Gnc Women - Tumblr Posts
Sadly most of my cultural knowledge of butches comes from western media. But. When I find out about soviet/russian empire time "butches" (they clearly don't use that term to describe themselves) my heart drops. I mean, Ludmila Prokofievna from Office Romance (Sluzhebny roman), who is, well, straight woman, shakes everything in me. I hate Office romance and I love Ludmila Prokofievna so much. Ultimate soviet butch, I don't care about this stupid movie

Вдохновилась некоторыми главами манги "Ведьма и чудовище". Стало интересно как бы выглядел цилиндр с вуалью.
Из этого вышел этот портрет женщины в цилиндре с вуалью.

Быстрый портрет с обработкой под старое фото

New illustration

Old illustration. I drew this a few months ago.
"Two women in an old apartment"

My original characters in the guise vampire.

My oc's illustration
Remember, it's your life. So...
[Pt: Remember, it's your life. So... end pt]
Go on HRT if you can and want to, regardless of if you're trans or not. Get top surgery. Start packing or tucking. Do whatever you can to make your body comfortable to live in.