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1 year ago

I'm bored so I'm gonna post my predictions for the rest of HB season 2

Episode 7: Similar structure to The Circus, one flashback with Blitz and Fizz at Mammon's concert, the second with Fizz working for Mammon and being miserable behind the scenes (maybe how he started working for Mammon in the first place), and lastly a scene/sequence at the end with Mammon in the present establishing him as a looming threat. Mammon will probably consider going after IMP due to another villain, probably either Crimson or Stella and Andre.

Episode 8: Stolas gives Blitz the asmodean crystals shortly before the gang get a new client and the episode follows them using the crystals for the first time while Blitz feels increasingly guilty. I get the feeling someone familiar might show up, like Barbie, the cherubs or the agents.

Episode 9: Blitz trying to fix things with Barbie and/or Verosika, probably the latter. I'm not sure what else we might see for the actual plot, but if we do see Verosika we'll also be getting more Tex content.

Episode 10: A weird, world-building episode in the vain of C.H.E.R.U.B, based on an old idea I had before the series properly started, a client jumps through a portal and assumes a ghostly form in the human world, with I.M.P. having to hunt them down. I really hope I'm right with this one

Episode 11: The most mysterious episode, there's a good chance this will be some completely new thing (or at least something following from something we haven't seen yet). If it is something already established then my money's one either the D.H.O.R.K.S or Stella and Andre, some people seem to think this will be another Crim episode, which is possible. A friend (who doesn't have a tumblr) suggested that this episode might introduce Belphegor, since she's implied to be a mad scientist, tough I find that highly unlikely I still thought it was worth noting.

Episode 12: Some big Stolas stuff, maybe the first time Stella and Andre personally try to carry out some scheme. Probably won't have anything to do with the plot, but we might learn about the Hellavrse's version of Krampus.

And that's all I've got, kind of hard to believe that by the time all these are put to the test we'll officially be half-way through the show. Feel free to discuss and suggest alternate ideas.

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10 months ago

My summarized thoughts on season 2B after the trailer

The Full Moon

I think this episode will mostly just be character interactions with a double cliffhanger ending, IMP getting in trouble and the royal hearing with the Sins and Goetia to address Stol-ass being a fucking bellend, so he's also in deep shit.

Apology Tour

Directly continuing from TFM, Blitz seeks help from Fizz in the midst of the crisis and IMP become temp staff Ozzie's factory. It all goes wrong and a fight with a robot made of factory equipment follows.

There's also interaction with Blitz and Verosika early on, which leads to Stol-ass having Verosika and Tex help him put on a performance to "apologize" to Blitz.


Blitz and Millie somehow end up being hired as ghost hunters by a sleazy hotel owner who's actually the ghost and runs the hotel to have a steady supply of people to torment.

I think this episode will mostly be an excuse to explore the lore of "What if a sinner went to Earth via a portal?", with some emotional bits as the hotel owner tries getting at the imp's psychologically as well as physically.


After the hotel owner is defeated and sent back to Hell, the agents get reports of the disappearance of, what everyone nearby believed to be, a normal person.

They investigate and try to trap the imps, but catch the cherubs instead and then team up with them to attack IMP.


The verdict on the hearing from TFM is in and Stol-ass loses everything, he tries to get Via to go against the verdict and come with him, and to abandon Stella and Andre. But after a big climactic fight with Andrealphus, it turns out Octavia rightfully wants nothing to do with her sad shitsack of a father and the season ends on a "all is lost" moment for him.

I let my Stolas hate shine a lot more here than I would've liked, but I just can't help it, he's the one issue I have with the series on the whole!

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9 months ago

Helluva Boss The Full Moon Review

So, some episode huh? In all seriousness, I'm glad to say I enjoyed this episode far more than I expected, likely due to the fact that most of the episode isn't about what I expected.

The opening number is among HB's few non-diegetic songs and a really good one, it's packed with good jokes and leads into something we'll get to later.

Bringing back both the cherubs and agents is something I would've likely advised against in a vacuum, but with the way it's done, it feels natural and gives us a lot of great humor. All 5 personalities get a moment to shine in their short interaction and the visuals of the new DHORKS base, with it's captive cryptids and lab grown "battle priests", are very memorable and distinctive.

But easily my favorite thing about the episode is getting a look at the Lust ring through the eyes of an non-exorcist heavenborn. It's one of those ideas that takes full advantage of the setting in the way only my favorite episodes do.

The action scene this time around was incredible and the idea of the rest of IMP stalking Blitz to make sure he didn't ruin their business was both brilliant and hilarious.

Now, what I know you've been waiting for, my thoughts on that ending. I can hardly believe I'm about to say this, but I genuinely don't take issue with anything Stolas does in this episode.... in a vacuum that is, because at this point, his epiphany is too little too late, due to the retconning in The Circus and his awful performance in season 2 up to this point, I can't look past it to focus on his genuine regret, had the retconning not happened, and this scene happened in his first major appearance in season 2, dare I say, it could have salvaged him in my eyes, I wanted to like Stolas, but at this point I just can't. Though the miscommunication in the scene feels a pinch forced but in a way that I can still buy for these characters.

There is one more thing about this scene however, the implications it has for Octavia's character, because it implies that she is going to be a higher priority for Stolas for the rest of the season, which is something I will be keeping a very close eye on.

One last point, given everything that happened in this episode and what little we've seen of Apology Tour, I am slightly concerned that the show will fall into the trap of resolving this plot thread too quickly, but I hope I'm wrong on that.

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