Feel Alive - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

How to feel alive/stop being bored out of your mind, a guide for losers

jump on your bed, write something teeny tiny on the walls, break a small rule

get a dollar worth of pennies and write lucky on them and drop one or two at places you go

bury something small that you like in a place you feel safe

make a small bracelet/anklet, even if its just a piece of sting and never take it off

take a really really cold shower

go star gazing/look at the moon

write a letter to your past/future self

write bad poetry/nice messages and tuck it into books at the library

sit and listen to a song that was your favorite four or five years ago, don't do anything else but sit and listen to it

make a trash journal. Get a cheap notebook and write down EVERYTHING in there, carry it around with you. It will help you figure out who you are/remind you that you are a person.

when was the last time you felt alive? Like really alive? If you remember, write it down in as much detail as you can. If you don't know, write down a time you were happy or very angry. Honestly, any strong emotion will work.

create a bad drawing, like kindergartener level. If you want, fold it up and stick it onto your fridge.

block that person

tell someone how much you appreciate them

put old things you don't need anymore in a box, write take care of it on top, and leave it somewhere

write positive graffiti in public restroom stalls

bake bread

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5 years ago

Life Tip #57

a sample list of things to do to feel a little more alive

buy brownie mix from the store. follow the directions on the back. when the brownies are almost cooked, dump an entire bag of mini marshmallows onto the top so that it forms a gooey layer. allow it to sit in the oven long enough for you to doubt whether it’ll actually be good or not. eat it. wonder why you’ve ever doubted yourself or the marshmallows.

go to the store. purchase a small packet of every single flavor of kool-aid available. pour them into a cup. mix in water. stir. create the ultimate kool-aid flavor. drink. ask yourself why you take advice from the internet. drink more. drink water to get rid of the taste. realize water now tastes like kool-aid. understand the consequences of your actions by enduring the week long torture of not having taste buds. only kool-aid.

paint a self-portrait with finger paints from the dollar store. do it on a tri-fold poster board. laugh at the shortcomings of the public education system. give yourself fangs because you’ve always wanted them. add a little party hat. you’re not sure what you’re celebrating but it feels nice to celebrate. 

take a piece of chalk and walk around the neighborhood drawing smiley faces so small that you’d have to be looking for them to find them. admire the funky little gnome in your neighbor’s yard. give them a name. walk another block and draw a dick. it’s not funny but laugh, just so you remember what your laugh sounds like. 

head out to the nearest park or field. scan for dog poop. lay down (preferably not in the dog poop). stare up at the sky. close your eyes because the sky becomes boring. imagine what color you would’ve made the sky if you could choose. open them. the sky’s still blue but it’s nice to pretend.

make a love potion. pour drinking water into a cup and realize you’re actually quite thirsty. drink the water. come to the conclusion that you should take care of yourself more often. fall in love with yourself.

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