Stray Kids Blurbs - Tumblr Posts
[1:03pm] you reach to the center of your coffee table, plucking a light pink crayon from the rainbow pile. you bring it down to the pale white paper, when you hear a quiet giggle from beside you. you whip your head towards the noise, narrowing your eyes at jeongin, your adorable, sweet looking, disrespectful demon of a boyfriend.
“what’s so funny over there?” you purse your lips. jeongin hasn’t said one word to you since y’all sat down to color and now he has the audacity to giggle?! What‘s his deal?
you scoot closer to him. you stretch, lifting your arms up towards your ceiling and then lean over jeongin’s arm, trying to peek at his paper.
unfortunately, he catches you before your eyes can scan his art, “hey no peeking! y/n stop.”
you cross your arms and huff.
jeongin notices your from and sighs “y/n, baby, i’m almost done. you just have to wait a couple more minutes, okay?”
you’re not satisfied but you drop the solemn face and continue coloring. jeongin’s lucky your whipped for his heart-melting smile. you would do absolutely anything for this boy. he knows that and always uses it to his advantage.
“ok y/n, I’m finished,” jeongin is turned to you with his drawing. on the thin sheet is a very colorful picture of two people. although it’s not perfectly drawn and the proportions are way off, you can tell it’s of you and jeongin. in the picture you two are holding hands in front of a baby blue house.
“see this is us in a couple years. we’re gonna live in a big, pretty house and every morning we’re going to wake up next to each other and make breakfast and drink coffee on our front porch. and we’ll have a cat or dog and we’ll be a cute family. it’s our happily ever after,” he smiles proudly, before looking up at you, eyes uncertain, “do you like it?”
you blink back tears, positive your smile is bright enough to blind someone, “I love it! It’s so perfect, jeongin.”
you jump forward into his arms, knocking him onto his back. you straddle his stomach and lean down to leave light pecks all over his face. his chest heaves up and down as laughs slip from him lips. the same lips you leave a sloppy kiss on.
“you’re perfect, yang jeongin.”
[6:58pm] a metallic click sounds throughout the empty hallway, created by the lock on your apartment door. you fingers wrap around the knob, twisting and pushing until the door gives way and melodies of soft acoustic music fill your ears. you step into your apartment and shut the door behind you, before releasing a soft sigh. you tiptoe towards the orange glow coming from your kitchen and peek your head into the door, giggling at the sight before you. your boyfriend, chan, shakes his hips to the soft beat of the music, oblivious to your silent entrance. trying to make as little noise as possible, you place your bags down on the table next to you, slide over to where chan shamelessly dances and wrap your arms arounds his middle.
“whatcha making, baby?” you chin rests on his shoulder and when you speak, your lips barely brush against the shell of your boyfriend’s ear.
chan jumps up, obviously frightened by your suprise entrance. when he realizes that it’s you behind him he relaxes, leaning into your touch.
“I’m making my favorite person ever some dinner,” chan says, turning his head towards yours and giving your lips a quick peck.
you unlatch your arms from his waist and hoist yourself up onto the counter, swinging your feet back and forth. chan follows your body, placing himself between your knees and looking up at you through his eyelashes. you flatten your palms against his chest, a small smile appearing on your face.
“hey uh y/n,” chan’s voice comes out a whisper and his gaze shifts to the ceiling, “ I really really love you.”
you pause, trying to work out if there was something deeper to what your boyfriend was saying, “i love you too honey, is something wrong?”
chan is quick to notice your worry, and calms your tense body by rubbing the tops of your thighs, “no! nothing’s wrong. I just wanted you to know that im so appreciative to wake up next to you and be able to call you mine. i just can’t imagine where i would be now if i had never met you. I just really love you.”
“channie i love you too. you don’t have to imagine where you would be without me and you will never have to imagine me not being here for you. I’m always going to be yours chan,” you hold both his cheeks in your hands, making sure he knows your telling the truth.
you press your lips against his in a chaste kiss but you don’t make it far before he’s pulling you back in for another kiss. you feel his lips form a smile against yours and you pull away again, choosing to rest your head against his chest. his arms wrap around you, keeping you tied to him.
“chan is something burning?”
[7:68pm] you crack open an eyelid, remnants of a dream you won’t remember floating through your head. you can hear your boyfriend’s even breathing in the stillness of the morning. his firm chest was flush against your back and his legs followed the curve of your own. you twist in jisung’s arms, attempting to turn around so you could see him. his arm tightened around your waist and he pulled you closer to him, preventing you from facing him.
“5 more minutes. i want to hold your for just five more minutes,” jisung mumbles. his voice is raspy in your ear. you can’t help the smile that spreads across your face and the blush that comes with it.
you squirm in his arms and whine, “i was just trying to turn so i could see you.”
jisung stills, and you can practically hear the cogs turning in his head as he thinks about this.
“mmm alright I’ll allow that,” jisung says softly, a smirk evident in his voice. his hold on you lightens, giving you just enough time to flip onto your other side. you grin upon seeing his sleepy face and lean forward to peck his nose. his face brightens, giggles falling from his soft lips. you shy away, smushing you face into his chest.
“you’re so adorable, baby,” jisung rests his chin against the top of yours. you slap his shoulder, obviously flustered. he snickers at your shy state.
the two of you lay there for awhile, way past five minutes. you bask in the body warmth jisung provides, letting the rising sun shine through your window and color everything around you gold. the silence is disrupted when jisung’s stomach growls, causing you laugh into his chest.
“stop! I’m hungry,” he pouts pulling away from you. you sit up in bed, peeling the sheets from your legs.
“c’mon silly let’s go eat breakfast,” you climb out of bed, tugging on jisung’s wrist. he stumbles after you, grabbing onto the back of your shirt.
“can you make waffles? please?” jisung begs, drawing out the please.
“I’ll think about it,” you tease him, pretending to actually ponder it. however, when you reach the kitchen you begin to pull out ingredients. your boyfriend, instead of helping you, chooses to cling to your back, making sure you’re never apart from him for more than 3 seconds.
“i love you, y/n,” jisung says softly.
“i love you too.”
[12:56pm] you take small steps forward, smiling down at your feet. the cement beneath you was still damp due to the rain showers that drenched the city prior to your walk, and every now and then you’d pass by a puddle. felix, your boyfriend, walks beside you, his warm hand grasped tightly in your grip. you glance up at him just in time to see a raindrop fall from an awning straight onto the tip of his adorable nose. his face scrunches up and you can feel your heart speeding up in your chest. you bring your free hand up to his nose and gently wipe away the wetness, felix’s eyes never leaving your face.
“you’re so pretty, babe,” his voice comes out barely above a whisper. you duck your head down, not wanting him to notice the blush creeping across your face. of course he knows you so trying to hide your blush doesn’t work the way you want it to. he laughs at your failed attempt.
his laugh cause you to giggle, “thank you.”
you turn around to continue walking down the street only to be tugged back by your connected hands. you look back at felix who is standing still behind you.
“what’s up?” you’re confused as to why he wont move along with you.
he shrugs, a small grin on his face, “i meant it. you’re the most beautiful person in the world.”
“felix,” you whine and this time you can’t even try to hide the blush that takes over you cheeks. you spin around and tug on his arm as you walk forward. he stumbles toward you, chuckling at your response. once he’s caught up with your steps he brings the back of your hand to his lips. you just sigh and try to fight the huge smile making its way onto your face.
[11:02pm] you stumble through the dimly lit hallway, rubbing your eyes. you had left your warm fluffy bed sheets when you woke up alone, your boyfriend not anywhere near you. you find him sitting at the kitchen table, fingers tapping against his laptop’s keyboard, soft clicks filling the air. seungmin looks up when he hears your bare feet slap against the hardwood and the corners of his pink lips tip up.
“hey babe, what are you doing up?” his voice is heavy with exhaustion. his eyelids are drooping, covering the twinkling stars that shine in his pupils.
“i woke up and you weren’t there,” you mumble, looking down at your feet. You wish you had put socks on before you left your room. a purple pair lay rolled up on the floor of your room, and you try to imagine the soft fabric against the bottom of your feet. instead the cold, solid floor seems to stand out more.
seungmin redirects your attention back to himself, waving his hand and saying, “go back to bed, I’ll be there soon.”
“no! come to bed with me right now so we can snuggle,” you whine, refraining yourself from crossing your arms and stomping your food.
He sighs, looking down, “baby, let me just finish this and I’ll come to bed.”
you figure you’ll have to take drastic measures to get him to follow you back to the once warm bed. you tilt your head down and you jut out your bottom lip, staring at seungmin through your dark lashes. he has always been weak for you and you know this will work.
“oh no. your puppy dog face is not going to work on me!” seungmin says, shaking his head.
“please seungmin,” you beg, clasping your hands together in front of you. you try to get your eyes to water to help persuade him. it was almost art the way you cocked your head and pouted.
seungmin sighs and faces his laptop. you think he’s avoiding your desperate pleads but then he gently close the laptop. he stands, turning to face you. you giggle and jump up and down before grabbing his hand and pulling him down the hallway. once you back is turned towards him and you cant notice his loving stare, he smiles.

since i can’t make decisions, im just [going to] leave them all here,,, ❣️
#straykids #9 #STAY #Nyam
Translation credit: Admin G @ Straykidsupdate, take out with full credit
[4:35pm] “ow, ow Changbin stop! that hurts,” you whine, trying to pull your head out of your boyfriend’s hold. A sharp sting spreads over your left eyebrow causing you to wince.
“I'm sorry baby but I have to clean it so it doesn’t get infected,” changbin frowns. you huff and cross your arms over your chest, frustration visible in your features. you’re sat on the bathroom countertop, while he stands between your legs, tending to your injury.
“baby, quit pouting,” changbin groans, reaching to your side for a colorful bandage.
you don’t mean to make this more difficult for him. you were just frustrated with yourself. if you weren’t so clumsy you wouldn’t have tripped over your own two feet and you wouldn’t have bumped your forehead on the way down. now you had a huge, painful bruise and gash sitting above your eye.
you focus on changbin’s face. he’s concentrated on flattening the bandaid against your wound, his dark eyes fixated on your forehead and hidden under his furrowed brows. his tongue pokes out between his lips, causing you to let out a quite giggle.
“you know,” changbin starts, looking into your eyes and smirking, “I can help make it heal faster.”
you raise your eyebrows, acting unamused,” and how would you do that?”
“like this,” and without a moment of hesitation, changbin starts to leave tiny, gentle pecks all over your forehead, being careful so he doesn’t cause you anymore pain.
“goodness why are you so cheesy,” you roll your eyes, smiling at him.
he just shrugs his shoulders in response and helps you down, before asking, “I don’t know. why are you so clumsy?”
you slap him on the shoulder and glare at him while he chuckles. he may be another pain you have to deal with but you don’t know what you would do without him.
coughing up the butterflies that died in my stomach when you broke my heart
–”It was draining, he thought, pretending to love you.”
pairing: hwang hyunjin x reader
genre: mafia au, angst, fluff, smut
warnings: death, guns, chan’s kind of an asshole
word count: 9.7k
a/n: this is the longest shit i’ve written to date n i’m kinda super really proud of it, also sorry for the total fall out boy move i pulled with the title hhh i just like it a lots

you let out a content sigh as your boyfriend trailed his lips along your neck, biting down lightly and sucking on a sweet spot he knew by heart by now. he pulled away and admired his work before capturing your lips with his, pressing your hips down against his growing bulge and making an attempt to deepen the kiss. you pulled away from him with a giggle.
“hyunjin, i really have to go. i promised my dad i’d be up early to help him with some work stuff tomorrow.”
he pouted, “what do you even have to do? why can’t he do it himself?”
you laughed at your boyfriends clingy behavior, “i’m supposed to talk to some girls he’s considering hiring. says i’m less threatening than a tall, scary-looking old man.”
“what’s he hiring for?”
you sighed, he always did this. whenever the topic of your fathers business came up, he could never let it go.
Keep reading
you were snuggled in the warm, fluffy blanket that was wrapped around you and your boyfriend jisung, his arms tightly positioned around your waist as he kept pecking the soft skin of your neck with soft, light butterfly kisses.
“i love you a lot y/n” he whispers against your flesh, tickling you and making a little giggle bubble up your throat. a big smile decorated his face at the sound of ur joyful laugh.
“i love you even more jisung” you mumble and interlace ur hand with his, slowly letting your eyes drop close as the sun lets her last, warm rays of light fall through the curtains, onto you and your lover.
12:35 ~ always by your side ~
the insomnia was killing you. you were wiggling around in your sheets, forcing your eyes to close and trying to get your body to relax, but with no success. suddenly a pair of strong, bare arms wrap around your waist, pulling you against a broad chest.
“hey babe... can’t sleep?” chan’s raspy voice sounds into your ear.
you shake your head, giving him a clear response.
“sorry for waking you channie...” you mumble back, but he only tightens his grasp on you. his warm breath grazes the crook of your neck as he interlaces your hands.
“i’m by your side babe, no matter the circumstances” he says softly before kissing your skin gently and lying with you until you both drift off to sleep slowly.
Operation Miroh
trigger warnings: none
written + edited by: 🥺
pairings: hwang hyunjin x oc
summary: A string of murders lead Detective Yang Nami down the winding streets of Seoul’s maze district, searching for the Vampire Slayer. But what happens when her digging leads her far closer to home than she could have ever thought? What happens when it’s someone she’s supposed to trust?
There are lots of rules when it comes to vampires.
First, they must be invited into a house before they can enter. I'm not entirely sure why--they aren't usually portrayed as the most polite of people, not when they're plunging their fangs into your neck and sucking you dry. But it's a rule, and they have to abide by it.
Second, they must avoid certain things such as sunlight, garlic and anything remotely holy. Supposedly, it's because they're devil incarnates and anything too potent or bright or religious can harm them. I just think it's because they have weird allergies. Kind of like how I'm allergic to oranges, which is really inconvenient because they look like they taste good. It sucks.
Finally--not that it's the last rule, but it's the final most obvious one--they can only be killed by certain methods. Some of these include the use of silver, fire (they're insanely flammable), decapitation and a stake to the heart--the most famous and popularly used of them all.
All of this is purely hypothetical, of course. Just myths formulated by people with better things to do than tell stories of bloodsuckers and the threats they pose to us poor, helpless prey.
At least, that's what I thought.
I had read enough stories and watched enough movies to know the basic rules about vampires, but not enough to blindly believe my boss when he told me they're real.
"You're kidding, right?"
He's kidding. He has to be. Maybe he's crazy, or maybe this is a prank.
I searched Captain Park's face for signs of amusement or maybe some sort of twitch--a crack in his demeanor to tell me that he wasn't being serious. His face remained completely flat.
I glanced around the room for cameras, wondering if I was on some kind of prank show, or that one TV program What Would You Do?. It would have been a really shit prank, because I was definitely not buying it, but you never know. Maybe they'd run out of ideas. I might have been payed more for not falling for something so stupid.
The same security camera that had been in the office since I began working there blinked back at me, red light flashing. I'd seen security footage from it before--for a security camera at a literal police station, you'd think that it'd have better resolution. Apparently not.
Which meant it wasn't a prank show, at least not one that valued it's camera quality. Which meant my boss was crazy.
He stared at me silently, not bothering to answer my question. Yep, definitely crazy.
"I'm serious, Detective Yang." He did look serious. Since when did he start taking acting classes? I thought. I mean, I took drama for 3 years and even I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face after spilling that level of bullshit.
"So you're telling me," I said, picking at my finger nails, "That not only there's been a series of killings around this area, but that they're all down to Vampires."
"A Vampire. And yes, we don't know for sure, but that's what it looks like."
"And what evidence do you have that it's a-" I waved my hands around in the air, as if summoning some common sense for the man. "-An actual Vampire and not just, I don't know, a regular serial killer. Which would be so much easier to deal with."
He clasped his calloused hands together and leaned back in his chair. He had an air of distaste surrounding him as if I was the one who was speaking crazy, but maybe that was because he always looked like he'd just smelled something revolting. Wrinkled skin scrunched up unlike the smooth sheets of paper stacked on his desk; lips pursed as if he'd sucked on a lemon for four hours; small, black eyes squinted despite the large, square glasses balanced on his nose. He had a habit of looking down on people even though he was 5'6 at most. Most people would describe him as intimidating but, to be fair, most people hadn't been told by him that Vampires exist.
"I understand your disbelief." Yeah, no shit. "I, too, was skeptical at first. But the evidence I've been shown convinced me that this is no joke. I know you like to believe that we humans know everything about our world, but the truth is that we simply cannot. You're going to look into this case whether you believe it or not."
Fighting to ward off the compelling urge to sigh and tell him again how stupid this is, I nodded curtly. "So I just have to find this..." God, I can't believe this is actually happening. "...Vampire. And bring them in."
A failed attempt at a smile passed over his stern features. He must have thought he'd won. "Precisely. I'm glad you're picking up on this."
"Can I think about it over the weekend and get back to you?"
I definitely would not think about it and I definitely would get back to him--to tell him that I was absolutely not doing it.
But of course, the universe seemed to be against me all of a sudden. Or maybe it was just him. "No, you can not," he stated plainly. "I've given you this case and you must take it. It's that simple."
"But Sir, there are loads of other Detectives who can do this job. I'm sure there are more... believable cases you can give me," I argued, trying my hardest not to sound in control and totally not like I was pleading him.
He leaned forward and his chair whined under his weight. "You're right." Wait, really? "There are plenty of other Detectives who can do this job and do it far better than you can. However, I am asking you to do this, and like the fair and just man I am-" (I had to resist the urge to roll my eyes at that one and, instead, just stared at the side of his desk). "-I will give you a choice: You do this case or you're out."
"Hold on," I began, gaze snapping up from the corner of his desk to those hard, black eyes, "I'm out as in... fired? For real?"
He nodded nonchalantly, not a word slipping past his thin lips. You have to be kidding me.
"That's ridiculous. This entire thing is ridiculous."
"I'm giving you a choice. Make it." He shrugged.
It wasn't really a choice, just the illusion of one. I'd worked under this man for two years by that point. He knew how much I loved that job and all that it meant to me. He knew how much I threw into it. He knew everything I'd given up to be there. And now I had to choose between discrediting my career with a Vampire hunt or losing it altogether. Options, options, options.
"You know what my answer is already."
The corners of his mouth curled up into a smirk. "I do." He reached for a pencil with a sharpened, pointy edge and twirled it around his fingers. "But I want to hear it from you."
God, I hate this man. Trying to hide my seething rage, I gritted my teeth and swallowed. "I'll take the case."
He barely reacted, just continued to play with the pencil. That doesn't mean I didn't notice the triumphant, cocky glint in his eye, though. "You are more like me than you think, Nami."
I looked at him curiously. That couldn't possibly be true. The only similarity that we shared is both working there, and we didn't even do the same job. So yeah, apart from the massive age gap, gender difference and literally everything else about us, we were totally the same.
"How so?" I asked, not sure if I wanted to know the answer or not.
"We're both intelligent, dedicated, hard-working." And not the slightest bit modest, clearly. "And like me, you know your place in this world and you will stubbornly defend it." He dropped the pencil onto the desk and it landed with a muffled clatter, then rolled until it hit a framed photograph of him with who I could only assume were his wife and two children. It reminded me that there must have been some remnants of a kind, young man beneath his cold, commanding demeanor--in the worst way possible, though.
He reached over to pick up a file and flicked through it until he settled on a page. I watched as his eyes scanned the paper. Just as I thought he was about to provide me with some tangible evidence of the wild claims he'd made that meeting, he spoke; "You are dismissed."
I found myself glued to my seat, my limbs weighing me down like anchors. "That's it? Are you not giving me a file on this?"
He glanced up from what he was reading for a brief second before continuing. "I'll email the main pieces of evidence to you digitally. You will be given a file tomorrow morning, once all of the necessary data has been compiled."
I didn't reply. Was I supposed to leave just like that? This man had told me that he thought the serial killer rampaging our region was a Vampire and that he was willing to fire me if I didn't take the case, all in the span of 30 minutes. And I was supposed to just soak in all that information with barely an ounce of explanation or evidence? Apparently so.
Hesitantly, I stood from my chair. A searing pain shot through my back, reminding me that I'd been sitting in a wooden chair for the past half an hour.
Captain Park regarded me for a second as I crossed the room. Hand on the doorknob, I faltered, waiting for him to say something, and when he didn't, I left the room, shutting the door behind me as gently as possible--despite the desire to slam it in frustration.
It was almost dark by the time I got home. The cerulean blue sky was stained with bright white dots, and the streets were bathed in the orange, artificial glow of the streetlights. With flushed cheeks, a running nose and icy hands, I fumbled with my keys until my apartment door unlocked, making a mental note to take a scarf or gloves in to work the next day.
I had stayed later than usual that night, finishing off any write-ups and looking through evidence relevant to a few other cases. After the meeting, I hadn't seen the Captain around, but that was for the best. I might not have been able to control my instincts for much longer.
Warmth swept through my body as I stepped in to the living room. I discarded my satchel on the floor and shrugged off my coat, folding it over the back of the couch. It was unusually empty and unusually quiet. Just as I went to search the apartment, a voice sounded from behind me.
"You're home late."
I whirled around to see Soyeon, leaning against the threshold where the living room and kitchen met. Her blonde bob was pulled into a short ponytail, revealing her pointed chin and signature smirk.
"I texted you," I said.
She retrieved her phone from her pocket and glanced at the screen, the blue light illuminating her face. "Oh, you did. Sorry, I didn't see. My phone is being weird at the moment."
"You gonna get it fixed?"
I rounded the couch and plopped onto it, the cushions sinking beneath my weight. "Where's Jeongin?"
"In bed," she answered, following suit, "I think he has a cold."
"You should have told me, I would've brought some soup."
She waved her phone in the air as a reminder. "Again, dodgy phone. And it's alright, I got some anyway."
"Stupid school kids," I grumbled. I sighed and sunk further into the couch. Soyeon glanced over at me, concern gracing her features. "Bad day?"
I chuckled humourlessly. "Weird day."
"Not allowed to talk about it?"
I faced her and nodded. She repeated the action without a word of protest. It was different at first; Soyeon was always so eager to be involved in every part of my life, and when I told her that I couldn't disclose information about the cases I was working on for legal reasons, she got upset. But after a while, she understood that it was out of my control.
Instead, she extended an arm out to me. I shuffled closer and pressed myself into her side, inhaling her familiar scent of acrylic paint and chai tea.
"You must be tired," she mumbled.
I hummed in response, unable to muster up the energy to force words out. Her head leaned on mine, the way it always used to, except this time was an act of friendship rather than romance.
With every passing moment, my body grew weaker and my eyelids heavier, and after a while, I was unable to resist the tempting call of sleep.
hey y'all! in lieu of us posting our first part of Operation Miroh, i wanted to let you know that i also posted the first chapter of my own skz fanfic on ao3
i'd really appreciate it if you check it out!
all the love,
hattie 🥺 <3
cuddling skz headcanons—
genre: fluff
warnings: none
written by: 🥺 + 🐝
relationship(s): bang chan x reader/ lee know x reader/ changbin x reader/ hyunjin x reader/ han x reader/ felix x reader/ seungmin x reader/ jeongin x reader
bang chan

you two would lay with ur head on his chest with his arms wrapped around you
would probably smell like soap and vanilla and oh man you'd fall asleep SO goddamn fast
chris isn't a great sleeper so he'd probably just lay with his eyes closed and listen to your breathing
would probably smell ur hair lets be real

he's basically a cat in that he likes affection on his terms and his terms ONLY
catboy minho rights
idk would probably just do it unconsciously??
like he'd fall asleep next to you and snuggle into your side
DO NOT move if you value your life

very into skinship
he's tiny but he loves to be big spoon
loves to be close to you so would just like,, hold u rlly tightly and tangle ur legs together
he'd also be the type to tickle you a little whilst giggling
but he's vv strong so like,, there's no escape
(good luck)

loves lying with you on ur back and him laying on top of you (rip)
would love love LOVE it if u played with his hair bc its gotten so long recently and it'd be sososo easy
he'd hum and sigh contentedly until he fell asleep
would probably whisper "baby?" every now and again and every time u ask what he wants he just wouldn't reply
his breath on ur neck is vv tickly (is that a word idk) but you cannot move so uhhh yeah have fun

DEFINITELY little spoon
no i do not take constructive criticism
would take ur hands and hold them to his chest
would make cheesy jokes about his heart racing whenever ur near him
twist around every now and again to ask for a kiss and if ur asleep no you're not❤️
he would nudge you to wake u up like "i want kithes😡😡"

you guys cuddle facing eachother
but he loves skinship so he'd hold ur hands and play with ur fingers
would probably fall asleep quite quickly and you would HAVE to admire him bc i mean,, look at him,, it's lixie,,, he's gorgeous
you'd probably count his freckles and he'd giggle and tell you that it tickles
but if he's super tried and trying to sleep he'd be like "stop clogging my pores dude and gO TO SLEEP"

would let u lay on his arm
he'd most likely run his hands through ur hair then cup ur face
probably listens to music to go to sleep (and by music i mean day6)
so you'd share a pair of earphones or airpods or whatever and he'd probably sing along quietly
which, in itself, is literal heaven
i love seungmin bye

lil baby wants to be the big spoon bc he's a MAN
LOVES it if u wears his t-shirts/ hoodies so would just give it to you like "wear this ☺️☺️"
he'd snuggle up against ur back and nuzzle his face into ur neck
which would make u giggle and the lil shit would just do it more
but we love cuddly jeongin in this household
dating skz headcanons—
written by: 🐝
genre: pure, tooth-rotting fluff
warnings: none
bang chan

• pretends not to notice when u take his hoodies bc he secretly loves it sosososo much
• he calls u baby and u call him sweetheart 💘💘
• chan wants to marry u so bad ,,
• im not even kidding
• he has a ring picked out and everything
• will give u piggybacks bc he’s rlly strong and wants u to hold onto him tightly and needs an excuse
• chan is buff as hell but wbk
• omg boyfriend!chan is just 😙👌

• matching/coordinating outfits!!
• minho is more reserved about pda, but when ur alone he’s a huge cuddlebug and might actually squeeze u to death with all of his love.
• definitely the jealous type but refuses to let it get in the way of ur relationship bc he doesn’t want to lose u
• we stan a healthy relationship 😌😌
• congratulations ur now step-parent to 3 cats!!
• for real tho,, soonie, doongie, and dori love u,,,
• u and minho baby them sm

• u call him binnie and he calls u peanut 🥺🥺🥺
• he looks tough but he’s actually the softest boy ever
• brb just sobbing about soft!changbin
• will pepper ur face with kisses every time he holds u in his arms,, he’s so jacked u can’t escape,,,
• not that ur mad abt it tho
• changbin getting buff is the least of ur problems
• what IS a problem is stopping him from fighting every person that mildly inconveniences u
• “ugh my teacher shortened the deadline for the essay, i’m not sure i’ll be able to finish it in time.”
• “dw, peanut. i’ll fight him for u.”
• he does it out of love.
• which reminds me
• changbin definitely said ‘i love u‘ first

• taking!! pictures!!! of!! each!!! other!!
• i’m not even kidding. hyunjin will just take random pictures of u throughout the day and fawn over them like
• omg 🥺🥺 das my lil baby 🥺🥺🥺
• say goodbye to all the storage on ur phone lmao
• ya’ll spend 99% of ur time together touching
• and not even in the sexual way, hyunjin’s just really affectionate and doesn’t like being away from u
• skinship for days!!!
• cuddling, kisses, u name it and he will glaaaadly provide it for u

• quiet, intimate moments together are common
• he’s rlly energetic with skz bc they’re his boys, y’know?
• but with u he lives for the domesticity ya’ll have.
• like bickering when ur making dinner or washing the dishes together and listening to ur favourite music
• (im so soft for sungie rn omggg)
• he’s quite the homebody. it’s his safe place.
• jisung doesn’t want elaborate dates or days packed full of activities, he just wants quiet time with u 😙💓
• (btw he’s the most loyal and committed person alive, will definitely bark at any man, woman or child that even looks in his direction)

• ya’ll clown the SHIT out of each other 🤡🤡
• “felix it is physically impossible for u to be the bigger person in this situation, ur legit only 5”7.”
• “i’m sorry?? is the unemployed person speaking???”
• it’s all in good fun tho bc u two are ACTUALLY the sweetest couple out there
• not even joking,,
• u call him sunshine and he calls u dearest
• bc u are dearest to him 🥺🥺
• gentle kisses pressed to ur temple, with his hand on the small of ur back are an everyday occurrence
• so are wake up kisses, goodnight kisses, forehead kisses, butterfly kisses...
• lixie wants kithes 😡😡

• 💘🥰💖✨ napping together 💕💝😘❤️
• ya’ll just lay on the sofa, draped over each other, and just snooze for hours
• u call him minnie and he calls u sweetpea 🥺🥺
• likes to teach u how to play baseball
• and by teach i mean u purposely pretending not to know anything so he’ll put his arms around u to teach u how to bat properly,,
• it’s very sexy okay
• he sings to u all. the. time.
• it’s mesmerising.
• he’ll catch u gazing up at him with big puppy eyes and bursts out giggling
• i love seungmin if u couldn’t tell already (this goes for both of us kbsjsgsvbs)

• tries to act tough to impress u
• we all know he’s babie tho ☺️☺️
• when u were sleeping he changed all the contact names in ur phone to his name.
• “what did u do to my phone?”
• 👁👄👁
• “jeongin.”
• “i didn’t do anything.”
• “really?”
• “i can’t believe u would accuse me of something i didn’t even do, it’s quite preposterous-“
• “yang jeongin. tell me why i got a text from ‘best member of stray kids, I.N’ at 2.33am asking for the answers to the math homework. i know damn well ur dumbass doesn’t go to my school.”
• 😳😳😳 “it wasn’t me.”
• in all seriousness, ya’ll are a rlly goofy, soft couple.
• he’s ALWAYS holding ur hand. no matter what.
sickeningly sweet
written by: 🥺
genre: little bit of angst, mostly fluff
warning(s): swearing, smoking/ vaping, mentions of alcohol
summary: skater!jisung is sickeningly sweet. he tastes it, too.

Clouds of steam swirl through the night air, obscured by streams of tangerine light from a nearby lamppost. It smells of something like candy-floss or bubblegum, though you can't tell which. There's not much difference between the two--they're both sickeningly sweet, causing you to scrunch your nose up at the smell. You really should be used to it by now, but for whatever reason, that's not the case.
"Don't listen to Jongmin. Half the time he's drunk, the other half he's high. Don't take anything he says seriously."
You chuckle humourlessly. "That's no different from you. I still take what you say seriously."
"Hey, I'm trying my best," Jisung exclaims in an accusatory tone. He lifts his hand and jabs his vape in your direction, "And I know for a fact that you don't take anything I say seriously."
"Well... Yeah, you're right."
You lean back on your hands. Cold concrete numbs your skin and you wince, but don't move away. Instead, you shiver and tug Jisung's leather jacket closer to your body.
"He's a dick. A massive one. I'll give him a piece of my mind next time I see him."
"You don't have to do that."
Jisung takes a long drag of his vape, holds it in for a few seconds then blows it out in a large puff. "I will. You call my best friend a-"
"Right. Sorry," he says and clears his throat. "Say what he said, you deal with me."
You successfully suppress a laugh, but its not easy. You're grateful that Jisung is protective of you, but where he excels in toughness and trash-talk, he lacks in stature and physical capability.
"Thanks a lot, Sung."
"No problem."
You glance at Jisung. His skin glows and eyes sparkle in the warm, overhead light. A circle of light surrounds his messy, blonde hair like a halo, but you think he's the furthest from an angel that could ever be.
Jisung turns to you suddenly, those doe eyes gazing at you and you suddenly feel naked.
"You wanna see some tricks? I've been working on a few lately."
You simply nod. You watch Jisung grab his skateboard from where it lays at his feet and push himself off of the brick wall. With one swift movement he's skating down the ramp and up another. He stops at the peak, then jumps a little, twists around mid-air and skates back down.
He returns to you with a proud smile and, yeah, now you can see why he's so often mistaken for an angel--if you ignore the cuts littering his face, leather clinging to his skin and alcohol on his breath.
"Come on."
You stare at Jisung's outstretched hand and blink. "What?"
Jisung doesn't let you finish. Soon enough, you find yourself tumbling off the wall and into Jisung's arms. Your converse smack against the pavement and you almost crumple to the floor, but Jisung holds you up.
"Let me teach you."
"Jisung, I can't-"
But your words are of no use. Now clasping your hand, Jisung drags you to the flat section of the skatepark. He lets go to place his skateboard on the floor, then holds both hands out, palms facing up.
You make a face. "What do you want me to do?"
Jisung thrusts his hands in your direction. "Get on the skateboard. Hold my hands, you'll be alright."
"You won't let me fall?"
He draws a cross over his chest then extends his hands again. "Cross my heart."
You exhale a shaky breath; the puff of air forms clouds that eventually fade out, imitating Jisung's previous actions like an eager, younger sibling that can never quite live up to their older sibling's standard.
You step onto the skateboard. It rolls to the side a bit and you gasp in fear, but Jisung is quick to grab your elbows and, wow, you're a lot closer like this, so much so that you can smell the mint gum and candy-floss (or bubblegum) on his breath.
With a reassuring smile, Jisung begins to guide you, urging you to tilt your body to the side and reposition your feet. He pulls you gently to the left, directing you on when to place your foot down and the exact pressure to use when you push yourself forward.
"You're good at this," Jisung proclaims, but you can't tell if he's being truthful or not. "Ready for me to let go?"
"Oh god, please no."
Jisung chuckles and his fingers dig into your skin. "Alright then."
You expect Jisung to pull you along again, to repeat his previous instructions and praise you for doing the bare minimum once more. But when you look up, Jisung is frozen. His eyes sparkle like he's stored the galaxy in them, and you don't think you've ever seen Jisung like this, let alone so close. He's full to the brim with a strange sort of emotion that you can't entirely place but-
You notice Jisung's eyes flicker down to your lips. Only for a brief second, but you see it all the same. You recognise the emotion now—it's impossible not to. You've seen Jisung kiss people before, have sat bitterly in the corner of a house party as Jisung made out with whatever guy or girl he could find, so you know that look: it's lust. Or, perhaps, love. You can't tell, only hope.
But you recognise want. Need. And maybe you really need this too.
"Can I kiss you?"
It'd be a big fat lie to say that Jisung isn't an abrupt person, so it's really no surprise that he's the one who makes the first move. But if anything, you expected Jisung to just kiss you without asking. Instead, he requests permission gently, and the lust is still discernible, but it's softer than you have ever seen it.
You nod wordlessly. Jisung doesn't move so, now desperate for Lord knows what, you say, "Kiss me."
You hate how needy you sound, but Jisung doesn't seem to notice. The air around you is so cold, but Jisung is warm. Cold lips against warm lips, cold skin against warm skin, cold breath against warm breath.
When Jisung slips his tongue into your mouth you can tell that, yeah, it's definitely candy-floss.
And it's sickeningly sweet, but that's alright. Because when Jisung finally pulls away and confesses that he loves you, you realise that, despite his tough image, he is sickeningly sweet too.
Hyunjin: You know what? I think I'm getting really good at taking constructive criticism.
Chan: Oh that's cool! So about your dancing earlier—
Hyunjin: *already crying* Go ahead,
written by: 🥺
[14:04] your last class of the day was just about to start when yang jeongin, your seat mate, leaned over and tapped you on the shoulder, asking if he could copy your homework. again.
sighing, you retrieved your homework out of your bag and placed it in front of him. "don't make it look too obvious."
"i never do. you know that i'm a master of disguise, y/n."
"yeah, sure," you retaliated. "changing the order of a couple of words in a sentence doesn't make it less obvious that you copied."
he squinted and stuck his tongue out at you.
"i better get a reward for this," you grumbled.
at the end of the class, you were just walking out of the door when someone grabbed your bag, holding you back. you turned to face jeongin. he stared at you blankly, to which you gave a expectant nod.
"why are you leaving?"
you paused. what was wrong with this kid? "because it's the end of the day and i want to go home," you replied, matter-of-factly. "why? do you sleep on the desks overnight?"
"no! and i know, i just thought you might want your reward." a moment of silence as you blinked in confusion. "you know, for helping me."
"oh, okay. go ahead."
you held out your hands to him, expecting sweet treats, or money, or something of the likes to be placed generously in your palms.
you received nothing of the sort.
instead, a warm hand grasped your own, and before you could react, jeongin began pulling you through of the school.
"hey, what are you doing?"
he didn't answer, only dragged you through the corridors and out of the front gates. he only stopped when you planted your feet into the ground, stopping him from walking. defiantly, you untangled your hands. "jeongin, what the hell is going on?"
"i want to give you your reward."
"and my reward is being kidnapped?"
"no," he chuckled, eyes smiling with him and making your heart beat a lot faster than it should've. "i'm gonna take you out to get boba. there's a new shop near the park so we can go there."
you felt all of the breath leave your lungs at his words. you had expected a bar of chocolate at most for your help, not something like this.
"like...a date," you asked, except it sounded like more of a statement. you regretted the words as soon as they left your mouth, but jeongin nodded—much to your surprise.
"like a date," he confirmed. smiling, he held his hand out to you. "you coming?"
written by: 🥺
[12:08] being prince!hyunjin's tutor wasn't the easiest job in the world, unlike you had expected it to be. after all, he was part of the royal family, raised to be polite, well-rounded and a suitable heir—and that's exactly how you assumed the young prince would act.
but that definitely wasn't the case. hyunjin was just so annoying. sweet and kind, no doubt, but annoying. he had no desire to learn, instead preferring to spend his days frolocking outside in the castle gardens or, if allowed, taking a carriage through the village just to "see how his people were doing", as he had commented once. whilst you could understand that being cooped up in a castle with the weight of a future kingdom on his shoulders was bound to ebb away at his motivation, it definitely didn't make your job any easier.
you leaned against the pillows of his bed whilst you waited for him, reading a book you had read a thousand times before. it was one that hyunjin was supposed to read too, but he'd barely registered five words before he started whining that he wanted you to do it instead. granted, it was very interesting, and in the time it had taken you to get through half the book with hyunjin (he kept losing interest at random points and requesting that you restart the chapter) you had already memorised every line of dialogue, every twist and turn—so much so that you could probably perform it to hyunjin but, of course, you would never dare embarrass yourself like that.
it wasn't until the bed sunk beneath you suddenly that you realised that hyunjin had entered the room. you'd been so swept up in the main character's inner conflict that you'd barely noticed. he groaned, "jousting is the worst."
"why is that?" you asked, not bothering to look up from the book, but still unable to concentrate on whatever the main character was now thinking. something about her conflicting adoration and hatred for the love interest, you guessed.
"because the horse doesn't listen to me, and when you fall off you fall straight into mud. not to mention i keep dropping the-"
the horse doesn't listen to me. his words echoed in your brain for a few seconds as you tried to distinguish between what he had said and what you were reading. straight into the mud—
"hyunjin!" you interrupted his tale, throwing your book to the side and ushering him off the bed.
your sudden realisation was correct; the dirty armour he was wearing - which went unnoticed by you before - had stained massive patches of mud on his white sheets. you turned back to him. "the maids are going to kill me for letting you do this." you pointed a finger at his armoured chest. "then they're going to come for you."
hyunjin laughed and folded his arms across his chest. "why do you always treat me as though i am a child?"
you rolled your eyes and moved over to the bed, beginning to strip the sheets and get them washed before the stains were irreversible. "because you are a child."
"yes, but so are you. you are only a year older than me, may i remind you."
"a year older and your tutor," you replied. "i have the responsibility of looking after you and teaching you, therefore i have authority and you must respect me."
you heard a clatter as he dropped something to the floor, followed by a clash of metal. "and i will be your king in little time."
"yes, well, you're not just yet."
the dirty sheets were now a bundle which you scooped up into your arms. just as you turned to make your way over to the laundry basket, hyunjin stepped in your way. he'd shed himself of his armour and now wore a loose white shirt and black trousers.
"you're my tutor, and thus you serve me."
you tried to ignore how close the two of you stood, but it was difficult when you now could see the tiny specks of dirt on his skin and the mole beneath his eye that you'd never noticed before. he seemed like the only person who could be caked in multiple layers of dirt and grime and somehow pull it off.
"and you're insufferable."
"that's no way to speak to the person you serve."
"i'm not serving you right now," you said and thrust the pile of sheets into his arms. "do your laundry yourself. i think it's a skill that the future king should have," you added.
there was a quirk in his lips. for a second, you thought he was going to argue back. your prediction was immediately disproved when he pivoted, crossed the room and dropped the sheets into the laundry basket.
he faced you, smiling this time. "good enough for a future king?"
"good enough for a peasant boy," you said, half words and half scoff. "now you have to actually wash your laundry, not just get other people to do it for you."
he wrinkled his nose disapprovingly. "i'd rather learn to cook."
"that can be arranged. i'll take you down to the kitchen and ask the chef to teach you how to make a soufflé."
"a what?"
"dear god."
you nudged his shoulder with yours as you passed him and lead him in the direction of the kitchen. his reading would have to be discarded, but you supposed that was okay if it was in favour of teaching him life skills.
being hyunjin's tutor would never be easy but, luckily for you, you liked a challenge.
Minho, striding into the dorms: Good morning Gays!
Chan: I think you mean guys,
Minho: Not at all. Who wants breakfast?
stray kids when their s/o is pregnant with multiples—
written by: 🐝
genre: fluff
warnings: pregnancy, swearing
thank you to @mrsunshine999 for requesting this!!
bang chan ♡

• chan’s so prepared to be a father!!
• he’s terrified, as most first time parents usually are, but he’s so so so SO excited to be having kids with you
• he’s even happier when he finds out you’re having twins
• “i want more 🥺🥺”
• “they haven’t even cOME OUT YET-“
• “could u squeeze out more babies please 🥺🥺🥺”
• chan is sosososo protective of you
• it’s really sweet actually
• he’s always touching you in some way, just wanting to make sure you and the babies nearby
• chan likes to touch ur bump
• like,, A LOT,,,
• if he could choose, he’d never let go ☺️☺️
• chan definitely spends a lot of his spare time thinking of names for ur kids
• unfortunately, neither of you can seem to agree on anything
• you both decide to wait until after the babies are born to come up with something
minho ♡

• okay so y’all are having triplets
• he’s thrilled
• get used to ridiculous name ideas tho,,
• “babe...”
• “yes, minnie?”
• “could we pleeeeaaase call the babies soonie, doongie and dori??”
• you: 😐😐😐
• minho: 👁👄👁
• “absolutely not”
• much like chan, he’s fiercely protective of u
• if anyone so much as looks at u the wrong way, they’re getting a shoe thrown at their head
• and when ur babies are finally born he’s the same
• one of his cousins said the babies weren’t even that cute and i’m pretty sure he burst a blood vessel trying to suppress the urge to throw a table or smth 👀👀
changbin ♡

• not to roast him or anything but when the sonographer said y’all were having quadruplets he passed out,, in the middle of the sonography room,,,
• “can you check again??”
• “sir i’ve checked 1000 times, i’m certain-“
• “just chECK AGAIN-“
• once changbin got over the initial anxiety, he was over the moon about it
• “damn, is my sperm on steroids or smth??”
• “changbin pls 😭😭”
• he’s seriously caring tho
• he always makes sure you’re on time to your prenatal classes and doctors appointments
• and he’s all read up on the latest child rearing tips and tricks 😌😌😌
• but absolutely expect changbin to pop ur pregnancy ball from bouncing on it too hard
• (we all know changbin has a phat ass)
hyunjin ♡

• you were both really nervous about having triplets, but hyunjin more so than you
• mostly bc he felt so powerless
• you were carrying T H R E E babies when most people only have O N E
• so he promised himself that he’d be there for every moment of your pregnancy, holding your hand every step of the way just to make sure you never felt intimidated or alone
• 😭😭😭 don’t mind me 😭😭😭😭 just sobbing over hyunjin 😭😭😭😭😭
• he buys designer baby clothes all 👏the 👏time👏
• u try and tell him to slow down but he doesn’t listen
• “c’moooon, we’re having triplets! we’re gonna need lots of baby clothes!”
• “not designer baby clothes! they’re just gonna poop and puke all over them!”
• “idc, no child of mine will be dressing like some n00b”
jisung ♡

• ur pregnancy was quite a tough one
• you both knew it was likely gonna be that way, but that didn’t stop it from being any less difficult
• “these kids kick too damn much”
• “c’mon, it’s a good thing they’re kicking. it means they’re healthy and active.”
• “that’s not the issue, it’s that they’re kicking each other and i’m getting caught in the crossfire”
• “do you need me to have a word with them?”
• “sure?” 🤨🤨
• “hey, you two. quit fighting”
• *the babies continue to beat the crap out of each other, elliciting a groan from you”
• “don’t make me come in there! i’m your father and you will listen to me.”
• it didn’t help much but it’s the thought that counts
• (dad!jisung has me so soft 🐝)
• on a similar note, jisung ALWAYS knows how to lift ur mood when ur feeling particularly hormonal or sensitive
• whether it’s giving you a back massage and cuddles
• or just listening to you vent
• jisung tries his hardest to be a supportive presence bc having twins is a big deal and not everyone knows what ur going through
felix ♡

• being pregnant with triplets was an experience to say the absolute least
• ur pregnancy was so w e i r d
• strong!! pregnancy!!! cravings!!!!
• onion rings with strawberry jam 🤢🤢
• pickle juice and vanilla icecream 🤢🤢🤢
• apple slices and mustard 🤢🤢🤢🤢
• felix insists on cooking for u
• he’s so disgusted by ur food cravings, but pretends not to be bc ur so sensitive that any sort of criticism will have you bawling ur eyes out
• and if you start crying, so does felix
• and then everyone starts crying
• felix is sosososoSO gentle with u
• he’s very careful not to wake you in the night
• and he’ll help you put ur shoes on and get dressed when u get too big to do it on ur own
• which he loves 💕❤️
• looking after you is a big thing for felix, especially with three babies on the way
seungmin ♡

• he had this weird premonition/feeling/dream that y’all were gonna have a lot of kids
• but seungmin could NOT have comprehended that y’all were having quadruplets,,,
• he’s similar to changbin in that he was in a state of shock and disbelief when he found out (unsurprisingly) but it didn’t take long for him to get used to the idea of it
• bc quadruplet pregnancies tend to be shorter, he wanted to get all the important stuff out of the way first
• like putting together the nursery
• he enlisted the help of his group members bc there was just so much stuff to put together
• chan, hyunjin, minho and changbin got the most stuff done, whilst jisung, jeongin and felix sorta just fucked shit up
• you and seungmin sorta just watched from the sidelines like: 🤭😮
• making sure that you felt confident in yourself as a parent was really important to him
• which brings me to this cute fact: seungmin compliments and praises you ALL👏THE👏TIME👏
• “you’re so good at this!”
• “your bump looks so cute, i’m gonna rlly miss it”
• “our kids are rlly lucky to have u as their parent”
jeongin ♡

• jeongin couldn’t make it to the first scan because the weather was so awful and no bus would take him, so you went on your own and called him after to tell him the good news
• “we’re having TWO babies??? in one go???”
• “yes, innie, we’re having twins!!”
• “but I’M a baby!! can u really handle two more???”
• as much as you two both like to joke, ur pregnancy really matured him as a person
• jeongin was determined to be the best possible father for his children, no questions asked 😌😌
• so he read all the books.....
• and went to all the prenatal yoga classes.......
• and did all the things you’re supposed to do.......
• but, for jeongin, that didn’t quite feel like enough
• he only felt ready to be a parent when he spoke with his dad and grandpa, who both confided in him that they felt just as unprepared and inadequate as he did and that’s sorta just a part of being a parent
• fortunately, that gave him a lot more confidence
• and when your due date came, he handled everything so calm and confidently