Self Health - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

stop being second choice

Stop Being Second Choice
Stop Being Second Choice
Stop Being Second Choice

Start with your relationship with yourself. If you see yourself as second choice, others will see it too. Learn to love yourself and put yourself first in your own priorities.

Learn to love yourself. You can't expect another to fulfill all your affection needs if you're not already enough for yourself. Take time every day to pamper yourself and do the things that bring you happiness.

Dare to take your place and say no when someone asks you something you don't want or can't do. Your time and energy are valuable, don't waste them on others.

Believe in your own worth. Don't let anyone make you doubt your worth. Or you give the impression that you are not “good enough”. You deserve a relationship where you are respected and appreciated for who you are.

༝༚༝༚ océane

Tags :
5 months ago

I can’t be your peace if I am not at peace with myself.

Tags :
5 months ago

__________💔•About Healing•❤️__________

Healing isnt just getting well so you can go make the same mistakes. I think a lot of you worry about that; "Well, what's the point when I always end up here?", because if you keep ending up here, you haven't healed what needed to be for that standard, that routine or path to change.

Healing is a form of self education. Learning what you need to know better what's good for you and what isn't. A COMPASS. You are establishing a compass of morality and emotional stability so you can see the bad before it sees you. So in the event you're approached by that same old spicy distracting allure, you have a sense of worth that overweighs the lust of a temporarily good thing in a cute human saying the right thing having seen the weakness of opportunity. You ARE stronger than that weakness, but it's an active Choice to seek that strength and use it to your advantage.

For you. Heal. For your safety. Heal. For your heart. Heal. For your soul. Heal.

There's a lot of really awful hate in this world, for no reason at all.. practice love.

Practice Love, especially with yourself. It sounds fucking stupid, psych nonsense or squishy cushion fairytale...

I love you, Tumblr Stranger.

I love you, Tumblr Mutual.

I love you, Followers and Friends.

If people can hate for no reason, why not lead by example Loving without one?

The world is a scary place. It's even scarier when you feel alone. Know that this is a safe space, Always. And you are Never Alone. 🌿


[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

Tags :
5 months ago

----------------🌿Self Worth🌿--------------

When we have a knack to hold experience after experience that every time we're shown kindness, given attention, shown a feigned sense of empathy, handed flowers and it burns to the ground,. We come to one of two conclusions. It was our fault, or it was theirs., and after a point, whichever or both, you grow a lack of trust. In your judgment, in your willingness to try again and experience that familiar hurt. That sting. That Stab.

Wanna know why it hurts? You wouldn't have done it to them like that, or not as knowingly without change.

Pain is pain. To love is to be vulnerable. You can not have it genuine without both those and this truth. Even the right fit will make mistakes.

The point is, we are all ALWAYS learning. Always. No matter whether we wait for the right algorithm in a pause as the world continues around us or we go with a pace to maintain as the blood flows. Don't let what happened at that time and that time and that time stop you from experiencing today how you want, need, and deserve. Today isn't that time. You never ever ever have to go back to that time or that time..

Today is your time, and you Can discover new times with someone you deserve. Someone who is patient with your heart. Someone who doesn't see the big picture after it's gone because they're celebrating all of it in the very real excitement and sometimes struggle to balance that within the Now. With you in the Now.

There is so much beauty in the world.

Like Beaches? Humans go there.

Like Nature and Parks? Humans go there.

Like Bookstores and Libraries? Humans go there.

Sure, youll have your crabgrass laden field time and again,. Don't give up chasing those wildflower hills. The open skies. The laughter. The whimsy. The love of love.

Don't give up on your heart because someone else couldn't hold it right. Take the time you need to evaluate how you want it held now, and take the time you need with someone to discover their intentions and efforts to match. If they can't wait, if they can't do the time to LEARN and find the things about you that make you brilliant in YOUR eyes., if they can't take the time to appreciate what makes you you, or for you to have time seeing them for who they are, Really Who they are.. Let them go have less somewhere else. They aren't ready for you. Not the other way around. Small morals don't lead big dreams. Small excuses will never set sail to the ocean of big possibilities.

Your Pace Is Your Own, but Set One.

Even if that means you're not into dating again, even if that means you're not into Boys™️ again.

Even if you decide to wait x time before you feel you've allowed yourself adequate time to be okay for you and prioritize you and get back to you, before even considering another Dip into that big ocean.. just do what makes you feel Happy. You deserve that. At the end of every day. With or without someone.

You deserve to be Happy. Because you Do.

No excuses about back when, not deserving..this and

Today is today, and you are still Living Organic Matter. That deserves peace, sunlight, hydration, a chance to journal to the moon in night,. The right PH in the soil of your planted surroundings.

You deserve that, because painful as summer was, then,. In scortching your earth and wilting your leaves.. fall is upon you,. A chance to shake off and drop all the weight of those things,. Let them fall as leaves do to the ground and fertilize the life again after frost has thawed and melted in. Give the warmth a chance to hold your shimmer a while., to see it feed your roots.

Breathe. Today, you're here for you. 🌿


[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

Tags :
5 months ago

-------------🌿Trying IS Enough🌿-----------

Even in the times you Don't Want To do something you know you need to, know there is strength in having that power to do it. To set your mind fixed and make it happen. That determination and fortitude speaks for a lot., and if thats not reason enough, you'll have My respect for doing what you need to do for you.

Whatever value that may hold.

It's not fun, it's not easy or courageous in feeling. It's often ugly and debilitating and makes us feel stuck more than the thoughts before it leading to the awareness of those needs. I know. I know it sucks and often times it hurts and hurts, but it does t get better if you're not trying for you,.even if you don't feel others may be trying as hard, this is YOUR life. You don't just have the choice but the Duty to take control of it for you.

No one wants to do the hard thing. Sometimes we haven't any other choice than to not and make it worse or to find the courage in ourselves to do it. I am ready to provide you that. To talk to you as long as it takes to help motivate you for good for you.

Fighting has many different forms. Make your fight about winning for you. I will always support you in it.

I will always be PROUD of you for trying because giving 100 percent won't look the same any day to the next. Some days it'll look like 20 in comparison and THATS OKAY.

You give it your best, and I will defend it to the death. No one can ask more than that of you. Not religion, not parents, not yourself. You are good in Trying. You don't have to SUCCEED to be Good.

You Dont Have To Succeed To Be Good.

I am proud of you for trying. Always. 🌿


[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

Tags :
5 months ago

   ˚     . ✧     ˚     . ✧     ˚     .

October will be filled with joy.

October will be filled with love.

October will be filled with trust.

October will be filled with peace.

October will be filled with miracles.

October will be filled with clarity.

October will be filled with blessings.

Tags :
5 months ago

I love when you meet someone and you just click. You know you’re supposed to be friends or lovers or something. You just know the universe said “you two, yeah you, don’t leave each other’s side okay?”. Here’s to meeting awesome new people and forming amazing new bonds.

Tags :
5 months ago

hiii i just wanted to say that i love how you are such a positive energy around here, always expressing sweet and warm things to everyone and creating such a friendly and gentle vibe. it makes me smile everytime! thank you for being you and doing what you do💖

(sorry for being anon, it’s @/traded-my-soul-for-a-minute here, but off-anon this ask would send from my main blog and i’m trying to keep the two at least a bit separate!☺️)

This is so incredibly sweet. 💝💗

I genuinely do try to bring a visible Zest For Life and living healthy to the table with my thoughts and feelings.

I don't post self-deprecating things that aren't just a spicy humor.

This blog doesn't post or react to anything about being stupid unless I'm dropping reminders in how Special and Important we all are to have here and to find ourselves here for us. In the world.

What I give I needed a lot of growing up,. I want to give others what I didn't. Selflessly. Openly. From based honesty and effort of my own.

It's important to remember achieving "Perfection" is a myth handed down by those who hold a stigmatized view of some humans being better in any way than others. Isn't true. .

Achieve perfection for YOU. Find the best you that you can and soak in the warmth of all that'll bring in the peace of it's acceptance for yourself.

This is so kind and gentle to come and provide such an awareness and again allow me the opportunity to express in return why and how and give thanks to that being such a well recieved message. 💛💚

It's important to see good,. Especially in places many of us go to run and escape all the bad and hard and painful a while. Spicy as this place can be, it doesn't need to be toxic to bask in nor add to it. I choose Honesty and Empathy forward, always.

Tags :
5 months ago

_______🌿Learning New Languages🌿______

Saying what you mean and how to say that Clearly in communication can sometimes be difficult all on its own as n area of development.

We want to be heard, understood,. But how do we come about being receptive in a way that's good to Us?

It's easy to fall back into the simplicity of self diminishing languages. Punishing ourselves for the smallest little things and inconveniences. You know what's not simple? Trying to stop when you've made it a habit in every event you don't do to your own satisfaction.

It's harder still to stop when there are self deprecating jokes in the social circles. Most think nothing of it,. A little jab. A little prod at the amusement of others to open their mouths and say something that befits no one with heart.

This goes with another Write that I did here about Practicing Mindful Positivity.

This is no different. From the media you consume to the people you socialize with and the areas you frequent. Some of you realize you put in a lot here, only to get the same energy out you do anywhere else you try. Part of that could be from bringing in the same energy (feeling like you're the mistake, making all the mistakes), but more than not, you're surrounded by unconsensual meda.

Media you have control of, but it's hard to weed out the negative in a place so many go to unload the negative and put so much of that out in the world. It's important to vent. It's IMPORTANT to Vent., to not hold all that in, but there's also Passive Release over Agressive Release.

You can talk about your day., your work, your stubbed toes or cut hand without it being how Stupid you were in this or how Dumb that was to do and you knew better..

You made mistakes. The day felt like a loss, but you kept trying. Things got worse, and now you're worse for wear than you started. It wasn't the day you deserved, but it's the one despite your efforts for good, and to get back up, you ended up tired, aching, and maimed on the ground. You can't say you didn't try and try. The point again is not to succeed. It's to try until you feel you do enough for you, and in many cases of practicing enough, you do succeed, and that always feels good! It's okay to be mad. It's OKAY to be frustrated and Voice that, but consider a blog Just for the harder things you need to vent, going over it a few times there and trying to rewrite it with the same energy, but in a positive and maybe even Educational sort of way, even if only for yourself. That's a well dedicated page of method, development and atonement, healthier than any name calling or diminishing of your effort.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

Positivity, like any other energy, can and does take habit after a time. You put it into practice, you make routines of those practices, those routines become mindful awarenesses and before you know it, the flowers are reaching through the picket boards just begging for a little attention from so much sunshine walking.

Language is super important.

We need it to communicate with ourselves and with others. It should be utilized in a way both those aspects hold happiness, if not educational awareness. Development. GROWTH.

The same things all these posts are about rely Wholly on Communication. Before anyone else, with yourself. This is a harder lesson for many. To stop punishing yourself in your head, in your words, in the way you write things and take blame for EVERYTHING. Sorry sorry sorry sorry no. Stop being sorry for everything, not all that is yours to carry. Let's dust you off, straighten that crown and remember,.

You are in charge. You have a say. Make that say for and about you in the most Uplifting and Positive ways you can. It won't be easy to start., but by the time it's routine, you'll see you in the mirror again, and you'll be smiling.

You matter. Your VOICE matters. Don't let it or you go unheard another day. ♻️

Do Unto Others includes YOU. 🌿

I'm proud of you for being here today.


Angry? Sad? Scared? Worried? Confused? Bitter? Anxious? Nervous? Unsure?

My ASKs [Public and Private] & Inbox are ALWAYS OPEN. This is a Judgement Free Zone.

Not ready to talk? That's okay, this post and posts like it under my 📖 tag are just for you in those instances. Please take your time there.

[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

Tags :
5 months ago

Need Help? Positive✨️Energy? SELF Health?

Hard day?

Hard LIFE?

Shit Sucks?

I have things about that, Here : 📖

Please feel free to turn some pages any time you feel the need to hear good. Truth. Healthy placement. Development. Growth for you.

It's for you. For me, and anyone who needs it. Any time.

[Click tag attached to post for +1up wellness]

Tags :
5 months ago

unfortunately a lot of the corny self help advice turns out to be true but the thing is you have to come to those conclusions yourself otherwise it just sounds dismissive and dumb

Tags :
5 months ago

Need Help? Positive✨️Energy? SELF Health?

Hard day?

Hard LIFE?

Shit Sucks?

I have things about that, Here : 📖

Please feel free to turn some pages any time you feel the need to hear good. Truth. Healthy placement. Development. Growth for you.

It's for you. For me, and anyone who needs it. Any time.

[Click tag attached to post for +1up wellness]

Tags :
5 months ago

__________🌿PSA to Say Hello!🌿_________

No matter what, for those who come to me with or for anything you may want to talk about, ask,.

If not for any other reason, I can't stand the little blue marker Ⓜ️ messages and reacts notify with so every single message or notification I look into and often immediately if I'm available mentally. I open and read everything. I promise I will try to do my best. I know I'm a bit awkward, but you're always welcome to come say hi. I am friendly. I'm just a freak. Hearing from those who care what I post, how I post, just need a boost, a chat about semantics or nature or a deserving compliment because you've felt without lately to get through the day a little easier., we all deserve to know someone is proud of us, is listening with the intent to understand. Makes room for us to have a voice. I am proud of you for simply being you and being here with yourself today. Don't forget you have your own voice, and it's welcome here should you feel like being sociable.

[If you are coming for help but you don't feel like you can be sociable, I add to THIS: 📖 tag daily or very near daily. It's all Positivity. Growth and development. Tried and true methods, reminders, tips and tricks, boosters,. All good. All positive. All the time. Help yourself always]

I know a lot of us worry; "Well, what if I put myself out there and do that work to break through the anxiety and they don't even respond?",. Firstly.. you're worth more than the reliance of response from me or anyone else outside a consenting adult dynamic. Don't worry if you do the work and someone doesn't get that, see that effort.. sure, it's a loss, but it's not yours. They didn't click, and that's a shame. It just wasn't meant to mesh sometimes, and that doesn't mean you're worth any less than being the complete human you are, or your value is reliant on the attention others give. You can learn strength in independence, in your reliance to self. Respect you.

Please hydrate, take your medicine and maybe have a wee snack? Pretty please? Sunshine maybe? Hm? Doesn't that sound healthy?

Thanks for coming to my show! 💃

Tags :
5 months ago

[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

_______🌿Learning New Languages🌿______

Saying what you mean and how to say that Clearly in communication can sometimes be difficult all on its own as n area of development.

We want to be heard, understood,. But how do we come about being receptive in a way that's good to Us?

It's easy to fall back into the simplicity of self diminishing languages. Punishing ourselves for the smallest little things and inconveniences. You know what's not simple? Trying to stop when you've made it a habit in every event you don't do to your own satisfaction.

It's harder still to stop when there are self deprecating jokes in the social circles. Most think nothing of it,. A little jab. A little prod at the amusement of others to open their mouths and say something that befits no one with heart.

This goes with another Write that I did here about Practicing Mindful Positivity.

This is no different. From the media you consume to the people you socialize with and the areas you frequent. Some of you realize you put in a lot here, only to get the same energy out you do anywhere else you try. Part of that could be from bringing in the same energy (feeling like you're the mistake, making all the mistakes), but more than not, you're surrounded by unconsensual meda.

Media you have control of, but it's hard to weed out the negative in a place so many go to unload the negative and put so much of that out in the world. It's important to vent. It's IMPORTANT to Vent., to not hold all that in, but there's also Passive Release over Agressive Release.

You can talk about your day., your work, your stubbed toes or cut hand without it being how Stupid you were in this or how Dumb that was to do and you knew better..

You made mistakes. The day felt like a loss, but you kept trying. Things got worse, and now you're worse for wear than you started. It wasn't the day you deserved, but it's the one despite your efforts for good, and to get back up, you ended up tired, aching, and maimed on the ground. You can't say you didn't try and try. The point again is not to succeed. It's to try until you feel you do enough for you, and in many cases of practicing enough, you do succeed, and that always feels good! It's okay to be mad. It's OKAY to be frustrated and Voice that, but consider a blog Just for the harder things you need to vent, going over it a few times there and trying to rewrite it with the same energy, but in a positive and maybe even Educational sort of way, even if only for yourself. That's a well dedicated page of method, development and atonement, healthier than any name calling or diminishing of your effort.

Practice. Practice. Practice.

Positivity, like any other energy, can and does take habit after a time. You put it into practice, you make routines of those practices, those routines become mindful awarenesses and before you know it, the flowers are reaching through the picket boards just begging for a little attention from so much sunshine walking.

Language is super important.

We need it to communicate with ourselves and with others. It should be utilized in a way both those aspects hold happiness, if not educational awareness. Development. GROWTH.

The same things all these posts are about rely Wholly on Communication. Before anyone else, with yourself. This is a harder lesson for many. To stop punishing yourself in your head, in your words, in the way you write things and take blame for EVERYTHING. Sorry sorry sorry sorry no. Stop being sorry for everything, not all that is yours to carry. Let's dust you off, straighten that crown and remember,.

You are in charge. You have a say. Make that say for and about you in the most Uplifting and Positive ways you can. It won't be easy to start., but by the time it's routine, you'll see you in the mirror again, and you'll be smiling.

You matter. Your VOICE matters. Don't let it or you go unheard another day. ♻️

Do Unto Others includes YOU. 🌿

I'm proud of you for being here today.


Angry? Sad? Scared? Worried? Confused? Bitter? Anxious? Nervous? Unsure?

My ASKs [Public and Private] & Inbox are ALWAYS OPEN. This is a Judgement Free Zone.

Not ready to talk? That's okay, this post and posts like it under my 📖 tag are just for you in those instances. Please take your time there.

Tags :
5 months ago

[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

-------------🌿Trying IS Enough🌿-----------

Even in the times you Don't Want To do something you know you need to, know there is strength in having that power to do it. To set your mind fixed and make it happen. That determination and fortitude speaks for a lot., and if thats not reason enough, you'll have My respect for doing what you need to do for you.

Whatever value that may hold.

It's not fun, it's not easy or courageous in feeling. It's often ugly and debilitating and makes us feel stuck more than the thoughts before it leading to the awareness of those needs. I know. I know it sucks and often times it hurts and hurts, but it does t get better if you're not trying for you,.even if you don't feel others may be trying as hard, this is YOUR life. You don't just have the choice but the Duty to take control of it for you.

No one wants to do the hard thing. Sometimes we haven't any other choice than to not and make it worse or to find the courage in ourselves to do it. I am ready to provide you that. To talk to you as long as it takes to help motivate you for good for you.

Fighting has many different forms. Make your fight about winning for you. I will always support you in it.

I will always be PROUD of you for trying because giving 100 percent won't look the same any day to the next. Some days it'll look like 20 in comparison and THATS OKAY.

You give it your best, and I will defend it to the death. No one can ask more than that of you. Not religion, not parents, not yourself. You are good in Trying. You don't have to SUCCEED to be Good.

You Dont Have To Succeed To Be Good.

I am proud of you for trying. Always. 🌿

Tags :
5 months ago

[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

----------------🌿Self Worth🌿--------------

When we have a knack to hold experience after experience that every time we're shown kindness, given attention, shown a feigned sense of empathy, handed flowers and it burns to the ground,. We come to one of two conclusions. It was our fault, or it was theirs., and after a point, whichever or both, you grow a lack of trust. In your judgment, in your willingness to try again and experience that familiar hurt. That sting. That Stab.

Wanna know why it hurts? You wouldn't have done it to them like that, or not as knowingly without change.

Pain is pain. To love is to be vulnerable. You can not have it genuine without both those and this truth. Even the right fit will make mistakes.

The point is, we are all ALWAYS learning. Always. No matter whether we wait for the right algorithm in a pause as the world continues around us or we go with a pace to maintain as the blood flows. Don't let what happened at that time and that time and that time stop you from experiencing today how you want, need, and deserve. Today isn't that time. You never ever ever have to go back to that time or that time..

Today is your time, and you Can discover new times with someone you deserve. Someone who is patient with your heart. Someone who doesn't see the big picture after it's gone because they're celebrating all of it in the very real excitement and sometimes struggle to balance that within the Now. With you in the Now.

There is so much beauty in the world.

Like Beaches? Humans go there.

Like Nature and Parks? Humans go there.

Like Bookstores and Libraries? Humans go there.

Sure, youll have your crabgrass laden field time and again,. Don't give up chasing those wildflower hills. The open skies. The laughter. The whimsy. The love of love.

Don't give up on your heart because someone else couldn't hold it right. Take the time you need to evaluate how you want it held now, and take the time you need with someone to discover their intentions and efforts to match. If they can't wait, if they can't do the time to LEARN and find the things about you that make you brilliant in YOUR eyes., if they can't take the time to appreciate what makes you you, or for you to have time seeing them for who they are, Really Who they are.. Let them go have less somewhere else. They aren't ready for you. Not the other way around. Small morals don't lead big dreams. Small excuses will never set sail to the ocean of big possibilities.

Your Pace Is Your Own, but Set One.

Even if that means you're not into dating again, even if that means you're not into Boys™️ again.

Even if you decide to wait x time before you feel you've allowed yourself adequate time to be okay for you and prioritize you and get back to you, before even considering another Dip into that big ocean.. just do what makes you feel Happy. You deserve that. At the end of every day. With or without someone.

You deserve to be Happy. Because you Do.

No excuses about back when, not deserving..this and

Today is today, and you are still Living Organic Matter. That deserves peace, sunlight, hydration, a chance to journal to the moon in night,. The right PH in the soil of your planted surroundings.

You deserve that, because painful as summer was, then,. In scortching your earth and wilting your leaves.. fall is upon you,. A chance to shake off and drop all the weight of those things,. Let them fall as leaves do to the ground and fertilize the life again after frost has thawed and melted in. Give the warmth a chance to hold your shimmer a while., to see it feed your roots.

Breathe. Today, you're here for you. 🌿

Tags :
5 months ago

[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

__________💔•About Healing•❤️__________

Healing isnt just getting well so you can go make the same mistakes. I think a lot of you worry about that; "Well, what's the point when I always end up here?", because if you keep ending up here, you haven't healed what needed to be for that standard, that routine or path to change.

Healing is a form of self education. Learning what you need to know better what's good for you and what isn't. A COMPASS. You are establishing a compass of morality and emotional stability so you can see the bad before it sees you. So in the event you're approached by that same old spicy distracting allure, you have a sense of worth that overweighs the lust of a temporarily good thing in a cute human saying the right thing having seen the weakness of opportunity. You ARE stronger than that weakness, but it's an active Choice to seek that strength and use it to your advantage.

For you. Heal. For your safety. Heal. For your heart. Heal. For your soul. Heal.

There's a lot of really awful hate in this world, for no reason at all.. practice love.

Practice Love, especially with yourself. It sounds fucking stupid, psych nonsense or squishy cushion fairytale...

I love you, Tumblr Stranger.

I love you, Tumblr Mutual.

I love you, Followers and Friends.

If people can hate for no reason, why not lead by example Loving without one?

The world is a scary place. It's even scarier when you feel alone. Know that this is a safe space, Always. And you are Never Alone. 🌿

Tags :
5 months ago


We know it comes in stages. Waves. Levels of understood chaos and misunderstood order. The reason is that feelings aren't there to be rational. Least of all when we're feeling hurt or sad or scared. Rationality is a practice and rarely one that goes hand in hand with grief, where we can tell ourselves it's this and not that..that we're over it until that scent comes walking by on a stranger in passing and lights the walls up inside us again. Pets, people,. Ourselves. We can grieve all three, and in all three, we see the same familiar stages.

Denial, anger, depression, and acceptance. Some add the step of bargaining after anger before depression. I don't think we would bargain about our great woes if we weren't depressed, so I feel that's a bit redundant.

We don't want them to be gone, to have it as it is, to feel the day in the loss of what we grieve. We're mad they left us, that the situation is what it is no matter What we have to say about any of it now, mad it's not our choice to fix it. Mad some things can't be despite all we gave. It also made them fragile. Depression in helplessness. Hopelessness.. the feeling of being absolutely stuck in loss or such a change that grief has come with the changes weight, which too is common. After a while, "Acceptance" sets in. I don't believe it's really a true acceptance of the loss.. more finding a way to accept the reality after building the idea it could never have happened that way in our hearts. Some wounds never heal, no matter how we rationalize it.

The takeaway from these things is that it's hard to fully let go of something. Even grief when we didn't make the choice to hold it in the first place or for as long as we have. It grows familiar like moss growing on a log in a way and we come to realize letting go of the grief is often the last of what we had to hold of what inset the feelings to begin with, making it especially hard to pull ourselves from bed. To have the water. To do the self health. The effort to grow and develop. To get back into the active choices and routines of wellness for us. To peel away the negative and allow sunshine to hit our bare bark again.

As with so many posts before this, we come to the stages of this one to remind you it's worth it. To battle the grief and loss. To battle those heavy weights, keeping your soul down in bed, days on end. It's okay to take the time you need in loss, even of yourself. It's a scary place to be, relearning who you are. You don't realize when you let someone or something go, how much of you may be threadlocked onto that concept and unravel as it puts space between. It will take strength you have and don't believe anymore. It will take courage to believe tomorrow has a better and better chance of being a good day again eventually. It will take believing in you to find the fight, but as before, for what it's worth, I believe in you. Human to human and for no other reason than wanting to and believing it possible for you to win again in your life. For things to be good. For you to be okay. You deserve to have you. All of you, before and above all else, no matter what. That takes time and finding energy in willpower to eat and hydrate and find peace in fresh air again. To make the moves you need to for your soul survival. You will always have this space and me as long as I'm here cheering you on and making posts like these to remind you of these truths in your fight to heart you aren't afraid to hold again. A sense of self.

You matter. Today and tomorrow and yesterday and next week. You matter, and you are worth seeing the days you haven't yet and healing the ones that hurt to get where you are to have better. You are worth better inside yourself. Worth more than the tear stained stuffies and soggy hoodie sleeves. Worth more than the gray cloud constantly reminding you how empty and devoid of light it all is.. I assure it's only that way in a 3x3 foot space, pouring down while it's pouring down. The rest of the world is awaiting your ready in warmth, color, and abundant acceptance in so many avenues you've not yet even seen.

Grief can, in some measures, ache without defeat, but we are still the ones to carry it, however seemingly endless. We are the ones in control of what we hold. We need to have the cornerstones of wellness to maintain, hold, and carry on of it, but we can and we should! There is so much more to our world than the breakups, the loss of someone/s dear. The changes we have to face in our own lives. Fluids, Sustenance, Fresh Air, time, patience, and the consistent effort to do what we need for us, even on a Primal level of the basics. Especially water and air. The rest will follow if you feed yourself as a plant. As organic as you are. Water, air. Soil. Sun. Eventually a little nutrient in some foods,. Maybe snacks at first.

I know you're tired,. Tired of being hurt. Tired of being mad. Tired of being unsure or worried or even beyond all that, just depressed it's the way it is no matter why it is. Dont forget sleep. Ypur body wants to sleep, let it. You'll be amazed how little by little a nap can at least allow you the desire after enough to make you question the coldness of the floor. The brightness of outside. It'll take a bit for anyone to feel ready coming out into the world again after it all just came down around them for so long prior..

Remember to be soft with yourself. The toothpaste will piss you off. The labels in markets. The cars license frame in front of you.. it's not against you. It's grief. It's the reminders. The aches of remembering in a time you're plenty well remembering.. breathe. Take a few minutes., step aside of it all a bit, and just breathe. No action is worth a spontaneous emotionally charged reaction but love.

You will grow again. It's hard to believe above all else that feeling in you isn't dying. Just a very terrible ache of growth you didn't ask for. You didn't consent to, and you have to heal from. You will smile and laugh and play again. You will love again. You will feel like you as you should. You will be whole for you if you do the work on you and for you. I promise it's true. You are worth having as much of you as life allows you to maintain, and as much as you can discover to build on and help maintain it all.

The sun will rise and set and rise again.

You are making an active choice to be here and see that. To feel that. To be a part of that. Don't forget you're here for you too. That people love you. That I love you just for trying. Just for being human and wanting to be whole in that. Just for wanting you to be okay with you. That is a Huge undertaking. A life project for some. Many of us hold this and think little of the development, but the energy, time, and effort that goes into grief is large, as are the emotions felt within it. To overcome that time and time and time again is brave. It is courageous. We don't realize it in the time, but it's a battle to keep or get back to ourselves in that distress. That takes real work on ourselves to do that and with any level of success, but after enough time, it does begin to develop again. To feel tangible. Real. You begin to realize you're eating more. Talking more.. missing some of your favored activities enough to branch back out or even consider new activities you might like if you're under self rediscovery.

It's so hard to keep ourselves. Who we are as much as whst we are here. It can come and go and come back. It can hurt. It can heal. It can grow and decline. But it can also always hold possibility in what it Can do. Do the work to make it something good for you. To be here for you in a way you're happy again. Whole for you again in any sense you're able. For you. Not for anyone else. You matter in your life. To me if you need an example., but you should find matter for yourself more than others. You're the one living in you. Fighting in you. Surviving in you and you will again. I believe it. I believe you will again.

You need to start believing you will again, too, but don't force it. Just try to give it your best. No one, including you, can ask more of you than that.


[Friendly reminder that this tag 📖 in my tags list will ALWAYS lead you to Positivity. Self Health, Internal Growth And Development, Truthful Reassurance, Tools to learn HOW to Fish, and not just more fish in the now.. it is not monitored who shares or uses these posts. These ones I write myself just for all of you. It's for all of us. Share it. Use it. Recycle it. Chew it like ginger gum. For an intrinsic boost of wellness.]

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