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8 months ago

My summarized thoughts on season 2B after the trailer

The Full Moon

I think this episode will mostly just be character interactions with a double cliffhanger ending, IMP getting in trouble and the royal hearing with the Sins and Goetia to address Stol-ass being a fucking bellend, so he's also in deep shit.

Apology Tour

Directly continuing from TFM, Blitz seeks help from Fizz in the midst of the crisis and IMP become temp staff Ozzie's factory. It all goes wrong and a fight with a robot made of factory equipment follows.

There's also interaction with Blitz and Verosika early on, which leads to Stol-ass having Verosika and Tex help him put on a performance to "apologize" to Blitz.


Blitz and Millie somehow end up being hired as ghost hunters by a sleazy hotel owner who's actually the ghost and runs the hotel to have a steady supply of people to torment.

I think this episode will mostly be an excuse to explore the lore of "What if a sinner went to Earth via a portal?", with some emotional bits as the hotel owner tries getting at the imp's psychologically as well as physically.


After the hotel owner is defeated and sent back to Hell, the agents get reports of the disappearance of, what everyone nearby believed to be, a normal person.

They investigate and try to trap the imps, but catch the cherubs instead and then team up with them to attack IMP.


The verdict on the hearing from TFM is in and Stol-ass loses everything, he tries to get Via to go against the verdict and come with him, and to abandon Stella and Andre. But after a big climactic fight with Andrealphus, it turns out Octavia rightfully wants nothing to do with her sad shitsack of a father and the season ends on a "all is lost" moment for him.

I let my Stolas hate shine a lot more here than I would've liked, but I just can't help it, he's the one issue I have with the series on the whole!

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