Gnc Trans - Tumblr Posts
Feminine trans men are men.
"Girly" trans men are men.
Feminine nonbinary people are nonbinary.
"Girly" nonbinary people are nonbinary.
Being feminine or girly does not make you any less of a man
Being feminine or girly does not make you any less nonbinary
Some people might try to tell you otherwise but you know yourself best.
stay strong
love y'all
have a wonderful day
as a sometimes-fem sometimes-masc trans dude, I relate to this.
if you're not 100% conforming/passing, your transness gets questioned.
and that's fucking bullshit.
I look good as hell in a dress and that don't make me any less of a man.

happy tdov my loves. don't let anyone else define your transness for you.
help trans women evacuate gaza
I donβt wanna go on hormones bcs I like presenting fem but like.. I lowkey want that auto tune T voice
i used to think about this a lot early on in my transition, and i always came to the conclusion that i probably would.
example: if a trans man in an alternate universe had been born amab, would they end up being a trans woman?
Remember, it's your life. So...
[Pt: Remember, it's your life. So... end pt]
Go on HRT if you can and want to, regardless of if you're trans or not. Get top surgery. Start packing or tucking. Do whatever you can to make your body comfortable to live in.
The 'transtrender' thing is so fucking funny to me because it's been going on for years. If people are 'becoming trans for a trend' then we would stop seeing that happening in like three months because trends don't last long.
If being trans was 'trendy' in 2016, 'transtrenders' β or what truscum consider to be transtrenders β wouldn't exist today. And seeing as all it takes to be labeled as a trender is being non-dysphoric, xenic, gender nonconformist, or anything that doesn't adhere to the gender binary and its gender roles, 'trenders' still exist.
Damn, it's almost like these 'trenders' are also trans people. It's almost like that.
"I support trans people!" quick, are you normal about the concept of transandrophobia? Do you think it's just 'white men trying to be oppressed'? Do you brush it off as merely misdirected transmisogyny? Do you scoff at the struggles of trans men and go 'but trans women have it worse! talk to a trans woman and see how bad THEY have it!'?
Do you use a trans man's chest size as an excuse for constant misgendering? Do you hold transmasculine people to a standard of needing to be feminine so to not scare the women, but proceed to not take their gender seriously if they do perform femininity? Do you use your horribly veiled misandry as an excuse to make trans men feel unsafe in queer spaces?
Are you normal about AFAB transfems and AMAB transmascs? Intersex trans people? GNC trans people? Trans people who use xenogenders? Trans people who use it/its or other neopronouns? She/her transmascs and he/him transfems? Can you acknowledge that, sometimes, people are simultaneously transmasc and transfem? Do you accept transmasc women, transfem men, etc?
Do you invalidate the identities of trans women who have beards, or present 'masculinely'? Do you see them as predatory posers? Do you go out of your way to misgender trans women who happen to actually be predators, because 'clearly they were just men'? Do you shame trans women for exploring their sexuality?
Are autistic trans people not able to make decisions on their own transition, as far as you're concerned? Are our ways of expressing and seeing gender 'stupid' to you? Is the concept of autigender too 'insane' to you? Do you see our gender identities as simply jokes?
Can you survive being around a trans man lesbian or a veldian (link) trans woman? Can you support a multigender person who is both gay AND lesbian? Can you include transmasculine nonbinary people in your 'support' of nonbinary lesbians?
I've used the term 'conditional support' a few times, but it is very much conditional support if you explode over one trans person's identity, and then turn around and act all supportive of another's. If all it takes for you not to support a trans person is how they label their gender or sexuality, how they present, what their body looks like, etc, you are not supportive of trans people! Your 'support' is very limited and strict. You have one rigid idea of what trans people are 'supposed' to be, and anyone who deviates isn't valid or worthy, and that is NOT the kind of behavior an ally should exhibit. It is not the way you treat other trans people, and it is far from supportive.
bigots: you're an abnormal freak!
'weird' trans people: okay, I'm abnormal and I'm okay with that.
bigots: wait, no-
tip for people who struggle with pronouns: fake it until you make it. I'd rather someone theatrically get my pronouns right than blatantly ignore them in place of the 'easier' option for them. I'd rather have someone go 'IT went to the coffee shop to get HIR morning coffee' than 'they, they, they' when it's in obvious replacement of my preferred pronouns.
Nobody with an ounce of patience expects you to be a pronoun god, but we do expect our pronouns and identities to not be brushed under the rug for the comfort of yourself. and people who do 'throw fits' have every right to, because it's fucking insulting to not be correctly gendered after politely correcting people like we often do. people have pronoun pins, or even pieces of clothing to give you visual cues (though looking at clothing cannot be a foolproof way to aid in guessing someone's pronouns) of what they like to be called, as well; for example, I saw this tiktok of somebody with they/them earrings who apparently STILL got misgendered, and that's when it very much feels purposeful.
don't be a dick. Unless you want to be lumped with the 'what is a woman', genital obsessed weirdoes, put the damn effort in.
ii want to see tits in public :( ii want to walk about the house only wearing pants like my amab partner can
my chest is not inherently sexual, whether I'm feeling masc or fem or both or neither, my boobs are just a part of my body that ii shouldnt be quick to hide from the world. the world deserves these tits
don't know if you've been told this before, but i adore your username!! :]
omg thank you so much!! no ones told me that before :]
i came up with it as a joke bc to a majority of the other students at my school im trans and gay, but somehow worse bc I'm gnc lol! its by far my favorite username ive come up with <3
You should respect someone's pronouns even if you think that person's looks "don't match" those pronouns π€πππ€π€β€π§‘πππ
You should respect someone's gender even if you think that person's looks "don't match" that gender π€πππ€π€β€π§‘πππ

I am thinking about gnc trans people while making this post but if you relate, I am glad!

Banners by @kodaswrld

:33 < (forgor to post) john egbert fanart for 413 !! was gonna make more butttt.... lazy :oP
B33 < (john is gnc, transfem and bigender. youcan use john/june interchangeably on her, but he feels more comfortable with john, and also uses she/he alternating pronouns with an occasional they/them and it/its)
:33 < topless character warning !! (under the cut)
:33 < (furr boyfurrend b33ing refurrd to is dafurr strider)
B33 < jadekat nepjade art realrealreal transmasc nepetar x transfem jade harely sososososo real

:33 < some march eridan doodles !! (even though its april cause) march eridan for life !! :3
:33 < youcannot support a community if youdont support everyone. youcant support the lgbtqia2s+ community if youdont support two spirits, or lesboys, or contradictory labels, or aplatonics, or xenogenders, or trans people who dont actively present as their gender whether by choice or not, and more. youcant say you support the community if youdont actually support it. either support the community as a whole or dont and get out.
:33 < rainbow dash never let them take away your transmasc lesboyism away from you

I look hot as FUUCKKKKK but also I'm 16 so blz don't be rude if you wanna comment
He/him π