Fear Food - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

my current fear foods and some safe foods + explanation

My Current Fear Foods And Some Safe Foods + Explanation

(!!!! I don't eat meat or any dairy products because I'm lactose intolerant)

bananas: so tasty and doesn't have too many calories (I don't eat under 700 cal) and it's also full of potassium!!

any type of bars or industrial snack: even if it's low in calories it's so bad, they have a lot of additives and other chemicals that keep the body full of inflammation

nuts: idk I never liked them, I feel like eating any type of nuts, almonds etc is a waste of calories because they taste like wood

pizza: it's so high in calories, also I try to never eat a full pizza because it's not good for the stomach, I usually eat half and then eat the other half the day after

peanut butter: I recently tried it (I'm not American so here it's not a common food) and it was so sticky and had SO MANY CALORIES OMGG like I tried once bread with pj and it was awful, all I could think about was all the calories that I was consuming

eggs (without the bacon): I love eggs they are a good search of protein and they are low cal, I love toast with egg on top!! so yummy and reminds me of that Ghibli movie (sorry I forgot the name in english)

brioche/croissant: tremendous tbh, so high in calories, in fats, not healthy at all (especially industrial ones)

cucumber sushi: it's so good and healthy and fresh, also has not a lot of calories! but I try to not consume it often because the vinegar and other things that are used to make the rice sticky are not very good for inflammation

sugar: it literally causes cancer wth

cakes: soooo full of sugar and additives even if you buy them from a bakery, they are def a once a year meal, it's so bad for you, and the vegan ones have like double the calories of the normal ones

Starbucks thing? whatever: I never had Starbucks and I never will, it's so high in sugar and additives (and it's so expensive like wth just drink water) also I don't trust people with making my thing to drink

dark chocolate: if you eat a small piece of it quite often it's actually good for your heart and other cardiac things! also it helps me to prevent binges, and it doesn't have that many bad things in it

hamburger: lol I had only one hamburger in my entire life and it was when I was 7, it's just not good. like, I get making a similar sandwich at home, but buying an hamburger from McDonald's or smt? crazy, that's exactly why people are obese

pringles: they are SO FULL of chemicals and salt, they are so bad for health in general 😭 I'd rather have normal chips (where here the ingredients are just potatoes, salt, and usually seeds oil) but I prefer to avoid chips because first of all they are full of salt, and second they trigger my binges

toast: it's not a fear food but it's not even a safe food, I can eat it sometimes, it's okay, I mean it's just toast

cheese: any kind of dairy products it's so bad for humans, even my nutritionist explained to me that we are not supposed to eat dairy because milk it's supposed to be for babies (of that spieces), it also causes acne and other stuff that I don't want.

oh and also I try to avoid vegan cheese but just because it's very high in calories.

olive oil: healthy fat!! very good for lots of reasons, honestly I just cook with it (without frying things obv), I don't really add it to my usual meals but it's pretty okay

pasta: it used to be a fear food but now I tolerate it, ofc I try to avoid it because it still is a defined carb

meat: If you want to die of cancer or other terrible diseases, eat red meat. it's so bad for the body, even white meat.

smoothies: I love smoothies that I make at home, they are so yummy and they make me feel good afterwards, also they are great when doing liquid fasts 💚

sushi? cat thing?: same as the cucumber sushi, it's good but I try to avoid it.

m&ms: sweets in general are like so bad for you, so full of additives, chemicals, refined sugar, horrible for the body. and also they cause sugar addiction.

fries: they are literally fried potatoes, any type of fried food it's not good

tomato soup: here we don't have tomato soup but sometimes I make it with tomato sauce (basically the same thing) and it's good, low cal too! but I try to not eat it too often because tomatoes give me terrible acid reflux

cookies: same as the m&ms, also they trigger my binges so bad

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