Fanfiction Problems - Tumblr Posts
I have five or six WIPs and it's so hot they've dehydrated. Really ought to give them (or at least one or two) some nourishment this week. Been pretty busy w/work and also a lot of authors have put out some really great works lately so I've been enjoying their stories!
Fanfiction Problem
When you’re supposed to be writing your next chapter, but it’s almost two in the morning and you’re laughing at random fanart and headcanons instead.
But no artist, I now realize, can be satisfied with art alone. There is a natural craving for recognition which cannot be gain-said.
Agatha Christie, And Then There Were None
Just like fanfiction writers cannot be satisfied without comments or kudos, as much as we’d like to pretend otherwise.
(This is an excellent book if you’ve never read it, by the way.)
Writing Problem...
When you have writer’s block and spend the whole day writing prompts, instead.
Writer Problems
Beginning a story is one of the hardest parts. I have the general shape of the thing, but don’t know how to begin. So many entry points, each with its own pros and cons. I’m sure it will come to me. As one of my old professors said, writing is 90% gray matter work, and 10% writing.
The two other hardest parts are the middle and the ending. So basically all of it.
As Thomas Mann said, “A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people.”
But once you get it right, it is rewarding in a way nothing else is. That’s why I keep coming back to it!
Writing Problem
Don’t you love it when you take the time to rewrite an entire scene, only to decide the one you originally had is better?
I’ve wasted so much time…
Oof. I feel this on a deep level.
Sometimes my words match my passionate imaginings closely enough. Other times, they look like drunken gnomes staggering across the page.
If I could get at least sober gnomes more often, it wouldn’t be so discouraging.
why must i Write Words? is it not enough to imagine, passionately,
Trying to find good fics as an incredibly sex repulsed person and feeling sick just reading through the tags sure is something

The absolute biggest issue I have with Voltron Legendary Defender weirdly enough isn't how the writing became a huge pile of confusing storylines and decisions.
It's the time when the show takes place. Please, let me explain, as I have pulled my hair out about this.
Confirmed by the writers, vld takes place in the year 2314. Okay. Fine. Makes sense. There's technology present in the show that we do not have in 2016/2017. Also Pidge stated that it took the Garrison ships a few months to get to Kerberos. Kerberos being one of Pluto's moons. This also implies that the space commissioners or companies that are involved in space travel and space adjacent activities declared Pluto a planet once again.
Shiro, our space dad and dilf in training, is 25 years old at the start of the series. He was born February 29, which is a date that is only available on a leap year.
Let's do some simple math, don't worry, I'll be your calculator. 2314 - 25 = 2289.
Ladies, Gentlemen, Nonbinary individuals, and possible other genders that I do not know about, 2289 is not a leap year. Neither is 2290. Would you all like to know when the next leap year is in this range of years? 2292.
Since I am a stickler for accuracy in regards to certain topics for reasons I can only blame my autism and ADHD on, the show taking place in the year 2314 bothers me. Please understand that this is simply a me problem. If Shiro was not my favorite character, or if he didn't share a birthday with my first adorable dog, I would not care about this blatant error.
If it helps to those who have the same issue as I do, my fix-it fic takes place 2317. It's not that much of a jump, but honestly it feels better knowing that the math lines up.
Thank you for taking your time to read this! Hope you all have a lovely day.
Still working on Chapter 2.
I'm not trying to make this over a certain amount of words or anything it's just...
I'm trying to honestly put this into words that anyone can genuinely understand...
The "chapter movie" never stopped. I don't know if anyone can understand my use of certain terminology here, but as an autistic creative with ADD, that's how it works for me.
I'm looking at my revision of chapter 1, and I feel like I should post it. I'm a bit nervous since I did get hate for a long time regarding my work, but hopefully that anxiety will go away.
I'm more of a one-shot writer, so maybe that's why I'm shaking a bit. I'll be sure to cross post it onto tumblr when I stop shaking.
I... Since it was mentioned in writing, I have to explore it.
I do this to myself, and I have to do it.

God... fucking dammit.
So VLD introduces Shiro's arm as some sort of weapon. We barely get any insight on it. We are shown in the first episode that it "activates" and it's painful for him to experience. He then just attacks the Galra robots with no hesitation?
I know Shiro was meant to die, but why bother showing me that and not giving me proper answers?
Why is it that I have been working on a story for months and I only have about 6000 words but I have been working on a little fanfiction idea that I have had for a few days and I have 4000 words? Why does this always happen