i cant get over ur theme like everytime i see your majestical pfp and name in my notifs i giggle like hi ive been blessed by your presence
i just sobbed and threw up thats so sweet please
i cant get over ur theme like everytime i see your majestical pfp and name in my notifs i giggle like hi ive been blessed by your presence
i just sobbed and threw up thats so sweet please

love lockdown | k. ryuuguji (draken)
➳ tags ;; fem!reader, 18+, manga spoilers (character death), heavy hurt/comfort, arguing, toxic relationships / domestic violence (not between draken and reader but the shitty women draken dates) mechanic!draken, neighbor!mitsuya, reader is frustrated with draken and is a bit of crybaby, draken fucks up, makeup sex, palm riding? you like grind against his palms, fingering, oral (f!recieving), cumming when you put it in, draken has a big dick (so big) and it’s mentioned to be uncut, not belly bulge but he does put a hand on your stomach and asks if you can feel him, petnames baby, favorite girl, and little lady, morning after, MULTIPLE orgasms
➳ wc ;; 11.6k (help)
➳ a/n ;; draken my man i am begging you to release the shackles you have my clit in. this fic was supposed to be 4k MAX but here we are. tokyorev has me by the neck.. everyone say thank u to @manjihoe for not only beta-ing but making me read tr. draken nation... this ones for you *shoots a three and misses*
if you're interested, i have a rlly short playlist here
➳ synopsis ;; draken is a good man, probably one of the best people you’ve ever met in your life. but he has one vice that confuses you, since it feels so out of left field - he’s always dating terrible women and you can’t help but wonder why.

“Draken has terrible taste in women,” ― You watch as Mitsuya takes a little piece of thread, wetting it between his lips before trying to loop it through the needle ― “It wasn’t always like that, though. I don’t get involved anymore about it, but it’s probably his biggest vice.”
“Everyone’s told me that, but no one explains why to me.” you reply back, pulling your knees up to your chest. You watch as Mitsuya carefully stitches the sides of your dress together, eyes lasered focus. His earrings dangle and click together when he dips his head down to take a good look at the damage on your sundress.
“It’s not really our story to tell,” he says after some time, shaking his head like the idea of it would bring up bad memories. You know he’s probably doing the right thing, but you can’t help but be a little frustrated by him anyways.
It’s mostly quiet in your apartment. Mitsuya is your neighbor, bordering roommate - trusted in your space. You know him well enough to know all his friends by name - the things they’ve been through. Despite your initial intimidation - talking to them has been an incredibly pleasant experience. Most of them are rough around the edges, like they’ve seen shit you couldn’t imagine.
But they’re sweet, down to their cores which feels odd. They’ve got the kind of kindness that runs bone deep, that only blooms when you’ve seen some bad shit in your life with no intent to spread more. You see it sometimes when you speak to them, loneliness around the corners of their eyes that makes your heart-ache. They’re good folks all the same.
Of all of Mitsuya’s friends, you were easily most intimated by Draken when you met him. You’d been on an errand with Mitsuya, walking with him to pick up his bike from the shop. He’d managed to find another old friend and wanted to catch up, leaving you to your devices in the front area of the garage.
That’s where you saw him the first time.
Draken is a scary guy. He’s tall, broad, with dark hair and a tattoo on his skull that he’s apparently had since he was in the 5th grade. Aside from being terrifying to look at, he had a deep voice with timbre and an almost cold stare. It’s not often you’re intimidated by someone, but it felt like a survival instinct to step back from him.
You remember it clear as day. Scrambling to find your voice to speak to that.. thug only to be greeted with the warmest words when you introduced yourself as Mitsuya’s friend. He’s got a great smile, aside from being handsome and tall.
You come to find out that Draken in general is maybe one of the nicest people you’ve ever met in your life. Looks can be deceiving with Mitsuya’s friend group, Mitsuya is the most well groomed guy you know and he can beat the shit out of almost anyone
Draken is, however, exceptionally nice. So nice that even your friends seem to feel comfortable around him. You’d leave your drink in his presence and not think twice. He walks home with your girl friends if he’s walking you home, just to make sure they're safe but keeps his distance. He helps little old ladies across the street who seem to ignore his tattoo altogether as soon as he speaks. He just has that energy to him, like there are some people who don’t need to see the scary side of him at all.
Draken is the unequivocal kind of good you think you only meet once in your life. His heart is big, and despite everything he’s been through the world hasn’t hardened him the way it should’ve. Somehow he’s more vulnerable than you could understand.
There’s just one thing about him you’ve always found off-putting, and plainly it’s that Draken is always dating someone terrible.
You don’t like feeling unnecessary jealousy. You do have feelings for Draken but more than that, you’re friends, so you care about him. But every single girl he’s ever brought to meet his friends has been one of the most terrible women you’ve met in your life.
It’s so bad people warned you about it. It’s an almost weekly occurrence. They forbid him from talking to both you and Hina more often than not. They’re rude, ungrateful, and downright mean to Draken. Some of them have gone as far to put their hands on him like they know he’s too good of a guy to hit them back. These would become the first people you’ve ever fought - with Mitsuya and his friends teaching you moves since they can’t exactly fight them themselves.
It’s toxic beyond repair, and every time the current girlfriend is throwing a fit - Draken makes it his responsibility to fix it even if he wasn’t in the wrong at all. He gets this look on his face like he’s sad but he still does it.
Draken is far from spineless or cowardly. Whatever happens in these short-term but horrible relationships only happen because he lets them happen. Because he feels like he should let them happen. They never last but it’s never Draken to break up first.
You know enough about Draken to know that he always feels responsible for the actions of others. You know why, but you can’t help but want to talk some sense into him.
Mitsuya must sense your frustration, an air of heavy exhaustion making you groan into the palms of your hands. He can’t help but feel bad for you - because Draken must know you like him. That you like each other. So aside from the bad choices, it brings up the most obvious question.
Why won’t Draken just date you?
Mitsuya can’t be sure, but he figures Draken has it out to punish himself. To fill the gap but not to let himself be happy, not knowing if he deserves to be happy. It’s not like he doesn’t understand.
It makes him sad too, seeing his friend in such a sorry state. But Mitsuya believes that everyone has to forgive themselves in order to live, in order to make sure nothing is muddy. Ghosts that will always haunt you - it’s hard to learn how to live beside them. He knows that to be true, so he finishes the last stitches in your dress before lifting his head up to go talk to you.
“Just ask Ryu about it,” Mitsuya advises, his voice soft as he folds your dress up and hands it to you ― “Talk to him and figure it out.”
You sigh when you think about it. He’s probably right. You take the dress in your lap, looking at the newly stitched material with a frown.
“Yeah.. you’re probably right.” You reply, unsure of what to feel. You look up at him with a soft smile.
“Thanks for stitching this for me, Mitsu. Maybe I should wear it over.” you suggest light-heartedly. He grins.
“I think that’s a good idea.”
Draken is still in his shop when you text him that you wanna ask him something. He offers to wait till after his shift to pick you up from your apartment, but you figure if you wait it out you’ll lose nerve. You go to his shop and he lets you without a word.
He looks good when he works. He’s been working on an older car for the last few weeks, been texting you updates that read mostly nonsensical to you. An American Cadillac that he recently managed to snag - beat up and broken. You can see it in the back when he opens the door up.
You can tell he’s been laying under the car and fidgeting it with the stuff underneath. There’s grease stains on his cheeks and on his jaw, and his jumpsuit is half-way down his waist. Unzipped, his hair is pulled up like always. He’s got a thin sheen of sweat on his skin.
You looked the same as usual but Mitsuya pushed you to change into your sundress. Your lashes are dolled and dark, mouth glossy and hair fixed lazy. You’re wearing a dress anyhow, a jacket over your shoulders to deal with the cold.
He swings the red wood door wide, leaning against the frame with a warm smile. He’s so good looking it kills you, his expression drawn up. Draken doesn’t give himself enough credit for being handsome in the rugged way he is. His gloved hands cross over strong chest, tight shirt against his pecs. You swallow something in the back of your throat, fidgety.
“Whaddya want?” he asks, faux annoyance in his voice. You roll your eyes prepared to say something sarcastic, but then he pauses for real. He gives you an up and down glance.
“What’re you wearing that for?” he asks again, face scrunched in confusion. You pause and then realize that it’s the dress. You give him a grin.
“I have a date after this, didn’t I tell you?”
He doesn’t like the sound of that at all. He shakes his head, brow pinching even more.
“Huh.. is that right? With who?”
You roll your eyes at the tone of his voice.
“A date with my vibrator and netflix, sir. Mitsuya was at my place and he fixed up my dress so I wore it here.” you reply easily. He frowns at you.
“Don’t speak so crassly to me,” he tuts, stepping aside to let you in. You roll your eyes at him before walking it but he uses his arm to make sure you can’t get in.
“I’m serious.” he warns. You give him another frown.
“You talk about shit like that with Mitsuya and them but I can’t crack jokes?”
He gives you a look like you’ve said something ridiculous. But you stand your ground, partly because you don’t enjoy Draken telling you what to do but also because you don’t understand why it would bother him in the first place.
He glares at you.
“No, you can’t. Not to me or anyone else. Clear?”
You pretend the sound of his voice doesn’t send your gut to your stomach as you huff, pushing forward anyways with a frown.
“Yeah yeah, okay got it. Move, I’m cold.”
Draken lets you pass finally. There’s a little area for the shop and through the door is the garage where Draken does his actual work. When you step inside, you take a deep breath looking at the familiar surroundings. The garage is covered edge to edge in bikes - some for repair and some for sale. Low ceilings with big windows, some boarded up entirely. There’s tools around in red and black carts, car parts, and posters of pretty women and American rappers on the walls. It always smells vaguely like gasoline and metal, an almost coppery taste on your tongue when you step inside.
The car Drakens working in the back. You watch as he walks past you, carrying a stool under his arm. Your shoes squeak as you fall into step behind him, weaving through the bikes. He sets the stool next to the industrial drawer he has to store materials - the only thing he had formally installed for the shop. It’s not very big, but it’s unmoving and up against the wall.
You hop up onto the stool, resting your elbow on the drawer and letting your palm press against your cheek. Draken is in your view. He sits on the creeper seat, balancing on it bent over his knees before looking over at you.
“You still didn’t tell me what you wanted to talk about.” he tsks. He lays back onto the creeper seat, before rolling back under the car. His voice is just a touch louder when he speaks to you now, you watch amused. His body is so big when it sticks out from underneath the burnt-orange cadillac.
“What’s up?”
You’re silent for too long, probably. You bite the corners of your lip trying to find a way to bring it up to him. Mitsuya is right that this is the best thing to do, but that doesn’t mean it’s an easy thing to ask about. Especially because you aren’t exactly sure what to ask him. Why seems too straightforward, not gentle enough for something like this. Something about asking unsettles you. You don’t know everything, and that’s scary.
But, you’re more afraid of not knowing. Of him closing you out. So you sit in silence for a long while until Draken slides back out with confusion all over his face.
“You’re freakin’ me out.” he says hesitantly. You sit up straight and look at him, hands shaking ever so slightly.
“Promise you’ll be real with me?” you ask, sticking your pinky out just far enough so he can reach it. He laughs lightly at that, but takes it anyway, shaking your hand with linked pinkies.
“I don’t know what you’re going to say.”
“It’s like.. about the girls you bring around, I guess.” you say with a wince. You’re not sure how to phrase it, how much more gentle you can treat the situation. What diction could you use to divert the reality? But you see it in his face immediately, how he’s on the defensive. A part of you believes he’d be more understanding, but you knew.
For Draken.. For Ryuguji Ken - love cannot exist without survival. It’s instinctual, that belief.
Because while Draken is kind and nice - he also takes no interest in explaining himself. Because he feels like he can have a vice or two, maybe.
To have you involved as little as possible - part of it’s purposeful. With awareness that the further you are, the safer you can be. You don’t know which exactly this time, maybe a mix of both. No one ever taught him how to deal with grief, and this must’ve been the best he could come up with.
But, you have to ask. To pry it out of him with your teeth, sharp in his anguish, if you have to. Because it can’t keep going like this. You can’t keep watching it if it does go on. Love has you playing offense, with your heart on your sleeve and apology on your tongue. How do you phrase it softly, kindly?
That you can love someone through their grief, but they have to let you in? Is there a way to say it without hurting them? If your lover is an open wound, how do you teach them the difference between that pain and the sting from stitches?
There’s no way you think. For this conversation to be easy. Nothing ever is with Draken, and that’s fine even if it scares you
When his face goes cold, you take a deep breath and steel your nerves. Your face goes soft, but you have to be strong.
“I just wanna know what’s on your mind, Ken. I wanna know why you keep..” you trail off, unsure of what to say.
“Keep what?” he spits, a little more venom in his voice than he means. You deflate a little. Not angry, but frustrated. Tired of seeing him put himself through it without at least knowing why. You rub your temple.
“I’m not trying to start a fight.” you reply with an even, easy quality to your voice. You have to hold it together.
“I don’t want to talk about this with you.” he replies back, trying to quell his initial anger. It’s not like him to feel like this. He knows that, but he can’t help. His guard about how he acts is always down with you and it shines like this.
“Ken..” you trail, voice tired “I can’t keep watching you do this with them. I can’t, and I won’t just sit here and watch.”
“It’s not your business to begin with, fucksake.”
He doesn’t mean to raise his voice at you, but it comes out. He watches as you retreat. Stares at you when your eyes go wide with something akin to fear and his stomach drops. Because as much as you know Draken would never hurt you, he’s scaring you. And maybe you’re too strong for your own good, because your voice shakes in your throat when you look at him. Your palms curled in, hands fisted at your knees.
“Don’t raise your voice with me.” you say sternly, expression unreadable. “Not now, not ever Draken.”
He pulls back, face crumpling with frustration as the two of you look away from each other. He hears a deep sniffle and his eyes snap up again. You’re crying, not big sobs but sniffles. Your eyes red around the corners, frustrated crying. He stares at you and his heart drops, and he thinks about how Mitsuya is gonna kill him. He thinks about the guilt he feels for making you fucking cry.
“I’m gonna leave.” you say, taking a shaky breath. Your hands in your pockets, pressing your fingers to your eyes so your makeup doesn’t run. You sound hoarse, like you ran here “I don’t wanna do this right now. I’ll text Mitsuya to pick me up and I won’t tell him, so.. I’ll see you later, Draken.”
Draken is good with gut feelings. That emotion - the brief sense that if you don’t do something right now, right away everything will fall apart. He feels it when he watches you stumble to your feet. When you take another deep breath and put your hands in your pockets, ready to walk off. His body moves on it’s own, heavy steps as he rushes to you.
His hand snakes your wrist and holds it. You close your eyes, breathing another deep breath.
“Ken, let go of me. It’s fine, you don’t want to talk,” you urge, your voice trembling. “I don’t wanna fight with you. Let me go, please.”
His grip loosens but he can’t let go. You try to wiggle out of his grasp but he can’t, he can’t. He’s scared that if he cuts you loose this will be the last time. He’s not exactly sure what it is, but Draken knows better than to go against his instinct.
“I didn’t mean to snap on you like that..” ― He trails off, shutting his eyes ― "I know it’s not.. I know you mean well. I’m sorry.. fuck - really sorry. I don’t wanna see you cry.” His voice is soft.
You know he means well but you can’t help but feel resentment, because you can’t tell if he means it. Your mind wanders to all the girls he’s dated and brought home, and you wonder if he snapped at them too, or if he comforted them kindly and softly. And you recognize that ugly, bitter feeling. You don’t want to compare yourself, because you are good and whole all on your own.
But it rears its head like this. When you’re frustrated, exhausted from being strong. From holding Draken together so many nights. Because he has opened his heart to you before, and you’ve held in your palms carefully. Because you’re good to him, more often than not. Frustrated because you haven’t done anything to deserve this, and you know if you don’t turn back now everything will pour out of you.
Love is a wound, and you bleed for Draken more than anyone else.
“Please let me go, Ken. I can’t… I don’t want to do this with you. If I’m here any longer, it’s gonna get ugly. Let me go.”
You try again, to move. But he won’t let you, won’t budge. You think it again, that you don’t deserve to feel like this. That love shouldn’t hurt, or cut you so deep but all Draken feels like is a thorn in your side. You tremble again, knees buckling.
Your voice is watery. You can’t help but shake. It’s too much, too much, too much. Everything feels like it’s coming apart but you can’t let yourself be swayed. You have to be strong, you have to be. He’s made it clear, so you have to leave and you have to do it for you.
“Why aren’t you letting me go?”
“I’m sorry.”
“Let me go, Ken.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N - I’m sorry.”
And then it comes, like a reckoning. It’s divinity, and rips heaven in two pieces and let hell come from within it. Everything comes out and it comes so fast and you can’t control it. Fear, frustration, longing - it comes out of you in a rush.
“I just want to go home, Ken. You don’t want to talk about it, and I’m respecting your decisions so why won’t you just let me go? Why can’t you just let me leave quietly?”
He closes his eyes when you turn to him, and can't look at your tearful expression without feeling terrible.
“I know it’s hard for you, how hard your life has been. I’m so afraid of hurting you I don’t know what to do with myself half the time,” you shake your hand off. Your body trembles with rage, with frustration that bubbles over until it spills “But this isn’t fair. If I did something that made you treat me like this, just tell me and I’ll say sorry and leave.”
“I don’t want you to leave -’
“But this isn’t fuckin’ fair to me, damnit,” you hiccup a sob. You don’t mean too, don’t mean to cry. Don’t mean to sound so frustrated, don’t mean to make it about you “It’s not fair you raise your voice and get angry with me when I’m asking you a simple question. I could forgive you for that -”
You shake with rage, wiping your tears with your palms even when they come too fast. Draken has felt horrible in his life more times than he can count, but nothing more than now. This gut-wrenching feeling, like he knows. Like if Draken were a little more honest with himself he could’ve prevented this.
“But you don’t get to make me stay. You don’t get to cross that boundary with me and make me feel like this. I just want to go home, I’m so tired of mulling over this. I’m tired of seeing you go through this again and again and not knowing why. I’m tired of not talking to you for weeks because the person you’re with won’t let you talk to me,”
His face crumples again, crushing despair on his eyes. All you can do is cry, throat hoarse.
“But I forgave you, even when you didn’t ask for it, because I just wanted to be in your life. Even as friends, I want to be close to you.” You feel your jaw get tight with frustration “But I’m so fucking tired of feeling crazy for caring about you, so I’m not going to butt in anymore. And we don’t have to talk about it, I get it. You’ve made it clear, so please just let me go home. If you respect me at all, you’ll let me go home.”
You take a deep breath and turn to move on your heels and leave. You’ve said your piece. You’re so tired you feel like you could fall into the Earth and let it swallow you. Your head hurts from crying, so when the hiccuping settles - you wipe your eyes.
And if it wasn’t painful enough, clear enough that Draken fucked up terribly - at the end you give him a half-hearted smile. You feel pitiful and tired and it’s awful, but at least it’s settled. That gives you some semblance of relief, even if it hurts.
“I’m sorry I misread everything, but I get it now. Promise I’m not mad, so I’m gonna go home. I’ll see you on campus Monday. Get home soon, okay?”
Draken has to move, has to. He knows it’s not fair to you, but he can’t let things end like this. Not when he knows that if he leaves it here, this will be the end of the only thing he’s managed to find happiness in ages.
He knows he should let you go, but he can’t. He flips you around and drags you to his chest. You’re pulled into him more fast than you know what to do with. Draken has always been exceptionally tall and strong, but you feel the extent of it when he drags you into his arms. Strong arms and chest, Draken hugs you with all the strength he can muster. His hand cradles your head and he presses you to him with overwhelming strength.
He smells like home, like motor oil and cologne and home and you hiccup.
“Why’re you still holding me?” you manage through a broken sob, body melting into his so easily. You fit perfectly against him.
“I’m sorry,” he sounds so remorseful it shakes you to your core “Let it out. I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to.. didn’t mean it. You’re upset right? Let it out for me. Tell me you’re mad.”
“No,” ― you whine exhaustedly, shaking your head ― “You just feel bad for me cause I’m crying. It’s not special to you, I don’t wanna cry to you. I wanna go home and cry to Mitsu.”
“I don’t want you to cry to anyone but me.” he mumbles against your forehead. His arms feel so safe, but you try your best not to be swayed.
“Leave me alone, I don’t want to be here. Let me go.” you plead, exasperated. These petulant, petty feelings. Everything is starting to make you sick.
You try to wiggle out of his grip but he only holds you tighter, so tight you can breathe.
“I can’t. It’s better if you’re mad, so just get mad at me. Just be angry, but I don’t want to let you leave.” he cradles your head to his chest “I’m sorry.”
“I don’t want you to comfort me.” ― You hit his chest weakly, with no intent to hurt him ― “You don’t get to anymore. I’m tired.”
“I’m sorry,” he says again.
“I’ll stop crying, okay? I’m fine so could you please just -”
You start crying again, even after you just stopped. It frustrates you, when you wipe tears from your lashes all over.
“You’re still crying,” he mumbles, voice rough.
“Why are you doing this to me?” you feel again, overwhelmed with a wave of weakness. It feels humiliating, your cheeks burning in upset. “I don’t want to feel like this”
He’s silent, rubs those comforting circles in your back that only make you grieve harder. Your hands grip the front of his chest, forehead pressed to his chest as you shake in his arms.
“What do you want from me? What’s the point of this? Do you really feel this sorry for me? I didn’t ask for that, I don’t need it from you.” you grit.
It’s quiet. Too quiet, and you’re still crying into his arms. You don’t think you’ve ever been so worn out. And it’s quiet for so long, the silence heavy like a cross on sinners chest. You shut your eyes, uncertain. You just want to stop this, but you’re stuck.
“When I was 15,” ― His voice is so quiet you almost can’t hear it. The only reason you can is because you’re so close to him ― “The first girl I ever loved.. Mikey's little sister. She uh.. she was killed.”
You freeze in his arms, and he hugs you a little tighter.
“It wasn’t my fault, or Mikey’s fault even though I beat his ass at the time. We couldn’t protect her” ― He hugs your waist to him, like he’s thinking about what to say ― “It was a long time ago, and it wasn’t just her. Wasn’t just anything, I think Mikey leaving without a word - that too.”
“I got used to seeing people die, but I really did love her as much as 15 year old me could love anyone.” ― He goes quiet for a beat before continuing ―”I know it wasn’t my fault, or anyones but those fucking bastards.”
His grip tightens, just slightly.
“But I couldn’t forgive myself for what happened. The first time I got into a relationship like that it was an accident, but that punishing feeling. Somehow, it felt like the right thing to do.” he says with a light laugh.
“I’m sorry you’ve been hurt so much,” ― You say first, teary but settled. He’s almost startled by how easily your attitude changes, your voice tight and pained― “You were just kids. None of you deserved that,” you say earnestly.
He smiles at that.
“I don’t think we did either,”
“But you shouldn’t punish yourself,” you say, shaking your head, like you’ve thought about it plenty. “She wouldn’t want that for you, I know she would want you to be happy. And to live peacefully, at least.”
He doesn’t realize how long he’s needed someone to tell him that until the words leave your mouth. He hugs you tighter than before, and nods. It’s quiet for a while as you pull back.
“Thanks,” he says quietly. You give him a warbly smile. Your heart aches a little, but you pull away with understanding.
“Thanks for tellin’ me,” you smile sadly, mouth curled up. You can ignore the ache in your chest for now. For his sake.
“I’m gonna head home now,” you say, yawning, weary and unwilling “My head hurts, and I want to sleep and watch movies with Mitsuya.”
But, Draken stops you. His arms are still tight around and he’s looking down at you. At your face, teary and distressed. He can’t say for certain what Emma would’ve wanted, but he knows that you’re here now. And it’s not fair to you, hasn’t been in a long time.
Draken doesn’t want to punish himself anymore, but he can’t let you leave like this. And he trusts you, but the idea you’ll go home to Mistuya and he’ll wipe the tears off your face makes something makes his stomach tight. He furrows his brow.
“Are you sure that’s everything?” he prompts. You feel embarrassment bloom into your cheeks, heart feeling like it’ll ache. You’re embarrassed, so you look away. Your hand flies to his chest.
“I-I’m sure.” you flush, as he gets inches away from you. He grabs your jaw with his hands, making you look at him.
“Don’t lie to me.” ― His breath is warm, smells like 5 gum and is too close to you. Flusters you but you can’t look away ― “That’s not the only reason you were crying, was it?”
“Draken, please -”
“I want you to be honest with me. I’ll comfort you. I’ll say sorry, too. You think I wanna let you go home to Mitsuya and have him take care of you?” ― He grits his teeth, jaw feathers just thinking about it ― “No wonder you’re so pissed at me.”
Your expression softens and you can feel yourself going all soft again. You’re too tender for this right now, for his incessant prompting. Battered from all the emotional labor, you really don’t want to cope with your feelings for him like this. You feel yourself getting frustrated.
“I fucked up real bad, didn’t I?” ― his voice almost sounds like a coo, but it’s rough and low and apologetic ― “Made you think you weren’t special to me at all. Fuck, you know that’s not true, right?”
“Stop,” you shake your head, trembling like a leaf in the wind. “I don’t want to cry anymore.”
He cracks a sad smile at you.
“Were you mad at me when you saw me with ‘em?” ―He asks, eyes tracing your face, watching as tears form at your lashes ― “I don’t like making you mad. I really don’t like making you cry.”
You hit his chest with weak fists, crying again.
“Are you mad at me?”
“You’re so mean to me.” ― You hit his chest with closed fists, shaking a little ― “Why’re you so mean t’me?”
“I’m sorry.”
“I thought I wasn’t good enough for you,” you admit, unsure of how to proceed. “I still feel like you don’t.. I don’t wanna be selfish.”
“You can be selfish with me,” ― He grabs your hands and brings them to his chest, mouth brushing against your knuckles. With a lopsided smile he leans into your touch ― “You can be whatever you want.”
“Bet you say that to everyone.” you sniff. You know it’s petulant, petty but you feel like you’ve got a right. He chuckles.
“Not everyone,” He kisses your knuckles and you flush “Promise you’re my favorite girl.”
That makes you really shy. You look away that time, screwing your eyes together. Your stomach flutters with warmth and you can’t help but be nervous. You want to tell him he doesn’t have to do this, but your mouth is cottony. Your heart is pounding.
“Hey, look at me.”
“I don’t wanna.” you reply quickly. He tsks, turning your jaw.
You’re met with his face in front of you. Strong nose and brow, sharp eyes and brows. He’s handsome even covered in grease, and your stomach turns at the sight of him. He’s so overwhelming to be around, sharp canines peering through his lower lip when he glances at you. He squishes your cheeks together, lips smushed.
“Why don’t you wanna look at me, huh?”
You scrunch your nose, closing your eyes.
“Cause you’re mad? D’ya act like this with everyone?” He muses. Your face is still smushed in his big palms.
“Act like what?” you say through muffled huffs. He lets his nose brush against yours.
“Act so cute,” His lips are close, hands snaking to the back of your neck - palms cupping you close to him as he leans down “D’ya act so cute with everyone or just me? Does Mitsuya see you whine like this?”
“You’re so close.” you mumble stupidly. He chuckles.
“Yeah I am. I wanna kiss you. Gonna let me?”
He laughs, and it’s so warm. And you smile, and it’s so forgiving. You’re so forgiving to him.
“What do I have to do?” he asks, letting your arms come up around your necks.
“Tell me it again,” ― Your voice is sweet, like summer ― “That it’s me, that I’m your favorite.”
“You’re my favorite girl,” He presses his lips to yours “Can I take you home and show you?”
You shy away again but nod.
“Take me home, Ken. Wanna go home with you.”
Draken lives alone.
In an apartment on the upper-east side. He doesn’t have any roommates even though everyone in Toman has offered to stay with him. Insists he needs the alone time, after working with customers and rowdy folks all day. You’ve been to his apartment before, but it’s different this time. Normally all you’re doing is hanging out, but today he’s got a hand on your waist and his eyes following your silhouette.
Today, he shuts the door behind him before he pins you against it. Your body is littered with goosebumps. He’s so quick to kiss you, it startles you. Draken kisses aggressively, like he needs to get everything from you before he falters. He kisses like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do, big hands cupping your face. He cradles you like you’re a precious thing, kissing you again and again.
Kissing just to kiss, just because he wants to kiss you even though there’s a laundry list of things he wants to do to you. With you, right now he just wants to kiss you. His lips are soft and full, and he’s got a mouth that makes you feel warm from the inside out. It’s oddly adoring - this exchange. Drakens hands settling on your face. Can you tell that he loves you? Can you tell that he wants you more than anything?
He doesn’t know how to say it softly. He’s never been good at being anything other than honesty and fighting. But he’s trying to tell you he’s sorry, that he’s trying, that he wants you in the palm of his hands, that he wants to be happy. He wants to tell you it’s hard and he wants you to feel it - to cradle him in your arms and make him forget everything.
He hasn’t loved anyone properly before. In a time and place where he’s safe too. His heart is clumsy with yours. His hands are too heavy, touching too aggressively. He kisses you like he’s asking if you can’t take it, all of him. The parts of him that aren’t fixed.
You laugh into his heavy kisses, pulling away with a giggle.
“Ken, hey - slow down.” you voice it through an airy breath “Gotta get to your bedroom.”
“I can’t fuck you against my door?” he muses. You hit his chest lightly.
“Another time.” you say through a whisper, like a secret “After my finals, maybe.”
He presses his forehead to yours.
“Oh, shit I forgot about that.” he replies, kissing the corners of your mouth. “Another time.” he agrees.
He takes your hand and drags you to his bedroom. His room isn’t very big, with his bed taking up most of it, but it’s intimate. A king sized mattress is enough to fit him comfortably, and the two of you fall together. He turns on a dim light, just enough to see you.
Draken watches as you rustle against the sheets, your head hitting in the pillow with a smile on the corners of your mouth. You grin at him as he crawls on top of you. His leather jacket is shrugged off strong shoulders as he cages you in with his form, his forearms on either side of you. His eyes are dark when he glances over at you, thumbs wiping under your eyes.
“Don’t like that I made you cry.” he says, thumb smudged with black. You hum.
“It’s okay.”
“I shouldn’t make you cry.” he sighs, frustrated.
“Are you planning too or something?”
“No,” he says quickly.
“Good, come kiss me.”
He smiles at you. You look like a dream, even like this. Tear-stained, tired, you still greet Draken warmly. He dips down to meet your mouth in a kiss, same as before but this time he doesn’t stop. His hands are big, calloused with consistently bruised knuckles and warm palms. They flush against your skin, your thighs bent back with Draken in between them.
You can feel your skirt ride up over your thighs as Draken leans over you, arms resting on either side of your head as he presses himself to you. The shape of his cock is obvious in his jeans, hard and heavy against your clothed cunt. Draken doesn’t let your mind wander too far from him - his hands dragging up your thigh, cupping your knees before sliding back down. The skin to skin makes you feel flushed as he keeps kissing you. Warm mouth, he slips his tongue against yours.
It’s thick - hot and heavy as a little saliva drips down the side of your cheek. Draken palms your entire body. Over your thighs, on your waist, and just briefly he’ll squeeze your tits through your tiny little sundress. He can tell you’re not wearing anything underneath, can feel the weight in his palms. You moan into his mouth when he touches you - groping every inch of your skin.
He rests at your hips, his thumb hooking underneath your sundress to pull it up over your panties. They’re cotton, printed with polka dots. Draken gets a brief glance at them. His eyes wander over your body - letterman splayed as your lower half is covered in goosebumps from the cold air. You bite your lip as your eyes flit up to his face, thinking about covering yourself with your hands.
Draken is wordless. He moves into action quickly, his hands going to take your jacket off your shoulders and leaving you in your short dress. The thick material slips off your skin and Draken places a kiss onto your shoulder. He leaves open mouth kisses all the way up your neck until you wiggle your arm out. Your hand rests on his shoulder as he moves to do the same to the other side.
You’re not even naked, but the slow undressing feels exposing - heart bared on your chest as he continues to slide you out of your coat. When your skin meets the air, his tongue traces against the goosebumps on your shoulders. He leaves hickies this time around. All the way up your neck as you feel his muscles with your hands. Warm skin, your mind is hazy with the feeling Draken’s teeth against your neck.
You can feel the blood rushing underneath your skin, how he breaks capillaries beneath the surface until they’ve bloomed a deep red, almost purple. They pulse for two beats even afterwards, and Draken leaves so many he almost feels sore. You know it’s meant to claim you, the way Draken touches you. You let your hands slide onto his face, cupping his ears and running your thumbs over the shell.
He looks at you tenderly, and you smile back.
“I’m all yours, Ken. Don’t rush.”
“All mine, yeah?”
“Yeah. All yours forever.”
When your eyes meet, you can’t help but feel like you’ll fall into the floor. Because you say it, and Draken looks happy. The prospect of it gives him a wolfish grin and a warm glow all at once - his mouth in a wide smile that shows off the straight teeth.
He doesn’t say anything more, but he does kiss you again. Light presses of the mouth that feel like all the Thank You's you could ever ask for. He kisses you until you’re relaxed again and pulls back so he can take a good look at you. He takes your arms and holds them over your head.
“I know you don’t like listenin’ to me but could you be good and keep em there?” He muses.
“Who said that?”
“You, dummy. You’re real good at sayin’ at whatever you want.” He lets his head dip down to your neck, places kisses against your throat, down your chest until fabric gets in the way.
“Is this about… what I said in the shop?”
“If the rest of Toman heard you talk about your vibrator, don’t you think they’d go around picturing it? Especially Michi since he’s weak to you, anyways.” ― He scolds you lightly, but his eyes are serious ― “You’re a good girl, so act like one. You needa have good manners.”
“Were you thinking about it when I said it?” you take your lower lip between your teeth “Were you thinking about me?”
“I’m always thinking about you.” he replies easily.
His hands travel down to the bottom of your dress, from where it was pushed up over your stomach. He stares down at how it hugs your body, around your curves. Tight against your middle, let your tits press against the thin material. Instead of taking off right away, he simply lets his fingers pinch the fabric and pulls down until they fall out of the front.
It makes you gasp, the sudden rush of cold air making your nipples hard. Draken’s eyes drop to your chest, a groan escaping his lips at the sight of your skin. How they fall, how they sit - his hands shake as he reaches out for them.
But he takes in his palm regardless, lets his hands brush over the sensitive area and watches as your eyes flutter. You keep your hands still like he asks, above your head.
Draken makes quick work of touching you. His lips find your chest, kissing the underneath side of your tits with a soft hum. He lets his tongue dip, tastes the skin just below the roundest part. He treats them well, his free hand squeezing whichever one he can’t pay enough attention to you. You squirm underneath him, trapped under his weight. Your feet kicked, your toes curled as you shy away from him.
“Ken,” you whimper. He looks up at you with an easy smile, head tilted as he takes both and squeezes them together.
“More,” you whine, already embarrassed over asking “Please, please.”
He finally closes his mouth around where you need him most, leaning over to spread your legs apart. His tongue slides against the hardened bud, leaves a wave of heat running through it as he sucks on it, licks on it with content and his eyes closed. Your body feels light when he touches you. Arms still rested over your head, you roll your body against Drakens.
His fingers are big. You feel them, light over your clothed cunt. He lets his middle finger run over wet fabric. Your mind goes blank as soon as you feel the warmth of him against your body. His weight is heavy, pressing you firmly into the mattress. Draken listens to your gasp and his lips curl up. He likes the sound of your voice, the breathlessness in it.
“Does that feel good?”
“Ken,” your voice is soft in his ears.
“What is it baby?”
You whine when he calls you baby. His voice is so deep. It makes your heart jump into your throat. His fingers go again over the wet-spot, soaking his fingers until they’re sticky. He rubs you again and again. You feel him everywhere on your skin, his mouth is just as relentless as the rest of him but nothing is more embarrassing than his hands and how they make your panties stick to your folds. They cling to you pretty, the light fabric outlining every inch.
You roll your hips into his hand without thinking about it, Again and again, until you’re practically rubbing yourself into his palm. But Draken indulges you, watches your face through amused eyes as you grind yourself, voice wobbly as you chase your own high without thinking twice. Draken cups your pussy through your panties with nothing but affection, watching you work for it. He’s never seen you so distracted before. He lets you go, smiling when you call his name.
“Ken,” you huff, voice trembling. The friction is good. Draken is so sturdy, and every time you press - he presses back. Every rut of hips, he meets. He bites your nipple gently to get your attention, and your eyes flutter open to his face.
“D’ya need me here at all?” he teases. You blink at him, nodding.
“It’s your fault I’m like this.” you manage, just barely keeping yourself together.
“Gonna cum just like this? Can you?”
“Really wanna,” you admit, dazed and desperate “Wanna cum f-for you. Want you to watch me.”
“Fuck.. fuck - you’re gonna kill me.” He mumbles, nipping your skin with his teeth “Where’d you learn all this from?”
“Just like you, Ken.” you admit. He feels his cock twitch when you say his name like that, like the reason you’re so worked up it’s because it’s him who you’re getting off on. Draken’s always been a gentleman, kind and thoughtful.
But seeing you grind so fucking desperately into his palms - while he sucks your tits and watches you, it makes him feel something he can only describe is animalistic. Sex is always good, but it’s you. You, riding his palms and whining his name and he wants to sink his cock into you more than he wants to breathe air. Wants to make your pussy soft before he fucks into you with all he has. You’re so fucking beautiful, it’s unlike anything he’s ever felt.
“Ken, Ken, Ken.”
“Gonna cum for me just like this, sweetheart?”
You nod, all worked up. Draken kisses between your tits and watches as your breathing goes ragged. The pleasure is desperate, a fizzing sensation. It’s not enough, not quite what you want but you like the feel of it. The pressure on your clit just from rutting on Drakens palms. He watches with fascination as you get yourself off, something sweet in your tone as you whine. Deep and needy, your whole body shudders. You cum hard, stain your panties till they’re soaked - all for Draken and he lets you. All your nerves feel like they’re on fire, you’re not exhausted but wanting.
You cum on Drakens palm, and open your eyes to look at him. You feel delirious as you stare at him.
“Have fun?” he asks, wholly amused. You nod.
“Want more,” you confirm.
“You wanna cum for me more?”
You nod, and Draken presses his fingers against your lips. You open obediently, eyes meeting him as you run your tongue around his digits. He wonders if you’re doing it on purpose, the way you look at him makes his patience thin. He wants to fuck you so deep, with your knees bent all the way back for him. Your legs up, letting him all the way in.
It’s all he can think about, everything else just another vessel to fuck into you every which way.
Draken decides it then - kissing you one last time for good measure before slipping down again.
“Gonna make you cum on my fingers, okay?” He tells you more than asks. You nod for him, your arms reaching forward to circle his neck so you can kiss him deep one more time. He kisses you, sucks on your tongue until you’re panting into his mouth. His nose bumps yours when you pull off, kissing the tip of it so adoringly. It’s almost like he isn’t itching to be balls deep inside of you, something soft about how he kisses the corners of your mouth.
Draken keeps kissing you. Down your chest, past your navel, all the way until his face is facing your panties. You struggle to breathe, just seeing his face between your legs loosens your mind. You feel another wave of fire burn underneath your skin. Draken runs his tongue against your core, moaning against your cunt with a heavy sigh. You whine - pure white heat flaring through your gut.
His arms are strong as they maneuver underneath your thighs - his fingers dipping into the waistband of your panties. He watches with a bated breath as it unsticks from your pussy, a thin line of arousal as he pulls them off of your body. He puts them in the pocket of his jeans before caressing your thighs again.
He nudges your knees apart with his shoulders, your feet flat on the bed. He stares at you for so long, you shy away but Draken pins you with his body. He’s almost mesmerized by it, the way your clit shines with arousal, throbbing and so pretty. Draken has so many things he wants to do with you, but he wasn’t expecting to feel so much urgency about getting his mouth on you.
He kisses your clit first, once then twice - before he lets his tongue dip. He dips down, starts at your hole and gathers cum on the tip until he’s around your clit. It feels fucking dirty, the heat of his mouth against your pussy. Draken has always been loud when he eats, you’ve seen it before so many times. Still, nothing could prepare you for seeing him between your legs. For feeling the heavy drag of his tongue on the sensitive bundle of nerves, between your folds until your twitching.
Your fingers twist into the sheets as electricity crawls up your spine, making your neck twitch. Draken lets spit drop onto your clit with the tip of his tongue, spits on it before going in again. All you can think about is his mouth on your sex, how he slurps and spits and eats messily just to watch you writhe and twist. You feel like you might melt, a light bit of humiliation making your skin itchy as Draken eats you out with enough enthusiasm that you croak.
“Ken, o-oh.”
“Pretty fucking pussy,” ― He practically moans against you, licking your clit again before sucking it onto his tongue ― “Gotta get it messy so it can take me, yeah? Make sense?”
You want to say something but you’re blank. Draken is distracting, mouth latched onto your heat with no other concern. You feel your body convulse, not expecting to be cumming again so soon. The cool down was so short, and you’re already chasing a high again. But this time it’s Drake setting the pace. Lapping at you like he’s on a mission. He groans against you every now and again, feeling as it reverberates through you.
Your body feels pliant, soft like your soul might slip from it. Your knuckles are almost white from how tightly you hold on. Your body is tense, breathing uneven as Draken massages your clit with his tongue.
“Oh, oh - o-oh fuck Ken, I’m gonna… fuuuck.”
You let out a loud groan, feeling all the tension in your gut coil tight before coming apart completely. You don’t know how it happens, but you’re cumming all over Drakens face, his nose bumping your clit as he makes sure to catch all of it on his tongue. He dips inside with your tongue, groaning at how tight you clamp down it as you spasm. Your back arches off the mattress, as you twitch shamelessly. You cup a hand over your mouth as your eyes roll back into your head.
You cum and it feels like it goes on forever. You don’t get a breather. Draken presses a kiss to your inner thigh, but before you can understand what’s happening - he’s got a hand resting on your navel. His thumb pulls you back, spreads you apart so he can get a good view of it twitching. You’re speaking through short sentences, shivering constantly as the aftershock overwhelms you.
“What’re you… mmfuck.. what’re you doin?” You slur tiredly.
“Looking at you.”
He says that it's a solid answer. You blink down at him, one eye at a time. Your whole body breaks out into tremors when it releases tension and brushes against your clit. You choke out a cry.
“‘s sensitive, Ken. Fuck, hnggh.”
It really was sensitive, too sensitive almost. Enough that it aches everywhere Draken touches you. Everything was overwhelming, even his warm breaths but you were still wired with lust. Your body was still aching for more, greedy and worked up after cumming twice already.
Draken has no plans of cutting you loose. Instead, you watch him with labored breath as he slides his fingers against your sensitive core before he sinks his middle finger into you with ease. He spits on it again, like it’s not messy enough and your whole mind starts to splinter when you feel his finger start to stretch you.
Draken is more often than not silent when he watches you, getting familiar with your cues. His eyes are fixated to how your walls grip down on to his middle finger, the greedy sensation as he so slowly pushes through. Draken doesn’t want to hurt you. Knows he could, not unaware of his size. But more than that, he’s fixated on you. Everything in him wants to claim your cunt for himself, wants you to crave him. He has this unspoken desire to make you all his, always.
And stretching your cunt out with his fingers is part of that. You feel yourself struggling to handle it. You’re so sensitive. Even just one thick finger is enough to remind you of it. When the first finger is knuckle deep, he curls it up. Drakens fingers are long, fit perfectly against your g-spot.
Your mouth drops open, shoulders shaking as he rubs against it easily. It’s not enough but the overwhelming, suffocating sensation makes your whole body reel. You need to cum again, but your body is craving so much more. All you can do is take it patiently, let Draken work you open with his middle finger.
“Gonna break you in half,” ― Draken hisses, eyes burning as he watches how you stretch around his fingers ― “Dick is gonna break you right in two.”
“Ken, fuck.”
“You’re gonna feel so good on my dick baby, I need you to stretch for me so I can give it to you.”
You cry out, feeling as Draken so carefully adds another finger. He’s so thick, even like this you can’t help but feel overwhelmed. Draken’s dick is so fucking big - you don’t know how you’re going to handle him when he fucks you. The thought alone has your spine arching, body flailing with desperation as he slips another finger inside. As he fucks you with them, stretches you wide on them - as far apart as he can.
And he fingerfucks you, just like that. Pumps his digits in and out of your sweet cunt with a guttural groan, the soft slick noise as he fucks them. You sound perfect when you cry out for him - even though you feel so fucking desperate for more. It feels good but you’re craving him. You want to be closer, wanna feel his body cage you in when he pounds you. It feels good but you need more. Want it even if it hurts.
“Draken, Draken, Draken - more.”
“Want my dick, baby? Are you ready for it?”
You could almost sob. It’s out of body, the desperation so apparent that you're sweating just from concentration. You’re so impossibly turned on, heating from the inside out - feverish with lust and aching with pure, vulgar need. You need him, need him, need him.
“Please, fuck me - I can’t take it, I can’t.” your voice shakes as you plead with him. You watch as Draken stands on his knees between your legs. Your eyes are almost teary, so Draken practically tears his shirt off before meeting your mouth in a kiss. He’s sating you, wants to tease you but he needs you just as bad.
“Fuck, mm - baby, I don’t have any condoms.” He warns. You kiss him again, needy.
“Don’t care.”
“Are you -”
“Ken, please just fuck me, please.”
He’s not in any headspace to deny you, so he doesn't bother. You moan into his mouth when you hear his jeans unzip, the noise taunting. The fabric of his pants rustles as he rushes to take his cock out. He shivers when the cold air hits it, and you peer down between the two of you to see it.
Your hands reach between your bodies, to squeeze it. You knew Draken was going to be big. But you couldn’t imagine him being so big. So impossibly big, his cock is fucking massive. It almost startles you, if you weren’t so horny it might. But so hazy, all you can do is stroke it with a whine fettering in the back of your throat.
“You’re so fucking big, Ken - holy shit, ‘s so big.” You cry out. He grits his teeth at the contact from just your hands, rutting against your hands.
“Hold your legs back for me, baby,” ― He instructs, watching as you guide your legs apart - legs in half as Draken spits onto your cunt for second time before spitting into his palm, getting himself slick ― “There you fucking go. Fuck yeah, just like that. Stay just like that.”
Both of you are so restless, the air fucking buzzing. Your eyes are glued to Draken, to his cock and how big and heavy it is. The tip is darker than the rest, but it’s thick and heavy, uncut and so fucking big. Draken slides it against your folds, his whole body shaking. Your lip is between your teeth, anticipation making you delirious.
Then you feel him. The tip of his massive cock, stretching your pussy out so impossibly. Everything in your head goes absolutely blank when you feel it. Your whole body reacts to it, when Draken curses loudly under your breath and you whimper with pure desire. The ache you’ve been feeling for what ages finally feels sated by Draken sinking his cock inside of you. Your walls clamp down desperately on him, around him. You can’t look away, chanting his name like some kind of prayer as he fucks the tip into you so slow.
“Holy fuck baby,” ― He grunts, forcing himself to slow down before he fucks into in one go ― “Holy fuck, your pussy is so fucking perfect. Fuck, fuck - you take me so fucking good. You feel so good, shit.”
“Draken, fuck - the whole thing, need it deeper.”
You grab desperately at his hips, and he’s startled by how forward you are. Your body gives out as his whole cock fucks into you. It feels like it’s in your womb, in your cervix how it breaches you. It’s so fucking deep. So deep it knocks in your lungs. You feel like the entire world is coming apart at the seams, your body shuddering before breaking out into hot flashes. It happens before you understand it, your spine arching impossibly as your pussy clamps down fucking tight around Drakens cock. The pain from the stretch is minimal, washed out from pure pleasure. Blinding, burning like a star falling from the sky.
“S-shit, did you just cum? From me putting it in?”
He doesn’t need an answer. He can feel it, feel you - feels your nails in his shoulders as you cum and cum and cum. You’re silent minus a few deep cries, an almost agonizing orgasm washing over you. Your pussy clamps down onto him like a vice, milks him for everything he’s worth. You’re breathing like you just ran a mile, sweat running down your temple and on your whole body in a thin sheet. You’re still so desperate as you cum but you cling to him.
“Fuck me, Ken. Give it to me, want it so fucking bad.”
“Shit, you’re gonna kill me.”
But Draken heeds your word. He grabs your knees and folds you up, letting his thighs press against yours. He pulls out, lets it smack against your clit before fucking the entire thing right back into you.
He fucks you like it’s the last thing he’ll ever want to do. He pistons you, his dick practically beating against your g-spot like a heavy drum. Draken has good rhythm, but his pace is brutal and unforgiving. He fucks you into the matress, so deep that every movement makes your body shake. All you can is lay there and take it, cry his name out even as your voice goes hoarse. Drakens fucks you with everything he has.
“Fuck you take me so good. Gonna cum so deep in you, fuck baby.”
His words all feel hazy in your mind. It still feels so fucking good, and Draken sets the pace so right. Knocks against your g-spot. You can’t fucking believe yourself, it doesn’t feel real until your voice chokes it out. It’s over when his thumb rubs harsh circles into your clit - something rips you two. Before your mind can even catch up - you’re throwing your head back and thrashing.
“C-cumming, cumming..!”
You’re not certain how much more of it you can handle, but Draken fucks you like you’ve just started. He takes a breather, briefly just to see how much you’ve cum around his cock.
“Wanna make you feel it deeper, get on your knees for me baby. Arch your spine up.”
He manhandles you into it, so easily like you weigh nothing. You press your cheek against his pillow, mouth drooling as Draken presses a hand on your spine pushing you down.
“Deep breath for me.” he instructs. You try your best to keep up with him, but your mind is melted. You take a deep breath, as much as you can - before you feel Drakens cock pushing into you again. It aches a little more this time, but Draken goes slower.
“Play with your clit for me, beautiful,” He murmurs. You snake a hand between your legs, twitching as you feel his cock inside of you again. Your fingers tremble from the stimulation, but you moan as you struggle. You keep twitching. Shaking every time you move. Draken is much more gentle, the pace forgiving because he doesn’t want to hurt you.
But you still feel it, and it’s so much more invasive like this. It hurts despite how stretched your cunt is, but when it feels good it feels so fucking good. Your mind is practically numb as you feel Drakens cock inside of you again, your pussy melding effortlessly around him. Feels like you were made for him, soft and sweet and tight. Perfect pussy, so pretty.
Draken eases himself before bending over you. His hands grip your hips, his whole chest pressing to your back as he shows his cock all the way inside. You whine from a mix of pain and pleasure. Draken eventually gets his hand around your hips, replaces your small fingers with his big ones. He rubs circles into your clit much better than you could.
You thought he was deep before, but this is unlike anything you’ve ever felt. It feels like it’s pressed into your gut, a permanent deep pressure, making your spine ache. Your pussy feels like it’s spread and stretch and so fucking full. You’re overwhelmed when Draken speaks.
His hand presses against your middle, your tummy - and he grunts as he eases the rest of his cock into you with a grunt.
“Feel how deep I am. Can you feel me in your stomach?”
“Ken, I can’t.”
“Promise you can, take a deep breath.”
You try your best, but it’s so hard to think when Draken’s cock feels like it’s in your throat. You fall forward and Draken laughs. He sheathes himself as deep as he can go, before taking your hands and placing them behind your back. He pushes you down with the weight of his body, grunting at how tight you get for him. Despite the position, all you can think about is Draken.
The rasp of his voice in your ear, his strong chest against your spine, hands gripping your hips rutting himself inside of you. The feeling is indescribable - your jaw aching from gasping and grunting as Draken starts to pound into you. The hearboad knocks onto the wall, the power of his thrusts sending you forward. Your knees are weak, Draken carefully snaking a hand onto your clit as he starts to fuck you again. Deeper, faster, harder.
“My favorite fucking girl.” He grunts, feeling his own release coming soon “Can you cum for me one more time? For me, please, baby.”
You can’t, you’re certain you’re not gonna be able to cum again so you whimper Drakens name. All you can do is take it, mind swimming. You’re so fucked out, pussy sensitive and aching - trembling from overstimulation. You swear you can’t, you won’t.
Until you do. Until Draken fucks into you just right, just deep enough and everything comes out of you. Your throat lets out a strangled noise, eyes going wide as something heavy handing hits you like a train. Your orgasms feel like a crash, like you’re falling. Your whole body gives in as an intense spike of pleasure shatters your mind completely. You cunt grips onto Draken so tight, he stops - catching his breath as you milk him with everything you have. Your thighs tremble, your entire body taut as you cum so hard you can’t breathe.
“F-fuck, baby, gonna fucking cum in you - shit!”
Drakens grip is bruising as he pumps you full of his cum, hot and thick and catching onto the deepest parts of you as he finishes with a guttural groan. He cums deep inside of you and your mind melts as he fills you completely. His cock feels so perfect, you reach back to keep him inside of him when he finishes - exhausted but not wanting him to pull out. You simply let him collapse onto you as your eyelids go heavy and he collapses on top of you.
“You know you’re my favorite right? That I love you?”
“I love you too, Ken.”
You don’t remember much when you wake up the next day.
You remember the sex well, the fight too - but you don’t remember when you fell asleep. You’re sore when you wake up, sitting up. You’re in an oversized shirt, so big it must be even a little oversized on Draken. You’re naked, no panties and just a shirt over your body. You cover your face in your hands as your thighs are sore, groaning.
Draken is wearing joggers and a fitted white shirt as he leans against the doorframe. He gives you a wolfish grin, dark hairs framing his face - a rubber-band on his wrist.
“Morning little lady,” ― He says, smug ― “Did you have sweet dreams?”
You groan, too shy to look at him properly. You cover your face with your hands, shooing him as he approaches you.
“C’mere,” He gestures. You crawl towards him shyly, standing on your knees to be somewhat at face with him. You lean up a little, and he cranes his neck down to meet your lips. His hands dance against your waist with a warm grin as you kiss him, hands in his hair. He lets his nose brush against yours.
“I could get used to this,” he hums. You nip at his jaw with your teeth.
“You better.”
He laughs.
“Anything for you.”

/ orv epilogue + sp identity spoilers , cw blood
!! Please do NOT reupload my comics / works anywhere !!
(Read right to left)


Real footage of me playing the aquarium event
two autistic bitches in pak'n'save petone? who will win?
(the answer is pak'n'save petone wins. every time)
deleting Twitter is SO therapeutic 😭
me listening to the troy saga for the first time: omg i love polites so much he sound so sweet
me listening to the cyclops saga for the first time: HE DIED?!?!?!!?