I'm Ace - Tumblr Posts
so i just saw this and i’m not sure how i feel about it
feel free to explain - if you can? i’m still a little 🤔 abt it personally - in the tags
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
Riddle me this;
I get aroace content ALL THE TIME
WHY am I bare booty risque posts all of a sudden? No tags, just bare badonk in my face.
Go. Away.
I'm ace and scared.
I need an adult that's more adult than me.
I don't understand crushes in the sense that I'm unsure if I've ever had one...
So I asked my friends to explain it to me and one simplified it to
"Think of it as a food craving but instead of food it's a person's attention/affection."
And god damn, now I understand- just compare it to food
I don't understand crushes in the sense that I'm unsure if I've ever had one...
So I asked my friends to explain it to me and one simplified it to
"Think of it as a food craving but instead of food it's a person's attention/affection."
And god damn, now I understand- just compare it to food
I don't understand crushes in the sense that I'm unsure if I've ever had one...
So I asked my friends to explain it to me and one simplified it to
"Think of it as a food craving but instead of food it's a person's attention/affection."
And god damn, now I understand- just compare it to food
every so often you get a little too close to self-recognition through the blorbo and you gotta put that thought in a locked box for inspection at a later date
(yes this is inspired off of the poll about sexual attraction/feelings. I’m curious to hear other’s opinions!)

According to Motto Generator, my motto is:
Ex Victoria Virtus (In Victory Virtue)
What’s yours?
@elenothar @sparklecryptid @charlottedabookworm @lectorel @darthrevaan @morgynleri @theotherguysride @deadcatwithaflamethrower @norcumi @dogmatix @starofthemourning @theperidotshade @angelrider13 @phoenixwithahoardoflibraries and everyone else.
Having fun with ace representation
Comments I have made to my editor while talking about one of the main characters in my queer poly triad fantasy romance who is ace, pan, and demi. "Hence why he's such a wholesome dumbass"
"I was being intentionally vague on whether Rav was demiromantic, demisexual, or both. For people like me who are so asexual that I've literally only ever been attracted to. Like. Less than twenty people, it's a meaningless distinction." "I literally forget that people experience attraction all the time" "Me, routinely: why do people do X? My friends: you forgot sexual attraction exists again, didn't you? Me: oh. Yeah. I did." "Honestly trying to provide ace representation is infuriating as an ace myself because. Look. I love me a label, okay? I collect them. I'm a connoisseur. But the aces went too far." "I would die for all of them, but Rav in particular. He is my wholesome asexual son."