Greys - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

count ur days greys gn

Jules In Ob Were So Getting Jojules Content IM TELLING YOUUUUU

jules in ob we’re so getting jojules content IM TELLING YOUUUUU

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8 years ago

gEorGE :(

Greys Anatomy + Nicknames. (insp)
Greys Anatomy + Nicknames. (insp)
Greys Anatomy + Nicknames. (insp)
Greys Anatomy + Nicknames. (insp)
Greys Anatomy + Nicknames. (insp)
Greys Anatomy + Nicknames. (insp)

Grey’s Anatomy + nicknames. (insp)

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3 years ago

Unpopular opinion:

Heather Brooke's death was unnecessary.

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3 years ago

Meredith: She stole my Mc Dreamy, and my Mc Dog.


Meredith: And what do I have?


Cristina: I brought Mc Donalds...


Addison: Oh, can I have one of those coffees?

Cristina: Sure



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3 years ago

Kai: Kill me nowwwww.

Amelia: Sorry, no can do. I need your help with my homework.

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3 years ago

Amelia: Hey Kai?

Kai: Yeah?

Amelia: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false?


Kai: ...What.

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3 years ago

Kai: If you could guess, how many brain cells do you have?

Amelia: Dorito’s cool ranch.


Kai: I'm just gonna assume zero for now.

Amelia: I love that song.

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3 years ago

Amelia: Can I have a private talk with you?

Kai: Okay, as long as it’s not about tampons because I just don’t understand them.

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3 years ago

Amelia: So what are your political beliefs?

Kai, awkwardly trying to impress her: Well, I think Pikachu would be a lot more powerful if he had a gun.

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3 years ago

*At a speed dating event*

Amelia: Oh wow, people are really shallow.

Kai: Consider it a background check. For example: Do you have a death certificate?

Amelia: *Checks their pulse* Sorry, not yet.

Kai: Good, I'm not fucking a ghost again.

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3 years ago

Amelia: Some could say our research is outta this world!


Amelia: You get it?

Kai: ... not really

Amelia: ... yeah there wasn't really a punchline

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1 year ago

Modern Family Room - Open

Modern Family Room - Open

Large, open-concept family room with beige walls, a tile fireplace, a standard fireplace, and a wall-mounted television in a minimalist style.

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7 years ago
Was Texting Someone And She Faces The Hardest Decision In Life: Watch Grey's Or Study For Chem?

Was texting someone and she faces the hardest decision in life: watch Grey's or study for chem?

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5 years ago

Neighbors in the Rain

It is storming today. Bruised thunderclouds rumble, lit internally by crackling lightning; electric spears.

The man sits in his lawn chair on the patio, overlooking the sheer lawn and slick aphsalt street. Prim houses line both sides of this road. Rain pelts the roof, splashing with metallic noise.

A car drives quietly up the street, it’s electric engine softly humming. It’s the neighbors. More rain patters it’s window and windshield.

The man watches. Sips his coffee.

They’re the neighbors. They are short, maybe five feet tall at the absolute most. Their skin is grey like dull clay, and they are eerily gaunt, thin. Lengthy arms and legs, with hands that end in disturbingly long fingers. Four fingers. Enormous, almond shaped eyes stare out from bulbous heads on thin necks.

Thunder grumbles when the last car door is closed. The man watches as his neighbors disappear inside their small, suburban home.

He sips his coffee. The rain patters on.

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