Jeongin Blurbs - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

[ #EFDEC0 ] — yang jeongin

pairing: yang jeongin x gn! reader. genre: angst. warning: creepy behavior, brief mentions of sex and suicide, toxic mother/son relationship. word count: tbd.

[ #EFDEC0 ] Yang Jeongin

“My son thinks you’re very pretty.” Mrs. Yang broke the silence as she filled your teacup with moroccan mint for the fourth time. Suddenly your blood was boiling. “I wasn’t sure if you were aware.”

Of course you were aware. Mrs. Yang’s son had been sending you love notes filled with romantic confessions and leaving flowers at your usual settings at the community college you both attended for a couple of months now. It seemed like a kind and loving gesture that any person would swoon over, only it wasn’t. The love notes had started off sweet and simple with things like, I think you’re the prettiest out of everyone on campus and You’re so smart. Every time you share the grade you got on a test, I want to ask you to tutor me. You never bothered to write back or at least acknowledge your admirer, though. You knew your dad was strict when it came to dating. But your lack of attention towards the romantic gestures seemed to irritate Mrs. Yang’s son, as the notes became more unstable.

The short notes became lengthy letters, with things like, I want to make love to you and Every time you ignore my presents I contemplate killing myself because I can’t live without you written on them. The flowers started to come with notes too, and written on them were pet names that you had never shown approval of.

When you walked home, you often spotted the Yang boy in your peripheral vision, walking behind you. At first you didn’t care. After all, the two of you were neighbors. But once Mrs. Yang's son’s advances became more aggressive, you started to notice that whenever you stopped to tie your shoe, the boy would suddenly stop to look through his backpack.

It took some time, but you finally snapped when your dad left for a business trip. That meant the house was empty and vulnerable. You were lonely and vulnerable. And as you did the laundry one evening, you came to realize that you were missing multiple pairs of underwear, and that every time you came home from classes, your bedroom window would be wide open.

Mrs. Yang’s comment came out of the blue, just like her invitation to have tea. You knew meeting with the mother of the guy who had an unstable and unrequited affection towards you wasn’t the best idea, especially since said guy could be lurking somewhere inside the house. You wanted the creepy confessions to stop, though, and believed that if anyone could make the Yang boy stop, it would be the Yang mother.

You sighed and tried to relax. “Yes, I am aware.” For the first time since stepping into the Yangs’ household, you didn’t touch your teacup when Mrs. Yang was done refilling it. Each time you had finished, you placed it back on the saucer and sat up, hoping to hint that you just wanted to talk, but the gesture went unnoticed. “That’s actually what I’ve been wanting to talk to you about. For awhile now.”

Mrs. Yang put the tea kettle down and chuckled. “Don’t worry. You have my blessing.”

You suddenly drifted away from irritation and into confusion. When Mrs. Yang noticed your dumbfounded look, she chuckled again.

“I know about my son’s advances toward you. He’s been waiting for your reply, and I figured inviting you over for tea would make it easier on you," Mrs. Yang said matter-of-factly. “It’s common for the uncertainty of a mother’s approval to scare away potential significant others—"

"Potential significant others?” You interrupted, your eye beginning to twitch from hearing the insanity practically spilling out of the older woman's mouth. “Jeongin is twenty.” Your blood was boiling again. “Are you already trying to sell your son off? Did you put him up to this?”

“Of course not!” Mrs. Yang recoiled in horror. “I let all of my kids pick who they desire. I just make sure to explain the importance of a first love. And lend a helping hand, of course.”

Your head was suddenly spinning. Mrs. Yang knew what her son was doing. She had pretty much confirmed it, and had also confirmed that Jeongin had siblings who pretty much did the same thing as him at one point. The urge to throw up washed over you when you realized something else.

I just make sure to explain the importance of a first love. And lend a helping hand of course.

Jeongin always walked behind you on your way home, which meant the two of you reached your houses at similar times, with you reaching yours first. Jeongin was never the one stealing your underwear.

Mrs. Yang was just as weird as her son. There was nothing she could do to help you, but she could do everything to help Jeongin. That included luring you into their house with a friendly gesture while your dad was away, so that no one in the neighborhood would suspect a thing.

You snatched the tea kettle off the table and threw it at Mrs. Yang. Glass shards flew and hot tea splashed all over the Yangs’ beautiful antique sofa.

“You bitch!” Mrs. Yang screamed, blood and tea dripping. She plucked a glass shard out of her left arm and stood up. “I’ll make sure Jeongin hears about this!” She waved one of the fingers from her uninjured arm around.

But you were already running out of the living room, through the web of hallways in the Yangs’ large home. When you reached the foyer you crashed into a hard chest. A bit of false hope shot through you. Maybe it was Jeongin’s father, who you believed was the only sane one in the family. Or maybe your dad had finally returned from his trip, and had come to pick you up.

It wasn’t. It was Jeongin.

[ #EFDEC0 ] Yang Jeongin

all rights reserved | copyrights © spookybias. do not repost, translate, moderate, or copy any of my works.

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4 years ago

dating skz headcanons—

written by: 🐝

genre: pure, tooth-rotting fluff

warnings: none


bang chan

Dating Skz Headcanons

• pretends not to notice when u take his hoodies bc he secretly loves it sosososo much

• he calls u baby and u call him sweetheart 💘💘

• chan wants to marry u so bad ,,

• im not even kidding

• he has a ring picked out and everything

• will give u piggybacks bc he’s rlly strong and wants u to hold onto him tightly and needs an excuse

• chan is buff as hell but wbk

• omg boyfriend!chan is just 😙👌


Dating Skz Headcanons

• matching/coordinating outfits!!

• minho is more reserved about pda, but when ur alone he’s a huge cuddlebug and might actually squeeze u to death with all of his love.

• definitely the jealous type but refuses to let it get in the way of ur relationship bc he doesn’t want to lose u

• we stan a healthy relationship 😌😌

• congratulations ur now step-parent to 3 cats!!

• for real tho,, soonie, doongie, and dori love u,,,

• u and minho baby them sm


Dating Skz Headcanons

• u call him binnie and he calls u peanut 🥺🥺🥺

• he looks tough but he’s actually the softest boy ever

• brb just sobbing about soft!changbin

• will pepper ur face with kisses every time he holds u in his arms,, he’s so jacked u can’t escape,,,

• not that ur mad abt it tho

• changbin getting buff is the least of ur problems

• what IS a problem is stopping him from fighting every person that mildly inconveniences u

• “ugh my teacher shortened the deadline for the essay, i’m not sure i’ll be able to finish it in time.”

• “dw, peanut. i’ll fight him for u.”


• he does it out of love.

• which reminds me

• changbin definitely said ‘i love u‘ first


Dating Skz Headcanons

• taking!! pictures!!! of!! each!!! other!!

• i’m not even kidding. hyunjin will just take random pictures of u throughout the day and fawn over them like

• omg 🥺🥺 das my lil baby 🥺🥺🥺

• say goodbye to all the storage on ur phone lmao

• ya’ll spend 99% of ur time together touching

• and not even in the sexual way, hyunjin’s just really affectionate and doesn’t like being away from u

• skinship for days!!!

• cuddling, kisses, u name it and he will glaaaadly provide it for u


Dating Skz Headcanons

• quiet, intimate moments together are common

• he’s rlly energetic with skz bc they’re his boys, y’know?

• but with u he lives for the domesticity ya’ll have.

• like bickering when ur making dinner or washing the dishes together and listening to ur favourite music

• (im so soft for sungie rn omggg)

• he’s quite the homebody. it’s his safe place.

• jisung doesn’t want elaborate dates or days packed full of activities, he just wants quiet time with u 😙💓

• (btw he’s the most loyal and committed person alive, will definitely bark at any man, woman or child that even looks in his direction)


Dating Skz Headcanons

• ya’ll clown the SHIT out of each other 🤡🤡

• “felix it is physically impossible for u to be the bigger person in this situation, ur legit only 5”7.”

• “i’m sorry?? is the unemployed person speaking???”

• it’s all in good fun tho bc u two are ACTUALLY the sweetest couple out there

• not even joking,,

• u call him sunshine and he calls u dearest

• bc u are dearest to him 🥺🥺

• gentle kisses pressed to ur temple, with his hand on the small of ur back are an everyday occurrence

• so are wake up kisses, goodnight kisses, forehead kisses, butterfly kisses...

• lixie wants kithes 😡😡


Dating Skz Headcanons

• 💘🥰💖✨ napping together 💕💝😘❤️

• ya’ll just lay on the sofa, draped over each other, and just snooze for hours

• u call him minnie and he calls u sweetpea 🥺🥺

• likes to teach u how to play baseball

• and by teach i mean u purposely pretending not to know anything so he’ll put his arms around u to teach u how to bat properly,,

• it’s very sexy okay

• he sings to u all. the. time.

• it’s mesmerising.

• he’ll catch u gazing up at him with big puppy eyes and bursts out giggling

• i love seungmin if u couldn’t tell already (this goes for both of us kbsjsgsvbs)


Dating Skz Headcanons

• tries to act tough to impress u

• we all know he’s babie tho ☺️☺️


• when u were sleeping he changed all the contact names in ur phone to his name.

• “what did u do to my phone?”

• 👁👄👁

• “jeongin.”

• “i didn’t do anything.”

• “really?”

• “i can’t believe u would accuse me of something i didn’t even do, it’s quite preposterous-“

• “yang jeongin. tell me why i got a text from ‘best member of stray kids, I.N’ at 2.33am asking for the answers to the math homework. i know damn well ur dumbass doesn’t go to my school.”

• 😳😳😳 “it wasn’t me.”

• in all seriousness, ya’ll are a rlly goofy, soft couple.

• he’s ALWAYS holding ur hand. no matter what.

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4 years ago

written by: 🥺

[14:04] your last class of the day was just about to start when yang jeongin, your seat mate, leaned over and tapped you on the shoulder, asking if he could copy your homework. again.

sighing, you retrieved your homework out of your bag and placed it in front of him. "don't make it look too obvious."

"i never do. you know that i'm a master of disguise, y/n."

"yeah, sure," you retaliated. "changing the order of a couple of words in a sentence doesn't make it less obvious that you copied."

he squinted and stuck his tongue out at you.

"i better get a reward for this," you grumbled.

at the end of the class, you were just walking out of the door when someone grabbed your bag, holding you back. you turned to face jeongin. he stared at you blankly, to which you gave a expectant nod.


"why are you leaving?"

you paused. what was wrong with this kid? "because it's the end of the day and i want to go home," you replied, matter-of-factly. "why? do you sleep on the desks overnight?"

"no! and i know, i just thought you might want your reward." a moment of silence as you blinked in confusion. "you know, for helping me."

"oh, okay. go ahead."

you held out your hands to him, expecting sweet treats, or money, or something of the likes to be placed generously in your palms.

you received nothing of the sort.

instead, a warm hand grasped your own, and before you could react, jeongin began pulling you through of the school.

"hey, what are you doing?"

he didn't answer, only dragged you through the corridors and out of the front gates. he only stopped when you planted your feet into the ground, stopping him from walking. defiantly, you untangled your hands. "jeongin, what the hell is going on?"

"i want to give you your reward."

"and my reward is being kidnapped?"

"no," he chuckled, eyes smiling with him and making your heart beat a lot faster than it should've. "i'm gonna take you out to get boba. there's a new shop near the park so we can go there."

you felt all of the breath leave your lungs at his words. you had expected a bar of chocolate at most for your help, not something like this.

"like...a date," you asked, except it sounded like more of a statement. you regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth, but jeongin nodded—much to your surprise.

"like a date," he confirmed. smiling, he held his hand out to you. "you coming?"

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