Hyunjin Blurbs - Tumblr Posts
dating skz headcanons—
written by: 🐝
genre: pure, tooth-rotting fluff
warnings: none
bang chan

• pretends not to notice when u take his hoodies bc he secretly loves it sosososo much
• he calls u baby and u call him sweetheart 💘💘
• chan wants to marry u so bad ,,
• im not even kidding
• he has a ring picked out and everything
• will give u piggybacks bc he’s rlly strong and wants u to hold onto him tightly and needs an excuse
• chan is buff as hell but wbk
• omg boyfriend!chan is just 😙👌

• matching/coordinating outfits!!
• minho is more reserved about pda, but when ur alone he’s a huge cuddlebug and might actually squeeze u to death with all of his love.
• definitely the jealous type but refuses to let it get in the way of ur relationship bc he doesn’t want to lose u
• we stan a healthy relationship 😌😌
• congratulations ur now step-parent to 3 cats!!
• for real tho,, soonie, doongie, and dori love u,,,
• u and minho baby them sm

• u call him binnie and he calls u peanut 🥺🥺🥺
• he looks tough but he’s actually the softest boy ever
• brb just sobbing about soft!changbin
• will pepper ur face with kisses every time he holds u in his arms,, he’s so jacked u can’t escape,,,
• not that ur mad abt it tho
• changbin getting buff is the least of ur problems
• what IS a problem is stopping him from fighting every person that mildly inconveniences u
• “ugh my teacher shortened the deadline for the essay, i’m not sure i’ll be able to finish it in time.”
• “dw, peanut. i’ll fight him for u.”
• he does it out of love.
• which reminds me
• changbin definitely said ‘i love u‘ first

• taking!! pictures!!! of!! each!!! other!!
• i’m not even kidding. hyunjin will just take random pictures of u throughout the day and fawn over them like
• omg 🥺🥺 das my lil baby 🥺🥺🥺
• say goodbye to all the storage on ur phone lmao
• ya’ll spend 99% of ur time together touching
• and not even in the sexual way, hyunjin’s just really affectionate and doesn’t like being away from u
• skinship for days!!!
• cuddling, kisses, u name it and he will glaaaadly provide it for u

• quiet, intimate moments together are common
• he’s rlly energetic with skz bc they’re his boys, y’know?
• but with u he lives for the domesticity ya’ll have.
• like bickering when ur making dinner or washing the dishes together and listening to ur favourite music
• (im so soft for sungie rn omggg)
• he’s quite the homebody. it’s his safe place.
• jisung doesn’t want elaborate dates or days packed full of activities, he just wants quiet time with u 😙💓
• (btw he’s the most loyal and committed person alive, will definitely bark at any man, woman or child that even looks in his direction)

• ya’ll clown the SHIT out of each other 🤡🤡
• “felix it is physically impossible for u to be the bigger person in this situation, ur legit only 5”7.”
• “i’m sorry?? is the unemployed person speaking???”
• it’s all in good fun tho bc u two are ACTUALLY the sweetest couple out there
• not even joking,,
• u call him sunshine and he calls u dearest
• bc u are dearest to him 🥺🥺
• gentle kisses pressed to ur temple, with his hand on the small of ur back are an everyday occurrence
• so are wake up kisses, goodnight kisses, forehead kisses, butterfly kisses...
• lixie wants kithes 😡😡

• 💘🥰💖✨ napping together 💕💝😘❤️
• ya’ll just lay on the sofa, draped over each other, and just snooze for hours
• u call him minnie and he calls u sweetpea 🥺🥺
• likes to teach u how to play baseball
• and by teach i mean u purposely pretending not to know anything so he’ll put his arms around u to teach u how to bat properly,,
• it’s very sexy okay
• he sings to u all. the. time.
• it’s mesmerising.
• he’ll catch u gazing up at him with big puppy eyes and bursts out giggling
• i love seungmin if u couldn’t tell already (this goes for both of us kbsjsgsvbs)

• tries to act tough to impress u
• we all know he’s babie tho ☺️☺️
• when u were sleeping he changed all the contact names in ur phone to his name.
• “what did u do to my phone?”
• 👁👄👁
• “jeongin.”
• “i didn’t do anything.”
• “really?”
• “i can’t believe u would accuse me of something i didn’t even do, it’s quite preposterous-“
• “yang jeongin. tell me why i got a text from ‘best member of stray kids, I.N’ at 2.33am asking for the answers to the math homework. i know damn well ur dumbass doesn’t go to my school.”
• 😳😳😳 “it wasn’t me.”
• in all seriousness, ya’ll are a rlly goofy, soft couple.
• he’s ALWAYS holding ur hand. no matter what.
written by: 🥺
[12:08] being prince!hyunjin's tutor wasn't the easiest job in the world, unlike you had expected it to be. after all, he was part of the royal family, raised to be polite, well-rounded and a suitable heir—and that's exactly how you assumed the young prince would act.
but that definitely wasn't the case. hyunjin was just so annoying. sweet and kind, no doubt, but annoying. he had no desire to learn, instead preferring to spend his days frolocking outside in the castle gardens or, if allowed, taking a carriage through the village just to "see how his people were doing", as he had commented once. whilst you could understand that being cooped up in a castle with the weight of a future kingdom on his shoulders was bound to ebb away at his motivation, it definitely didn't make your job any easier.
you leaned against the pillows of his bed whilst you waited for him, reading a book you had read a thousand times before. it was one that hyunjin was supposed to read too, but he'd barely registered five words before he started whining that he wanted you to do it instead. granted, it was very interesting, and in the time it had taken you to get through half the book with hyunjin (he kept losing interest at random points and requesting that you restart the chapter) you had already memorised every line of dialogue, every twist and turn—so much so that you could probably perform it to hyunjin but, of course, you would never dare embarrass yourself like that.
it wasn't until the bed sunk beneath you suddenly that you realised that hyunjin had entered the room. you'd been so swept up in the main character's inner conflict that you'd barely noticed. he groaned, "jousting is the worst."
"why is that?" you asked, not bothering to look up from the book, but still unable to concentrate on whatever the main character was now thinking. something about her conflicting adoration and hatred for the love interest, you guessed.
"because the horse doesn't listen to me, and when you fall off you fall straight into mud. not to mention i keep dropping the-"
the horse doesn't listen to me. his words echoed in your brain for a few seconds as you tried to distinguish between what he had said and what you were reading. straight into the mud—
"hyunjin!" you interrupted his tale, throwing your book to the side and ushering him off the bed.
your sudden realisation was correct; the dirty armour he was wearing - which went unnoticed by you before - had stained massive patches of mud on his white sheets. you turned back to him. "the maids are going to kill me for letting you do this." you pointed a finger at his armoured chest. "then they're going to come for you."
hyunjin laughed and folded his arms across his chest. "why do you always treat me as though i am a child?"
you rolled your eyes and moved over to the bed, beginning to strip the sheets and get them washed before the stains were irreversible. "because you are a child."
"yes, but so are you. you are only a year older than me, may i remind you."
"a year older and your tutor," you replied. "i have the responsibility of looking after you and teaching you, therefore i have authority and you must respect me."
you heard a clatter as he dropped something to the floor, followed by a clash of metal. "and i will be your king in little time."
"yes, well, you're not just yet."
the dirty sheets were now a bundle which you scooped up into your arms. just as you turned to make your way over to the laundry basket, hyunjin stepped in your way. he'd shed himself of his armour and now wore a loose white shirt and black trousers.
"you're my tutor, and thus you serve me."
you tried to ignore how close the two of you stood, but it was difficult when you now could see the tiny specks of dirt on his skin and the mole beneath his eye that you'd never noticed before. he seemed like the only person who could be caked in multiple layers of dirt and grime and somehow pull it off.
"and you're insufferable."
"that's no way to speak to the person you serve."
"i'm not serving you right now," you said and thrust the pile of sheets into his arms. "do your laundry yourself. i think it's a skill that the future king should have," you added.
there was a quirk in his lips. for a second, you thought he was going to argue back. your prediction was immediately disproved when he pivoted, crossed the room and dropped the sheets into the laundry basket.
he faced you, smiling this time. "good enough for a future king?"
"good enough for a peasant boy," you said, half words and half scoff. "now you have to actually wash your laundry, not just get other people to do it for you."
he wrinkled his nose disapprovingly. "i'd rather learn to cook."
"that can be arranged. i'll take you down to the kitchen and ask the chef to teach you how to make a soufflé."
"a what?"
"dear god."
you nudged his shoulder with yours as you passed him and lead him in the direction of the kitchen. his reading would have to be discarded, but you supposed that was okay if it was in favour of teaching him life skills.
being hyunjin's tutor would never be easy but, luckily for you, you liked a challenge.