she/her • 20 • "you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid" ➸ skz to me, probably
42 posts
Dating Skz Headcanons
dating skz headcanons—
written by: 🐝
genre: pure, tooth-rotting fluff
warnings: none
bang chan

• pretends not to notice when u take his hoodies bc he secretly loves it sosososo much
• he calls u baby and u call him sweetheart 💘💘
• chan wants to marry u so bad ,,
• im not even kidding
• he has a ring picked out and everything
• will give u piggybacks bc he’s rlly strong and wants u to hold onto him tightly and needs an excuse
• chan is buff as hell but wbk
• omg boyfriend!chan is just 😙👌

• matching/coordinating outfits!!
• minho is more reserved about pda, but when ur alone he’s a huge cuddlebug and might actually squeeze u to death with all of his love.
• definitely the jealous type but refuses to let it get in the way of ur relationship bc he doesn’t want to lose u
• we stan a healthy relationship 😌😌
• congratulations ur now step-parent to 3 cats!!
• for real tho,, soonie, doongie, and dori love u,,,
• u and minho baby them sm

• u call him binnie and he calls u peanut 🥺🥺🥺
• he looks tough but he’s actually the softest boy ever
• brb just sobbing about soft!changbin
• will pepper ur face with kisses every time he holds u in his arms,, he’s so jacked u can’t escape,,,
• not that ur mad abt it tho
• changbin getting buff is the least of ur problems
• what IS a problem is stopping him from fighting every person that mildly inconveniences u
• “ugh my teacher shortened the deadline for the essay, i’m not sure i’ll be able to finish it in time.”
• “dw, peanut. i’ll fight him for u.”
• he does it out of love.
• which reminds me
• changbin definitely said ‘i love u‘ first

• taking!! pictures!!! of!! each!!! other!!
• i’m not even kidding. hyunjin will just take random pictures of u throughout the day and fawn over them like
• omg 🥺🥺 das my lil baby 🥺🥺🥺
• say goodbye to all the storage on ur phone lmao
• ya’ll spend 99% of ur time together touching
• and not even in the sexual way, hyunjin’s just really affectionate and doesn’t like being away from u
• skinship for days!!!
• cuddling, kisses, u name it and he will glaaaadly provide it for u

• quiet, intimate moments together are common
• he’s rlly energetic with skz bc they’re his boys, y’know?
• but with u he lives for the domesticity ya’ll have.
• like bickering when ur making dinner or washing the dishes together and listening to ur favourite music
• (im so soft for sungie rn omggg)
• he’s quite the homebody. it’s his safe place.
• jisung doesn’t want elaborate dates or days packed full of activities, he just wants quiet time with u 😙💓
• (btw he’s the most loyal and committed person alive, will definitely bark at any man, woman or child that even looks in his direction)

• ya’ll clown the SHIT out of each other 🤡🤡
• “felix it is physically impossible for u to be the bigger person in this situation, ur legit only 5”7.”
• “i’m sorry?? is the unemployed person speaking???”
• it’s all in good fun tho bc u two are ACTUALLY the sweetest couple out there
• not even joking,,
• u call him sunshine and he calls u dearest
• bc u are dearest to him 🥺🥺
• gentle kisses pressed to ur temple, with his hand on the small of ur back are an everyday occurrence
• so are wake up kisses, goodnight kisses, forehead kisses, butterfly kisses...
• lixie wants kithes 😡😡

• 💘🥰💖✨ napping together 💕💝😘❤️
• ya’ll just lay on the sofa, draped over each other, and just snooze for hours
• u call him minnie and he calls u sweetpea 🥺🥺
• likes to teach u how to play baseball
• and by teach i mean u purposely pretending not to know anything so he’ll put his arms around u to teach u how to bat properly,,
• it’s very sexy okay
• he sings to u all. the. time.
• it’s mesmerising.
• he’ll catch u gazing up at him with big puppy eyes and bursts out giggling
• i love seungmin if u couldn’t tell already (this goes for both of us kbsjsgsvbs)

• tries to act tough to impress u
• we all know he’s babie tho ☺️☺️
• when u were sleeping he changed all the contact names in ur phone to his name.
• “what did u do to my phone?”
• 👁👄👁
• “jeongin.”
• “i didn’t do anything.”
• “really?”
• “i can’t believe u would accuse me of something i didn’t even do, it’s quite preposterous-“
• “yang jeongin. tell me why i got a text from ‘best member of stray kids, I.N’ at 2.33am asking for the answers to the math homework. i know damn well ur dumbass doesn’t go to my school.”
• 😳😳😳 “it wasn’t me.”
• in all seriousness, ya’ll are a rlly goofy, soft couple.
• he’s ALWAYS holding ur hand. no matter what.
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More Posts from Hanniebvnnie
hey ya’ll, peachy here.
i’ve decided that i’m gonna open my inbox for requests bc i’m not sure what i wanna post on here since my motivation to write all the WiPs i have is supremely low, so i figured i’d actually write stuff that other people want.
but i gotta lay down a few rules before i do:
1) i do not write smut and i will not write smut. i’m sorry, but it’s just not something i’m good at - not to mention i don’t feel great about imagining the sex lives of real or fictional people. it’s just kinda icky.
2) i don’t write alpha, beta, omega, whatever wolf-pack kinda stuff. i joke about catboys all the time, but i’m not up for actually writing about it.
3) if you want me to write the reader as being male or female specifically, u gotta let me know. otherwise imma just do it gender neutral and it might not be as satisfying for u as the person who requested it.
4) i’m not open to writing character x character, unless they’re fictional then it’s fine. although, i won’t write incest, even if they’re fictional or adopted siblings.
5) i’m okay with writing about sensitive subjects like mental illness (depression, anxiety, etc) and prejudice (sexism, discrimination, etc) but if you’ve requested certain things that i don’t think i can write, i just won’t write it or i’ll private message you so we can alter it together and i’ll write something different.
okay, so now all the boring and important stuff is out of the way let’s look at the fun stuff!!
what i write:
• imagines/drabbles
• headcanons
• blurbs
fandoms i write for:
• marvel cinematic universe - specifically bucky barnes, steve rogers, peter parker, pietro maximoff, thor, loki, jack thompson, daniel sousa, young howard stark (from agent carter).
• dc universe - dick grayson (from titans) and gar logan (from titans).
• the umbrella academy - specifically diego hargreeves.
• peaky blinders - specifically thomas shelby and alfie solomons.
• star wars - specifically kylo ren/ben solo, poe dameron, and finn.
• adam driver cinematic universe - specifically kylo ren, ben solo, flip zimmerman, and charlie barber.
• the originals - specifically klaus mikaelson.
• brooklyn 99 - specifically rosa diaz.
kpop groups i write for:
• bts
• stray kids
• twice
• nct
• red velvet
if u want me to write anything, u can send me a private message or send an ask to my inbox.
thank youuu (๑╹ω╹๑ )
hey guys! one half of two-racha here. my name is hattie, i'm one of the owners of the account. this is a writing account for me and my friend eva, and we hope to post some writing soon! eva will do her own introduction, but this is mine:
emoji: 🥺 (so you know who's posting)
pronouns: she/ her
age: 17
things that make me happy: stray kids, cats, watermelon, marshmallows, rainy weather, women (🏳️🌈), my friends and family, good books and oversized hoodies
hope you like our blog and look forward to our work <3
My first comic is project.
Chan's Room Ep. 15 - with the heart-warming Outro: Fix You by Coldplay

Hope you Stays like this n go check out this vlive! Especially when you are down!
Idk xd,
it's just really nice to know there is sb out there,
Tho I can't really reach them.
But yea :3 love watching their vlive hehe.
My safe place
Hyunjin: You know what? I think I'm getting really good at taking constructive criticism.
Chan: Oh that's cool! So about your dancing earlier—
Hyunjin: *already crying* Go ahead,
sickeningly sweet
written by: 🥺
genre: little bit of angst, mostly fluff
warning(s): swearing, smoking/ vaping, mentions of alcohol
summary: skater!jisung is sickeningly sweet. he tastes it, too.

Clouds of steam swirl through the night air, obscured by streams of tangerine light from a nearby lamppost. It smells of something like candy-floss or bubblegum, though you can't tell which. There's not much difference between the two--they're both sickeningly sweet, causing you to scrunch your nose up at the smell. You really should be used to it by now, but for whatever reason, that's not the case.
"Don't listen to Jongmin. Half the time he's drunk, the other half he's high. Don't take anything he says seriously."
You chuckle humourlessly. "That's no different from you. I still take what you say seriously."
"Hey, I'm trying my best," Jisung exclaims in an accusatory tone. He lifts his hand and jabs his vape in your direction, "And I know for a fact that you don't take anything I say seriously."
"Well... Yeah, you're right."
You lean back on your hands. Cold concrete numbs your skin and you wince, but don't move away. Instead, you shiver and tug Jisung's leather jacket closer to your body.
"He's a dick. A massive one. I'll give him a piece of my mind next time I see him."
"You don't have to do that."
Jisung takes a long drag of his vape, holds it in for a few seconds then blows it out in a large puff. "I will. You call my best friend a-"
"Right. Sorry," he says and clears his throat. "Say what he said, you deal with me."
You successfully suppress a laugh, but its not easy. You're grateful that Jisung is protective of you, but where he excels in toughness and trash-talk, he lacks in stature and physical capability.
"Thanks a lot, Sung."
"No problem."
You glance at Jisung. His skin glows and eyes sparkle in the warm, overhead light. A circle of light surrounds his messy, blonde hair like a halo, but you think he's the furthest from an angel that could ever be.
Jisung turns to you suddenly, those doe eyes gazing at you and you suddenly feel naked.
"You wanna see some tricks? I've been working on a few lately."
You simply nod. You watch Jisung grab his skateboard from where it lays at his feet and push himself off of the brick wall. With one swift movement he's skating down the ramp and up another. He stops at the peak, then jumps a little, twists around mid-air and skates back down.
He returns to you with a proud smile and, yeah, now you can see why he's so often mistaken for an angel--if you ignore the cuts littering his face, leather clinging to his skin and alcohol on his breath.
"Come on."
You stare at Jisung's outstretched hand and blink. "What?"
Jisung doesn't let you finish. Soon enough, you find yourself tumbling off the wall and into Jisung's arms. Your converse smack against the pavement and you almost crumple to the floor, but Jisung holds you up.
"Let me teach you."
"Jisung, I can't-"
But your words are of no use. Now clasping your hand, Jisung drags you to the flat section of the skatepark. He lets go to place his skateboard on the floor, then holds both hands out, palms facing up.
You make a face. "What do you want me to do?"
Jisung thrusts his hands in your direction. "Get on the skateboard. Hold my hands, you'll be alright."
"You won't let me fall?"
He draws a cross over his chest then extends his hands again. "Cross my heart."
You exhale a shaky breath; the puff of air forms clouds that eventually fade out, imitating Jisung's previous actions like an eager, younger sibling that can never quite live up to their older sibling's standard.
You step onto the skateboard. It rolls to the side a bit and you gasp in fear, but Jisung is quick to grab your elbows and, wow, you're a lot closer like this, so much so that you can smell the mint gum and candy-floss (or bubblegum) on his breath.
With a reassuring smile, Jisung begins to guide you, urging you to tilt your body to the side and reposition your feet. He pulls you gently to the left, directing you on when to place your foot down and the exact pressure to use when you push yourself forward.
"You're good at this," Jisung proclaims, but you can't tell if he's being truthful or not. "Ready for me to let go?"
"Oh god, please no."
Jisung chuckles and his fingers dig into your skin. "Alright then."
You expect Jisung to pull you along again, to repeat his previous instructions and praise you for doing the bare minimum once more. But when you look up, Jisung is frozen. His eyes sparkle like he's stored the galaxy in them, and you don't think you've ever seen Jisung like this, let alone so close. He's full to the brim with a strange sort of emotion that you can't entirely place but-
You notice Jisung's eyes flicker down to your lips. Only for a brief second, but you see it all the same. You recognise the emotion now—it's impossible not to. You've seen Jisung kiss people before, have sat bitterly in the corner of a house party as Jisung made out with whatever guy or girl he could find, so you know that look: it's lust. Or, perhaps, love. You can't tell, only hope.
But you recognise want. Need. And maybe you really need this too.
"Can I kiss you?"
It'd be a big fat lie to say that Jisung isn't an abrupt person, so it's really no surprise that he's the one who makes the first move. But if anything, you expected Jisung to just kiss you without asking. Instead, he requests permission gently, and the lust is still discernible, but it's softer than you have ever seen it.
You nod wordlessly. Jisung doesn't move so, now desperate for Lord knows what, you say, "Kiss me."
You hate how needy you sound, but Jisung doesn't seem to notice. The air around you is so cold, but Jisung is warm. Cold lips against warm lips, cold skin against warm skin, cold breath against warm breath.
When Jisung slips his tongue into your mouth you can tell that, yeah, it's definitely candy-floss.
And it's sickeningly sweet, but that's alright. Because when Jisung finally pulls away and confesses that he loves you, you realise that, despite his tough image, he is sickeningly sweet too.