Im Very Proud Of This - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago
Ok Here They Are!! Erica(HSS MC) And Yarrow's(THM MC) Biological Parents!! I Did Have A Design On Them

Ok here they are!! Erica(HSS MC) and Yarrow's(THM MC) biological parents!! I did have a design on them before but I don't really like them so this is a redesign.

I'm not fully sure but all of this reading on High School Story may get me drawing again!!

Minor Info on them:

Alice Park-Vine:

-Still married to Scott in my universe

-Runs a small witchy shop that Erica works at

-Practices witchcraft and ancestral worship

-Talks to Delphina on the weekends

Kurai Shimura:

-Currently imprisoned (Drew him in casual wear for fun)

-Former theif

-Is proud of Yarrow for Monaco

-Doesn't like Scott that much

I hope you like them!!

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6 years ago

So, I thought of this after going to the dermatologist the other day and I’m very very proud of it:

If you have foot fungus

Does that technically mean

Y o u ‘ r e t r i p p i n g o n

s h r o o m s?

So, I Thought Of This After Going To The Dermatologist The Other Day And Im Very Very Proud Of It:

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1 year ago

Fable SMP Pokemon AU

Ok, so I've had alot of thoughts about a fable smp pokemon au. I definitely have full team ideas for some characters, but I have at least a partner pokemon and reasoning as for why for every character and thought that I'd share them! Some reasonings are definitely alot stronger than others 😅, but there is at least one!

Icarus: • Decidueye It's a bird-shaped (not flying type), ghost type, archer pokemon. It feel pretty fitting

Rae: • Espeon It evolves with high friendship, psychic type, incredibly loyal. These are all traits that feels fitting for rae (also a callback to heyhay's cosplay)

Athena: • Litten I mean it's a fire cat. I feel like that's reason enough.

Caspian: • Lycanrock (mid-day form) Guys its atlas For caspian, I have an idea for a full team, it's just hard to pick a partner pokemon for him, but i decided that since I have lycanrock on his team because of a pet, it felt the most fitting to be the partner pokemon

Fenrir: • Houndoom It felt like the most fitting wolf themed pokemon The rest of his pokemon are definitely more space themed (minior, aurorus, lunatone, ect.)

Ulysses: • Feebas Its known for being incredibly tenacious in tough situations, despite its appearance and being usually ignored. Its moon dex entry also says that its vitality makes it a subject or research. I also like the idea of Ulysses trying to get it to evolve, but just not figuring out how (Its totally because I think they look alike)

Aax: • Sharpedo An extremely powerful water type pokemon, also its dark typing makes it super effective against ghost types.

Jamie: • Dachsbun Its connor the dog. Also Jamie sure is baker and I think bread dog is a fun way to represent that

Momboo: • Meganium Can revive dead plants and grass. Also I just think it fits the vibe

Easton: • Bronzong It's a steel type bell pokemon, which feels fitting. it's also known for bringing rain

Haley: • Corsola I like the idea that something happens that causes it to somehow become a galarian corsola (which is a dead little ghost corsola) Idk how, but yeah.

Seven: • Klinklang It feels a bit obvious, but its fitting so-

Centross: • Ceruledge It's a very powerful pokemon that's exclusive to pokemon violet. "Ceruledge dons an old set of armor steeped in grudges and wields blades made of fire and ghost energy. In battle, these blades transform into great swords to increase Ceruledge’s power. Cuts from these great swords leave wounds from which life energy will flow." Also just look at it.

Ocie: • Basculegion Not only is it a hisui exclusive pokemon (which means its old as hell) and a water type, its dex entry says "Clads itself in the souls of comrades that perished before fulfilling their goals of journeying upstream." Which feels fitting for Ocie.

Ven: • Alolan Vulpix Guys it's a little white fox. It's just like him.

Chaos: • Yanmega It's a dragonfly. And also extremely violent and powerful according to its dex entries

Galahad • Armarouge It's a warrior that's extremely loyal. Also fire type.

Original Arisanna • Togekiss I like the idea of the allays being togepi

Vexed Arisanna • Tinkaton I think it's a reasonable pokemon for arisanna to have already had, but pivoted more towards once she was vexed. Its and extremely intelligent pokemon, but its known for being mercilessly violent and stealing what it pleases.

Addie: • Spinarak It felt like the most fitting spider pokemon

Will: • Meowscarada I mean its got a mask. (Guys please I was so stuck on will if you have better ideas PLEASE give them)

I was too much of a coward to give the world sisters mythical/legendary pokemon, but if I did I think they might have their respective island guardians (tapu bulu and tapu fini) alternatively, ocie having suicune and momboo having virizion. Or Ocie having manaphy/phione and Momboo having shaymin

Anyways! Those are my thoughts on the characters partner pokemon! If you have suggestions PLEASE give them! I definitely want to come up with some pokemon for the npcs and gods aswell!

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7 years ago
I Love Marvels Spider Man But...I Miss My Boys (Especially Scarlet Spider)
I Love Marvels Spider Man But...I Miss My Boys (Especially Scarlet Spider)

I love marvels spider man but...I miss my boys (Especially scarlet spider)

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2 years ago

would you consider drawing fusions? :3

Sorry it's it's so long, hopefully you see this!

I actually recently drew a fusion for a friend. Another friend posted it on the official Pokémon Fusion Discord server for me and I got some great feedback!

Would You Consider Drawing Fusions? :3

(Guardevoir x Groudon)

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I got gacha life 2 today and I am very proud of them

I Got Gacha Life 2 Today And I Am Very Proud Of Them

I tried to stick with what gloop looked like in gacha club

I Got Gacha Life 2 Today And I Am Very Proud Of Them

But I ended up saying fuck that do here is gacha life 2 gloop

I Got Gacha Life 2 Today And I Am Very Proud Of Them

And here is your design traveler, you look adorable

I Got Gacha Life 2 Today And I Am Very Proud Of Them

Asha looks like she’s been done with the worlds bs

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