Femme4stud - Tumblr Posts

I Liked These The Other Day Too
I Liked These The Other Day Too
I Liked These The Other Day Too
I Liked These The Other Day Too

i liked these the other day too

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I Liked These The Other Day Too
I Liked These The Other Day Too
I Liked These The Other Day Too
I Liked These The Other Day Too

i liked these the other day too

Tags :
8 months ago

For me, it's about freedom from the expectations placed on transfems/trans women to sexually serve (especially tme) partners to a really high degree and very one-sidedly. It's about reclaiming my right as a trans woman to enjoy myself during sex.

On top of this it's about refusing to be fetishized for my genitals, I've had one too many interactions with chasers at this point and I was willing to top them out of desperation because none of them ever made me feel valuable outside of my genitals, and I believed doing that was the only way anyone would ever love me. Almost all chasers are focused on getting topped by transfems, so by saying no to that entirely and all other forms of giving sexual touch, I pretty effectively keep them away and put people who are unlikely to fetishize me at the forefront of my dating options.

It's also very much about stone tops, respecting them, respecting their boundaries always, showing gratitude for how they care for me, and allowing myself to be cared for in a world that has decided trans women don't deserve that treatment (partially because I want to be cared for and partially because I know stone tops want to take care of me and that it makes them happy too).

High Femmes: How would you describe your identity and role in your role in the butch/femme community or your relationships to someone who was questioning their identity?

Tags :
5 months ago

__________💔•About Healing•❤️__________

Healing isnt just getting well so you can go make the same mistakes. I think a lot of you worry about that; "Well, what's the point when I always end up here?", because if you keep ending up here, you haven't healed what needed to be for that standard, that routine or path to change.

Healing is a form of self education. Learning what you need to know better what's good for you and what isn't. A COMPASS. You are establishing a compass of morality and emotional stability so you can see the bad before it sees you. So in the event you're approached by that same old spicy distracting allure, you have a sense of worth that overweighs the lust of a temporarily good thing in a cute human saying the right thing having seen the weakness of opportunity. You ARE stronger than that weakness, but it's an active Choice to seek that strength and use it to your advantage.

For you. Heal. For your safety. Heal. For your heart. Heal. For your soul. Heal.

There's a lot of really awful hate in this world, for no reason at all.. practice love.

Practice Love, especially with yourself. It sounds fucking stupid, psych nonsense or squishy cushion fairytale...

I love you, Tumblr Stranger.

I love you, Tumblr Mutual.

I love you, Followers and Friends.

If people can hate for no reason, why not lead by example Loving without one?

The world is a scary place. It's even scarier when you feel alone. Know that this is a safe space, Always. And you are Never Alone. 🌿


[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

Tags :
5 months ago

-----------🌿MAKING FRIENDS 🌿-----------

I often see and hear many forms of inquiry and advice surrounding this subject, and you can't go a posts throw away without finding someone who in some way may hold difficulty, discomfort or uncertainty in this avenue of development, so I thought I'd come to offer the best I've read:


Find spaces that bring you peace, particularly public ones. Library, Book Store, Aquarium, Museums, Parks, Community areas,. Frequent them, give the space a chance one day a week, make it the same one and consistently show up.

Others will come and go and after a while, as much as you take notice to the regulars of that day, many will take notice of you and your new placement. Your presence in a space they've previously held unknown to you and most of the time, you don't even need to be the first one to speak., they'll approach and even if you don't know what to say, you're already relating by doing the same things on the same days as a shared activity of interest. Lead with that topic and go from there., gradually books lead to ownership of copies, adventures, places you read, if you like coffee or tea or whatever else..

I'd like to say I have advice for the ones at-home, I suppose much along the same lines, you frequent familiar or friendly web pages. Tumblr, this..that. wherever you feel you can comfortably hold a presence. Show up, be consistent.. give some of yourself to the world to be seen. We often times forget online instances are without tone in many cases apart from what's taken into assumption of whats written in those tones, which can be a bit messy.

I utilize feeding my blog with related imagery, interests, passions, and definitely the occasional thought, feeling, or posts like these because it helps me think, breathe, and help others do the same. When people recognize a bit about you from your established interests, passions, and demographics, they tend to find grounds they can relate to, if not hold specific interest in how you wear it. Write it. Feel it.


Be a presence. Make yourself known. Be honest and genuine with YOURSELF,. I know that's scary. As a girl who is all of what I am, I GET that,. But you have needs, and those should be met if not with some of the passionate effort you can dedicate to courage you find over time above the fear it won't work, then the kind input of those who hear you, recognize you in your energies, efforts and determination.

Don't give up on yourself. You deserve this. Friends. Consistency. Connection. A fair and healthy bond of balance and peace for your mind and spirit in confirmation from them and of you, you are both equally accepted and welcome in that space. Ready and open-minded to learn.

About yourself and about others.

Circulate. ♻️

[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

[Please try to keep my tags intact to see this circulates with the benefit it's intended. These ones are for EVERYONE 🤍]

Tags :
5 months ago

----------------🌿Self Worth🌿--------------

When we have a knack to hold experience after experience that every time we're shown kindness, given attention, shown a feigned sense of empathy, handed flowers and it burns to the ground,. We come to one of two conclusions. It was our fault, or it was theirs., and after a point, whichever or both, you grow a lack of trust. In your judgment, in your willingness to try again and experience that familiar hurt. That sting. That Stab.

Wanna know why it hurts? You wouldn't have done it to them like that, or not as knowingly without change.

Pain is pain. To love is to be vulnerable. You can not have it genuine without both those and this truth. Even the right fit will make mistakes.

The point is, we are all ALWAYS learning. Always. No matter whether we wait for the right algorithm in a pause as the world continues around us or we go with a pace to maintain as the blood flows. Don't let what happened at that time and that time and that time stop you from experiencing today how you want, need, and deserve. Today isn't that time. You never ever ever have to go back to that time or that time..

Today is your time, and you Can discover new times with someone you deserve. Someone who is patient with your heart. Someone who doesn't see the big picture after it's gone because they're celebrating all of it in the very real excitement and sometimes struggle to balance that within the Now. With you in the Now.

There is so much beauty in the world.

Like Beaches? Humans go there.

Like Nature and Parks? Humans go there.

Like Bookstores and Libraries? Humans go there.

Sure, youll have your crabgrass laden field time and again,. Don't give up chasing those wildflower hills. The open skies. The laughter. The whimsy. The love of love.

Don't give up on your heart because someone else couldn't hold it right. Take the time you need to evaluate how you want it held now, and take the time you need with someone to discover their intentions and efforts to match. If they can't wait, if they can't do the time to LEARN and find the things about you that make you brilliant in YOUR eyes., if they can't take the time to appreciate what makes you you, or for you to have time seeing them for who they are, Really Who they are.. Let them go have less somewhere else. They aren't ready for you. Not the other way around. Small morals don't lead big dreams. Small excuses will never set sail to the ocean of big possibilities.

Your Pace Is Your Own, but Set One.

Even if that means you're not into dating again, even if that means you're not into Boys™️ again.

Even if you decide to wait x time before you feel you've allowed yourself adequate time to be okay for you and prioritize you and get back to you, before even considering another Dip into that big ocean.. just do what makes you feel Happy. You deserve that. At the end of every day. With or without someone.

You deserve to be Happy. Because you Do.

No excuses about back when, not deserving..this and that..no.

Today is today, and you are still Living Organic Matter. That deserves peace, sunlight, hydration, a chance to journal to the moon in night,. The right PH in the soil of your planted surroundings.

You deserve that, because painful as summer was, then,. In scortching your earth and wilting your leaves.. fall is upon you,. A chance to shake off and drop all the weight of those things,. Let them fall as leaves do to the ground and fertilize the life again after frost has thawed and melted in. Give the warmth a chance to hold your shimmer a while., to see it feed your roots.

Breathe. Today, you're here for you. 🌿


[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

Tags :
5 months ago

-------------🌿Trying IS Enough🌿-----------

Even in the times you Don't Want To do something you know you need to, know there is strength in having that power to do it. To set your mind fixed and make it happen. That determination and fortitude speaks for a lot., and if thats not reason enough, you'll have My respect for doing what you need to do for you.

Whatever value that may hold.

It's not fun, it's not easy or courageous in feeling. It's often ugly and debilitating and makes us feel stuck more than the thoughts before it leading to the awareness of those needs. I know. I know it sucks and often times it hurts and hurts, but it does t get better if you're not trying for you,.even if you don't feel others may be trying as hard, this is YOUR life. You don't just have the choice but the Duty to take control of it for you.

No one wants to do the hard thing. Sometimes we haven't any other choice than to not and make it worse or to find the courage in ourselves to do it. I am ready to provide you that. To talk to you as long as it takes to help motivate you for good for you.

Fighting has many different forms. Make your fight about winning for you. I will always support you in it.

I will always be PROUD of you for trying because giving 100 percent won't look the same any day to the next. Some days it'll look like 20 in comparison and THATS OKAY.

You give it your best, and I will defend it to the death. No one can ask more than that of you. Not religion, not parents, not yourself. You are good in Trying. You don't have to SUCCEED to be Good.

You Dont Have To Succeed To Be Good.

I am proud of you for trying. Always. 🌿


[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

Tags :
5 months ago
------------Exercising Positivity------------

------------🌿Exercising Positivity🌿------------

Years are hard. Months are hard. Weeks are hard. Days are hard. Minutes to seconds are HARD.

They don't come easier by allowing yourself the falsehood that the last was just bad luck.

Difficult is difficult, no matter what we blanket that in. Difficult will always be present. Difficult will never not be a factor.

🌿It is important to practice MINDFULNESS in your Positivity. 🌿

To not let this missed step, that cold bite of food, those calls that didn't go through to be the end of you. To not let the known and very real negative of the world rule what could be better. Brighter. More positive. Even if it feels fleeting, you deserve moments of awareness it's not all as bad as that, and You can be the good of it. What feels fleeting becomes a consistent effort. A practice. A ritual, even.

• Do you tell someone their life is over for missing that step? Why do you tell you that? Breathe. Forgive yourself. We all make mistakes. Sure, sometimes they stack together, but you made it this far, and it's from struggling through the hard things to forever believe in a better good. Today is that day to do it again. And again. And again.

• Do you scream at someone who didn't like their food cold? Why are you? You deserve what makes you feel better. Try again, and remember it's sustenance, and it's yours, however you want it. Not everything is in our control. Some things we do all we needed to do to know we did it right, and it still comes back like the microwave went. It probably did. That doesn't mean you didn't try or it's your fault the technology finally went belly up. It means you tried, and the world, in its indifference, recognized your efforts and things still happened. It wasn't against you. It wasn't because of you. It wasn't because you just needed that food that one time in that one instance and NO. No, no, no. Everything has a life span. Don't spend yours blaming yourself for other things reaching their end before you reach yours. Take the opportunity to make it Better this round. Maybe add that seasoning you skipped the first time. More cheese. A cooking method that makes it a bit better with the added little effort. I know you wanted to eat ten minutes ago, but you can either dwell in ten minutes ago or make this one the best of the last ten. For you. Because you deserve that food hot and delicious and the way you like it, even if how you get there isnt always a sure thing.

• Do you punish others for a missed call? Why are you punishing yourself for it? Sometimes, people are just busy. Not too busy with you. Not too busy to care,. Just busy trying to heal and hold some of these same awarenesses in their own ways, at their own ready. Healing isn't Linear. Be that our call missed or someone's missed call of ours., reaching out to do the things you want or need to do aren't wholly reliant on availability. On work hours. On if you started the day right with a nutritious meal and a soft affirmation. It's okay others are doing them. Keep focusing on doing you so when they're ready, you aren't chomping at the bit for crumbs when you assured yourself to the whole meal discussed. You are worth attention from and to give it to those you feel hold you best. Sometimes, a call doesn't go through because there just wasn't the time someone would have really wanted to dedicate to ensure you feel complete in that time., sometimes it's because They feel unready to answer. You do not always have to call, but you do if you want to say you tried for what you wanted or needed. You do not always have to answer. Not all calls are for you, but you are the only one to assess that, no matter how often the ring., to discern if the energy being given is one that has your whole meal in its subjects or if it's crumbs. To do the work for you to know the difference when the call comes. When you slip on that step. When the microwave breaks. It's not your fault.

Regardless, you are the ONLY ONE who will do the work in you to realize it and help to ensure even what isn't in your hands, doesn't have to be atop you. Assess, Evaluate, and let that shit Go.

Seconds are hard.. not all of them.. some seconds come easy in the space of sudden awareness it's not that anythings better or worse, but could be made better and not worse by making the active consistent effort to work on seeing and trying for the good in All things. Even the hard truths. Even the indifference we want to shake a fist at and call bias. Impatient and unkind. It can be hard if we let it.

Dont let it anymore. Exercise Positivity.

Exercise your brain for healthier perspectives.

Exercise your determination to see a way through.

Exercise your soul to strengthen that drive and see the results of your effort in motion.

Exercise your right to live with Power You Control. It's very real and very capable.

Just like you. 🌿 Thank you for being here today.


[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

Tags :
5 months ago

Erotica • 1 min read

BAKE - A Morning Daydream

Her skin was like the warmth and tone of fresh cracked sourdough.,

The way my mind crunched like taking a whole handful of her at a time and filling my mouth greedily of her crust.

The slight tang of her scent filling my nose like morning breakfast when I leaned in to feel her core soften in my grip.

Her gasp letting the air out of such a still risen enclave of beautiful layering.

I can not sit and wait for further opportunity to dine on what has seemingly felt like forever in the buildup.

I carve my way in with forethought, carefully dancing my teeth around the delicate floral gaps in her otherwise umber skin.

Temping the oven, I slide a steady hand into your opening, feeling about for the level I want to cook at.

Nearly three fingers in for assurance, her temperature grows, and I glow in her light watching her form.


Written by: @pinky-promised

Erotica 1 Min Read

[This is a new piece I wrote recently that'll still come with edits, but I'm pushing it out there early because I'm so proud of this one. It's roughly a month old now..]

Tags :
5 months ago
------------Exercising Positivity------------

------------🌿Exercising Positivity🌿------------

Years are hard. Months are hard. Weeks are hard. Days are hard. Minutes to seconds are HARD.

They don't come easier by allowing yourself the falsehood that the last was just bad luck.

Difficult is difficult, no matter what we blanket that in. Difficult will always be present. Difficult will never not be a factor.

🌿It is important to practice MINDFULNESS in your Positivity. 🌿

To not let this missed step, that cold bite of food, those calls that didn't go through to be the end of you. To not let the known and very real negative of the world rule what could be better. Brighter. More positive. Even if it feels fleeting, you deserve moments of awareness it's not all as bad as that, and You can be the good of it. What feels fleeting becomes a consistent effort. A practice. A ritual, even.

• Do you tell someone their life is over for missing that step? Why do you tell you that? Breathe. Forgive yourself. We all make mistakes. Sure, sometimes they stack together, but you made it this far, and it's from struggling through the hard things to forever believe in a better good. Today is that day to do it again. And again. And again.

• Do you scream at someone who didn't like their food cold? Why are you? You deserve what makes you feel better. Try again, and remember it's sustenance, and it's yours, however you want it. Not everything is in our control. Some things we do all we needed to do to know we did it right, and it still comes back like the microwave went. It probably did. That doesn't mean you didn't try or it's your fault the technology finally went belly up. It means you tried, and the world, in its indifference, recognized your efforts and things still happened. It wasn't against you. It wasn't because of you. It wasn't because you just needed that food that one time in that one instance and NO. No, no, no. Everything has a life span. Don't spend yours blaming yourself for other things reaching their end before you reach yours. Take the opportunity to make it Better this round. Maybe add that seasoning you skipped the first time. More cheese. A cooking method that makes it a bit better with the added little effort. I know you wanted to eat ten minutes ago, but you can either dwell in ten minutes ago or make this one the best of the last ten. For you. Because you deserve that food hot and delicious and the way you like it, even if how you get there isnt always a sure thing.

• Do you punish others for a missed call? Why are you punishing yourself for it? Sometimes, people are just busy. Not too busy with you. Not too busy to care,. Just busy trying to heal and hold some of these same awarenesses in their own ways, at their own ready. Healing isn't Linear. Be that our call missed or someone's missed call of ours., reaching out to do the things you want or need to do aren't wholly reliant on availability. On work hours. On if you started the day right with a nutritious meal and a soft affirmation. It's okay others are doing them. Keep focusing on doing you so when they're ready, you aren't chomping at the bit for crumbs when you assured yourself to the whole meal discussed. You are worth attention from and to give it to those you feel hold you best. Sometimes, a call doesn't go through because there just wasn't the time someone would have really wanted to dedicate to ensure you feel complete in that time., sometimes it's because They feel unready to answer. You do not always have to call, but you do if you want to say you tried for what you wanted or needed. You do not always have to answer. Not all calls are for you, but you are the only one to assess that, no matter how often the ring., to discern if the energy being given is one that has your whole meal in its subjects or if it's crumbs. To do the work for you to know the difference when the call comes. When you slip on that step. When the microwave breaks. It's not your fault.

Regardless, you are the ONLY ONE who will do the work in you to realize it and help to ensure even what isn't in your hands, doesn't have to be atop you. Assess, Evaluate, and let that shit Go.

Seconds are hard.. not all of them.. some seconds come easy in the space of sudden awareness it's not that anythings better or worse, but could be made better and not worse by making the active consistent effort to work on seeing and trying for the good in All things. Even the hard truths. Even the indifference we want to shake a fist at and call bias. Impatient and unkind. It can be hard if we let it.

Dont let it anymore. Exercise Positivity.

Exercise your brain for healthier perspectives.

Exercise your determination to see a way through.

Exercise your soul to strengthen that drive and see the results of your effort in motion.

Exercise your right to live with Power You Control. It's very real and very capable.

Just like you. 🌿 Thank you for being here today.


[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

Tags :
5 months ago

[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

-------------🌿Trying IS Enough🌿-----------

Even in the times you Don't Want To do something you know you need to, know there is strength in having that power to do it. To set your mind fixed and make it happen. That determination and fortitude speaks for a lot., and if thats not reason enough, you'll have My respect for doing what you need to do for you.

Whatever value that may hold.

It's not fun, it's not easy or courageous in feeling. It's often ugly and debilitating and makes us feel stuck more than the thoughts before it leading to the awareness of those needs. I know. I know it sucks and often times it hurts and hurts, but it does t get better if you're not trying for you,.even if you don't feel others may be trying as hard, this is YOUR life. You don't just have the choice but the Duty to take control of it for you.

No one wants to do the hard thing. Sometimes we haven't any other choice than to not and make it worse or to find the courage in ourselves to do it. I am ready to provide you that. To talk to you as long as it takes to help motivate you for good for you.

Fighting has many different forms. Make your fight about winning for you. I will always support you in it.

I will always be PROUD of you for trying because giving 100 percent won't look the same any day to the next. Some days it'll look like 20 in comparison and THATS OKAY.

You give it your best, and I will defend it to the death. No one can ask more than that of you. Not religion, not parents, not yourself. You are good in Trying. You don't have to SUCCEED to be Good.

You Dont Have To Succeed To Be Good.

I am proud of you for trying. Always. 🌿

Tags :
5 months ago

[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

----------------🌿Self Worth🌿--------------

When we have a knack to hold experience after experience that every time we're shown kindness, given attention, shown a feigned sense of empathy, handed flowers and it burns to the ground,. We come to one of two conclusions. It was our fault, or it was theirs., and after a point, whichever or both, you grow a lack of trust. In your judgment, in your willingness to try again and experience that familiar hurt. That sting. That Stab.

Wanna know why it hurts? You wouldn't have done it to them like that, or not as knowingly without change.

Pain is pain. To love is to be vulnerable. You can not have it genuine without both those and this truth. Even the right fit will make mistakes.

The point is, we are all ALWAYS learning. Always. No matter whether we wait for the right algorithm in a pause as the world continues around us or we go with a pace to maintain as the blood flows. Don't let what happened at that time and that time and that time stop you from experiencing today how you want, need, and deserve. Today isn't that time. You never ever ever have to go back to that time or that time..

Today is your time, and you Can discover new times with someone you deserve. Someone who is patient with your heart. Someone who doesn't see the big picture after it's gone because they're celebrating all of it in the very real excitement and sometimes struggle to balance that within the Now. With you in the Now.

There is so much beauty in the world.

Like Beaches? Humans go there.

Like Nature and Parks? Humans go there.

Like Bookstores and Libraries? Humans go there.

Sure, youll have your crabgrass laden field time and again,. Don't give up chasing those wildflower hills. The open skies. The laughter. The whimsy. The love of love.

Don't give up on your heart because someone else couldn't hold it right. Take the time you need to evaluate how you want it held now, and take the time you need with someone to discover their intentions and efforts to match. If they can't wait, if they can't do the time to LEARN and find the things about you that make you brilliant in YOUR eyes., if they can't take the time to appreciate what makes you you, or for you to have time seeing them for who they are, Really Who they are.. Let them go have less somewhere else. They aren't ready for you. Not the other way around. Small morals don't lead big dreams. Small excuses will never set sail to the ocean of big possibilities.

Your Pace Is Your Own, but Set One.

Even if that means you're not into dating again, even if that means you're not into Boys™️ again.

Even if you decide to wait x time before you feel you've allowed yourself adequate time to be okay for you and prioritize you and get back to you, before even considering another Dip into that big ocean.. just do what makes you feel Happy. You deserve that. At the end of every day. With or without someone.

You deserve to be Happy. Because you Do.

No excuses about back when, not deserving..this and that..no.

Today is today, and you are still Living Organic Matter. That deserves peace, sunlight, hydration, a chance to journal to the moon in night,. The right PH in the soil of your planted surroundings.

You deserve that, because painful as summer was, then,. In scortching your earth and wilting your leaves.. fall is upon you,. A chance to shake off and drop all the weight of those things,. Let them fall as leaves do to the ground and fertilize the life again after frost has thawed and melted in. Give the warmth a chance to hold your shimmer a while., to see it feed your roots.

Breathe. Today, you're here for you. 🌿

Tags :
5 months ago

[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

-----------🌿MAKING FRIENDS 🌿-----------

I often see and hear many forms of inquiry and advice surrounding this subject, and you can't go a posts throw away without finding someone who in some way may hold difficulty, discomfort or uncertainty in this avenue of development, so I thought I'd come to offer the best I've read:


Find spaces that bring you peace, particularly public ones. Library, Book Store, Aquarium, Museums, Parks, Community areas,. Frequent them, give the space a chance one day a week, make it the same one and consistently show up.

Others will come and go and after a while, as much as you take notice to the regulars of that day, many will take notice of you and your new placement. Your presence in a space they've previously held unknown to you and most of the time, you don't even need to be the first one to speak., they'll approach and even if you don't know what to say, you're already relating by doing the same things on the same days as a shared activity of interest. Lead with that topic and go from there., gradually books lead to ownership of copies, adventures, places you read, if you like coffee or tea or whatever else..

I'd like to say I have advice for the ones at-home, I suppose much along the same lines, you frequent familiar or friendly web pages. Tumblr, this..that. wherever you feel you can comfortably hold a presence. Show up, be consistent.. give some of yourself to the world to be seen. We often times forget online instances are without tone in many cases apart from what's taken into assumption of whats written in those tones, which can be a bit messy.

I utilize feeding my blog with related imagery, interests, passions, and definitely the occasional thought, feeling, or posts like these because it helps me think, breathe, and help others do the same. When people recognize a bit about you from your established interests, passions, and demographics, they tend to find grounds they can relate to, if not hold specific interest in how you wear it. Write it. Feel it.


Be a presence. Make yourself known. Be honest and genuine with YOURSELF,. I know that's scary. As a girl who is all of what I am, I GET that,. But you have needs, and those should be met if not with some of the passionate effort you can dedicate to courage you find over time above the fear it won't work, then the kind input of those who hear you, recognize you in your energies, efforts and determination.

Don't give up on yourself. You deserve this. Friends. Consistency. Connection. A fair and healthy bond of balance and peace for your mind and spirit in confirmation from them and of you, you are both equally accepted and welcome in that space. Ready and open-minded to learn.

About yourself and about others.

Circulate. ♻️

[Please try to keep my tags intact to see this circulates with the benefit it's intended. This one is for EVERYONE 🤍]

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