Fire Nation Royal Family - Tumblr Posts

Look at them playing like normal kids ☹️
Sisters 🥹💗 @missaccuracy here's a little colored sketch of them fire ending together + kiyi idolizing azula 💗

Oh I need to see more about my Fire Nation’s Royal Family, Mai and Zuko as Parents and Cutie baby Izumi 🥹♥️✨
thinking about a scene where 3-5 y.o. izumi sneaks to her father's study and climbs on his lap. zuko, not taking his eyes from the scrolls in front of him, settles his baby on his lap and gives her a piece of blank paper, a pen and ink, so izumi can draw while he's reading. but after a few moments, bored izumi tugs his robes and gives him adorable eyes and pleads, "can you draw me a dragon?"
zuko sighs, "sure" and postpones his papers. he draws something similar to a dragon's head and asks, "what does this dragon have?" izumi screams, "eyes!", so he draws eyes. zuko asks, "what else?" and izumi replies, "nose!", so zuko draws dragon's nostrils.
after every "what else?" he draws dragon's eyes, body, legs, wings and a big tail, scales and claws, fire that their dragon breathes. when it's finished, izumi claps her tiny hands and begs, "please, please, please dada, draw a turtleduck!"
zuko draws a turtleduck, a koala-sheep, an ostrich-horse, every animal izumi asks him about. zuko completely forgets about his work. they draw until mai catches them and pretends irritated because "oh, agni! zuko! you were supposed to look through the papers for tomorrow's meeting!"
I wonder what Izumi thought about her Mommy and Daddy relationship at that time.
Izumi is like; "Wait so you two really did broke up? I always thought you were glued to each other, couldn't keep your hands off."
Zuko: “I don't wanna talk about the old bad times, Zumi. The important thing is we're now here having you, our little turtle duck.”
Mai and Zuko exchanged loving gazes towards each other and smiled.
Izumi: “Oh please... Go to your room you two!”
"mai isn't izumi's mother, her and zuko broke up in the comics and mai is seeing another guy."
literally her and zuko:

Michi & Mai, A:TLA 2.03 | Izumi, A:TLOK 4.09
Hello! I just want to tell you that I love your content, you are a great writer! I was wondering if you have some hc of Izumi doing a Zuko special in front of the council? (Speaking out of place, just like Zuko did to Ozai when he was a kid) I think it would be interesting to see our fire lord's reaction, maybe a little angst?
Thank you!!!
There is nothing but silence in the hall, the last of Izumi's voice finishing it's reverberations off the walls.
The world is still. The Firelord regards his heir, their identical gold eyes locked together. Fire meeting fire.
Advisors hold their breath. The last time this happened someone got burned.
He stands there now, the evidence of his similar disrespect now a permanent fixture on his skin. And he stares at his daughter, processes the harsh words she spat across the table.
Izumi stares back. She knows better, she really does. Though she is young, she knows the rules of Court. The rules of her father.
And to speak out of turn as she did, to snap as she did, to disrespect him so completely in front of his entire council.
It was a mistake. But not one she regrets. Because she couldn't let him send those men to their deaths. That wasn't the type of king she knew her father to be. And to keep quiet wasn't the type of daughter he knew her to be.
In front of her, Zuko's heart is breaking. It is silent as it crumbles, watching as his daughter's face falls with the revelation of what she had done.
There is fear in her eyes, mixed with resilience and the firm set of her jaw she had inherited from him.
What had he done to cultivate that? To give her a reason to fear him? Had he stepped too far, pushed too hard, became his father in ways he couldn't notice?
He never wanted Izumi to fear him. Whether as a father or a lord.
"I am not infallible. My daughter reminds me of that. And I thank you, Princess Izumi. You are correct, if not harsh. Though you'd do best to mind your tone, it's in the interests of our people for me to heed you. So I will. " He says finally, before turning to another scroll and continuing the meeting.
Izumi is quiet for the rest of the time, watching her father carefully. When he dismisses them, he asks her to stay back.
He pours her tea. The hall is too big for the two of them. Izumi feels small. There's a precedent that Zuko is ignoring. Would he really push aside his pride, his honour, so easily?
She takes the tea with shaky hands. Zuko pauses for a moment before placing his hands over hers.
"Zu, look at me." He says. It is not the command of a king, but the request of a father.
She raises her face and he is smiling. It is a sad smile, and she finds herself staring at how it pulls at the scar on his face. A scar he had gained from insolence so much like hers.
He touches the side of her face. "I've always known, that with my temper and Mai's stubbornness, I would not have a child that held her tongue."
Izumi holds his wrist. "I was out of place, disrespectful, i-"
"You cared enough to speak out. I won't punish you for caring. No one should be punished for caring."
That night Zuko lays beside his wife. He is contemplative, more quiet than he usually is. Her touch is a question when she reaches for his hand.
His eyes pull away from the window.
From the moment he had felt Izumi's heartbeat he had feared so much. Feared that he was his father's child, that his blood ran too red.
Zuko had forgotten that he could choose to be something else. Choose to see a child for a child, passion for passion.
That he could choose to dampen the fire.
That he could choose to love.
"I think I did it. I think I broke it. What my father passed down, what he was given. I don't think Izumi will ever hold it. I won't give her a chance to burn."
as of right now i am writing a lil something to post tonight but i thought of something that I MUST share.
I headcanon Mai to die before Zuko, at around late 50s–early 60s due to an illness so Zuko retired after she passed and Izumi became the Fire Lord about a month later so hear this out:
Izumi's ideals and goals follow her father but her ways follow her mother's.
Mai was (though not entirely) Zukos balance. as ive said before, Zuko lead with passion and heart more than anything but his wife was what stopped him from acting before thinking, who called him out when his decisions were stupid and who he went for advice
Izumi learnt from both of them, not just Zuko, she could see how her mother stoic and cold attitude intimidated people without being afraid, she was intimidating while caring to her people
now as Mai passed, Izumi picked the habit of going to her mother's grave for advice. She goes go Zuko too, but sometimes she just needs her mom

Maiko Week Day 4: parents
The royal couple and the crown princess sneak out in civilian disguise to enjoy family time. Let's just pretend Zuko thinks his hair is enough to hide his scar—I couldn't be bothered to put a hood on him.
Colour picked from scenes of A Silent Voice and I love the results. Colours in anime are so good.

Fire Family
Day 6 - Parents/Matchmaker
May 20th – Parents/Matchmaker
My final entry for Maiko Week ‘22, hosted by @idonthatemaiko
“Do you think they’ll like them?” The Fire Lord whispered across the table to his wife, the two watching on as their daughter and son bustled in the kitchen.
Mai made a show of inhaling deeply before gracing a faux-ponder on her angled face. “They haven’t burned anything yet and they’re nearly done. I’d say we’re in the clear.”
Across the way, six-year-old Anzen stood atop a footstool, watching on as his older sister guided tray after tray of cookies in and out of the oven. His black hair was pulled into a loose topknot, expertly done by Mai earlier that morning. Smears of flour ran here and there on his face and clothes. Baby fat still hung to the boy’s cheeks. Underneath, his face bore an uncanny resemblance to his father. Though his eyes were all his mother’s.
Izumi stuck her tongue out at the corner of her mouth in concentration. She took her role of baking very seriously.
“Look at her little pout, she looks just like you right now,” Mai smiled to Zuko.
“Right now she does. She’s a mini you the rest of the time.”
“Ugh, I’m really hoping she lets us off easy and doesn’t go through an angsty teen phase.”
Zuko smiled. “If you stayed with me through mine, I’m certain we can handle our daughter.” He paused to sip some tea. “Anzen will definitely give both of us a run for our money, though.”
Mai chuckled in agreement.
“They’ll both make excellent leaders someday. I think we’re doing something right,” Zuko mused.
Mai put her hand over his. Their daughter, ever inquisitive, had asked over dinner who cooks for the servants and keepers of the palace. Izumi was dismayed when her parents told her that the staff cooks their own meals either at home or here in the palace.
“But that’s a lot of work for them, isn’t it?”
“It definitely can be, Zumi.”
Her face twisted in concentration for the rest of the evening, all the way until bedtime. After a story or two, Izumi posed an excellent solution.
“Momma, you and Dad know how to cook right? From your times before me and Anzie?”
From her seat on the edge of her daughter’s bed, Mai tucked Izumi’s hair behind her ears.
“We do, sweetheart. Is that something you’re interested in learning?”
“It’s just, what if we all make a dinner for the servants? They work hard a lot. Maybe they deserve a break.”
“That’s a fine idea, Zumi.”
Mai and Zuko discussed their daughter’s proposition in bed that evening. A week later, the palace staff were invited to congregate in a larger dining hall at 6pm sharp.
The kids were in charge of cookies; an easy, high-volume dessert. In the morning, Mai helped Izumi and Anzen with the first few batches. After her children got the hang of it, she sat back with her husband. The two nursed tea and did preparation work for their part in the dinner. Vegetables were peeled, meat chopped, spices measured, and several large pots of rice stood ready to be heated.
With the last tray of cookies out of the oven, Izumi helped her brother down from his step stool. The two came bounding across the kitchen to their parents. Zuko caught his children in a platypus-bear hug, his long hair tickling their flour-coated cheeks.
“The cookies taste good, Dadda!” Anzen exclaimed.
Izumi pulled back. “They’re all cooling now! Do you think they’ll like their dinner?”
Zuko smiled and met his wife’s eyes briefly. Their chests swelled with pride.
“I know,” he ensured, “that they will love it.”
And they did. The gardeners and housekeepers, cooks and sous chefs, maintenance crew and guards, and all of the individuals who aided in the wellbeing of the palace.
The dinner was a tremendous success and a tradition began. The royal family never missed a year of the feast they cooked to say thank you to those who kept the palace afloat.
Zuko mused,
they were doing something right as parents.
👩🍳future fic plans + humbly asking for maikozumi family prompts 🤲
my finals are at the end of the month, so I'd have more time to write about my favorite Fire Nation emo teens when June comes and nothing else gets in the way :D
first off, I'm planning to extend crowning glory into a Mai-centric oneshot series about Fire Nation girlhood, touching up on her thoughts about (1) childbirth and (2) filial piety over the years.
there's also a modern fake dating AU brewing in my head (and sitting on my 27-page Google doc of maiko fic ideas), but I'll still see where inspiration takes me.
lastly, I'd really like to write some good ol' Fire Nation Royal Family domestic fluff! plspls if you have any maikozumi headcanons and/or prompts you'd like to see in a fic, don't hesitate to send me an ask or reply to this post! 🙏
I really like the points that were raised in this exchange, especially about how Iroh saw Zuko as an emotional replacement for Lu Ten; which, when combined with Azula's status as a secondborn and a female member of the Fire Nation Royal Family, caused him to unfairly favor Zuko and exhibit subconscious sexism.
A lot of ATLA fans like to praise Iroh's writing as this all-knowing, enlightened father figure full of fancy inspirational quotes, but we sometimes gloss over the fact that he reads as someone who's really just written to raise Zuko's character up.
The "She's crazy and she has to go down" line leaves a bad taste in my mouth as well, but another thing that really stood out to me is the childhood flashback from Zuko Alone.

Iroh gifted Zuko an Earth Kingdom pearl dagger—spoils of war, basically—while he gave Azula a doll.
Maybe unpopular opinion? even though I don't think azula needs a redemption arc I found it weird how iroh was quick to just say she's far too gone when he only became a better person after loosing his son to the war. Who knows he could've been way worse than azula at 14 we don't know.
Maybe when he said she's far too gone he refered to how close she was to ozai but still iroh as a character kinda proves the idea that azula is far too gone wrong
If you disagree or agree I would like to hear your thoughts
Its funny when I push dadkoda and zuko fluff supremacy online and I get responses like: That would never happen in canon!!! 😡
My brother in christ. My favourite ship is Zukka. Tf makes you think I'm interested in canon accuracy when looking for fluffy fics?
(Yes this is a cry for more fic recs. Please yall.)

!W.I.P! I've been thinking about baby tyzula for some time now

Drawing children is so hard 😡😡😡😡
I decided to actually finish a wip no way

Idk I might make more of these tbh also boomer ozai canon (idk that he's in his 40s) ᕙ(@°▽°@)ᕗ
Repost while I'm making more

Idk I might make more of these tbh also boomer ozai canon (idk that he's in his 40s) ᕙ(@°▽°@)ᕗ

how I hate drawing men 😾
I changed Zuko for Veronica instead of katara but now I don't have a JD 😔😔

Look at them playing like normal kids ☹️