Ranboo from Generation Loss

Such a silly. Such a silly goofy goober.

Evo doodle :3 testing art styles
The Artist… And The OCs.
Been wanting to cosplay most of Grian Skins and it's slowly getting there! And GOSH I AM LOVING HIS WATCHER! CONCEPT :0

Hope y'all enjoy the two cosplays! <3
Cause this was hella fun to do!
My headcanons fallowing jimmy’s last episode
The entire time jimmy has been 15 and hit puberty very late just at the end that is why he jumped at the chance to have a mentor
also explains his rivalry with Joel in Greek myths gods are rather immature something about having enough power to do what ever you want with no consequences makes gods act like hormonal teens
I think this jimmy is evo Jimmy
Jimmy was a 14 year old freshman and grian was 19 a senior that was held back a year
It has been a year since evo ended so grian is 20 and Jimmy is 15 which makes his later bullying of Jimmy hilarious because he’s a young adult picking on a teenager
He is the old sheriffs son I know the time is off because the old sheriffs said he was down there for thirty years but the only reason he knew that that was because he added 10 years for each chicken that died but chickens live 5-10 years so what if all the three chickens only lived 5 years each that would put him in there for 15 years
Just after his youngest son was born
I think the sheriff might have suspected it due to his repeated statements that Jimmy is tiny and has wings like a fairy because jimmy’s mom is a fae
The sheriff and jimmy’s mom met in the town because that area was always a hotspot for fae activity
The reason the sheriff didn’t leave his wife even though he didn’t want to be married is because she was a fae and was scared he would be cursed if he angered her and that is also why he started drinking
Quick, before Empires Season 2 gets too complicated, drop the Monstrosity

I’m so sorry.
Notes below
This is my worst creation, my child. I spent so long on this. I spent too much time on this. I hate it. I love it. Here are some notes:
Some things probably aren’t accurate because I don’t watch everything and picked some stuff up second hand. This is in no way comprehensive
This is my interpretation, especially where there is gray area about whether something is canon or dubiously canon and if it’s mentioned offhand once
Headcanons are mine and popular fanon ones
The key works in two sections: color and shape. Anything in the key written in black refers to shape
This was kind of purposefully made to look a mess. Well, not initially but then I started adding curved lines and uhhh it went downhill from there. So yeah it’s hard to read and a lot of things aren’t very clear, sorry about that
Words written in light gray are my notes on certain things
I tried to chose the best color for and shape for every relationship but it’s kind of difficult so some things don’t really fit but oh well
I don’t know what’s happening with the MCC games either
It tried to keep this strictly to people who have created a Minecraft YouTube video/appeared in one
Feel free to disagree with/suggest/correct what I’ve created
watchers watch with their eyes and listeners listen with their ears and Jimmy doesn't listen or watch, he sings, sings as loud as he can and hopes his friends hear his warning, and him as a listener is cool but what about him being something else, not a watcher or a listener but a third thing
More under cut!
Grian and Crown -before evo fell

mumbo - lost au.

Ex (EriexelaVoid) - lost au

Ariana Griande - Royal au?

mayor scar!

Grian! - Lost au

Tango- ???